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April 25th, 2011, 02:28 PM
. . . You have nothing to lose but your frizz?


Bahaha :p We can only hope!

April 27th, 2011, 05:48 AM
How do you with curls like to wear your hair up? I love my hair worn down but I end up fiddling with it all the time. All my braids end up looking a little messy since my curls try to escape and I have no idea how to make my hair stay in a bun.

April 27th, 2011, 06:55 AM
How do you with curls like to wear your hair up? I love my hair worn down but I end up fiddling with it all the time. All my braids end up looking a little messy since my curls try to escape and I have no idea how to make my hair stay in a bun.

Hey I have not been here in a while and missed you all but life was just too busy to do everything! I read up a bit and wanted to answer your question Heatherzilla since no one has yet :)

If I do a braid I usually detangle my hair first with a wide tooth comb and add some kind of oil (coconut usually). Then I braid and after smooth some more oil over the braid and other places that seem unruly. If you want to braid while curly then you can use the oil too just to smooth down some places. You have more curl to your hair than mine I see and just wanted to say some people would KILL to have little cute curls popping out :love:

April 27th, 2011, 07:23 AM
How do you with curls like to wear your hair up? I love my hair worn down but I end up fiddling with it all the time. All my braids end up looking a little messy since my curls try to escape and I have no idea how to make my hair stay in a bun.

Read around in the various bun how-to articles and you'll find all kinds of ways to put your hair up. I like to do a simple twist-and-wrap type bun, kind of similar to the Nautilus, and hold it with a single hairstick. I can put my hair up in this bun in about ten seconds, start to finish, and it will hold all day.

Sometimes I detangle my hair and oil it a little for a nice smooth effect, and sometimes I leave it curly and a little looser along my scalp before making the bun, for more texture.

April 27th, 2011, 07:45 AM
How do you with curls like to wear your hair up? I love my hair worn down but I end up fiddling with it all the time. All my braids end up looking a little messy since my curls try to escape and I have no idea how to make my hair stay in a bun.
I'm not a curly, but a wurly who really likes to do rag curls, and as many as possible, which result in tight curls that I wear down on the first day, and up for following days. At the length that my hair shrinks to (about shoulder from APL+) the easiest updo for me is to make a bun using hairstick or fork. Its not neat by any means, but having the curls escaping looks really pretty. I've not tried braiding it, but part of the reason for that is I know my hair at APL barely makes a braid that doesn't undo itself, at shoulder the battle's lost before its begun.

April 28th, 2011, 04:26 AM
Thanks for all the advice. =] The coconut oil definitely helped keep my braids neater and I've tried a few of the buns in the articles on here. My hair is mostly too short for them but I found a few new things I can do. I had no idea there were so many articles on here! I am going to be happily entertained trying new things for quite a while. =] Thank you all.

April 28th, 2011, 05:34 AM
Thanks for all the advice. =] The coconut oil definitely helped keep my braids neater and I've tried a few of the buns in the articles on here. My hair is mostly too short for them but I found a few new things I can do. I had no idea there were so many articles on here! I am going to be happily entertained trying new things for quite a while. =] Thank you all.

We've created a monster! :lol:

Seriously, though, welcome aboard.... this is an awesome place!

May 9th, 2011, 10:55 AM
Have any of the curlies in these parts tried using AVG to help set their curls? I bought some in the hope that I'd get better curl definition and clumping, and it does help... but unfortunately it also makes my ends feel like velcro!

I don't know whether it's the aloe vera as such or some other ingredient in the gel I'm using. When I put it on my scalp hair to tame frizz it makes my hair feel smooth and soft, but let it get on the ends and they go hard and dry and yucky even though they're otherwise in good shape. :confused:

May 9th, 2011, 11:54 AM
Have any of the curlies in these parts tried using AVG to help set their curls? I bought some in the hope that I'd get better curl definition and clumping, and it does help... but unfortunately it also makes my ends feel like velcro!

I don't know whether it's the aloe vera as such or some other ingredient in the gel I'm using. When I put it on my scalp hair to tame frizz it makes my hair feel smooth and soft, but let it get on the ends and they go hard and dry and yucky even though they're otherwise in good shape. :confused:

Try adding a few drops of oil... my hair loves AVG + oil. :inlove:

May 9th, 2011, 12:03 PM
I ordered some Jojoba the other day, and the more I read this thread the worse these "pins and needles" get.

I've never put oil on my hair, and until reading here I never understood how. But now that my waves are coming through I find I just can't wait to try it!

GRU, when you mix the AVG and your oil, do you use equal parts?

May 9th, 2011, 12:03 PM
Try adding a few drops of oil... my hair loves AVG + oil. :inlove:

It's an idea, but in what proportion? A few drops of oil to how much AVG?

Oh, and any favourite types of oil? I've used nothing but coconut on my hair for over a year now, but that stuff is currently still too solid at room temperature to lend itself to mixing with AVG! :)

May 9th, 2011, 04:48 PM
GRU, when you mix the AVG and your oil, do you use equal parts?

It's an idea, but in what proportion? A few drops of oil to how much AVG?

Oh, and any favourite types of oil? I've used nothing but coconut on my hair for over a year now, but that stuff is currently still too solid at room temperature to lend itself to mixing with AVG! :)

Gosh, my hair recipes are like my food recipes... "a little of this and a smidge of that"! So I can't give you any actual proportions -- I just put a "glob" of aloe on my palm with a few drops of oil, rub my hands together to mix it up really well, then smooth it in.

As for oils, I like grapeseed or sweet almond personally, but pretty much any of the "hair faves" around here should work similarly. And I always mix my AVG/oil goop up as I use it, so the solid coconut oil wouldn't matter -- just melt some on my hand and mix with AVG.

May 10th, 2011, 05:46 AM
Sounds like you and I have pretty much the same approach to cooking. And to hair goop! :D

I'll give it a try the next time I use AVG. Maybe I'll nick some olive oil from the kitchen for the purpose, just to see what happens -- I've never tried olive oil in my hair before, and who knows, my ends might like it!

May 10th, 2011, 06:28 AM
Hi guys! I'm new here and since my hair is wavy/curly, I thought I'd check in here :) My name is Eline.

I cowash most of the time, and low poo when I feel like I need it. This is usually every 1.5 weeks.

I am starting to like having curls, except for the fact that I have to wet it every day because my hair is very easily altered... It goes straight-ish/wavy (but weird waves) quickly so whatever I do overnight (pineapple, loose braid, or just sleeping with my hair loose) it ends up as a disaster the next morning.
I definitely notice loss of definition during the day too, so I need a product for hold.

I really didn't like the only cone free gel I found in stores here in the Netherlands... It was so bad that I swore never to use gel again in my life. I'm starting to get over this traumatic experience though, as I realize that the best solution for hold is probably gel...

What do you do for hold? As I said, the gel thing was kinda disastrous, but it might just have been that particular gel.. Does anyone have any suggestions? It needs to be cone/mineral oil free, but other than that it doesn't really matter.

Hair products I do like are Kinky Curly Curling Custard and Curl Junkie Curls in a Bottle. I am just trying out Kinky Curly Spiral Spritz, which has brought me mixed results so far but I am still trying to figure out the best way for me to use it. As you can see, all these products are more for definition and curl enhancing than hold...

May 10th, 2011, 06:50 AM
A lot of people like Aloe Vera Gel for a light hold, or Flax Seed Gel for a stronger hold (you make your own flax seed gel by cooking seeds in water, then straining out the seeds).

So-called "second day hair" is but a dream to many of us. After sleeping on it, my curls are wonky-shaped and frizzy, so I either CO-wash again or put it in a bun or braid.

May 10th, 2011, 06:54 AM
Hi Elinious,

I'm fairly new to the curly life myself, but I've had fairly good results from using aloe vera gel to help set and hold my curls -- the kind that sells as an aftersun skin treatment. I used Sundance Aloe Vera Après Gel from DM, if that's of any use to you (I don't know whether you have DM in the Netherlands?) Tames frizz very nicely and helped me with curl definition too.

The one thing I found is that while the AVG makes the hair on the top of my head feel fantastic, my ends came out feeling rather velcro-y -- I think because my ends are dry from years of SLeS shampooing. The next time I use it I'm going to try mixing it with a bit of oil to see whether that helps.

May 11th, 2011, 03:31 PM
Hi guys! I'm new here and since my hair is wavy/curly, I thought I'd check in here :) My name is Eline.

I cowash most of the time, and low poo when I feel like I need it. This is usually every 1.5 weeks.

I am starting to like having curls, except for the fact that I have to wet it every day because my hair is very easily altered... It goes straight-ish/wavy (but weird waves) quickly so whatever I do overnight (pineapple, loose braid, or just sleeping with my hair loose) it ends up as a disaster the next morning.
I definitely notice loss of definition during the day too, so I need a product for hold.

I really didn't like the only cone free gel I found in stores here in the Netherlands... It was so bad that I swore never to use gel again in my life. I'm starting to get over this traumatic experience though, as I realize that the best solution for hold is probably gel...

What do you do for hold? As I said, the gel thing was kinda disastrous, but it might just have been that particular gel.. Does anyone have any suggestions? It needs to be cone/mineral oil free, but other than that it doesn't really matter.

Hair products I do like are Kinky Curly Curling Custard and Curl Junkie Curls in a Bottle. I am just trying out Kinky Curly Spiral Spritz, which has brought me mixed results so far but I am still trying to figure out the best way for me to use it. As you can see, all these products are more for definition and curl enhancing than hold...

Hello :) It took me months to achieve 2nd day hair but I've got consistent results for the last 7 months. For me, achieving next day hair has been thanks to the combination of products used and product-application techniques. I wash my hair at night. While my hair is still quite wet, I apply homemade linseed (aka flax seed) gel over a base of organic leave-in conditioner or curl creme. Then I usually apply a blob of organic hair gel. When my hair dries I leave the hard gel-cast alone, put my hair in a pineapple, and, in the morning, I scrunch out the gel cast with curl cream.

The homemade flax seed gel really helps me achieve both better clumping curls and next day hair - it's great stuff :)

ETA: The commercial products I use are widely available all over Europe, I buy mine online:
John Masters Organic leave-in detangler
Curls Souffle Organic curl cream
Aubrey Organics B5 Design Gel

May 11th, 2011, 11:16 PM
I used the "secret sock bun method" last night before I went to bed (wrapping from the ends up), in a bun on the top of my head, and it was only a little damp when I put it in...this was the result below. Tonight, I took the left over curls and sprayed a little tiny bit of Ojon leave in, and dry "secret sock bunned" it and will see what happens tomorrow morning!!


May 13th, 2011, 03:34 AM
Further to the AVG business, I currently have a headful of corkscrew curls drying after the application of AVG mixed with coconut oil.

The coconut oil was solid when I reached for it, but I had a brainwave and zapped the jar with the hairdryer. After about ten seconds the top layer of oil was liquid enough to mix easily with a blob of AVG in the palm of my hand. :)

I'm on tenterhooks about whether I got the relative quantities right. If I didn't and too much oil got onto my length, I may find I'm a greaseball when my hair's dry! :scared:

May 13th, 2011, 05:28 AM
Further to the AVG business, I currently have a headful of corkscrew curls drying after the application of AVG mixed with coconut oil.

The coconut oil was solid when I reached for it, but I had a brainwave and zapped the jar with the hairdryer. After about ten seconds the top layer of oil was liquid enough to mix easily with a blob of AVG in the palm of my hand. :)

I'm on tenterhooks about whether I got the relative quantities right. If I didn't and too much oil got onto my length, I may find I'm a greaseball when my hair's dry! :scared:

Well? Enquiring minds wanna know!!!!

May 13th, 2011, 05:38 AM
Well? Enquiring minds wanna know!!!!

Eh. I think I got it partly right. The good news: There is no stiff, hardened-gel feeling on the length at all. The bad news: It feels somewhat greasy, but -- more good news -- doesn't look it. It just looks dark and glossy and well-fed. (Oh, and frizz? What's that? :D)

Which is OK with me for a first try. Prior to this wash I'd had a terrible time for days with my ends feeling like velcro for some reason, so I don't mind having slightly over-conditioned hair for a change. Also, my hair has a way of sucking up almost unlimited amounts of coconut oil, so any excess may well be gone by this time tomorrow.

Next time, though, I'm going to have to try using less coconut oil in my AVG. Which may be a tall order because my approach to mixing these things up is about the same as yours! ;)

May 13th, 2011, 05:57 AM
Eh. I think I got it partly right. The good news: There is no stiff, hardened-gel feeling on the length at all. The bad news: It feels somewhat greasy, but -- more good news -- doesn't look it. It just looks dark and glossy and well-fed. (Oh, and frizz? What's that? :D)

Yay! :cheese:

I think I know what you mean about FEELING greasy but not BEING greasy -- the first week after I started adding oil to my leave-in conditioner, I just kept petting my curls because they felt SO SOFT!!!! I'd curl one around a finger and then just rub it with my thumb, enjoying the feel of having "non-goat (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=1598360&postcount=2893) hair" for a change!

Next time, though, I'm going to have to try using less coconut oil in my AVG. Which may be a tall order because my approach to mixing these things up is about the same as yours! ;)

Atta girl! :thumbsup:

Do you cook your food the same way, a little of this and a little of that? :lol:

May 13th, 2011, 06:24 AM
I think I know what you mean about FEELING greasy but not BEING greasy -- the first week after I started adding oil to my leave-in conditioner, I just kept petting my curls because they felt SO SOFT!!!! I'd curl one around a finger and then just rub it with my thumb, enjoying the feel of having "non-goat (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=1598360&postcount=2893) hair" for a change!

Mmm... actually, now that it's completely dry I'm afraid that it definitely IS greasy as well as FEELING it. I don't think I'd want to leave the house with it down in this state, but since I never wear it down anymore anyway except to airdry, I'm just going to bun it and call it a deep conditioning treatment. (My ends really deserved the "goat hair" epithet this week and anything that'll smooth them down a bit is more than OK by me at this point.)

I really will have to be more careful with the oil next time, though; I find it quite a lot harder to assess how much I'm using when it's liquid and I can't measure it by the size of the lump I just scraped up with a fingernail! I probably ended up using at least twice as much this morning as I was planning to!

Do you cook your food the same way, a little of this and a little of that? :lol:

Hee! You're onto me! It's so much more fun that way... :laugh:

May 13th, 2011, 06:52 AM
I really will have to be more careful with the oil next time, though; I find it quite a lot harder to assess how much I'm using when it's liquid and I can't measure it by the size of the lump I just scraped up with a fingernail! I probably ended up using at least twice as much this morning as I was planning to!

So just scrape it like you normally would, let it melt in your hand, and then add the AVG to that and blend.....

May 13th, 2011, 07:38 AM
So just scrape it like you normally would, let it melt in your hand, and then add the AVG to that and blend.....

That's going to be the game plan next time, all right! Today I was all "ooh, look, you can use a hairdryer to melt coconut oil!!!" and it clearly prevented me from thinking straight! :D

BUT I have to amend what I said earlier about the look being too greasy to wear down. Either the oil is being absorbed/airing out or it wasn't as bad as I initially thought, because after finger-combing my curls a bit to even out the look I have actually been encouraged by my family to break my "protective updos all the time" rule and wear it down this evening.

So I'll be off to choir practice with my hair in a half-up with a Flexi and krazy korkskroo kurlz cascading down my back. It's going to feel very strange, and I can only hope the other choir members actually recognise me! :eyebrows:

May 13th, 2011, 09:09 AM
So I'll be off to choir practice with my hair in a half-up with a Flexi and krazy korkskroo kurlz cascading down my back. It's going to feel very strange, and I can only hope the other choir members actually recognise me! :eyebrows:

I'm :lol: at your krazy korkskroo kurlz! ;)

Pictures or it didn't happen!!!

May 13th, 2011, 02:07 PM
Pictures or it didn't happen!!!

Hee hee! No photographer present, in the event. Best thing I can do for photographic evidence of krazy kurlz is a snapshot from a few weeks ago that you can find in my album!

May 13th, 2011, 02:16 PM
So, did anyone recognize you? ;)

And did the greasies disappear completely? What do you think of the outcome? Did you get long-term frizz control with the oil+AVG method?

