View Full Version : When Fine Hair Goes Silver

November 10th, 2009, 06:27 PM
...or grey or white.

I have fine, quite straight hair (it always looks wavier in pictures because I bun it and because of my "layered" cut). I was wondering...I'm sure greys will be appearing at some point. I've only had two total so far but I'm gettin' up there, so...they're coming. I would HATE to lose the fine texture of my hair. Sure, it's limp but it's soft and I'm very comfortable with it.

Anyone here who's a fine-y and has gone silver/grey/etc., did your hair texture change? To what?

November 10th, 2009, 06:29 PM
I used to have mostly fine hair. Now I've got a pretty even distribution of all kinds, from spider webby and almost invisible to gnarley and wirey. The pure white hairs are the most wirey. A lot of the silvery hairs are very fine.

November 10th, 2009, 06:33 PM
I used to have mostly fine hair. Now I've got a pretty even distribution of all kinds, from spider webby and almost invisible to gnarley and wirey. The pure white hairs are the most wirey. A lot of the silvery hairs are very fine.

Okay...that's a relief since, as you know, I think your hair is lurvely, SM. Was it as wavy? Or did it wave up when it went silver? (Here's hoping, here's hoping, here's hoping, Glenna has her fingers crossed...hoping for miracles here... :D )

November 10th, 2009, 06:39 PM
Now that you mention it, it did curl up more as it changed color. I used to think I had straight hair. It was no wavier than MAYBE 1C on a really humid day. Now it can go 3A spiral curly (rarely).

November 10th, 2009, 06:45 PM
How about silvering with fine and ultra-fine hair from originally fine hair! No wiry hair at all. It is still wavy as ever.

But the ultra-fine silver hair looks like transparent cobwebs!

November 10th, 2009, 06:45 PM
(Doing a happy dance) Okay, then, Mother Nature, BRING IT ON. I am so ready!! :p

November 10th, 2009, 06:46 PM
I've only got a few silvers so far, but they're the exact same soft wavy texture as the rest of my hair. So rest assured that not all gray hair is wiry and annoying.

But I'll let someone else with more silver than my dozen or so hairs weigh in.

November 10th, 2009, 06:47 PM
How about silvering with fine and ultra-fine hair from originally fine hair! No wiry hair at all. It is still wavy as ever.

But the ultra-fine silver hair looks like transparent cobwebs!

Oh, really? I guess it could go any way then, eh?

I actually don't remember what my "silvers" that I found "felt" like. They may have been a tiny bit stronger feeling than my non-grey hair but I put them away in my jewelry box and they must have fallen out the back or something because now they're gone.

So I guess eventually I'll find out.

November 10th, 2009, 07:18 PM
I have ultra baby fine hair, which used to be 1a. The more silvers I get, the wavier it gets. I have white hairs which are finer than fine and only a little wavy, and then I have some wiry, still fine but coarser than anything else silvers which like to do spiral curls and riot madly about my head! I'm probably about 30 percent silver, I'd say.

The fun thing? When you have fine hair and shed silvers, you can't see the things to pick them up! :p

Yarn Muse
November 10th, 2009, 07:24 PM
I'm 48, and have maybe 5-10% gray on top and in front, which I cover with cassia/henna to blend them in. I haven't noticed a change in texture, and my hair is fine.

My grandmother lived to be 90, had beautiful, silver hair and it was also a fine texture, very soft.

November 10th, 2009, 07:31 PM
The fun thing? When you have fine hair and shed silvers, you can't see the things to pick them up! :p

Yup, not able to see the darn things to pick them up either.

November 10th, 2009, 07:36 PM
At least some of my silvers are on the wiry side! Some seem to be thicker and some thinner like the rest on my head!

Shermie Girl
November 10th, 2009, 09:17 PM
...or grey or white.

I have fine, quite straight hair (it always looks wavier in pictures because I bun it and because of my "layered" cut). I was wondering...I'm sure greys will be appearing at some point. I've only had two total so far but I'm gettin' up there, so...they're coming. I would HATE to lose the fine texture of my hair. Sure, it's limp but it's soft and I'm very comfortable with it.

Anyone here who's a fine-y and has gone silver/grey/etc., did your hair texture change? To what?

Most of my silvers are more coarse than the rest of my hair. Some of my silver is the same texture. My Gran had fine hair and her hair went white, not grey or silver. Her hair was as fine as silk floss. It was just beautiful. :)

November 10th, 2009, 11:39 PM
Most of my grays are coarser and wavier than the rest of my hair. When it was all natural it looked like a tangled mass and that's the reason I started using henna.
My grays are still wavy, but my hair looks way better than before.

November 12th, 2009, 03:01 PM
One of the members on here- Memsahib, if I recall aright, has hair that is very fine, and looks to be about 25% silver. I think it varies. My mom's hair, which is maybe 10%, looks to be a little coarser, but not drastically. Her hair is the same straightness as it was, but it's been getting a bit thicker as it gets greyer, which might also be something to hope for :)

November 13th, 2009, 09:29 AM
I'm not sure how my entire head of hair will be once my change has really gotten started, but the few I have seem to be very coarse and thick-looking, as compared to the hair I already have, which is on the finer side of medium. I too hope not to lose the softness I'm accustomed to and love.

November 13th, 2009, 11:49 AM
I have white hairs all over. At about an inch apart throughout my hair, there's one there. They do fall out quite easily, I mean compared to the bulk of the other hairs, I at least get one or two that fall out every week. Some are N, surprisingly, and can be quite wiry, but most are F. I think I'm going straight to white hair and skipping the actual gray stage.

November 13th, 2009, 11:53 AM
My silvers are coarse and sort of zig-zaggy and freaky when they are new, but as they grow out it becomes apparent that it's only the tips of them that are like that. Beyond that, they seem to be just slightly coarser sometimes, more resistant to changes in humidity, and they hold their curl far better. That's why they sometimes look a bit wild -- when the other hairs aren't in an especially curly mood but the silvers are! One amusing thing is that I thought I was thinning in a couple of spots but realized it's just new silvery patches reflecting the light and making me think they were scalp. I figure that'll work out as they grow. Otherwise I'll end up looking like a dandelion.