View Full Version : Redhead fun

April 18th, 2008, 09:49 PM
Hi all redheads. I've noticed that natural red hair is one of the most unique and diverse types of hair colour. There is strawberry blonde to copper to titian to auburn to deep russet to dark red and everything in between. My hair has strands of blonde, brown, orange, red, copper, and platinum all mixed together. Tell us about what kind of red you have and how it has changed over the years naturally from childhood and throughout your adult life. Any redhead related stories too!

April 19th, 2008, 08:47 PM
ya know, I am not sure what color my hair is considered other than red. My sister has auburn hair and is darker than mine. I am not orangy or blond. As a Red I have a variety of colors and shades from a few that looked black to orange to copper to blond to white (yes white even before I really got white hairs, maybe they were more very light blond). Anyway, you can look at my profile an see.

Riot Crrl
April 19th, 2008, 08:49 PM
Sadly I only have fake red hair.

Village Mama
April 19th, 2008, 08:59 PM
Mine is naturally all shades of red as well... everything from strawberry blonde streaks to dark auburn curls underneath. My moms hair was a gorgeous orange red... stick straight, fine strands, but thick. She turned heads everywhere.

April 19th, 2008, 10:52 PM
What's weird to me is how my henna'd hair is sooo close to my natural hair but now I feel really comfortable calling it dark auburn because I "know" that it is. I started out life with red hair but it did not stay really red. It became dark reddish brown. I henna now but the color is practically the same as my natural hair. It's just darker indoors and more red outdoors.

Red Jezebel
April 20th, 2008, 04:46 AM
Look at my siggy and you tell me! ;) :D

Mum always called it titian as it's probably not bright enough to be copper red but not dark enough to be auburn. I'm not answering until another redhead agrees with me, as honestly, I have no idea.

April 20th, 2008, 08:25 AM
my hair is dark blond but i have natural blondy copper bits in it which i love!

April 20th, 2008, 11:12 AM
Auburn for me! My hair used to be lighter when I was little, but it's gotten darker the last few years - I just love the colour it is right now.. makes me very happy!!:-)


April 20th, 2008, 11:23 AM
Itīs hard to tell because my hair-colour changes with the light conditions and from summer to winter. I donīt have a single photo of my hair which has an accurate colour :shrug: and sometimes I use henna/cassia for conditioning and to add a little more shine to my own red. It does not change my natural colour much, so no outgrowing line.
My red got darker with the years, when I was a child it used to be bright copper almost orange, now itīs not red enough to be titian and not brown enough to be auburn. I have some very fine dark blond stray hairs, a majority of medium thick dark coppery hair and some really coarse dark red ones... I think Iīll go and vote for copper because the others fit less than copper does :gabigrin:

April 20th, 2008, 03:01 PM
I voted auburn though I usually think of it as chestnut... or the color of an old penny. :o


April 20th, 2008, 03:13 PM
My hair is a mix of browns, blondes and reds. I have the same issue as finoriel, too. In some photographs, I look blonde, in others, my hair looks dark red, in others it looks dark brown and just about every shade but white-blonde or black, depending on the lighting and the angle.

Here it looks darker red.


Here it looks like there is some lighter blonde/red? I have no idea. I left zee eyebrows for good measure.


I'm a little shy still. Maybe my face will come at a later date, ahaha.

April 20th, 2008, 05:43 PM
I've always been called a "strawberry blonde", though my hair has wandered through a number of different colors on its way to the current one. I voted for the first option.

April 20th, 2008, 10:12 PM
My DH has described mine as Titian before. I know that when I was younger I'd compare my color to the swatches of dyed hair by the boxes. It was always a bit lighter and maybe less intense than the lightest shade of auburn.

You can see my natural color in my profile pic. Feel free to correct my color name assignment!

April 22nd, 2008, 02:06 PM
I have naturally auburn hair. Not coppery red, although I certainly have some strands that are very coppery. I have strands that look almost black, as well. But most of it is just a medium auburn color. The canopy gets lighter in the summer, when it's exposed to sun, and the underneath layers can look almost brown until the sun hits them and then they are definitely red.

My hair was yellowy-blonde when I was a little kid and gradually became darker and redder as I got older, and became very auburn after my second baby. Now it's just turning grey!

I enhance my hair color with henna - I just henna the roots once a month or so when the little silver patches become more than I'm willing to bear, and henna gloss about once a month as well just to keep things bright and shiny!