May 13th, 2011, 02:37 PM
So, did anyone recognize you? ;)

And did the greasies disappear completely? What do you think of the outcome? Did you get long-term frizz control with the oil+AVG method?

Greasies are still going strong, I'm afraid. I seem to have inadvertently used much more oil than I'd ever deliberately put on my length as a leave-in. In the end the only thing for it was to put it up after all.

Frizz is nonexistent, but with that much oil weighing it down that's hardly surprising! I'm going to sleep with it down in the hope that some of it will air out, though I suspect there's simply too much oil on there for that to work! Oddly enough my hair doesn't look weighed down in the slightest. I don't know whether that's a quirk of the curly texture or a side-effect of the AVG... :confused:

Ah well, I'm sure my ends will be the better for the extra oil!

May 13th, 2011, 10:11 PM
It's all just a great big experiment, isn't it? LOL

May 14th, 2011, 04:31 PM
Hi I'm new-ish, I've always had curly/wavy hair. when I was a kid I hated it but reluctantly I found the beauty in it and now I wear it down a lot.

May 15th, 2011, 11:47 AM
Hi I'm new-ish, I've always had curly/wavy hair. when I was a kid I hated it but reluctantly I found the beauty in it and now I wear it down a lot.
welcome. Learning to take care of curly hair is difficult.

May 17th, 2011, 10:58 AM
All right! Second attempt at mixing coconut oil into my AVG seems to have been a success. This time I didn't melt the oil in the jar, but scraped up a little solid oil with a fingernail, melted it in my palm, added AVG, mixed it all together nicely, and applied.

Now that it's dry, I don't have an oil slick and I have nice curls. I used waaay less oil than last time, but it was still enough to stop the gel from making my curls feel stiff and crunchy. I'm calling this a success! :D

May 17th, 2011, 11:29 AM
All right! Second attempt at mixing coconut oil into my AVG seems to have been a success. This time I didn't melt the oil in the jar, but scraped up a little solid oil with a fingernail, melted it in my palm, added AVG, mixed it all together nicely, and applied.

Now that it's dry, I don't have an oil slick and I have nice curls. I used waaay less oil than last time, but it was still enough to stop the gel from making my curls feel stiff and crunchy. I'm calling this a success! :D



May 17th, 2011, 05:18 PM
All right! Second attempt at mixing coconut oil into my AVG seems to have been a success. This time I didn't melt the oil in the jar, but scraped up a little solid oil with a fingernail, melted it in my palm, added AVG, mixed it all together nicely, and applied.

Now that it's dry, I don't have an oil slick and I have nice curls. I used waaay less oil than last time, but it was still enough to stop the gel from making my curls feel stiff and crunchy. I'm calling this a success! :D


I'm gonna give this a try!!

May 19th, 2011, 07:10 AM
I would have to say i'm a curly...that is a wurly, at times. xD

I classified myself as 3a 'cause, although i have curls...they're fairly delicate. Meaning, they easily turn into waves. :\ I sometimes wish my hair was more of the bouncy curly type. >.>

People often compare me to a porcelain doll. I'm guessing, it's because of the hair. xD

Here's an image:


May 19th, 2011, 07:54 AM
I would have to say i'm a curly...that is a wurly, at times. xD

I classified myself as 3a 'cause, although i have curls...they're fairly delicate. Meaning, they easily turn into waves. :\ I sometimes wish my hair was more of the bouncy curly type. >.>

People often compare me to a porcelain doll. I'm guessing, it's because of the hair. xD

You and your hair are so pretty - just like a porcelain doll! :heartbeat ;)

May 19th, 2011, 08:00 AM
Sounds like my 2c hair...it will curl up and look like 3a sometimes, then stretches out into mostly waves...I like 2c hair because it's mostly obedient to the shape that I dry it in :)
Except in intense humidity...then it won't stay straightish from my damp-bunning. I'm contemplating wearing it curly more often instead of damp-bunned so I won't have to fight against humidity.

May 19th, 2011, 08:04 AM
You and your hair are so pretty - just like a porcelain doll! :heartbeat ;)

Haha!! Why, thank you. :P

May 19th, 2011, 10:53 AM
Stessie you are beautiful and I love your curls!!

Okay, gang, I tried co-washing yesterday and left in some conditioner. I then put in some Coconut Oil combined with Aloe Vera Gel. I ended up with tighter curls, and none of the stiff ickiness that I get with AVG alone!

Here's what I would like to fix; my hair is curly, shiny, and soft, but the curls look a bit stringy and anemic. Any thoughts? I'm thinking less Coconut Oil? I don't know. This is usually the point where I throw in the towel and go back to 'cones. Maybe I need to simply readjust my thinking and my perspective on my curls. :shrugs: I'm going to keep with this regime and see if I start loving my hair!

June 1st, 2011, 03:45 AM
So yesterday was wash day and my curls dried so nicely that I went out to my evening lecture with a headful of corkscrews in a half-up! This is the first time in almost a year and a half that I've worn my hair down. It looked really nice, though wildly different from my usual sleek (well, sleek-ish) updos, but I have to say that having my hair down at all, curly or not, just feels weird. I've grown so used to wearing it up that having it loose seems very strange!

(To forestall the inevitable: sorry, no pix were taken. But it happened all the same. ;) )

June 4th, 2011, 11:31 AM
I just... Honestly have no idea. Am I wurly? Curly? I have no curls till around halfway down, then BOOM. I do not get it.

June 4th, 2011, 11:46 AM
I just... Honestly have no idea. Am I wurly? Curly? I have no curls till around halfway down, then BOOM. I do not get it.

Curly... if you have BOOM, you have curls! :lol:

June 4th, 2011, 12:32 PM
I posted this on the Wavy and Wurly Thread too, but thought the folks here would be equally as disgusted. (Mods, if this breaks the rules as 'cross-posting' or whatever, please let me know! I'm just trying to let both the wavies and the curlies see it, as it affects both populations)

This is the email that Sally's sent out to members today:



Her "before" hair isn't "frizzy, untamed, and rebellious" -- it's just NEGLECTED, ABUSED and UNLOVED! :rolleyes:

And her "after" hair isn't "smooth, soft, nourished, healthy" -- it's full of carcinogenic chemicals and scorched and crying and parched! :rolleyes:

I had a conversation with someone just a few days ago when they said they loved my hair and would kill for my curls, and I commented about how so many people with curls abuse their hair to make it straight, and so many people with straight hair abuse their hair to make it curly, and isn't it a shame that no matter what our natural hair texture might be, it was never "good enough" in society's eyes.

I swear, you could see the lightbulb :idea: go on over her head -- her eyes got wide and she said, "OMG, you're RIGHT!" That's me... The Enablinator -- saving the earth, one strand of hair at a time! :D

(and how pathetic is it that I want to enter the keratin contest in the hopes of winning the FOURTH prize, a $100 Sally's gift card! :lol:)

June 4th, 2011, 12:55 PM
Wow... that ad is beyond insulting. o.O I know the whole "straight hair is beautiful, curly hair is ugly and needs to be fixed" shtick is everywhere in our society, but it still makes me sad to see it so blatantly.

I'm more tempted to e-mail them to say just how repulsive that kind of advertising is than to enter - even if I could spend $100 on conditioner for my "untamed curls." :P

June 4th, 2011, 05:03 PM
I e-mailed them at their 'contact us' link and told them that their ad was insulting. Hopefully they will consider pulling it.

June 5th, 2011, 04:50 PM
Those before and afters are always ridiculous. I doubt her hair was even unloved. I bet her hair was perfectly fine and then they said, "head bang for a little bit and toss your hair around." That's exactly what it looks like.

And then they brushed it down and heat styled it a little bit and said, "Don't move. Don't even breathe."


June 5th, 2011, 04:59 PM
The hair in the before picture doesn't look neglected or unloved at all. It looks like wavy hair that was teased a bit to make it look "before" picture worthy. With less teasing, it would actually look really nice.

June 5th, 2011, 05:28 PM
Another thing to look at..... the Before model isn't even the same person as the After model!

I thought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, but I looked closer at the shape of the nose and the arch of the eyebrow -- two totally different women!

This kind of crap makes me so :angry:!!!!!

June 6th, 2011, 01:50 AM
Well, I suppose they don't explicitly claim that it IS the same model -- they're calling them "Wanted" and "Reward" rather than "before" and "after" -- but the model on the "Reward" pic even has longer hair than the "Wanted" model, doesn't she? I know the edges of the picture cut off the length, but from the drape of her hair it does seem likely that there's a bit more length in the second shot than in the first.

Either way the whole thing is highly fishy and misleading. And don't even get me started about insulting. The nerve of contrasting "frizzy, untamed, rebellious, curly" with "smooth, soft, nourished, healthy", as though curly were the antithesis of healthy! Yeesh. I love my soft, nourished, healthy CURLY hair and I don't even want it to look like their "Reward" model!

June 6th, 2011, 11:44 AM
I love my soft, nourished, healthy CURLY hair and I don't even want it to look like their "Reward" model!

Agreed. But sometimes I find myself staring at my flat iron (I know I shouldn't even own one. . .shame on me). But argh! It feels like my hair grows sooo slowly. I know it doesn't. I remember when I used to get relaxers, my roots would spring up like a week after!

I just want waist sooo baaad. And I feel like it's never ever gonna happen. I know logically it's just the curls eating up length but dang it. :justy:

I'm not really sure what to do with myself. I love my curls but right now they're driving me nuts.

June 6th, 2011, 11:51 AM
Agreed. But sometimes I find myself staring at my flat iron (I know I shouldn't even own one. . .shame on me). But argh! It feels like my hair grows sooo slowly. I know it doesn't. I remember when I used to get relaxers, my roots would spring up like a week after!

I just want waist sooo baaad. And I feel like it's never ever gonna happen. I know logically it's just the curls eating up length but dang it. :justy:

I'm not really sure what to do with myself. I love my curls but right now they're driving me nuts.

I really shouldn't own one either... I've actually haven't used it in a good while... I should donate it...

June 6th, 2011, 12:15 PM
:boohoo:I have been experiencing some SERIOUS hair loss, esp around the crown. I am wondering if any of you have experienced this and if you did, what you did about it. I have thryoid problems but my levels are good. My scalp is sore and slightly red under this area. I have lost at LEAST half my volume. I do like the curls...the more hair I lose the curlier it seems to get...but I HATE that I am losing so much hair. I am afraid I am going to be bald before too long. I am afraid to wash or even touch my hair sometimes. HELP!!! :boohoo:

June 6th, 2011, 12:24 PM
all I can think of when I see the title of this thread is that song "Honey bun" from the musical South Pacific :)

June 6th, 2011, 02:48 PM
Agreed. But sometimes I find myself staring at my flat iron (I know I shouldn't even own one. . .shame on me). But argh! It feels like my hair grows sooo slowly. I know it doesn't. I remember when I used to get relaxers, my roots would spring up like a week after!

I just want waist sooo baaad. And I feel like it's never ever gonna happen. I know logically it's just the curls eating up length but dang it. :justy:

I'm not really sure what to do with myself. I love my curls but right now they're driving me nuts.

I just want to tell you: your hair is gorgeous and I like it the way it is, curly or in twists. It looks amazing in your sig pic, and amazing in your avatar pic, and look at how it's grown already! Don't despair, it'll grow!

June 10th, 2011, 02:42 PM
Trimmed my ends and my hair feels so much better now!


June 10th, 2011, 02:48 PM
Trimmed my ends and my hair feels so much better now!


Your hair looks very healthy and so soft! Beautiful!

June 10th, 2011, 03:33 PM
Your hair looks very healthy and so soft! Beautiful!

Thank you so much! Years of growing out damage!

June 10th, 2011, 03:40 PM
Trimmed my ends and my hair feels so much better now!


WOW! Amazing lovely curls! And you were able to get a great shot of them; something I am totally incapable of doing!

June 11th, 2011, 02:40 AM
lacefrost- your hair is beautiful! As it grows and gets heavier, it may begin to seem longer much faster.
rachelily- very nice trim, your curls fall perfect!

I have the hardest time letting my hair air dry, I always brush it & put oils in messing it all up.

June 11th, 2011, 09:57 AM
Trimmed my ends and my hair feels so much better now!


That is really lovely with no frizz at all; how did you style it?
(Don't tell me it just dried like that ... I might cry!) :)

June 11th, 2011, 10:21 AM
rachelily: Very beautiful defined curls, love the texture and your hair is so shiny.

June 12th, 2011, 07:13 PM
Thank you lapushka and java! :flower:

rachelily, your hair is super beautiful.

June 12th, 2011, 08:41 PM
Copasetic - Thank you! I'll tell you, the self-timer on my camera is the greatest thing I've figured out how to do.

Java - Thanks!

jaine - Thank you so much! With a little coaxing, it dries that way - I use the oil-shampoo method (LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE and my hair smells like macaroons) and then I scrunch gel in my hair while it is sopping wet. Then I wait a good 3 hours and get all the crunchiness out and I'm done! Letting my hair dry from being soaking wet is the best thing ever - if I don't do this, I'm fluffy.

Fufu - Thank you :)

lacefrost - Thanks! And right back at you!!

June 13th, 2011, 07:37 PM
Can you please tell me what the (your) oil-shampoo method is (means)? I heard it mentioned before, and now that I see how wonderful your hair looks I must try it! How is this done?
Thanks, Infinity

June 13th, 2011, 11:15 PM
I let out my dutch braid tonight, and thought I'd take a pic...not much different from when I let it air dry and scrunch with gel/leave in. Weird. I thought it would be different...


June 14th, 2011, 02:31 PM
Hi Wurlies and Curlies! I brought this up in the Wavy/Wurly thread, but I wanted to get some feedback here as well since it definitely applies! My lurking in this thread has been quite helpful to me.

So, let's talk about Diffusers.

I got my very first Diffuser in the mail today, and it fits perfectly on my blow-dryer. I used the "Pixie-curl Method" where I left the diffuser in one spot for about a minute before turning it off and placing it against my head on another spot for a minute.

It's not a "quick" way to dry hair, but it is MUUUUUCH quicker than air-drying. I went from soaking wet to dry and curled within about 20-25 minutes.

My results are O.K., and I'm happy with them seeing as this is my first try ever doing this. I need to work on placing the hair correctly in the bowl and NOT putting too much hair in at once.

At this point, I still prefer my curls air-dried, as I feel they come out best that way. However, I do like this method because it's quicker, very little frizz, and I know I'll get better at it.

Some people plop before diffusing to cut down on time.

Who here uses a Diffuser? What's your experience? Any suggestions?

Much appreciated! :D

June 14th, 2011, 07:06 PM
Using GRU's method on foster daughter who has 3c mid back hair. Long story short, prior to us, she didn't have her hair taken care of. Fixed what we can, trimmed the ends. But her hair is so tangly. Can we use cones on the worst areas?

June 14th, 2011, 07:12 PM
I went off on Sally's for that. I will NEVER encourage my 6 yo to dump carinogenic chemicals on her head to have "pretty" hair. She loves her curly princess hair. The letter was more logical, but same idea.

June 14th, 2011, 08:18 PM
Using GRU's method on foster daughter who has 3c mid back hair. Long story short, prior to us, she didn't have her hair taken care of. Fixed what we can, trimmed the ends. But her hair is so tangly. Can we use cones on the worst areas?

The thing with cones is their tendency to build up if you're CO-washing -- if using them once in a while seems to help, I say go for it! Whatever works... there is no "right" or "wrong" -- if the build-up seems to be causing problems (dull hair, more tangles, weird/stiff feeling hair), just do a single shampoo and then go back to the CO-washing again until the next time. Some CO-washers do a shampoo every 2-4 weeks -- not all of us are hard-core! ;)

Also, I've found that I like adding some oil to my leave-in conditioner, it seems to add some slip and some softness. My hair particularly likes grapeseed oil and sweet almond oil. I just mix some up in an applicator bottle every couple of weeks instead of trying to mix it in my hand.

June 14th, 2011, 08:51 PM
She loves for me to oil her hair, so that's not the problem. It's mostly the area that was matted, it just wants to tangle into tiny knots. I guess the cuticle is damaged and it can't slip right, but expert I am not.

June 14th, 2011, 08:57 PM
She loves for me to oil her hair, so that's not the problem. It's mostly the area that was matted, it just wants to tangle into tiny knots. I guess the cuticle is damaged and it can't slip right, but expert I am not.

