View Full Version : Tailbone | Classic
February 23rd, 2017, 01:43 PM
Fun idea, Waitingsolong!
February 23rd, 2017, 09:26 PM
Rushli I make my own sleep caps out of silky pajama pants, using one leg and the elastic from the waist trimmed and sewn to make a cap. I have a really old pic somewhere... (
I have since made a purple one that is FTL as this one is only TBL.
That is so awesome!
February 23rd, 2017, 10:40 PM
Rushli your hair is gorgeous!
February 24th, 2017, 10:50 AM
I thought you were classic length. ;)
You caught me bare handed, but to my defence the people here is too amazing for me to really leave. :love:
February 24th, 2017, 10:48 PM
Thank you, MsPharaohMoan!
Wildcat Diva
February 27th, 2017, 08:53 PM
Update... it's the same haha.
March 2nd, 2017, 12:42 PM
I can't comment on length but it is gorgeous!
March 4th, 2017, 05:31 AM
I hope to join here as im now .5 inches past TBL yay!!
Hoping to reach CL by the end of the year, we shall see.
Wildcat Diva your hair is very pretty!!
March 4th, 2017, 05:46 AM
Update... it's the same haha.
Wildcat Diva !!! Omg, I love your hair so much ! This perfect balance between the length, the thickness, the waves pattern and the natural V hemline !... :thudpile:
March 4th, 2017, 05:48 AM
maborosi, wow. Just wow. Your hair in general is perfect for me. And I'd say you might actually be at classic already.
Seconding every word of this !
Wildcat Diva
March 4th, 2017, 03:46 PM
Thank you Rushli, Mimha and Krytta!
March 6th, 2017, 09:01 AM
My hair on Valentine's Day: g ( g.html)
Yes, I know my ends look... icky... but I'm on the no-trim challenge for 2017, so I'm not going to trim them off just yet. January is only 9 more months... I can do this. Hopefully I'll make it to classic+ this year and I can trim back to classic and have paint-brush ends again.
March 6th, 2017, 12:56 PM
LauraLongLocks, you hair is so silky looking! Your ends don't look bad at all.
March 6th, 2017, 01:09 PM
Stunning hair, LLL! :)
March 6th, 2017, 03:03 PM
My hair is not too far off from classic now. This is a length shot from today- 42"
( I think I need a proper trim soon lol)
No, I don't think you need a proper trim. Wow, your hair is just perfect for me. I think you're already at classic. Congrats!
March 6th, 2017, 03:06 PM
My hair on Valentine's Day: g ( g.html)
Yes, I know my ends look... icky... but I'm on the no-trim challenge for 2017, so I'm not going to trim them off just yet. January is only 9 more months... I can do this. Hopefully I'll make it to classic+ this year and I can trim back to classic and have paint-brush ends again.
Your hair looks stunning!!!! I think your ends look fine. I'm also on the no trim challenge for the year as well!!! I'm not planning on trimming anything off just yet until January. Which is 8 months away. I have a good feeling that you will make it to classic this year.
March 6th, 2017, 10:14 PM
maborosi, wow. Just wow. Your hair in general is perfect for me. And I'd say you might actually be at classic already.
I would call it! :cheese: Your longest part of your hemline is clearly classic and your hair is so lovely looking :crush:
Seconding every word of this !
No, I don't think you need a proper trim. Wow, your hair is just perfect for me. I think you're already at classic. Congrats!
Thank you all very much!!
I think I'm going to keep one foot in here and the other in the classic-to-knee thread, because why not? :D
LauraLongLocks- your hair is BEAUTIFUL! The shine is out of this world!!
March 7th, 2017, 01:29 AM
Thanks, everyone. I appreciate your kind compliments.
Groovy Granny
March 7th, 2017, 11:54 AM
My hair on Valentine's Day:
Yes, I know my ends look... icky... but I'm on the no-trim challenge for 2017, so I'm not going to trim them off just yet. January is only 9 more months... I can do this. Hopefully I'll make it to classic+ this year and I can trim back to classic and have paint-brush ends again.
Welcome back LLL ~ good to see you :flowers:
And look at your long, sleek, shiny hair :thud:
March 12th, 2017, 05:49 PM
Thank you all very much!!
I think I'm going to keep one foot in here and the other in the classic-to-knee thread, because why not? :D
LauraLongLocks- your hair is BEAUTIFUL! The shine is out of this world!!
You are quite welcome! I just wanted to share with you that I have just found out today by my mother as we were both having a nice long talk about hair genetics that it is possible of me growing my hair as long as to a little passed my butt!!!! Or, to my thighs!!! She said, that it comes from on her side of the family, and also on my side or my dad's side of his family. You see, I have an aunt and I had a cousin that used to wear their hair to a little pass their butts. I would say it was thigh length, and on my mom's side of the family it may come from her father's side of his family. Like, his mother. Which was an Indian. So, I am very shocked and excited about being able to grow some extremely long hair!!!
March 15th, 2017, 05:36 AM
Well... I'm definitely back at tailbone again, but I think I'll be maintaining from now on for at least like a year. I have about 2 years worth of bleached green hair and each day it's bugging me more and more. Two days ago I was so disgusted by it I already chopped the front pieces from ~hip to ~BSL to remove most of the bleach at least from the front. There wasn't much hair there anyways. Now I'll continue with the back...
It's just a bit hard to do it because I had a stall for some months where it was literally just hanging above BCL but didn't grow one bit. Now it's suddenly growing back again so I'll take advantage of that and keep trimming every once in a while. I just can't stand this ugly yellow-green colour, but I don't dare cut it all at once. Won't be seeing classic for at least two more years I guess.
March 15th, 2017, 06:37 PM
I trimmed my hair about a week ago into a deep U. I love this hemline so much more than a straight across one. I think it makes my ends look much thicker. I think I trimmed about an inch off total.
Here's today's length shot: (
March 16th, 2017, 06:21 AM
Vanilla: Stunning hair! I think it's really pretty that it has that extra wave at the hemline, and the u shape really does suite your hair :)
March 16th, 2017, 07:03 AM
Good luck Midnightmoon, how frustrating for you.
Vanilla, love your hair and that is a great hemline for you.
Wildcat Diva
March 16th, 2017, 07:30 AM
Wow! Looks like that bit of wave at the ends is telling you how much it loves that U. It's so perfect. Vanilla, it looks great!
March 16th, 2017, 08:19 AM
I trimmed my hair about a week ago into a deep U. I love this hemline so much more than a straight across one. I think it makes my ends look much thicker. I think I trimmed about an inch off total.
Here's today's length shot: (
That is so pretty!!!
March 16th, 2017, 03:21 PM
Thanks everyone! I am in love with my hair again. :)
March 16th, 2017, 05:27 PM
Ooh that's pretty, Vanilla! :)
March 16th, 2017, 05:32 PM
vpatt yeah, it is
thanks for the luck, though
let's hope for quick growth
March 16th, 2017, 05:35 PM
Update... it's the same haha.
Love your waves! Your hair is looking great!
March 23rd, 2017, 04:44 AM
Rushli I make my own sleep caps out of silky pajama pants, using one leg and the elastic from the waist trimmed and sewn to make a cap. I have a really old pic somewhere... (
I have since made a purple one that is FTL as this one is only TBL.
That is a really awesome idea! When my hair starts getting longer, will have to start doing that ^_^
March 27th, 2017, 02:18 PM
That is a really awesome idea! When my hair starts getting longer, will have to start doing that ^_^
My new one is longer but they only make pajama legs so long LOL. I have tried to buy material and make them with no success. The material I bought was way too heavy (lycra) and just pulled off my head at night. The longest pajamas I could find (I go to secondhand stores) makes one about Classic length but the way the hair goes in, it will handle up to about FTL hair. However, I am ok if the ends stick out. The point is to keep my hair contained.
March 27th, 2017, 02:24 PM
My new one is longer but they only make pajama legs so long LOL. I have tried to buy material and make them with no success. The material I bought was way too heavy (lycra) and just pulled off my head at night. The longest pajamas I could find (I go to secondhand stores) makes one about Classic length but the way the hair goes in, it will handle up to about FTL hair. However, I am ok if the ends stick out. The point is to keep my hair contained.
Couldn't you sew the end to make a pocket?
March 27th, 2017, 02:26 PM
Well I suppose you could, but then how would I get all my hair in there? I stick my hand up through the end, grab my hair, then pull it down through. I'd never be able to get it all in there any other way. It's the issue I had with commercial caps. Plus I hate the bunchy feeling and the kinked ends that causes. I guess my hair is just too long for that? Or I am too finicky.
Yah. Probably that.
March 27th, 2017, 03:18 PM
Well I suppose you could, but then how would I get all my hair in there? I stick my hand up through the end, grab my hair, then pull it down through. I'd never be able to get it all in there any other way. It's the issue I had with commercial caps. Plus I hate the bunchy feeling and the kinked ends that causes. I guess my hair is just too long for that? Or I am too finicky.
Yah. Probably that.
Depending on if you wear your hair loose or in a sleep braid, you could always "shove" it in there. I'm no where near this length though so I'm not sure how that would work out.
March 28th, 2017, 08:32 PM
yeah...that's not really possible. If I wear a braid I forgo the cap.
Here is the newer one I made. (
March 28th, 2017, 09:01 PM
My new one is longer but they only make pajama legs so long LOL. I have tried to buy material and make them with no success. The material I bought was way too heavy (lycra) and just pulled off my head at night. The longest pajamas I could find (I go to secondhand stores) makes one about Classic length but the way the hair goes in, it will handle up to about FTL hair. However, I am ok if the ends stick out. The point is to keep my hair contained.
What about taking the 2nd pajama leg from the pair and sewing it to the bottom of the one on your cap, to make a longer tube?
March 31st, 2017, 01:48 PM
Why does it feel like I will NEVER make it to classic? It feels like it is SO far away.
March 31st, 2017, 04:02 PM
What about taking the 2nd pajama leg from the pair and sewing it to the bottom of the one on your cap, to make a longer tube?
That's a great idea! :D
April 1st, 2017, 01:34 PM
I tried that but the seam gave me fits and was snaggy. I am not a seamstress. Ah well.
April 2nd, 2017, 08:16 PM (
I'm getting close! I'd be even closer if I hadn't trimmed an inch in January, but I don't regret it. Puffy hair courtesy of recent washing and combing. I feel content with my hair's length--no urgency to hit the next milestone. I think classic+ hair would be nice, but I don't feel like I'm lacking the way I did when I was at waist and shorter. It's nice that my hair length matches my mental image of myself. I've wanted hair this long since I was a child, but never thought it possible. My mom's pushing for a cut--I'm hoping to get away with three inches off (though she's thinking more along the lines of six--that won't happen), but don't really want to cut at all.
April 3rd, 2017, 03:50 PM (
I'm getting close! I'd be even closer if I hadn't trimmed an inch in January, but I don't regret it. Puffy hair courtesy of recent washing and combing. I feel content with my hair's length--no urgency to hit the next milestone. I think classic+ hair would be nice, but I don't feel like I'm lacking the way I did when I was at waist and shorter. It's nice that my hair length matches my mental image of myself. I've wanted hair this long since I was a child, but never thought it possible. My mom's pushing for a cut--I'm hoping to get away with three inches off (though she's thinking more along the lines of six--that won't happen), but don't really want to cut at all.
