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October 21st, 2021, 10:40 AM
Gorgeous hair :)

Thank you!

October 21st, 2021, 02:00 PM
It seems like this is my place now! 99 cm/39 inches and TBL. I post a picture, even if the quality is bad (looking for a better spot to take hair photos). Classic should be around 108 cm/ 42,5 inches, or a little bit more. Final goal is few inches past Classic.

That is such a pretty shift in colors. I love that! It looks awesome! :D

October 21st, 2021, 03:41 PM
Wow so pretty! I love your profile with all your former hair care routines lol

October 21st, 2021, 03:42 PM
I called classic on the equinox :rockerdud


This was my ultimate goal, not sure what I'm going to do with my life now...

Wow so pretty! I love your profile with all your former hair care routines lol

October 22nd, 2021, 02:33 AM
Wow so pretty! I love your profile with all your former hair care routines lol

Thank you! :heart:

Haha yes I loooved experimenting while growing but these days nothing aside from copious amounts of silicones seem to stop the tangles so I kinda got over that stage :p

Diana Prince
October 22nd, 2021, 03:34 AM
It seems like this is my place now! 99 cm/39 inches and TBL. I post a picture, even if the quality is bad (looking for a better spot to take hair photos). Classic should be around 108 cm/ 42,5 inches, or a little bit more. Final goal is few inches past Classic.

I love your hair, it looks really nice! :flower:

October 22nd, 2021, 06:39 PM
Thank you all for the nice words :p I think I was right when I rejoined this forum almost 2 years ago, it does help to stay focused on the goal.

November 7th, 2021, 02:29 PM
After realizing I was pretty solidly classic I trimmed 0.5-1 inches. I think I might actually still be there though. Since I trimmed my hair is brushed mostly straight and damp.


Might wait to officially call it around Christmas when it looks more solid again. And when I can have someone else take the picture.

November 8th, 2021, 08:33 AM
I would call it *now*! Plenty long. :)

November 8th, 2021, 03:40 PM
I would call it *now*! Plenty long. :)

Haha. Thank you lapushka. :) You might just convince me.

November 9th, 2021, 02:36 PM
It looks classic to me. Congratulations!

November 9th, 2021, 03:34 PM
It looks classic to me. Congratulations!

Thank you!

November 9th, 2021, 05:00 PM
Pouncequick congratulations, and yes lapushka has convinced me to call milestones sooner than I expected as well!

November 10th, 2021, 07:29 AM
Think I've got a little bit to go, looks longer on the left!

November 10th, 2021, 08:40 AM
That left bit is there... I think you're at this "can I call it" length. I mean, if you'd combed your hair together in the center, it is basically classic, right? Or, am I seeing things through too rosy of glasses? LOL!

November 10th, 2021, 08:49 AM
Is this one better lol

November 10th, 2021, 11:08 AM
For me you are at CL Lesley so congrats your hair is so long and pretty ��

November 10th, 2021, 11:12 AM
See! ;)

Classic. No more words necessary. :D

November 10th, 2021, 11:13 AM
For me you are at CL Lesley so congrats your hair is so long and pretty ��

Yay! Thank you I've always wanted to be this length and now I'm OK now what lol

November 10th, 2021, 11:13 AM
See! ;)

Classic. No more words necessary. :D

I'm so pleased, now a new goal!

November 15th, 2021, 04:19 AM
Is this one better lol

Congratulations! What are your plans now?

November 15th, 2021, 06:13 AM
Congratulations! What are your plans now?

Thank you! I'm thinking probably mid thigh and then maintaining it. I did cross my mind for knee but no probably mid thigh.

November 15th, 2021, 03:37 PM
Lesley your hair looks really lovely, and congrats on CL <3

November 16th, 2021, 12:43 AM
Lesley your hair looks really lovely, and congrats on CL <3

Thank you :)

November 16th, 2021, 05:17 AM
I've finally reached tailbone and can join this group. I'm hoping to at or near classic by Summer 2022.
https://i.postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz/20211113-155004.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz)

November 16th, 2021, 06:25 AM
I've finally reached tailbone and can join this group. I'm hoping to at or near classic by Summer 2022.
https://i.postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz/20211113-155004.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz)

Congratulations! Beautiful hair

November 16th, 2021, 04:04 PM
I've finally reached tailbone and can join this group. I'm hoping to at or near classic by Summer 2022.
https://i.postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz/20211113-155004.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz)

Congratulations! :)

November 17th, 2021, 04:43 AM
I've finally reached tailbone and can join this group. I'm hoping to at or near classic by Summer 2022.
https://i.postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz/20211113-155004.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz)

Welcome to the thread! Beautiful hair! Is that your natural color?

November 17th, 2021, 06:02 AM
Congratulations! Beautiful hair

Thank you! :flower:

Congratulations! :)
Thanks! :o

Welcome to the thread! Beautiful hair! Is that your natural color?

Thank you! Yes, it is, though it's starting to get a few grays.

November 17th, 2021, 09:55 AM
Pouncequick congratulations, and yes lapushka has convinced me to call milestones sooner than I expected as well!

Thank you! She is the best kind of enabler. :)

Lesley8 Congratulations! See you in the next thread! Looks like we have similar goals.

RebekahE Congratulations on reaching tailbone!

November 29th, 2021, 10:04 AM
My hair's been the same length for a while now. My trims are bigger lately. At first I attributed it to my ends damaging more, because they're older and thus weaker than they were at shorter length. But also I stopped oiling my hair for quite a while when covid hit, and I'm only just now getting back into it, so there's that too.

Regardless, I think I'm nearing the max length I'm interested in. Right now, my braid just barely makes a circumference around my head. When it comfortably fist around my head, with a little extra to overlap at the end, and it could make an easy circlet, I think that's where I'll call it done.

November 30th, 2021, 10:00 AM
MadelineMomo, that is exactly my goal too! I usually refer to 'Classic' as my goal because I'm guessing that will be the length where I achieve a long enough braid!

December 28th, 2021, 05:27 PM
Regardless, I think I'm nearing the max length I'm interested in. Right now, my braid just barely makes a circumference around my head. When it comfortably fist around my head, with a little extra to overlap at the end, and it could make an easy circlet, I think that's where I'll call it done.

That’s one of my goals too! Right now I love wearing crown braids but I have to make two braids, cross them in the back, and pin into a crown shape, but what I really want is hair long enough to wrap around the head in one braid. I am just past TBL, maybe halfway btw TBL and classic, and I think I can technically do it if I braid all the way to the ends and wrap a kind of small circlet, but in reality I want enough to comfortably overlap and pin while it goes all the way around the head. I suspect that will be around classic or a tad bit longer for me (I think I have an average sized head, but IDK LOL), but that’s one of my goals too!

December 28th, 2021, 05:28 PM
Regardless, I think I'm nearing the max length I'm interested in. Right now, my braid just barely makes a circumference around my head. When it comfortably fist around my head, with a little extra to overlap at the end, and it could make an easy circlet, I think that's where I'll call it done.

That’s one of my goals too! Right now I love wearing crown braids but I have to make two braids, cross them in the back, and pin into a crown shape, but what I really want is hair long enough to wrap around the head in one braid. I am just past TBL, maybe halfway btw TBL and classic, and I think I can technically do it if I braid all the way to the ends and wrap a kind of small circlet, but in reality I want enough to comfortably overlap and pin while it goes all the way around the head. I suspect that will be around classic or a tad bit longer for me (I think I have an average sized head, but IDK LOL), but that’s one of my goals too!

December 28th, 2021, 05:46 PM
That’s one of my goals too! Right now I love wearing crown braids but I have to make two braids, cross them in the back, and pin into a crown shape, but what I really want is hair long enough to wrap around the head in one braid. I am just past TBL, maybe halfway btw TBL and classic, and I think I can technically do it if I braid all the way to the ends and wrap a kind of small circlet, but in reality I want enough to comfortably overlap and pin while it goes all the way around the head. I suspect that will be around classic or a tad bit longer for me (I think I have an average sized head, but IDK LOL), but that’s one of my goals too!

Same, I can do a coronet braid but only just, the ends aren't thick enough for my liking yet. I'm thinking once I get to classic or fingertip-ish it'll have enough length that I'll be happy with a coronet at that length. For now, milkmaid crown braids (the two braids wrapped around the head instead) do the trick. I'm just tailbone length atm, so I think classicish should do it :)

December 28th, 2021, 09:41 PM
I've finally reached tailbone and can join this group. I'm hoping to at or near classic by Summer 2022.
https://i.postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz/20211113-155004.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4ncBJYFz)

Wow, your hair is beautiful! Congratulations on reaching tailbone, now it’s time for the next goal!

December 29th, 2021, 04:27 PM
Hi, everyone. Just passing by. I cut back from knee to TBL-ish today. Here's a pic of my fresh ends. It's so satisfying. :)


December 29th, 2021, 06:10 PM
Well I'm pretty sure my hair is past classic now, so since I'm getting a haircut tomorrow, figured I'd better post a pic before then lol :P


December 29th, 2021, 08:57 PM

Wow, your ends look so thick and healthy! Your hair is beautiful! I’m glad you are happy with the chop. Are you planning on maintaining this length or working your way back to longer?

December 30th, 2021, 08:17 AM
Wow, your ends look so thick and healthy! Your hair is beautiful! I’m glad you are happy with the chop. Are you planning on maintaining this length or working your way back to longer?

Since I cut it for health reasons, I'll maintain as long as those reasons exist. If they go away, I'll probably default to not cutting again.

December 30th, 2021, 10:09 AM
Hi, everyone. Just passing by. I cut back from knee to TBL-ish today. Here's a pic of my fresh ends. It's so satisfying. :)


Wow, this looks so great! I'm glad you're satisfied with the result. Did you cut it yourself?

Well I'm pretty sure my hair is past classic now, so since I'm getting a haircut tomorrow, figured I'd better post a pic before then lol :P


Also very beautiful :)

December 30th, 2021, 01:16 PM
Well I'm pretty sure my hair is past classic now, so since I'm getting a haircut tomorrow, figured I'd better post a pic before then lol :P


Wow, your hair and ends are so beautiful! Well, if you're happy with the chop that's understandable. I've always considered BCL very long in my category! Are you still aiming for longer hair? Or, are you going to maintain it at BCL? If you aim for longer it would be awesome! I'm sure within time it will be back to mid thigh length in no time.

December 30th, 2021, 02:12 PM
languagenut, are you sure about the cut? Is that FTL? OMG, that's gorgeous! :)

December 30th, 2021, 02:54 PM
Thanks, Finda! I did cut it myself. First time, other than bangs.