My old ends are like that too.... I can be running my fingers through my hair just fine, and then the last couple inches (the old stuff that used to be abused in my pre-LHC days) will throw a wrench in the whole thing!

Oil added into my conditioner seems to help a bit, but I've been babying my hair for over a year and a half now, and it's not getting any better... I keep trimming a couple inches every six months or so, and EVENTUALLY I'll get that goat hair all trimmed off, but in the meantime it's a major PITA!

June 14th, 2011, 09:03 PM
Yes, well her brothers LIKE their hair in a buzzcut, she would not. Wouldn't be pretty princess hair then! Will try my light condish that doesn't build up much for me, see if that helps.

June 15th, 2011, 02:32 AM
Yes, well her brothers LIKE their hair in a buzzcut, she would not. Wouldn't be pretty princess hair then! Will try my light condish that doesn't build up much for me, see if that helps.

Can you get hold of any Garnier Triple Nutrition? It's cone free, but I've heard people say that the stuff gives almost as much slip as coney conditioners do. (Personally, I can't remember what cones are like as it's so long since I used any, but my hair loves Triple Nutrition).

I've also been getting extra smoothness by mixing AVG with a small amount of coconut oil and using that as a leave-in. The oil prevents the AVG from drying with a stiff gel cast, and the result seems to be extra-smooth hair (and extra shine!). My ends have a tendency to be rough and grabby on their own, but this really helps them.

June 15th, 2011, 10:51 AM
Hi Wurlies and Curlies! I brought this up in the Wavy/Wurly thread, but I wanted to get some feedback here as well since it definitely applies! My lurking in this thread has been quite helpful to me.

So, let's talk about Diffusers.

I got my very first Diffuser in the mail today, and it fits perfectly on my blow-dryer. I used the "Pixie-curl Method" where I left the diffuser in one spot for about a minute before turning it off and placing it against my head on another spot for a minute.

It's not a "quick" way to dry hair, but it is MUUUUUCH quicker than air-drying. I went from soaking wet to dry and curled within about 20-25 minutes.

My results are O.K., and I'm happy with them seeing as this is my first try ever doing this. I need to work on placing the hair correctly in the bowl and NOT putting too much hair in at once.

At this point, I still prefer my curls air-dried, as I feel they come out best that way. However, I do like this method because it's quicker, very little frizz, and I know I'll get better at it.

Some people plop before diffusing to cut down on time.

Who here uses a Diffuser? What's your experience? Any suggestions?

Much appreciated! :D

I use a diffuser on my hair as I actually get better results than with air drying (which leaves my hair flat and stringy looking). I blot my hair gently with a towel first, but its still very damp when I begin drying. I use a serum or Goldwell curl revive cream on the ends, sometimes jojoba oil depending what mood my hair is in.

I use the diffuser on a low speed cool setting, and like you, take it very much a section at a time, then when I've still got slightly damp curls, I clip them in place with small hair claws and leave for about 30 mins to an hour. After that I finger rake through and go. :)

June 15th, 2011, 11:40 AM
Does anyone experience more shedding from Triple Nutrition? I'm guessing it's only because it's good at giving more slip, i don't experience as much hair shed out in a wash when i use Ocean Breeze

June 15th, 2011, 11:47 AM
Does anyone experience more shedding from Triple Nutrition? I'm guessing it's only because it's good at giving more slip, i don't experience as much hair shed out in a wash when i use Ocean Breeze

I shed a small kitten in a wash no matter what. :shrug:

June 15th, 2011, 01:47 PM
I shed a small kitten in a wash no matter what. :shrug:
Sorry you don't know how funny the image of that is to me, i laugh every time. Well kittens are far better than shedding a large dog

June 15th, 2011, 02:09 PM
Heh. You have a point there. :)

The reason I'm not panicking about the shedding is that I don't seem to be losing any thickness as a result, so I guess it's within normal parameters even if it looks like an awful lot of hair.

June 15th, 2011, 02:17 PM
Heh. You have a point there. :)

The reason I'm not panicking about the shedding is that I don't seem to be losing any thickness as a result, so I guess it's within normal parameters even if it looks like an awful lot of hair.
Yeah i understand you, i assumed it didn't worry you anymore if it's how you normally shed. Lucky stars your thickness isn't affected :)

June 15th, 2011, 02:20 PM
3N caused DH to have major shedding, and for both of us, it builds up incredibly fast. For me, even 2 uses and I have build up. So I am not comfortable using it on J.'s hair. Should make her wear it up, but she'd rather get the tangles out.

June 15th, 2011, 02:23 PM
Heh. You have a point there. :)

The reason I'm not panicking about the shedding is that I don't seem to be losing any thickness as a result, so I guess it's within normal parameters even if it looks like an awful lot of hair.
Lucky you. I can really notice that I have lost thickness. At the base of the skull it is very think, at the ends not so much.

June 15th, 2011, 02:26 PM
3N caused DH to have major shedding, and for both of us, it builds up incredibly fast. For me, even 2 uses and I have build up. So I am not comfortable using it on J.'s hair. Should make her wear it up, but she'd rather get the tangles out.
Oo that's not fun. I didn't know it could build up :confused:
Maybe it's best to use on the length, not on scalp.

June 16th, 2011, 06:27 AM
I plop and clip already! It helps some, but there isn't a ton it can do since the roots are weighed down by the weight of the length. I feel kind of the same way about a new product, like Curly Hair Solutions... Can it really help that much with hair this long?

My hair isn't as long as yours but I'm having the same problem as you. I really believe it is the henna that is straightening out my hair. I put amla in my hair and the curls returned. Unfortunately, I put indigo in my hair and then had to put henna in my hair to correct the colour and it's gone a bit straight again :o

June 16th, 2011, 01:08 PM
Ok serious question!

Do any of you curlies ever have trouble with the top layer? I am considering more layers there to help the curls bounce up. The curls underneath are literally spirals...so it aggravates me that it is not consistent lol but I suppose that's the beauty of nature!!

June 17th, 2011, 11:08 AM
My top layer dramatically improved and got curlier (same curl pattern as lower layers) and more shiny since I started daily light oiling.

Botticelli Gold
June 24th, 2011, 04:42 PM
I just wanted to pop in here again and say hi as it's been a while, and to tell you all how gorgeous all of your curls are!

"Hi curls, oops I mean girls!" :D

June 24th, 2011, 05:55 PM
I think I may have found my thread!

June 25th, 2011, 07:19 AM
I can feel like I'm going to cut my hair again.

I had waist length curly hair in 2009, it stretched down almost to my hip. My goal since I was a teenager, was to have it reach my tail-bone.
In late 2009 I cut it because of family pressure. Eventually I got so upset I got a boy cut.

Now mid 2011 my hair is shoulder length, stretches to bra-strap.
But it looks so horrible I am starting to get sad, and cry, because it never looks good.

My hair has never looked good. I take very good care of my hair. But it never looks good. That's why it's so frustrating. I spend so much time worrying about it, but it never looks good. If it looked good, it would be worth it. But it's not.

My sister mistreats her curly hair so much, she blow dries it straight, flat irons it, uses chemical dyes, uses those horrible brushes, but her hair is always so pretty. But if she wants to, she can just take a shower, let her hair air dry, and it looks baby doll curly, beautiful, shinny, healthy. No matter what.
Me? No matter what I do, my hair doesn't look presentable. It's not wavy, it's not curly, it's not shinny, it's all over the place. So I always put it in a braid before I go out.

But I like to wear my hair down. If I put it in a bun or braid it, it doesn't matter if my hair is good or not!
So what's the point? I might as well just shave my head and buy a wig. Or use a chi straightener. Or get my hair chemically straightened. Atleast that way my boyfriend can enjoy it! Atleast SOMEONE gets to enjoy it. Hey, atleast he would be able to caress my hair if it's straight!

At this point, I don't care if my hair is long or not, I just want it to look good!

Note: I say all that even though I hate straight hair, it's very boring and *yawn* plain looking. I love curly hair, but my hair is just worthless.

I don't know what to do :(

June 25th, 2011, 08:22 AM
Loras, how frustrating!

What's your current wash routine for your hair? Have you considered CO washing or the Curly Girl method? That could do a lot to bring out the curl, but make it presentable.

Since you're having the "cut" feelings creep up on you, I would make a decision right now to NOT cut it until you learn some more about your curls. Think of it as an adventure, not a burden. Exploring different methods can be a blast as long as you put yourself in the right mindset.

If you want tailbone, you can have it, but there are (unfortunately) a lot of awkward stages to get through until then. The good news is there's a million things to try and fun ways to learn to do your hair, and that can make it fun instead of frustrating!

June 25th, 2011, 08:51 AM
What's your current wash routine for your hair? Have you considered CO washing or the Curly Girl method? That could do a lot to bring out the curl, but make it presentable.
Yes, I've been a lurker in LHC since 2005, learned so much about taking care of my hair, and that's how my hair started getting better. Before that I used to brush my hair dry, shampoo, you know, all that horrible stuff :D
When I was a poor college student, I used Suave conditioner, learned to avoid shampoo, finger brushed my hair in the shower, and plopped. I'm not sure what else I did, but it started looking much better. Not beautiful, but atleast not ratty.

I also tried henna, which was okay, I guess.
But all that hair is gone, now I have virgin hair.

Nowadays I condition my hair in the shower with Tresseme, when needed. Mostly I use it on my ends, and to scrub my scalp.
Sometimes I put coconut oil, sometimes honey. Honey seems to give me the most curl, but it's sticky.
I plop with a t-shirt and wait for it to dry.

Sometimes it looks nice, but it only looks good for so long. By mid-day I have to put it in a braid or a bun. Poor boyfriend is sick of being told he can't caress my hair, but what can I do when I have to stay still like a porcelain doll, otherwise my hair loses curl and gets bushy?
Nowadays I don't even bother, I just put it on a bun or a braid when I get out of the shower.

Since you're having the "cut" feelings creep up on you, I would make a decision right now to NOT cut it until you learn some more about your curls. Think of it as an adventure, not a burden. Exploring different methods can be a blast as long as you put yourself in the right mindset.
I'm not sure what else I can do to make my hair look good. All the effort I've been putting into taking care of my hair all these years... I honestly don't know what else to do. I feel like I've already spent so much energy on this issue. It really drains a lot of energy out of me.

I look at my sister with beautiful curly hair, and all the expensive products she buys. I feel like I might as well just do what she does (though I can't afford those products)
OR shave my head, and buy a wig.

If you want tailbone, you can have it, but there are (unfortunately) a lot of awkward stages to get through until then. The good news is there's a million things to try and fun ways to learn to do your hair, and that can make it fun instead of frustrating!
I'm not sure I want tailbone anymore, I don't see the point of having long hair when I look like a hobo.
My other choice is to wear it in a bun or a braid, but in that case, who cares if it's 10 inches or 100 inches long. :horse:


June 25th, 2011, 09:15 AM
Hmmmmmm :( . No bueno.

If you aren't wanting tailbone anymore, then it may not be worth all the trouble.

Sorry I'm not much help! I hope you can find hair happiness soon!

June 25th, 2011, 10:06 AM
Question - how long can curly hair be left in a braid? Got J braided in a Senco, and it's staying, is protected, and soaked in oil. But when should I take it out to not mat up?

June 25th, 2011, 10:07 AM
If you aren't wanting tailbone anymore, then it may not be worth all the trouble.

Shouldn't I care about having healthy and pretty hair, regardless of what length it is?
Ofcourse I want length -- when and if it gets there. But I need to live in the present, not in the future.

June 25th, 2011, 10:13 AM
Loras, I have straightish hair, but J has very curly hair. When she came here, her hair was wild. Now, much better. Same problem I suspect - curly hair DEMANDS conditioner. GRU has great info on how to wash, it is a miracle how much it helped J.

June 25th, 2011, 11:02 AM
Shouldn't I care about having healthy and pretty hair, regardless of what length it is?
Ofcourse I want length -- when and if it gets there. But I need to live in the present, not in the future.

Yes, you should care! That's not what I meant. I meant that it may not be worth the trouble of trying to keep it long if that's not your goal anymore. I thought you mentioned it did better when it was shorter, so that may be your route.

All I know is that I've had those thoughts about cutting before, and every time I just gave in, I regretted it later and end up kicking myself for ages.

Even if you take the length totally out of the equation, you still have your hair that seems to be working against you. :(

How often do you do deep treatments like SMTs? I agree with the above post that moisture may be part of the problem.

June 25th, 2011, 12:26 PM
Question - how long can curly hair be left in a braid? Got J braided in a Senco, and it's staying, is protected, and soaked in oil. But when should I take it out to not mat up?

Until it either starts to stink, has big chunks of gunk stuck in it (leaves, toys, brothers, etc. ;)), has grown enough to look like it's coming undone at the roots, or has pulled out enough all over the place that you look at it and say, "Ick, that needs to come out and get redone!"

It's not going to mat up on its own -- just make sure you "unwind" her the same way you braided her up -- one section at a time. You may even want to coat her hair with conditioner prior to unbraiding, just to reduce the chance of the sections getting hung up as you pull them out. Because that's where the danger lies -- not in the braid itself, but rather in the unbraiding-process.

BTW, you DEFINITELY need to come for a visit now... I want a Senco braid!!! :D

June 25th, 2011, 12:29 PM
No matter what I do, my hair doesn't look presentable. It's not wavy, it's not curly, it's not shinny, it's all over the place. So I always put it in a braid before I go out.

Can you show us some pictures of what we're dealing with here?

And maybe do a "typing" picture (wash hair and let it air-dry without product or touching it) so we can get an idea of what your hair looks like all by itself?

As MandyBeth said already, curly hair needs moisture, moisture, moisture, and a little more moisture. Without seeing your hair, I'd be willing to guess that your hair is crying out in thirst and it won't stop pouting until it gets what it wants.

June 25th, 2011, 01:56 PM

Hello curlies!!!
I haven't posted on this thread in a while!!

You can have long, healthy curls and need to maintain moisture to keep them happy.

June 25th, 2011, 03:00 PM
Speckla: Absolutely loove your hair. It has grown so much! Being a curly girl myself, I agree that curly hair needs moisture, moisture and more moisture.

June 25th, 2011, 03:29 PM
Question - how long can curly hair be left in a braid? Got J braided in a Senco, and it's staying, is protected, and soaked in oil. But when should I take it out to not mat up?

I used to keep my curly hair in a basic braid pretty much at all times. For years, this was my hair routine--once a week I would take the braid down, wash, condition, detangle, and rebraid. I would smooth the top as necessary with a BBB and undo and rebraid (without brushing or resectioning) once or twice a week if it seemed necessary.

A week was about as long as I could go before it started feeling too nesty/matted at the base of the braid, because even though it's not given any opportunity to tangle, bound as it is, I'm still shedding normally, and the shed hairs that are in still in there cluster and cause the tangles.

Now the Senco is something different. To me that's more like cornrows that black women wear and can keep them that way for more or less as long as they want (weeks at least)--taking them out mainly because they don't look so great anymore as the braids have gotten fuzzy from unavoidable friction and loose from new growth.

However, even with the Senco, I would keep in mind that however long you leave it in place, there is going to be a pretty substantial build-up of shed hairs that will complicate the detangling process. But as Gru said, as long as you're careful and take your time, it should be fine.

June 25th, 2011, 06:08 PM
Thanks GRU and C.H.! J likes the Senco for now, less time to deal with hair means more time to play, and the Senco is still Princess worthy.

June 25th, 2011, 07:35 PM
Thanks GRU and C.H.! J likes the Senco for now, less time to deal with hair means more time to play, and the Senco is still Princess worthy.

Perfect! :thumbsup:

June 25th, 2011, 07:52 PM
Hmm, I tried something new today and really like it. I normally scrunch gel into soaking wet hair to get big fat clumps ... this time I scrunched it into slightly damp hair with tiny clumps. Honestly, it didn't look that much different when it was dry. A bit frizzier - but the big clumps are frizzy by the end of the day anyway, so I don't think that really matters. It just dried so much faster. Like an hour or two instead of 5 or 6 hours. Definitely something that I will do again.

I've been wearing my hair curly all week actually ... at work, at home, everywhere. I was tired of trying to fight the humidity so I gave in. :) I got lots of compliments and one of my friends suggested I should wear it like that all the time!