Your hair is stunning!!! I love the length as well!!! I'm like you, I've also always wanted extremely long hair ever since childhood too. I also thought that it was impossible for me to grow thigh length or beyond hair as well but just as of last month my mom told me that I can grow extremely long hair!!! And, she told me that I did inherit hair that long from both sides of the family. From her side and my dad's side. So, I am going to do my very best in reaching my goal to terminal length very soon someday!!!!
April 3rd, 2017, 06:58 PM
Well I did a half inch trim and also discovered classic is now 43" on me, not 42 (thanks to my weight gain). At this point I will hit classic soonest in July, but I am only getting about 4" a year so...probably not until fall :(
April 3rd, 2017, 07:20 PM
I'm so close to classic that I just can't stand it! :justy:
In a month with my current growth rate I *might* be at classic. Or two months.
April 4th, 2017, 06:16 AM
Me too! I need just two inches (5 cm) to reach classic. I had a full inch of growth in March and suddenly the goal is so close! :)
April 4th, 2017, 07:10 AM
If I'm not holding my head at a bad angle, I may only be 2 inches away from classic with wet hair, though I'm still probably at least 4 inches away with dry hair at full wurl. I think I should get there by the end of the year, though, so that's something. It's so frustrating to be so close and yet so far!
April 4th, 2017, 07:44 AM
Your hair is stunning!!! I love the length as well!!! I'm like you, I've also always wanted extremely long hair ever since childhood too. I also thought that it was impossible for me to grow thigh length or beyond hair as well but just as of last month my mom told me that I can grow extremely long hair!!! And, she told me that I did inherit hair that long from both sides of the family. From her side and my dad's side. So, I am going to do my very best in reaching my goal to terminal length very soon someday!!!!
Thank you! That's very kind. Good luck and happy growing!
April 4th, 2017, 08:27 AM ( (
Some texture shots, as I didn't comb my hair last night after washing.
April 4th, 2017, 09:53 AM
Beautiful, Entangled and Decoy!!
April 4th, 2017, 06:16 PM
Beautiful, Entangled and Decoy!!
Thank you!
My hair looks like it's fairytaling at this length. I've trimmed with regularity, which shows, but when my hair's wavy you can definitely see the tendrils. The taper seems to really start about waist/hip.
April 5th, 2017, 06:44 AM
I have a question for the lovely ladies and gentlemen of this group... :p
I'm back at tailbone, and I need some advice on how to wear my hair while home to keep it from tangling.
The thing is I change positions a lot. I get tired from sitting, then I lay down on my stomach, then I switch to my back... so it's a bit of a hassle to keep changing my updo every time. I wear a braid sometimes, but having fine hair, I feel it becomes messy easily, and the rubbing against things doesn't help either.
Is there any particular hairstyle that you wear while in your house, that's not a braid, that helps keep your hair protected, away from things, not rubbing against your sweater, etc.?
April 5th, 2017, 06:52 AM
I have a question for the lovely ladies and gentlemen of this group... :p
I'm back at tailbone, and I need some advice on how to wear my hair while home to keep it from tangling.
The thing is I change positions a lot. I get tired from sitting, then I lay down on my stomach, then I switch to my back... so it's a bit of a hassle to keep changing my updo every time. I wear a braid sometimes, but having fine hair, I feel it becomes messy easily, and the rubbing against things doesn't help either.
Is there any particular hairstyle that you wear while in your house, that's not a braid, that helps keep your hair protected, away from things, not rubbing against your sweater, etc.?
My hair is just past classic and i wear mine in a slumber net around the house as it keeps it out of the way so avoiding it getting caught on things or tangled..these nets come in light weight or heavy weight depending on your hair thickness.
April 5th, 2017, 07:12 AM
My hair is just past classic and i wear mine in a slumber net around the house as it keeps it out of the way so avoiding it getting caught on things or tangled..these nets come in light weight or heavy weight depending on your hair thickness.
Hmm, hadn't thought of that. And how do you wear it in the net, loose, in a braid?
I might give this a try, although I might feel a bit embarrassed, as I have a flatmate, a male one, that is :lol:
April 5th, 2017, 09:19 AM
Hmm, hadn't thought of that. And how do you wear it in the net, loose, in a braid?
I might give this a try, although I might feel a bit embarrassed, as I have a flatmate, a male one, that is :lol:
You can either braid it or wrap your hair up before putting it on..i understand about being seen in it but they come in hair color of choice so not too obvious..the best thing about them there is no tension on your roots while its kept out of the way.. :)
April 5th, 2017, 09:35 AM
You can either braid it or wrap your hair up before putting it on..i understand about being seen in it but they come in hair color of choice so not too obvious..the best thing about them there is no tension on your roots while its kept out of the way.. :)
Alright, thank you very much for your suggestion. I'll see what other options folk around here use, and try out a few :D
April 6th, 2017, 08:02 AM
I wear mine in a top knot almost exclusively. Not to bed though.
Winter Fox
April 6th, 2017, 08:23 AM
I'm past tbl now and like to braid my hair and then put it up in a centerhold bun when I'm at home or I wear a cinnamon bun which I secure with two claw clips (like in the picture). I find this to be really comfortable. :) (
April 6th, 2017, 10:46 AM
WSL; maybe that's something I could do, it wouldn't get in the way no matter the position.
WinterFox; I love your bun, hair, and stick, but I don't think this is a solution for me as I often lay on my back and rest my head on some pillows, so it woulf get uncomfortable :c
April 6th, 2017, 08:53 PM
have you considered crown braiding or wrapping your braid around your head?
April 12th, 2017, 07:28 AM
I wear milk maid braids most days and I find that these work best for any kind of position and I can even sleep i them!
Im noticing my hair is growing quite slow now and I hope that I'm not getting close to my terminal:(
April 12th, 2017, 07:58 AM
MsPharaohMoan & dollhair thanks for the suggestion. I haven't tried doing a crown braid. Two braids I have. It's definitely one of the most comfortable options... and you can toss the braids to the side, not lay on them.
April 14th, 2017, 09:57 PM
I'll be ready to maintain for a while when I make it to classic. This hem :rolleyes: g ( g.html) g ( g.html)
April 14th, 2017, 10:15 PM
[QUOTE=LauraLongLocks;3393713]I'll be ready to maintain for a while when I make it to classic. This hem :rolleyes: g ( g.html) g ( g.html)[/QUOTe
Your hair looks so lovely I want to be your hair twin. I'll post a pic soon yours is thicker but we have similar color and length.:)
April 19th, 2017, 08:59 PM
I'm past tbl now and like to braid my hair and then put it up in a centerhold bun when I'm at home or I wear a cinnamon bun which I secure with two claw clips (like in the picture). I find this to be really comfortable. :) (
Hi! Your hair style is so pretty! :) I bet it is comfortable. You are soooooo lucky to have hair past tbl. I'm aiming to reach hip length hair at the end of this year!!!
April 19th, 2017, 09:13 PM
I'll be ready to maintain for a while when I make it to classic. This hem :rolleyes: g ( g.html) g ( g.html)
I love your hair <3
April 19th, 2017, 09:53 PM
LLL beautiful hair!!
April 21st, 2017, 05:59 PM
I just realised I might hit classic this year! Exciting :-)
Dragon Faery
April 22nd, 2017, 06:40 AM
A year and a half ago, I was hoping to be at Tailbone by October-ish. It didn't happen, I gave up checking, and my health got too bad for me to have any energy to take care of my hair. I lived in an English braid most of the time due to migraines (not hair-weight-related, but once I'd gotten one I couldn't stand my hair up). I'd forget about the braid for days and end up having to de-mat the entire length of my hair about once a week when I finally remembered to take it down and redo it. I washed about every 2-4 weeks, as I was capable.
In spite of this, somewhere along the way my hair grew! (Yeah, it does that.) :whistle: When I felt good enough (or desperate enough) to wash, it was a nice surprise to literally feel it getting longer each time. But last fall things got even worse, and I was barely coping--to the point I even stopped noticing my length when I washed. Around December, thanks to better pain meds, my hair got interesting to me again, and I realized it brushed the backs of my thighs in the shower. I had my DH measure, and I had shot past Classic by two whole inches and was well on my way to Fingertip! I was so shocked and relieved that my hair was indeed still growing, I cried a little.
My ends are terrible though--I still can't do much more than wash it and keep it contained, and I've got a lot of damage as well as probably some extra thinness due to the stress of this past fall and winter. My ends get see-through a little past Hip. I've decided to maintain at Classic-ish for this year and see if anything thickens up. I'm hopeful, though also prepared for the possibility that Fingertip could be terminal for me (that's based on how long my previous ends had gotten before a noticeable shed in 2014 or 2015, plus the number of inches I'd cut in the previous 5-6 years). I'm hoping for better things, but prepared. :pray:
Regardless, I know I can get at least within winking distance of FTL, and I know I can expect to retain about 4" of growth most years, sometimes more. So FTL will be my goal for 2018, but for now I'm parked here, and thrilled to be actually among the lengths (and people) I've admired for so long! :cheer:
Will update with a length pic when I can, but absolutely no promises as to when. [ETA: new length photo in album ... I'm having trouble linking from my phone.]. I have a few length shots from the past few years hidden in the depths of my Instagram, but it's a lot of scrolling. My username is @mrsprettyontopthefirst for those who are feeling especially nosy :)
Dragon Faery
April 22nd, 2017, 06:42 AM
I'll be ready to maintain for a while when I make it to classic. This hem :rolleyes: g ( g.html) g ( g.html)
I'm glad to see you've made it to this thread, as well! Congratulations!! :cheer: :hifive:
Your hair is looking amazing, as always. I know how much you like to trim, but I'm glad you've decided to put aside the scissors for a year! Happy growing, and I'm cheering you on!
April 24th, 2017, 11:51 AM
Wow, thanks everyone! I did a session of S&D this morning and my ends are feeling decent and not looking too bad, so I'm pressing forward...
I am finding that my last two to three inches become dried out and need extra moisture between washes. What I've been doing to combat this dryness is spritzing on a little diluted conditioner, then following up with a teeny bit of jojoba oil. If I do that and then bun my hair to protect the ends, the ends feel less dry and crunchy the next day. Also, my friend the BBB has been invaluable to the overall health of my hair. Happy growing!
April 24th, 2017, 01:29 PM
LauraLongLocks, your hair is stunning! So smooth and shiny!
My hair felt really nice after a wash today and so I tried to take a decent photo... the wind got in the way. :lol: Still hovering around BCL!
Kat-Rinnč Naido
April 24th, 2017, 01:34 PM
Lovely fresh shiny hair Calypso :cheer:
Thank you for sharing.
April 24th, 2017, 01:35 PM
LauraLongLocks, your hair is stunning! So smooth and shiny!
My hair felt really nice after a wash today and so I tried to take a decent photo... the wind got in the way. :lol: Still hovering around BCL!
So pretty! ♡
April 25th, 2017, 06:19 PM
Calypso, thank you for the kind words, and omgosh, your hair is so lovely! Beautiful photo!
April 26th, 2017, 02:44 PM
That counts as a decent photo to me! Beautiful :-)
April 27th, 2017, 01:39 PM
Thanks guys! :blushing: I'll have to try and get a decent length shot soon. Think I still have quite a way to go until classic, though!
April 27th, 2017, 02:06 PM
It has been a while since I measured my hair but I'm pretty sure I'm in this range!
April 29th, 2017, 11:44 AM
I only got 0.5 cm (0.2") o growth this month. Three times less than my average. I was sick for a big part of the month, maybe that's why.
So I'm at 107.5 cm (42.3"), I need 4.5 cm (1.7") to reach my goal.
