View Full Version : Cutting hair by the phases of the moon.

April 5th, 2008, 06:06 AM
So, I'm sure you have all heard the tale about cutting your hair on the day (or night) of a full moon. Has anyone here ever heard if there is any truth to this? I have noticed a slight difference when following this theory (well, I seem to get no split ends, but when you trim once a month, it just makes sense!).
I'd love to hear what everyone else here thinks about this!


April 5th, 2008, 02:11 PM

Riot Crrl
April 5th, 2008, 02:29 PM
I heard that it is supposed to be the new moon. So I checked the almanac (http://www.almanac.com/astrology/). They have what are supposed to be the best dates for either encouraging or discouraging growth. There's not much rhyme or reason to it that I can see, as far as moon phase only. Sometimes it is new, sometimes it is 1/4, 3/4, etc.

Personally I don't put any stock in it, I thought I would look since that is the opposite of what I did hear before. Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/oldwives/hairgrow.asp) has a page "debunking" this, but they also say vinegar rinse doesn't do anything, so whatever.

April 5th, 2008, 02:33 PM
If I have to trim anyway, and I do, every other month, I always go by the best dates in the Almanac. It can't hurt. :shrug:

April 5th, 2008, 02:36 PM
I trim during the waxing (growing) phase of the moon. Moon growing = hair growing. heh, can't hurt! :)

April 5th, 2008, 02:43 PM
I used to use this method when I was younger, I have no idea if it really worked or not but I remember believing that it did. ;)

April 5th, 2008, 04:19 PM
I dont know about making your hair grow, or not grow by this.

I am not cutting currently, as I wish to grow my hair of course, but as a Wiccan, when i do decide to trim, it would be done on or near the full moon, but thats for religeous practices, not for any hope of longer hair. Its based on the fact of doing certain womanly things (grooming and whatnot) and practices in harmony with nature/cycles.

Hope that helps!

Riot Crrl
April 5th, 2008, 04:27 PM
I dont know about making your hair grow, or not grow by this.

I am not cutting currently, as I wish to grow my hair of course, but as a Wiccan, when i do decide to trim, it would be done on or near the full moon, but thats for religeous practices, not for any hope of longer hair. Its based on the fact of doing certain womanly things (grooming and whatnot) and practices in harmony with nature/cycles.

Hope that helps!

I had been thinking that if there's anything to it growth-wise, it may be more hormone-cycle related than anything. (And if that's the case, the growth or non-growth probably happens regardless, but becomes more apparent after cutting hair.)

If that far-out speculation of mine has any grain of truth to it, it may hearken to a time when folks lived more communally and spent more time outdoors as a rule, and were more likely to be, uh... "synchronized."

April 5th, 2008, 04:29 PM
Exactly. What i do is through a naturalistic ancient ..... well thing for lack of the appropriate words. There may be truth to it, but I really dont know.

April 5th, 2008, 04:52 PM
I doubt that cutting hair according to moon phases really affects growth, but moon phases certainly affects my sleep... I can hardly sleep just before and during full moon. And to think one step longer - bad sleep = bad health = bad hairgrowth (at least possibly)... But only for a couple of nights, of course :D And that would happen no matter if I cut my hair or not.

I think hairtrimming by moon phases is a bit interesting though, no matter if it helps or not. But it can be confusing too - different methods use different calendars, and sometimes a fast growth day in one calendar coincides with a slow growth day in another. I like the same kind of thinking that TammySue mentioned - waxing moon = growing hair... At least it may help me in another way: I get easily obsessed with things, like S&D just to mention one thing... :o So last month (or should I say last moon cycle) I decided that I will only allow myself to do any major S&D when the moon is waxing. Can't hurt - might help. At least I don't get completely obsessed with splits :silly:

April 5th, 2008, 06:58 PM
Can't hurt to try, surely. If nothing else, it could help you decide when to trim and keep track of the last time you did.

April 5th, 2008, 08:56 PM
I've begun caring for my locks over the past few months using the moon phases.

Laraine Mesavage's site (http://www.phasenews.com/) is the most comprehensive I've found.

May 5 is my trim date.

From Laraine's site:

For those looking even further ahead to make plans, the May 5 Taurus New Moon is a most excellent day to cut hair to grow it faster and looking the best.

April 5th, 2008, 09:33 PM
In Alabama, the old timers say cut on a new-moon day.

April 5th, 2008, 09:43 PM
Its too complicated for me to figure out, and Im not a good planner, I just do things when I feel like it Immpulsive a bit I guess.It sounds very interesting though, and makes since when I think about some of the things ive read about Wicca and other nature based religions.Cant hurt to try if you can figure it all out and can commit to it.

April 6th, 2008, 12:55 AM
I've heard about the full-moon thing in two separate books (just novels) that I've read, but I've never tested it. I'd be kinda curious to see if there's any merit, but I'd doubt it.

April 16th, 2008, 10:45 AM
I did a little procrastination yesterday and studied up on the whole moon phase cutting idea. LHC was down and so I had to find another way to put off doing what I needed to get done around here! I want to get beyond the simple calendar from (oh can't remember the site now!).

I was studying about the moon being in the different zodiac phases and all. I did get a little confused because some recommendations were made to cut a bit after the full moon, some to cut right before, and still others to cut at the beginning of the new moon. I was shocked to see a rec. for a waning moon because that's supposed to be for retarding growth, or so I'd thought.

I've heard other people say that they go by the farmer's almanac. What is the method used this way?

The current method that I am going to try is cutting two days before the full moon. That was said to be great for growth and thickening--both of what I am going for. I even made a file of moon phase charts on my computer until 2012 to go by! Am I crazy or what! :p I'm probably the only person who wants to plot out future hair trims four years in advance! LOL

I was fascinated about the whole zodiac thing though because it's how people have planted crops in the past. I counted back and saw that I had just planted some seeds right during that key time with the moon in cancer. We'll see how that goes. I did notice that some nasturtion seeds I'd put out a while back during an off planting time just popped up during this "water" phase although we'd had optimum weather for seeds during the "dryer" phases. Nasturtions are like no brainers to grow, so that really intrigued me! Now if it will work on my hair as it works for growing my plants! (What's funny is that the whole zodiac moon phase research was taking me to horoscope sites and my scope for the day said that in depth researching was at an all time high for me! So funny, because normally I just wouldn't have given much thought as to want to search out the whole ins and outs of moon phases!)

I'm interested in any info that others can provide. What times do you cut in for growth and thickness? I have charted my next bi-annual trim to be May 17th.

Ohio Sky
April 16th, 2008, 10:53 AM
I have nothing of worth to add, I am just curious as to the idea of this and how its supposed to work. It doesnt seem like the moon should have anything to do with hair growth. Not saying that it doesnt, because Im sure theres millions of things that affect things they dont seem like they should affect.
So what is the theory behind this?