June 25th, 2011, 10:11 PM
Yup GRU, it's perfect for J right now. She wears a flowery swim cap - princess hair doesn't like chlorine - and there are no problems with the braid. Everyone thinks it's cute. Plus, maybe it will help the problem areas behave.

June 26th, 2011, 12:37 PM
Nowadays I condition my hair in the shower with Tresseme, when needed. Mostly I use it on my ends, and to scrub my scalp.
Sometimes I put coconut oil, sometimes honey. Honey seems to give me the most curl, but it's sticky.

What does "when needed" mean? Do you do it once a week? Or more often than that? For me, my hair does best when it gets wet everyday and conditioned every other day. If honey is giving you the most curl, it's probably because your hair is dry. The honey is directing moisture from the atmosphere into your hair.

Poor boyfriend is sick of being told he can't caress my hair, but what can I do when I have to stay still like a porcelain doll, otherwise my hair loses curl and gets bushy?I sort of have the same problem. My boyfriends looooove to muss up my hair affectionately and I'm just like :mad:! Can you at least rub in the direction of the curl?

I'm not sure what else I can do to make my hair look good. All the effort I've been putting into taking care of my hair all these years... I honestly don't know what else to do. I feel like I've already spent so much energy on this issue. It really drains a lot of energy out of me.Tell us what you do and show us pictures. There's probably someone in this thread who's gone through the same stuff you have with your hair and has fixed it & now their hair looks glorious. At the very least you can get some great suggestions.

Also, I've found that if I do the things that work and not anything else, my hair rewards me. The simpler I keep things the better. (Basically: I wet my hair everyday if I can. Shampoo bar & deep condition (conditioner + olive oil + honey) once a week. I style it while the conditioner is in my hair (braids, twists, etc) and rinse it with cold water. I oil it whenever I remember.)

June 26th, 2011, 12:45 PM
How often do you do deep treatments like SMTs? I agree with the above post that moisture may be part of the problem.

Haven't done SMT because I haven't been able to find aloe juice in stores here. Only the kinds that have medicine and colors in them, not the plain kind.
About once a week I plop my hair overnight after washing, with Tresseme conditioner and honey.

Sometimes after washing I use honey with conditioner or Kiss My Face Grapefruit hand cream (it's a thick cream). Sometimes I use coconut instead of the honey.
I always have to put something in my hair after washing.

Can you show us some pictures of what we're dealing with here?
Sure, here's a photo. I went ahead and let my hair air-dry today.
Click it to see a bigger image.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/5873886460_82ddaed4d8.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/5873886460_82ddaed4d8_b.jpg)
Can't believe I went out like that, put it up in a bun as soon as it was dry enough for a picture :p
That's how my hair looks like most of the time, even if I apply product.
It's big, and dull, and did I mention, big?
Is glossy, silky hair an impossible dream?

Hmm... I don't take pictures often because I don't have a camera; here are some older pictures:
Early 2006, I used Milk and Honey Suave conditioner, no shampoo. Unfortunately they don't make that conditioner anymore :-( It's been years since I've seen it!

Early 2007, I think, after tons of henna. The shininess is from the camera flash.

As MandyBeth said already, curly hair needs moisture, moisture, moisture, and a little more moisture. Without seeing your hair, I'd be willing to guess that your hair is crying out in thirst and it won't stop pouting until it gets what it wants.
From reading around here and Curly forums, it seems moisture=water.
My hair looks very pretty when wet, but I can't exactly go out with it wet all the time, can I? :D

I'm sorry that I sound so negative (I know you must hate it), I'm just so frustrated.

Edit to reply to post I hadn't seen:

What does "when needed" mean? Do you do it once a week? Or more often than that? For me, my hair does best when it gets wet everyday and conditioned every other day. If honey is giving you the most curl, it's probably because your hair is dry. The honey is directing moisture from the atmosphere into your hair.
Getting it wet every day definitely helps! Just a pain to wait for it to dry every day :-D

Tell us what you do and show us pictures. There's probably someone in this thread who's gone through the same stuff you have with your hair and has fixed it & now their hair looks glorious. At the very least you can get some great suggestions.
Here's praying! :pray:

Also, I've found that if I do the things that work and not anything else, my hair rewards me. The simpler I keep things the better. (Basically: I wet my hair everyday if I can. Shampoo bar & deep condition (conditioner + olive oil + honey) once a week. I style it while the conditioner is in my hair (braids, twists, etc) and rinse it with cold water. I oil it whenever I remember.)
And your hair is so pretty! Will you cut your hair and give it to me? :eyebrows: hehe

June 26th, 2011, 01:13 PM
Moisture does NOT just mean water.

Do you leave conditioner in your hair when it dries?

Do you avoid towels and hair-fryers?

Do you use any kind of gel?

Do you avoid brushing and combing unless soaked with conditioner?

Things to try:

SMT (if you live in an area of the US that doesn't have a Walmart, I'll be VERY surprised... and Wally-World does carry the non-medicated aloe vera gel, it's in with the hand lotions, usually on the very bottom row, in a clear bottle with a royal blue lid)

Oil -- my hair loves grapeseed and sweet almond oils best, but coconut oil works too

Leave-In Conditioner --- just slop on some regular old conditioner after you're done rinsing and it will get soaked up

Forced Clumping -- if you shower-comb through your sopping-wet hair (after detangling gently) you can "align" your tresses with their neighboring tresses. Run the comb from roots to ends and follow right behind the comb with your fingers, so that your hair runs between your fingers and clumps together. For example, if you just combed a section, you might have 20 mini-curl-clumps, but if you follow with your fingers, you'll only have three larger clumps (four fingers = three openings for clumpage).

Press-only drying (scrunching or squeezing your hair between layers of t-shirt or other smooth material) -- never tousle and never use a regular towel.

Your hair looks a lot like mine.... CO-washing and lots of conditioning made a HUGE difference for me.

June 26th, 2011, 01:34 PM
I CO wash every 7-14 days. Squeeze out water, slather with aloe gel mixed with jojoba oil, plop then air dry, add extra oil and/gel where necessary to prevent frizz.

On non-wash days, I just detangle and lightly oil. I use oil and/or aloe gel to tame frizzies. I usually wear hair up after wash day. Sometimes I wet and add leave in conditioner (Suave coconut) then aloe/oil again.

Finger comb only. I'm going to start doing more deep conditioning because my hair still seems dry. May start honey but I don't want to light hair too much.

Doesn't alway work but seems to be working fairly well right now.

June 26th, 2011, 02:31 PM
Also, Loras, if you can't find aloe, I would perhaps substitute some liquid glycerin (I know CVS pharmacy carries it and some others may.) Not a lot, but perhaps a dollop would help. OR, use the above conditioner/oil/honey mix.

Maybe heavy overnight oilings may help? I braid it up when I do that and it just soaks and soaks. EVOO works fantastic for that kind of oiling, and I typically coat it as much as I can then lay an extra tshirt or something over my pillowcase to absorb any excess and keep the sheets clean. :)

It's okay to be negative! We understand!

I know you no longer can find the Suave you liked, but perhaps it may help to give CO washing another go? There are more and more silicone-free options out there all the time. Even Garnier's line has a bunch.

Hopefully some of our suggestions help!

June 26th, 2011, 02:37 PM
Do you leave conditioner in your hair when it dries?
Yes, but I'm afraid I just noticed the tresemme condtioner has cones... Ugh, time for a new conditioner again!

Do you avoid towels and hair-fryers?
Yes, I don't use either.

Do you use any kind of gel?
No. If I can find that aloe gel at Walmart, can I use that as a gel? :-) Will try!

Do you avoid brushing and combing unless soaked with conditioner?
Yes, I comb with wide comb, or fingers, only when soaked with conditioner in the shower.

I'll try your forced clumping idea. I'd read about it in this thread, but maybe I'm not doing it as often as I should.

I'm going to the Walmart to check if they have that aloe gel, and thought I'd ask before I leave:
Can any of you recommend a shampoo to remove cones? I just realized that the Tresseme I use has cones. Bonus if it's one of those cheap brands :o

And since it seems I need a new cone free conditioner... any favorites? The only fragrances I like are nothing, or, honey. Scents that aren't very noticeable.

Buying beauty products is always so frustrating :P

June 26th, 2011, 02:38 PM
I've always been baffled by the whole concept of putting water-soluble ingredients in my hair in order to "moisturize" it. Wouldn't they just evaporate?

I'm more a fan of humidifiers as a hair moisturizing strategy (in the winter anyway) ... my hair will only be as moisturized as the air surrounding it.

But in the summer it's very humid where I live so moisture is not a problem. Frizz is my problem in the summer ... random curly hairs that are so inspired by the moist air that they escape from the surrounding curl pattern to be even more curly. I like to fix that with hard-hold gel.

June 26th, 2011, 02:47 PM
I use the Walmart aloe gel as my hair gel all the time!! It's got a nice soft hold for when I air-dry. If I'm diffusing or anything else, I need something tougher. But the Fruit of the Earth aloe is awesome! I hope you find it!

Cone-free conditioners: any of the Suave Naturals, any V05s (though some have heavy smells), and Tresemme NATURALS are cone-free (and don't really smell.) Some use the Mane N Tale by Arrow, but it has proteins in it, fyi. Like I mentioned, some of the Garnier line, like the Triple Nutrition or Sleek & Shine are cone-free but are pretty heavy.

I know GRU loves the Suave Tropical Coconut diluted, and I use the Suave Sun-Ripened Strawberry diluted.

If you have a Dollar Tree nearby, the Tame, Silkience and Spa-haus brands are there. All are cone-free and very neutral, if any, scents.

Happy hunting!

June 26th, 2011, 02:50 PM
No. If I can find that aloe gel at Walmart, can I use that as a gel? :-) Will try!

You sure can! It's a very low-hold gel, though, so don't expect miracles!

I'm going to the Walmart to check if they have that aloe gel, and thought I'd ask before I leave:
Can any of you recommend a shampoo to remove cones? I just realized that the Tresseme I use has cones. Bonus if it's one of those cheap brands :o

Any regular sulfate shampoo is stripping enough for cone-removal. Nothing "special" needed.

And since it seems I need a new cone free conditioner... any favorites? The only fragrances I like are nothing, or, honey. Scents that aren't very noticeable.

The Suave Naturals line is cone-free (not the "Professionals" line, though), as are most of the VO5 conditioners. Just sniff around until you can find a fragrance you can live with, I guess.

June 26th, 2011, 04:01 PM
Jaine, what is the hardhold gel of which you often speak?

June 26th, 2011, 04:34 PM
Hurray! Found the aloe gel, finally. There was an area with aloe gels, but it wasn't there. So I was getting ready to leave, and saw it in a completely unrelated place :-O

Mixing the aloe with honey might give it a stronger hold, but I'll try the aloe by itself first.
I wonder if the honey might make my dry hair even drier if I use it too much. I know it's supposed to be an humectant, but...

Bought one of those 70 cent sample bottles of shampoo. It's Tresseme, and hopefully that's enough to clean my hair :-) I bet that conditioner is what's making my hair dull and limp!

Checked out the Suave Naturals and V05, found two 'easy' scents: Suave Pomegranate, V05 Passionfruit.

Now I pray!

June 26th, 2011, 04:44 PM
Hurray! Found the aloe gel, finally. There was an area with aloe gels, but it wasn't there. So I was getting ready to leave, and saw it in a completely unrelated place :-O

I've actually had to crawl on my hands and knees to find it, it's always on a bottom shelf along with the "obscure" lotions like CornHuskers, etc.

Checked out the Suave Naturals and V05, found two 'easy' scents: Suave Pomegranate, V05 Passionfruit.

:joy: Glad you found some scents that work for you! I'm pretty picky about scents too -- I hate cloying smells, and some of them are just SOOOO strong! :blueeek:

Now I pray!


Good luck, and let us know how it works for you!

June 26th, 2011, 06:07 PM
Jaine, what is the hardhold gel of which you often speak?

I use Max Green Alchemy scalp rescue sculpting gel (http://www.maxgreenalchemy.com/item--Scalp-Rescue-Sculpting-Gel--MGASCU.html). It's pretty much the only "product" I use. (It's a bit expensive as far as gels go, but I have really sensitive skin and a hyperactive sense of smell. so I am limited to somewhat expensive natural brands that don't give me skin issues and headaches.)

If you're more flexible about ingredients and prefer something less expensive, I heard good things about L.A. Looks gel, or basically any clear hard-hold gel... it just needs to be something that will dry hard but then be soft and non-flaky after the hair is dry and scrunched out.

June 26th, 2011, 08:55 PM
Haven't done SMT because I haven't been able to find aloe juice in stores here. Only the kinds that have medicine and colors in them, not the plain kind.
About once a week I plop my hair overnight after washing, with Tresseme conditioner and honey.

Sometimes after washing I use honey with conditioner or Kiss My Face Grapefruit hand cream (it's a thick cream). Sometimes I use coconut instead of the honey.
I always have to put something in my hair after washing.

Sure, here's a photo. I went ahead and let my hair air-dry today.
Click it to see a bigger image.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/5873886460_82ddaed4d8.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/5873886460_82ddaed4d8_b.jpg)
Can't believe I went out like that, put it up in a bun as soon as it was dry enough for a picture :p
That's how my hair looks like most of the time, even if I apply product.
It's big, and dull, and did I mention, big?
Is glossy, silky hair an impossible dream?

Hmm... I don't take pictures often because I don't have a camera; here are some older pictures:
Early 2006, I used Milk and Honey Suave conditioner, no shampoo. Unfortunately they don't make that conditioner anymore :-( It's been years since I've seen it!

Early 2007, I think, after tons of henna. The shininess is from the camera flash.

From reading around here and Curly forums, it seems moisture=water.
My hair looks very pretty when wet, but I can't exactly go out with it wet all the time, can I? :D

I'm sorry that I sound so negative (I know you must hate it), I'm just so frustrated.

Edit to reply to post I hadn't seen:

Getting it wet every day definitely helps! Just a pain to wait for it to dry every day :-D

Here's praying! :pray:

And your hair is so pretty! Will you cut your hair and give it to me? :eyebrows: hehe

I'd like to say that you do have lovely hair already. It looks a bit dry maybe... but still lovely! Something I read on this board somewhere or other is the fact that if the air around you is drier or not very humid then honey can pull moisture from your hair instead of pulling it from the air. So maybe the homey is not doing what you want it to do?

Also, not too long ago mine looked very much like that but more frizzy. It looks a bit better now! It will never be 'sleek' like straight hair.. but it does awesome curly things that straight hair will never do. I just put a few pictures up so you can see the less frizzy thing does happen. (I have a few from June 7th with it down and today. I couldn't get a back shot to work since I couldn't find the camera stand... but you get the idea. I have less frizz and the curl is 100 times better looking.)

Have you tried olive oil or any other oil then coconut? I have found that if I litterly dump oil into my palms and then grease slick up my hair at night (I have been using Africa's Best hair oil from walmart 'ethnic' section; it's mostly soybean with other stuff I think) and then braid my hair and then go to bed in a few hours that by the time I get up my hair has adsorbed all the oil. It does the same with olive oil.. the the Africa's best stuff is cheaper and the weird fragrance is gone by morning. Next day my hair is very soft and not so frizzy and I don't have to do this every night either. My hair is also up most of the time... it's too hot with it down.

Oh, as for routine, I CWC for two of my three hair washes a week. The middle one is CO with ACV rinse. I use VO5 kiwi lime squeeze 'clarifying' shampoo every now and then, Suave naturals Aloe &waterlilly conditioner and Suave Naturals soothing lavender lilac most of the time. They do have a slight smell, but it goes away and they are hypo-allergenic. Sometimes I use Suave Pro Rosemary Mint.. but that stuff just feels great on my scalp. I used to use Garnier Fructis for color treated hair but it was leaving a buildup.

June 27th, 2011, 10:49 AM
Loras, for what it's worth, I think your hair is actually rather wonderful - it's what I call a riot of curls and - comments shyly - now that mine's longer it's not dissimilar to yours in terms of texture and whirliness (although I'd love the thickness you have, as mine is woefully thin - be proud of your big hair!) My pic is in my profile if you wanted to see.

Your hair also reminds me a little of Gru's hair, and I stand in awe of her beautiful locks.

Olive oil has helped me a lot as a conditioning soak - and like Katsrevenge I use loads of oil as my hair just drinks it in - and vegetable glycerin and aloe gel in distilled water in a mister bottle helps.

I think sometimes we fret so much about our perception of our hair compared to what we've had, or what we'd like to have, that we overlook the fact that what we're left with may not be the same, but it's not necessarily "bad" for all that. Sleek shiny hair looks wonderful, but then curly hair often looks just as wonderful - just different. And it reflects light differently too.

Do you think you would henna again, or have you left that behind? I love the effect henna and cassia together have on my hair, and your hair certainly looks healthy in that pic.

I'd like to bet that loads of people see your hair and would love to rake their fingers through it.

June 27th, 2011, 10:59 AM
Hi again, loras! Toldja you'd find people who could relate to your hair :)

From looking at your pic, I have to say your hair is pretty, just misunderstood. In that pic it looks kind of dry and tangly.

Hm. Honestly, I think your biggest problem is how you view your hair. Please know that you have this gorgeous mane of hair just screaming to be let out. I think that you expect (or maybe just want?) your hair to behave like your sister's. And so you may be trying things to get it to look like that or just look in a way that it never will. The best thing I did for my hair was realize it was not gonna look like shiny bouncy 3b or 3c spirals. It will never be glossy or silky. And there is nothing wrong with that. I wanted my hair to lay down and my curls to clump. It's never gonna do that. But it will give the middle finger to gravity, it will be big, it will be versatile and it will stop people on the street. And that is just as awesome as having shiny 3b curls.

Curly hair is like a wild animal. It's gonna do what it wants to do. The best thing you can do for your hair is just listen to it without judgement.

June 27th, 2011, 02:02 PM
Sure, here's a photo. I went ahead and let my hair air-dry today.
Click it to see a bigger image.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/5873886460_82ddaed4d8.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/5873886460_82ddaed4d8_b.jpg)

I think your hair is fabulous. My hair isn't as curly as yours, but it's equally "big". One thing I can tell you about big hair is, the longer it gets the more manageable it gets!! I'm sure you'll find a product/routine that works for you. I've come to the conclusion after 55 years that my hair will never be silky and shiny. Some hair is just not meant to be tamed. :gabigrin: I saw a patient today who had beautiful curls like yours and they were perfect. I have to ask her what product she uses because I know her perfect curls don't always look so perfect. Anyway, I hope you learn to love your hair. It really is beautiful. :flowers:

June 27th, 2011, 02:03 PM
Hi again, loras
Curly hair is like a wild animal. It's gonna do what it wants to do. The best thing you can do for your hair is just listen to it without judgement.

I love this, lacefrost! Like I said, some hair is just not meant to be tamed! :joy:

June 27th, 2011, 02:36 PM
I want to thank everyone for the helpful words. I hope sometime in the future I can look back at my posts and feel embarrassed at how gloomy I sound. But right now I really feel gloomy; I'm sorry to burden :p

I guess coarse hair can never look glossy no matter how much moisture you throw at it? I see so many curlies here with glossy hair, but maybe they have non-porous hair.

I'll try warm olive oil treatments. I wonder if once a week might be often enough; we'll see. I don't have a hair dryer to keep the oil hot; can I just apply warm olive oil and go to sleep?

I could try henna again. I don't mind one henna application, but after that I'd rather do cassia so my hair doesn't get too dark. I'm not fond of red hair :-)
Does anyone know if cassia is a good or a bad thing for very porous hair in particular?

To me, you guys are saying I should love my hair as it is, is like saying I should wear shorts and tank tops and show the world my beautiful leg and chest stretchmarks. Bleh.

To me, if I'm going to have wild, unhealthy looking brillo-pad hair that needs to be hidden when I go out (like stretchmarks), I might as well do damaging things to my hair that atleast make it presentable.

I'm a tomboy, but I want to look decent :oops:

June 27th, 2011, 08:51 PM
I want to thank everyone for the helpful words. I hope sometime in the future I can look back at my posts and feel embarrassed at how gloomy I sound. But right now I really feel gloomy; I'm sorry to burden :p

Don't feel bad about sounding gloomy. You're just in a tough place right now.

I guess coarse hair can never look glossy no matter how much moisture you throw at it?

Quite a lot of coarse hair is glossy. Asian women are known for both the coarseness and glossiness of their hair. My hair is very shiny when it's straight, but because my hair is so curly, you can't really tell how shiny it is like that.

I could try henna again. I don't mind one henna application, but after that I'd rather do cassia so my hair doesn't get too dark. I'm not fond of red hair :-)
Does anyone know if cassia is a good or a bad thing for very porous hair in particular?

Henna and cassia act similarly. They both do help with good shine. They make my hair shinier than it would be otherwise. I also find that rinsing my hair with cold water helps with shine.

To me, you guys are saying I should love my hair as it is, is like saying I should wear shorts and tank tops and show the world my beautiful leg and chest stretchmarks. Bleh.

No, we're saying that you're trying to turn a cat into a dog. Dogs are wonderful and so are cats, but they're different. No matter how much you want to turn a cat into a dog, it'll never happen. And there's nothing wrong with that. Cats are beautiful too. Cats are sweet too. They're just different. Or for a hair example, it's like straight haired people wanting curly hair. But their hair doesn't want to curl. It wants to be straight. And there's nothing wrong with that because straight hair is beautiful too.

We're saying that once you start treating your hair the way it wants to be treated, your hair will reward you. It will be shinier and softer and curl better. It will get longer. You will enjoy wearing it down. People will want to touch it all the time. You will love it. But you have to stop fighting your hair. You have to take care of it the way it wants to be taken care of.

June 28th, 2011, 05:36 AM
Wise words from Lacefrost.

Sometimes learning to love your hair - or any part of yourself that isn't "perfect" (define "perfect" - it's different for everyone) is a long hard road to walk, but it can be learned.

We're way too critical of ourselves most of the time. ((hug))

June 28th, 2011, 06:48 AM
Loras, I'm late to the parade :)

First off, your hair is healthy looking. Looks like it's throwing a tantrum for moisture. Oil and lots and lots of conditioner are your friend. J's hair was hideous when she came here. She'd been getting it washed daily with dish soap and maybe brushed out on the top. It's still not great, and there is a lot of damage, but it now will at least stay in curls mostly, not in frizz.

Just took J's hair down from the Senco and washed it this moring, looks pretty good actually, not seeing any problems from being up. She wants it up again, so after work, I'm going to comb/brush it out with the Tangle Teezer, soak it in oil and braid it up again. Just didn't want to put up wet hair and leave it up for a week, figured that was asking for problems.

However, her hair is only nice now because I listened to GRU. She knows what she's talking about for curls! Lacefrost has great advice also.

June 28th, 2011, 06:55 AM
Hi! :) I'm a wurly...sometimes more wavy, in moist weather more of a curly.

June 28th, 2011, 07:46 AM
I also find that rinsing my hair with cold water helps with shine.

Yes! And, in my case, vinegar rinses help still more. loras, have you tried that for shine?

(My hair may not be as porous as yours, I don't know; but I'm getting ridiculous amounts of shine from using aloe vera gel mixed with a little coconut oil as a leave-in. Might be another angle to investigate if you haven't done so already?)

I have to second what the others have been saying about your hair, BTW. With all due respect to the fact that it doesn't look the way you want it to, I still think that's a beautiful headful of curls you've got there!

June 28th, 2011, 10:22 AM
somebody pleeeeeeease tell me if it's possible to make your curly hair from a 3b to a 3a without heat?

June 28th, 2011, 11:35 AM
somebody pleeeeeeease tell me if it's possible to make your curly hair from a 3b to a 3a without heat?

Maybe coated with gel and set on large curlers? :confused:

Only way to know is to give it a try....

June 28th, 2011, 11:50 AM
Has anyone mentioned Disney/Pixar's new film (for 2012), Brave? I think they met you at some point, GRU! :D The first female protagonist from Pixar is a red haired curly!

Hi-res still (http://i.imgur.com/CVp45.jpg)
Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYg0VgPy6Uk)

June 28th, 2011, 12:07 PM
I want to watch that movie now just to see her HAIR MOVE!!

Love it!

June 28th, 2011, 12:21 PM
Has anyone mentioned Disney/Pixar's new film (for 2012), Brave? I think they met you at some point, GRU! :D The first female protagonist from Pixar is a red haired curly!

Hi-res still (http://i.imgur.com/CVp45.jpg)
Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYg0VgPy6Uk)


I used to be decent with a bow when I was younger, too..... hmmm, wonder if they should be paying me royalties? :lol:

June 28th, 2011, 01:54 PM
I'm all about my curls, that's why I can't stand leave-in conditioners even though I know I should be using one! It's summertime here in Southern California, and that means one thing - super dry hair!

I ride my bike to work every day, and I can tell you one thing for sure: Helmets are not curly hair's friend!

June 28th, 2011, 02:33 PM
I'm all about my curls, that's why I can't stand leave-in conditioners even though I know I should be using one!

I'm confused.... I leave conditioner in my hair every day -- why would curls and leave-in be mutually exclusive? :confused:

June 28th, 2011, 02:37 PM

My hair is super fine, every leave-in conditioner I have tried has the same result, my hair goes totally limp. I'm hoping to find a leave-in that's light enough to not flatten my hair out.

Believe it or not... I've even tried Aveeda's "Be Curly" curl-enhancing leave in, and my hair still went flat!

June 28th, 2011, 02:44 PM
Leo, that's my hair problem. I use dilute cone and protein free conditioner mixed with oil, enough to make my hands shiny. Works perfect for my maybe wavy cat fine hair.

Athena's Owl
June 28th, 2011, 03:01 PM
somebody pleeeeeeease tell me if it's possible to make your curly hair from a 3b to a 3a without heat?

of course there is. Rollerset it.

June 28th, 2011, 03:01 PM
Ah, fine hair.... my "goat hair" head can't even comprehend the concept of "fine hair"!!!!

June 28th, 2011, 03:46 PM
:p GRU. My hair is excessivly fine, does nothing as such and easily gets limp and greasy while frizzing like mad. I wash daily, conditioner every time, oil at night and when wet and pretend I want it messy.

June 28th, 2011, 10:11 PM
Woah, what a cool thread!

Anyway, I wanted to ask a question on behalf of my sister... She used to have hair pretty much the same as mine, except a lighter colour. Then she bleached it all :/ Bad idea, I know. Anyway, I finally convinced her to grow it all out... About half the hair she has now (it's a bit shorter than shoulder length) is natural. But when she bleached it, all her curls disappeared because it was so damaged. Will they come back when her hair is fully natural again? Sorry if this is a stupid question, just wondering XD

June 29th, 2011, 03:51 AM
rollerlivi: Can't imagine why not. The bleach didn't change her DNA, after all; her follicles will still be wanting to produce curly hair and unless she bleaches her new growth again, curly hair is what she should have once all the chemically processed hair is gone.

Welcome, BTW!

June 29th, 2011, 06:53 AM
Theobroma: Ooh, good! That's what I was thinking, but I just thought I'd ask ^_^ Thanks for the welcome!

June 29th, 2011, 07:11 AM
Last night I wet my hair, squeezed out excess water, then oiled my hair with olive oil and a little Jason Vitamin E oil (*) to offset the smell. I plopped, then went to bed.
My hair really drank it all, and it doesn't feel greasy. It feels much softer and shinier than before, and curls are defined. It doesn't smell like olive oil, it smells really pretty, actually.

Since my hair absorbed all of it, I wonder how often I should oil it. I'm thinking of doing it every other day, then once a week when my hair starts behaving better.

SMT didn't seem to make any difference; my hair felt just as dull as before. Maybe I didn't clarify my hair enough, or maybe I'm using the wrong conditioner (VO5 - Passion Fruit). I might try it again later, but I think I'll stick with oiling for now.


(*) It's a mix of oils such as avocado, jojoba, sweet almond, and such.

My curls actually go BOING!boing!boing! when I pull on them :P I missed that!

June 29th, 2011, 07:21 AM
Theobroma: Ooh, good! That's what I was thinking, but I just thought I'd ask ^_^ Thanks for the welcome!
And if she really does want her curly hair again, she should apply the "curly girl method". Just search for that term here on this forum.

June 29th, 2011, 07:57 AM
Hooray for Loras!

Oils really may be the key for you then. SMTs aren't for everybody, but I tend to use the thicker conditioners and add some oils as well when I do them.

There are people who deep oil before each wash and then use a light oiling every day, so it's up to you how often you decide to do that. If your hair is soaking it in like that, it really wants it!

I'm glad your curls are springy. :D

June 29th, 2011, 12:57 PM
Loras, isn't oil awesome??!!!

I've got a small bottle of extra virgin olive oil from Wallmart that was I think 2 dollars.. it has no smell to it after it is absorbed if the smell worries you.

I really wish I had known about it YEARS ago.

June 29th, 2011, 08:46 PM
I just wanted to say, I'm glad your hair is being happier, loras! That's awesome!

June 29th, 2011, 09:27 PM
Product Q for all: What kind of gel do you like best for your curls??

June 29th, 2011, 09:28 PM
Product Q for all: What kind of gel do you like best for your curls??

Aloe vera mixed with sweet almond oil.

June 29th, 2011, 09:44 PM
Product Q for all: What kind of gel do you like best for your curls??

I'm just a shorty at the moment, but when my hair was long I really liked the results I got from flaxseed gel. I did find it a bit of a hassle though, particularly putting cold gel from the fridge on my hair in the middle of winter!

June 30th, 2011, 02:06 AM
Product Q for all: What kind of gel do you like best for your curls??

Aloe vera mixed with coconut oil... but I have to admit this is the only gel I've tried at all so far, so I don't really have any basis for saying I like it better than others! :)

June 30th, 2011, 06:40 AM
Flaxseed gel mixed with a dab of argan oil.

June 30th, 2011, 11:11 AM
Loris, really pleased your experiment had positive results. I love olive oil too. :)

For gel, I like Aloe vera with a little meadowfoam oil or argan oil/glycerine added. Similar to my mister bottle mix.

June 30th, 2011, 03:31 PM
Aloe with jojoba, used a little too much today and curls are flatter, one experiment after another....love the curls anyway

June 30th, 2011, 03:34 PM
Product Q for all: What kind of gel do you like best for your curls??

Pretty much any HE gel, and then coconut oil to scrunch out the crunch.

June 30th, 2011, 03:42 PM
I am new! Am I considered wurly? As you can see in the pictures, I only have some loops at the ends, and that's not very consistent through my hair. It also depends on the weather. The length seems a little less wavy now that I hendigoed, but it wasn't very wavy in the first place.

Straight hair can look so shiny, can we get ours that shiny too? I always get so much frizz and split ends...

June 30th, 2011, 03:42 PM
Sorry not pictures, just my avatar. :)

June 30th, 2011, 07:07 PM
WW, I use aloe vera mixed with neutral smelling oils and some Sauve green apple condish for J's hair. Her hair is up in a Senco braid now, and I just slick oil over it at night, then the aloe/oil/Sauve mix over it in the morning.

June 30th, 2011, 07:13 PM
Product Q for all: What kind of gel do you like best for your curls??
Iuse flax seed gel with hiney, grapeseed oil mixture I made. It makes the curls so beautiful and not frizzy.

June 30th, 2011, 07:15 PM
Can anyone help me?? I want to buy hair forks probably with 2-4 prongs for my BSL-MBL curls but I am scared I do not know how to really secure just one stick? Can anyone help me and recommend which hairstick/fork works best with their curls?

June 30th, 2011, 07:18 PM
I can get J's hair up easy with a Grahtoe Studios 3 prong fork or a double pointed knitting needle. Why not start with the dpn, see how those work, they are cheap to start with.

June 30th, 2011, 07:24 PM
what is a dpn?

June 30th, 2011, 07:54 PM
Sorry, double pointed knitting needles. You can easily bend them into a U shape, works like a fork or big pin.

June 30th, 2011, 07:55 PM
where may i buy those needles? craft stores?

June 30th, 2011, 08:03 PM
Yup, Joann's here is cheapest with the "pretty" colors. Very important for a 6 yo with princess curls. Any of the hollow metal ones work.