Kat-Rinnč Naido
April 30th, 2017, 09:45 AM
I only got 0.5 cm (0.2") o growth this month. Three times less than my average. I was sick for a big part of the month, maybe that's why.
So I'm at 107.5 cm (42.3"), I need 4.5 cm (1.7") to reach my goal.
You'll get there:flower:
May 1st, 2017, 12:40 PM
You'll get there:flower:
Sometimes I need such simple words to remind be about basic facts. And a flower, thank you! :)
May 2nd, 2017, 07:07 AM
I only got 0.5 cm (0.2") o growth this month. Three times less than my average. I was sick for a big part of the month, maybe that's why.
So I'm at 107.5 cm (42.3"), I need 4.5 cm (1.7") to reach my goal.
I get about .33" EVERY month. It gets very discouraging. 4" a year is a terrible growth rate. It would be easier to maintain at TBL and forget growing longer. I've been nearly classic for A G E S.
May 2nd, 2017, 09:39 AM
I get about .33" EVERY month. It gets very discouraging. 4" a year is a terrible growth rate. It would be easier to maintain at TBL and forget growing longer. I've been nearly classic for A G E S.
I know the feeling... Even though I have, on average, 0.59" of growth a month (granted, I use some growth enhancers all the time, a scalp treatment, a herbal tea etc.) for years I'd trim more than I gained, and I was stuck with my growth. It took me way too long to realise that many small trims don't work for me since the damage travels up the length, and I just need to cut the old damage all at once.
In the meantime, people were growing from mid back to classic and beyond, I saw steady progress on monthly pictures. And I was at the same spot all the time, or I'd finish a year with hair that was shorter than in January. And the ends were still bad.
Kat-Rinnč Naido
May 2nd, 2017, 01:44 PM
WaitingSoLong & Henrietta hand in there. You shall achieve your goals stay strong :blossom:
May 3rd, 2017, 04:50 AM
Thank you! :flower:
May 3rd, 2017, 10:03 PM
Thank you all very much!!
I think I'm going to keep one foot in here and the other in the classic-to-knee thread, because why not? :D
LauraLongLocks- your hair is BEAUTIFUL! The shine is out of this world!!
Yeah, you are definitely right about why not move on ahead to the classic-to-knee thread? Congratulations on reaching classic length! :)
Agnes Hannah
May 4th, 2017, 02:50 PM
I haven't been around for a while as I've got a new job and stuff. My hair has been growing, and yes I have reached Classic!!!!! I feel like...:joy::taz::magic::toast::happydance:
Dragon Faery
May 5th, 2017, 04:05 AM
LauraLongLocks, your hair is stunning! So smooth and shiny!
My hair felt really nice after a wash today and so I tried to take a decent photo... the wind got in the way. :lol: Still hovering around BCL!
Gorgeous!! The color you're wearing really sets off your hair :blossom:
Dragon Faery
May 5th, 2017, 04:08 AM
I haven't been around for a while as I've got a new job and stuff. My hair has been growing, and yes I have reached Classic!!!!! I feel like...:joy::taz::magic::toast::happydance:
Congratulations!! It feels amazing to finally reach Classic!! :cheer: :cheese: :happydance: :blossom:
May 5th, 2017, 08:40 AM
I know the feeling... Even though I have, on average, 0.59" of growth a month (granted, I use some growth enhancers all the time, a scalp treatment, a herbal tea etc.)
None of the treatments work for me. I gave up on supplements eons ago (I still take vitamins). I still do scalp massages, peppermint oil, and liquid caffeine topically (the only one with scientific evidence) but stress trumps everything. I should probably be grateful I am growing at all and my hair isn't shedding like crazy. sigh. Before, a few years ago, my growth rate was pretty steadily .5"/month.
Kat-Rinnč Naido
May 5th, 2017, 08:53 AM
I haven't been around for a while as I've got a new job and stuff. My hair has been growing, and yes I have reached Classic!!!!! I feel like...:joy::taz::magic::toast::happydance:
May 5th, 2017, 02:46 PM
None of the treatments work for me. I gave up on supplements eons ago (I still take vitamins). I still do scalp massages, peppermint oil, and liquid caffeine topically (the only one with scientific evidence) but stress trumps everything. I should probably be grateful I am growing at all and my hair isn't shedding like crazy. sigh. Before, a few years ago, my growth rate was pretty steadily .5"/month.
Not many things work for me either. I look for potentially good ones, try them for a few months and see if there is faster growth or not. Drinking yeast helps, powdered caffeine diluted in a herbal scalp treatment, some herbal scalp tonics/treatments work too. But not all of them, those that work for many, many people, often don't work for me, for whatever reason. I don't know what my body does with all those substances. Invests them in growing leg hair, or what? ;)
And there are people who get 1" of growth just like that, every month. 1" is a reason to celebrate for me! :)
May 5th, 2017, 09:37 PM
Not many things work for me either. I look for potentially good ones, try them for a few months and see if there is faster growth or not. Drinking yeast helps, powdered caffeine diluted in a herbal scalp treatment, some herbal scalp tonics/treatments work too. But not all of them, those that work for many, many people, often don't work for me, for whatever reason. I don't know what my body does with all those substances. Invests them in growing leg hair, or what? ;)
And there are people who get 1" of growth just like that, every month. 1" is a reason to celebrate for me! :)
I feel like, in my situation where I am clearly below a previously established growth rate, the supplements/tricks could help (but don't, boo). Whereas, if you are already at your optimum growth rate, which will be limited genetically/physically, I do not think you can enhance that. JMO.
May 6th, 2017, 12:04 AM
I'm past tbl now and like to braid my hair and then put it up in a centerhold bun when I'm at home or I wear a cinnamon bun which I secure with two claw clips (like in the picture). I find this to be really comfortable. :) (
Looks lovely, love your hoodie.
May 6th, 2017, 03:11 PM
I feel like, in my situation where I am clearly below a previously established growth rate, the supplements/tricks could help (but don't, boo). Whereas, if you are already at your optimum growth rate, which will be limited genetically/physically, I do not think you can enhance that. JMO.
In my case, it's more irregular. Both with and without enhancers (even those that worked for a few series of treatments before) I can get from 0 cm to 2.5 cm of growth, but the 2.5 cm months are, I feel, 100+% of my possibilities. But then again... if it was genetically impossible, no enhancer would change it. There must be a potential, that's turned on by some external help. And this is also why some people have 1" of natural growth but potentially, for example, 1.4", and enhancers boost the growth to this potential 1.4". You're right! I'v never thought about it that way, but you're right, I think! Thank you for this revelation! Even with some help, there is still a range of possible growth rate, but then this boosted speed also has its limit.
May 6th, 2017, 03:41 PM
As someone who has a pretty fast growth rate, I can say there's a genetic ceiling that cannot be broken. I know this because I've tried to combine growth aids that have worked separately and ended up with my maximum growth.
I've tried inversion, castor oil, caffeine, etc. but my growth will never surpass 3.5cm. I'm learning to be ok with that, as my personality is one that always wants more, but there definitely is a limit.
May 6th, 2017, 05:35 PM
I, too, have a slower than average growth rate. Mine is about 13 cm a year, without trims. So if I trim anything (especially if I go to a hairstylist who doesn't listen to me), I'm gaining less than 4 inches in a year's time. Nothing I do increases or decreases this rate, as far as I can tell. I hope I can make it to classic this year. That is my goal. That remains to be seen if my hair can make it that far.
May 6th, 2017, 11:01 PM
I get around 6 cm a year, it grows around 0.5 cm per month. Talking about slow growth rate... :D
I blame contraceptive pills for that.
May 7th, 2017, 09:02 AM
As someone who has a pretty fast growth rate, I can say there's a genetic ceiling that cannot be broken. I know this because I've tried to combine growth aids that have worked separately and ended up with my maximum growth.
I've tried inversion, castor oil, caffeine, etc. but my growth will never surpass 3.5cm. I'm learning to be ok with that, as my personality is one that always wants more, but there definitely is a limit.
Exactly! Combining things is the proof. It's not like they add up and we can have 10 cm of monthly growth if we use 4 things that give us 2.5 cm separately :)
May 7th, 2017, 05:32 PM
Thisis all very scientific of course. LOL:rolling::rolling:
I just want my .5"/month back.
May 8th, 2017, 11:18 AM
Of course. Hard science! :D
Alex Lou
May 12th, 2017, 05:00 AM
I trimmed to just above tailbone in December. Now it's longer than it's ever been. Finally got a photo. Average growth feels pretty fast to me.
May 12th, 2017, 09:06 PM
Alex Lou, your hair is so pretty! And, I love the color as well! :) Congratulations on reaching your new length! My hair also grows fast too during the month!
Kat-Rinnč Naido
May 13th, 2017, 01:13 AM
I trimmed to just above tailbone in December. Now it's longer than it's ever been. Finally got a photo. Average growth feels pretty fast to me.
Wow your hair is gorgeous:thud:
May 13th, 2017, 01:23 AM
I trimmed to just above tailbone in December. Now it's longer than it's ever been. Finally got a photo. Average growth feels pretty fast to me.
Beautiful hair, love the fairytale ends :)
May 13th, 2017, 02:29 AM
Your hair is so pretty!!!
Dragon Faery
May 13th, 2017, 01:45 PM
I trimmed to just above tailbone in December. Now it's longer than it's ever been. Finally got a photo. Average growth feels pretty fast to me.
Gorgeous!! It's looking really good!:blossom:
May 13th, 2017, 03:17 PM
Alex Lou, your hair is super pretty. I love the color, the wavy texture, and the volume of it! :flower:
May 14th, 2017, 06:48 AM
Alex Lou, you've got my dream colour! :)
Alex Lou
May 15th, 2017, 04:30 PM
Thank you so much for the compliments, everyone. :D
Believe it or not, I was feeling pretty self-conscious about my hair: like it was always poofy, unruly, and unfashionable. After taking photos the other day, I can see that it really is pretty! I guess I'll be wearing it down proudly. I went out and bought a french clip and a couple cloth headbands so I can tame it somewhat.
Alex Lou, you've got my dream colour! :)
Color is from a box!
May 16th, 2017, 12:26 PM
Thank you all very much!!
I think I'm going to keep one foot in here and the other in the classic-to-knee thread, because why not? :D
LauraLongLocks- your hair is BEAUTIFUL! The shine is out of this world!!
Your hair always catches my eye! Please grow it knee haha :)
May 16th, 2017, 01:00 PM
Thank you so much for the compliments, everyone. :D
Believe it or not, I was feeling pretty self-conscious about my hair: like it was always poofy, unruly, and unfashionable. After taking photos the other day, I can see that it really is pretty! I guess I'll be wearing it down proudly. I went out and bought a french clip and a couple cloth headbands so I can tame it somewhat.
Color is from a box!
I'd never tell! And it doesn't make it less gorgeous for me :) I tried a red hair dye that on the box looked like your colour. I wanted a red strand on the under layer. It turned out deep, dark cherry colour :D My hair is just too dark. But I expected it not to work at all, then. A completely different colour was a huge surprise. I really admire the bravery of those who dye their hair at home, with this unpredictability! :)
Kat-Rinnč Naido
May 16th, 2017, 02:36 PM
Thank you so much for the compliments, everyone. :D
Believe it or not, I was feeling pretty self-conscious about my hair: like it was always poofy, unruly, and unfashionable. After taking photos the other day, I can see that it really is pretty! I guess I'll be wearing it down proudly. I went out and bought a french clip and a couple cloth headbands so I can tame it somewhat.
