View Full Version : Hair Efforts for Special Occasions

April 19th, 2008, 10:47 PM
What is the most extreme effort you have ever made to have your hair pretty for a special occasion?

By special occasion I mean something really special like a prom or wedding (your own or someone elses). Extreme efforts could possibly include getting your hair done in a salon (specify what style), braiding your hair, setting your hair in rollers, putting your hair into an updo, or ????.

April 19th, 2008, 10:53 PM
I got my hair 'did' before my junior and senior prom. They had a very hard time doing it for my, I think junior prom. That was when I was active on LHC and I believe I was somewhere between BSL and waist. The girl who was doing it had to recruit the senior stylist (who was the one I had TRIED to get an appointment with anyway) to come do most of it because my hair was too long. But it looked great!

I did a dutch crown braid for my sister when we were in high school for some event, I don't remember what. She had just started growing hers out then, it was barely long enough. I was so proud. That was a style I picked up off here. Also I did a rope braid from one side of my head halfway around. Like I started at my part on the right, then ended up with it off to the side on the left..? Kind of like a side ponytail? It started on one side and came out around the shoulder on the other side. My hair was between shoulder and bsl then.

April 19th, 2008, 11:16 PM
What is the most extreme effort you have ever made to have your hair pretty for a special occasion?

By special occasion I mean something really special like a prom or wedding (your own or someone elses). Extreme efforts could possibly include getting your hair done in a salon (specify what style), braiding your hair, setting your hair in rollers, putting your hair into an updo, or ????.

That is a very interesting question luvitlong. Is there a special occasion that you are prepping for that you need help with ? There are lots of pretty styles for hair at your length.

April 19th, 2008, 11:22 PM
The first play I did in high school was The Importance of Being Ernest. I played Lady Bracknell, and an upperclassman put my hair up in a rather elaborate hair style. I refused to let them do it again after the first time, though, because between the style itself and the product they put to hold it, my hair got really tangled and unpleasant. We must've done a gentler variation thereafter.

April 19th, 2008, 11:57 PM
Mine was for my wedding. I had a braid put in right behind my bangs, that moved from one side of my head to the other.

April 20th, 2008, 05:08 PM
I dont think I've made extreme efforts. I just tend to use outlandish clips and hairsticks :) but I generally just use the same bun.

I did find I had more problems when it was shorter though, so I used to fall back on using fancy clips, like those to hold my bangs to the side. I also used stuff like shine serum (when I was still using silicones.)

I see you are at 12 inches now luvitlong, are you after some ideas for shorter hair? Lots of us started out at shorter lengths, I personally started from pixie cut/crop so I know what a pain it can be to grow to all one length.

Oh and is that 12 inches measured from the front of your head or measured from the roots? I know I was measuring from the roots when I started here, I actually gained length when I learned to measure from the hairline.


April 20th, 2008, 05:17 PM
The fanciest hairdo that I've done in recent years (this was almost four years ago) was for my sister's wedding (I was the maid of honor). I did a style that was similar to my avatar picture (two braids wrapped around each other), only it was a smaller version with the top half of my hair, leaving the rest of my hair loose.

April 20th, 2008, 05:44 PM
Oh, my. Between all the theatre productions I've been in and my wedding I've had some pretty elaborate hairdos over the years.

For my wedding it took about 4 hours, between hot rollers, Marcel wave iron, braiding and individually pinning the curls.

April 20th, 2008, 06:25 PM
When I went to my senior prom, my hair was only at the bottom of my neck. The stylist pulled half of it up into a ponytail, then curled the ends and pinned them around the ponytail in a circle. It was really cute, but hard to get out after with the pound of hairspray she put in my hair :(

April 20th, 2008, 07:15 PM
I had my hair done for my son's wedding. My stylist couldn't take me; she had overbooked herself. So I got handed off to someone else, and he teased my hair while I was saying "No; don't tease it," then he added a cluster of hot-iron curls off to the side-top of my head. It was the weirdest style! Then he sprayed until we had achieved the helmet-head effect. The whole time I was saying "No curls. No hair spray," and he kept right on doing what he was doing as if he were deaf. I would have gotten up and defended myself, but we were running late. Every time I see those pictures, I'm disgusted! No wonder that marriage failed.

April 21st, 2008, 08:56 AM
Spidermom that's funny now but I am sure it wasn't THEN! Good grief!

BTW, I love your new siggy! Pretty curls! It looks a bit darker too but that is the light probably right?

I have never really done anything major for any event. For my wedding I had shoulder length hair and put it in a high pony and curled it all around like a curly bun. Used a curling iron then because I was used to it and it made it look more "polished" and elegant. Then I just put a hair comb in it with baby's breath.

April 21st, 2008, 08:56 AM
spidermom, that's awful!

When I was in high school, I got to play saxophone at a gig with my teacher's professional jazz band, and my mum took me to a salon to get my hair specially put up. They did some kind of braid, I don't remember exactly. It was fun though, it made it more special to go out and get it done.

For my wedding, I just put it up in a simple bun with two hairsticks, as due to circumstances, it was a very simple courthouse wedding with only 2 guests (but still great!). However, we're having another one with DH's family and yet another in Europe with my family, so I'll definitely do something special with it then. I hope by then it will be a bit longer and I'll have more choice of styles too.