April 16th, 2008, 12:13 PM
I try to use the Morocco Method Lunar chart (http://morroccomethod.com/lunar.shtml) when I can. I think they use other things rather than just the moon (solstices, etc) to determine best cut dates, too. I used to trim very very regularly on the red dates about 1 1/2- 2 years ago and actually seemed to get pretty good growth (more than now, that is). However, I was also using scalp oils at the time so the growth could have come from that.

April 16th, 2008, 01:50 PM
I use the Rigpa calendar for cutting hair.

April 16th, 2008, 01:58 PM
This is interesting! I cut my hair in January and July - no rhyme or reason, I just feel I need 1/4" taken off at that time :grin:

April 16th, 2008, 02:48 PM
I go by the MM chart, too. I try to concentrate on the red letter dates (or boxed-in red letter dates) for length. I have noticed more growth than usual after trimming. Not every time, but most

April 16th, 2008, 03:05 PM
My mother in law swears by cutting her hair on a full moon. And it seems to work for her, as her hair is really long. I have been thinking of playing around with the trim dates myself, but I'm kind of scared to cut what little length I have because I am trying to save every inch. On August 8th, 9th I may go ahead and give it a try using the Morroco calendar. By then I should have quite a bit more length and MAY be willing to experiment.

April 16th, 2008, 07:50 PM
I have just started doing this as well, so I can't report whether or not it works, but I'm following the MM...

April 17th, 2008, 04:52 AM
I'm with Moonsong, I also cut at full moon. I learned that from an south african lady a long time ago. And because I was already familiar with biodynamic farming it didn't sound strange to me at all. I only learned about the morocco method much later. And his cutting days are not always on full moons. So I was puzzled, but I stick to the full moon anyway.

April 17th, 2008, 07:01 AM
Ohio sky, I think the theory behind it is pretty magical. :-) (And that's magical in a good way, not magical in a 'pooh pooh' way)

Back in the day when I was pagan, we learned all sorts of things about the best days for performing different energy work. For getting rid of things, work was done in the waning moon, for acquiring things, it was done during the waxing moon- the theory being, to tap into the energy built by such. I honestly can't remember what work was best done on the full and new moons, other than the full moon was ordinarily an occasion for celebration of the Goddess.

Translating that to hair, I'd imagine that a Pagan wanting to cut their hair in order to encourage growth might do it during the waxing moon. Again, I just can't remember about the full moon. I could hop up and look it up in my old copy of Starhawk, but I'm not feeling motivated; some friendly Pagan will do it for me if they want!

Anyway, if one is a believer in such energy work, one doesn't need to be a Pagan to make it work. Actually, the theory goes that one doesn't need to be a believer to make it work at all; it should work for everyone, like gravity.

This from a scientist and Christian who enjoys suspending disbelief and judgment. :-) Maybe I'll try it next time I cut my hair. It certainly won't hurt . . .

April 17th, 2008, 10:25 AM
Well, from what I studied just as the moon pulls the ocean waters higher, the same thing happens in living creatures too. We are effected by the gravitational pull. During the better cutting times, the water in our bodies is more pulled toward the head and making it optimum times for hair maintenence. During the "lower tide" times, the water in our bodies goes more toward our lower extrimities. This is theoretically why seeds germinate better if planted during this time because of that pull for them to come upward and all. (the nasturtion I'd planted a long while ago didn't come up until the first quarter/waxing gibbous. I am fascinated by this because these plants are so easy to grow and there was optimum weather for them to pop up sooner than now.)

I've used the MM calendar in the past, but I wanted to know more about the rhyme and reason behind all the dates listed. I had lost the link (so thank you, Birdiefu!) I am going to compare dates to what I've learned from other sites and see what I come up with from their calendar too.

April 17th, 2008, 10:49 AM
In the deep south (Alabama), the advice was "cut on a new moon day," for hair to grow back fast.

April 17th, 2008, 12:18 PM
Ok! (Unless I am drastically misunderstanding this whole thing) I've made a chart of what I've been able to put together so far. As the moon travels in it's orbit aroundt the earth, it goes through the various zodiac signs each month. These moon zodiac phases are also taken into account and not just simply the moon itself. I am still looking at the MM's calendar to see if this sync's but I've also got some errands to run today first and will get back with you all about what I learn later. I am a novis at this so my study isn't as indepth as I'd like, it's really hard to find the info.

When looking at this chart, the two moons directly beside the explained sign are how the moon looks at the time of each respective sign. (at least that's how I understand it anyway and I hope I'm not wrong!)
Edited out, found to be wrong with further study.

http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/7756/imagejr0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
I am going to begin managing my hair routine around clarifying, deep conditioning, and cutting by this chart. I'm curious to see how it will work for me. I'm also wondering if those mysterious times of dry crunchy ends has anything to do with the moon being in that particular zodiac sign. I am going to start my cutting routine every six months in correlation to when the moon is in Cancer.

April 17th, 2008, 02:09 PM
From what I think I read, the MM chart goes by a different calender (Aztec maybe?).

April 17th, 2008, 09:21 PM

April 18th, 2008, 12:12 AM
I just found out about this method recently & am actually really interested in trying it. For those of you who trim by the morocco method lunar calender, have you seen any improvements in your hair (that you attribute to it?) Length? Thickness? Could there be any other reason for the improvements (to make sure they have something to do with the trimming dates?)
I know most are skeptical about there not being any scientific proof, but I'm going back to trimming and I guess the magic of it draws me in :p

April 18th, 2008, 09:22 AM
From what I think I read, the MM chart goes by a different calender (Aztec maybe?).

Yah, you're right, I'm pretty sure I'd heard it was Aztec. At first looking at the MM calendar, the two days I had first planned on cutting my hair this year were marked as good days for that month. They came out as being two days before the full moon. I also saw that there were some red number days that would appear to fall during the cancer zodiac moon phase. I've However, I haven't delved into the bigger comparison yet.

I should add that I got my moon phase charts calculated directly for the region I live in. www.timeanddate.com It's not gunna do any good to cut by the moon phases if I'm going by a generic chart not calculated for my location on the planet.

This is also where I got the info I did to make the moon chart http://www.longhairlovers.com/moon_maintenance.html

A little later: Ok, I have charted the shape the moon is today by looking at my local paper. (too cloudy all the time here to be able to see the moon to judge for myself everyday!) We are now at the late end of a Leo moon. Cutting today would be bad, but a deep conditioning is in. I'm gunna wet my ends and oil them tonight as wash day is tomorrow.

I've also taken a bit to compare this method with the MM calendar and it appears for April anyway that it was formed around the zodiac. Notice that the MM chart skips two consecutive days after recommending two consecutive days. I'm seeing though that I'm gunna have to chart out a month or two to get a good feel for this and if it aligns well with the MM calendar. I have back charted a bit to see that I had some pretty dry ends during the Gemini phase and I did a deep condition. Then the moon went to Cancer and my ends have felt really nice. Now they are feeling a bit dry again and I see we're in another dry phase with it being Leo. This is kind of cool! I'm having fun with it.

