View Full Version : Non-photogenic hair

April 23rd, 2008, 01:57 PM
Anyone else have hair that just doesn't photo well? I don't mean buns that just look silly (though I have a lot of that too...), but that you can never get a photo to reflect how your hair looks like IRL. I have that problem and it drives me crazy since I wish I could document my hair a little better.

Maybe it's how dark it is, but I've seen others with dark hair that you can make out how their hair looks, but mine is shy it seems. Either if I get close with lots of flash it looks really washed out, or if I take it in normal light, I get no definition of waves or hairstyle. Looks like just a blob of hair.

Here's an example, as I was trying to get a pic of my orchid bun with one of my newish sticks (Nightshade's...so pretty!). The first pic has waaay too much reflection and makes my hair look frizzy, but at least you can see the shape of the bun. Second pic (further away) you can see the hairtoy...but my hair is just a dark blob that you can sorta tell is in a bun, but not what type of bun. Any hints on how to get good pics?


ETA: Sorry about the pictures, I swear i resized in photobucket...*sigh*

April 23rd, 2008, 02:08 PM
Maybe it's how dark it is, but I've seen others with dark hair that you can make out how their hair looks, but mine is shy it seems. Either if I get close with lots of flash it looks really washed out, or if I take it in normal light, I get no definition of waves or hairstyle. Looks like just a blob of hair.

I know exactly what you mean! Since my hair is black, when I take photos they usually either come out waaayy to bright due to flash or it just looks like the blob you mentioned. And then, if I am standing to close under a florescent light, it looks a weird almost gray-ish color. I wish I had some hints to give, but all I can say is to play with the lighting a bit or maybe try outdoor shots?

April 23rd, 2008, 02:13 PM
I think cropping the photo helps a lot, because it makes the image of the back of your head take up the entire photo. If you have a look at my photo album, you might notice the most recent photos look better ....I think it's because I'm facing a north facing wall ....outside in the shade with very few shadows. It took several months to find the most perfect place to take hair photos, plus, at different times of the day, other places are good for hair photos too. Practice, Practice, Practice!


April 23rd, 2008, 02:21 PM
I think cropping the photo helps a lot, because it makes the image of the back of your head take up the entire photo. If you have a look at my photo album, you might notice the most recent photos looks better ....I think it's because I'm facing a north facing wall ....outside in the shade with very few shadows. It took several months to find the most perfect place to take hair photos, plus, at different times of the day, other places are good for hair photos too. Practice, Practice, Practice!


Wow, I just took a look at your gorgeous album! It's amazing how well your texture and color shows! Hmm...maybe I'll have to put in some more practice tonight!

April 23rd, 2008, 02:34 PM
Outdoor shots maybe? Mine hardly ever photographs true to color indoors, but since it's been raining for the past, I don't know, six months or so I haven't had a chance to take any outside.

April 23rd, 2008, 02:36 PM

I took the picture you posted and fiddled with the contrast and lighting in it for a minute or two. It doesn't show your hair colour quite as well, but I did manage to make some bits a little less piercing to the eye, I think. It was quite easy and just a matter of playing about, so if you fancied having a go at that, you might get somewhere better than me.

April 23rd, 2008, 02:41 PM
I think you just need more light. My album pics (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=754) are all taken in pretty much the same place (in my bathroom, near a glass block window) but you can tell a big difference in the way they look depending on how much light is coming through the window. If your flash is on your camera like mine, you're going to have a hard time getting a good picture without turning it off and supplying your own light. I put my camera on the counter and use the time delay feature to give myself time to pose for the shot.

Going outside is a great suggestion! Also, try turning on your camera's macro feature (if it has one) for close-ups.

April 23rd, 2008, 02:44 PM
I think outside pictures can help. Another option is to go with the non-flash picture, then use a program (I like Irfanview for such things) to adjust the "gamma" (which is the brightness of the midtone of the picture, and preserves the lightest and darkest values).

April 23rd, 2008, 02:48 PM
I think a big part of the problem is that I need to take most of the pics myself with a self-timer, since DH is often gone (right now till August). Not sure how to set-up outdoor pics like that with what I have, but I will try to find something for the camera to sit on. My 3-year-old loves to take pictures, but I'm more likely to end up with a picture of my knees than my hair!

Periwinkle- thanks for the suggestion on photo editing, that might make it a little better!!