I do not have a typical redhead complexion. I have green eyes and slightly olive skin with no freckles. My sister, however, is a flaming coppery redhead who has "faded" to a more strawberry color that is just gorgeous. She has a lot of blonde in her hair and has a more typical redhead complexion w/blue eyes and loads of freckles.

April 22nd, 2008, 02:45 PM
My natural hair is strawberry blonde, the red in it sometimes doesn't show up in photos, It gets washed out in bright light. It used to be really golden blonde when I was little, probably because I played outside all day. It was red when I was baby.

Lady Clare
April 22nd, 2008, 03:31 PM
My hair is a strawberry blonde. I don't have the freckles, unless it is summer- they fade the rest of the year, but I am super pale with greenish hazel eyes, so I actually look better the brighter red my hair is, lol.

April 22nd, 2008, 09:28 PM
I'm a strawberry blonde, who's spent most of my life as a honey/ash blonde combo, with red highlights in the winter and in the sunlight. The last few years, I've gotten redder and redder. I thought at first that it was all of the herbs and natural products that I used, but now, mostly I think I've gotten redder hair. I also had a doctor who insisted I was a redhead--go figure.

Two other things have clued me in--I recently started using Just For Redheads makeup, and it's the only makeup that's ever matched me (duh). The other thing is, I did a henna gloss, and when I brushed the test strand back into my hair--I couldn't find it again, and I could swear it looked red after the application, but it got totally lost in my normal hair.

I'm wondering if I'll get even more red with time.

Oh, and I have brown eyes, and I tan, so not a typical redhead.

April 22nd, 2008, 09:38 PM
Two other things have clued me in--I recently started using Just For Redheads makeup, and it's the only makeup that's ever matched me (duh). The other thing is, I did a henna gloss, and when I brushed the test strand back into my hair--I couldn't find it again, and I could swear it looked red after the application, but it got totally lost in my normal hair.

That's kind of what happened to me. In pictures, same lighting and conditions. The before henna looked redder than after. I have no henna dye line either. While this was not body are quality it stains pretty well.

I'm not a redhead but, I have red highlights, even without the henna. My hair is "dark chestnut brown" as it is too dark to call even dark auburn.

Feisty Redhead
April 22nd, 2008, 10:02 PM
Uh... all of the above, and more? LOL I have so many shades of red on my head, and the overall look can be so vastly different depending on the time of year and what kind of lighting I am in that I honestly don't know what you'd call it other than just "red". :p I also have an almost white blonde streak in my hair which a hairdresser told me is called a halo. :shrug: I don't know if that's really what it's called but he said it's very rare, and I wasn't going to argue with him over it because I liked what he had to say about it and that he seemed so thrilled with my hair. :D

April 23rd, 2008, 09:48 AM
Dark auburn for me!

April 23rd, 2008, 09:54 AM
Oh yeah, I have "redhead skin" - super pale white that only burns and never tans. I have some freckles but not many and those are either too pale to see or orange. JFR's palest makeup is a perfect fit for me.

April 23rd, 2008, 01:34 PM
My hair naturally has tons of different tones in it, and it’s changed throughout my life (born with black-brown, turned blond-copper-brown as a little kid, red-brown later, etc.), but the few (very few) red tones that have grown in now are mostly a mix of gold (mostly only in my widow’s peak), copper, and an almost deep-brown and cherry tone (it actually looks a little fake).
I use indigo-mixes in my hair to enhance the almost-black sections (the majority of my hair is a mix of deep and very deep browns), but I love to leave the red sections visible.

April 25th, 2008, 03:33 AM
Would you mind choosing my colour for me? Here is a link to my album:
My english is not bad, but I don't know the subtle differences between those colours.
The outdoor pictures show my true colour best.

April 25th, 2008, 09:07 AM
My natural hair color isn't that red anymore. It's faded out to blond now. However, I used to have light/medium coppery as a child, strawberry blond in my twenties, and now just blong in my thirties. I miss my childhood hair color!

April 25th, 2008, 06:30 PM
Um, red? I honestly don't know. The SO insists it's more of an orange. It looks different depending on the lighting and the photos. The color never seems the same from photo to photo. It also has a very wide variety of shades of red. Some strands are a very dark auburn color, others very red. I actually have a wide patch of strawberry blond hair at the nape of my neck so, all of the above? ;)

I'm told I'm a vibrant red with strawberry blond coloring.....