December 30th, 2021, 06:12 PM
Hi, everyone. Just passing by. I cut back from knee to TBL-ish today. Here's a pic of my fresh ends. It's so satisfying. :)


Your ends look fantastic! You did an excellent job with the shape of your hemline too.

What a fresh start for 2022!

December 30th, 2021, 06:33 PM
Thank you, Kathie!

January 3rd, 2022, 08:20 AM

I'm not too eager to graduate from this thread as Classic is my length goal. But here I'm, with a not so proper pic for length check. I can't figure out how to do a proper length check when I can't stand. Sigh. Because I exclusively sit most of the time so my hair just curls on my lap like a ball, not so flattering. Idk guys, I'd love to go for knee just to see how it feels but suddenly I feel down. Just like some people say some certain outfits won't look good on me because I just sit there on my wheelchair. Sorry for ranting out of the blue, tho.

January 3rd, 2022, 09:03 AM

I'm not too eager to graduate from this thread as Classic is my length goal. But here I'm, with a not so proper pic for length check. I can't figure out how to do a proper length check when I can't stand. Sigh. Because I exclusively sit most of the time so my hair just curls on my lap like a ball, not so flattering. Idk guys, I'd love to go for knee just to see how it feels but suddenly I feel down. Just like some people say some certain outfits won't look good on me because I just sit there on my wheelchair. Sorry for ranting out of the blue, tho.

Have you seen the "hair pools" thread? A pile of hair in your lap can look gorgeous and you've got some stunning hair! Grow it if you want to grow it.

January 3rd, 2022, 07:29 PM
valkyrie90 you have just beautiful hair! I'm so sad that you feel melancholy after reaching this milestone. Do you enjoy updos? I bet your hair would be beautiful in a coronet style. My own growth goal is simply to be able to braid my hair and then wrap it around my head. I've got at least a year and probably more before I reach that goal.

January 3rd, 2022, 08:00 PM
valkyrie90 Your hair is aboslutely stunning :) I'm sorry you have to deal with people commenting on your style of clothes and appearance. To me, your hair would look just as impressive sitting down. But you have to feel comfortable of course and I hope other people's views don't keep you from feeling comfortable. The good thing is, if you don't like your current length you can just trim back a couple of centimeters and see if makes you feel more at ease. Concerning the length-check pictures: Would sitting on a chair work while someone takes a picture from your hair falling over the back of the chair?

Edit: Although your current picture already gives a pretty good impression of how long your hair is.

January 3rd, 2022, 08:50 PM
Have you seen the "hair pools" thread? A pile of hair in your lap can look gorgeous and you've got some stunning hair! Grow it if you want to grow it.

Thank you! I can't fìnd that thread. Can you give me the link?

valkyrie90 you have just beautiful hair! I'm so sad that you feel melancholy after reaching this milestone. Do you enjoy updos? I bet your hair would be beautiful in a coronet style. My own growth goal is simply to be able to braid my hair and then wrap it around my head. I've got at least a year and probably more before I reach that goal.

I put my hair in a lazy wrap bun most of time. I love love love braids but my CP hands are not skillful enough for that :( . Thanks for your compliment and suggestion <3

valkyrie90 Your hair is aboslutely stunning :) I'm sorry you have to deal with people commenting on your style of clothes and appearance. To me, your hair would look just as impressive sitting down. But you have to feel comfortable of course and I hope other people's views don't keep you from feeling comfortable. The good thing is, if you don't like your current length you can just trim back a couple of centimeters and see if makes you feel more at ease. Concerning the length-check pictures: Would sitting on a chair work while someone takes a picture from your hair falling over the back of the chair?

Edit: Although your current picture already gives a pretty good impression of how long your hair is.

Thank you! Yes I can measure my hair sitting down with a measure tape or something. I mean measuring the milestone like knee, calf, floor would be unavailable for me , but if I make up my mind on growing longer I'd just find another way. My hair adds more fun to my life, I won't let others' opinion stop me from having fun. Joining LHC inspires and motivate me a lot on my hair journey. Thanks guys!

January 3rd, 2022, 09:04 PM
Thank you! I can't fìnd that thread. Can you give me the link?

I think this is the thread:


January 3rd, 2022, 09:11 PM
I think this is the thread:


Yes, that's the one! Thanks, Finda!

January 4th, 2022, 07:51 PM
*repeats to myself* "I will wait to get to hip before I change my goal to classic... I will wait to get to hip before I change my goal to classic"

January 6th, 2022, 05:33 PM
It's been... Over a year since I was here last! Hard for me to believe, really... I'm about an inch away from classic, now? It's much slower going than previous milestones, for a variety of reasons. But it has become apparent to me that I've reached the point where I truly have to pay attention to how I treat my hair all day every day. Before I could be generally gently but still have it down some days and it was still fine. But at roughly TBL I realized that even leaving it down for one day wasn't a great idea and I'm really starting to see splits because of it. I've got a spiral stick now that's been wonderful with making my hair feel secure without being too tightly pulled in my buns, so hopefully it'll be easier to keep it up from now on.

Here's to the new year and all the inches we'll grow! :toast:

January 7th, 2022, 05:39 AM
*repeats to myself* "I will wait to get to hip before I change my goal to classic... I will wait to get to hip before I change my goal to classic"

why not just change it now? you can always change it again when the classic urge passes (if it does)

January 7th, 2022, 08:28 PM
why not just change it now? you can always change it again when the classic urge passes (if it does)

I don't want to commit to anything longer than hip yet because I've never made it longer than that point before and don't want to seem like I failed if I change my mind later.

January 7th, 2022, 08:28 PM
Double post because the site glitched.

January 8th, 2022, 12:56 AM
At least with keeping your goal at hip you get to celebrate reaching your goal twice! I'm sure you'll make it.

January 8th, 2022, 01:55 AM
I don't want to commit to anything longer than hip yet because I've never made it longer than that point before and don't want to seem like I failed if I change my mind later.

Good point, I'm used to being a failure so I still have MTL as a goal 😂

January 8th, 2022, 04:19 AM

I'm not too eager to graduate from this thread as Classic is my length goal. But here I'm, with a not so proper pic for length check. I can't figure out how to do a proper length check when I can't stand. Sigh. Because I exclusively sit most of the time so my hair just curls on my lap like a ball, not so flattering. Idk guys, I'd love to go for knee just to see how it feels but suddenly I feel down. Just like some people say some certain outfits won't look good on me because I just sit there on my wheelchair. Sorry for ranting out of the blue, tho.

It's really pretty, and that is over classic. Congratulations. :)

ETA/ Just FYI. I use a wheelchair as well, and my walker when I have a "good day" (all my days are honestly terrible). I use a dining room chair, with the backrest to my left side to take pictures, but I do have help with it. Could not do it otherwise, and so I am totally grateful for the help.

January 9th, 2022, 03:15 AM
It's really pretty, and that is over classic. Congratulations. :)
ETA/ Just FYI. I use a wheelchair as well, and my walker when I have a "good day" (all my days are honestly terrible). I use a dining room chair, with the backrest to my left side to take pictures, but I do have help with it. Could not do it otherwise, and so I am totally grateful for the help.

Thanks lapushka! I guess I gotta measure my hair in cm/inch rather than use my body as milestone. My mom is not happy to help me handle hair stuff because she said all the hair care stuff is time-consuming and useless. Finally I can graduate from this thread. Head to knee now! Just out of curiosity , tho

January 11th, 2022, 08:02 AM

I'm not too eager to graduate from this thread as Classic is my length goal. But here I'm, with a not so proper pic for length check. I can't figure out how to do a proper length check when I can't stand. Sigh. Because I exclusively sit most of the time so my hair just curls on my lap like a ball, not so flattering. Idk guys, I'd love to go for knee just to see how it feels but suddenly I feel down. Just like some people say some certain outfits won't look good on me because I just sit there on my wheelchair. Sorry for ranting out of the blue, tho.

Your hair is gorgeous good luck on reaching knee!

January 11th, 2022, 01:23 PM
My hair is just about long enough for a circlet braid. Not the french-braid kind, and not the 2-braids-crossed-at-the-top kind, but the 1-braid-looped-around-the-head kind.

But I struggle with pinning the braid to the brushed-flat hair on my scalp. I've tried a variety of options (bobby pins, u-pins, spiral pins) and I'm still yet to find one that really works well. Little plastic claw clips on the backside of the braid are probably the most effective, although they're very visible and I don't like them much for that reason.

Anyone got any pointers?

January 16th, 2022, 11:12 AM
My hair is just about long enough for a circlet braid. Not the french-braid kind, and not the 2-braids-crossed-at-the-top kind, but the 1-braid-looped-around-the-head kind.

But I struggle with pinning the braid to the brushed-flat hair on my scalp. I've tried a variety of options (bobby pins, u-pins, spiral pins) and I'm still yet to find one that really works well. Little plastic claw clips on the backside of the braid are probably the most effective, although they're very visible and I don't like them much for that reason.

Anyone got any pointers?

The only thing that has worked for me is taping my hair with ribbon. It takes a bit to do but is quite sturdy and I think quite pretty. :) It held for a few days when I was around classic length.

A tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqbAdvL8kME&list=PLAq0kXomdAvgh5Qizo4wpqyzmU2tZpPEI&index=5&t=296s

Here's what it looked like when I tried it:

January 16th, 2022, 11:30 AM
Looks really beautiful, draysmir.

January 16th, 2022, 11:59 AM
I can’t believe I’m on this thread! The home stretch to my first big goal! :happydance:



January 16th, 2022, 04:13 PM
Finally graduated to this thread happy to be here such beautiful heads of hair

January 16th, 2022, 07:26 PM
I can’t believe I’m on this thread! The home stretch to my first big goal! :happydance:



Welcome!! I can't believe I'm in here either, tbh. Since I'd stopped coming by here too much in early 2020 (:hmm: wonder what happened then that coulda caused me to withdraw from most stuff... :laugh:), I keep thinking my hair is like BCL? And then I'll sit on it a little and be very surprised.

Finally graduated to this thread happy to be here such beautiful heads of hair

Welcome! Glad to see you here!!

January 16th, 2022, 08:33 PM
The only thing that has worked for me is taping my hair with ribbon. It takes a bit to do but is quite sturdy and I think quite pretty. :) It held for a few days when I was around classic length.

A tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqbAdvL8kME&list=PLAq0kXomdAvgh5Qizo4wpqyzmU2tZpPEI&index=5&t=296s

Here's what it looked like when I tried it:

this looks gorgeous on you! I really need to try taping

January 16th, 2022, 09:51 PM
Corvana It’s so good to be in the thread with you again

January 17th, 2022, 09:42 AM
Corvana indeed indeed, what could have happened two years ago...? :ponder:

Also I have to say this even though it's OT but every time I see your profile I'm reminded of my next tattoo that is currently living in my brain being designed! Yes it's going to be a corvid of some stripe lol.