April 18th, 2008, 11:56 AM
I go by the moon faces when it comes to waxing my legs.......

April 18th, 2008, 12:09 PM
I've used MM method for trims (1/8 to 1/4") for about 2 years now. Most of the time I try to cut on the Rootwork days because I have a lot of natural shedding when I wash. Whenever I do use the Root days, I do notice a decrease in shedding. I honestly don't know if cutting by MM's calender is the cause of it or not. I do know that my hair grew a little more than 6" last year and that's AFTER trimming every 2 or 3 months.

I figure it can't hurt and if nothing else, it keeps me on a trim schedule and my ends stay nicer.

April 20th, 2008, 02:41 PM
Ok, today I had much better luck with the search engines and finding what I needed.

http://lunarium.co.uk/calendar.php This site allows me to calculate my own lunar/zodiac phase calendar for my specific region (a must for accuracy).

This calendar isn't free, but I'm going to do some further searching to see if I can find something similar online for free. I'm tempted to buy this because I'm also doing all this studying to better learn how to take care of my yard and gardens.

The chart I had come up with earlier from some study proved to be wrong by the calendar I composed at the first mentioned site. I had wondered if each zodiac phase cycled through at different moon phases every month, but the info I had to go by made it sound as though there were set moon phases to coincide with each zodiac phase. Study and learn.

With better info, I can see that the MM calendar does not go by the zodiac moon phases at all. I would be really interested in studying to find out just what factors go into deciding what days are good for various results.

Now that I have the correct info when it comes to what zodiac phase the moon is in, I can begin to coordinate my deep treats and all by that. Today is full moon in Scorpio. It would be an optimum day to trim for thickness and growth. I have planned my next trim on May 8, when the moon is in Cancer. The next time I henna, is May 17 when the moon is back in Scorpio. I should add that I am not changing my actual washing routine, just using this cart to enhance it. I will continue to do my full washes on Saturdays and my scalp washes on Wednesdays. If my hair needs clarifying when Virgo is not on a full wash day, I'll just make sure it's done on a moist/fertile sign to be sure it won't dry out. Henna is the same, only on a moist day. The last time I henna'd and clarified, it was during a very dry sign and I ended up with very dry ends. Normally my hair is just so happy after henna, but not this day. Will follow the chart to see if just a coinsidence.

September 15th, 2008, 10:16 AM
Do you know any lunar chart for other time zones than US ? Any chart for Greenwich timezone?

September 15th, 2008, 10:34 AM
To be honest, whole thing about cutting hair in a certain time of the month for best results sounds ridicculous to me. It's just like one of those many other hair myths, like hair growing from it's tips, and that if you shave your hair you will get curls, or that you you get perm while pregnant, your baby will have curls..
I am a boring and sceptical person, i only belive in proven science.

September 15th, 2008, 10:37 AM
I find this to be very interesting. Yesterday and today were rootwork days on the MM calendar, and I didn't feel I needed a trim, so last night I scalp massaged really well and this morning I did my Prann hair mud treatment. I dont know if all this did anything for the roots or thickness, but the hair is happy. Apparently these rootwork days fell on the full moon. The sun is in Virgo.. The moon is in Pisces I just found out so "moist" if you need a trim I guess today is your day.

September 15th, 2008, 10:38 AM
I just had my DH trim about an inch off this week because my hair was feeling gross at the ends. He had probably cut some off just a couple of months earlier. I am not sure that he did a great job, but I hate taking the time to make a real hair appointment and then pay the money for something that can be taken care of so quickly. Also, most hair dressers don't get long, unlayered hair as it goes against their profession.

September 16th, 2008, 11:42 AM
Do you know any lunar chart for other time zones than US ? Any chart for Greenwich timezone?

http://lunarium.co.uk/calendar.php this will allow you to type in your own info and make printouts of the moon for your timezone.

RavennaNight, if it wasn't for skeptics, then questions would never have been answered throughout the ages. All I know is that it worked for my yard and so I hope it works for my hair! :)

September 16th, 2008, 12:06 PM
I've been cutting by the moon for decades. The way I always look at it is, if I'm going to trim anyway, why not?

September 16th, 2008, 12:41 PM
Why does cutting the hair on these days help it? Wouldn't the hair grow the same despite cutting it? Wouldn't it only effect the follicle, not the actual hair, as the hair is dead?

September 16th, 2008, 12:58 PM
My theory is that it has to do with gravity. You cut a tiny bit, moon pulls up, body senses a little bit missing because of less weight pulling down on hair (I know we are talking barely measurable weight but my theory is the body being so magnificently constructed, senses this). Body then produces more hair to compensate for the feeling of missing. Totally not scientific, I know. Overactive imagination, maybe, but I am fascinated by lunar and celestial events and their effect on the human body, which consists of 90% water. I love this thread.

I'd love to see some biology people bite into this thread!

September 17th, 2008, 07:05 AM
All sounds a bit far fetched to me, haha. I'm sure there is some kind of effect on the body but I'm not sure I'm sold on it effecting your hair.

September 17th, 2008, 07:18 AM
All sounds a bit far fetched to me, haha. I'm sure there is some kind of effect on the body but I'm not sure I'm sold on it effecting your hair.

Ah, but what does it hurt to try? :wacko:

September 17th, 2008, 07:20 AM
The body may be 90 percent water, but it's not a *body* of water. We don't, you know, *flow*.


September 17th, 2008, 07:28 AM
Ah, but what does it hurt to try? :wacko:

I am willing to give it a shot and see if I notice a difference! Although I couldn't find anything that lets you know if the moon is in Cancer or Libra or what.

September 17th, 2008, 09:33 AM
The body may be 90 percent water, but it's not a *body* of water. We don't, you know, *flow*.


Ahhh, but the fluids in our bodies sure do! Blood, lymphatic fluids, digestive fluids...etc...

September 18th, 2008, 09:51 AM
Well, farmers have been planting and taking care of their crops by the moon for ages. During certain phases, the moon pulls the water upward causing it to bennefit the plant the best. Cancer phase is the optimum time for planting because the seed needs to be constantly wet and the moon is pulling water upward, so it only goes to tell that the plant itself is pulled upward in growth with the water.

I haven't been as adamant on my oilings and etc during the dry times as I had been. However, for two months I went by this schedule every day. During dry phases, I would wet and oil my ends. During the moist phases, I didn't. My ends were the best I'd ever seen them and constantly soft. When I just plain stick to my typical weekly schedule without accounting for the moon, I end up with some really dry ends during the dry and barren months. For instance, right now is Aries which is dry and my ends are just crying for some moisture!