April 21st, 2008, 09:54 AM
my wedding was pre LHC, hair was somewhere about APL then... I had it done, basically a very high pony with the hair done in big open curls that were pinned into place.. around the lower half was a spray of dendronium orchids, and my veil was on a comb that we carefully slid in (and later out so I wasn't wearing it at the reception) above the curls.

for cassi's wedding my hair was just pre donation cut, so it was up in braids- the bride did it, her hair was in curls.. took me an hour to put the foam curlers in the night before, but ti looked great on her wedding day..


ole gray mare
April 21st, 2008, 03:25 PM
My wedding hair was very pretty. Almost a basket-weavy sort of deal. The stylist was very talented. Too bad the marriage didn't last! ;)

October 18th, 2010, 03:12 AM
On special accousians I wear my hair down.

October 19th, 2010, 12:47 PM
when my mom got remarried, I was her maid of honor, so I went to a salon . . people kept asking me if it was all my hair (^(oo)^)


October 19th, 2010, 01:31 PM
Quite a few years ago I was a bridesmaid in a wedding. Had almost to waist hair back then. (Sigh, why did I cut it?) I went to the salon the bride recommended to have my hair put up in what was supposed to be an elaborate updo. It was so awful when they were done, that we had to find another salon to "fix" the problem. They had to take it down wash out all the spray and styling products, dry it and then put it up in a more elaborate updo. It looked beautiful when they were done, but what a fiasco. By the time all this was done, I barely had time to finish getting ready for my friends wedding.

October 19th, 2010, 02:16 PM
For my own wedding, I just shoved my hair up in a cinnabun. Very small ceremony at the state capitol tho. For my sister-outlaw's wedding, I did the russian peasant thing and did two braids pinned up as a coronet.

For more normal formal occasions, I tend to do a French braid, or a French braid with the end tucked up inside. My hair tends to sun bleach a lot, so it ends up looking very showy without any product or decorations used. Depending on your cut, you can sometimes manage a French braid on hair that's only a touch past chin length.

The Stardust bun buried in the styling articles section is very pretty, and offers a lot of opportunities for decoration... and if your hair is too short for the exact style, there are a lot of elements you can steal anyway. Sock buns and Gibson tucks also offer a lot of canvas for details.

October 20th, 2010, 02:09 PM
I tend to do complicated braided updos for special occasions if I have the time to do them. This includes things like the braided beehive, buns with accent braids, crown braids and perimeter braids on the sides.

October 22nd, 2010, 09:21 AM
I had my hair done in a salon for my prom. It was January, before my LHC era, so I let the use blowdryer, cones and... ugh. But I liked the updo itself. Beautiful, natural-looking curls, pinned in a half updo :)

October 24th, 2010, 06:42 PM
When I was a bride's maid in my friend's wedding, I made an extreme effort. I went with her to her stylist's salon when she was going to have a pre- wedding photo shoot, and a trial run at her wedding day up- do. After just watching that session, I knew I wouldn't trust that stylist to touch my hair. We were all supposed to have up-dos by the bride's request, and I didn't know how to put my hair up at that time. I got on the internet and found a style and had my husband learn how to do it on my hair- that is where the extreme effort came in: persuading him. I had to go and buy a BBB to get my hair smooth enough, and a ton of hair pins since I didn't own any up to then, and some hair product like a wax or pomade to get all the twisted pieces to stay put and not fuzz.

October 26th, 2010, 05:00 PM
I briefly contemplated going to a stylist to have my hair done for prom. I walked in and began speaking to the lady about what I was thinking about. I took my hair down. She picked up scissors. I left. :mad:

My mother, who has much more respect for me and my hair, did my prom 'do. French ponytail, with the bottom foot and half or so curled. I could show off the length but still have some defined curls/volume. A bit of hairspray and voila. I felt quite lovely. :)

October 26th, 2010, 09:27 PM
I can't say I've ever put much effort into special occasion hair, partially because before LHC I wouldn't have known how to do anything special with my hair, and partially because I don't ever have special events to go to. For my own wedding (the only one I've ever been to) I wore a ponytail. To be fair, it was just the Justice of the Peace, my husband and myself, no real ceremony. And we both had pneumonia. On 'date' nights and such I wear my hair down, which is special since it's usually up. I'm working on my updo repertoire so I can be prepared in the future, should any event pop up.

October 29th, 2010, 08:34 AM
I don't attend many special events, so I haven't had a lot of experience. When my hair was shorter (sl/bsl) I usually just did a flipped-up pony, but that just looks weird after a certain length. I've recently had to attend two funerals and did simple braided buns for both.

For my wedding (which is this December!) I'm doing a big, high sock bun because I love the look of the large bun with a tiara and veil. Thankfully, my fiance is also a long hair fanatic and doesn't mind doing it for me. :)

November 1st, 2010, 08:35 PM
I've never really had my hair done at a salon or anything, just always preferred to do it myself. For my wedding this past summer, I used hot rollers and then pinned up some front pieces. I also wore a gorgeous hair comb that was a large flower.

November 1st, 2010, 08:42 PM
My hair effort turned out to be horrible. It was my senior prom, the only prom I decided to go to so I went to get my hair in an updo. I had longer layers in the front and wanted a few of them hanging down and the hairdresser ended up convincing me that they would look better shorter so she decided to cut them. Well when she cut them my hair was not parted down the middle, it was parted at the side. After getting home I started balling because my hair looked horrible, and when I took it down I realized that she totally messed up my hair when she cut it and one side was shorter than the other from being in a side part when she cut it, so I ended up having to redo my own hair for prom then have my mom trim the layers to be even the next day... disaster.