January 17th, 2022, 02:30 PM
knobbly, that's awesome; looking great! :D

draysmir, that is such a pretty style, and the contrast of that pretty blue ribbon is what truly makes it a winner in my book!

January 17th, 2022, 04:57 PM
The only thing that has worked for me is taping my hair with ribbon. It takes a bit to do but is quite sturdy and I think quite pretty. :) It held for a few days when I was around classic length.

A tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqbAdvL8kME&list=PLAq0kXomdAvgh5Qizo4wpqyzmU2tZpPEI&index=5&t=296s

Here's what it looked like when I tried it:

In the top-view photo, it appears like your braids are french braids? Which means that by looping the ribbon through the weave of the braid, you can get grip, that you couldn't get on unbraided, flat scalp hair?

January 17th, 2022, 09:44 PM
Corvana It’s so good to be in the thread with you again

For a little bit at least :wail: I'm almost tempted to maintain for a bit at classic to stay in the thread with you for a bit more :laugh: But I'm too excited for henna in the summer (or so) when I hit FTL stretched, so I'd die to maintain now LOL But the next couple months will be nice :o

Corvana indeed indeed, what could have happened two years ago...? :ponder:

Also I have to say this even though it's OT but every time I see your profile I'm reminded of my next tattoo that is currently living in my brain being designed! Yes it's going to be a corvid of some stripe lol.

It sure is a mystery!

I LOVE corvids!! I use a little crow I drew a year ago or so as my icon for most things because I love it so much.

January 17th, 2022, 11:17 PM
Corvana I completely understand I maintained at hip for a while which is why it took me so long to get here I really wasn’t in a rush him but like you said for a while at least I’d be very happy and I will be checking for you in the next thread

January 17th, 2022, 11:35 PM
Corvana I completely understand I maintained at hip for a while which is why it took me so long to get here I really wasn’t in a rush him but like you said for a while at least I’d be very happy and I will be checking for you in the next thread

I maybe should maintain at classic for a while, but I know myself well enough to know I'd get frustrated with not being at my goal yet. Back when I was first here I was growing out a mohawk and waiting for the sides to catch up with the top and back was awful. I even cut a little prematurely so that I could just hurry up and GROW again instead of waiting. Once I'm at my goal, though, I won't have that urge anymore, and so I know I'll be fine to maintain. At least for a while :laugh: I suspect I might try to keep going to knee... But FTL stretched (getting there wavy would be amazing, but I'm fine not doing so as most of my texture is lost with this length) is my main goal and the length I told myself I needed to get to in order to try henna. I figured if I was gonna be maintaining there, growing out the henna if I didn't like it would just happen on its own anyway. (And if I do eventually go for knee, I'd like to do it slower, with microtrimming, because past TBL my ends get pretty fragile which I wasn't prepared for this time around and I want to take that into account in the future. So if I want to go for knee and hate henna, it'll still get trimmed out while I go!)

January 18th, 2022, 12:34 AM
That’s definitely a great plan I definitely want to get to ftl at least once but at this point all my wave is gone

January 18th, 2022, 01:32 AM
That’s definitely a great plan I definitely want to get to ftl at least once but at this point all my wave is gone

Mine is only barely wavy, but the ends are still holding on :laugh: They like to hide my length by curling upwards a couple of inches :rolleyes:

January 30th, 2022, 11:38 AM

I'm getting so close to classic!!

January 31st, 2022, 03:06 AM
Gosh, I wasn't in here very long at all, technically! Partly due to likely mis-measuring on my part (dang hair too long now to measure alone :laugh:), and of course just not being on LHC for a while! But I'm at classic stretched, and that's when I call my milestones (because I'm impatient, and I can have .5"-1.5" of shrinkage depending on the day). :( Wish I could've been in here longer! But on the other hand I'm getting ever closer to my goal, and to my benchmark for henna!


Ugh I hate looking at it (and yet I've posted these pics in three places now :rolleyes:), I may start to microtrim sooner rather than later...

January 31st, 2022, 03:24 AM
Congratulations! It seems like it's grown so quickly.

When do you plan to microtrim?

January 31st, 2022, 04:20 AM
Congratulations! It seems like it's grown so quickly.

When do you plan to microtrim?

Thank you! It feels like it has grown SUPER quickly.

My original plan was to just maintain once I hit FTL, but now that I'm finally seeing it (this is my first length shot in like two years) again I'm wondering if I should wait or just microtrim my way to FTL. I'll give it some time and think about it, since it's been up much more often again so it's not like I'm seeing it right now. Plus I want to weigh my desire to henna with my desire to thicken up and see which I want more :laugh:

January 31st, 2022, 04:40 AM
Thank you! It feels like it has grown SUPER quickly.

My original plan was to just maintain once I hit FTL, but now that I'm finally seeing it (this is my first length shot in like two years) again I'm wondering if I should wait or just microtrim my way to FTL. I'll give it some time and think about it, since it's been up much more often again so it's not like I'm seeing it right now. Plus I want to weigh my desire to henna with my desire to thicken up and see which I want more :laugh:

Doesn't henna help with the thickness some, too? I know it'll still be uneven but it could hide it some?

January 31st, 2022, 08:47 AM
Congratulations, Corvana!

January 31st, 2022, 02:47 PM
Doesn't henna help with the thickness some, too? I know it'll still be uneven but it could hide it some?

That's also a factor I'm thinking about for just continuing to wait. I'll likely hit FTL in like May or June, so it's not like I even have to wait very long to get there.

Congratulations, Corvana!

Thank you! :o

February 1st, 2022, 12:28 PM
Gosh, I wasn't in here very long at all, technically! Partly due to likely mis-measuring on my part (dang hair too long now to measure alone :laugh:), and of course just not being on LHC for a while! But I'm at classic stretched, and that's when I call my milestones (because I'm impatient, and I can have .5"-1.5" of shrinkage depending on the day). :( Wish I could've been in here longer! But on the other hand I'm getting ever closer to my goal, and to my benchmark for henna!


Ugh I hate looking at it (and yet I've posted these pics in three places now :rolleyes:), I may start to microtrim sooner rather than later...

Congrats ! It looks pretty soft and shiny :D

February 1st, 2022, 12:53 PM
I'm getting so close to classic!!

Your hair looks great and wow, it I think I remember you graduadting from tailbone not too long ago. Super fast growth.

Gosh, I wasn't in here very long at all, technically! Partly due to likely mis-measuring on my part (dang hair too long now to measure alone :laugh:), and of course just not being on LHC for a while! But I'm at classic stretched, and that's when I call my milestones (because I'm impatient, and I can have .5"-1.5" of shrinkage depending on the day). :( Wish I could've been in here longer! But on the other hand I'm getting ever closer to my goal, and to my benchmark for henna![

Ugh I hate looking at it (and yet I've posted these pics in three places now :rolleyes:), I may start to microtrim sooner rather than later...

Congratulations, that's exciting :)

February 2nd, 2022, 02:01 AM
Congrats ! It looks pretty soft and shiny :D

Thank you! It is still very soft, which I'm glad for. It doesn't feel as damaged as it is, besides feeling thinner, so that helps a lot!

Congratulations, that's exciting :)

Thank you!

February 5th, 2022, 01:24 PM
Congrats on reaching classic Corvana. :D

In the top-view photo, it appears like your braids are french braids? Which means that by looping the ribbon through the weave of the braid, you can get grip, that you couldn't get on unbraided, flat scalp hair?

Sorry for my late response! Yes, I did double dutch braids so the grip is a lot better. I'm not sure if I could tape my hair with just a regular english braid, but doing french or dutch braids really helps keep the style sturdy. :)

Thank you for everyone else's nice replies. :o


I'm getting so close to classic!!

I love this hairstyle. :o

February 11th, 2022, 09:47 AM
I think I am still at TBL, and was hoping to go to classic...but I may have changed my mind :D
I don't think it LOOKS long. Maybe mid-thigh is a better length???
edit: can't seem to upload photos :-(



February 11th, 2022, 03:47 PM
Mid thigh is one of my personal favourite lengths so I say go for it!

February 11th, 2022, 03:56 PM
Oh, another example of LHC-itis :p

February 11th, 2022, 04:53 PM
I think I am still at TBL, and was hoping to go to classic...but I may have changed my mind :D
I don't think it LOOKS long. Maybe mid-thigh is a better length???
edit: can't seem to upload photos :-(



That looks classic to me.

February 12th, 2022, 09:32 PM
I think I am still at TBL, and was hoping to go to classic...but I may have changed my mind :D
I don't think it LOOKS long. Maybe mid-thigh is a better length???
edit: can't seem to upload photos :-(



I agree with lapushka! That looks classic to me too! Classic falls right under your butt on the body. But if you wanna go for mid thigh length I also say go for it too! That's also one of my goals as well!

February 19th, 2022, 04:55 AM
A few years ago my hair was mid-thigh, for me I didn’t like it. I cut it to classic then last September I went to hairdresser to cut my hair blunt. When I cut my hair myself, it comes out u shape. Right now I can sit on my hair, barely, so I’d need to grow it another 4” to get to classic. My first goal is 2” then ill decide if I’ll go to classic. It depends on if I can maintain the blunt look, if it starts to go u shape, I’ll probably have it trimmed. I don’t like it longer then classic because I love wearing my hair down 50% of he time. I do think mid-thigh looks beautiful.

February 24th, 2022, 09:00 PM
I recently cut my v-shape hem into a blunt hem, which consequently brought me from classic back to tbl. I want my hair to reach the floor, but I want it to be mostly the same thickness all the way down with minimal splits. The quest for rapunzel hair continues!

March 3rd, 2022, 08:52 AM
Hello friends! :waving: I'm finally joining this thread from what feels like a very long time in the waist to tailbone thread. Here is my length shot from today. The waves shrink it a bit. Happy to be here with you!

April 25th, 2022, 12:39 PM
I've been a bit confused about where exactly my tailbone is (the sacrum? The tip of the actual tail bone?) but from reading it seems like this is up for debate. My hair length is 39" but I'm long-waisted so I had a ways to go to hit the physical milestone! This morning I realized that I'm undeniably at tailbone (tip of the bone) length, so I'm jumping in to this thread! I had a bunch of layers between tailbone and waist for a few years and finally decided to blunt cut my hair up to hip in the past year to give my braids a bit less shred at the ends. Aside from snipping split ends I'm not planning to trim again until I hit classic. I bought a couple big jaw clips and a thick hair stick and am wearing my hair up in buns or in crown braids every day, and either bunned on top of my head or in two braids at night (basically the opposite of how I wear it during the day). I wash every 3-5 days and oil the length before bed. I'm wearing scarves over my hair more often and apply an oil or a salve to the ends daily. It feels really good to have a plan and a goal, and every time I tend to my hair I get the satisfaction of moving towards this goal. I can't wait until I can see and share photos with you all!