Also, during the optimum thickening and growth times to cut (cancer and scorpio), the water is pulled upward, so there is going to be more water in the scalp, which means increased circulation and brings more nutrition to the follicle resulting in a stronger strand. I believe there could be some kind of natural awareness by the body, as in plants (as RavennaNight was saying) that can feel that "pruning" has taken place and so it causes more growth. Have you ever seen what plants do once they've been pruned? Rose bushes end up with a growth explosion.

This is my opinion anyway on the whole matter. My "hair brained scheme"!!!! LOL

September 18th, 2008, 11:07 AM
Wow, I'm fascinated.

Now, I will have to go back to the start of the thread for all the background info! :)

October 8th, 2008, 10:55 AM
Wow thanks for the links guys. I went by the longhairlovers reccomendations for moon in which sign and used lunarium to get my local phases...thanks for these links people.

I am going to be trimming in cancer in december,march,april,june,september and december. (I even planned how much lol.) I am aiming for thickness. And hey if it doesn't work then who cares I need to trim to maintain anyway lol.


October 8th, 2008, 11:02 AM
A little OT, but:

Doesn't the Aztec calendar end at 2012? Or was that the Mayan one?

October 8th, 2008, 01:31 PM
A little OT, but:

Doesn't the Aztec calendar end at 2012? Or was that the Mayan one?

Thats the Mayan. If we go really OT, some folks out there think that's when the world is going to end. :shudder:

October 8th, 2008, 02:04 PM
Thats the Mayan. If we go really OT, some folks out there think that's when the world is going to end. :shudder:

Yes, I have heard about that. Some time ago, I watched a documentary about the Mayan people were they mentioned the year 2012. Apparently, the Mayan also foresaw the Conquistadores coming and ultimately wiping out their culture.

June 26th, 2009, 03:55 AM
Is anyone cutting her/his hair according to the moon phases??? I did a mini trim yesterday, for it was the beginning of the crescent moon. I firmly believe in this... do you?

June 26th, 2009, 05:11 AM
I remember Dhorie Geronimo, one of the winners of the longest hair category in the Hair Magazine annual "Long and Lovely" contest in the mid 1980's in the UK. She trimmed her at ceratin times according to the positio of the moon and ir certainly seemed to work for her for whatever reason.

June 26th, 2009, 04:53 PM
I've just started using the MM. . .and really do love their products.

I scoff at cutting my hair according to their woo woo calendar but then I am thinking that maybe following the cutting routine doesn't sound like all that bad of an idea.

Afterall, it would help me be consistent with trims for the year. And if it helps even a little bit and I find that all the pieces of the routine help my hair look better than ever, I'd be happy.

To me, it's all the daily care and handling that add up to great hair.

Maybe trimming by any schedule, whether it's by the moon or some other construct. . .is a good thing? I don't know. I've always trimmed just when I thought my hair needed it.

I was planning on making my next trim a super tiny one, about 1/8". . .so to thicken my hem up MM style, I'd trim on July 6-7-8.

Doubt SERIOUSLY that it will matter if I trim on that date or another. . .but why not try it? I am in.

David's Bride
August 5th, 2009, 12:54 PM
Hi guys...I have very general knowledge about this. I know if one wants to cut their hair to grow faster, it is best to go by the new moon, but I need more information about this. I've heard that it's best to cut when the moon is in certain signs and is full or new, but I'm having trouble finding this information online. Today is a full moon and I need a trim so I really need help ASAP. TIA!


August 5th, 2009, 01:06 PM
Here's a link (http://www.morroccomethod.com/lunar-hair-chart) to the Morocco Method's lunar hair chart, some folks here use this one. If you search morocco method on LHC you will find the thread about it. I've never trimmed my hair by the moon, but hey, it can't hurt!

August 5th, 2009, 01:10 PM
I used that method for a bit but didn't notice much of a difference personally. Maybe I didn't use it long enough TO make a change. ... hmmm.

David's Bride
August 5th, 2009, 01:24 PM
Thank you so much for the link. I've been cutting by this method for the past year or so and while I don't see a huge difference, I believe in the cosmos and all that goes on in the universe and I think it makes perfect sense. In fact, I knew an old Italian man who made wine by the moon phases and when he didn't follow it correctly, the wine would come out with bubbles!

August 5th, 2009, 01:32 PM
Here's a link (http://www.morroccomethod.com/lunar-hair-chart) to the Morocco Method's lunar hair chart, some folks here use this one. If you search morocco method on LHC you will find the thread about it. I've never trimmed my hair by the moon, but hey, it can't hurt!
It can't hurt, but - uh -
Okay, I won't go there. :couch:

August 5th, 2009, 01:44 PM
cool! it definitely seems like the moon could have an effect on growing things, though I'm not EXACTLY sure how, so I will give this a try. :D Next trim, right after Labour Day Weekend! :D

September 29th, 2009, 07:18 PM
I have been reading about this. Some say to trim when the moon is full and some say during the new moon. Which one is it? I am really thinking of trying this.:cheese:

September 29th, 2009, 07:21 PM
new moon is best I think. That's when you plant plants in your garden. Your suppose to grow with the moon. (of course you harvest at full moon.) I don't actually cut by this my months are never that coordinated.

September 29th, 2009, 07:22 PM
I could be wrong (90% sure b/c I'm a male trying to give advice lol, and I'm new)
But I wouldn't see why it would be different than any other day or night for that matter. However a lot of people seem to do different stuff during a moon cycle.

I've heard that it's healthy to get a trim every 6 months or based upon the damage of your ends!
Sorry I'm not much help! :o

September 29th, 2009, 07:32 PM
New moon is what I've always heard. Kind of like planting "by the dark of the moon."


September 29th, 2009, 08:13 PM
Waxing moon - illumination of the moon is increasing (growing).

September 29th, 2009, 08:20 PM
Waxing moon - illumination of the moon is increasing (growing).
This one ^^^.

Trim or cut on a waning moon to slow growth (such as bangs).

September 29th, 2009, 08:24 PM
I think the Moroccan method lunar chart is based on this. Not positive, but here's the link:


September 29th, 2009, 09:15 PM
I've heard new moon for growth, full moon for thickness etc...

Maybe it's the same as Morocco-method?
I just had a look at that link and it's really interesting.

September 29th, 2009, 09:37 PM
I think the Moroccan method lunar chart is based on this. Not positive, but here's the link:

The moroccan method doesn't give you very many days to tril for length. Only 2 days in Oct and one in Nov. I guess if I follow this I won't get to trim my hair till maybe Dec.

September 29th, 2009, 10:24 PM
I've heard new moon for growth, full moon for thickness etc...

I've been following this routine. I have been cutting with the full moon, minor trims and S&D's on the same night. I can't say that I have noticed any ponytail thickening but my ends do seem to be a bit more full. I'm going to try the new moon method next :)

September 29th, 2009, 11:04 PM
Hmm...interesting, I need to remind myself to read about all this...I think it's fascinating, even if I'll never actually use it.

