View Full Version : Coarse vs fine

November 19th, 2009, 06:35 AM
Is there anyway to increase the thickness of the individual hair so that is becomes more course and less fine? The bottom payers of my hair are course I think, they are silky the curls come together and are uniform they aren't as tight and boingy and they never get stringy with product. My canopy is finer less of a uniform curl pattern, seems drier, more frizzy. I swear I don't remember it being like that when I was a kid before I started relaxing. It feels like damage but the hair dresser I've gone to says that it is not. I just hate it compared to the rest of my hair.

So lately I have been oiling more often and I do think it feels better so will this fix my problem or am I doomed?

November 19th, 2009, 06:45 AM
As a baby-fine, I wish I knew. I know Henna is supposed to help, but it tends to make my hair feel dry. Oiling, CO and washing with soapnuts do make my hair feel a teeny-tiny bit thicker.

November 19th, 2009, 06:57 AM
I'll have to try some soap nuts, I have hennaed and I am now trying to grow out the color, come to think of it it did make my hair feel a little drier for a while. I'm gonna plug on with the oiling and hope for the best. It is helping a little.

November 19th, 2009, 07:02 AM
Washing with Dr. Bronner's made mine feel coarser and gave it some lift.

November 19th, 2009, 07:05 AM
Washing with Dr. Bronner's made mine feel coarser and gave it some lift.

That is Dr Bronner's Castile Soap? can you get that anywhere? Is it horribly drying, any more or less so than regular shampoo?

November 19th, 2009, 10:52 AM
If you colour, or use henna it thickens your hair up a bit.

November 19th, 2009, 11:01 AM
In addition to henna, shea butter makes my hair feel thicker too. Regarding your canopy, I'm pretty sure there was a thread 'recently' where the discussion leaned towards the canopy being dryer and more frizzy because it's more exposed. Updos protect your length, but less so the canopy. I can't remember all of the proposed things to help. Obviously, oiling and wearing a hat or scarf in hair-unfriendly situations (strong sun, wind, etc) are a couple of suggestions. I just condition mine to within an inch of its life.

November 19th, 2009, 12:23 PM
Cassia seems to make my individual hairs coarser. I only wish the effect lasted longer :rolleyes:

November 19th, 2009, 12:27 PM
Shampoo bars weigh my hair down a lot, but if I don't do a rinse, my hair puffs up, which could look like "coarser" hair to some people. I'd suggest oiling a bit. The canopy layer is often more damaged since people tend to touch it more and such and wash it more thoughly.

Doc Bronners is a decent shampoo bar(or liquid shampoo), but very drying. It's what I used as a child. Alaffia is more moisturizing though. Both can be found at most Whole Foods.

November 19th, 2009, 05:37 PM
My hair has been like this since puberty. My canopy is medium texture, less curly overall, and lighter/more golden in color. My under layer is ashier, coarser, and curlier the farther toward my neck you go. I also have a little patch of fine barely wavy blond hair right at my nape.

Keep that canopy moisturized and see if that helps at all. Also find out if your hair likes protein (if you are not using it).

Anyway, infrequent henna or regular cassia applications will make your strands stronger and maybe even a little thicker. Other than that there's nothing you can do.

November 19th, 2009, 06:25 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys...man I love this board!!lol

I use henna or I did, I aam currently growing it out but unfortunately it didn't do much regarding the courseness of the canopy.

I am getting better at the oiling thing and it does make it feel a little better so hopefully the more I do it the better it will feel. I won't bother trying the Dr Bronners soap if it's real drying, cause that part already tends to be dry.

My hair doesn't seem to like protein, or at least most of it doesn't, maybe the canopy does.

So far I have been spritzing a little with water and oiling the ends and the canopy before I wash (when I do) and when I don't I oil while it is still damp after I shower. I gotta make sure I stay consistent.