April 26th, 2022, 06:38 PM
I recently cut my v-shape hem into a blunt hem, which consequently brought me from classic back to tbl. I want my hair to reach the floor, but I want it to be mostly the same thickness all the way down with minimal splits. The quest for rapunzel hair continues!

I always love for ends to have the straight across blunt even cut. I've never liked the U or V shaped cuts. So, you've cut back to tbl to classic? I think tbl is a beautiful length to be at! And to me, it's still considered very long. So, you want your hair to reach floor length, huh? I've also always dreamed of having floor length hair someday as well! How thick is your hair? I think as your hair get's longer it will still be thick if you let it grow to the floor. I have a girlfriend that can grow hair that long or to her ankles, and when I saw her ankle length hair as when we were kids it was PRETTY THICK all of the way down the whole length of her hair! My hair is also thick as well! And, I think as it gets longer I will still have the same thickness all of the way down the whole lengths of my hairs whether it's classic, mid-thigh length, ankle length....or, floor length!

April 29th, 2022, 12:53 PM
Hi guys :flowers:
I don't know if i can be in this thread now? i always track my growth when my hair is wet because it's curly. but i have a difficulty locating my tailbone!

https://i.postimg.cc/gJtNf1MM/4-FA4302-C-23-A8-4705-B532-274045558335.png (https://postimg.cc/WFrGZYcr)

April 29th, 2022, 12:54 PM
double post

April 29th, 2022, 02:17 PM
Hi guys :flowers:
I don't know if i can be in this thread now? i always track my growth when my hair is wet because it's curly. but i have a difficulty locating my tailbone!

I used the method of sitting down on a hard, flat surface and seeing if my ends brushed it. It looks like you're right about at TBL to me though.

April 29th, 2022, 04:13 PM
Hi guys :flowers:
I don't know if i can be in this thread now? i always track my growth when my hair is wet because it's curly. but i have a difficulty locating my tailbone!

https://i.postimg.cc/gJtNf1MM/4-FA4302-C-23-A8-4705-B532-274045558335.png (https://postimg.cc/WFrGZYcr)

I think, especially stretched without a doubt, that that is TBL!

May 14th, 2022, 10:16 PM
Just bumping this because I haven’t seen the thread in a bit. How’s everyone doing if you are growing?

I’m still here; doing the half year no trim challenge, considering whether I’ll trim mid year or at the end. I haven’t measured but it feels like I’ll eek my way into CL territory in another month or two. I seem to be in the minority, but I usually don’t call a length until I really feel like I’m in it for real. So we’ll see when it “feels” CL. I’ll probably check length in June so I can decide about trimming in July.

May 15th, 2022, 08:35 AM
I think I'm in this thread now properly, too. It's hard to say, because I have wavy hair. But especially during a shower, it feels like it's only another inch or so away from classic. Still have the goal to reach classic by the end of the year. I don't plan on trimming until I'm past it.

May 16th, 2022, 03:16 AM
Uh I belong here again, and I'll be at least for the next 10 months.

May 16th, 2022, 05:36 AM
I'm probably between hip and tailbone, going for classic! I had a very good day yesterday because I sat on my hair for the very first time... My husband must have found it funny that I got all excited and eagerly had to share the news with him! So, perhaps I have reached tailbone... now that I can sit on my hair... I hope that when I reach classic I can work on my dry ends a bit more. I don't wanna cut until I get there. Any of you who are more experienced that me that know how long these things take....? I don't really know how fast my hair grows, but people have started commenting that it has grown a lot lately, and I do feel that is has grown a lot since I started caring for it and didn't trim a lot (of course....). I guess har growth very individual. I just want to know how long I have to wait for my goal lenght, haha.

May 16th, 2022, 05:38 AM
I'm probably between hip and tailbone, going for classic! I had a very good day yesterday because I sat on my hair for the very first time... My husband must have found it funny that I got all excited and eagerly had to share the news with him! So, perhaps I have reached tailbone... now that I can sit on my hair... I hope that when I reach classic I can work on my dry ends a bit more. I don't wanna cut until I get there. Any of you who are more experienced that me that know how long these things take....? I don't really know how fast my hair grows, but people have started commenting that it has grown a lot lately, and I do feel that is has grown a lot since I started caring for it and didn't trim a lot (of course....). I guess har growth very individual. I just want to know how long I have to wait for my goal lenght, haha.

Okay, English is not my first language... but I meant to write: I guess HAIR growth IS very individual.... hard to believe I used to be an English teacher! It's been a few years since, and my written English is really rusty.

May 16th, 2022, 02:58 PM
I'm probably between hip and tailbone, going for classic! I had a very good day yesterday because I sat on my hair for the very first time... My husband must have found it funny that I got all excited and eagerly had to share the news with him! So, perhaps I have reached tailbone... now that I can sit on my hair... I hope that when I reach classic I can work on my dry ends a bit more. I don't wanna cut until I get there. Any of you who are more experienced that me that know how long these things take....? I don't really know how fast my hair grows, but people have started commenting that it has grown a lot lately, and I do feel that is has grown a lot since I started caring for it and didn't trim a lot (of course....). I guess har growth very individual. I just want to know how long I have to wait for my goal lenght, haha.

If you don't know your hair growth rate, then you can only very loosely estimate with the average growth rate of half an inch a month. Then you'd need to know how many inches are between tailbone and classic on you (this varies so wildly, it's impossible for any of us to guess), and you can calculate from there!

May 16th, 2022, 04:07 PM
If you don't know your hair growth rate, then you can only very loosely estimate with the average growth rate of half an inch a month. Then you'd need to know how many inches are between tailbone and classic on you (this varies so wildly, it's impossible for any of us to guess), and you can calculate from there!

Right, as that would, of course, depend on my height as well. I'm lucky to be on the shorter side - means I don't have to wait as long for my milestones ;-) I have some face framing layers that I remember when I cut, so I can use them to get an idea at how fast my hair grows per month.

May 16th, 2022, 04:20 PM
Okay, English is not my first language... but I meant to write: I guess HAIR growth IS very individual.... hard to believe I used to be an English teacher! It's been a few years since, and my written English is really rusty.

I think you're doing great. Not a native speaker either, and my English is definitely teacher level. A mistake is quick made. And quickly corrected too, so no harm done. Don't be too hard on yourself! :flower:

Sitting on it, finally, is quite the milestone!

May 20th, 2022, 12:54 PM
Guess who's back in here, eh? :laugh:

I cut off nearly 7" in a fit of irritation last night, and I couldn't be happier honestly. First off, my ends are much thicker than they have been for a while. But more importantly, they're in WAY better condition. Likely still a bit damaged from my poor care in 2020/2021, but better than the last 6+ inches were. And now that I've technically reached my goal once, I don't feel that vibrating desire to "grow! grow! grow faster!" so that I can reach it. I may or may not microtrim, but I'm fairly certain I'll at least trim a couple times a year until I'm back at FTL.

May 29th, 2022, 07:55 PM
Pretty sure I’m finally at Classic y’all!! Squeeee! The mirror situation at my house is crap so I’ll have to get my spouse to take pics tomorrow so I can really see it. So excited!!

May 30th, 2022, 12:56 AM
Ah, I have started wanting to trim..... buuuut that will mean longer till milestone. It's not awful... not many splits, but they are dryer than the rest of my hair and, naturally, thinner.... no thick, full hemline for me (yet), but not awful either. My goal is really to get to FTP without a trim, and then maintain there. No plans on going any longer than that anyway (since that is what my husband prefers). Any of you have any experience with growing without or with a trim and want to share? My ends do tend to feel like this quite shortly after trimming anyways... so, not sure if I would be that happy with a trim for long anyway.

May 30th, 2022, 02:48 AM
knobbly congrats on classic!!!

SeppV, I didn't really trim on my way to FTL after about TBL the last time around. I think I would've been fine had I taken better care of them, and also probably could've just maintained there instead of cutting back. If they're more dry, then just moisturize them extra! I found even with my very terrible ends some nice oil and leave in helped loads with how they felt and how grabby they got. Not enough to not bother me anymore, but YMMV with that anyway. But there's also nothing wrong with microtrimming, either! I think that's my plan this time around, since I'd prefer to keep my ends thicker (they're not thick by any stretch of the imagination, but they're still about 3x thicker than what I had at FTL).

I'd sit on the idea for a while, because you might get over this annoyance in a couple weeks and not be bothered anymore. And if you aren't, you'll have had some time to really think about what you want to do!

May 30th, 2022, 04:43 AM
knobbly congrats on classic!!!

SeppV, I didn't really trim on my way to FTL after about TBL the last time around. I think I would've been fine had I taken better care of them, and also probably could've just maintained there instead of cutting back. If they're more dry, then just moisturize them extra! I found even with my very terrible ends some nice oil and leave in helped loads with how they felt and how grabby they got. Not enough to not bother me anymore, but YMMV with that anyway. But there's also nothing wrong with microtrimming, either! I think that's my plan this time around, since I'd prefer to keep my ends thicker (they're not thick by any stretch of the imagination, but they're still about 3x thicker than what I had at FTL).

I'd sit on the idea for a while, because you might get over this annoyance in a couple weeks and not be bothered anymore. And if you aren't, you'll have had some time to really think about what you want to do!

Exactly, I sometimes get this urge that I have to do something NOW... and there is a lot of potential for regret in that. About half a year ago I cut my own fringe, and apparently didn't even have time to wait till my husband got home so I could ask him what he thought of the idea. I will chew on it for a while until I decide, but I do think I can make it till FTL. My hair grows more than 1 cm a month, so it's not such a long wait.... I will make sure to dip my ends in oil! Good advice. I actually used to do heavy oiling, but took a break now for a couple of weeks to do some Olaplex treatment instead. I miss the oil for my enda and think I will go back to that for a while now until I really need the Olaplex again.

I will look into microtrimming though. Do you find that hairdressers know do that without taking off too much lenght?

May 30th, 2022, 05:00 AM
Pretty sure I’m finally at Classic y’all!! Squeeee! The mirror situation at my house is crap so I’ll have to get my spouse to take pics tomorrow so I can really see it. So excited!!
Congratulations knobbly!! So excited for you!

May 30th, 2022, 10:10 AM
Pretty sure I’m finally at Classic y’all!! Squeeee! The mirror situation at my house is crap so I’ll have to get my spouse to take pics tomorrow so I can really see it. So excited!!

Yay! :cheer:

May 30th, 2022, 01:59 PM
Here's my new length shot! I'm usually pretty conservative when it comes to calling a milestone, but I think this is definitely Classic. What say you?