September 29th, 2009, 11:42 PM
OK from what I found through some research. If I trim my hair Oct 21st which is during the waxing and under the sign of scorpio I will have ultimate growth. What the heck I am willing to give it a try. I looked back at a calendar and the last trim I got was during the waning of the moon. And it does seem like my hair growth was slower. I sound pretty silly lol

September 30th, 2009, 07:45 AM
I do try to follow the Morocco method. I don't know that it helps, but I figure it can't hurt. I say go for it. Plus anything that helps keep you on a schedule and away from the scissors is good in my opinion.

September 30th, 2009, 08:20 AM
All of this is very interesting! I haven't heard of such methods before! I'm glad you asked this natorade.

September 30th, 2009, 01:31 PM
So hang on, would this include dusting? Or just actual full trims? (I am due for a trim in about December, so that'd work out nicely.) :)

September 30th, 2009, 01:33 PM
OK from what I found through some research. If I trim my hair Oct 21st which is during the waxing and under the sign of scorpio I will have ultimate growth. What the heck I am willing to give it a try. I looked back at a calendar and the last trim I got was during the waning of the moon. And it does seem like my hair growth was slower. I sound pretty silly lol

lol I am going to trim with you! :) I have found trimming on the full moon to make my growth very slow but the ends do look thicker... I now want some length so I am gonna switch it up and see if that works too! :)

September 30th, 2009, 01:52 PM
OK from what I found through some research. If I trim my hair Oct 21st which is during the waxing and under the sign of scorpio I will have ultimate growth...

:ponder: But October 21st falls under the "days for retarding hair growth" in the Morrocco Method lunar chart...then again, probably best not to think too much about these things. I'm going to do a dusting tomorrow for "strengthening" :p

September 30th, 2009, 02:38 PM
Oh wait no, not Oct 21, I am trimming Oct 18th!

September 30th, 2009, 09:20 PM
:ponder: But October 21st falls under the "days for retarding hair growth" in the Morrocco Method lunar chart...then again, probably best not to think too much about these things. I'm going to do a dusting tomorrow for "strengthening" :p

I am not going to follow the Morrocco method. I am just going to follow the waxing phase method. I found this link that explains it. http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip001.htm and http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip018.htm. I am just doing a dusting too.

September 30th, 2009, 09:21 PM
Oh wait no, not Oct 21, I am trimming Oct 18th!
Well Oct 18th is the first day of the new moon which is the beginning of the waxing phase.

September 30th, 2009, 09:23 PM
So hang on, would this include dusting? Or just actual full trims? (I am due for a trim in about December, so that'd work out nicely.) :)
I am not sure but all that I am doing is a dusting.

September 30th, 2009, 10:37 PM
IMO, astrology is a strange and silly thing. I just don't get how the stars can really have any effect on us or tell us anything. However, I do believe the moon has a lot of influence on us and the earth. For example, it is 100% true that people get nutty on a full moon, and the two or three days before and after. I've read that the moon's power is in effect within three days of the full moon (or new moon, as it may be).

That said, I'm not really convinced that the moon will have any effect on my hair growth (or lack there of). However, it wouldn't hurt to try. I would say that trimming during a waxing moon up to the full moon is a good idea for growth (since the moon is growing). Likewise, giving your legs a good waxing or whatever during a waning moon would be good to inhibit growth. The full moon and new moon are generally regarded as times of importance or power, so those could also be worked in.

I don't understand why the Morocco method lists the Winter Solstice and Fall Equinox as falling on the 3-5 of December and September, respectively. The "Big 4" occur on the 21st of the month...

September 30th, 2009, 11:17 PM
Yeah, I don't get the Morrocco Method chart either. Their dates to trim for growth don't match up with actual moon waxing dates. I have just started to try following moon phases for trims, and after reading a few things, am following actual moon phases, rather than MM. I was using Phasenews.com, but looks like their website is gone.

October 15th, 2009, 05:50 AM
Hi all. I had my hair trimmed and since then it seems to have slowed down it's usual growth speed. I looked up my diary and discovered that it was last cut while the moon was in its fourth quarter. I have looked this up on the net and in my books and apparently cutting your hair at this moon phase will slow down hair growth. Do any of you have experiences of this? I am intending to get my hair trimmed before the full moon in Scorpio next as it is my star sign and the timing is right for encouraging growth. So i will post any difference in its growth. What are your thoughts on this subject? Xxx

October 15th, 2009, 06:00 AM
Why trim when the full moon is in Scorpio? I'm not sure which Zodiac sign is the best for manifesting... but a little research could cure that easily enough. You'd definitely want a waxing moon for growth in my opinion.

Upside Down
October 15th, 2009, 06:32 AM
Hi all. I am considering this, as I am planning to start slowly trimming my hair in 2010.

SarieQ, I would love to hear how your moon routine is going? Any news since your last post?
In the end, do you cut in full moon?

March 11th, 2010, 04:50 PM
Also, during the optimum thickening and growth times to cut (cancer and scorpio), the water is pulled upward, so there is going to be more water in the scalp, which means increased circulation and brings more nutrition to the follicle resulting in a stronger strand. I believe there could be some kind of natural awareness by the body, as in plants (as RavennaNight was saying) that can feel that "pruning" has taken place and so it causes more growth. Have you ever seen what plants do once they've been pruned? Rose bushes end up with a growth explosion.

This is my opinion anyway on the whole matter. My "hair brained scheme"!!!! LOL

This is awesome!!! Thank you so much for posting the chart about the astrological signs and the moon phases. Makes sense to me. If the moon can create waves in a body of water as big as the ocean, imagine what it can do to the fluids in our bodies.

March 11th, 2010, 05:45 PM
creating waves in body of water? any swimming pool has more fluid then my body, I don't think the moon affects any swimming pools.

March 11th, 2010, 05:47 PM
If you want to try, moon is growing right now... can't hurt!

March 11th, 2010, 05:53 PM
I haven't ever tried this, and not sure if it would make a difference. I usually trim twice per year. Once in the summer and one right around New Year's. I may trim more often this year but I don't think I'll trim as often as each moon phase.

March 11th, 2010, 05:54 PM
if it can improve hair growth, then it can be detrimental if you trimmed during the wrong phase. be sure to make sure if you have it narrowed down to the CORRECT phase. (just because you think its logical to trim during new moon, doesn't mean it is, remember, you don't have enough data to prove one way or another)

March 11th, 2010, 06:14 PM
.Personally I don't put any stock in it, I thought I would look since that is the opposite of what I did hear before. Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/oldwives/hairgrow.asp) has a page "debunking" this, but they also say vinegar rinse doesn't do anything, so whatever.

interesting, because i thought i was the only person in the world who noticed no difference after using ACV quite a few times! i just thought i was doing it wrong.
well at least i know what to stick with now, thanks for that inadvertent reassurance!