Color is from a box!
Your colour is gorgeous:thud:
Alex Lou
May 17th, 2017, 10:55 PM
I'd never tell! And it doesn't make it less gorgeous for me :) I tried a red hair dye that on the box looked like your colour. I wanted a red strand on the under layer. It turned out deep, dark cherry colour :D My hair is just too dark. But I expected it not to work at all, then. A completely different colour was a huge surprise. I really admire the bravery of those who dye their hair at home, with this unpredictability! :)
I only got brave enough when I got yellowy ombre that needed correcting. I'd been eyeing the color for a year or two. Box color really shouldn't be unpredictable. Do you remember if the color you used was labeled with the level? If using a level 8 like I do, there's no way it should turn out cherry because it doesn't deposit enough dye. On dark hair, it would just be a less vibrant auburn.
Your colour is gorgeous:thud:
Thank you. :D
May 18th, 2017, 08:04 AM
I keep confusing hip and tailbone and BCL... Oh it just seems they are all close.
May 18th, 2017, 08:34 AM
Argh! Sorry for the double posting.
May 18th, 2017, 10:05 AM
I keep confusing hip and tailbone and BCL... Oh it just seems they are all close.
Take a look at this chart ( then :) And these points might be closer on you, true! :)
I only got brave enough when I got yellowy ombre that needed correcting. I'd been eyeing the color for a year or two. Box color really shouldn't be unpredictable. Do you remember if the color you used was labeled with the level? If using a level 8 like I do, there's no way it should turn out cherry because it doesn't deposit enough dye. On dark hair, it would just be a less vibrant auburn.
Thank you. :D
I might have a note about the colour level somewhere!
May 18th, 2017, 01:44 PM
Henrietta, thank you! So it seems my dear flesh is covering hip bone, lol. But I think tailbone is not far from hip. So at least by the new year I should reach waist. By 2019 to hip or beyond and tailbone by 2020. This of course, depends on all going just according to my plans which may not be the case at all, lol. Only time will tell. Yes, I know I am premature to be looking through this thread, but I am looking forward and I love seeing the pictures here.
May 18th, 2017, 01:47 PM
You'll be here before you know it, vpatt! Time flies :-)
May 19th, 2017, 07:20 AM
Henrietta, thank you! So it seems my dear flesh is covering hip bone, lol. But I think tailbone is not far from hip. So at least by the new year I should reach waist. By 2019 to hip or beyond and tailbone by 2020. This of course, depends on all going just according to my plans which may not be the case at all, lol. Only time will tell. Yes, I know I am premature to be looking through this thread, but I am looking forward and I love seeing the pictures here.
You'll be here before you know it, vpatt! Time flies :-)
Exactly, time flies! I couldn't imagine it when I was lurking in this thread having BSL hair, but... it just happens. Years pass, things happen and hair grows all this time :)
May 19th, 2017, 10:01 AM
You'll be here before you know it, vpatt! Time flies :-)
Thank you for the encouragement!
May 20th, 2017, 04:46 PM
I just took my monthly length photo and I'm so close to classic I could scream! C-can I call it yet? Or should I wait another month?
It needs about an inch more, and you can call it classic.
May 23rd, 2017, 10:25 AM
Well my hair is definitely classic when wet. Another couple months and I should finally be there (again). No plans to trim for the rest of the year.
I've been getting a lot of hair comments recently so this must be where the unusual length begins.
The #1 comment/question I get is "Have you ever cut it in your life?" or "Have you been growing it your whole life?" I always have to suppress a snide comment ('well my hair has never stopped growing that I know of...).
The second is "how long have you been growing your hair?" At this point I just say "I don't know". What I want to say is "well it is not like I shaved it all off and started from bald" but I remind myself that most people are ignorant about hair growth. I also get "your hair must grow fast" to which I reply the truth "no it actually grows slowly, I am just patient."
I also get "your hair is so beautiful" and THAT is what I like to hear! Now I know how to reply to this one: Thank you!
Runners up:
Do you ever cut your hair?
I bet it takes forever to flat iron it ( hair is naturally straight, is this not a thing where you are from?)
Do you ever sit on your hair? (not on purpose, or, I try not to)
I didn't realize your hair was so long.
My hair won't grow that long.
I couldn't have my hair that long, it would be too hard to take care of.
The worst is: You fit all that hair into that tiny bun? :wail:
Just for fun I threw my hair out the window one day when we were going down the road and the wind just threw it right back in. :cool:
Alex Lou
May 23rd, 2017, 12:34 PM
The #1 comment/question I get is "Have you ever cut it in your life?" or "Have you been growing it your whole life?" I always have to suppress a snide comment ('well my hair has never stopped growing that I know of...).
:laugh: I will have to remember that one.
I just get "Your hair is really long." I'm annoyed by this comment because I have no good reply. I usually just say, "I know."
May 24th, 2017, 10:25 AM
:laugh: I will have to remember that one.
I just get "Your hair is really long." I'm annoyed by this comment because I have no good reply. I usually just say, "I know."
Best response possible! Really. Whatever that person means, it fits.
To save some breath, I usually say "Yes".
One of the first times someone said it to me, it was a distant acquaintance and I said "Thank you for the compliment!" because it was a wonderful compliment for me. The response I got? Mean smile and a "Well, it was definitely NOT a compliment from me. Learn to distinguish people's remarks."
May 24th, 2017, 12:57 PM
Congrats on the milestone, WaitingSoLong!
I agree that at tailbone - classic length you get into 'weird' territory for lots of folks. Funny comments abound.
Snark is always a good idea.
'Your hair is long!'
'Dear me, it is! Whatever happened? 'twas but a bob mere minutes ago!'
May 25th, 2017, 06:52 AM
Congrats on the milestone, WaitingSoLong!
I agree that at tailbone - classic length you get into 'weird' territory for lots of folks. Funny comments abound.
Snark is always a good idea.
'Your hair is long!'
'Dear me, it is! Whatever happened? 'twas but a bob mere minutes ago!'
I'm taking a note of this! :eyebrows:
May 25th, 2017, 07:02 AM
I'm claiming TBL :D
May 25th, 2017, 09:51 AM
I'm claiming TBL :D
Congrats! :D
May 25th, 2017, 10:31 AM
I'm claiming TBL :D
Do! Congratulations! :)
And such a cool picture, with the sunlight and the greenery! I love hair pics taken outside :)
May 25th, 2017, 11:03 AM
Do! Congratulations! :)
And such a cool picture, with the sunlight and the greenery! I love hair pics taken outside :)
Congrats! :D
Thank you! At least something happy with all the shedding lately :)
May 25th, 2017, 11:21 AM
I'm taking a note of this! :eyebrows:
I do something similar when people remark on my extremely pale skin in summer. I once actually faked a phone call with my SO, shakily asking him to take me to a doctor since my legs had suddenly become so pale. Great fun was had. :D
I'm claiming TBL :D
May 25th, 2017, 12:53 PM
I'm claiming TBL :D
Absolutely beautiful!
May 25th, 2017, 12:56 PM
I do something similar when people remark on my extremely pale skin in summer. I once actually faked a phone call with my SO, shakily asking him to take me to a doctor since my legs had suddenly become so pale. Great fun was had. :D
Haha, I often tell people I bleach my legs to keep them so white.
Groovy Granny
May 25th, 2017, 12:57 PM
It has been a few months since my last visit, and all of you are so gorgeous :thud:
May 25th, 2017, 01:05 PM
I'm claiming TBL :D
Love your hair :inlove: The color, the waves...
czech it out
May 25th, 2017, 10:49 PM
I made it!! :joy: I was holding out on posting here until I got my yearly trim, but even with an inch or two off, I'm still well past the classic mark. Woohoo! Knee here I come!
Alex Lou
May 25th, 2017, 11:48 PM
One of the first times someone said it to me, it was a distant acquaintance and I said "Thank you for the compliment!" because it was a wonderful compliment for me. The response I got? Mean smile and a "Well, it was definitely NOT a compliment from me. Learn to distinguish people's remarks."
That is shockingly rude.
Snark is always a good idea.
'Your hair is long!'
'Dear me, it is! Whatever happened? 'twas but a bob mere minutes ago!'
Haha. Yes!
I'm claiming TBL :D
I made it!! :joy: I was holding out on posting here until I got my yearly trim, but even with an inch or two off, I'm still well past the classic mark. Woohoo! Knee here I come!
Wow, I really like your sense of style with your hair. Oh to have 1b/1c ii hair... I would gladly trade. The color too.
May 26th, 2017, 07:09 AM
I made it!! :joy: I was holding out on posting here until I got my yearly trim, but even with an inch or two off, I'm still well past the classic mark. Woohoo! Knee here I come!
Congrats! :D
May 26th, 2017, 09:10 AM
I'm *just* at classic I think, will be there solidly in a month I'd imagine. What do you guys think? (
May 26th, 2017, 03:14 PM
I made it!! :joy: I was holding out on posting here until I got my yearly trim, but even with an inch or two off, I'm still well past the classic mark. Woohoo! Knee here I come!
Gorgeous, congratulations!
I'm *just* at classic I think, will be there solidly in a month I'd imagine. What do you guys think? (
I think you can call it, but a month's wait will indeed make it more distinct. Party!
May 27th, 2017, 02:21 AM
Im just a bit past tailbone but not quite classic. Thinking knee to ankle sounds tempting as long as it looks decent and it's not tangeled. So many gorgeous extreme lengths here. So lovely and tempting but must be a lot of work. I'm only tailbone + And dealing with tangles.arg
May 27th, 2017, 06:27 AM
I'm *just* at classic I think, will be there solidly in a month I'd imagine. What do you guys think? (
You can call it, as far as I'm concerned! :) :thumbsup:
May 27th, 2017, 07:33 AM
You can call it, as far as I'm concerned! :) :thumbsup:
Looks awesome love the pink ends:)
May 27th, 2017, 01:36 PM
Arete if you can get a picture where the camera is on level with ends of your hair that may make it easier to see where they fall. The one you have now looks like it was taken from higher than that point. (I'm pretty sure you can call it anyway. Congratulations!) I love the pink ends, too.
I'm just popping in, I am not sure if I belong here or not. I'm definitely at BCL. Hi everyone!
May 31st, 2017, 03:38 AM
I had 1.5 cm of growth in May (about 0.6"). I need 3 cm more to reach my goal of classic (when wet/stretched, at least). I should get there in 3 months, maybe even 2. And I hope I won't have to trim my ends in the meantime.
Lady Una
June 7th, 2017, 09:42 AM
Just returned here after a long hiatus and realized my hair is past tailbone length now (40" on me). I need another 4-5 inches to reach classic. Now, if I can only resist the temptation to trim...
June 7th, 2017, 11:08 AM
Just returned here after a long hiatus and realized my hair is past tailbone length now (40" on me). I need another 4-5 inches to reach classic. Now, if I can only resist the temptation to trim...
Why are you tempted to trim? :) Do the ends need it?
June 10th, 2017, 10:01 PM
Joining you all on the journey to classic.... used a hair stick to determine I have about 6 inches to go, lol. Probably 2 years with my trims, and I hear that your hair grows slower past tailbone too, so we'll see.
June 11th, 2017, 01:20 AM
Willing my hair to make it into this thread! Lovely, lovely locks here :love:
June 11th, 2017, 05:47 AM
Joining you all on the journey to classic.... used a hair stick to determine I have about 6 inches to go, lol. Probably 2 years with my trims, and I hear that your hair grows slower past tailbone too, so we'll see.