ETA thanks baanoo, corvana, and lapushka for sharing my excitement! :cheer:

May 30th, 2022, 02:38 PM
Hi guys :flowers:
I don't know if i can be in this thread now? i always track my growth when my hair is wet because it's curly. but i have a difficulty locating my tailbone!

https://i.postimg.cc/gJtNf1MM/4-FA4302-C-23-A8-4705-B532-274045558335.png (https://postimg.cc/WFrGZYcr)

I would say you're definitely at tailbone!

May 30th, 2022, 02:45 PM
Here's my new length shot! I'm usually pretty conservative when it comes to calling a milestone, but I think this is definitely Classic. What say you?


ETA thanks baanoo, corvana, and lapushka for sharing my excitement! :cheer:

Oh yeah, that's definitely classic! Congrats! :cheer:
And, your hair is gorgeous at that length! :) It also looks very healthy!

May 30th, 2022, 04:01 PM
Pretty sure I’m finally at Classic y’all!! Squeeee! The mirror situation at my house is crap so I’ll have to get my spouse to take pics tomorrow so I can really see it. So excited!!

What's your next goal knee? Haha your hair is gorgeous

May 30th, 2022, 05:53 PM
Thank you Bat and Dark40!!

My next goal will definitely be knee but I'm not fussed about how long it takes me at all. The journey from waist to about BCL was all about the destination for me; I'm feeling much more sanguine about my journey going forward.

May 30th, 2022, 06:16 PM
Exactly, I sometimes get this urge that I have to do something NOW... and there is a lot of potential for regret in that. About half a year ago I cut my own fringe, and apparently didn't even have time to wait till my husband got home so I could ask him what he thought of the idea. I will chew on it for a while until I decide, but I do think I can make it till FTL. My hair grows more than 1 cm a month, so it's not such a long wait.... I will make sure to dip my ends in oil! Good advice. I actually used to do heavy oiling, but took a break now for a couple of weeks to do some Olaplex treatment instead. I miss the oil for my enda and think I will go back to that for a while now until I really need the Olaplex again.

I will look into microtrimming though. Do you find that hairdressers know do that without taking off too much lenght?

I don't know about hairdressers, probably depends on the hairdresser really. I trim my own hair so I can only blame myself :laugh: I don't know much about Olaplex, but is it possible to do both? If it's helping you elsewhere and you just need extra oil on the ends it might be useful maybe.

Here's my new length shot! I'm usually pretty conservative when it comes to calling a milestone, but I think this is definitely Classic. What say you?


ETA thanks baanoo, corvana, and lapushka for sharing my excitement! :cheer:

Oh that's classic for sure!! Even a touch past, if you ask me. Congrats, again!!

May 31st, 2022, 12:34 AM
Thank you Bat and Dark40!!

My next goal will definitely be knee but I'm not fussed about how long it takes me at all. The journey from waist to about BCL was all about the destination for me; I'm feeling much more sanguine about my journey going forward.

I think mtl and or knee will really suit you too enjoy the journey!

May 31st, 2022, 05:24 AM
Here's my new length shot! I'm usually pretty conservative when it comes to calling a milestone, but I think this is definitely Classic. What say you?


ETA thanks baanoo, corvana, and lapushka for sharing my excitement! :cheer:

Wow knobbly it looks great!! So beautiful and thick to the tips; amazing especially considering (if I remember right) that you haven’t trimmed in a few years! :cheer:

May 31st, 2022, 09:00 AM
Wow knobbly it looks great!! So beautiful and thick to the tips; amazing especially considering (if I remember right) that you haven’t trimmed in a few years! :cheer:

Yes, you are correct! I had a proper haircut just before joining the LHC and have only evened out the hemline once, over a year ago. I’m surprised at how thick it looks given that and my many hormonal changes that have occurred in the past few years. Hashtag blessed I guess!

May 31st, 2022, 09:03 AM
knobbly congratulation! It looks amazing.

May 31st, 2022, 11:37 AM
Knobbly, your hair and ends are so gorgeous, I love the movement of it

May 31st, 2022, 06:18 PM
:waltz: I'm excited for the day when all the thickness will be to classic length instead of just the untrimmed ends
i know i need to wash my hair since it's been awhile, but anyway..

June 1st, 2022, 04:07 AM
:waltz: I'm excited for the day when all the thickness will be to classic length instead of just the untrimmed ends
i know i need to wash my hair since it's been awhile, but anyway..

Absolutely beautiful and so long :)

June 1st, 2022, 06:43 AM
One of my "racer" hairs has made it to just classic! That's a relief, as all the longest hairs fell out back in 2021 shortly after I got the covid vax.

June 3rd, 2022, 05:46 AM
Here's my new length shot! I'm usually pretty conservative when it comes to calling a milestone, but I think this is definitely Classic. What say you?


ETA thanks baanoo, corvana, and lapushka for sharing my excitement! :cheer:

Definitely; congratulations! :D

It looks absolutely gorgeous! The silky smooth hair of my dreams. It's odd, OTOH I looove curly hair and would love more texture, and OTOH I love silky smooth hair. Ah the dilemma! :lol:

June 3rd, 2022, 05:47 AM
:waltz: I'm excited for the day when all the thickness will be to classic length instead of just the untrimmed ends
i know i need to wash my hair since it's been awhile, but anyway..

Awesome! :D

June 3rd, 2022, 01:07 PM
Definitely; congratulations! :D

It looks absolutely gorgeous! The silky smooth hair of my dreams. It's odd, OTOH I looove curly hair and would love more texture, and OTOH I love silky smooth hair. Ah the dilemma! :lol:

Awww thank you so much lapushka. I used to wish my hair was curly but now I am just an enthusiastic fan of textured hair on others. My hair has a bit of a wave when it’s shoulder-APL-ish, and my postpartum regrowth is coming in a bit curly (that happened with my first child as well) but it’s basically pin straight once it gets long. I’m glad I like what I have! It’s better than the alternative imo.

June 7th, 2022, 09:34 AM
I comb mine a bit as a self soothing thing too:D, sometimes a bit too much which isn't great.

June 7th, 2022, 10:42 AM
:waltz: I'm excited for the day when all the thickness will be to classic length instead of just the untrimmed ends
i know i need to wash my hair since it's been awhile, but anyway..

Simply gorgeous! :) Your length is my long-term goal!

June 8th, 2022, 03:40 AM
I change my mind every hour or two. Sometimes I want to grow on to terminal length just to see what it is. Other times I feel like I can't wait to cut back to waist or maybe even BSL. I love looking at long hair, but I don't spend that much time looking at myself, so I think I'm most aware of my long hair as a hassle. I do find it rather soothing to comb out; it's like a trigger that helps me to relax.

I also find it soothing to comb out my hair:D, however sometimes I do it too much. I am trying to reduce the amount of brushing I do,it will be good for me if I am to reach classin and beyond (assuming my genetics allow it).

June 10th, 2022, 01:06 PM
my wet hair is so close to classic! :cheer: I would give it another 6 months or something, what do you think?

https://i.postimg.cc/mr8mwtDK/4-B2-C4186-A2-CF-4890-B942-691-EB405231-D.jpg (https://postimg.cc/kVRNMMWy)

https://i.postimg.cc/C5DtmS9D/AECA4850-219-C-4239-8-B15-3635-BE695442.jpg (https://postimg.cc/K3GJYSGv)

June 10th, 2022, 06:34 PM
my wet hair is so close to classic! :cheer: I would give it another 6 months or something, what do you think?

https://i.postimg.cc/mr8mwtDK/4-B2-C4186-A2-CF-4890-B942-691-EB405231-D.jpg (https://postimg.cc/kVRNMMWy)

https://i.postimg.cc/C5DtmS9D/AECA4850-219-C-4239-8-B15-3635-BE695442.jpg (https://postimg.cc/K3GJYSGv)

2 to 3 months is more like it, besides it isn't stretched; I'm sure stretched you are classic!

June 13th, 2022, 09:38 PM
2 to 3 months is more like it, besides it isn't stretched; I'm sure stretched you are classic!

I hope so lapushka! :flower: i'm looking forward to Midthigh length.

June 16th, 2022, 03:02 PM
The only way that it's really comfortable to wear my hair anymore is a circlet braid, which puts the weight all around, and doesn't pull too tight.

The stick-buns put the weight in one spot, and they always feel like they're pulling too tight. The U-pin buns are always falling down, and the ends of the pins itch my scalp.

Any other ideas?

June 16th, 2022, 05:38 PM
The only way that it's really comfortable to wear my hair anymore is a circlet braid, which puts the weight all around, and doesn't pull too tight.

The stick-buns put the weight in one spot, and they always feel like they're pulling too tight. The U-pin buns are always falling down, and the ends of the pins itch my scalp.

Any other ideas?

Have you tried buns with three or four pronged forks? I always find that they hold better and don't pull. I also like braided buns with double sticks.

June 16th, 2022, 08:46 PM
The only way that it's really comfortable to wear my hair anymore is a circlet braid, which puts the weight all around, and doesn't pull too tight.

The stick-buns put the weight in one spot, and they always feel like they're pulling too tight. The U-pin buns are always falling down, and the ends of the pins itch my scalp.

Any other ideas?

I’ve recently switched from a LWB to a braided nautilus being my go to. So maybe try different buns?

I also really love quattro forks. His forks with toppers are very pricey but the plain ones are just normal handmade item prices I’d say. So lightweight and designed to be comfortable to use due to weight and shape. They are definitely the most comfortable single item hairtoy that holds up all my hair that I own.

Have you tried spin pins yet? I use them to hold up my coronet braid styles as well. I’m pretty sure no hair can spit those suckers out.

June 17th, 2022, 04:02 PM
Have you tried buns with three or four pronged forks? I always find that they hold better and don't pull. I also like braided buns with double sticks.

^I find larger forks with a headcurve the most comfortable as well, because you can catch quite a lot of the scalp hair as you work it through and distribute the weight over a larger area.

Another recommendation would be to try a scarf over an unsecured or just-secured-with-a-couple-pins bun, if that's a style choice you would be into--the scarf bears the weight of the hair instead of your scalp, so it feels very comfortable. Plus, it's a fun way to change up styles and have some variety that is visible from the front, which can be a longhair struggle, haha!

Alien Girl
June 28th, 2022, 01:02 AM
I measured today and am at 30 & 1/4 inches :o Above was from today! Below is a progress picture from last week~

June 28th, 2022, 11:22 AM
That is awesome. Looks like it grew quite a bit! :D

Alien Girl
June 28th, 2022, 03:31 PM
Thank you!! I’m working on vitamin deficiencies now and started rosemary & other herb treatments. I’ve noticed less shedding. I shed excessively the past 2 years due to medication and I finally went off of it. I also keratin treated my hair earlier this year and I think it caused breakage over time so I am not doing that again. I ordered an automatic hair massager and can’t wait to add that to my routine!! :D

hanne jensen
July 4th, 2022, 10:53 AM
I guess I belong on this thread now. I just trimmed from thigh to classic as my hemline was very thin and tangled constantly.

