View Full Version : Cutting in bangs

October 29th, 2009, 12:55 PM
My bangs haven't been cut in by a professional in over a year, and even the last time they did it they didn't do it the "right" way, meaning they just followed the old pattern.
They are getting really choppy looking and unkept, and I'm doing self triming. I would like to know how to cut my own bangs. Does anyone know how to do this? Or have any good recommendations on youtube?

October 29th, 2009, 03:23 PM
Try this link. I love Loepsie's videos and this is one of her cutting her bangs. I cut mine by going straight across, then I turn the scissors facing up and cut into the bangs giving them a chopy look.

October 29th, 2009, 03:27 PM
I just googled 'cutting sideswept bangs' when I was looking for tutorials on how to trim my bangs. By taking bits and pieces of a few tutorials I'm able to achieve the look I want and it's not too hard. My biggest bit of advice is to go slowly, just a bit at a time, and make sure to step away from the mirror and scissors after a bit of work to see how things look before cutting more. It's easy to cut more, not so easy to grow it back once it's cut!

October 30th, 2009, 07:54 PM
Thank you Oliva and Rocketdog! I will follow your suggestions and check out both resources. I appreciate the advice.

October 30th, 2009, 07:56 PM
I cut my bang myself too :) But I'm not a professional ..

October 30th, 2009, 07:56 PM
I have a friend who trimmed her heavy, thick fringe by tying a ribbon around her head at exactly the level she wanted them to come down to, and cutting everything below the ribbon. Worked well for her, but she was the sort of person for whom that kind of thing always works well. ;p

I don't recommend it, personally.

October 30th, 2009, 07:57 PM
I have a friend who trimmed her heavy, thick fringe by tying a ribbon around her head at exactly the level she wanted them to come down to, and cutting everything below the ribbon. Worked well for her, but she was the sort of person for whom that kind of thing always works well. ;p

I don't recommend it, personally.

LOL! I know that type of person. :p