June 30th, 2011, 08:25 PM
Craft stores, yup. In the knitting area. They look like a long pointy on both ends tube.

You can also practice on bamboo knitting needles, sanded down Chinese chopsticks, afro picks, pencils and random sticks you sand away the rough spots on. (these are some of the things I have stuck in my hair lately).

To see how to do these hair styles... just start you-tubing hair sticks and forks and buns and what not.

June 30th, 2011, 08:27 PM
Yup, Joann's here is cheapest with the "pretty" colors. Very important for a 6 yo with princess curls. Any of the hollow metal ones work.

Have you introduced her to take out chopsticks all sanded smooth and wet and wild nail polish (that you paint on the stick)? :D

You can even use glitter if you cover it in a clear coat! ;)

June 30th, 2011, 08:36 PM
Kat, yup! Plus she's got my GTS bunny fork and her very own Nightblooming butterfly sticks and clip. How do you think I got my title? It's GRU approved! :D

June 30th, 2011, 11:40 PM
Kat, yup! Plus she's got my GTS bunny fork and her very own Nightblooming butterfly sticks and clip. How do you think I got my title? It's GRU approved! :D

Yes, yes it is! :lol:

She might even be turning J into a bit of a junior product junkie as well, what with the CO-washing, the oils, the aloe, etc.! :thumbsup:

July 1st, 2011, 02:45 AM
Kat, yup! Plus she's got my GTS bunny fork and her very own Nightblooming butterfly sticks and clip. How do you think I got my title? It's GRU approved! :D

Ha! I wish my mum had known about curls like you do instead of treating my at the time much curlier (3c at least)) hair like her 1a hair. I think it loosened in self defense!

I mentioned the wet and wild because they have some very neat colors right now. And oh God the glitter! :cheese:

July 1st, 2011, 03:26 AM
Product Q for all: What kind of gel do you like best for your curls?? Iuse flax seed gel with hiney, grapeseed oil mixture I made. It makes the curls so beautiful and not frizzy. What ratio do you use? I want to try a gel to defrizz my hair without flattening out the waves

July 1st, 2011, 06:53 AM
Yes, yes it is! :lol:

She might even be turning J into a bit of a junior product junkie as well, what with the CO-washing, the oils, the aloe, etc.! :thumbsup:

Not quite yet. Product takes too much time. I do the run-by oiling right now. She runs by, I wipe the oil on her hair. That's why she likes the Senco, she doesn't have to hold still for anything with her hair.

BTW, the Senco - I can get her done in 8 minutes, using bigger sections than Arc posted, but it lasts fine, and looks cute. But on MY own head, no way, no how.

Ha! I wish my mum had known about curls like you do instead of treating my at the time much curlier (3c at least)) hair like her 1a hair. I think it loosened in self defense!

I mentioned the wet and wild because they have some very neat colors right now. And oh God the glitter! :cheese:
J's a foster kid, and ugh, she came to DH and me with a total mess of hell. Washed daily with dish soap, no conditioner, the top layer had a brush ripped thru it, so the bottom - by her nape - was matted up horribly. I just washed her hair and conditioned as best I could while we worked out the matting, just doing the standard CWC because the matted area was filthy, then whined to GRU for help on what to do next once we had the matting out.

So now she's got princess curls when she can be bothered to keep her hair down - that's more important in school to her, but in summer when she just runs around and plays with her brothers, who cares about curls :o

July 1st, 2011, 09:07 AM
I had a cute comment from a 6 year old girl yesterday -- she told me my hair looked just like Mother Gothel's hair from "Tangled". Is this an insult or a compliment? HAHAHA :pinktongue: I guess I can never hope to be Rapunzel w/ crazy waves/curls!!! LOL

July 1st, 2011, 10:26 AM
I had a cute comment from a 6 year old girl yesterday -- she told me my hair looked just like Mother Gothel's hair from "Tangled". Is this an insult or a compliment? HAHAHA :pinktongue: I guess I can never hope to be Rapunzel w/ crazy waves/curls!!! LOL

That's a total compliment! Mother Gothel has great hair. :) Just keep growing. Rapunzel hair is only a few years away.

July 1st, 2011, 10:32 AM
I am new! Am I considered wurly? As you can see in the pictures, I only have some loops at the ends, and that's not very consistent through my hair. It also depends on the weather. The length seems a little less wavy now that I hendigoed, but it wasn't very wavy in the first place.

Straight hair can look so shiny, can we get ours that shiny too? I always get so much frizz and split ends...

Well you have some wonderful shiny looking curls there so far as I can see :D

July 1st, 2011, 11:20 AM
Thank you Sooze... So am I considered curly? It is very strange, some locks are almost completely straight.

I took that picture after trying the SMT, that probably gave me some shine. Also the flash lol. I still had a lot of frizz.

I have recently started to use a shampoo bar instead of sulfate shampoos, not because I knew it was bad for my hair though. I decided to henna and thought the shampoo bar wouldn't take the color off.

MandyBeth, I might be treating my hair like your foster kid's might be treated. My mother used to always told me to brush my hair or brushed it herself because it looked like a mess. Is there a link that teaches you how to treat wavy/curly hair?

July 1st, 2011, 11:29 AM
MandyBeth, I might be treating my hair like your foster kid's might be treated. My mother used to always told me to brush my hair or brushed it herself because it looked like a mess. Is there a link that teaches you how to treat wavy/curly hair?
Erm, not that I know of really. But I've got reasonably straight hair, or straight enough it can fake it. DH's family has the 4b/c type hair, so I know a little from them.

Otherwise, I read here some, knew from here that brushing makes curls frizzy. Some I knew before - conditioner is ALWAYS needed way more than shampoo, to comb/brush out from the bottom to the top, and to comb/brush out in sections from my hair - if I just brushed the top layer, the under areas would stay tangled up.

Once we got to the point that J could keep her length, I whined to GRU in PMs about what to do next, just because I knew her on the board in other areas, and didn't feel like posting everything here at first.

Then there is the ever popular method of trial and error. J liked a fake grape smelling spray that was good for her hair, but ugh, NASTY smelling to me. Got her sold on using the Sauve green apple, which smells sickeningly sweet to me, but she likes it and it's not the fake grape.

July 1st, 2011, 12:46 PM
emelnd, I suggest you pick up a copy of "Curly Girl- The Handbook (http://www.amazon.com/Curly-Girl-Handbook-Lorraine-Massey/dp/076115678X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1309545859&sr=8-1)" on Amazon.

Also check out livecurlylivefree.com, and there is an ebook there as well that's TOTALLY worth the read.

Believe me, after reading those, you'll feel very different and much more educated about dealing with wavy/wurly/curly hair!

July 1st, 2011, 02:08 PM
Thank you, MandyBeth and WittyWordsmith.

For now, I am switching to a comb and I will pick up a cone free conditioner.

That site looks very useful. I will check out the book too.

July 2nd, 2011, 01:53 AM
J's a foster kid, and ugh, she came to DH and me with a total mess of hell. Washed daily with dish soap, no conditioner, the top layer had a brush ripped thru it, so the bottom - by her nape - was matted up horribly. I just washed her hair and conditioned as best I could while we worked out the matting, just doing the standard CWC because the matted area was filthy, then whined to GRU for help on what to do next once we had the matting out.

So now she's got princess curls when she can be bothered to keep her hair down - that's more important in school to her, but in summer when she just runs around and plays with her brothers, who cares about curls :o
Poor kid! I know exactly what you mean by matted and ripped up. (I was about 6-7 when I started refusing to let people brush my hair and it got bad. And then it all was just cut off.. was easier/cleaner that way.) Still have pictures of the horror is was somewhere.

Although.. dish soap??? What were they THINKING!

July 2nd, 2011, 02:02 AM
Dish soap sounds really bad, I hadn't seen that part. I was looking at the link WittyWordsmith posted, and they were saying sulfate shampoos have the same ingredients as dish soap! Maybe MandyBeth didn't mean actual dish soap, but sulfate shampoo?

July 2nd, 2011, 09:47 AM
Nope, actual dish soap. Only way they could clean the kids filthy hair. The boys have the same problems, but since they want short hair, pretty easy to fix.

July 2nd, 2011, 10:55 AM
So yesterday was wash day and I did my usual CO routine, then raked AVG/coconut oil leave-in through my length, scrunched to encourage the curls, and air-dried. I got such nice regular corkscrews all over this time that I wore it down to chant practice in the evening.

I'm doing the all updos, all the time thing and hadn't worn my hair down in public for a year and a half. The other ladies were all, "Wow, it's really getting long" and "Why don't you wear it down more often?"

So I think I'm calling that a success! :bounce:

(To forestall the inevitable questions: Sorry, no pics. But it did happen! :D )

July 2nd, 2011, 10:57 AM

That sounds AWESOME, Theobroma!!!!!

July 2nd, 2011, 02:29 PM
My moisture desperate hair:
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/5873886460_82ddaed4d8.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/5873886460_82ddaed4d8_b.jpg)

A silly update in case my experience helps someone:
I'm using about 1/4 cup of warm olive oil & Jason oil (sweet almond, avocado, jojoba) on wet hair. It's really convenient to do it at night before bed, because I can plop and go to sleep.
Plopping usually doesn't work for me, but it works when I oil; I get nice, frizz free curls.

If I air-dry my hair with oil, it takes about an hour before the oiliness goes away. It's not oily or disgusting as I thought it would be. If I'm in a hurry, I plop.

Conditioners make my neck, face, and shoulders feel very dry, red, and itchy, so I'm glad to use oil as a leave-in instead. It soothes my skin.
Anyway, as soon as I wash with conditioner, my hair looks really dull and flat again. When I use water only, it looks nice. So maybe I'll drop the conditioner and wash my scalp with just water (though I'm a bit scared about that...)
Maybe that will reduce the need to oil so often; I'm doing it every night!

My boyfriend is actually touching my hair, which is funny; I've beaten him up over it for over 5 years, so he's well trained. A few times he even slept with his head over my hair, which has never happened before. Before, he couldn't even bear contact with my hair, because it was so dry, it bothered/tickled him.
I guess that's a win for me :D

July 2nd, 2011, 03:27 PM
MandyBeth :O Poor kid... Sorry to hear that.

July 2nd, 2011, 04:08 PM
A silly update in case my experience helps someone:
I'm using about 1/4 cup of warm olive oil & Jason oil (sweet almond, avocado, jojoba) on wet hair. It's really convenient to do it at night before bed, because I can plop and go to sleep.
Plopping usually doesn't work for me, but it works when I oil; I get nice, frizz free curls.

If I air-dry my hair with oil, it takes about an hour before the oiliness goes away. It's not oily or disgusting as I thought it would be. If I'm in a hurry, I plop.

Conditioners make my neck, face, and shoulders feel very dry, red, and itchy, so I'm glad to use oil as a leave-in instead. It soothes my skin.
Anyway, as soon as I wash with conditioner, my hair looks really dull and flat again. When I use water only, it looks nice. So maybe I'll drop the conditioner and wash my scalp with just water (though I'm a bit scared about that...)
Maybe that will reduce the need to oil so often; I'm doing it every night!

My boyfriend is actually touching my hair, which is funny; I've beaten him up over it for over 5 years, so he's well trained. A few times he even slept with his head over my hair, which has never happened before. Before, he couldn't even bear contact with my hair, because it was so dry, it bothered/tickled him.
I guess that's a win for me :D

Keep doing what you're doing. It sounds like your hair is really happy with the oil. Does your hair hate conditioner as a leave in or in the shower, too?

July 2nd, 2011, 05:27 PM
ok, I must be technologically challenged....how in the world do I add a pic to my post?

July 3rd, 2011, 02:04 AM
Aunt Daisy, I had the same problem and the ladies here explained to me that you can't post it as an attachment, but if you put it on photobucket or something you can link to it. There is a button that looks like a mountain and sun above the box you type your message in, to do that.

July 3rd, 2011, 09:55 AM
Loras, if WO makes your scalp happy, go for it. I do not see how healthy hair would grow from an irritated scalp, plus why grow out your hair if YOU don't enjoy it. Yes, your hair may eventually need less oil, until then, sounds like it's going well!

July 3rd, 2011, 10:16 AM

That sounds AWESOME, Theobroma!!!!!

Oh, it was! And the best part of it is that, after years of being exasperated by a hair texture I didn't understand, I'm actually liking my hair again! I can't bring out the best in my curls all the time because I don't have the time or the patience to wash every day and wait around for hours while it air-dries, but even on non-wash days I'm finding that my hair is much better-behaved and looks much nicer now that I'm working with my texture rather than against it. Once I comb it out (day two and following) the spirals give way to long, loose, and definitely fluffy wavy things, but it still looks better than when I tried to blowdry it straight, and is much more manageable.

It's all good. :)

July 3rd, 2011, 10:20 AM
Oh, it was! And the best part of it is that, after years of being exasperated by a hair texture I didn't understand, I'm actually liking my hair again!

It only took me four decades to figure it all out -- glad you were a little quicker on the uptake than I was! ;)

July 3rd, 2011, 10:24 AM
Conditioners make my neck, face, and shoulders feel very dry, red, and itchy, so I'm glad to use oil as a leave-in instead. It soothes my skin.
Anyway, as soon as I wash with conditioner, my hair looks really dull and flat again. When I use water only, it looks nice. So maybe I'll drop the conditioner and wash my scalp with just water (though I'm a bit scared about that...)
Maybe that will reduce the need to oil so often; I'm doing it every night!

I'm so glad you're finding things that work well for your hair!

From my own experience, I think that you may very well find you'll need to reduce the amount of oil you put on your hair after a while. When I first started oiling, my hair was terribly dry and seemed to be able to absorb unlimited quantities of the stuff. Once it was better nourished, I found I had to use less oil or it'd start looking stringy. And then I had to reduce still more after I switched from shampoo to CO!

As for WO -- plenty of people seem to have good results with it! Give it a try and see how your hair and scalp like it. If they don't, perhaps all you need to do is find a different brand of conditioner. It sounds as though you're allergic to something in the stuff you've been using. Perhaps something fragrance-free and/or organic would work for you without upsetting your skin!

July 3rd, 2011, 10:25 AM
It only took me four decades to figure it all out -- glad you were a little quicker on the uptake than I was! ;)

Well, I had an unfair advantage -- to wit: the benefit of your experience, and that of other curly LHC'ers, to draw on! (I love this board.)

July 3rd, 2011, 06:26 PM
Well, I had an unfair advantage -- to wit: the benefit of your experience, and that of other curly LHC'ers, to draw on! (I love this board.)

I hear you... if the internet had existed in the early 80s, my hairventures would have had very different outcomes! :D

July 11th, 2011, 03:36 AM
OK, yesterday I made two really nice hair discoveries.

1. When stretched out, my very ends are at hip! Yay! :bounce: :joy: :happydance:

I'm not really sure how this happened, because my growth has been chugging along at an excruciatingly slow 1cm a month this year and the spring growth spurt completely failed to materialise, but there it is. At current rates of progress I have a realistic chance of being at hip curly by the end of the year, which means I'll FINALLY be able to start microtrimming to thicken my ends!

2. More pertinently to the subject of this thread, yesterday I had fourth-day hair. More fluff than curl after three days of updos, but in the evening I decided to try an experiment. I ran wet hands down my length several times to get it thoroughly damp (actually the ends were almost dripping right at the start), then raked in my usual after-wash leave-in of mixed AVG and coconut oil, scrunched a bit, and allowed it to air dry as usual. It took less than an hour to dry, whereas airdrying from sopping wet all over typically takes three or four times as long.

And here's the thing: rather to my surprise, the spirals obligingly manifested themselves the way they do after washing! Once the length was dry I had a head full of reasonably low-frizz, reasonably well-defined curls -- not as good as what I get from a proper soaking, but very acceptable indeed. I would have been quite happy to go out in public with my hair in that state, whereas the bun-waves-and-fluff look I started out with could only have been made presentable by bunning it straight up again.

So -- who'd have guessed it? My texture will lend itself to a quick curl refreshing treatment in between washes! The routine can probably use some fine-tuning, but it seems that nice curls on non-wash days are an achievable goal. Yay!

