View Full Version : How do I grow a ponytail?

November 1st, 2009, 01:51 PM
Hi there. I'm currently trying to grow my hair long. I shaved my head in September, and my hair is now an inch long right now. Eventually, I want to grow a ponytail. However, how exactly do I grow one? Aside from not cutting my hair, should I trim the back of my head until the hair in the front can be pulled to the back, etc?

November 1st, 2009, 01:58 PM
Well, kinda, it all depends. Some people trim so the front hair catches up and some people throw caution to the wind and just get r' done. Regardless, the way to grow a ponytail has nothing to do if you trim or not but has everything to do with patience! :D

Good luck and keep growing! Only you will know if you need a trim or not! :cool:

November 1st, 2009, 02:02 PM
Good luck! If you want your pony tail to have more of a "V" shape to it, or your hair when it is flat(the center being longer than the sides), then you don't have to trim it at all. If you want your ponytail to have blunt ends, consider trimming it when it's about shoulder length or so. Your hair grows fast!!

November 1st, 2009, 02:14 PM
Cutting the back won't affect how quickly the front grows, so if you think it'd look neater cut don't worry about doing it.

Keep yourself as healthy as you can and your hair will look after itself.