View Full Version : Anyone else dislike protective styling?

Isadora Lewie
November 16th, 2009, 11:24 AM
I'm actively concentrating on growing my hair, for the first time in years, but I can't bear to wear it up. I do think that buns or updo's look nice on other people, I just prefer the wild untamed look on me.

I love love love having my hair down and would rather enjoy my hair than hide it away.

I don't use heat or products with drying ingredients and am really careful not to let my hair rub against anything.

Does anyone else prefer to leave their hair swinging free?

Did you find you got more broken ends or thinning? Would anyone else rather trade a few more splits for the joy of wearing their hair down?

November 16th, 2009, 11:29 AM
I'd say let it go free, but be very aware of any split ends that need to be snipped... You may end up needing more, like a small trim eventually.

November 16th, 2009, 11:41 AM
Well, if your ultimate goal is hip (would that be stretched or curly, btw?), you probably will be fine wearing your hair down most of the time. The longer your hair gets the more important it is to protect it from everyday wear and tear. And every little bit helps - so if you could bear to put it up for the ride to work you can take it down once you´re there. Beware of things that rip at your hair, like shoulder straps of backpacks, seatbelts, strong wind etc.

And of course the most important thing is that you enjoy your hair, so you ought to wear it whichever way you like it. But if you wear it down all the time you´ll miss out all the fun of cool hairtools like sticks or Ficcare clips. :)

Isadora Lewie
November 16th, 2009, 11:46 AM
So true...

I do love hairsticks, and do a mean loose messy twist :-)

Best of both?

November 16th, 2009, 11:52 AM
I'm with you too! I try to be good about putting it up when it should be, like when I'm being active, or if it's windy. It made me feel a little vindicated when I started buning my hair at work and would end up with crunchy, bent ends from the elastic I used to fasten the bun. I would switch to hairsticks but I'm frugal AND have simple taste so I couldn't find any plain wood hairsticks on the cheap.

November 16th, 2009, 11:57 AM
I love my hair down more than up, however, I try to wear it up at home and when something is going on that might cause lots of tangles. My hair is so tangle prone! When I wear the wrong shirt, I end up with a huge mat in the back that usually needs to be at least partially snipped out. I always wear my hair down for something festive, though.

But yeah, if I had to pick 100% up or not getting the length I am after, the length would never happen.

Isadora Lewie
November 16th, 2009, 11:59 AM
Ha, me too! I found some plain hairsticks once, then lost them (like gloves and umbrellas they seem to belong to the 'universe')

Hmm... wonder if you could sand down a chopstick and wax it for a cheap and minimalist aesthetic?

November 16th, 2009, 12:37 PM
I like wearing my hair down to, but I do put it up when I know I will be really active or the weather is bad out.

November 16th, 2009, 12:48 PM
Hmm... wonder if you could sand down a chopstick and wax it for a cheap and minimalist aesthetic?

Absolutely you can!!! It's been discussed before-- chopsticks, and also those little cuticle sticks from manicure sets, for mini-buns.

Another way to get simple sticks for cheap is the everythingchopsticks.com (http://www.everythingchopsticks.com) website. They have sticks in a wide range of prices, including some for only a couple of dollars.

November 16th, 2009, 12:58 PM
I'd much prefer to wear my hair down, it looks better on me that way. But my hair is thigh-length - any time you bend over to feed the cats/dogs/pick something up off the floor/get clothes out of the washer/dryer/put dishes away from the dishwasher/make dinner/scrub toilets/bathtubs etc. it would actually damage my hair more to leave it down and fly all over the place and get caught on things. :( So until I discover my long lost next-in-line Queen heritage and don't have to attend to daily, mundane housecleaning chores any longer, I must keep it bunned.

I did wear it down most of the time until I got to be about waist - I just kept one of those enormous jaw clips around to easily throw it up in if I needed it.

November 16th, 2009, 01:01 PM
I much prefer my hair hanging loose and hate any pulling on my scalp which always happens when I bun it or plait it.

However, I have to wear my hair in a protective style for safety reasons. If I didn't it would be yanked out from the scalp or burned!

November 16th, 2009, 01:02 PM
Hmm. I don't dislike protective styling because it's neccessary for me. I would cut my hair off if I tried to last a day with it down. I hate it loose.