Alien Girl
July 31st, 2022, 04:39 PM
My official 6 month progress!

July 31st, 2022, 04:40 PM
My official 6 month progress!

Looks like you'll make it to classic by the end of the year

August 1st, 2022, 05:05 PM
My official 6 month progress!

Very nice! :) Congrats!

Alien Girl
August 2nd, 2022, 11:43 AM
Looks like you'll make it to classic by the end of the year
Thank you for your hopes in me!! :) I hope so too!!

Very nice! :) Congrats!
Thank you!!! :)

August 2nd, 2022, 11:10 PM
Thank you for your hopes in me!! :) I hope so too!!

Thank you!!! :)
I look forward to seeing what 6 months does to your hair :D

September 2nd, 2022, 11:07 AM
How are you all doing?
I've just checked my length and I've more or less 4 months to go. It's insane, it doesn't look that long to me!

September 2nd, 2022, 07:09 PM
How are you all doing?
I've just checked my length and I've more or less 4 months to go. It's insane, it doesn't look that long to me!

Feels like I’ve been stuck at this length forever, I think I have like 2 inches left to classic

September 2nd, 2022, 07:43 PM
I'm checking in here. I've technically been at this stage all year but it's finally feeling mor "real". I'm not 100% happy with my ends but ai think it want to get to classic before I trim. I always find my butt seems so big whenever I try to get past TB.

September 2nd, 2022, 07:50 PM
My official 6 month progress!

Oh, I also think you'll make it to classic by the end of the year as well!

September 2nd, 2022, 07:55 PM
Feels like I’ve been stuck at this length forever, I think I have like 2 inches left to classic

Shug, I know exactly how you feel about being stuck at the same length forever. I'm just lurking around in here, and I've been stuck at either shoulder length or armpit length for the longest. Like, for a whole year. But I'm sure it will start getting longer as time goes on. I did cut or trimmed it back from 21" to collarbone length, and now it's taking forever to get back to 21"! That's why I've joined the, "No Trim Challenge," and only trim once a year. Or, whenever I need to.

September 3rd, 2022, 01:36 AM

Decided to do some spontaneous length check photos and WOW I'm so close to classic I can't believe it! I haven't taken real length check photos since before my move a few months ago so this is a welcome surprise! I'm not crazy about the lighting in my new place but I'll work on that :p

September 3rd, 2022, 01:44 AM

Decided to do some spontaneous length check photos and WOW I'm so close to classic I can't believe it! I haven't taken real length check photos since before my move a few months ago so this is a welcome surprise! I'm not crazy about the lighting in my new place but I'll work on that :p
The color and the waves look amazing!

September 3rd, 2022, 02:12 AM
Thanks tuanyiji :D

September 3rd, 2022, 06:28 AM
Feels like I’ve been stuck at this length forever, I think I have like 2 inches left to classic

I reached TBL in May if I'm not wrong, so not that much ago.

I'm checking in here. I've technically been at this stage all year but it's finally feeling mor "real". I'm not 100% happy with my ends but i think it want to get to classic before I trim. I always find my butt seems so big whenever I try to get past TB.

Me too! Indeed the first time I reached TBL I cut 2.5 inches and now I plan be at least at classic before another consistent trim.


Decided to do some spontaneous length check photos and WOW I'm so close to classic I can't believe it! I haven't taken real length check photos since before my move a few months ago so this is a welcome surprise! I'm not crazy about the lighting in my new place but I'll work on that :p

Beautiful! And the color looks amazing.

September 3rd, 2022, 07:53 PM

Decided to do some spontaneous length check photos and WOW I'm so close to classic I can't believe it! I haven't taken real length check photos since before my move a few months ago so this is a welcome surprise! I'm not crazy about the lighting in my new place but I'll work on that :p

Beautiful hair and the color is also beautiful as well!

September 4th, 2022, 12:28 AM
Thank you Bri-Chan and Dark40 :D I've been growing out the bleached part of my hair at the very end now for a few years, have done henna over that a few times, and now for about a year have been just rocking my natural, uncolored hair so it's gotten a nice gradient look unintentionally

September 4th, 2022, 01:49 AM
Bun drop in the garden.
I feel like I have been stuck at tailbone or even being like a fake tbl for several months now. I know my hair is growing as I have monthly check-in, but it’s just the few racers down there touching my coccyx, now that my hair ends turn curly since I bun all the time, my hair actually looks shorter lol.

The screencap quality is not very well, check the video link above or on instagram
I haven’t used a comb/brush for a month and this is my day 7 hair, I don’t really have another way to make my hair look pin straight now. But it’s okay, I love the volume the waves bring.

September 5th, 2022, 09:04 AM
knobbly Congrats on reaching classic!! Your hair is super impressive :thudpile:

blesseddamozel Wow, that's such an amazing color.

tuanyiji Waves can be mean like that, but they do look really beautiful on you.

I'm almost there, at the same time thoughts about cutting are becoming more prevalent. I wonder which notion will prevail lol

September 5th, 2022, 10:52 AM
knobbly Congrats on reaching classic!! Your hair is super impressive :thudpile:

blesseddamozel Wow, that's such an amazing color.

tuanyiji Waves can be mean like that, but they do look really beautiful on you.

I'm almost there, at the same time thoughts about cutting are becoming more prevalent. I wonder which notion will prevail lol

I wouldn't cut it, that looks great!

September 5th, 2022, 06:54 PM
knobbly Congrats on reaching classic!! Your hair is super impressive :thudpile:

blesseddamozel Wow, that's such an amazing color.

tuanyiji Waves can be mean like that, but they do look really beautiful on you.

I'm almost there, at the same time thoughts about cutting are becoming more prevalent. I wonder which notion will prevail lol

Thank you. Your hair looks so amazing, and the peculiar wave pattern on the neck down is such a delightful thing. Don't cut it. Reach your milestone first with some S&D but don't go into a scissor frenzy.

September 6th, 2022, 07:22 PM
Thank you Finda and OMG your hair looks amazing!!! Your color just makes me swoon.

I’m also getting to the point where I’m thinking about trimming a bit after not trimming for two years-ish. Maybe at the end of the year? Not anytime soon. Will definitely follow what you do with interest. I think we have about the same amount of fairy tailing going on, you and I.

September 8th, 2022, 03:58 PM
I wouldn't cut it, that looks great!
Thank you :) I decided I'll leave it for now. Haven't cut in so long, a few more months won't make much of a difference.

Thank you. Your hair looks so amazing, and the peculiar wave pattern on the neck down is such a delightful thing. Don't cut it. Reach your milestone first with some S&D but don't go into a scissor frenzy.
Thank you as well :) I took the picture right after my hair came out of the sleep cap and I think there are some kinks from sleeping on a loose bun mixed in with my waves. I can brush out almost all of my waves, but the neck area is very persistent.

Thank you Finda and OMG your hair looks amazing!!! Your color just makes me swoon.

I’m also getting to the point where I’m thinking about trimming a bit after not trimming for two years-ish. Maybe at the end of the year? Not anytime soon. Will definitely follow what you do with interest. I think we have about the same amount of fairy tailing going on, you and I.

Thank you so much :)
I decided to leave the hair be for the moment and reach classic first. My ends are pretty frayed due to some really old breakage I had before I started to care better for my hair. But what's left is relatively resistant, so I hope they'll make it a while longer ;)

September 10th, 2022, 10:33 AM
Thank you :) I decided I'll leave it for now. Haven't cut in so long, a few more months won't make much of a difference.

Thank you as well :) I took the picture right after my hair came out of the sleep cap and I think there are some kinks from sleeping on a loose bun mixed in with my waves. I can brush out almost all of my waves, but the neck area is very persistent.

Thank you so much :)
I decided to leave the hair be for the moment and reach classic first. My ends are pretty frayed due to some really old breakage I had before I started to care better for my hair. But what's left is relatively resistant, so I hope they'll make it a while longer ;)

Great decision. tuanyiji is right when she says go for the milestone first!

September 13th, 2022, 02:22 PM
Great decision. tuanyiji is right when she says go for the milestone first!

Yeah, I think I got caught in a social media filter bubble, where fairy tale ends got shamed and thick hemlines applauded lol
People can be really mean sometimes. Not to me, I wouldn't post pictures in such an environment, just comments in general.
Luckily I escaped the algorithm in time ;)

September 15th, 2022, 05:29 PM
Picture taken on Monday after braiding and bunning all day. This is why I think I am a fake tbl all the time, because there are like two racers down there touching my coccyx, the majority still pool around my waist and hip.
The sad thing about such a long fairytail is that I might lose those racers at any point as I checked that this week I have two sheds that are over 70cm.
This happened last month as well when my hair suddenly became 0.5cm shorter than the previous week as the longest hair shed as part of my growing cycle.
I can only console myself that at least the long hairs have had their moments on my scalp and they will be recycled in my shed collection for future extensions and wefts, and I hope the rest would catch up quicker.

September 15th, 2022, 05:45 PM
Picture taken on Monday after braiding and bunning all day. This is why I think I am a fake tbl all the time, because there are like two racers down there touching my coccyx, the majority still pool around my waist and hip.
The sad thing about such a long fairytail is that I might lose those racers at any point as I checked that this week I have two sheds that are over 70cm.
This happened last month as well when my hair suddenly became 0.5cm shorter than the previous week as the longest hair shed as part of my growing cycle.
I can only console myself that at least the long hairs have had their moments on my scalp and they will be recycled in my shed collection for future extensions and wefts, and I hope the rest would catch up quicker.

LOL, I know it, I'm fighting the same myself. I measured just last night, 61", but with only a SINGLE strand crossing the half inch needed :gah:

afraid now it might break off so I'll definitely have to handle it gingerly :p

ETA: I wish the emoticons were arranged alphabetically, I can't find the one I'm looking for

September 15th, 2022, 06:16 PM
I was several times in the same situation, but with trims the ends look way thicker.
Does your hair grow this way or is the haircut?

September 15th, 2022, 06:17 PM
LOL, I know it, I'm fighting the same myself. I measured just last night, 61", but with only a SINGLE strand crossing the half inch needed :gah:

afraid now it might break off so I'll definitely have to handle it gingerly :p

ETA: I wish the emoticons were arranged alphabetically, I can't find the one I'm looking for

We all have the love/hate relationship with the racers, and we need to baby them!
I seldom use the built-in emojis, but many of the iPhone emojis don't show up as a collision of codes. I use text emojis like T.T and <3 and feel like I'm back in the early 2000s in those "ancient" internet days on this forum after the unbelievably fast rampage of short video/social media apps.

