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View Full Version : How long will it take my frontal layers to get past the jaw?

October 12th, 2009, 02:42 PM
Right now, they almost reach the mouth, with the right layer being slightly shorter than the other one...How long should it take for the longer one to get past my jaw and start flowing in the air? I'm a guy btw, so I probably have a bigger head and it should take more? Thanks in advance.

October 12th, 2009, 02:54 PM
The average growth length for most people is 1/2 inch a month (your info didn't list where you're from, so I hope you don't mind my avoiding the metric system). Measure from the current length to where you want it and do the math!

BTW: some people's hair grows much slower (1/4 in or less a month) and much longer (up to 4 inches a month). To the best of my knowledge, your gender shouldn't have anything to do with your growth rate.

Hope this helps and happy growing!

October 12th, 2009, 03:15 PM
BTW: some people's hair grows much slower (1/4 in or less a month) and much longer (up to 4 inches a month). To the best of my knowledge, your gender shouldn't have anything to do with your growth rate.

Wow, 4 inches a month! That's crazy (also awesome)! (I'm jealous :) )

I usually average 1/2 to 3/4inch a month. 1/2 inch a month is pretty average, I think. Of course, how much your hair appears to grow depends a lot on what type of hair you have as well. (i.e. curls might "appear" to grow more slowly than very straight hair.)

I think the best advice for growing is to take care of yourself overall -- eat well and try to get as much rest/little stress as possible. Happy growing!

October 12th, 2009, 03:19 PM
Is that really true? Someone has managed to grow hair at a rate of 4 inches in a month?? I'd love to see that. :)

October 12th, 2009, 06:41 PM
4 inches a month would be absolutely amazing :) its nice to see another guy growing his hair out. What is your goal length and can you do any sort of a ponytail yet?

October 12th, 2009, 07:22 PM
Okay... apologies owed here on my part. That 4 was supposed to be a 2 (typo). Guess that's what I get for posting at work (and yes, 2 inches isn't very common).

4 inches would be amazing though!

woops :oops:

October 12th, 2009, 10:18 PM
Whoa. *dreams of 4 inches per month* I'd be to classic in 60 days! LOL

October 13th, 2009, 02:45 AM
:) Only to say you're not alone: I'm at the same point and I have the same goal! About six months to go before we reach it????

October 13th, 2009, 10:25 AM
Thanks for all your answers kind ppl....
And yes, Pburgh56, I can do a pretty swell ponytail, but the front layers (which aren't long enough yet) always begin to stick out of the ponytail, so I tend to do a non-frontal layer ponytail....But I'm glad though I can pull of the whole "pony-tailed guy" scenario with my friends, looking like a "long-hair". I've only started wearing ponytails a month ago, and it's truly an amazing moment the first time you can do it.
I'd pretty much NOT wear it usually, but I got a few complaints from teachers at school, so I gotta wear it several hours at school everyday. Hope it's not damaging though.
I don't really have a goal length, if there wasn't for this stupid anti-long-haired guys society, I'd pretty much leave it grow terminal. And I really mean it. I'll just have to see what teachers will say in the future.
How about you Pburgh56? Tell me some about your hair journey...

October 13th, 2009, 12:07 PM
Well hairwarrior my journey is alot like yours. It is aewsome you can do a ponytail im honeslty just counting down the days until I can do one of my own. What do you mean when you do one without the frontal layers? Dont worry too ponytails dont do damage, i just cant believe people in ur school dong like it :( I have always had a buzz cut and in January of last yr so about 7-8 months ago I decided you know im going for my dream and growing my hair long :) So right now im at collar length going through an awkward stage. my goal is waist tho :) what do you think and whats your goal?

October 13th, 2009, 12:10 PM
Kudos to you guys growing out your hair. It's hard enough to deal with societal pressures to have shorter hair when you're a woman and it's at least more common to have long hair. You're brave and cool to undergo a challenge to do what *you* feel is best. Bravo!

Silver & Gold
October 13th, 2009, 12:13 PM
I've spent the last couple of years growing out bangs and layers. I've noticed that the bang and temple area took a bit longer to grow out on me than the other parts of my hair. My hair is much more fragile at the temples as well. So even though my growth rate seems to be a bit less than 1/2" per month, it was even slower growing out the fringe areas. Your mileage may vary but I though I would mention it just in case your hair behaves more like mine.

October 13th, 2009, 01:38 PM
Well I just didn't know how the front hair is supposed to be called...the one that gets in your face...bangs? Sorry, not native English speaker...So I guess it's bangs then...
Well that's what I mean...the parts in the front are significantly shorter than the back hair, and simply doesn't stick as well in the ponytail.
It must be the way I had my hair when it was only slightly long...the hair in the back was always growing longer and faster than the one in the front, mostly because that one was always cut more oftenly, at first I hated the idea of it getting in my eyes...

October 13th, 2009, 02:33 PM
I have the exact same problem as you do. I have been trimming the back more to deal with it so the front grows constant with the back. Have you tried bobbipins or a headband with the ponytail to old those bangs back. How long do you want yours to get?

October 13th, 2009, 03:21 PM
So far, other than ponytails, I've only used two different headbands, which produces different results...Not a big fan of them, I prefer ponytails so far...I have to say that it hasn't been such a nightmare for me counting the days until being able to ponytail...Simply because I wasn't that interested in maintaining it long until a couple of months ago. Before that, I wasn't thinking of letting it long or anything, but I simply avoided haircuts...At first, I wanted to have a sort of modern long-ish hairstyle, similar to the one Jared Padalecki has all the time...But I eventually got sick of that, and thought of how horrible it is to maintain its look so often...Then I said I'd rather have something radically different, something that would make me stand out in the crowd.
How long I want mine to get? Well, if I can manage to not get any teachers or my parents mad, I wouldn't cut it at all, at least for a couple of years. Heck, I'd even want my hair to get to it's longest possible (the terminal length). But it's really hard to get away with growing hair constantly, not being teased once in a while about cutting the hair. Hopefully, I can grow mine in peace and harmony. I wish that to you as well. Good luck. And best thing to do is to think about something else in the meantime.
But keep in mind that all of those ultra long-haired guys did they fair share of patience in growing their hair long. None of them had over-night long hair. It really took some years for that result. They went through pretty much everything we go through right now...the so-called "awkward stage". But it's all gonna pass. No need to worry.

October 13th, 2009, 09:45 PM
I agree with you totally and in a few years we can look pack and be one of them one of those ultra long hair guys :) I think you should definately go for terminal it would look awesome. do you get many positive and negative comments?

October 13th, 2009, 11:51 PM
BTW: some people's hair grows much slower (1/4 in or less a month) and much longer (up to 4 inches a month). To the best of my knowledge, your gender shouldn't have anything to do with your growth rate.

Sorry but that is impossible 4" in a month, so 48" a year, pull the other one!!;)

Nice if it could though!! just seen it was typo awww!

To OP for me my fringe grew from just above my eyebrow (Jan 06) and is now shoulder length, to grow to the bottom of my chin it look 11 months, photos in my profile.