You have the opposite feeling so I'd just wear it down if it makes you happy.

November 16th, 2009, 01:21 PM
My hair's fine and a bit fragile and can't go without the protective styling, but I need to wear my hair back for my own sanity anyway. And for safety -- my new lab works with pathogens in addition to the standard hair-back-in-the-laboratory hazards, and I don't want to end up with glow-in-the-dark pathogenic E. coli in my length!

November 16th, 2009, 01:25 PM
Ha, me too! I found some plain hairsticks once, then lost them (like gloves and umbrellas they seem to belong to the 'universe')

Hmm... wonder if you could sand down a chopstick and wax it for a cheap and minimalist aesthetic?

Yep. I pick up reusable quality bamboo ones (as opposed to the disposable ones from the american-chinese fast food place), cut them down to the right length, sharpen and smooth the points, and call them hairsticks. Incidentally, nail buffers (the kind that go from coarse enough to use as a file to something that can put a high shine on your finger nail) work great to get the point smooth without applying any finish.

November 16th, 2009, 01:28 PM
I do a little of both--I start to get headaches when I have my hair in the same position all day--so I will wear it down or adjust a bun so that it doesn't drive me crazy. I am a fan of funky hair twists, though--the kind with spiky ends sticking out everywhere and cute clips holding up all the medusa-like coils (since it looks "done" & intentionally messy). I have friends who have small faces (or large foreheads) & look better with their hair down--so I think it's a matter of preference. I would say that if you wear your hair down a LOT, make sure to use a leave-in conditioner (or a little jojoba oil) to protect the fragile ends & underneath of your hair...

November 16th, 2009, 01:32 PM
I get kind of annoyed with how often I feel I have to do it. I live in a very windy place so just that factor keeps me in a bun or braid a lot of the time. I get tired of it. There aren't a lot of days when there's no wind and it's a good day activity wise to wear my hair down.

November 16th, 2009, 01:38 PM
I like to wear my hair down, too, but it gets so tangled. :rolleyes: I braid it sometimes, but I need to learn some more interesting updos. Maybe I would wear it up more then.

November 16th, 2009, 01:47 PM
I used to hate having it up, but now I won't go to work with my hair down. I got used to the look and feel, and I hate to say it, but I think everyone takes me more seriously now that I wear my hair up all the time. I didn't realize how long it had been until I got fed up with a loose braid one day and let it all down. My office mate had no idea my hair was so long! :D

November 16th, 2009, 01:59 PM
I like my hair down, because it looks pretty, but I also like updos because they are very comfortable and practical. I can't wear my hair down all the time, it would be in my way when I drive, when I study, when I cook or things like that, so even though I look prettier with my hair down, I don't wear it that way very often, just to stay with bf, to go out with friends (90% of the time) and when it is freshly washed and straight.
One of the downsides of updos is that my hair, which is normally mostly straight, tends to keep the shape of the updo it was put in. That means that if I braid it, I will get braid waves, which can be nice, but if I wear a bun I will get very weird waves. So I usually wear it down right after washing it, and the following days I will wear it up, till the next wash.

November 16th, 2009, 02:15 PM
I wear my hair up most of the time in some loose cinna bun kind of thing so it doesn't get in the way of my life. When I am having fun or relaxing I will leave it down but after seeing my hair dragged through cat boxes, chicken poo and toilet cleanser I have learned that sometimes up is the only way to go.

November 16th, 2009, 02:54 PM
I wear mine up most of the time. When I wear it down it "bugs" me getting in my face & I don't like it getting caught on things. Also it is best to have it up when cooking so that no one finds a "surprise" in the food, that is totally "UCK"!

November 16th, 2009, 02:56 PM
I've never blow-dried, straightened, or used any kind of heat styling - the only big source of damage to my hair is mechanical, from always wearing it down until I got past waist length. And yeah, I get a lot of splits, and I don't have a lot of volume the last several inches. But I still like wearing my hair down more than putting it up. So I try to compromise - I wear it down the first day I wash it up, and after that it goes up in a braid or a bun. Much less hassle, anyway, than getting it caught and tangled and wrapped around things and blowing in my face.

But whatever you end up doing, the important thing is that you are happy with it. If that means leaving it down, even if you get a little more damage, that's still okay.

November 16th, 2009, 06:52 PM
I truly appreciate having a lot of options. If I'm busy, the wind is blowing, I'm hot, doing dirty work - stuff like that - I love putting my hair up. Other times I want it down, if it's not windy and if I have the time to pay attention to it and be sure it's not wandering off to find new hazards. A few days ago I was bending over with my grandson, and as I stood up I threw my head back to get my hair out of my face, and it hit the ceiling fan. I'm glad the fan was turned off at the time! Sometimes put up is safest.

November 16th, 2009, 07:01 PM
I dislike that the little buns I can make now come down crispy and dry. I'm gonna work on it because eventually I want to wear buns at least 50% of the time.

November 16th, 2009, 07:27 PM
As my hair gets longer, the most comfortable is a lowish wide bun . . . I liked it better when I could wear a higher bun.

I also can't wait till my hair is long enough to wrap my braid over my head.

I love having my hair down, but when I do . . . it catches on everything.

November 16th, 2009, 07:31 PM
Wear your hair any way that you prefer. You may change your mind at some point, and that is fine too. I wear mine up, I don't care for my hair getting caught in things, or blowing around. It's wonderful to be able to have it any way you prefer.

November 16th, 2009, 07:36 PM
I would prefer to leave my hair free. I like how it looks down. But these days it's too long to not put up. I inevitably end up with tangles if I don't.

November 17th, 2009, 01:09 AM
Currently, I am going with letting my midtush length hair just hang free. I wore my hair in a braid for years day and night when I had little kiddos and then tried the wear hair up for a year challenge. I stopped after 9 months because my hair looked like it was thinning. I don't know if it was the updos, massive stress over a retina scare, stopping my vitamins, possible low iron, or just changing the way I'd been wearing my bangs. Still after stopping the updos, I have baby hairs coming in and my hair seems happier and healthier than when I kept it up. I only do updos now when doing nasty chores.

November 17th, 2009, 01:24 AM
I cannot stand to wear my hair in a bun either. They just don't look right on me and I also love to just let my hair be free.

November 17th, 2009, 04:49 AM
I prefer my hair down too. I use (fancy) updo's for special events. I don't like regular updo's because I find them boring, and the fancy ones I do cost so much time, so I have my hair down most of the time. But if it gets too much in the way I grab a pen and use it as hairstick LOL.

November 17th, 2009, 04:53 AM
I just so happen to prefer bunning over walking around getting my hair caught in stuff :)

November 17th, 2009, 04:58 AM
I prefer having my hair up. It gets tangled and in the way when I wear it down. For plain hairsticks, have you checked out ketylo? He has many hairsticks some of them colourful and with patterns but he also has plain wood and exotic woods (can you tell which hairsticks are my favorites right now?;))

November 17th, 2009, 06:24 AM
I prefer to leave my hair down, but I put it in a ponytail or braid if I need to.

November 17th, 2009, 07:22 AM
I am with you--I like to wear my hair down when I leave the house for the way it looks and feels. (When working around the house, I have to put it up for safety.) The problem is frequent tangling and breakage. In cold, dry weather, that is a big problem-a real catch 22! The only solutions are protective updos in the harsh outdoor weather or leave-ins. It's tough for me to put natural product leave in's with extra fine hair, because it clumps easily. I wish I liked wearing updos!

November 17th, 2009, 07:31 AM
I love my hair down and flowing but my hair doesnt like it much. My hair is getting too long now to wear loose and its very fine so tangles terribly when down especially outside I end up with hair blowing in my eyes and mouth.

I do like to wear it down on a night out though, the rest of the time outside and work its up and away.

November 17th, 2009, 08:10 AM
I'm with ya, I definitely prefer the look of long, "untamed" hair much better than confined updos. I like wearing mine down too - but if I were to do it all day every day, I'd never get anywhere. As a mom to five small kids (8yrs old and under), I have to wear it up or it will get in my way big time. It's not worth sacrificing long years of growing and taking care of my hair. I can always wear it down as much as I'd like after the kids are older...and it'll just be that much longer by then and I can enjoy it even more. :rockerdud

November 17th, 2009, 08:48 AM
I'm with you completely on loving the long, free, flowing locks. I love the way my hair looks and feels as it brushes around my shoulders and down my back.