July 11th, 2011, 07:36 AM
Conditioners make my neck, face, and shoulders feel very dry, red, and itchy, so I'm glad to use oil as a leave-in instead. It soothes my skin.
Anyway, as soon as I wash with conditioner, my hair looks really dull and flat again. When I use water only, it looks nice. So maybe I'll drop the conditioner and wash my scalp with just water (though I'm a bit scared about that...)

What are the ingredients in your conditioner? Maybe your skin is too sensitive for them?

Also, this is my first time posting on the curly and wurly thread. hi guys! :waving:

While I'm here, I figure I might as well ask: is my hair type 3a, more of 3b, or really a mix? Looking at how very corkscrew-y some 3b hair is, I'm starting to doubt the '3a/3b' typing I gave myself. My hair can get some serious ringlets, but that's only if properly add product. Air drying, my curls can get looser, but it really depends on the day.



If you want to investigate, you could check out my albums to get an idea of the curl pattern :)

July 11th, 2011, 08:09 AM
What are the ingredients in your conditioner? Maybe your skin is too sensitive for them?

Also, this is my first time posting on the curly and wurly thread. hi guys! :waving:

While I'm here, I figure I might as well ask: is my hair type 3a, more of 3b, or really a mix? Looking at how very corkscrew-y some 3b hair is, I'm starting to doubt the '3a/3b' typing I gave myself. My hair can get some serious ringlets, but that's only if properly add product. Air drying, my curls can get looser, but it really depends on the day.

If you want to investigate, you could check out my albums to get an idea of the curl pattern :)

Welcome chahuahuas. You have beautiful curl and length!

I would put you in a 3A catagory. I think of myself as 3A/3B because I have more curl in the crown. But I'm no expert by any means.

July 11th, 2011, 08:15 AM
Welcome chahuahuas. You have beautiful curl and length!

I would put you in a 3A catagory. I think of myself as 3A/3B because I have more curl in the crown. But I'm no expert by any means.

Aw. Does it count if I get curl at the crown when it's short & not weighed down by length?


See... my curls like me better when it's short :p

July 11th, 2011, 09:07 AM
chahuahuas, what do you use on your hair? It looks fantastic!

July 11th, 2011, 09:24 AM
Aw. Does it count if I get curl at the crown when it's short & not weighed down by length?


See... my curls like me better when it's short :p

Your hair is darling at any length. My hair, on the other hand, looks like a poodle or a jewfro (http://www.google.com/search?q=jewfro&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=2vd&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ahUbTrLtO-_RiAL-rb3SBQ&ved=0CC4QsAQ&biw=1024&bih=606)when it is short....not cute.

July 11th, 2011, 10:28 AM
chahuahuas, what do you use on your hair? It looks fantastic!

Thanks! When it was short (especially bob length), I LOVED creams. I hated how gel would make my bouncy curls turn stiff and crunchy. A friend recommended Perfect Curls line from Nature's Therapy (by Loreal). This line smells AWESOME! The conditioner was amazing, and so was the cream. Sh, but it was kindof expensive, so sometimes I would only buy the creme and the conditioner.
http://www.hairproducts.com/showimage.php?img=hp-con-lor105.jpg&preset=2&otherl=1 (http://www.amazon.com/LOreal-Natures-Therapy-Perfect-Defining/dp/B000A3V2OU)

Now that my hair is longer, I have to use some gel to get suitable volume. I use plain 'ol Herbal Essences curl gel (http://www.herbalessences.com/en-US/hair-products/curly-hair-products/gel-for-curly-hair), but only as a top layer. I think the most important part about using gel is using plenty of creamy products underneath it. I'm think the herbal essences gel preforms alright on top of the creams.
http://www.minimus.biz/images/C03-0520001-8200bg.jpg (http://www.herbalessences.com/en-US/hair-products/curly-hair-products/gel-for-curly-hair)

I put it on after leaving in a s*** ton of conditioner, and then putting in some thick cream I got at my hairdresser. I'm still looking for a conditioner I'm totally happy with, and the cream is Boing Curling Cream by Unite. (http://www.amazon.com/UNITE-BOING-CURLING-CREAM-OZ/dp/B003YJ384E) The cream was more expensive than I like, and I don't know if I'm "in love with it" (and its purple color, which weirds me out). To it's credit, it is nice and thick, almost like a gel/cream combo (that's how my stylist put it), which is something I didn't couldn't get from the nature's therapy cream (the nature's therapy was designed to be light, which doesn't work for me anymore.)
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31tB5mm&#37;2B68L._SL500_AA300_.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/UNITE-BOING-CURLING-CREAM-OZ/dp/B003YJ384E)

I purchased all these products I just mentioned BEFORE learning the CG method, I'm just in the process of using them up before I switch [ETA: That is, if I do switch. Dunno which products I'll keep using or go back to yet.]

The one thing I knew about before the CG method was sulfate-free shampoos. I use a nice and gentle baby shampoo & body wash combo. I really like California Baby's (http://www.californiababy.com/super-sensitive-shampoo-bodywash-8-5-oz.html), it's cheap, you can get it in a huge pump bottle, and you can use it everwhere!
http://di1-3.shoppingshadow.com/images/pi/f6/40/90/94119639-260x260-0-0_California+Baby+California+Baby+Super+Sensitive+ Sh.jpg (http://www.californiababy.com/super-sensitive-shampoo-bodywash-8-5-oz.html)

Recently I've been pampering myself shampoo-wise. I purchased drugstore sulfate-free shampoos of Organix (http://www.amazon.com/Organix-Shampoo-13-384-5/dp/B003JLNHIY/ref=acc_glance_bt_ai_ps_t2_t_7) just because they smell nice, and I like the nice scents in the shower... The smell doesn't stay in my hair after I get out of the shower since I layer in so many products, but it's nice to have it there while I was my hair. Like an aromatherapy session :D. I use either the cherry blossom (http://www.ulta.com/ulta/browse/productDetail.jsp?productId=xlsImpprod2230251) or the tea tree mint (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Organix-Tea-Tree-Mint-Shampoo-13-fl-oz/10448913). My boyfriend likes the cherry blossom, but I LOVE the mint because its SO refreshing in the shower!
http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2010-03-08-shampoo.jpghttp://www.baldnesshelpline.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/organix-shampoo-tea-tree-mint.jpg (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Organix-Tea-Tree-Mint-Shampoo-13-fl-oz/10448913)

I think the baby shampoos are more gentle on my hair, I just REALLY like how these smell :o.

I've really just started my quest to find the best products, and I think the new Curly Girl handbook (http://www.amazon.com/Curly-Girl-Lorraine-Massey/dp/0761123008) gives really good guidelines on products. If you don't have it yet (I suggest you eventually get it), some of the old version is available on google books (http://books.google.com/books?id=p63Xw1ns3BMC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false), and you can find information on gels and products around page 50-ish. The book has advice on purchasing "sticky instead of gel-y" gels, and hte advice was sooo right. I purchased a stickier gel and it was terrible! Never buy FX curl gel. I'm not even linking to it, just remember not to get it :p

The only thing I would recommend as my 'ultimate product' that I can't see myself experimenting with is California baby shampoo, but you can still look at all the links I included in this post for more information. I also linked each picture to more information! Hope this helps :p

July 11th, 2011, 10:31 AM
Your hair is darling at any length. My hair, on the other hand, looks like a poodle or a jewfro (http://www.google.com/search?q=jewfro&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=2vd&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ahUbTrLtO-_RiAL-rb3SBQ&ved=0CC4QsAQ&biw=1024&bih=606)when it is short....not cute.

Thanks :) I was kinda wondering if it's 3bish when it's short, but maybe you gave me my answer my answer? no jewfro at short lengths equals not 3b? lol

July 11th, 2011, 11:02 AM
Thanks so much for all the info, chahuahuas. I love HE gels too. I have experimented with others, but I always come back to HE.

July 11th, 2011, 01:47 PM
I can't see your photos chahuahuas (still too new), but I've often tried to figure out where my hair fits between 3a and 3b and I think some of the differences are:

1. In 3b hair, the first turn of the curl's spiral happens closer to the head. So if you cut 3a hair under an inch or two it will look pretty much straight.

2. 3a ringlets loosen and stretch much more with length. Those tight curls kitschy has on her long bottom layers? 3b. At that length 3a curls would be much looser.

3. When you pull 3a hair back into a ponytail, particularly if you comb or brush it, you don't get the really strong "crimped" effect.

July 11th, 2011, 02:25 PM
I can't see your photos chahuahuas (still too new), but I've often tried to figure out where my hair fits between 3a and 3b and I think some of the differences are:

1. In 3b hair, the first turn of the curl's spiral happens closer to the head. So if you cut 3a hair under an inch or two it will look pretty much straight.

2. 3a ringlets loosen and stretch much more with length. Those tight curls kitschy has on her long bottom layers? 3b. At that length 3a curls would be much looser.

3. When you pull 3a hair back into a ponytail, particularly if you comb or brush it, you don't get the really strong "crimped" effect.

Oh no! I'm a 3a!!! :-( I always liked considering myself to be very curly, haha, but those bullet points pretty much perfectly described me. Where did you get them??

My super-short pixie cut is not as curly, my ringlets loosen with length, AND my ponytails don't get a crimped effect unless I load up on the gel (my ponytails are in danger of getting flat on top, which is why I made this thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=74035) about backcombing!)

Well.... now I know. *off to change my stats*

Hahhaha. I told my boyfriend "I just found out I'm not as curly as I thought I was! I thought I was REALLY curly!" and he teased "awww poor THING! I bet you're crushed. How are you ever going to handle it?! Do you need me to get you some chocolate??" :laugh: he knows me toooo well.. and I think I'll take him up on the chocolate offer just because I'm addicted to it :p

July 11th, 2011, 05:22 PM
First up, don't take my word for it! Those are just my observations as a fellow 3a who wishes she was 3b (actually I'd happily trade for something in the 4s).

I bought the Curly Girl book maybe 10 years ago, and have spent some time in the curly underground and I still had a lot of confusion about the 3a/3b thing. When someone on here mentioned that 3a curls start a little bit further down than 3b it clicked for me.

Lots of things change the tightness of my curls. At the moment it's short and has coconut oil in it. Tight curls. But if I used a harsh shampoo and dried my hair out the curl formation would be looser and less coherent.

The things I mentioned above though are pretty consistent and no so reliant on how my hair dries on any particular day.

Anyway, now that I've finally accepted that I'm a 3a, I have to change my profile too--when I can.

July 11th, 2011, 05:27 PM
You can now, greygardens! 26 posts, congrats :) For me it only took like a day to change, I think it changed around midnight. Maybe it'll be sooner for you.

hmmm weeell those are pretty good observations, but I don't consider observations to be *super* official... so I'm gonna leave it as 3a/3b for now!! :laughs: Maybe I'll come to terms with 3a later (or I'll decide I really AM a 3a/3b!) Who knows :p

July 11th, 2011, 05:35 PM
Chahuahuas, if you are 3a, I am definitely in the 2's... Maybe 2c?

July 11th, 2011, 05:36 PM
There's so much variation in curl--even on one head--that I think close enough is close enough.

In terms of hair care I think the only thing that differs for me from a 3b is in trying to coax 2nd and 3rd day curls back into some kind of presentable condition. I'm sure those fancy ladies with their 3b curls have it easier!

July 11th, 2011, 05:55 PM
chihuahuas I can see your pictures now. You have such lovely thick hair. The texture is similar to mine, but mine is much thinner so it's difficult to compare. I do think your curls are tighter through the ends than mine at a similar length, so yeah I'd call it 3a/3b.

July 11th, 2011, 06:18 PM
I've started leaving more conditioner in my hair at the end of the shower, not rinsing it out completely as I used to, and my hair is noticeably curlier now! I only have a few ringlets and the rest is wavy, but this is so nice compared to how straight it was when I used to shampoo (I stopped) and rinse the conditioner out completely.

My natural "straight" hair back when I used to shampoo

My hair now, CO.

July 11th, 2011, 06:33 PM
You know there used to be a visual typing guide here complete with pictures to show you what the different types looked like in Fia's system. Fia stopped hosting it so the administrators are working on getting another up and have been asking for pictures. Since a lot of you seem so interested in helping each other hairtype, perhaps you'd like to donate to the cause? This thread has the how-to-help instructions.


(I found it while looking through this thread that is a must for newbies to look at if anyone is interested: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=32573)

July 11th, 2011, 07:22 PM
chihuahuas I can see your pictures now. You have such lovely thick hair. The texture is similar to mine, but mine is much thinner so it's difficult to compare. I do think your curls are tighter through the ends than mine at a similar length, so yeah I'd call it 3a/3b.

*Squee* :joy: I'll take it! haha.

Emelnd, I may have already asked this, but are layers an option for you? If you go to a good CG stylist who cuts curls dry, maybe you could see a remarkable difference. The nice thing about CG stylists is, they also train you on on a curl routine (products, scrunching, clipping etc), so the price you pay is much more valuable than a simple cut. They're like curl doctors :p at least in my experience. Even if layers aren't an option, they still might be helpful with the dry cut & products.

Whitestiletto, the CO leave in looks AWESOME! I <3 your layers with the waves, there's so much movement in your hair :D

If skipping the 'poo and leaving in CO helped you so much, why not try out the whole curly girl method? You've already started implementing most of it in your wash routine, so there are only a few more steps in the CG routine you would need to add in. Those steps include adding in product when your hair is sopping/soaking wet and scrunching then, scrunching dry with a microfiber towel or t shirt instead of regular towel, and possibly clipping at the roots.

(ignore the above advice if you already have the CG book... I hope I'm not preaching to the choir :p)

July 11th, 2011, 08:54 PM
Quick question for you curlies: do curls generally need protein? I know they generally need extra moisture, but the issue of protein is totally new to me. I keep picturing my hair craving a big juicy steak... :yumm: :lol:

July 12th, 2011, 08:59 AM
gotta get a pic up here soon. Since moving to Baltimore, Ive decided its high time to stop fighting the wave and curl.
Lo-and-behold, I stop fighting it, start using some of the Deva Curl products (Set It Free followed by AnGel) and OMG! CURLS! and Wurls! I need to get one of my housemates to take a pic to show you all! Its crazy! Ive had co-workers ask me if I got a perm.
Im planning on going back and getting some Mist-er Right to add to the arsenal too.

Currently using a combo of shampoos and conditioners. Trying to use up what's in the shower before going back to No-poo/Low-poo. (I have a fairly new bottle of sulphate free so I try to use that more often than the others, but with a coney CO still in the shower, I need now and again)

so YAY to the wurls and curls! :)

July 12th, 2011, 10:49 AM
When I got this haircut ages ago, it was a layered cut. Now the ends all seem to be about at the same place, so you are right! I got it trimmed in between once, so either it was that, or else some hair grows faster than others. In any case, I need a layered cut. Did you just google for cg hairdressers?

July 12th, 2011, 11:11 AM
Quick question for you curlies: do curls generally need protein? I know they generally need extra moisture, but the issue of protein is totally new to me. I keep picturing my hair craving a big juicy steak... :yumm: :lol:

I have coarse hair and generally stay away from protein except once every few months when I henna. I think finies usually need protein a bit more. Or at the very least can handle it better than coarsies do.

July 12th, 2011, 11:12 AM
When I got this haircut ages ago, it was a layered cut. Now the ends all seem to be about at the same place, so you are right! I got it trimmed in between once, so either it was that, or else some hair grows faster than others. In any case, I need a layered cut. Did you just google for cg hairdressers?

I was actually introduced to my first CG hairdresser when I asked a coworker where she gets her hair cut. My coworker wore her hair curly every day, and her curls were excellently formed, very 'neat' and perfect ringlets. Since then, I've found another CG stylist I want to try out, again by asking a random person (one of my customers) with healthy waves where she got hers done. Again, a curly girl who went to a CG stylist! And this time, the stylist was even closer!

I suggest googling it, calling around (sometimes even if a stylist isn't trained a certain way, he or she might be able to direct you to another stylist in the area that does! and they usually don't have a problem with it.) You could also try looking on naturallycurly.com and searching their site, maybe they have a list?

What is your area? Maybe I can help you look :)

FYI, not all CG stylists will sell you quality products. My CG stylist gave me a great cut, but she also shilled me this super expensive conditioner that I really didn't like on my hair (I didn't even like the way it smelled :( ) I think I want to go to a stylist that believes in Devacurl products, or something similar at least.