April 26th, 2008, 07:59 AM
I have naturally auburn hair but have been dying it for years.

April 26th, 2008, 08:09 AM
I am a dark auburn here but would really love fiery red

April 26th, 2008, 08:11 AM
Would you mind choosing my colour for me? Here is a link to my album:
My english is not bad, but I don't know the subtle differences between those colours.
The outdoor pictures show my true colour best.

I would say light copper orange ;)

April 27th, 2008, 04:13 AM
Thanks! I answered that in the poll. Wow, I'm unique so far. :cheese:

May 16th, 2008, 09:34 PM
My hair is strange, depending on weather and season it can be burnished copper to coppery to golden orange. and i rarely spend time in the sun so not sure why the color changes so much.

May 17th, 2008, 05:40 PM
my natural color is between auburn and chestnut depending on what time of the year it was.. in the summer my canopy would turn very red but in the winter my hair would grow in sort of brownish.. the underside of my hair was forever brown.. i think the worst part about having red hair is that body hair is reddish and that means i cant get laser hair removal.. i wish i had my brothers color.. he has the most wonderful color.. some parts of his head are strawberry blonde and other parts are a sort of carrot orange.. i wish my hair was as thick as his too.. you could lose a hand in his hair.

May 21st, 2008, 09:44 AM
People have once or twice mentioned that I have some kind of red. But I cant remember which.

And I do have the occasional auburn hair. Really red auburn but doesnt show up in a mass of hair.

What do you all think? Can you see anything red other than my top? Haha

May 21st, 2008, 01:51 PM
I don't have red hair but I always wanted it. I was a medium bright copper for awhile (think Tori Amos) but it was really hard to maintain, especially with dark roots. I put red in my hair for years, though, and was auburnish for awhile.

May 21st, 2008, 02:47 PM
I have a lot of natural red tones in my dark blond hair, it could be why henna suits me so well.

Lady Copper
May 21st, 2008, 03:11 PM
I have light copper hair. It is actually just slightly darker than in my avatar pic. I have lots of dishwater brown underneath, which I do not like, and gold strands throughout, especially on top. And yes, I have the redhead skin... Even wearing sunscreen I can still get burned!

I would say the most irritating thing about my hair is that I have realized that I have to oil it really evenly after washing with natural shampoos, or it looks almost brown. If I oil it, it looks great.

But I love my hair overall, and the best thing about being a red longhair is that for some reason I NEVER get people telling me to cut my hair! Anyone else notice that too?

May 21st, 2008, 09:40 PM
I've never had anyone tell me I should cut my hair, no matter what the color was and it's changed on its own quite a bit.

One thing I get within my family is threats to not dye my hair, hahaha. I got the red I do have from my grandma and I'm the only one in the family besides her with even a bit of red. When I did put some color in my hair in high school, I had four aunts on my case, ready to kill, hahaha.

May 22nd, 2008, 06:22 AM
Saranne772 in the first one I can see some red in your hair, not in the second one :wink: I think we need more sunlight to see the hidden red. Indoor lighting or shadow makres my hair look more auburnish, while in sunshine it is bright copper. Red hair and lighting can act really interesting in pictures, but if there is any red in your hair we will most likely be able to see it in bright sunshine :).

Hm well I had several people suggesting I could dye my hair to make it look better, implying red = bad and I had some people suggesting that I could cut my hair into something interesting and fashionable, implying long hair is boring and old fashioned. At least here in Sweden people do not appreciate red long hair more than long hair in other colours. Itīs just way out of fashion.
:p Iīm really glad that I do not need to be fashionable.

Another interesting thing about red hair is how it changes itīs colour when it is wet. Mine becomes almost brown when itīs wet. What about you with strawberry blond hair? Does it become dark blond? Henna usually seems to stay red when it is wet.
I think it might be similar to true blond and bleached blond... while the bleached one does not change itīs colour much when itīs wet, the natural blond becomes much darker. Thoughts?

May 24th, 2008, 09:48 PM
Red is my favorite hair color.

May 26th, 2008, 09:10 AM
my hair was reddish when i was very young and always had a lot of red highlights. i've been coloring it for years and it always ends up a kind of auburn shade, no matter what color i start with, lol. in the winter i usually dye it darker brown (i think it brings out my eyes), but i always end up auburn, it's just the easiest to maintain since i don't end up with weird roots.

my youngest son is a strawberry blond and his hair color changes depending on the lighting. it's still fairly fine (he just turned 1 this month) but it's very cool how it can look super blond one day and dark red the next.