At least with the washed-out pic I can see that my bun actually is getting a lot bigger- used to be a 3-incher and I still feel that it's little. It's hard to see where the bun begins and where my scalp ends with the darker pic, just a bit of shine from the highest spots.

April 23rd, 2008, 02:51 PM
I was posting while the last two posters did! The second pic was taken right under the light in the hallway, but I think I should try moving to the bathroom or something, if I can figure out where to put the camera and stand.

And thanks for the tip on using no flash and then photo editing, I'll have to try it out!

April 23rd, 2008, 02:52 PM
Can you open a window, or put a lamp of some sort behind you (near where you have the camera)? Maybe get your little one to shine a large flashlight at the back of your head while you take the shot? :)

April 23rd, 2008, 02:57 PM
I take all my own photos, holding the camera with my hand, arm extended behind me as far as possible. Yes, it takes awhile to get my head in the shot, but it gets easier with practice.

April 23rd, 2008, 03:15 PM
I have that issue.If I take the picture indoors-my hair looks brown.If I get outside-you can see the red but it looks grainy and stiff of all things.I have to use the lightening option in my photo editor so everyone can see my updo.And it still looks funny.

April 23rd, 2008, 03:26 PM
I have the same problem--my hair only looks good in photos if I have used a straightener on it. Otherwise, the color looks washed out, and the ends look dry & unhealthy. I don't take a lot of pics of my hair, though--mostly because I am afraid if I look at them, I will cry & run to get a "bob".

April 23rd, 2008, 03:37 PM
Play with photoshop (I like the "curves" feature, but there's always levels and hue/saturation if you only have elements). Also, I always look better (my face, my hair, my skin) in natural lighting. See if that helps.

April 23rd, 2008, 03:40 PM
try not to use a white background when taking pictures of dark hair, either the background gets washed out, or your hair gets really dark. Try natural indirect light indoors. Or outdoors, when taking pics outdoors, always use a tripod, it helps a great deal:) (or just something to place the camera upon)

April 23rd, 2008, 04:59 PM
I tilt my head and take the picture from the side so it better catches the light.... when I have my head straight I get the same problem you do.

April 23rd, 2008, 05:08 PM
Anyone else have hair that just doesn't photo well?...Maybe it's how dark it is, but I've seen others with dark hair that you can make out how their hair looks, but mine is shy it seems....

Me. It's why my signature pic is almost three years old. *sigh*

I have shy light hair. The ends are thin, I know, but they are also pale, and they seem to disappear in photos. The resulting shots look really, really bad. The answer is to practice more, and eventually a good shot will happen. I agree that natural light is best, preferably early morning or late afternoon so you don't get the overhead sun acting like a flash. Cloudy can be good, too, as long as it's bright.

In the meantime, I can sympathize with your frustration. :grouphug:

April 23rd, 2008, 05:39 PM
It's good to hear I'm not the only one with this problem! Also interesting to hear that you have the same issue, Flaxen, with your lighter hair. I guess it's not totally color-dependent. I guess I will have to try to find the perfect spot to take my pics and practice a lot...I delete a ton of 'bad' pics as it is, thank goodness for digital cameras!

April 23rd, 2008, 06:13 PM
This thread has certainly provided some good tips. I don't know why I didn't think of using the timer on my camera. I've been using the mirror in the bathroom for my hair pictures, but there is no window to provide natural light in there and the florescent light in there makes my hair look green. It's also disconcerting to look at the picture and wonder why things are on the wrong sides . . .

April 24th, 2008, 08:36 AM
My DD took our black dog with her to a photo-shoot, and the photographer said that it was really hard to get black to show up as a positive in a picture. And to be sure, most of the pictures with the dog gave the sensation of a dark hole in the picture. She looked best in dappled light under a tree; try that. Why not ask a friend or family member to take some pictures?

April 24th, 2008, 09:34 AM
I have this problem. Well, for me I'm just not photogenic at all. I've had photographer-friends swear they could take a decent shot of me but so far no one has managed to deliver. They even end up saying "Yep, you were right" after they're finished trying. I do have two semi-decent pics with my Dad (SOOOOOO glad I have those since I'll never get another chance at a pic with him) but they don't show my hair.

Plus I live alone so I'd have to take my own pics so I don't even bother. Hence my photo-less pages. Drives my friends nuts on myspace because I haven't seen some of them in years and they keep bugging me for pics.

Now maybe people will understand why I say I laughed in the face of a modeling scout back in college.

My disclaimer: "Objects in camera lense are different than they appear..."