I was several times in the same situation, but with trims the ends look way thicker.
Does your hair grow this way or is the haircut?

I haven't had a haircut since the pandemic (or maybe even before that), back then my mom did a yearly blunt cut for me so I maintained BSL to MBL for over a decade.
This fairtail is the result of a natural growing process. This length is the longest in my existence and I'm breaking record every day.

September 15th, 2022, 06:29 PM
Picture taken on Monday after braiding and bunning all day. This is why I think I am a fake tbl all the time, because there are like two racers down there touching my coccyx, the majority still pool around my waist and hip.
The sad thing about such a long fairytail is that I might lose those racers at any point as I checked that this week I have two sheds that are over 70cm.
This happened last month as well when my hair suddenly became 0.5cm shorter than the previous week as the longest hair shed as part of my growing cycle.
I can only console myself that at least the long hairs have had their moments on my scalp and they will be recycled in my shed collection for future extensions and wefts, and I hope the rest would catch up quicker.

Definitely real, pretty TBL!

ETA: I wish the emoticons were arranged alphabetically, I can't find the one I'm looking for


September 15th, 2022, 06:35 PM
Oh, I see. It's very interesting to see how the hair grows without trim.

September 15th, 2022, 07:10 PM
Definitely real, pretty TBL!


Is it that simpe? Nope, control-f is "find term on page" :gah: I thought that was the name shown if you hover your mouse over the image of the little guy waving his arms in exasperation. This is exasperating. I'll copy it the next time I see it around here and save it Thanks!


September 15th, 2022, 10:31 PM
Definitely real, pretty TBL!

Thank you, Lapis. Your hair is so inspirational.

Oh, I see. It's very interesting to see how the hair grows without trim.
I'm a no trimmer aiming for the terminal length (or at least knee, let's see where my genes will take me), every day I just massage the scalp, fingercomb, oil the ends, and bun it up as a protective style. No trimming makes my hair care routine much simpler. The less manipulation, the less mechanical damage. Because my virgin hair is so well-protected, I don’t really see any split ends, so I don’t even need S&D. And since I am always collecting my shed hair, various lengths are sorted and weaved into wefts for future extensions for my traditional Chinese hairstyle projects, each inch counts, so I won't even consider micro-trimming to waste my precious length.
Yes, I have a desk designated for my shed hair collection and I've hand-tied and braided over 30,000 hairs so far. I find playing with the sheds meditating and therapeutic, and it helps keep my hands off the hair that's still attached to my scalp, which is a great way to prevent hair loss.

The ultimate secret to long hair: let it grow and don’t cut it.

Growing hair without trimming results in a taper, which is great for bun styles and accent braids, it gives my hairdo more texture and I don’t really like a blunt hemline that is hard to work with and prone to breakage due to peak force. This is of course a matter of personal preference. I don’t like the thinning ends=damaged hair myth. In reality, no one else gets to see my hair ends since my hair is always in a bun.

September 16th, 2022, 04:47 AM
Growing hair without trimming results in a taper, which is great for bun styles and accent braids, it gives my hairdo more texture and I don’t really like a blunt hemline that is hard to work with and prone to breakage due to peak force. This is of course a matter of personal preference. I don’t like the thinning ends=damaged hair myth. In reality, no one else gets to see my hair ends since my hair is always in a bun.

tuanyiji, what do you mean by "prone to breakage due to peak force"?

September 16th, 2022, 07:29 AM
tuanyiji, what do you mean by "prone to breakage due to peak force"?

The full term is end peak force, when combing your hair to the end, a blunt cut is 4 times more prone to break than a taper cut.
Here’s a video by Sarah Ingle that explains it based on scientific studies, aka, a real book about The Chemical and Physical Behavior of Human Hair 5th Edition by Clarence R. Robbins: https://youtu.be/QEHm4VTQU3c

I only fingercomb and with type 1 hair that seldom tangles, I never get breakage now.

September 19th, 2022, 03:38 PM
Hi! I'm still here - life just got in the way for a few months. I feel like classic is getting sooo close! My ends are looking a little scraggly and are ready for my autumn trim this week. Thanks everyone for the inspiration to keep going!

September 20th, 2022, 07:57 PM
Hi everyone I haven't been on in forever bnut here's my current hair situation. Definitely due for a trim soon even though I'm putting it off from being too attached to my length. I always get the extreme v shape again no matter what i do:mad:
I may try and cut a u shape in so I don't go above tbl again when I do finally suck it up lol

September 21st, 2022, 02:02 AM
Well Trip (see my signature), talk about a serious V. LOL. Even though, mine is man-made. ;) If it's unwanted that's another thing, but IMO it looks nice! What trim, you know?

September 21st, 2022, 03:16 AM
You hair looks amazing. That’s a nice shape, Trip, if your ends are not damaged, there’s no special need to trim it unless it’s your aesthetic goal. Fairytail is a lovely gift from nature. Like Lapushka, I also chose a fairytail pic as my sigs LOL.

September 21st, 2022, 12:50 PM
The full term is end peak force, when combing your hair to the end, a blunt cut is 4 times more prone to break than a taper cut.
Here’s a video by Sarah Ingle that explains it based on scientific studies, aka, a real book about The Chemical and Physical Behavior of Human Hair 5th Edition by Clarence R. Robbins: https://youtu.be/QEHm4VTQU3c

I only fingercomb and with type 1 hair that seldom tangles, I never get breakage now.

I'm not in this thread *yet* but wow that's very interesting and good to know. Might just skip my blunt hemline goals and go straight for TBL then!

And yes, Trip, you have beautiful hair!

September 21st, 2022, 02:42 PM
Trip, your hair is beautiful! It looks so full and shiny!

September 21st, 2022, 07:43 PM
Thank you guys so much. My ends aren't necessarily damaged at the moment but when my hair is straight without the braid waves like the the photo it looks so snarly and unkempt to me. Your guys' fairytail ends look so pretty though idk why it is that I view them differently on me, but your comments have helped my confidence with it a lot. :beerchug:

September 26th, 2022, 06:54 AM
Hi everyone I haven't been on in forever bnut here's my current hair situation. Definitely due for a trim soon even though I'm putting it off from being too attached to my length. I always get the extreme v shape again no matter what i do:mad:
I may try and cut a u shape in so I don't go above tbl again when I do finally suck it up lol

Your hair looks much thicker than your descripted i/ii. Very nice, and I didn't know you could get a natural v shape like this.

September 26th, 2022, 09:25 AM
Trip, your natural V hemline and how it lays is perfection.

September 27th, 2022, 11:32 AM
Trip, your natural V hemline and how it lays is perfection.

Me tooooo! I think it's so pretty! :D

September 28th, 2022, 06:14 AM
Trip, your hair looks very healthy, I don't think it needs any trim.

September 28th, 2022, 10:28 AM
I got a new Chinese Han dress and I let my hair down once in a while. This is my day 3 hair. Look at the waves. I’m loving it. This dress inspired me to grow my hair way longer.
More high-definition version and more photos where I bun it up on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDorWqpGSB/?igshid=NTlmMWMyMzg=

September 28th, 2022, 11:43 AM
^^ Oh that's very pretty! :D

September 28th, 2022, 11:57 AM
^^ Oh that's very pretty! :D

Thank you, it might seem illogical but a black backdrop actually highlights my black hair, thanks to great lighting. I turn a corner of my room into a little photograph studio.

September 28th, 2022, 04:50 PM

Stunning photos. I especially like this one; your hair looks so soft and graceful. I agree it really pops against the black backdrop!

September 28th, 2022, 06:07 PM
I got a new Chinese Han dress and I let my hair down once in a while. This is my day 3 hair. Look at the waves. I’m loving it. This dress inspired me to grow my hair way longer.
More high-definition version and more photos where I bun it up on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDorWqpGSB/?igshid=NTlmMWMyMzg=

So pretttyyyy

September 29th, 2022, 12:07 AM
Stunning photos. I especially like this one; your hair looks so soft and graceful. I agree it really pops against the black backdrop!
Thank you, that one’s my favorite as well, bun waves are the most natural-looking ones, I did a bun drop as well during that screening, I will post the reel later.

So pretttyyyy
Thank you :)

September 29th, 2022, 08:58 AM
That's a gorgeous Han dress, Tuanyiji.

September 29th, 2022, 09:39 AM
That's a gorgeous Han dress, Tuanyiji.

Thank you very much dear :)

September 29th, 2022, 03:47 PM
Beautiful photos! Love the dress.

September 29th, 2022, 08:02 PM
Beautiful photos! Love the dress.

Thank you very much!

October 8th, 2022, 04:12 PM
Ok... Maybe I've overestimated classic on me... Few friends thought I already am at classic... What do you all think? SO says that the photo is realistic...


October 8th, 2022, 04:25 PM
Bri-Chan, it looks like classic to me, definitely! I love the colour!

October 8th, 2022, 08:38 PM
Ok... Maybe I've overestimated classic on me... Few friends thought I already am at classic... What do you all think? SO says that the photo is realistic...


It depends if you call milestones when most of your hemline is there or if you go by the first hair that gets there, if it's the latter I say you are there now or if you want most of your hem I'd say by Xmas for sure

October 8th, 2022, 10:09 PM
Ok... Maybe I've overestimated classic on me... Few friends thought I already am at classic... What do you all think? SO says that the photo is realistic...


Definitely a solid classic and it's wavy hair, I bet it's even longer when wet and stretched.

October 9th, 2022, 03:57 AM
Ok, maybe I'll wait like a week to be sure :confused: the styling makes the ends look thinner, actually, I think there was some gel cast left.
It's weird, it doesn't feel this long. I knew I was close, but not SO close. I was expecting for my hair to look like this by Christmas.

October 9th, 2022, 07:19 AM
Congrats, Bri-Chan!

October 9th, 2022, 10:32 AM
Hi everyone! I just reached TBL so I guess I belong here now!

October 9th, 2022, 12:53 PM
Ok... Maybe I've overestimated classic on me... Few friends thought I already am at classic... What do you all think? SO says that the photo is realistic...


That's a bit beyond classic, IMO! Congratulations. :D

October 9th, 2022, 05:32 PM
Hi everyone! I just reached TBL so I guess I belong here now!

Congratulations, welcome on board!

October 10th, 2022, 03:21 AM
Hi everyone! I just reached TBL so I guess I belong here now!

Welcome! I've seen your mane in the other thread, you have a great starting point. Is classic your ultimate goal?

Guys, thank you all for the feedbacks. I've decided to call it, because I'm there... it's incredible. This was my first goal when I decided to grow my hair very long, 3 years ago.

