View Full Version : Sls free shampoo made my head all itchy

October 27th, 2009, 09:52 AM
Anyone else found this to be a problem when they went sulfate free? it was the same for my mum too! we have both had to go back to using sulfates!

October 27th, 2009, 09:54 AM
I have the opposite problem. SLS/ALS shampoo makes me itch badly!

Madame J
October 27th, 2009, 09:55 AM
Thing is, there are a lot of different sulfate-free shampoo, and a lot of different non-sulfate detergents that are used in sulfate-free shampoos. It could be that you got a shampoo with one of the harsher detergents, or one that you happened to be sensitive to. If sulfates work alright for you, that's fine, but don't write off all sulfate-free shampoos just because one (or a few) gave you a reaction.

Personally, I just had a bad allergic reaction upon switch from shampoo bars to a sulfate-free shampoo, but since I've never had a problem with detergents in the past, I'm pretty sure it was the fragrance that made me itchy. It could also have been another ingredient in the particular product you used.

October 27th, 2009, 09:58 AM
yeah it was possibly something else in the product that has caused the reaction! anyhow I am back on my old sulfate one and all is ok so far!!! so probably stick with that i guess :confused:

October 27th, 2009, 10:06 AM
Yessssss... it was so awful! I think, due to the fact my head also itches madly when I don't wash when I need to (twice weekly), that it was because my scalp wasn't clean enough. And it isn't fungus, for I've been doing monistatand was/am flakeless already anyway. Besides, my hair was fine w/ordinary shampoo, I'm just really suggestible, so I switched. Now I've switched back, everything's happy again.

October 27th, 2009, 03:28 PM
My head started to really itch when I tried to go SLS free but it wasn't immediate, it took like a week or 2. I think my scalp just likes to be very clean and the SLS free shampoo I was using didnt remove enough of the oil.

You could try a different brand of SLS shampoo if you really want to try being SLS free. Maybe a different set of ingredients will work for you.

October 27th, 2009, 09:08 PM
Templeofvenus, not all products work as well for everyone. Some people swear by sulfate free, they say its gentler on their hair and that for them it actually calms down their scalp irritation. But for other people, sulfate free shampoos actually make their scalp itch more and doesn't clean their hair effectively. Everyone has different needs.

If you and your mother don't have any good results with sulfate free shampoos, then simply go back to the sulfates there is nothing wrong about that. :) You have to do what works best for you. :)

October 27th, 2009, 09:44 PM
When I switched, about a week into it my scalp itched like crazy. I rubbed some coconut oil on it, and it went away. Maybe you could try that? I'm still using my sulfate-free, and my scalp's been fine for about 2 1/2 weeks.

October 27th, 2009, 09:46 PM
I can use just about anything as long as I dilute it. My scalp is supremely non-fussy.

October 27th, 2009, 09:51 PM
Yes, I was going to give up on sls free shampoos but I recently got a couple different shampoo bars at a craft fair and I LOVE them! If you would like to go sulfate free don't give up until you try a shampoo bar first. :)

October 27th, 2009, 10:01 PM
I agree. Although SLS free shampoo didn't make my scalp itchy, it didn't take care of my oily scalp problem either. My hair did not feel clean when I used this type of shampoo so I quit using the SLS free shampoo and went back to the regular SLS ones. There are thousands of people who use SLS shampoo and they grow beautiful hair. I have never had problems with SLS shampoo.

October 27th, 2009, 11:04 PM
Thing is, there are a lot of different sulfate-free shampoo, and a lot of different non-sulfate detergents that are used in sulfate-free shampoos. It could be that you got a shampoo with one of the harsher detergents, or one that you happened to be sensitive to. If sulfates work alright for you, that's fine, but don't write off all sulfate-free shampoos just because one (or a few) gave you a reaction.

Personally, I just had a bad allergic reaction upon switch from shampoo bars to a sulfate-free shampoo, but since I've never had a problem with detergents in the past, I'm pretty sure it was the fragrance that made me itchy. It could also have been another ingredient in the particular product you used.


It's not as simple as "sulfate vs no sulfate".

Also, it may not have been anything to do with the detergent that you reacted to. Consider the vast number of ingredients that go into most shampoos. Maybe it was a preservative. Maybe a fragrance. Maybe a colour. Maybe some herbal extract they decided to throw in there.