December 23rd, 2010, 02:23 AM
:ponder: But October 21st falls under the "days for retarding hair growth" in the Morrocco Method lunar chart...then again, probably best not to think too much about these things. I'm going to do a dusting tomorrow for "strengthening" :p

I know she listed her data wrong, it was actually the oct 18 of 2009, which was a new moon in scorpio. But when I tried to combine the morroco method and the zodiac method, not all fell into place. Now I chose to do new/waxing moons with best fitted zodiac moons, such as cancer, scorpio and pisces (the ones I picked for 2011). I don't know or care if it really works, but I still want to do it. I trim too much, so it will help me trim less.

December 23rd, 2010, 02:34 AM
Maybe it works, but it just sounds like a superstition to me...If it seems to work, then keep at it I guess?

I'm interested in what someone said about the moon affecting sleep, though. That's interesting.

December 23rd, 2010, 09:51 AM
As part of my New Year's resolutions, I've included doing microtrims on the New Moon, partly so I don't trim too frequently, and partly because I'm interested in folklore and folk custom.And if I derive some extra benefit from the timing, all to the good :thumbsup:

March 3rd, 2011, 06:38 PM
Tomorrow (march 4th) is the new moon in pisces, which is said to add faster growth and thickness. Seems overall a good moon because it said "any" hair goal could be achieved! I'm going to do a little dusting, and try to stop the trimmings for as long as I can (which probably will be 3 months, I'm kinda addicted to dustings).

It's also a good beautifying day on the morrocco method, but I don't really follow this one since I didn't get to read why it works, but good that it's a good day there too.

March 3rd, 2011, 08:07 PM
I think the main benefit of this for me would be to limit cutting to just one 24-hour period. I remember when I used to cut my own hair I would go a little crazy adjusting it over and over again, over the course of several weeks, and it would end up a lot shorter than it needed to be.

March 3rd, 2011, 08:19 PM
I think the main benefit of this for me would be to limit cutting to just one 24-hour period. I remember when I used to cut my own hair I would go a little crazy adjusting it over and over again, over the course of several weeks, and it would end up a lot shorter than it needed to be.

Yeah. It limits my dusting to at least once a month. >.< I'm very good with not taking too much length since I cut 1-2mm at a time, but I do it often. I dusted almost every month last year and lost about an inch of hair only. It was good because it was the year I grew out the pixie, so my hemline isn't raggedy, this stage needs some shaping to grow out nicely.

March 4th, 2011, 01:01 PM
Tomorrow (march 4th) is the new moon in pisces, which is said to add faster growth and thickness. Seems overall a good moon because it said "any" hair goal could be achieved!

I am trimming tomorrow as well! I still don't know if I believe in the cutting by the moon, but I do follow a moon schedule just in case and to limit the urges to cut. The plan for this years is cut on Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces using both full and new moons because I'm trying to get rid of the ugly ex-bang layer.

March 5th, 2011, 07:08 PM
I've been trimming my hair according to the new moon (first visible crescent) for a few years now and it has been working for me. Now I don't know it is actually the moon or if it is just mind over matter but either way, it works for me and I don't see myself changing it any time soon ;)

March 5th, 2011, 07:20 PM
Well my idea is to trim as less often as possible, but I do have a friend who cuts her hair on moon phases and it grows pretty quick. Sorry if this sounds a bit silly.


March 5th, 2011, 07:34 PM
Shazbot! I meant to do a light dusting or bang trimming or something yesterday and I totally forgot. :(

March 5th, 2011, 08:02 PM
Shazbot! I meant to do a light dusting or bang trimming or something yesterday and I totally forgot. :(

If you wanna catch the new moon in pisces, you still have an hour and a half. :p

March 6th, 2011, 10:05 AM
This year I'm trimming by the moon phases. Might help, couldn't hurt and since I'm maintaining this year, I might as well.

March 6th, 2011, 06:55 PM
If someone could tell me when the moon is in Cancer I'd appreciate it a lot.

March 6th, 2011, 07:45 PM
If someone could tell me when the moon is in Cancer I'd appreciate it a lot.

You can see it in this (http://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp?location=Montreal&ltt=45.31&lgt=-73.34&tz=Canada/Eastern&dformat=UK&geoFormat=degMin) site, and you can edit for your location, I just put Canada/Montreal. Next moon in cancer is the 13th, and it's the waxing moon.

March 7th, 2011, 07:47 PM
You can see it in this (http://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp?location=Montreal&ltt=45.31&lgt=-73.34&tz=Canada/Eastern&dformat=UK&geoFormat=degMin) site, and you can edit for your location, I just put Canada/Montreal. Next moon in cancer is the 13th, and it's the waxing moon.
You're fabulous, thank you.

March 7th, 2011, 08:05 PM
You're fabulous, thank you.

*blushes* :crush: :D

March 8th, 2011, 09:09 AM
This is so confusing to me! How do you use the Lunarium calendar?
I see where the Full Moons & all are & understand that. It is the best signs to cut under - for instance Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, & Pisces, & Leo that I don't understand. The way that I look at it is that in Mar. 19th. there is a full moon & it is in Libra? so that would not be a good time to cut under?
I wanted to trim under the Full Moons to thicken up my hair.
So, the next month in Apr. the Full Moon is on the 17th. & the day before it says that the moon is in Libra at 1:58. So the moon is still in Libra on the 17th. & would not be a good day to cut, right? the next day the 18th. the moon is in Scorpio at 1:18 so that would be the day to cut???

March 8th, 2011, 04:57 PM
This is so confusing to me! How do you use the Lunarium calendar?
I see where the Full Moons & all are & understand that. It is the best signs to cut under - for instance Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, & Pisces, & Leo that I don't understand. The way that I look at it is that in Mar. 19th. there is a full moon & it is in Libra? so that would not be a good time to cut under?
I wanted to trim under the Full Moons to thicken up my hair.
So, the next month in Apr. the Full Moon is on the 17th. & the day before it says that the moon is in Libra at 1:58. So the moon is still in Libra on the 17th. & would not be a good day to cut, right? the next day the 18th. the moon is in Scorpio at 1:18 so that would be the day to cut???

This (http://www.longhairlovers.com/moon_maintenance.html) is where I learned about the influence of the signs. I would advise to cut on the 21st, because then the moon is in scorpio, which is one of the best.

March 8th, 2011, 08:41 PM
Thank You!

April 28th, 2011, 06:51 PM
Hmm, anyone still doing this? I think next month (May) I'll trim sometime during the waxing moon (it's waning now, and I want to trim, but I think it's wise to wait in any case!)

April 28th, 2011, 08:16 PM
Hmm, I wonder if people who follow astrology are more prone to doing this. I mean, I know the moon impacts tide, so how can it not impact humans (90% water)? So maybe there is some validity to it. Become more intune with the earth, solar system and universe...I like the idea.

April 28th, 2011, 08:35 PM
I did it for a few years. The past 2-3 to be exact.
I didn't notice any difference in my hair's length or thickness that was other than what it would normally be. :shrug:

I officially quit.