However, I do take precautions to protect it. I wear my hair down and free when I'm inside --- when I'm at home, or at work, or when I've arrived at the book store or wherever and plan on perusing for an hour or two, my hair is down and I'm loving it. But any time I go outside, I either braid it or bun it. I started doing this because the Texas humidity is murder on my hair, but I also learned to do it to protect my hair from the wind and just from tangles in general, to help it stay split-free and healthy.

So I'm totally with you on loving the free, loose hair, but I'm also totally into protecting it from harm. You CAN do both successfully!

November 17th, 2009, 09:34 AM
I look a lot better with my hair down, but my hair is very fine and fragile and gets very tangled if I leave it down all day. I do wear it down as much as possible, because I like it. "Down" for me can include a half-up or low ponytail. On those days I have to comb it through periodically to avoid tangling.
It's usually windy where I live and my hair is so fine it just blows all over- so up it goes.

November 17th, 2009, 10:59 AM
I prefer to wear my hair down because I enjoy the feel of it on my back and shoulders, the look of it, and when I'm dancing Khaleegi, tossing it around. :) I do wear it up at work because it gets in the way and I don't want it getting into someone's blood/wound/poo/IV etc. It serves as a notification to my co-workers when I am off the clock because as soon as my shift ends I take it down to rest my scalp. They know I'm officially finished with my shift then and don't ask me to do such and such for that patient over there. *grin* When I'm not working it tends to be down unless its windy or super humid.

It is your hair, so wear it however makes you happy. I do have split ends from wearing mine down as much as I do, but I figure its my trade off and I just do S&D and quarterly small trims.

November 17th, 2009, 11:28 AM
I do not wear my hair up. I usually have it in one long plait (braid). I'm just kind of cranky about having it up, I can't seem to get used to it.

It doesn't seem to have any particular bad effect on my hair.

I don't wear it loose that often because it is too easy to become one big tangle...

November 17th, 2009, 11:36 AM
I dislike protective styling too. I look way better with my hair loose, not to mention way younger. But when its windy or i'm doing some work, i braid it or roll it with some clips. When i go out with friends or something i keep it down and happy.

November 17th, 2009, 12:17 PM
I let it be free, don't do any damaging styling, cut/trim when it gets bad, braid it when it's windy or I'm training, and enjoy it every day.

November 17th, 2009, 01:07 PM
I don't dislike protective styling, but I run into two problems. First, my scalp seems to be extremely sensitive to tension. I frequently get headaches with updos even if they're not tight. Some days it doesn't even matter if I try to change the position of the updo. On the really bad days, I can get headaches after a few hours of wearing a Dutch braid. (Not pulled tight, I swear!)

Second, my hair is very slippery and doesn't like to stay up much. That may be partially a function of length and layers as well. Shea butter helps, when I am just determined. There are few hair styles that will stay up all day for me, and I don't like redoing my hair multiple times a day because it falls out. If I take it down and redo it just to rest my scalp or because I want to do something else, that is ok. :)

I usually wind up just braiding my hair when I'm out running errands or working around the house. On non-sensitive days, I'm very partial to sock buns. They make me feel like an elegant ballerina. :D (Yeah, I know it's not a ballet bun.) Since I have a desk job at work, I take my hair down a lot and just put it up to go outside.

November 17th, 2009, 03:00 PM
In spite of the fact that I'm in the midst of a hair up for 1000 days challenge, I'm not all that keen on wearing my hair up. I would much rather wear it down, loose and flowing. The reality of it, though, is that as it gets longer, it is much more difficult to manage when it's down. I know by the time I get to classic (about a year from now) , it will be impossible to wear down except on special occasions or around the house. Even now, at just shy of hip, it would get tangled in everything....or just tangled in nothing at all.

November 17th, 2009, 03:24 PM
I just so happen to prefer bunning over walking around getting my hair caught in stuff :)


I do sometimes really love the way my hair looks down, but it's just more practical to wear it up. I have so many different things to use to achieve this end, too! So it's a win-win situation. Some days I don't like how severe it can look, and I contemplate cutting my fringe back in, but other days it doesn't matter.

I'll tell you what I really like... I like taking my hair down before bed, combing it, petting it, and admiring it before I sleep. :p

November 17th, 2009, 04:52 PM
I love to wear my hair down. My hair is nearly tailbone and I will gladly sacrifice a few splits. I just think that my hair looks better down and looks too harsh is bunned.

