View Full Version : Trimming for growth?

April 19th, 2008, 02:00 PM
Spidermom and some others talked about their rapid growth after cuts/trims in one of her threads recently.

I've been considering doing a tiny trim to see if it actually works (though not in an experiment way, in an "I want long hair NOW!" way), but I wanted everyone's opinions before I did that. I had been planning to grow to tailbone before maintaining for awhile to get rid of the layer-y bits I have, but if microtrims sped up growth a bit, I could afford to do them to start getting hair that's mostly one length. I have waist length hair now and I don't want to kill that, so I'd only be trimming the teensiest bit off.

So, basically;

Does trimming help to increase growth for you?

If so, how much do you trim to gain whatever extra growth you get?

And whether you're in the trimming causes rapid growth camp or not, is it worth trimming a tiny bit to see if it would work for me?

April 19th, 2008, 02:13 PM
It is always worth it to have a micro trim done.

I have one done every 18-21 weeks, just to tidy up the ends a bit, plus that after that time they get a bit splitty and the trim takes care of that. :)

April 19th, 2008, 02:16 PM
I should probably add that I S&D for splits and somehow, have a natural U shaped hemline, so it would just be for growth/getting rid of the layer-ish things.

April 19th, 2008, 05:36 PM
It's hard to answer this question even for myself. I've had the most amazing growth spurts after two hair cuts: one in 2005 when I had 5 inches cut off and grew 1-1/4 inch in 3 weeks, and recently when I had 3-4 inches cut off and grew I don't know how many inches, but it looks like about 2, in the past six weeks. I don't measure now so am estimating based on pictures and feel.

However, small trims don't bring on the same kind of growth spurt.

April 19th, 2008, 05:48 PM
Im thinking the same large trims = increase. I was so shocked with your growth SM its phenomenal, I persuaded my dh to measure mine, now I cut a good inch maybe a wee bit more at the end of feb, after I cut my hair measured 22". On my last LHC measure in I was 22.8" this was taken on 6th April, now im measuring 23.5" so in a fortnight 0,7" of growth, so looking at mine and spidermoms experience id say yes it may. Obviously if you cut say an inch every month, you wont grow, but by cutting an inch or more once or twice a year, may help. I intend to cut annually every February.

You look to have grown much longer than 1 1/4" too SM id estimate a tad over 2" your near enough back to where you started.

April 19th, 2008, 06:08 PM
I have to get a micro trim in a couple of days,I'm one of those people who always chicken out before going to a hair salon...I know she'll probably cut my hair too much... :( In case she does,I sure do hope I'll get one of them growth spurts.

April 19th, 2008, 06:11 PM
have you tried the Fayes cutting thingy Fee? its really easy and you are in control of how much comes off, my Feb picture shows my first self cut. Theres instructions if you look in search.

April 19th, 2008, 06:43 PM
I'm not going in for a trim until I can be certain that I would still be able to tie it up again afterwards. :( I'll have to rely on head massage and natural growth to get me by until then.

April 19th, 2008, 07:28 PM
I didn't cut until i could do that either.

April 19th, 2008, 07:54 PM

April 19th, 2008, 08:02 PM
Well, there was a time in my life, back when I still lived with my parents, when my mom would trim my hair every 2 months, on full moon day. Back then my hair used to grow a lot faster than it does now and I must say that I was not doing anything special, not even taking vits.

April 19th, 2008, 08:38 PM
Well, there was a time in my life, back when I still lived with my parents, when my mom would trim my hair every 2 months, on full moon day. Back then my hair used to grow a lot faster than it does now and I must say that I was not doing anything special, not even taking vits. ... but with respect, I'm sure a lot of things were different then, yes? Even just your age! I just don't see how anything done to the 'dead' ends of hair could do anything more than give the illusion of growth.

April 19th, 2008, 09:31 PM
It's just one of those things no one can prove scientifically.

The growth isn't always an illusion (especially not if we actually measure)

April 19th, 2008, 09:39 PM
Maybe the theory is that when you cut off a larger amount, you're giving yourself lots of fresh little healthy ends, undamaged. When you don't trim, perhaps there is a significant amount of breakage that you're not noticing that's interfering with your growth.

April 20th, 2008, 05:50 AM
Maybe the theory is that when you cut off a larger amount, you're giving yourself lots of fresh little healthy ends, undamaged. When you don't trim, perhaps there is a significant amount of breakage that you're not noticing that's interfering with your growth. Yes, this makes sense, but the idea that something's happening at the scalp really doesn't. I would be delighted to hear that it somehow magically happens! It is very provable or disprovable scientifically, it would just require some coordinated standardised measuring and a control group... without that data available I still don't get why people believe it but we may have to agree to disagree!

April 20th, 2008, 06:58 AM
its all anecdotal evidence and maybe too due to the fact we are all so focused on our hair and treat it well could be what also gives increased growth? my growth spurt could also be down to the kelp ive been taking or could just be that this is the normal time of year for me to grow quicker? coincidence or not im chuffed to bits!!

April 20th, 2008, 08:40 AM
I don't understand this idea about how cutting the ends of hsir could affect the follicle. What's the hypothesis? Makes no sense biologically!

The follicles might sense the change in weight. Every cell in the body is kind of like an independent organism as well as a part of the whole, and they respond individually to stimulus.

I think the term "hair is dead" refers to the fact that it has no nerves, not that it isn't biologically active. It's definitely active from a physics point of view. Chains of protein transmit "messages" very well.

There is a sikh web site called Hair Power that gives all kinds of interesting information about hair, much of it based on faith but also some on research. Definitely worth a read.

April 20th, 2008, 08:56 AM
I microtrim once a month. It helps me gain length because I have this compulsivity about cutting and if I'm not on a certain schedule, I'll chop off way too much length erratically. My hair actually did not get longer for over a year because I had not figured this out. :uhh:

Also, I think it REALLY helps the condition of the ends.

April 20th, 2008, 11:48 AM
Two months over christmas my hair didn't grow a bit. I trimmed a good inch or so off and two months later it had grown back.

I put mine down to being possibly near terminal or winter slump. Or even breakage as my old ends are a bit fragile and do break. I've not been trimming long enough to know it's effects on growth but I do know that my hair seems to like being trimmed. Easier to manage and shiny all the way to the tip.