April 28th, 2011, 08:46 PM
When are you cutting in May? I was thinking of cutting on the New Moon - on Fri. May 6 - Moon in Cancer - is that right? I am so confused with cutting by the right sign. :confused:

April 29th, 2011, 01:12 AM
I figured New Moon trim in May should be like...9th of May when it's in Leo :) Please tell me if i got it wrong.
But from the other topic..its said leo is better than cancer?

Also ...as I understood, Full Moon is for thickness, and scorpio is the best in that case?

April 29th, 2011, 01:33 AM
I keep forgetting to ask my Dad his opinion on this and I've talked to him three times... except I was in hysterics and couldn't think straight so..

I'll ask him tomorrow when I call him up. I promise! :D

April 29th, 2011, 02:53 AM
When are you cutting in May? I was thinking of cutting on the New Moon - on Fri. May 6 - Moon in Cancer - is that right? I am so confused with cutting by the right sign. :confused:

I'm cutting sometime between the second (new moon) and the seventeenth (full moon). I don't think it really works, I just rather like the symbolism of it, and I always say I'm going to keep better track of natural cycles and then never do, so if I tie it to my hair . . .

April 29th, 2011, 04:34 PM
Tides have to do with the part of the Earth that's closest to the moon. Tides don't go up and down all over the world at the same time, the water moves slightly around as it's affected by the moon's gravitational pull. The phase of the moon has to do with how much shadow the Earth is casting on it. They are not the same thing.

The phases of the moon do not occur because the Earth is casting shadow on it. That is TOTALLY wrong. The faces of the moon occur because during the rotation of the Moon around the Earth, the Moon reflects the sunlight differently at different relative positions, when observed from Earth. When the Moon and Sun are located at he same side of the Earth we have new moon, while we have a full moon when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth. The Earth is casting its shadow on the Moon when a moon eclipse occurs, but that is another subject. For more info you can read here:

April 29th, 2011, 07:36 PM
So, Papa was napping when I called today. Mom said she couldn't remember but will talk to him when he wakes up.

She DID tell me that per some lore or another (I think it is a bit of Mayan lore with Catholic sprinkling) that St. John's Day (June 24) is a good day to trim if you want it long. She told me to hold off on trimming my hair until then unless Papa says its a good idea to trim this coming May or not.

She also said that if she forgets to talk to my Papa I should look at the Farmer's Almanac for assistance as it is a pretty good guide for planting and harvesting. I wanted to inquire more but I was also opening my mail... and I ran into the 'Sympathy' card the Vet's office sent and I just couldn't listen anymore.

I'll keep you guys updated once I find out more.

-forehead slap- I was wondering WHY June 24 was hitting such a trigger in my Pagan mind. It's midsummer day, the longest day of the year.

Except this year the summer solstice is June 20, not 24.

May 1st, 2011, 09:40 PM
I have some ridiculous layers that I am hoping to get rid of. I believe it will take about 4 months to get to a point were I can do that without missing the length too much. Luckily, that will fall right in the sign on Leo, when I have heard to cut for thickness. So, one major cut, timed right. In the meantime, I just have to survive off S&D.

May 4th, 2011, 09:29 AM
I found this on the internet that I thought was interesting:

[This info is from a book called Living By The Moon, by Ute York.

a hairstylist who worked according to the moon phases for fifteen yrs. sites these observations:

Hair is an energy carrier. Hair is as sensitive as it's owner and needs a certain vibration in order to feel well. The best day for cutting/trimming is the third day after a new moon and the third day before a full moon. On these days the hair does not lose any energy.

If the ends are trimmed on these 2 days, it will continue growing without impedance.

He has found that when men regularly get hair cut with the moon in the sign of Leo, their hair improves and becomes stronger. I think this would work the same with women.

American astrologer Linda Goodman says, "if you want your hair short then continue cutting during the full moon; it will not grow back as fast. However if you want it to grow back quickly, trim regularly at the new moon, even just a tiny bit. Then you will realize your hair is growing much faster.

Never cut hair when moon is in virgo. If you want your hair to grow faster cut it when moon is in Cancer or Pisces in the 1st or 2nd quarter.
If you want it to grow slower, cut it when moon is in Aries, Gemini or Virgo in the 3rd or 4th quarter, with Saturn opposing moon or square.
To make it grow thicker, cut when moon is full, or,when it's in opposition to the sun in the signs of taurus, cancer, or leo up to and on the full moon.

My hair has been to my hips 5 1/2 times in my life this being the almost 6th...
I always trim it on either the evening before a new moon or on the new moon itself. Always in a water sign... and some time in the sign of Gemini because I read some where that Gemini cutting would be twice as fast (???) And My bangs on a full moon so as not to grow as fast...
works for me.... ]

The end of what I found.

May 4th, 2011, 12:36 PM
I've tried to stick to this moon-phases thingie out of sheer hope that i won't do my search & destroy missions as often as I normally do( I tend to get rather obsessed, though there's nothing to cut most of the times). Plus, everything that makes me believe my hair will somehow grow faster is welcome.
But no, it wasn't long before i forgot about it

May 5th, 2011, 11:28 AM
OKAY! Finally.

Mom kept forgetting to ask my father.. and she remembered today... after she woke me up at 4 am to wish me happy birthday.

I ignored her second call at six am and let it go to voice mail. I heard it on the way to work and here you go:

My Papa says to trim whilst the New Moon gets bigger. "Grow with the moon" he said essentially. It doesn't need to be trimmed ON the new moon, just any time thereafter before the next moon phase.

So, anyone interested in trimming this month, he advises to do it the week of May 10 (10-17) for growth.

May 5th, 2011, 12:27 PM
My Papa says to trim whilst the New Moon gets bigger. "Grow with the moon" he said essentially. It doesn't need to be trimmed ON the new moon, just any time thereafter before the next moon phase.

So, anyone interested in trimming this month, he advises to do it the week of May 10 (10-17) for growth.

I've also always understood that the best time to trim was as the new moon increases in size. Good dates for trimming during this new moon are the 7th or 8th when the moon is in Cancer (growth and thickness) or the 15th or 16th when the moon is in Scorpio (faster growth). :)

May 5th, 2011, 01:16 PM
Thank you AnqeIicDemise, that is pretty easy to remember, just go outside & look at the moon & cut when it is growing in size.

May 27th, 2011, 02:07 AM
I am so confused guys! I was just looking at a moon/zodiac calendar, trying to find the best time to trim in the growing moon phase of early June but it keeps saying 'Moon Void of Course' which apparently means whatever you try that day will be useless.
So I already feel a bit gullible looking into this moon cycle stuff (although I do believe in moon cycles' influence on health at least as I tend to get migraines and insomnia on full moons), but with the added zodiac stuff, I am both confused and starting to feel guilty about potentially believing in utter nonsense...