There are two reasons I can think of why hair would seem to grow more slowly after tailbone, but neither of them is due to the length alone. I'd say either accumulated damage causing breakage, or people approaching their (real or false) terminal length would be the culprit there. Hair grows from the scalp, and the scalp's gonna grow what it's gonna grow whether the hair's cut to a pixie or to your knees. So, you can take a little bit of heart from that, I hope.
June 11th, 2017, 09:14 AM
I had a dream last night that my hair was suddenly past classic. I woke up and checked the length of my hair, annoyed to find that it was just a dream.
June 11th, 2017, 12:23 PM
Nique, that thought does help. I really don't think Im coming close to terminal and doing my best to keep up with damage so hopefully it doesnt slow down too much.
I had a dream last night that my hair was suddenly past classic. I woke up and checked the length of my hair, annoyed to find that it was just a dream.
LOL i have dreams like this too. I also have wishful thinking dreams that I have a bunny. Wake up and there is no extra hair and no bunny.. :(
June 12th, 2017, 08:20 AM
There are two reasons I can think of why hair would seem to grow more slowly after tailbone, but neither of them is due to the length alone. I'd say either accumulated damage causing breakage, or people approaching their (real or false) terminal length would be the culprit there. Hair grows from the scalp, and the scalp's gonna grow what it's gonna grow whether the hair's cut to a pixie or to your knees. So, you can take a little bit of heart from that, I hope.
What do you mean by real or false terminal length? False is when the hair could grow, potentially, but it won't because of damaged ends, and real is when the scalp just won't produce more length? That's my guess, but I'd be grateful if you confirmed it :) This knowledge could help me with my considerations :)
June 12th, 2017, 11:53 AM
What do you mean by real or false terminal length? False is when the hair could grow, potentially, but it won't because of damaged ends, and real is when the scalp just won't produce more length? That's my guess, but I'd be grateful if you confirmed it :) This knowledge could help me with my considerations :)
Yeah, you've pretty much got it, though some people's definitions may not match mine exactly. For me, real terminal is "follicle is healthy, hair has never been cut, and has grown as long as the follicle's growth phase allows", and false terminal can be one of three things:
-the hair has been cut at some point
-the hair has suffered damage and breakage making it seem like it can't grow any longer when it's just breaking off at that level
-there's some health issue preventing the follicle from allowing the hair to grow as long as it otherwise could
With false terminal, different treatment of the hair or changes in health over time might allow you to gain some additional length, if you want to. With real terminal, there's nothing to be done but learn to accept it.
June 12th, 2017, 01:05 PM
Fantastic. Thank you for sharing and for the idea itself. :)
Alex Lou
June 16th, 2017, 06:35 PM
I'm finding myself tempted to cut the past week or so. I've actually branched out with my updos and have been doing Heidi braids, which are great and look great! But having my hair in braids makes it super obvious where the old ombre is. It all blends well enough when it's down or in a bun that I don't notice. But in braids, I can see the slight change in color and the sudden taper. If I were to just cut 5 inches off...
The 2 week rule really helps me not to cut since I go back and forth and can't keep up my mind for a solid 2 weeks. I've kind of half-heartedly promised myself I won't trim again until next mothers day as a gift to myself.
I had a dream last night that my hair was suddenly past classic. I woke up and checked the length of my hair, annoyed to find that it was just a dream.
I'm sorry that you found it annoying. The last time I had a dream like that, I found it inspirational! :D
June 16th, 2017, 08:59 PM
I had a dream last night that my hair was suddenly past classic. I woke up and checked the length of my hair, annoyed to find that it was just a dream.
Yeah, me too always having those kind of dreams. One night I dreamed that I had thigh length hair, and I woke up, and checked the length and it was only MBL. But we all know that someday soon we will all reach our goals.
June 17th, 2017, 02:56 PM
I am kind of happy, after years(9!) of trying to grow from hip to classic and reaching tailbone many times but always had to cut back i can now say that i am only 1 inch away from solid Classic .. Cant wait to post my official length shot next month, but until then i am doing my happy dance :D
June 17th, 2017, 05:05 PM
My favorite way to infuse moisture into my hair is with a deep treatment + gentle heat. Hask has really great deep treatments in little packets. I love them!
Yeah, me too!!! I love doing deep moisturizing treatments twice a week!!! I do a deep moisturizing conditioning treatment with, "Cholestrol," once a week, and I do another deep treatment with a light protein/moisturizing treatment once a week as well!!! And, my hair always comes out well-moisturized!!!
June 17th, 2017, 05:08 PM
I am kind of happy, after years(9!) of trying to grow from hip to classic and reaching tailbone many times but always had to cut back i can now say that i am only 1 inch away from solid Classic .. Cant wait to post my official length shot next month, but until then i am doing my happy dance :D
Congratulations!:) I am so happy for you that you've reached Classic Length!!! I've got a long ways to go. I'm at MBL on my way to WL!!! I was sooo happy that I've reached that length last month!!! Now, I'm shooting for WL within about 2 or 3 months from now. Yes, please post some photos of your length? And, continue to do your happy dance ::D
June 17th, 2017, 07:35 PM
I am kind of happy, after years(9!) of trying to grow from hip to classic and reaching tailbone many times but always had to cut back i can now say that i am only 1 inch away from solid Classic .. Cant wait to post my official length shot next month, but until then i am doing my happy dance :D
Yay, I'm so happy for you!
Alex Lou
June 17th, 2017, 11:43 PM
I am kind of happy, after years(9!) of trying to grow from hip to classic and reaching tailbone many times but always had to cut back i can now say that i am only 1 inch away from solid Classic .. Cant wait to post my official length shot next month, but until then i am doing my happy dance :D
Congratulation! :D So exciting.
Wildcat Diva
June 18th, 2017, 08:47 AM
Update shot. Here I've been in a different water scenario (on vacation) and also here my hair had been bunned previously. It's straighter.
Location is Bishop's Castle in Colorado.
June 18th, 2017, 01:51 PM
Wildcat Diva--your hair color plus that shirt color = gorgeous! And I love your wurly ends. :)
June 18th, 2017, 02:32 PM
Update shot. Here I've been in a different water scenario (on vacation) and also here my hair had been bunned previously. It's straighter.
Location is Bishop's Castle in Colorado.
I always love your hair!
June 21st, 2017, 07:57 PM
Semi-cross posting from the waist to tailbone thread, I finally made it here! I've been past this point before, then chop a foot or two and start over, but this time it's taking forever thanks to a most unusual super-stall.
My left hand is around my tailbone, my right is where I felt the bottom ends of hair. It looks like the runners are actually approaching classic when stretched (which is somewhere around the bottom edge of the picture), though the bulk is still a fair distance away. With luck and no more stalls, maybe I can even be moving on from this thread by the end of the year! It looks like it's 3-4 inches between the two markers, so that's not unreasonable.
June 21st, 2017, 09:54 PM
Congratulations SparrowWings on reaching to TBL! Lovely hair!!! Hopefully someday I will reach that point but I've got a long while to get there. Like, Maybe another 18 months. I am hoping to reach HL by the end of this year. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :)
June 22nd, 2017, 09:32 AM
SparrowWings- nice growth progress. It's not much longer now until the end of the year and I agree you might even go past classic!
June 26th, 2017, 01:38 PM
Look at the lengths under my avatar. Just look at them. I measured today :) I hope next month I'll celebrate! :)
June 26th, 2017, 01:41 PM
Look at the lengths under my avatar. Just look at them. I measured today :) I hope next month I'll celebrate! :)
Henrietta, this is huge! So happy for you :o
June 26th, 2017, 01:47 PM
Henrietta, this is huge! So happy for you :o
Thank you! :) :flower:
June 26th, 2017, 05:31 PM
Semi-cross posting from the waist to tailbone thread, I finally made it here! I've been past this point before, then chop a foot or two and start over, but this time it's taking forever thanks to a most unusual super-stall.
My left hand is around my tailbone, my right is where I felt the bottom ends of hair. It looks like the runners are actually approaching classic when stretched (which is somewhere around the bottom edge of the picture), though the bulk is still a fair distance away. With luck and no more stalls, maybe I can even be moving on from this thread by the end of the year! It looks like it's 3-4 inches between the two markers, so that's not unreasonable.
Oh my goodness! You have such lovely hair!
s-a-m-a-r-k-a-n, I love your sig!
June 26th, 2017, 07:26 PM
Thanks Dark40, Remi, and Ellethwyn! I'm so glad to be back here again; it's finally getting long enough to do stuff with it while it's braided, and there are so many more styles to try thanks to LHC that I never knew existed.
On that note, though... When you do a braided LWB, how do you hide/blend the massive jutting lump that is the base of the braid? I try to keep the wrapping a little looser than I did unbraided, and it seems to help a tiny amount, but it still sticks out like a sore thumb and looks weird, compared to the nice, even wrapping for the whole rest of the circle.
June 26th, 2017, 10:31 PM
Hello everyone! I took a two year hiatus (was practicing benign neglect and was so good at it I forgot I was apart of this forum haha >.>), and before I was in the BSL to waist group, though I don't think I belong at that group anymore. The lovely ladies over there said maybe this one would be more appropriate, after seeing my current hair photo. Could I ask you lovely ladies to help me see if I could join here?
Here's my current hair progress photo: (
Any replies are much appreciated, thank you all ^.^
June 27th, 2017, 03:14 AM
PsychoLoverly*Have you tried to take a photo with a camera being placed on the same level as your hemline? It would give you a clearer picture of your length, if you are unsure.
June 27th, 2017, 04:23 AM
*Samarkan, hmmm I only have my phone camera, no full length mirror, but maybe I can get someone to take it from my hemline in the back instead of straight on. All I really know is when stretched or wet it is at the top of my bum, and dry it is at the hip bone... Will try to take a better picture soon
June 27th, 2017, 05:12 AM
s-a-m-a-r-k-a-n, I love your sig![/QUOTE]
shhhhh.....(me, too!).......
June 27th, 2017, 05:20 AM
Look at the lengths under my avatar. Just look at them. I measured today :) I hope next month I'll celebrate! :)
I had got my hair a few layers in 2014 and am currently regretting this so very much. I recently had to chop 3-4 inches off due to splits too bad to salvage. How can one hair split seven times and even the splits had their own splits! (sigh)
June 27th, 2017, 06:42 AM
*Samarkan, hmmm I only have my phone camera, no full length mirror, but maybe I can get someone to take it from my hemline in the back instead of straight on. All I really know is when stretched or wet it is at the top of my bum, and dry it is at the hip bone... Will try to take a better picture soon
If your phone camera can take photos with a timer, you may try to position it on a shelf, table or stairs and stand in front of the camera in time for the picture. It is how I do it.
This one I took some time ago for a reference. It was difficult for me to detrmine lengths when I was growing hair for the first time. I also wanted to know what others see from a distance.
The phone was positioned in the wardrobe (!). It was not even quite on the same level as hair endings, but it gave me the benchmark.
June 27th, 2017, 06:50 AM
s-a-m-a-r-k-a-n, I love your sig!
shhhhh.....(me, too!).......
I love the picture too :D it summs up my attitude ;)
June 28th, 2017, 01:23 AM
s-a-m-a-r-k-a-n, you have such lovely hair! it's gorgeous!
I'm about 5.5 inches from classic now. My ends are oiled in this pic. My ends are also starting to get quite thin ::sigh:: I'm tempted to cut a few inches, just to get some thickness back, but i am so tired of being between waist and bcl, i just cant wait to reach classic!
