View Full Version : How do YOU use your microfiber towel?

April 20th, 2008, 07:32 PM
So a wonderful friend bought me a microfiber towel for long hair, and I've used it a couple times. I'm really liking it so far! I use a regular towel to squeez the excess water out, then wrap my length in the towel and wrap the towel around my head and leave for 30 minutes or so.

How do y'all use your microfiber towels?

April 20th, 2008, 07:36 PM
My hair isn't very long just yet, but after I have washed my hair, I do the same as you, except my towel is made up like a turban, so I just wear it while I wash my face/put on makeup and then I take it off.
When I am doing a treatment, I put on a showercap over the hair, then put on the microfibre turban over the top - it keeps my head warm as well as catches the drips.

April 20th, 2008, 08:07 PM
Mine isnt really the turban type so I just use a scrunchi to make it one. I shower in the morning so I just leave it up in that while I get ready.

April 20th, 2008, 08:12 PM
I twist my hair up and settle the turbie backwards based on some tips I read here. I leave that until my hair is only a bit damp and comb out, or put oil, depending if I need it.

April 21st, 2008, 07:51 AM
Mine is a long rectangle, like a regular towel. I fold it over about 4", lengthwise, then another 2" , forming a cuff. Once I get it wrapped around my head, I tuck the end into that 'cuff', then spiral the rest down the length, tucking that in as well. No pulling on the underneath hairs this way to get it tucked in.

I always spritz my ends after un-toweling, because they have already begun to dry.

April 21st, 2008, 08:46 AM
I use my big rinse ace towel to "scrunch" my length (so as not to lose the curl as much) after washing to get a bit of the drips out before adding product. I also use it to put over my plastic cap when doing a DT to catch the drips. Sometimes I use it after I have put all my products in to scrunch it a bit and blot my scalp very gently to help it dry faster.

April 22nd, 2008, 01:25 PM
I use a microfiber towel to stop the dripping, after that I use a turban microfiber towel for 15 minutes or so.

April 22nd, 2008, 01:57 PM
I have the rectangular one, and have had it... gosh, for 14 years now! I lay it over my pillow after washing my hair for the night - it dries my hair by morning, and keeps my pillow dry! It's also great to have with on vacations. DD likes to "steal" it from me & wrap it turban-style around her head. I'm thinking that she may need her own. ;)

April 22nd, 2008, 09:16 PM
I have a large one...after washing, I lay it over my head and wrap the length in it, then do a turban sort of thing and clip it up for 15-30 minutes...that gets it drip free. I have another that lives in the gutter at the top of my bed and I put my wet hair there when I go to sleep (when not used that way, pillows live in the gutter).

April 22nd, 2008, 09:24 PM
Mine is about the size of a hand towel, so I do my best to get the water out of my hair first, then wrap as much of my hair as I can in it turbie style. I only leave it on for about 5 - 10 minutes, as anything after that is overkill. After a certain point, my hair just dries better with the air than inside a dampened piece of material.

May 18th, 2008, 08:57 PM
Wrap the drained, squozen hair in the towel, which is about 3x4 feet, folding the last 6 inches back in, do a kindof beebutt with it for about 15 minutes, then oil.

May 18th, 2008, 11:56 PM
I use my microfiber like a scarf, and wrap it around head and rest of my hair, that my hair drys while I'm getting changed.

My hair is same way zelah.

May 19th, 2008, 08:48 PM
I use mine to wrap around my head after I wash/wet. Then I add product, comb with my wide tooth comb, bend my head over and use the towel to scrunch in the curls and absorb excess water/product.

June 24th, 2008, 12:45 PM
where do you get them in the uk? I've never tried one but they seem interesting. What are they surpossed to do?

June 24th, 2008, 08:40 PM
I have a hand towel sized one that I wrap around the length into something like a snake, then I wind that around my head like a crown. To get it to stay I put on my buff. I'm sure it's a very classy look, lol.

December 9th, 2022, 08:13 AM
I use an old t-shirt, first, to sop up most of the water. Then I use a microfiber turban. I find that using these, and then separating my hair strands with my fingers, my hair dries quite quickly, even in the winter.

December 9th, 2022, 08:38 AM
I have microfiber bath towels for my hair. I squeeze excess water out of my hair twice in the shower, then wrap turban style. Starting to grow past the far edge of the towel so I need to figure out how I'm going to keep it all contained soon.

I leave it on until the towel is soaked, usually ~30 minutes, then apply any leave ins and let my hair air dry the rest of the way.

December 9th, 2022, 12:17 PM
I have this neat hack for microfiber bathtowels, to turn them into a very very lightweight turbie. Don't overlook it, it's great!

December 9th, 2022, 02:05 PM
I have this neat hack for microfiber bathtowels, to turn them into a very very lightweight turbie. Don't overlook it, it's great!

OHOHOHOHHO guess what I'm doing tonighttttttt. The sewing machine is coming out!!!