I have coarse hair and generally stay away from protein except once every few months when I henna. I think finies usually need protein a bit more. Or at the very least can handle it better than coarsies do.
Well, anybody know about medium thickness of hair? I think I have thick strands, but that's only in comparison to non-ethnic hair, haha.

July 12th, 2011, 12:39 PM
I am also rather mystified as to whether I need protein or not.

July 12th, 2011, 03:39 PM
I am also rather mystified as to whether I need protein or not.


I found this short article a while back about checking elasticity and knowing if you need protein. Hope someone finds it helpful.:flower:

July 12th, 2011, 05:09 PM

I found this short article a while back about checking elasticity and knowing if you need protein. Hope someone finds it helpful.:flower:

I read the comments, but I still don't get what "gummy" means.

July 12th, 2011, 08:25 PM
We are probably very far away since you are in the East Coast. I am in Canada, Vancouver.

Thanks for the protein link, I am also mystified by that.

July 12th, 2011, 08:33 PM
We are probably very far away since you are in the East Coast. I am in Canada, Vancouver.

Thanks for the protein link, I am also mystified by that.

Well I meant I could try to help you by searching curly forums and google. You're right, Canada is awfully far from me :p

July 13th, 2011, 05:49 AM
ok finally got some pics!

what do you all think?

#1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=1444&pictureid=107737)

#2 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=1444&pictureid=107738)

#3 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=1444&pictureid=107739)

these are all from this morning after washing and I just got to the office. Im just letting it do its thing!

July 13th, 2011, 09:13 AM
ok finally got some pics!

what do you all think?

#1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=1444&pictureid=107737)

#2 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=1444&pictureid=107738)

#3 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=1444&pictureid=107739)

these are all from this morning after washing and I just got to the office. Im just letting it do its thing!

Nice wurls!!

July 13th, 2011, 12:10 PM
Nice wurls!!

thanks! Im quite pleased with them today!

July 13th, 2011, 12:53 PM
ok finally got some pics!

what do you all think?

#1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=1444&pictureid=107737)

#2 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=1444&pictureid=107738)

#3 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=1444&pictureid=107739)

these are all from this morning after washing and I just got to the office. Im just letting it do its thing!

Looks great! I love your color.

July 14th, 2011, 02:54 PM
Heard in DS's speech therapy today--

Therapist: Why do we brush our hair? (working on answering why questions)

DD5 pipes up: We don't brush our hair.

Therapist: You don't? (gives me a strange look):D

July 14th, 2011, 02:57 PM
Way to go SunshineLiz!!

I love it!

July 14th, 2011, 03:32 PM
Heard in DS's speech therapy today--

Therapist: Why do we brush our hair? (working on answering why questions)

DD5 pipes up: We don't brush our hair.

Therapist: You don't? (gives me a strange look):D

I thought this was a great anecdote, so I started to tell my boyfriend about it.

...then halfway through the story I realized there is no way he would get it... Definitely an LHC moment :o

July 14th, 2011, 06:39 PM
Yeah, DS suggested brushing was to grow hair longer:), because Dora the Explorer brushes her hair and it is magically about knee-length. I told them, ah if only it worked that way.:)

July 15th, 2011, 11:52 AM
What other natural and cheap products work for very porous / dry curly hair?

Whenever I see women here or on naturallycurly that have glossy curls, it seems they either
1) have non-porous glossy hair naturally (like my sister)
and / or
2) they use 5-6 commercial products to style their hair.

For example, since using olive oil my hair is better (except I've got to use 1/4 cup every night, and the next day it is dry and undefined again)
I have very limited funds so I can't buy those expensive products (Jessicurl, Kinky curly, etc). I consider it a splurge if I buy anything other than Suave/Vo5!
So does that mean shinny and glossy curls are out of reach for me?

It makes me sad that I cut my waist-length hair (tailbone when stretched), people kept telling me it was too wild, so I eventually gave in and cut it. If I hadn't, it would be my desired length by now.
I want to have smooth manageable hair so I don't repeat the same mistake out of frustration :-/

Oh, by the way, protein doesn't work for me, so coconut oil is out. And I think honey worked in the winter, but not in summer.
Thanks in advance!


July 15th, 2011, 12:02 PM
What other natural and cheap products work for very porous / dry curly hair?

Whenever I see women here or on naturallycurly that have glossy curls, it seems they either
1) have non-porous glossy hair naturally (like my sister)
and / or
2) they use 5-6 commercial products to style their hair.

For example, since using olive oil my hair is better (except I've got to use 1/4 cup every night, and the next day it is dry and undefined again)
I have very limited funds so I can't buy those expensive products (Jessicurl, Kinky curly, etc). I consider it a splurge if I buy anything other than Suave/Vo5!
So does that mean shinny and glossy curls are out of reach for me?

It makes me sad that I cut my waist-length hair (tailbone when stretched), people kept telling me it was too wild, so I eventually gave in and cut it. If I hadn't, it would be my desired length by now.
I want to have smooth manageable hair so I don't repeat the same mistake out of frustration :-/

Oh, by the way, protein doesn't work for me, so coconut oil is out. And I think honey worked in the winter, but not in summer.
Thanks in advance!


We seem to be on the same boat. If your hair is already coarse enough, there is no need to be adding more protein (it already has enough to keep a strong structure), what it desires most due to it's porous nature is moisture. Honey (humectants) only will work when it is humid, summer may be too dry depending on the area you live in, and there is a certain dew point it has to be for the honey to be working properly. Humectants can be found in most conditioners (Glycerin, Glycol, Honey), they act like honey as in when it comes to attracting moisture when there is some to take from the air (the shower). But once it hits drier air, it will be doing the opposite and taking it out of your hair. But you live in Maine so you are luckier to maybe have higher humidity days there.
If you use oil, maybe trying dampening your hair slightly and then adding the oil afterwards. Suave works best for me, especially ocean breeze, because it has no protein, cone, or humectant, it is much too dry out here for my hair to last longer between washes without asking for moisture.

July 15th, 2011, 12:11 PM
I have a very difficult time keeping my hair properly moisturized. The ultimate for me is CO washing every day, but frankly, I get tired of it. I'm trying a pea sized bit of lanolin right now to see if I can seal some moisture in my hair. It doesn't seem to be doing much of anything.

July 15th, 2011, 12:16 PM
People use oil on dry hair?! Holy .... ! I think I'd have to use the whole jug of olive oil to completely saturate my hair!

July 15th, 2011, 12:42 PM
Oh, by the way, protein doesn't work for me, so coconut oil is out.

I see this misconception over and over again.... coconut oil is oil. Fat. Oil. Not protein.

Olive oil is oil/fat.
Sweet almond oil is oil/fat.
Jojoba oil is oil/fat.
Grapeseed oil is oil/fat.

Look on any bottle of any kind of cooking oil.... it's all fat, not protein.

With that being said, coconut oil may not be your hair's favorite. My hair's #1 love is Grapeseed Oil, with Sweet Almond Oil at #2 and Coconut Oil at #3. (Haven't tried Olive Oil yet, so can't say one way or another.)

As for cheap/natural stuff, I'm a cheap-product gal all the way. It CAN be done!

Suave conditioner (Walmart). Fruit of the Earth aloe (Walmart). Wholesale oil (online supplier).

For a leave-in, try mixing conditioner, aloe, and oil (I got some bulk Sweet Almond, so I'm using that right now) together (no water) in an applicator bottle (like what you'd use for hair dye) -- gives you easy, one-step access to three different leave-in products. I just kinda pour stuff in the bottle w/o measuring, but if I had to guess I'd say my mix is about 6 parts conditioner, 3 parts aloe, and 1 part oil? :shrug:

July 15th, 2011, 12:43 PM
People use oil on dry hair?! Holy .... ! I think I'd have to use the whole jug of olive oil to completely saturate my hair!

We curlies use oil differently than "regular" folks, that's for sure! :lol:

July 15th, 2011, 12:43 PM
People use oil on dry hair?! Holy .... ! I think I'd have to use the whole jug of olive oil to completely saturate my hair!

Um, no. I put it in after I CO wash to seal in the moisture. Or I use it as a deep conditioner/treatment and CO wash it out. But, my hair still has a dry appearance.

July 15th, 2011, 02:31 PM
What other natural and cheap products work for very porous / dry curly hair?

Whenever I see women here or on naturallycurly that have glossy curls, it seems they either
1) have non-porous glossy hair naturally (like my sister)
and / or
2) they use 5-6 commercial products to style their hair.

For example, since using olive oil my hair is better (except I've got to use 1/4 cup every night, and the next day it is dry and undefined again)
I have very limited funds so I can't buy those expensive products (Jessicurl, Kinky curly, etc). I consider it a splurge if I buy anything other than Suave/Vo5!
So does that mean shinny and glossy curls are out of reach for me?

It makes me sad that I cut my waist-length hair (tailbone when stretched), people kept telling me it was too wild, so I eventually gave in and cut it. If I hadn't, it would be my desired length by now.
I want to have smooth manageable hair so I don't repeat the same mistake out of frustration :-/

Oh, by the way, protein doesn't work for me, so coconut oil is out. And I think honey worked in the winter, but not in summer.
Thanks in advance!


My advice is, find the thickest cheap cone-free conditioner you can find, and then layer that as a leave-in conditioner under some gel. If you want shiny curls, they need to be well-defined. Curls that are fluffy and not well defined are NOT going to be shiny, so you definitely need some sort of gel.

I Herbal Essences curl gel (http://www.herbalessences.com/en-US/hair-products/curly-hair-products/gel-for-curly-hair), but only as a top layer. I think the most important part about using gel is using plenty of creamy products underneath it. I'm think the herbal essences gel preforms alright on top of the creams, especially for the price. HE is not very expensive (at least when compared to devicurl/jessicurl). Also, you won't need much of this at all. I have waist length (when curly, hip when stretched) and I don't use much of this. I'm just careful to use tons of creamy products (such as conditioner) underneath, and the conditioner can be cheaper, as long as you find a nice thick one that will stay in pretty well as a leave-in.

http://www.minimus.biz/images/C03-0520001-8200bg.jpg (http://www.herbalessences.com/en-US/hair-products/curly-hair-products/gel-for-curly-hair)

(oh, and the HE gel mostly follows the CG recommendations for ingredients :) )

I think the layering method of applying products could work for you, since your hair type is similar to mine :)

July 15th, 2011, 05:59 PM
Usually the olive oil gives me defined curls, though by the time it dries out, my hair goes back to being a fluffball.
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?pictureid=107941&albumid=3978&dl=1310774247&thumb=1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=3978&pictureid=107941) http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?pictureid=107938&albumid=3978&dl=1310774350&thumb=1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=3978&pictureid=107938)
A lot more defined and behaved than before :D though still not glossy. That picture shows frizz; that's because of the honey I used today (I used 3 parts olive oil, 1 part honey).

Might give a try to that HE gel, though I wonder if with very limited funds, buying a custard would give more benefits than a gel? What do you think? Also, I hate perfumed products, they make my face and shoulders really itchy. Looks like that might be something I have to deal with.

Using conditioner as a leave-in made my hair feel brittle in the summer, though it worked in winter. (Yes, I clarified already)
Maybe conditioner + gel would make it not so brittle? *shrug*

July 15th, 2011, 07:20 PM
Usually the olive oil gives me defined curls, though by the time it dries out, my hair goes back to being a fluffball.
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?pictureid=107941&albumid=3978&dl=1310774247&thumb=1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=3978&pictureid=107941) http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?pictureid=107938&albumid=3978&dl=1310774350&thumb=1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=3978&pictureid=107938)
A lot more defined and behaved than before :D though still not glossy. That picture shows frizz; that's because of the honey I used today (I used 3 parts olive oil, 1 part honey).

Might give a try to that HE gel, though I wonder if with very limited funds, buying a custard would give more benefits than a gel? What do you think? Also, I hate perfumed products, they make my face and shoulders really itchy. Looks like that might be something I have to deal with.

Using conditioner as a leave-in made my hair feel brittle in the summer, though it worked in winter. (Yes, I clarified already)
Maybe conditioner + gel would make it not so brittle? *shrug*

Are you using a conditioner with cones? That might leave a plastic-y build-up that you might think of as 'brittle.'

And what do you mean by 'clarifying?' Do you mean using a shampoo with sulfates? I think that would definitely make your hair brittle, since it would dry it out.

July 15th, 2011, 08:16 PM
Are you using a conditioner with cones? That might leave a plastic-y build-up that you might think of as 'brittle.'

And what do you mean by 'clarifying?' Do you mean using a shampoo with sulfates? I think that would definitely make your hair brittle, since it would dry it out.

I was using Tresseme, it was a long time until I realized it had cones :O So to start fresh, I threw away the Tresseme conditioner, and clarified with, yes, a shampoo with SLS. After that, I've been using VO5 Passionfruit and Suave Naturals Pomegranate conditioners.

It's just I've been using about 1/4 cup olive oil per night after washing with CO, though sometimes WO, but my hair looks brittle I dare to... 1) wash, but don't apply oil, or 2) go more than a day without washing, even if I used oil the last wash.

*shrug* I don't know :D

July 15th, 2011, 08:26 PM
I was using Tresseme, it was a long time until I realized it had cones :O So to start fresh, I threw away the Tresseme conditioner, and clarified with, yes, a shampoo with SLS. So to start fresh, I threw away the Tresseme conditioner, and clarified with, yes, a shampoo with SLS.

SLS... :undecided Do you mean you used it once to clarify the cones, or every time you wash?

And I'm assuming you don't mean you literally threw away the conditioner, right? Conditioner makes great shaving cream!

(Speaking of using up old products, here's a shoutout to this great thread about alternate uses for products (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=23215).)

July 15th, 2011, 08:52 PM
I used the shampoo just once (hopefully that's enough to do the job :P)
Yes, I threw away the conditioner! I was so mad at it :P That's so cool that you can use it as shaving cream! I use coconut oil(*) for that because it gives me a closer shave.

I use products I don't like to clean the toilet, oops :X

(*) Be very careful with this, could cause your pores to bleed.

July 15th, 2011, 08:59 PM
Btw, which conditioner did you toss? Tresemme naturals don't have 'cones, I think.

July 16th, 2011, 03:19 AM
What other natural and cheap products work for very porous / dry curly hair?
I want to have smooth manageable hair so I don't repeat the same mistake out of frustration :-/

Oh, by the way, protein doesn't work for me, so coconut oil is out. And I think honey worked in the winter, but not in summer.
Thanks in advance!


OK, GRU has pointed out that coconut oil doesn't contain protein. I'll add that the stuff has worked wonders for my hair; it gives insane shine and seems to be absorbed much more easily than the jojoba I was using previously. And the stuff is easy to find and if it turns out that your hair doesn't like it, you can use it up in the kitchen, so it might be worth the trouble of trying it out.

Also, with regard to smoothness and manageability: Shea butter. My hair is a lot less curly than yours, but I have some issues with ends damaged from years of SLeS (and, to some extent, blowdrying). The last five inches or so of my hair tend to be rough and grabby. Coconut oil helps a lot, but this week I finally tried out some pure shea butter and the difference that just one application of this stuff makes is mind-boggling. It seems do do a more efficient job of smoothing the cuticle than coconut oil does, and since applying just a little bit of it on my ends a couple of days ago, they've been smoother than I can remember them being for years.

It's just I've been using about 1/4 cup olive oil per night after washing with CO, though sometimes WO, but my hair looks brittle I dare to... 1) wash, but don't apply oil, or 2) go more than a day without washing, even if I used oil the last wash.

*shrug* I don't know :D

When I first started using oil on my hair, it used to seem like it wanted to soak up unlimited amounts of the stuff. After a while I think it reached some sort of saturation point and I started being able to use less oil. Perhaps you just haven't reached that point yet? I'd suggest you just keep going and give it a little more time.

July 16th, 2011, 07:09 AM
Coconut oil worked really well for me in the winter; at the time I took that ugly bushy picture, in a earlier post, I had been using coconut oil until then. Not sure why it worked in winter but not summer.
I was also one that thought "oil is oil is oil" so it made no sense to me that coconut oil suddenly sucked for me, but olive oil worked.

Good to hear that shea butter works for you, I've been trying to find a good price on amazon for a while. :D