June 28th, 2017, 02:13 AM
s-a-m-a-r-k-a-n, you have such lovely hair! it's gorgeous
You are so sweet, thank you :flower: I love yours!, I have always dreamt of this rich blond color :crush:
June 28th, 2017, 12:09 PM
You are so sweet, thank you :flower: I love yours!, I have always dreamt of this rich blond color :crush:
Thank you! : )
Lady Katherine
June 28th, 2017, 04:34 PM
s-a-m-a-r-k-a-n, you have such lovely hair! it's gorgeous!
I'm about 5.5 inches from classic now. My ends are oiled in this pic. My ends are also starting to get quite thin ::sigh:: I'm tempted to cut a few inches, just to get some thickness back, but i am so tired of being between waist and bcl, i just cant wait to reach classic!
So gorgeous! Looks like spun silk princess hair!!!
I'm having that same struggle with thick ends vs. length, and so far microtrimming is working for me! But I have also been in the waist/BCL land too because of my need for thick ends lol but looks great!
June 29th, 2017, 01:16 AM
Thank you so much, Lady Katherine! Your hair is so gorgeous, as well! That updo in your sig is magnificent!
June 29th, 2017, 05:12 AM
s-a-m-a-r-k-a-n, you have such lovely hair! it's gorgeous!
I'm about 5.5 inches from classic now. My ends are oiled in this pic. My ends are also starting to get quite thin ::sigh:: I'm tempted to cut a few inches, just to get some thickness back, but i am so tired of being between waist and bcl, i just cant wait to reach classic!
I think your hair looks just awesome, and wouldn't cut a single inch!
June 29th, 2017, 09:03 AM
I wouldn't cut it either, Ellethwyn! The ends are good enough to stay, you can grow some more without trimming :)
June 29th, 2017, 09:12 AM
s-a-m-a-r-k-a-n, you have such lovely hair! it's gorgeous!
I'm about 5.5 inches from classic now. My ends are oiled in this pic. My ends are also starting to get quite thin ::sigh:: I'm tempted to cut a few inches, just to get some thickness back, but i am so tired of being between waist and bcl, i just cant wait to reach classic!
I vote no to cutting as well! Our hair actually looks very similar down, including length in proportion to our bodies (although completely opposite in colour).;) My ends are very thin like that too though... but my plan is to keep it growing until I hit classic, then I might decide to maintain for a while to thicken up that hem.
June 29th, 2017, 10:14 AM
I vote no to cutting as well! Our hair actually looks very similar down, including length in proportion to our bodies (although completely opposite in colour).;) My ends are very thin like that too though... but my plan is to keep it growing until I hit classic, then I might decide to maintain for a while to thicken up that hem.
I've got the same plan! My ends at the moment are not perfectly good. But they are good enough in the sense that: 1. they will survive some more time without becoming brittle and extremely fragile and 2. I can stand them for a while longer in this condition :D
June 29th, 2017, 12:22 PM
Thank you all for the encouragement!!! I'm definitely going to wait it out and not trim until i reach classic. I have the same plan as you Aredhel & I've noticed how our hair is quite similar. I adore your beautiful mane!
June 29th, 2017, 12:54 PM
I've got the same plan! My ends at the moment are not perfectly good. But they are good enough in the sense that: 1. they will survive some more time without becoming brittle and extremely fragile and 2. I can stand them for a while longer in this condition :D
Thank you all for the encouragement!!! I'm definitely going to wait it out and not trim until i reach classic. I have the same plan as you Aredhel & I've noticed how our hair is quite similar. I adore your beautiful mane!
Excellent, we're in this together then! :D Yeah my ends are not in pristine condition either, but I've been babying them so hopefully they will last another year or so!
And thank you Ellethwyn!! I feel the same way about your gorgeous hair... it reminds me of spun gold.:crush:
June 29th, 2017, 02:00 PM
Ellethwyn, it looks awesome. I wouldn't cut unless the ends were damaged. The rest will catch up eventually. My hair has looked like that at every new "length step", I think it's just the nature of 1a hair. Tapering is just much more visible compared to curly or wavy hair. You could curl the ends if you want some change, that way the ends won't look thin at all :)
June 29th, 2017, 03:39 PM
Thanks Dark40, Remi, and Ellethwyn! I'm so glad to be back here again; it's finally getting long enough to do stuff with it while it's braided, and there are so many more styles to try thanks to LHC that I never knew existed.
On that note, though... When you do a braided LWB, how do you hide/blend the massive jutting lump that is the base of the braid? I try to keep the wrapping a little looser than I did unbraided, and it seems to help a tiny amount, but it still sticks out like a sore thumb and looks weird, compared to the nice, even wrapping for the whole rest of the circle.
You're welcome!:)
June 29th, 2017, 03:43 PM
Ellethwyn, I agree with Henrietta. You don't need a trim. You can grow it some more until you've reached classic.
June 30th, 2017, 01:08 AM
Thank you, Lucid! I'm glad to hear that it's the nature of 1a hair. Mine seems to do it at every new length step, too, now that i think of it.
Thanks, Dark40 : ) I'm going to do it!
June 30th, 2017, 01:10 AM
I'm starting to brush 42" which is what classic should be for me, but there aren't that many hairs that actually measure 42", so with my wave it doesn't look like it's at classic (I measure stretched). If my hair decides to keep growing this time, I should hit classic within a couple months.
June 30th, 2017, 06:31 AM
Thank you, Lucid! I'm glad to hear that it's the nature of 1a hair. Mine seems to do it at every new length step, too, now that i think of it.
Honestly, mine does the same. It probably is less visible, like lucid said, but by feel (and braid tassle!), it's still there. It's also part of why I tend to wait to call a new length until a significant portion of my hair is there, rather than just a few variable runners. It's a pretty vague way to do it, but it works for me, and keeps me from being annoyed from the tapering quite so quickly. Tapering is always there to some extent, but it does seem to be better or worse in fits and starts. And that's without trimming at all since ... whatever the cut date on my sig says, at least a couple years ago now.
June 30th, 2017, 08:12 AM
Ellethwyn, it looks awesome. I wouldn't cut unless the ends were damaged. The rest will catch up eventually. My hair has looked like that at every new "length step", I think it's just the nature of 1a hair. Tapering is just much more visible compared to curly or wavy hair. You could curl the ends if you want some change, that way the ends won't look thin at all :)
Yup, same here! With regular enough maintenance trims I'm sure it would be pretty easy to thicken up our hems over time, but it's definitely normal looking when it comes to our hair type.:) I think a lot of us have hair that looks thinner than it really is just because our ends taper so much. I know that's how it is for me anyway.
June 30th, 2017, 04:33 PM
Okay. As of the end of June, I'm 0.3" (1 cm) away from my goal. My average growth is 1.5 cm a month, so theoretically I should be there next month! I can't believe it, in the literal meaning of this expression.
In the pics, my hair might look like the ends are past classic, but that's a perspective trick. (Pics taken by DH who is 6.7 feet (203 cm) tall, so you know :D) In reality, the longest ends are 1 cm away from classic when stretched.
June 30th, 2017, 05:47 PM
Gorgeous hair and waves, Henrietta!
June 30th, 2017, 07:10 PM
Oh my gosh, Henrietta!! I love your hair, I so wish my hair could look like yours! Well, so I know I have silvers but I still want yours.
June 30th, 2017, 09:26 PM
I tried to get a decent length shot. Every time I comb my hair and then toss it behind me, I end up with this really pretty forked appearance. I don't actually know if it's forked or not, lol. g ( g.html)
June 30th, 2017, 10:05 PM
Beautiful hair Henrietta & LaurLongLocks!
My hair does a similar thing, LLL. I have to comb it again to get it even after I toss it over my shoulders.
June 30th, 2017, 11:00 PM
Decoy24601 your sig pic :thud::agape:
I have missed it before now or something. I have serious envy going on and I just stare and stare at the photo! Perfect color, length, thickness, layers...I may never recover.
July 1st, 2017, 07:16 AM
Thank you for the nice words! :crush:
July 1st, 2017, 08:09 AM
I tried to get a decent length shot. Every time I comb my hair and then toss it behind me, I end up with this really pretty forked appearance. I don't actually know if it's forked or not, lol. g ( g.html)
Yes, yes, this is my hair....quite a bit shorter than yours but it is very difficult to get a decent picture for this very reason. But somehow yours looks much better than mine, lol.
July 1st, 2017, 08:14 AM
Henrietta and LauraLongLocks you both have beautiful hair! Totally different tones and textures and both incredible in their own way.
July 1st, 2017, 10:20 AM
Wow, Henrietta! It's just beautiful. My hair falls the same way on the ends because of my waves.
Okay. As of the end of June, I'm 0.3" (1 cm) away from my goal. My average growth is 1.5 cm a month, so theoretically I should be there next month! I can't believe it, in the literal meaning of this expression.
In the pics, my hair might look like the ends are past classic, but that's a perspective trick. (Pics taken by DH who is 6.7 feet (203 cm) tall, so you know :D) In reality, the longest ends are 1 cm away from classic when stretched.
July 1st, 2017, 10:31 AM
I'm calling it and moving to the Classic-knee thread!
July 1st, 2017, 11:47 AM
I'm calling it and moving to the Classic-knee thread!
Yeeeeeeeeeees! :) Congratulations!
July 1st, 2017, 02:38 PM
Okay, I'm ready to call it..... finally made it back to tailbone! :joy::cheese::cheer::beerchug: (
This represents growing out from bald in 2011 following chemo, after having hit this length the first time around. So technically, I've been growing to this length for six years, but in actuality, it's been in progress since 2009. I am beyond elated to finally have made it back to this point. Now, I'm going to start trimming to thicken up my ends, and then full steam ahead to Classic--if everything goes well, by next summer or fall. My ultimate goal is fingertip.
July 1st, 2017, 03:37 PM
Oh Medievalmaniac I can't begin to imagine how happy you must be after such a journey! Congratulations! Your hair looks so beautiful and healthy.
July 1st, 2017, 04:07 PM
Thank you! I am overjoyed; not being a patient person by nature, I heave learned to be by necessity--but I'm glad I don't have to be quite so patient anymore, now that I've hit my first major milestone! :)
July 1st, 2017, 04:10 PM
I'm calling it and moving to the Classic-knee thread!
That looks AWESOME! Congratulations! :happydance:
July 1st, 2017, 06:57 PM
I tried to get a decent length shot. Every time I comb my hair and then toss it behind me, I end up with this really pretty forked appearance. I don't actually know if it's forked or not, lol. g ( g.html)
Looks awesome Laura that much closer to knee.
July 3rd, 2017, 10:21 AM
Okay, I'm ready to call it..... finally made it back to tailbone! :joy::cheese::cheer::beerchug: (
This represents growing out from bald in 2011 following chemo, after having hit this length the first time around. So technically, I've been growing to this length for six years, but in actuality, it's been in progress since 2009. I am beyond elated to finally have made it back to this point. Now, I'm going to start trimming to thicken up my ends, and then full steam ahead to Classic--if everything goes well, by next summer or fall. My ultimate goal is fingertip.
Congratulations! It's such an amazing milestone!:)
July 4th, 2017, 11:20 AM
I need to know...when hair is "classic" length do you sit on it. Can it be sat upon? I want my hair to be just shy of that possibility.I am already past tailbone....going for the closest I can get to classic without having to worry about sitting on it.