May 27th, 2011, 11:48 AM
I used to follow the farmer's almanac (http://www.almanac.com/bestdays/timetable), then someone here posted the morrocco method (https://morroccomethod.com/lunar-hair-chart) chart and the days don't always match up.

which chart should I follow and which days are the best to trim?

I'm not too good at following the moon, although I do believe it doesn't hurt to trim during the moon phasess since every bit helps, plus the moon does effect tides and water and since our bodies are mostly water it makes sense the moon would effect our bodies.

May 27th, 2011, 10:24 PM
I heard that it is supposed to be the new moon. So I checked the almanac (http://www.almanac.com/astrology/). They have what are supposed to be the best dates for either encouraging or discouraging growth. There's not much rhyme or reason to it that I can see, as far as moon phase only. Sometimes it is new, sometimes it is 1/4, 3/4, etc.

Personally I don't put any stock in it, I thought I would look since that is the opposite of what I did hear before. Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/oldwives/hairgrow.asp) has a page "debunking" this, but they also say vinegar rinse doesn't do anything, so whatever.

LOL'd at some of the snopes things. But I wish the whole "pluck one grey, two come in" was true. I don't care about grey hair at all, but my hair is somewhat thin and I would love to have more hair grow in no matter the color!!

June 7th, 2011, 11:38 PM
I cut my hair June 3 which was a beautifying day according to Morroco method and a good day to cut hair to increase growth according to the farmers almanac. :cheese:
It was also a waxing moon in Cancer (the best hair sign imo). :o

I hope this works. I think I'll get a clean up on the next beneficial day.

June 7th, 2011, 11:47 PM
So any advice on upcoming dates to trim for length? I am newbie here, trying desperately to grow out a razor cut :wail:and I am willing to give this a try!! My hair is currently shoulder length, but I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many jagged layers. Any advice will be appreciated!!!

June 12th, 2011, 09:32 PM
Or maybe for July???

June 12th, 2011, 09:45 PM
dmarie16 there is a new moon in Cancer on the 1st July - this is supposed to be a good date for trimming for faster growth :D

I'm thinking about a very small trim on this day

June 13th, 2011, 11:36 PM
Thank you so much for the reply Hotrox! I will give it a go!

June 14th, 2011, 04:45 AM
Is anyone planning to trim on the summer solstice?

June 14th, 2011, 07:09 AM
Thanks for bringing up the cutting date for July. I had picked the wrong date (I had picked July 9th. moon in Scorpio) but on July 1 moon is in Cancer so it would be a better day.

June 15th, 2011, 08:13 PM
Tonight's a full moon as well an a lunar eclipse (though not where I live, sadly) so I plan on doing an S&D tonight. It might not make a difference, but where's the harm in trying?

June 15th, 2011, 09:24 PM
The Almanac states best days in July to cut hair to encourage growth are the 7th and 8th. And in case anyone is considering losing weight, the best days to start a diet in July are the 18th and the 23rd!!! Lol!

June 15th, 2011, 09:38 PM
The Morroco method chart states the summer solstice is good day to trim to strengthen hair and July 1-2 are good days to trim to lengthen hair. I will stick with July 1st. It would be fun though to trim half of your hair on the 1st and half on the 7 or 8 and see who is right, the almanac or morroco method!

June 16th, 2011, 01:12 PM
The Morroco method chart states the summer solstice is good day to trim to strengthen hair and July 1-2 are good days to trim to lengthen hair. I will stick with July 1st. It would be fun though to trim half of your hair on the 1st and half on the 7 or 8 and see who is right, the almanac or morroco method!

I'm planning on trimming on the summer solstice this year, I hope it works out :)

June 17th, 2011, 01:30 AM
I am going to attempt to do a cut or dusting around July 7th or 8th, and will weigh in on how that works.

July 26th, 2013, 11:09 AM
This is a very interesting thread. I was wondering if anyone has an update on how following the moon phases for trims affected their hair.

July 26th, 2013, 11:33 AM
I've wanted try it never did.

July 26th, 2013, 11:39 AM
I was thinking about trying it. So far I’m not sure which calendar to use since people in this thread used different ones (farmer’s almanac, Rigpa calendar, Morocco calendar) :hmm:

July 26th, 2013, 11:49 AM
I was thinking about trying it. So far I’m not sure which calendar to use since people in this thread used different ones (farmer’s almanac, Rigpa calendar, Morocco calendar) :hmm:

Same here. :)

July 26th, 2013, 12:53 PM
Yay, I haven't seen updates in this thread for a while!

I just use Moonconnection.com's calendar to track when the new moon is coming up. Generally it hovers around the seventh to tenth of each month. August's new moon is the seventh, by the way.

As for updates on how moon-trimming goes, I haven't noticed much difference in GROWTH (still hovers around half an inch to a full inch), but I've certainly noticed a difference in QUALITY. My hair was already doing well on normal LHC care, but after lunar trimming for half a year, it's better in ways that can't quite be explained by nettle tea or summer weather.

I barely drink nettle tea anymore because it's just so hot, but my growth rate has only slowed down slightly, if at all. Day 3 Hair should be an oil slick, but most days it looks okay, if flat.

And my hair's holding waves/curls REALLY well--even considering that I braid my hair before bed, my hair at almost waist-length takes a lot longer to straighten out than when my hair was only APL/BSL. Logically, it should be the opposite--especially since my hair's so thick and heavy.

Can't remember which part of the world it comes from, but lunar trimming is said to make hair curlier. REALLY good for me, since I'm a 1c/2a who likes getting waves.

July 26th, 2013, 01:49 PM
I'm considering starting this, but not on a monthly basis. New moon is supposed to encourage faster growth, and full moon is supposed ti en courage thicker hair.

July 26th, 2013, 02:18 PM
I love love faster growth, but if I had to choose, I'd choose thicker hair. So for that, you cut your hair on the night of the full moon?

July 26th, 2013, 02:42 PM
Here's the other big thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=69119) for those who are interested. :)

My honest opinion? Superstitious bunk... and I follow it to the letter. :lol: It's not going to make my hair grow faster, BUT it keeps me from trimming too often and trimming on impulse. In that sense, it has helped my hair growth. A number of people have already said it - you have to trim sometime; why not do it on a "favorable" day?

Annibelle, I use the Lunarium (http://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp?location=Boston,%20MA&ltt=42.22&lgt=-71.04&tz=US/Eastern&dformat=UK&geoFormat=degMin) to plan trims. I also desire thicker hair, so I like to cut as close as possible to a full moon while still before the full moon during a favorable sign (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces). Leo is also supposed to benefit thickness, making your hair grow like a lion's mane. :p You shouldn't necessarily cut at night; sometimes the moon reaches fullness in the afternoon or morning so you'd be better off cutting the night before or in the morning. This calendar gives the exact times of the phases and signs. :flower:

July 26th, 2013, 05:15 PM
I had decided to give this a try, starting this month. I'll probably end up sticking with my 2-3 trims a year, but choosing specific dates instead of random dates.