November 17th, 2009, 05:02 PM
I wear my hair down all the time. And I'm at classic length. I don't trim, so I can't tell you if I've seen more damage with it down.
If you like it down, wear it down. It's your hair.
As of now, I have the longest hair at my school and I'm rather proud of it. However, before me, there was a girl with knee length hair and she wore it down everyday.

November 17th, 2009, 05:12 PM
I'm afraid I cannot relate. Wearing my hair down is way too much of a distraction, and I love the big updos that are possible with longer hair.

November 17th, 2009, 05:28 PM
Wearing my hair down is way too much of a distraction...

This also. I want/have to fiddle and finangle with my hair if it's down... it's a bad habit, which started when it was shorter and I couldn't get it to stay behind my shoulders.

November 17th, 2009, 05:42 PM
I always preferred the look of mine down, but would put it in a ponytail or topknot when I was active (hot & sweaty.) The pulled-back look is too severe for me.

November 17th, 2009, 05:53 PM
In spite of the fact that I'm in the midst of a hair up for 1000 days challenge, I'm not all that keen on wearing my hair up. I would much rather wear it down, loose and flowing. The reality of it, though, is that as it gets longer, it is much more difficult to manage when it's down. I know by the time I get to classic (about a year from now) , it will be impossible to wear down except on special occasions or around the house. Even now, at just shy of hip, it would get tangled in everything....or just tangled in nothing at all.

From waist to classic length in a year? Wow! Now I'm really depresssed.

Star Eagle
March 2nd, 2010, 02:52 PM
I have the very same problem with my sensitive head.. I am so surprised that someone else experiences that? I have always eqateed it)(sp) to the fact that I thought my hair was oily and needed a wash... Star

March 2nd, 2010, 03:12 PM
I wear mine down most of the time. I just like it better, and I haven't noticed much in the way of extra split ends because of it. I do S&D every couple of weeks, and I don't find more than 10 split ends at a time. Is that a lot? I don't even know.
Of course, my hair is only APL right now. I think being able to wear it down is part of why I don't necessarily want to grow it longer than my waist.
Whatever, I think it's more of a hassle to put my hair up, but that is probably just because I like it down better, and see having to comb it a few times a day as a fairly easy tradeoff for the look I prefer.

March 2nd, 2010, 03:39 PM
Some people may think I look too "severe" with my hair up, but I love it. It's not for "protective" purposes, though, at least not totally. I just enjoy having it out of the way and being able to use cool hair toys. When my hair gets longer, I'm sure I'll want to wear it down some of the time, and I know my husband will want me to as well.

I think it's really a personal choice -- if you feel better wearing it down, wear it down. If you like wearing it up, wear it up. If you prefer your hair down but updos provide good protection, wear it up only as often as necessary. Enjoy your hair!! :gabigrin:

Isadora Lewie
March 2nd, 2010, 04:13 PM
How hilarious. Since I first opened this thread, I've been tempted into the ever so cool hairtoys that y'all have been catching my eye with.

I'd still say I prefer it down (and I'm not sure I'm experiencing less damage now that I'm wearing it up more) but I needed to have a good reason to put it up. That reason arrived in the post with the elegant Bijoux Manoel hairpins I got a few weeks ago!


Let it flow free!

March 3rd, 2010, 06:24 AM
...but I needed to have a good reason to put it up. That reason arrived in the post with the elegant Bijoux Manoel hairpins I got a few weeks ago!

Yup!! :laugh:

Some of us like to luxuriate in free-flowing locks. Others of us like to luxuriate in cool hair toys. And still others like the best of both worlds--sometimes up, sometimes down. :smirk:

March 3rd, 2010, 08:00 AM
Yes. I really dislike the look of buns on me - they make me look matronly and unattractive unless they are high, messy, and flat and on freshly washed hair.

But after having a baby I have embraced it as necessary. There are many days I just brush my hair back and twist it into a 'something' so I can go about my day without my hair in my way.

Most of the time when my hair is freshly washed, I put product in it so I can enjoy it down, baby or not!

The biggest problem with buns is that I cannot contain my hair - it is too many lengths, too slippery, too frizzy, etc. I do enjoy trying styles that contain it as much as possible and still flatter my face and figure. But the standard LHC hairdos do not work on my hairtype at all, and I fear that even if they did I would not like them either!