October 10th, 2022, 05:12 AM
I teeter between this thread and the next one up. I maintain my classic length, but I don't "measure" my trims and go by feel, and so sometimes I end up a little "short" of classic (not by much, honestly) and sometimes just on or a little longer still. But I love both threads, so. No biggie. :)

October 10th, 2022, 04:05 PM
Welcome! I've seen your mane in the other thread, you have a great starting point. Is classic your ultimate goal?

Guys, thank you all for the feedbacks. I've decided to call it, because I'm there... it's incredible. This was my first goal when I decided to grow my hair very long, 3 years ago.

Huge achievement! Onwards to FTL/MTL you go :D

October 11th, 2022, 08:41 AM
Welcome! I've seen your mane in the other thread, you have a great starting point. Is classic your ultimate goal?

Guys, thank you all for the feedbacks. I've decided to call it, because I'm there... it's incredible. This was my first goal when I decided to grow my hair very long, 3 years ago.

Thank you! My original goal was classic, but I might go longer. I guess I'll see when I get there!

Congratulations on reaching classic yourself, that's a huge achievement!

October 11th, 2022, 02:17 PM
Congratulations Bri-Chan and KokoroDragon on your milestones!

October 13th, 2022, 08:16 AM
Look what I found from my old phone:
This was taken when I started getting into body building and I love showing off my biceps. Yes, I have body hair because I’m an adult, it just looks so scarcely (thanks to my parents, esp my dad who only shaves his also barely-existing beard once a month) that I don’t really need to shave it at all.
In 2014, my hair was the shortest in my adult life, that was a textbook collarbone, long enough to be held in a ponytail, not long enough to be in a bun. I often had yearly trim by my mother, maintaining my hair from APL to MBL, but I stopped trimming since 2018 or 2019 (definitely before the pandemic), I don’t know, maybe just don’t bother with it. And now my hair is 95cm long with a 10cm pony circumference, and that’s after my big shed taking care of my dad treating cancer.

In the hospital, I washed my hair very infrequently from once a week to once a month, I also completely gave up blow dryers or heat tools or chemical dye, so my hair is all virgin.

I’d always been a high-pony tail girl for over 2 decades, and when my hair hit hip, having high pony gave me a headache so I changed to low pony, but then the hair kept falling over my shoulders so I started to braid, and by TBL, I already transferred to keep my hair in a knot to keep the braid from attacking me when I used the toilet. And I did all this pre-LHC to make my life easier, not in the attempt to grow healthy long locks.

It’s funny how you think about it, all the protective styles I unwittingly did end up helping me grow long locks.


I’ve already collected an alarming amount of sheds over the past year, all very intentional, but I feel like, the more I’m trying to collect the sheds, the less I actually shed, my brain is like, nah, let’s not get what she wants, don’t try to will me.
Of course, by constantly playing with the sheds, I actually effectively keep my hands off the ones still attached to my scalp. Benign negligence at its finest.
So now I have to think of some reverse psychological methods about hair growth.

Sometimes when I walk on the street, I would pay attention to the curbside, the staffs they used to support the new trees, the bricks that don’t lay flat, all the things that could catch loose long hair out in the wild. But I seldom find any. The only exception would be the garbage bin outside a barbershop.
Statistically, there are way more sheds in the world than the hairs that are still attached to living people. Where did those sheds go? Into the winds? Ocean? And it’s not like hair could be easily decomposed. Yes they become brittle and vulnerable after being exposed to sunlight and outdoor elements, but that takes a long time, I can find hair between dresses in the wardrobe that’s probably 4-5years old and they still look pretty much like the ones on my head.
I can only reason that there are actually so few hair LONG enough to be noticed and scattered into the wild, and most of the long hair individuals somehow learn to wear protective styles to make their daily life easier, even if they don’t know the existence of LHC.

October 13th, 2022, 10:00 AM
Gorgeous, tuanyiji! It seems like we've been growing our hair out for a similar amount of time and started from similar lengths. I had a big chop to just below CBL in early December 2019 and haven't trimmed since. So somewhere between 20 and 22 inches (51-56 cm) of growth in 3 years.

October 13th, 2022, 10:32 AM
Gorgeous, tuanyiji! It seems like we've been growing our hair out for a similar amount of time and started from similar lengths. I had a big chop to just below CBL in early December 2019 and haven't trimmed since. So somewhere between 20 and 22 inches (51-56 cm) of growth in 3 years.

Thank you very, I estimate to hit classic by early to mid 2023, and mid-thigh by the end of 2023. Since I have really short legs, I might be able to reach knee by 2024 or early 2025, I might spend a year maintaining the hemline by then, or if I am eager plus if my genes allow, I will continue to grow to floor and beyond.

October 13th, 2022, 10:41 AM
Such an awesome journey (so far), tuanyiji! :)

October 13th, 2022, 12:00 PM
Such an awesome journey (so far), tuanyiji! :)

Thank you very much dear.

October 14th, 2022, 04:32 PM
Hello friends, after two+ years lingering in the waist-to-tbl thread I have finally called it & so…..here I am! Tbl was my first big goal and I’m really excited to finally reach it!

October 14th, 2022, 04:41 PM
Hello friends, after two+ years lingering in the waist-to-tbl thread I have finally called it & so…..here I am! Tbl was my first big goal and I’m really excited to finally reach it!

!!! Congratulations, baanoo! :joy::waltz:

October 14th, 2022, 04:48 PM
Hello friends, after two+ years lingering in the waist-to-tbl thread I have finally called it & so…..here I am! Tbl was my first big goal and I’m really excited to finally reach it!

Yay! :cheer::cheer::cheer:

October 14th, 2022, 05:04 PM
Ohh congratulations!

October 14th, 2022, 05:11 PM
Hello friends, after two+ years lingering in the waist-to-tbl thread I have finally called it & so…..here I am! Tbl was my first big goal and I’m really excited to finally reach it!

Congratulations! :)

October 14th, 2022, 06:20 PM
!!! Congratulations, baanoo! :joy::waltz:

Yay! :cheer::cheer::cheer:

Ohh congratulations!

Congratulations! :)

Thank you thank you! :flowers: :smooch: :cheer: :waltz:

October 14th, 2022, 06:33 PM
Congratulations baanoo!

October 14th, 2022, 08:16 PM
Hello friends, after two+ years lingering in the waist-to-tbl thread I have finally called it & so…..here I am! Tbl was my first big goal and I’m really excited to finally reach it!

Congratulations! Now that you've reached your goal, do you know if you'll keep growing longer?

October 15th, 2022, 01:52 AM
Hello friends, after two+ years lingering in the waist-to-tbl thread I have finally called it & so…..here I am! Tbl was my first big goal and I’m really excited to finally reach it!

Congrats! Onwards and downwards

October 15th, 2022, 11:27 AM
Congratulations baanoo!

Congrats! Onwards and downwards
Thank you both!! :blossom:

Congratulations! Now that you've reached your goal, do you know if you'll keep growing longer?
Thanks so much, Kokoro! ❤️ I think I’d like to trim a little at the end of the year and straighten out my hemline a bit before continuing on. I’m not sure how long I’ll grow but we will see :cool:

October 15th, 2022, 07:13 PM
I feel like I’m gonna be able to call classic soooooooon

October 15th, 2022, 07:39 PM
Congrats Banoo! I'm closer to TB as opposed to classic again. My ends were just terrible and I decided to trim a touch again. It may take me until well into 2023 to get to classic now but I want healthier/thicker ends.

October 15th, 2022, 09:00 PM
I feel like I’m gonna be able to call classic soooooooon

That's exciting how soon is soon?

October 16th, 2022, 12:13 AM
I feel like I’m gonna be able to call classic soooooooon

Awwwww I will call this a graduation from the thread here.

October 16th, 2022, 09:33 AM
I feel like I’m gonna be able to call classic soooooooon

How exciting!

October 16th, 2022, 11:31 AM
That's exciting how soon is soon?
https://i.ibb.co/Vg00Rzb/6-C830117-C224-49-EE-826-D-F4-D291-F6-DB4-F.jpg (https://ibb.co/R3GGfst)
Pretty soon?

October 16th, 2022, 12:12 PM
Shug, girlfriend, that *is* classic length! You did it; congrats. :D

October 16th, 2022, 06:53 PM
Shug, girlfriend, that *is* classic length! You did it; congrats. :D
It feels too good to be true lol!

October 16th, 2022, 07:10 PM
Yep, that looks like classic to me too! Congrats!

October 18th, 2022, 04:02 PM
https://i.ibb.co/Vg00Rzb/6-C830117-C224-49-EE-826-D-F4-D291-F6-DB4-F.jpg (https://ibb.co/R3GGfst)
Pretty soon?

That's exciting ^_^

October 24th, 2022, 03:30 AM
I'll need about 10 cm (3.9 inches) to reach classic length, it's almost a meter now and ends at the mid of my crack. So classic should be doable until next spring/summer, IF I can contain myself from trimming it lol.
Also, congrats to you @Shug, you did it!

November 3rd, 2022, 07:47 AM
Despite having grown at least 9cm, I feel like I’ve been stuck at tailbone for half a year now, hopefully early next year I’ll hit classic and possibly FTL by the end of 2023, I might even reach knee by April, 2024, according to my average 1.5-2cm monthly growth.
Grow my racers! Race to classic by Chinese new year!


Joyful Mystery
November 3rd, 2022, 09:01 AM
Despite having grown at least 9cm, I feel like I’ve been stuck at tailbone for half a year now, hopefully early next year I’ll hit classic and possibly FTL by the end of 2023, I might even reach knee by April, 2024, according to my average 1.5-2cm monthly growth.
Grow my racers! Race to classic by Chinese new year!


I love your fairy tail hemline :crush:

November 3rd, 2022, 09:32 AM
I love your fairy tail hemline :crush:

Thank you very much.

December 1st, 2022, 07:18 PM
I was inspired by all of the gorgeous hair in the waist to tailbone thread to finally take a length photo for the first time in forever. I'm super scared to post it haha, but it'll be a nice comparison for this time next year. I think I'll be at classic by then. Yeah! Here is my hair looking the absolute worst it possibly can, fresh out of a bun. :p


The lower half looks like my normal texture but the upper half is somewhat crazy from being in the bun.

December 1st, 2022, 08:03 PM
I was inspired by all of the gorgeous hair in the waist to tailbone thread to finally take a length photo for the first time in forever. I'm super scared to post it haha, but it'll be a nice comparison for this time next year. I think I'll be at classic by then. Yeah! Here is my hair looking the absolute worst it possibly can, fresh out of a bun. :p


The lower half looks like my normal texture but the upper half is somewhat crazy from being in the bun.