Don't feel pushed to go sulfate-free if it's working well for you, but at the same time, don't assume that "sulfate-free" shampoos make your scalp itch because one or two did.

August 15th, 2013, 06:05 AM
I've been using Suave Professionals lower sulphate shampoo for about a monh or 2 now, and I'd been noticing that all day my hair would be fine, but in he evening my scalp was all oily and gross.. never happens with my regular sulphate shampoos. And last night my scalp was itchy and irritated.. I don't think it was getting clean enough, even thouh I wash daily. Going back to full sulphates. :) :disco:

August 15th, 2013, 07:29 AM
I love sulphate shampoo, they really get the hair and scalp so clean. The only sulphate free shampoo I've liked is clear baby shampoo.

August 15th, 2013, 10:37 AM
Did SLS-free shampoo make your head itchy or did not using SLS shampoo make your head itchy?

August 15th, 2013, 10:53 AM
Most commercial shampoos make my scalp itch, the only one that didn't got discontinued, I was not happy needless to say :mad:. Now I'm searching for a product that my scalp will accept, and in the mean time, using lots of tea rinses and minimal shampooing.

August 15th, 2013, 11:25 AM
Did SLS-free shampoo make your head itchy or did not using SLS shampoo make your head itchy?

This. Harsh surfactants and soaps damage the skin barrier/ acid mantle/ skin flora: recovery is not necessarily that straightforward, bad guys can repopulate first, the scalp can continue to overproduce sebum (an irritant in susceptible individuals) and so on. Things can get worse before they get better.

Plus some other anionics are pretty harsh

Cocoamidopropyl betaine cleans just as well as sulphates, some of the gentler/ weaker surfactants do not they do best when you adjust your overall routine and/ or washing technique - many of us use far too much shampoo and not enough massage, when we switch to super gentle sulphate free that doesn't work as well.

I didn't have cleaner hair with sulphates and silicones, in fact I had build up that my hair dye used to shift eveery six to weight weeks. Now conditioner only washing not avoiding all ingredients that build up (not just silicones) I literally have squeaky clean hair and scalp with the added bonus of no eczema, reduced sebum production, much less dry skin, healthier hair.

August 15th, 2013, 11:43 AM
My scalp is definitely happier since I quit using sulfates, and even more so now that I'm mostly CO. Clean enough, too, that I don't have to clarify often, and in fact I think I could probably get away with not clarifying at all--and by clarifying I still mean washing with a non-sulfate shampoo.

August 15th, 2013, 02:49 PM
You might have a mild allergy to some of the ingredients, so maybe trying a different shampoo will help. Or if it’s from leaving too much oil on your scalp try washing it twice.

August 15th, 2013, 03:14 PM
My hair does better with SLS thankfully as my hair gets tangled without cones.
As i am trying to find out whether i've got natural curls/waves i usually only use it every other wash and CO the other times.

August 15th, 2013, 11:42 PM
I would say itching often is from allergy for sodium benzoate. Its more common lately in higher concentrations since a lot of customers doesnt want parabens in their product. Basically if the bottle is labeled that is paraben free, I wouldnt use it due to the risk of obtaining sensitivity to this preservant. The more common it gets in higher concentrations the more common allergy for it will be. From what I've seen the SLS-free schampos often want to be paraben free as well...

I've always had trouble with itching scalp from most "cheap" schampos and actually haven't been able to find the ingridient to blame by comparing the bottles. And I do have some knowledge about chemistry. I think its about concentrations and how well they wash out. Never had my scalp to itch after a salonproduct.

For me I think SLS is actually good. But my father is diagnosed with psoriasis and I might have a mild version of it. My scalp seems to like being washed with SLS and rubbed quite often. CO-only was not for me..

August 16th, 2013, 01:35 AM
If your scalp feels bad with something,why force yourself to stick with it.That it is without sulfates doesn't necessarily mean everybody should be using it.

August 16th, 2013, 10:20 AM
I did also just notice that this thread is 4 years old.....lol

August 16th, 2013, 10:27 AM
I did also just notice that this thread is 4 years old.....lol

Yeah, you're right, didnt see that.