March 3rd, 2010, 09:14 AM
I'm actively concentrating on growing my hair, for the first time in years, but I can't bear to wear it up. I do think that buns or updo's look nice on other people, I just prefer the wild untamed look on me.

I love love love having my hair down and would rather enjoy my hair than hide it away.

I don't use heat or products with drying ingredients and am really careful not to let my hair rub against anything.

Does anyone else prefer to leave their hair swinging free?

Did you find you got more broken ends or thinning? Would anyone else rather trade a few more splits for the joy of wearing their hair down?

I'm exactly like you! I never heat style and never wear updos, more comfortable for me not to and I prefer the way I look with it down (It is braided when I'm at home, just so I can be on the floor, playing with my bunny LOL).

Actually, I rarely get split ends! Noticed some for the first time in at least a year the other day, no doubt all the heat being up (it's been a harsh winter) had something to do with that. I get a trim once, *maybe* twice a year...

March 3rd, 2010, 09:20 AM
i love to have my hair down (much sexier), and i don't ever trim. I also don't use satin pillowcase :D I guess my hair's quite strong, cause i've been to waist length with worse haircare.

March 3rd, 2010, 04:54 PM
I generally like having it up, just because otherwise it's so much in the way when it's down. It gets caught in my coat and my backpack, it gets tangled and looks stringy after a while. I'm also super self-conscious about it looking greasy or dirty, and that's easier to hide if it's up.

I think I could get used to wearing it down, though. It would just take some getting used to, and perhaps not having to wear a backpack.

March 3rd, 2010, 05:52 PM
i wear my hair either way. I don't really like the way I look with it up, but probably just because I'm not used to it. I got my hair this long in 5 years(pixie to hip) not thinking about it and abusing it to no end. I really am in love with awesome looking hair toys like the crescent and my forks. I love eye catching hair stuff.

March 3rd, 2010, 05:59 PM
I find I shed more trying to put my hair up. Braids work for me better than anything. Also, I notice that buns give me more damage. It seems like they get all twisted up and end up kinking my hair. I find the little kinks and eventually they just break off or I have to snip them off.

Arrow Juniper
March 3rd, 2010, 10:34 PM
I'm with you all the way, OP. I wear my hair loose and free.

March 9th, 2010, 10:17 AM
I prefer my hair down as well. I'm willing to keep my end length goal "shorter" rather than have to keep it up 100% of the time. I doubt I'll go much past BSL.

March 9th, 2010, 10:50 AM
I personally prefer to pull my hair up around my face but leave the length down my back. Either that or lots of little twisties and clippies. That being said, I have little kids (four of them!) so sometimes it is just better for my hair if it is up!

March 9th, 2010, 05:06 PM
I like my hair down because that's what I feel looks best on me. I, unfortunately, have a big forhead so if I wear it up I have to have side bangs. Oh, and I have tiny ears that stick out,lol. Hopefully, I'll learn to do some neat updos which will help.

March 14th, 2010, 09:41 PM
I can't see my self wearing protective styles when it is longer. I'd much rather just let it be free =]

March 14th, 2010, 09:47 PM
I love my hair up more than down, so I think I'm just the opposite. Kudos to all who go flowing and free though!

March 14th, 2010, 11:56 PM
I love my hair being down when I'm in public but when I walk to/from school I like it held up with a octopus hair clip thing. When I'm at home I find it really strange to let my hair be loose.

September 19th, 2010, 05:23 AM
I like to wear my hair down. I get more breakage when its up. I do wish I could wear it up.

September 19th, 2010, 06:38 AM
I love wearing my hair down, in fact I keep them up only when I'm too hot!

September 20th, 2010, 07:34 AM
I love wearing my hair down. Unfortunately I am going to have to start wearing it up. My hair is currently at my hip and I want it knee. It is just getting too long to wear down all the time. Ironic that I have it down at the moment and will for the rest of the day. I didn't bring anything with me to throw it up and I don't want to run back to the dorm. Oh well. I'll only be in class.

September 20th, 2010, 07:59 AM
How does everyone prevent tangling with hair worn down?

My hair is not yet long but when I wear it down, I get a head full of tangles and fuzzy hair.

Any tips on keeping it looking smooth?

