View Full Version : Vidal sassoon Flex-I- Bands at walmart

October 26th, 2009, 08:07 AM
So, I was browsing walmart for a headband since I wear my hair down a lot now. I saw these flex-i-bands that came in a pack of 2 for $3. I have to say they are the most comfortable headband I have ever worn and do not slip AT ALL. Its a soft flexible headband on the top and the bottom that goes by your neck is a pony tail thing. It also has the metal ponytail part on it but I haven't noticed any snags and I tested it by taking it off and on a few times.

October 26th, 2009, 08:28 AM
Hmm- I'll have to check these out.
I have trouble with headbands as a rule, they either pinch or slip off my head.
Thanks for posting!

October 26th, 2009, 08:31 AM
I have a couple of these, I believe. They feel better to me than the metal or plastic ones, because the metal or plastic ones always dig in behind my ears. However, these start to itch after a while (they have those little, itty-bitty teeth on them to grip on your hair, and those itch my scalp).