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October 12th, 2009, 06:02 AM
Since I've joined LHC I have not had one bit of an itchy scalp which drove me to distraction a month ago, my hair is something I cherish and I'm taking better care of myself.

Thanks :flowers:

October 12th, 2009, 06:07 AM
Good. Sounds like you found a routine or product that agrees with you. Make a note of it, of what you do and how it works, so if you decide to experiment at some point you can go back to what worked before. It's amazing how quickly we forget exactly what it was we were doing 6 weeks or 6 months ago!

On the old board we had hair journals specifically for this information.

October 12th, 2009, 06:10 AM
Yes I have actually begun keeping an online journal - just noting what works and what doesn't. It really helps and will help down the the track.


December 11th, 2011, 10:26 AM
Didn't want to flag up a new thread so I'll have my little thought blurb here!

Since I've joined LHC, I've become OBSESSED with hair. Literally obsessed.
I measure my hair once every two weeks, something I've never done before.
I look at people in public to see how long their hair is and whether I'm progressing.

And weirdest of all... when I can't sleep at night, I think about my hair becoming really long and feeling it resting heavily on my pillow...

Sorry for the weirdest confession ever -hidesface- ...is this normal?? I feel like I'm turning crazy because of this website!!

December 11th, 2011, 10:29 AM
Same here. Hopefully that makes it semi-normal, or both of us are weird. There's my confession-hides face too-. Please tell me someone else is this obsessed.

December 11th, 2011, 11:07 AM
Im not obsessed with my hair and I dont measure it all that often. I have found a routine that works for me and I stick to it. I know my hair is my treasured part of my body. I know my old man has noticed a difference in my hair. I have kept a mental list of what my hair likes and I hope my hair keeps liking the things in my head.

December 11th, 2011, 11:41 AM
I've become pretty obsessed. My husband is starting to think I'm crazy. Braiding my hair all the time, walking around with deep condition treatments on, always trimming splits while watching tv, and whenever he asks what I'm reading (I'm always on my phone) I have to say "more stuff about hair." I've definitley taken notice of other's hair as well. I even made a comment last night at the store about these 2 girls who had extremely thick hair. My husband didn't care.

I'd like to thank pinterest for leading me to LHC! :)

December 11th, 2011, 11:55 AM
I had the worst bout of obsession a few months ago! Fortunately it does pass, and as time goes on your hair gets longer and healthier, which makes you even less inclined to obsess. Make sure you occupy yourself with something else!

December 11th, 2011, 12:20 PM
My roommate calls me obsessed with hair all the time. :D I've been like this for a few months, though. I found LHC through internet searches about not using shampoo; I stopped that a few months ago, and ever since I've become much more interested in having and maintaining healthy hair. And even though my roommate often says I'm obsessed, I've converted her to taking better care of her hair, too, and she's appreciative of it, so I'm OK with it. ;)

December 11th, 2011, 10:15 PM
my dbf caught me just yesterday in the bathroom tilting my head so my bsl hair was at waist length. after rofling at not only catching me doing it but then my extreme embarrassment, he gave me a bit of encorougement haha. ive also now become obsessed but i am holding off actually measuring my hair with a ruler as i think this may become a bad daily habit that will frustrate me. but this site has already made me change quite a few of my ways.

December 11th, 2011, 10:21 PM
I've more turned obsessed with reading this site! There's so much to learn :heart:

December 13th, 2011, 04:53 PM
I am constantly talking about/reading about/dreaming about hair. It has become ridiculous. My best friend has to hear about it all day every day and he's a guy :roll eyes:

It's an addiction. First thing in the morning when I'm having my coffee, I'm clicking around on here wondering what "the ladies" are talking about and I've only been a member of this forum for a week. Pitiful stuff really.

I found this place via MFP (myfitnesspal), soooooo thanks MFP! haha.

December 13th, 2011, 05:32 PM
I'm obsessed with this website as well... I spend a couple of hours on here everyday, and check posts pretty frequently all day...

