View Full Version : make henna darker brown

November 4th, 2009, 08:01 PM
Hey everyone I have a question for my mom. We put straight henna on her hair once, and now has roots showing. She is wanting to cover the roots, but thinks the straight henna is too red. Can we do a medium brown mix with henna and some indigo? Should I add anything else? Thanks

Yarn Muse
November 4th, 2009, 09:33 PM
Yes, you can get a medium brown with henna and indigo, or not quite as dark with henna and buxus. I have never used indigo or buxus, only a cassia/henna mix, but I've read a lot about all of them at http://hennaforhair.com/

Click on the forum; they are friendly, helpful, and usually quick to answer questions. You can also click "Mixes" at the top of the page to see what other people used to achieve various colors. Hope that helps!

November 4th, 2009, 10:50 PM
Another thing you may want to strand-test is using focused heat (ie flatiron or curling iron) to 'burn' the lawsone. I did some tests on freshly henna'd hair swatches and the color went very brown.

Here's how drastic the color change was: