View Full Version : isnt it funny how cones....

October 21st, 2009, 07:14 PM
feel great on my hair when its wet, but when my hair is dry it feels lank? and coneless feels crap on my hair when wet, yet looks great on my hair when dry!

Now why is this? anybody else notice this?:cheese:

October 21st, 2009, 07:40 PM
I agree with this. Coney conditioners are fine for me for a few washes at a time, but they take out most of my wave and eventually build up. It takes a ton of cone-free conditioner and it doesn't feel very sippery when washing, but my hair is wavier and softer when it's cone-free.

Except! - I have to add, that my hair loathes Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose (which is coneless). I used it last night and it took a huge amount, felt awful and didn't give any slip at all to my hair so I could comb it through in the shower, and my hair feels sticky and gross ever since it dried. I'm washing this mess out tonight! Ick! http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll23/hootietoot/doh.gif

Smells good, though. :p

October 22nd, 2009, 01:52 AM
I notice that, too. Except my hair just gets crunchy after it dries, not lank. :p It's nice every so often, but I guess I'm not a cone gal.

October 22nd, 2009, 01:59 AM
Yes I have. I use cone free conditioners and my hair does not feel very slippery when wet, but when it's dry it looks and feels like it is in much better condition. Coconut oil helps a lot too. Cones always dried my hair out and made it look frizzy.

October 22nd, 2009, 02:03 AM
I notice that, too. Except my hair just gets crunchy after it dries, not lank. :p It's nice every so often, but I guess I'm not a cone gal.
Have you tried any oils? I noticed that my hair still felt a little dry on the ends when I quit using cones until I started to use coconut oil. Cone free conditioners don't completely take away the dryness from my hair but they have been much better than the cone conditioners.

October 22nd, 2009, 03:15 AM
That has always been my experience in the past. Cones used to really dry my hair out, but a couple of months ago I used Aussie Moist for the first time and my hair has never been happier. I don't know why it's different, but it is.

Gothic Lolita
October 22nd, 2009, 03:41 AM
Same here! In Italy I was forced to use a heavy cone-deep treatment to be able to wear my hair but because normal moisture treatments couldn't do anything for my hair. It looked good and felt better at first but when I returned to Germany my hair was much happier when it was cone-free again.

October 22nd, 2009, 04:11 AM
feel great on my hair when its wet, but when my hair is dry it feels lank? and coneless feels crap on my hair when wet, yet looks great on my hair when dry!

Now why is this? anybody else notice this?:cheese:
I agree about the wet hair state with cone/ no cones.
I'm not sure though about the dry hair thing. I still could not figure out a pattern, some times my hair feels best with cones, others it feels best with no cones.
But since my goal is to prevent tangles-caused damadge i'm sticking to cones to preserve my ends until i reach my goal length.

October 22nd, 2009, 09:12 AM
Coneless is more fluffyfying too than cones, which are too heavy for my fine hair.

October 22nd, 2009, 01:03 PM
I have very fine hair too, Jojo, and although by all logic I don't think cones should work for me, for some crazy reason my hair loves them. Go figure, hehe. I've been trying to figure why I like my hair so much better with cones than without, and I think maybe its because my hair is so naturally fluffy. I like a little cone weight.

October 22nd, 2009, 01:17 PM
I just shampooed (gasp!) and conditioned with cones after doing C/O for about a year straight. Immediately I notice it looks longer, silkier, shinier, and healthier. Of course its all chemical lies, and the first time is always the best. My hair loved C/O when I was hennaing regularly, but ever since I bleached out the red to harmonize with my very ashy roots, C/O just isn't as effective. Definitely, I damaged it by bleaching out most of the red. No conditioner can save me now! Even using SMT as a regular gig isn't cutting it anymore. I'm just not willing to give up my length yet. Hmm..heading off topic, sorry!

October 22nd, 2009, 08:29 PM
I have very fine hair too, Jojo, and although by all logic I don't think cones should work for me, for some crazy reason my hair loves them. Go figure, hehe. I've been trying to figure why I like my hair so much better with cones than without, and I think maybe its because my hair is so naturally fluffy. I like a little cone weight.

My hair loves cones too. Don't know why, it is what it is :)

Cinnamon Hair
October 22nd, 2009, 09:42 PM
Funny, I don't have that problem with cones. :shrug: If my hair feels like crap in the shower then it doesn't get any better as it dries. :silly: They do build up after awhile so I just shampoo and switch back to cone-free conditioners. I can get brillo pad hair from lots of stuff though, not just cone buildup. A too light cone free conditioner will cause it too. Or using protein too often.