View Full Version : Stylist gives "advice" on hair length for older women

October 4th, 2009, 02:54 PM
Now I personally found this whole situation kinda funny :D I work part time at my mum's salon, the full time receptionist (an older woman but not yet particularly "old" waa whatever, you get my point :P) was getting her hair blow dried. Another stylist (who is a lovely person btw) started saying how she should get it cut, cos when a woman get's older she's 'supposed' to get it cut short. I took this as pure ignorance, much like people would say that of course the world was flat!:D Well as you can imagine, this got an outburst from me sitting at the desk shouting "That's total rubbish, don't listen to them, don't conform!" This lady did take my view I think, even though she only had shoulder length hair (though as a length goal of course important). The point is that it helps if you don't allow a person to think that for e.g. short hair for older women is the natural order of things, and that always, always, always you DO have the power to say NO!!! Now of course everyone has their own point of view and I don't begrudge the stylists' that, but just because it is their chosen field doesn't mean that you are automatically wrong! :D What would you guys do in that situation?

October 4th, 2009, 03:37 PM
I don't buy it, not for a minute. I'm 51 and I will grow my hair down to my socks if I want to! Thus, I steer clear of the hair stylist...

October 4th, 2009, 03:46 PM
It is all a matter of opinion. Personally, I see nothing wrong with older women who have longer hair.

October 4th, 2009, 06:33 PM
Hmph! I'd call that advice for what it was but it wouldn't be very lady-like. :D I too have grand plans to grow my hair long and lovely for many years to come and I certainly don't have any intention of letting my age determine my length. I kind of like being the "odd" one anyway, lol.

My mother recently went through chemo and lost her hair of course. It is now starting to come back in and she's asked my opinion about how she should wear her hair once there's enough to do something with. One word: long.
It was long prior to chemo and I think she should let it go again. She's worried about her age, 62. And I say, "Hmph! Grow it long!" :cool:

October 4th, 2009, 06:40 PM
This issue always exasperates me for when will society stop expecting older woman to cut their hair? With time hopfully long hair will become more the "norm" - and it won't be a moment too soon.

October 4th, 2009, 06:47 PM
When someone tells me what I "should" do, it makes me not want to do it.:eyebrows:

October 4th, 2009, 07:25 PM
I'm older than 62 and I have no plans to cut my hair. If I did it would be short, thin, fine, see through, flat, stringy. What's to like about that???? At least with it long I can put it up in a decent updo and feel very put-together. People comment on my hair, they say nice things, "that bun is great" kinda stuff. Makes my day! :)

October 4th, 2009, 07:27 PM
I don't start to think of someone as old until they are at least 87 ... and by that time, they're old enough to do whatever they please with their hair!

October 4th, 2009, 07:37 PM
Hmph! I'd call that advice for what it was but it wouldn't be very lady-like. :D I too have grand plans to grow my hair long and lovely for many years to come and I certainly don't have any intention of letting my age determine my length. I kind of like being the "odd" one anyway, lol.

My mother recently went through chemo and lost her hair of course. It is now starting to come back in and she's asked my opinion about how she should wear her hair once there's enough to do something with. One word: long.
It was long prior to chemo and I think she should let it go again. She's worried about her age, 62. And I say, "Hmph! Grow it long!" :cool:

I think that in her situation, "because I can" is reason enough. Not that any of us owe anyone an explanation, but each and every inch of her hair will have been particularly hard-earned. If anyone says anything, she can say she's making up for lost time.

October 5th, 2009, 10:12 AM
I totally agree with all your comments (lol obviously),more women (and men) need to be able to stand up and say, you know what? I don't care, I want my hair this way and if I think it looks good then it does!

October 5th, 2009, 11:46 AM
I am glad you had the gall to call the stylist on her comment and hopefully prevent the olden stylist from getting a short cut.

She may not be elderly, but I always find it how keeping your long hair and putting it in a bun makes you look old, but getting all your hair over-processed and puffed to match your toy poodle is what older women tend to really do. :shrug: Gotta love parts of wester society (*lathers on the sarcasm.*)