July 4th, 2017, 11:30 AM
I'm 0.3"/1 cm away from classic when wet and I only sit on my hair when I sit on something very soft, like a sofa or a pillow. But even then, not much. Just the ends, and just lightly. When I sit on a chair or something else that is hard, I don't sit on my hair. The ends don't even touch the chair, I asked DH. Even when I'm at classic when dry (it will be an inch or 1.5" more than when I have now, I guess) I won't be able to really sit on my hair because the ends will just brush the surface.
July 4th, 2017, 12:30 PM
When my hair was at classic I was definitely able to sit on it (see profile photo... it was just a bit longer than that I think)! I actually had to wake a snoozing lady up once on the bus who was sitting beside me, because she was sitting on my hair.:lol: Or maybe I was actually past classic and didn't even know?:ponder:
July 4th, 2017, 09:55 PM
I'm calling it and moving to the Classic-knee thread!
Lucky! Congratulations! Such beautiful hair!
July 4th, 2017, 09:57 PM
Okay, I'm ready to call it..... finally made it back to tailbone! :joy::cheese::cheer::beerchug: (
This represents growing out from bald in 2011 following chemo, after having hit this length the first time around. So technically, I've been growing to this length for six years, but in actuality, it's been in progress since 2009. I am beyond elated to finally have made it back to this point. Now, I'm going to start trimming to thicken up my ends, and then full steam ahead to Classic--if everything goes well, by next summer or fall. My ultimate goal is fingertip.
Wow! Congratulations! Your hair is gorgeous! I love your color. I can't wait to see it at classic :D
July 5th, 2017, 08:53 PM
Beautiful hair Henrietta & LaurLongLocks!
My hair does a similar thing, LLL. I have to comb it again to get it even after I toss it over my shoulders. Well, I'm in good company then! Thank you.
Yes, yes, this is my hair....quite a bit shorter than yours but it is very difficult to get a decent picture for this very reason. But somehow yours looks much better than mine, lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this trouble getting a good length photo. I try to comb it again after I toss it back, but I can't get it all straightened out properly, lol.
Henrietta and LauraLongLocks you both have beautiful hair! Totally different tones and textures and both incredible in their own way. Thank you so much. I think my latest length shot looks a bit on the dry side, but it's nothing some oil and a deep conditioning treatment can't fix.
Looks awesome Laura that much closer to knee. Well, I still have a few milestones to go before knee, haha! But yes, my ultimate goal of knee length is looking more possible to me. I don't know if I have the genetics to get me there or not. Growing it out is an experiment!
Once I get to classic (hopefully the end of this year), I plan to maintain a while, or maybe trim half my growth every other month so I'm still making small gains in length while improving my thickness at the ends. Classic is an impressive length, but it's even more beautiful and stunning when it's healthy and thick all the way to the hem. Before growing to greater lengths, I want my ends to be like a paintbrush, lol. I also want to get used to having classic length, managing day-to-day life with that much hair. I'm sometimes frustrated with having to deal with it now, at my current length. I find myself avoiding washing because I don't have the time, or don't want to deal with it. Brushing daily with my boar bristle brush helps keep it clean and extends my washings, and also reduces my shedding. Scalp-only washing has also been a help to me in maintaining my scalp health and appearance while avoiding having to deal with full-length conditioning and wet hair and on and on. My scalp requires twice a week washing to stay clean enough for work and school and to avoid me getting itchy and inflamed. My ends, however, are too old to withstand all that, plus my life is too stinking busy to spend so many hours a week on hair maintenance. So, that's why I'm glad I learned a few things between waist-hip length... like experimenting with which washing techniques worked best for me and how to do the scalp-only washing. It's making the length more manageable now. Still, I want to get a full-length proper wash in more often than I do, and that's where I'd like to live with it at classic a while so I can really get used to it and make time for it.
Sorry for the long book that I wrote here... is anyone else in the same mental spot that I seem to be in with my hair?
July 5th, 2017, 09:07 PM
Thank you, Lucid! I'm glad to hear that it's the nature of 1a hair. Mine seems to do it at every new length step, too, now that i think of it.
Thanks, Dark40 : ) I'm going to do it!
You're welcome! Ok, go for it! :)
July 6th, 2017, 10:28 AM
I need to know...when hair is "classic" length do you sit on it. Can it be sat upon? I want my hair to be just shy of that possibility.I am already past tailbone....going for the closest I can get to classic without having to worry about sitting on it.
I begin sitting on mine in soft seats after TBL, or in the car, etc. It can also get in the toilet at that time. The true sitting on it did not come until well after classic. This issue is one reason I chopped a couple years back and why I get sick of my hair past TBL. I also dislike the feeling of hair in my bum-crack in the shower. :shudder:
is anyone else in the same mental spot that I seem to be in with my hair?
I have had my hair as long as FTL before. Currently I am *just* at classic for the third time, I believe. I struggle with not wanting to wash because it is a fiasco. The main reason I have long hair is to avoid all the time spent on styling. I do 3-second stick-buns and rarely look at my hair once it is up for the day. It is very easy to not even detangle it and just throw it up and forget about it, but I do not work so I can be a bum most days at home.
Recently I have started not detangling after the shower. This happened by accident one day I was not feeling well, I took a shower and washed my hair to try to "wake up" and feel better but ended up crawling into bed. I fell asleep with my hair wet and not detangled. It was oddly much easier to detangle once it had dried! Now I've been throwing it into a bun and detangling before bed.
I prefer a minimalist hair routine so anything easier is a win.
July 6th, 2017, 12:06 PM
Wow! Congratulations! Your hair is gorgeous! I love your color. I can't wait to see it at classic :D
Thank you--- I can't wait, too! Colorwise, this is Nightblooming's bright copper fire Genasi henna blend on hair that has only ever seen that henna blend by way of coloring. It's niot quite this bright in natural lighting, but under fluorescent it kicks burnt orange. :)
July 6th, 2017, 12:10 PM
Recently I have started not detangling after the shower. This happened by accident one day I was not feeling well, I took a shower and washed my hair to try to "wake up" and feel better but ended up crawling into bed. I fell asleep with my hair wet and not detangled. It was oddly much easier to detangle once it had dried! Now I've been throwing it into a bun and detangling before bed.
I prefer a minimalist hair routine so anything easier is a win.
This week I discovered that if I put my hair in a tightly pulled fishtail braid once it has dried following a wash, I can leave it in that braid for three days and when I take it out, no tangles. Three days in a braid=definitely minimalist! Maybe that would work for you as well? Usually I plop it up in a cinnamon or nautilus bun with a Ficarre or hairstick, but I did enjoy the change of pace of the braid, especially since it didn't make any extra work for me when I took it out! :)
Agnes Hannah
July 6th, 2017, 03:05 PM
Hello, can I come back? I've just cut two inches off my hair and I feel a bit mixed about it. The ends were very poor and thin so it really needed a good trim. My classic length was only a few hairs and not much growing was going on, so I decided to go for it and cut some off. I know I can get to classic, but would rather grow with more than just a few hairs. It might give me a better chance of getting past classic now with thicker ends.
July 6th, 2017, 03:35 PM
Well, I'm in good company then! Thank you.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this trouble getting a good length photo. I try to comb it again after I toss it back, but I can't get it all straightened out properly, lol.
Thank you so much. I think my latest length shot looks a bit on the dry side, but it's nothing some oil and a deep conditioning treatment can't fix.
Well, I still have a few milestones to go before knee, haha! But yes, my ultimate goal of knee length is looking more possible to me. I don't know if I have the genetics to get me there or not. Growing it out is an experiment!
Once I get to classic (hopefully the end of this year), I plan to maintain a while, or maybe trim half my growth every other month so I'm still making small gains in length while improving my thickness at the ends. Classic is an impressive length, but it's even more beautiful and stunning when it's healthy and thick all the way to the hem. Before growing to greater lengths, I want my ends to be like a paintbrush, lol. I also want to get used to having classic length, managing day-to-day life with that much hair. I'm sometimes frustrated with having to deal with it now, at my current length. I find myself avoiding washing because I don't have the time, or don't want to deal with it. Brushing daily with my boar bristle brush helps keep it clean and extends my washings, and also reduces my shedding. Scalp-only washing has also been a help to me in maintaining my scalp health and appearance while avoiding having to deal with full-length conditioning and wet hair and on and on. My scalp requires twice a week washing to stay clean enough for work and school and to avoid me getting itchy and inflamed. My ends, however, are too old to withstand all that, plus my life is too stinking busy to spend so many hours a week on hair maintenance. So, that's why I'm glad I learned a few things between waist-hip length... like experimenting with which washing techniques worked best for me and how to do the scalp-only washing. It's making the length more manageable now. Still, I want to get a full-length proper wash in more often than I do, and that's where I'd like to live with it at classic a while so I can really get used to it and make time for it.
Sorry for the long book that I wrote here... is anyone else in the same mental spot that I seem to be in with my hair?
Same spot exactly, actually x3 As usual haha. I'm also doing twice a week washing but I haven't been as avid with my bbb. Am basically at classic, just too lazy to take a progress pic. Been microtrimming and will be doing a larger trim soon, although mid thigh is calling me. I want to get rid of some layers and bleach first. Good on you for making scalp only washes work for you. I too find hair at this length rather unwieldy however have been trying to enjoy it down every now and then just because it's basically goal length. I find if I just don't touch it (or look at it) it won't tangle as bad while down. Darn f/m tangly hair.
July 6th, 2017, 04:03 PM
I begin sitting on mine in soft seats after TBL, or in the car, etc. It can also get in the toilet at that time. The true sitting on it did not come until well after classic. This issue is one reason I chopped a couple years back and why I get sick of my hair past TBL. I also dislike the feeling of hair in my bum-crack in the shower. :shudder:
I have had my hair as long as FTL before. Currently I am *just* at classic for the third time, I believe. I struggle with not wanting to wash because it is a fiasco. The main reason I have long hair is to avoid all the time spent on styling. I do 3-second stick-buns and rarely look at my hair once it is up for the day. It is very easy to not even detangle it and just throw it up and forget about it, but I do not work so I can be a bum most days at home.
Recently I have started not detangling after the shower. This happened by accident one day I was not feeling well, I took a shower and washed my hair to try to "wake up" and feel better but ended up crawling into bed. I fell asleep with my hair wet and not detangled. It was oddly much easier to detangle once it had dried! Now I've been throwing it into a bun and detangling before bed.
I prefer a minimalist hair routine so anything easier is a win.
Same spot exactly, actually x3 As usual haha. I'm also doing twice a week washing but I haven't been as avid with my bbb. Am basically at classic, just too lazy to take a progress pic. Been microtrimming and will be doing a larger trim soon, although mid thigh is calling me. I want to get rid of some layers and bleach first. Good on you for making scalp only washes work for you. I too find hair at this length rather unwieldy however have been trying to enjoy it down every now and then just because it's basically goal length. I find if I just don't touch it (or look at it) it won't tangle as bad while down. Darn f/m tangly hair.
Sounds like I'm in good company. My scalp requires me to wash about twice a week and if I don't I get all sorts of itchy and pimples and it's no fun. I'm also trying to enjoy it down, because it's so pretty and feels so nice on my arms and such. It's just that washing it has become a monster chore for me.
July 7th, 2017, 05:58 PM
Hello, can I come back? I've just cut two inches off my hair and I feel a bit mixed about it. The ends were very poor and thin so it really needed a good trim. My classic length was only a few hairs and not much growing was going on, so I decided to go for it and cut some off. I know I can get to classic, but would rather grow with more than just a few hairs. It might give me a better chance of getting past classic now with thicker ends.