December 9th, 2022, 03:21 PM
I squeeze my hair in it for a couple minutes, find a place to sit with it squished up against my shoulder for however long I'm distracted, then take it out to be blow dried or air dried.

December 9th, 2022, 04:00 PM
OHOHOHOHHO guess what I'm doing tonighttttttt. The sewing machine is coming out!!!

It's totally worth it. Especially for hair that no longer fits in a regular turbie towel, and I shove mine on my head upside down, put the tail in my neck and clamp it to the towel on my head with a medium size claw clip. It works and well I guess you don't even really have to fasten it.

Let me know how it goes. Surprised that more of us don't do this.

December 9th, 2022, 05:17 PM
After I wash my hair I plop it on top of my head and squish it down with a microfiber turban while I get ready in the morning, so it's usually up for about an hour before I let it down to airdry.

December 9th, 2022, 06:54 PM
It's totally worth it. Especially for hair that no longer fits in a regular turbie towel, and I shove mine on my head upside down, put the tail in my neck and clamp it to the towel on my head with a medium size claw clip. It works and well I guess you don't even really have to fasten it.

Let me know how it goes. Surprised that more of us don't do this.

My hair hasn't fit in a turbie for years. My microfibers are the size of regular bath towels but I turban with the long end against my head and the ends of my hair drip on my back. I will probably just alter one and see how I feel about it. Maybe I can put the closed end on the back of my head and use the weight to keep it closed like a turban wrap but long.

December 9th, 2022, 08:29 PM
Mine is a long rectangle, like a regular towel. I fold it over about 4", lengthwise, then another 2" , forming a cuff. Once I get it wrapped around my head, I tuck the end into that 'cuff', then spiral the rest down the length, tucking that in as well. No pulling on the underneath hairs this way to get it tucked in.

I have this neat hack for microfiber bathtowels, to turn them into a very very lightweight turbie. Don't overlook it, it's great!

I pinned the end and it was amazing so I sewed it. Because my towel is so large, this has made an absolutely massive turbie. Like 60" long with a 14" deep pocket. Since the pocket is so deep I was able to put it on upside down (with the closed short end against my nape) and fold up the bottom about 4", then wrap up the length and tuck it into the cuff.

December 10th, 2022, 07:06 AM
Cross posted on the original post.

What a great hack and very timely as I am fast outgrowing my microfiber turban. I was browsing Amazon and found these camping towels (https://www.amazon.com/4Monster-Camping-Absorbent-Microfiber-Backpack/dp/B07WJK6JCJ/ref=pd_bxgy_sccl_1/135-0061932-4980805?pd_rd_w=iEHV1&content-id=amzn1.sym.7f0cf323-50c6-49e3-b3f9-63546bb79c92&pf_rd_p=7f0cf323-50c6-49e3-b3f9-63546bb79c92&pf_rd_r=87NRCTHNZTYB3ZQ7CMK7&pd_rd_wg=UGtjR&pd_rd_r=5a02a65e-7633-40ab-a560-5e1a082354cd&pd_rd_i=B07WD89G1R&th=1&psc=1) that are available in various sizes. But I am thinking this towel (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W2Y9TV/?coliid=IUY343A7J21FZ&colid=2VMSKNKNE3SN8&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it) will be fine for my WL hair, and it's a 2-pack.

December 10th, 2022, 09:39 AM
I pinned the end and it was amazing so I sewed it. Because my towel is so large, this has made an absolutely massive turbie. Like 60" long with a 14" deep pocket. Since the pocket is so deep I was able to put it on upside down (with the closed short end against my nape) and fold up the bottom about 4", then wrap up the length and tuck it into the cuff.

It's pretty awesome. At first it's a little "weird" even to sew it shut it's a little weird. Because it's lengthwise and you end up with this long rectangle "piece", but it's totally totally worth it once you start using it.

December 10th, 2022, 09:41 AM
Cross posted on the original post.

What a great hack and very timely as I am fast outgrowing my microfiber turban. I was browsing Amazon and found these camping towels (https://www.amazon.com/4Monster-Camping-Absorbent-Microfiber-Backpack/dp/B07WJK6JCJ/ref=pd_bxgy_sccl_1/135-0061932-4980805?pd_rd_w=iEHV1&content-id=amzn1.sym.7f0cf323-50c6-49e3-b3f9-63546bb79c92&pf_rd_p=7f0cf323-50c6-49e3-b3f9-63546bb79c92&pf_rd_r=87NRCTHNZTYB3ZQ7CMK7&pd_rd_wg=UGtjR&pd_rd_r=5a02a65e-7633-40ab-a560-5e1a082354cd&pd_rd_i=B07WD89G1R&th=1&psc=1) that are available in various sizes. But I am thinking this towel (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W2Y9TV/?coliid=IUY343A7J21FZ&colid=2VMSKNKNE3SN8&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it) will be fine for my WL hair, and it's a 2-pack.

It's textured though. I recommend a microfiber "fitness" towel. They are textureless, and smooth and that's what you want. If your hands are a little rough, this catches. Just warning you.