View Full Version : Halfdo help!

September 27th, 2009, 06:53 AM
Hey all,
I want your ideas for a new updo, or should I say halfdo? I want to do a half up, half down style. As a curly girl, when I do a half up, half down style the bit near the roots just look flat and lifeless, making the length after the tie appear frizzy and unkempt in comparison.

Can you suggest how to improve the style,and/or different halfdo styles, and/or give me some previous thread links?

Many thanks knowledgable ones!!!!

September 27th, 2009, 08:32 AM
Sometimes I grab hair from either side of my head and tie it in a knot, or I'll start a braid, tuck it under and pin to get something like my sig pic.

It sounds like you want to make sure you're not slicking your hair back... either pull it back loosely or maybe try little twisties to emphasize your texture.

September 27th, 2009, 09:09 AM
You may want to try Nightshade's technique to create some volume on the top:


September 27th, 2009, 09:48 AM
I'm not sure how curly your hair is, but maybe you could just gather the side and top hairs into the half up and let them be curly? This is what I do when I have braid waves in my hair. Don't brush the hairs into the 'do just gather, and arrange the strands as needed.