Sounds like a reasonable reason to trim to me!!
I've made the commitment to myself that I'm going to grow to classic. After 3 years, I finally grew out my old indigo so I'm feeling like I can start growing to a new milestone now. :joy:
July 10th, 2017, 06:54 AM
This week I discovered that if I put my hair in a tightly pulled fishtail braid once it has dried following a wash, I can leave it in that braid for three days and when I take it out, no tangles. Three days in a braid=definitely minimalist! Maybe that would work for you as well? Usually I plop it up in a cinnamon or nautilus bun with a Ficarre or hairstick, but I did enjoy the change of pace of the braid, especially since it didn't make any extra work for me when I took it out! :)
I don't like fishtail braids. Personal preference. Also, I could not even separate my hair into three strands to braid if I had not detangled. My hair is super tangly and, when wet, much worse. The un-detangled buns are super messy but I just do not care about that.
July 15th, 2017, 07:06 AM
So... Since I'm 1 cm (0.3") away from classic (I measured at the end of June) I've been constantly thinking about my growth now. I expected it, but not so much :D It's worse than it was in 2010 when I started! :D I'm in a crazy spiral kind of, thinking "Oh, come on, it should grow, my average is 1.5 cm, sometimes 2 cm, I may have 1 cm but I hardly every have a 0 cm month, why would July be a 0 cm month, the world isn't that ironic, it will just grow, why not. Or maybe it won't grow, because I'm trying to be sure it will? But if I keep thinking it won't, maybe then it really won't?! Or maybe, as it was in some other months, I will feel no growth and I'll keep thinking that it's going to be a 0 cm month, oh no, but at the end of the month it will actually turn out it's 2 cm?"
Crazy, I'm telling you. I'm afraid to hope it will grow, but I don't want to think it won't grow either.
I'm so impatient not because I'm so close. In different circumstances, I wouldn't mind waiting one more month. But as it is, my ends are at the end of their abilities, they are dry (not damaged, just dry because they're old, I last trimmed them in October) and I need to start trimming soon. I don't want to trim now, when I'm so close :( I want my hair to grow to classic and then (hopefully in August) it will grow a bit more, to make it possible for me to trim a bit and refresh the ends. Then I will grow some more again, trim again back to classic etc. But the trimming needs to start soon. If it doesn't, my ends may get dry so much that I will have to trim higher than classic. I was there for years, I mean small trims that didn't work because the damage was always higher up, I don't want to come back to that state, especially not now when I'm so near my goal after 7 years of waiting and working towards it.
I just needed to share my crazy waiting state and the loops into which my mind goes :D
July 15th, 2017, 07:25 AM
So... Since I'm 1 cm (0.3") away from classic (I measured at the end of June) I've been constantly thinking about my growth now. I expected it, but not so much :D It's worse than it was in 2010 when I started! :D I'm in a crazy spiral kind of, thinking "Oh, come on, it should grow, my average is 1.5 cm, sometimes 2 cm, I may have 1 cm but I hardly every have a 0 cm month, why would July be a 0 cm month, the world isn't that ironic, it will just grow, why not. Or maybe it won't grow, because I'm trying to be sure it will? But if I keep thinking it won't, maybe then it really won't?! Or maybe, as it was in some other months, I will feel no growth and I'll keep thinking that it's going to be a 0 cm month, oh no, but at the end of the month it will actually turn out it's 2 cm?"
Crazy, I'm telling you. I'm afraid to hope it will grow, but I don't want to think it won't grow either.
I'm so impatient not because I'm so close. In different circumstances, I wouldn't mind waiting one more month. But as it is, my ends are at the end of their abilities, they are dry (not damaged, just dry because they're old, I last trimmed them in October) and I need to start trimming soon. I don't want to trim now, when I'm so close :( I want my hair to grow to classic and then (hopefully in August) it will grow a bit more, to make it possible for me to trim a bit and refresh the ends. Then I will grow some more again, trim again back to classic etc. But the trimming needs to start soon. If it doesn't, my ends may get dry so much that I will have to trim higher than classic. I was there for years, I mean small trims that didn't work because the damage was always higher up, I don't want to come back to that state, especially not now when I'm so near my goal after 7 years of waiting and working towards it.
I just needed to share my crazy waiting state and the loops into which my mind goes :D
You're going to go bananas thinking of it like that. :lol: It'll be here before you know it, trust me. ;)
July 15th, 2017, 07:31 PM
So... Since I'm 1 cm (0.3") away from classic (I measured at the end of June) I've been constantly thinking about my growth now. I expected it, but not so much :D It's worse than it was in 2010 when I started! :D I'm in a crazy spiral kind of, thinking "Oh, come on, it should grow, my average is 1.5 cm, sometimes 2 cm, I may have 1 cm but I hardly every have a 0 cm month, why would July be a 0 cm month, the world isn't that ironic, it will just grow, why not. Or maybe it won't grow, because I'm trying to be sure it will? But if I keep thinking it won't, maybe then it really won't?! Or maybe, as it was in some other months, I will feel no growth and I'll keep thinking that it's going to be a 0 cm month, oh no, but at the end of the month it will actually turn out it's 2 cm?"
Crazy, I'm telling you. I'm afraid to hope it will grow, but I don't want to think it won't grow either.
I'm so impatient not because I'm so close. In different circumstances, I wouldn't mind waiting one more month. But as it is, my ends are at the end of their abilities, they are dry (not damaged, just dry because they're old, I last trimmed them in October) and I need to start trimming soon. I don't want to trim now, when I'm so close :( I want my hair to grow to classic and then (hopefully in August) it will grow a bit more, to make it possible for me to trim a bit and refresh the ends. Then I will grow some more again, trim again back to classic etc. But the trimming needs to start soon. If it doesn't, my ends may get dry so much that I will have to trim higher than classic. I was there for years, I mean small trims that didn't work because the damage was always higher up, I don't want to come back to that state, especially not now when I'm so near my goal after 7 years of waiting and working towards it.
I just needed to share my crazy waiting state and the loops into which my mind goes :D
I really can understand where you're coming from. When I'm close to a body marker, I don't want to trim because I don't want to end up above the body marker again right away. I have gone over a year since my last trim and I am hoping to make it to classic by the end of this year, and then I'll be VERY due for a trim in January.
July 15th, 2017, 08:04 PM
I am still at the same length, just past TBL (or at TBL) for the past few months. I have quite the ample rear end, and it doesn't seem like my hair is growing much.
I haven't trimmed since April. In April, I did trim about an inch.
Wildcat Diva
July 18th, 2017, 08:21 PM
Hair...still looks same lol.
July 28th, 2017, 10:56 AM
I was so surprised yesterday, as I measured my hair after showering. I am 35 ". The last time I measured I was 31'. So as not to stress over growth, I simply just did not measure for ......who knows how long. My goal is just short of classic so I won't be sitting on it. Then I am going to start trimming the fairy tail ends.
July 28th, 2017, 06:29 PM
I was so surprised yesterday, as I measured my hair after showering. I am 35 ". The last time I measured I was 31'. So as not to stress over growth, I simply just did not measure for ......who knows how long. My goal is just short of classic so I won't be sitting on it. Then I am going to start trimming the fairy tail ends.
What a nice surprise! I wish I would have that happen.
July 31st, 2017, 05:34 AM
I've just measured my hair to check July's growth. And the tape shows 112 cm (44") which means I've reached my goal after waiting for it for 7 years and 4 months. Pictures will come soon :) I've been waiting so long and the moment of achieving the goal was so... quiet and kind of small... just measuring, you know – that I haven't fully understood it yet.
I also have to say that I am at classic, but with ends that are dryer and thinner than I thought they would be, they are too thin and dry for me to be completely happy, so I have the length, but I need to work on the condition of my hair to fully enjoy it. And when I have thicker and healthier ends, I will let it grow a bit more, to achieve classic-when-dry. (At the moment, it's classic-when-wet or stretched, but with the ends being so dry and fragile, I really cannot wait any longer. I have to stop here and go through several months of trimming the excess growth.)
July 31st, 2017, 07:52 AM
I've just measured my hair to check July's growth. And the tape shows 112 cm (44") which means I've reached my goal after waiting for it for 7 years and 4 months. Pictures will come soon :) I've been waiting so long and the moment of achieving the goal was so... quiet and kind of small... just measuring, you know – that I haven't fully understood it yet.
I also have to say that I am at classic, but with ends that are dryer and thinner than I thought they would be, they are too thin and dry for me to be completely happy, so I have the length, but I need to work on the condition of my hair to fully enjoy it. And when I have thicker and healthier ends, I will let it grow a bit more, to achieve classic-when-dry. (At the moment, it's classic-when-wet or stretched, but with the ends being so dry and fragile, I really cannot wait any longer. I have to stop here and go through several months of trimming the excess growth.)
Yay! Congratulations on reaching your goal, Henrietta! =D All the best with thickening up your hemline and getting healthier ends! Looking forward to seeing photos!
July 31st, 2017, 09:21 AM
Hair...still looks same lol.
I love your hair!! Is that a spiral or a braid? I want hair like yours!
Henrietta, I so feel your pain on waiting for growth and concern over dry ends and trimming dilemma. Congrats on reaching your goal!!
July 31st, 2017, 09:33 AM
Thank you! :) :)
July 31st, 2017, 09:35 AM
I've just measured my hair to check July's growth. And the tape shows 112 cm (44") which means I've reached my goal after waiting for it for 7 years and 4 months. Pictures will come soon :) I've been waiting so long and the moment of achieving the goal was so... quiet and kind of small... just measuring, you know – that I haven't fully understood it yet.
I also have to say that I am at classic, but with ends that are dryer and thinner than I thought they would be, they are too thin and dry for me to be completely happy, so I have the length, but I need to work on the condition of my hair to fully enjoy it. And when I have thicker and healthier ends, I will let it grow a bit more, to achieve classic-when-dry. (At the moment, it's classic-when-wet or stretched, but with the ends being so dry and fragile, I really cannot wait any longer. I have to stop here and go through several months of trimming the excess growth.)
Congrats on reaching classic length! Excited to see some photos :)
Wildcat Diva
July 31st, 2017, 09:57 AM
I love your hair!! Is that a spiral or a braid? I want hair like yours!
Henrietta, I so feel your pain on waiting for growth and concern over dry ends and trimming dilemma. Congrats on reaching your goal!!
It's very kind of you to say so! Thank you!
It's a spiral, I do get a few of those. :)
August 2nd, 2017, 05:41 PM
*sneaks in quietly*
I think I'm at TBL!
August 3rd, 2017, 06:23 AM
Wildcat, I thought it was a spiral, but it is right in the middle, lol.
Enting, I would not be so quiet, Wahoo!!
August 3rd, 2017, 08:13 AM
I feel like this is the point where I either say "I'm good, I think I'll keep this length" or decide "to infinity and beyond!"
August 5th, 2017, 03:33 PM
I too was suddenly surprised today to find my hair at tailbone. I microtrim every 6 weeks to keep a perfect blunt hemline (easy and needed with this thin hair). My goal is to see how long it will grow with that straight hem.
Love seeing all the lovely hair here. You all inspire me!
August 5th, 2017, 04:17 PM
I've graduated past this thread, am officially beyond classic! Wahoooooo!
August 5th, 2017, 06:42 PM
It's very kind of you to say so! Thank you!
It's a spiral, I do get a few of those. :)
Hah I just showed your picture to my granddaughter. She was surprised that was not a braid, lol.
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