September 20th, 2010, 02:05 PM
I love wearing my hair down when it has been washed the same day, because it just looks so healthy and I want to brag with (by?) the people who have no idea what real hair caring is :D But I hate the idea of constant worrying about my hair getting damaged, though.

Breezefaerie: When I'm outside I put it in a quick tessabun. Because the wind makes it tangles the most.

September 21st, 2010, 11:15 AM
Thanks Chestershire. Can you possibly give me a link to tessabun instructions?

September 21st, 2010, 12:41 PM
My hair isn't nearly long enough to prevent me from wearing my hair down when I go out somewhere, but I am another who really prefers wearing my hair down. I compromise by wearing my hair in a protective style at home, and then I wear it down if I'm going out and want to feel good about how I look.

I suspect that I will frequently wear my hair down when going out for an evening even when my hair is much longer than it is now, depending on the occasion.

September 21st, 2010, 01:09 PM
I've never had extremely long hair, but I love wearing it down nonetheless, and will probably continue to do so whenever possible and practical. I'm required to wear it in either a sock bun or a French braid five or six days of the week, it's nice to do something else every once in a while.

September 21st, 2010, 01:34 PM
LOL, I've been eyeing my chopsticks as well, Isadora. I don't think my partner would ever let me cut or sand the fancier ones down though. :p

I actually plan on growing to a length where I can still wear my hair down without it getting in the way all the time. I love having my hair down -- especially when it's super red and well-behaved. Otherwise, if it's misbehaving or the weather's awful, I'll usually put it into twin braids.

Mostly I dislike protective styling because I'm a totally amateur at updos. Besides a simple twist-and-clip, there's only one sort of bun I ever mastered and it always damaged my ends and made my hair very crazy-tangled-bush afterward. Alas, I was robbed of hair gurus as a little girl. Now that I'm here though, I've got to admit some of the hair sticks I've been seeing are really tempting me to learn some updos.

I'm just really turned off by the idea of trying to get my hair up. It always tangles when i try to pull it back, and I also have the problem of containing baby hairs. Hopefully in the future I'll get to be one of the "best of both worlds" types. :eyebrows:

September 21st, 2010, 01:41 PM
I don't really dislike it (don't have much to protect yet, lol), but I prefer to wear it down as often as possible. I have to wear it up every day for work (M-F) so on the weekends I want it free. Although I did just buy a hair moon and I'm eyeing a fork so ...

January 13th, 2011, 03:31 AM
I do. I RARELY wear my hair up. I just don't care to. Unless it's just one of those days where I'm like ick. Even when I do try an up-do I'm just not comfortable.

January 13th, 2011, 03:58 AM
I never wear my hair up! It looks so much better down!! And since I'm treating it well every other way I can I might as well wear it down whenever I want :D

January 13th, 2011, 05:33 AM
I like wearing it down sometimes but usually have it up or half-up at least because the front layers get in the way and drive me mad and the rest begin to live its own very wanton life after a few hours untamed :D If updos protect hait as well it's a benefit.
And I actually find many updos show off the hair no less than keeping it down. And the process is very relaxing :)

January 13th, 2011, 06:52 AM
I only wear mine up when I need to... wind, exercise, cleaning... that's about it. And I've only starting wearing it up for cleaning recently because it's *finally* getting in my way! (YAY!) I keep a clip in my purse, but I'm looking for sticks now because the claw clips I'm using now aren't holding like I'd like and I'm worried about having to go too tight for comfort/damage reasons.

I just love my hair down and really don't feel like myself with it up.

January 13th, 2011, 07:09 AM
Absolutely you can!!! It's been discussed before-- chopsticks, and also those little cuticle sticks from manicure sets, for mini-buns.

Another way to get simple sticks for cheap is the everythingchopsticks.com (http://www.everythingchopsticks.com) website. They have sticks in a wide range of prices, including some for only a couple of dollars.

What an awesome site! Enabler that you are!!

I wear mine up 90% of the time.....I wear it down for 'occasions' at night. I got used to having it up and find that for my hair, anyway, it is far less damaged than wearing it down, not to mention the fact that it gets in my way if it's down when I am doing things. :grin:

I do love having it down and it's kind of a reward for me to see it there, knowing the care I put into it.

January 13th, 2011, 07:17 AM
I don't like tucking the ends, but up-dos are fine, specially messy or big ones!