As for my hair- I blog. :)

December 13th, 2011, 05:50 PM
:shrug:I'm obsessed, too! I think it's because hair is one of those things that all of our technology, education, and cosmetic procedures just can't give us :/ If we want really long/healthy hair that is our own, we have to just grow it or take care of it. It's a long process and in today's world, things don't usually take a long time :)

Now for my own weird confession...

Last week, my Husband and I were leaving the doctors office, and I saw a girl with waist length hair that was so gorgeous. I tilted my head back and I was like, baby, look, my hair should be this long in a year! Then, we left there and grabbed a sandwich from the grocery store. I saw EV Avocado oil on sale and bought some. While we ate our sandwiches in the car, I started rubbing avocado oil in my hair until it was well greased and put it into a bun. For some reason, it was the only way I could cure the insanely impatient feelings I kept having about "my hair is so short, it's been this length for forever now"...

Then, when I logged into LHC on his Droid, he got really annoyed and was like "you need help! It's just hair, when your hair was so long before, it was so heavy you had headaches, remember?"

Then it was quiet for a while and I pouted because I wish he could be more supportive.. But I think he just can't believe that hair could be so important :shrug:

December 13th, 2011, 05:58 PM
I've never measured my hair. My mom always said a watched pot won't boil. I don't pay attention to it and then one day I'll say to myself, "When the heck did it get all the way down there!?"

December 13th, 2011, 06:07 PM
I admit I am obsessed :D I figure that it's ok since oils are not very expensive and it's for a good cause :p

December 13th, 2011, 06:29 PM
:shrug:I'm obsessed, too! I think it's because hair is one of those things that all of our technology, education, and cosmetic procedures just can't give us :/ If we want really long/healthy hair that is our own, we have to just grow it or take care of it. It's a long process and in today's world, things don't usually take a long time :)

Now for my own weird confession...

Last week, my Husband and I were leaving the doctors office, and I saw a girl with waist length hair that was so gorgeous. I tilted my head back and I was like, baby, look, my hair should be this long in a year! Then, we left there and grabbed a sandwich from the grocery store. I saw EV Avocado oil on sale and bought some. While we ate our sandwiches in the car, I started rubbing avocado oil in my hair until it was well greased and put it into a bun. For some reason, it was the only way I could cure the insanely impatient feelings I kept having about "my hair is so short, it's been this length for forever now"...

Then, when I logged into LHC on his Droid, he got really annoyed and was like "you need help! It's just hair, when your hair was so long before, it was so heavy you had headaches, remember?"

Then it was quiet for a while and I pouted because I wish he could be more supportive.. But I think he just can't believe that hair could be so important :shrug:

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "You need help!" I literally burst into laughter. It sounds just like me, eyeballing other women's hair, buying up oils to try. I'm still chuckling.

December 14th, 2011, 09:26 AM
Bahahahahaaa I can't wait until I'm at waist length, then I WILL be goin' crazy about my hair!

December 14th, 2011, 09:39 AM
Well I am bit fixated on my hair and hair in general I would say. At the moment I am refusing to comb it until my horn comb comes in the mail. I too, do the thing where I point out beautiful long haired women to my fiancee and say, "my hair could be that long in six months...." and so on. Good thing he is tolerant, otherwise the mere mention of hair would make his ears bleed.

December 14th, 2011, 09:44 AM
Good thing we all have each other so we don't have to annoy all of our loved ones with our obsession! ;)

December 14th, 2011, 10:21 AM
Bahahahahaaa I can't wait until I'm at waist length, then I WILL be goin' crazy about my hair!

That's what I was thinking, when I get to mid-back it's ON. I actually told a friend about your story and made emphasis on the "you need help" bit and my friend was mildly amused....I said I guess you had to read it yourself :shrug:

December 14th, 2011, 02:23 PM
That's what I was thinking, when I get to mid-back it's ON. I actually told a friend about your story and made emphasis on the "you need help" bit and my friend was mildly amused....I said I guess you had to read it yourself :shrug:

Lol! I guess so... I wish you could have heard Him actually saying it, it was HILARIOUS... He said it with agony in his voice like I was suffering from an actual problem lol..

We know it's funny, that's all that counts LOL