May 26th, 2008, 09:16 AM
Saranne772 in the first one I can see some red in your hair, not in the second one :wink: I think we need more sunlight to see the hidden red. Indoor lighting or shadow makres my hair look more auburnish, while in sunshine it is bright copper. Red hair and lighting can act really interesting in pictures, but if there is any red in your hair we will most likely be able to see it in bright sunshine :).

Hm well I had several people suggesting I could dye my hair to make it look better, implying red = bad and I had some people suggesting that I could cut my hair into something interesting and fashionable, implying long hair is boring and old fashioned. At least here in Sweden people do not appreciate red long hair more than long hair in other colours. Itīs just way out of fashion.
:p Iīm really glad that I do not need to be fashionable.

Another interesting thing about red hair is how it changes itīs colour when it is wet. Mine becomes almost brown when itīs wet. What about you with strawberry blond hair? Does it become dark blond? Henna usually seems to stay red when it is wet.
I think it might be similar to true blond and bleached blond... while the bleached one does not change itīs colour much when itīs wet, the natural blond becomes much darker. Thoughts?

My hair is a natural honey/strawberry blonde. When wet, it gets a medium brownish red color. Indoors, it looks dark blonde, in the sun it looks honey/red blonde.

Yes, with blondes and redheads, it's all about the lighting!

May 26th, 2008, 11:32 PM
It's true about it changing colors so much when it's wet. When I'm taking a shower, my hair looks completely black. It lightens up so many shades as it dries.

May 27th, 2008, 11:01 AM
Hmm well I will have to get a summer lighting shot when the weather here gets more summery!

May 27th, 2008, 11:33 AM
I'm an Auburn. I don't think my hair color has really changed. The ends are definately lighter than the head hair, but other than that, I checked my senior pic, and it looks about the same color.

May 29th, 2008, 05:34 PM
Sadly, I am not a true redhead, but I voted light copper because when sunlight hits my blondish-red hair it looks like copper red. I love it! I also wish it was MORE red though.

June 24th, 2008, 12:43 PM
id love deep red hair but sadly i've only got dark brown with red tinge and auburn streaks (natural) :(

June 24th, 2008, 02:52 PM
People have once or twice mentioned that I have some kind of red. But I cant remember which.

And I do have the occasional auburn hair. Really red auburn but doesnt show up in a mass of hair.

What do you all think? Can you see anything red other than my top? Haha

Your hair color looks a lot like mine. I call it dark auburn... we have a dark red, that is not as obvious as a normal auburn.

March 22nd, 2009, 03:48 PM
I voted copper red. It used to be an odd shade of orange but little sun has made it a bit darker.

March 26th, 2009, 05:27 AM
I really don't know what titian means. I voted for copper red, but not sure if thats right really.

March 29th, 2009, 04:08 PM
I chose copper red :D!!
It seemed closest to my colour, I think.

March 30th, 2009, 09:42 PM
RedJezebel, you're one of the few I've seen with true titian hair. It's thudworthy!

March 30th, 2009, 11:28 PM
I couldn't vote because my hair is brown and there was no "cheese" option! :silly:

March 31st, 2009, 01:22 AM
I chose copper red, since it is the color that is most predominant during the year. my natural, unhenna'ed hair is a darker copper, nearing auburn but more copper auburn, (is there such a color? ) i wish i had pics of my natural hair (more than a couple of inches on the crown. ) but all i can say is; imagine my siggy pic but about 1 shade darker, it has some blonde, some gray and alot of copper red. wait 'till july and i'll show all pictures of what spring and summer can create.

March 31st, 2009, 06:29 AM
Auburn for me! My hair used to be lighter when I was little, but it's gotten darker the last few years - I just love the colour it is right now.. makes me very happy!!:-)


Mine is sort of the opposite of you. As a child, I had very dark auburn hair but as I grew older it became lighter and I now have strawberry blonde hair but what I have in common is I love my colour now too. :)

March 31st, 2009, 06:37 AM
People say my hennaed hair looks natural, so can it count as natural? LOL

January 28th, 2014, 02:42 AM
Aw, can't we sort of revive this thread? Or is there another thread for redheads? I feel so lonely...

January 28th, 2014, 07:49 AM
Mine WAS strawberry until my mid-20's. Then it turned ashey. Now it's medium ash brown and grey, but I henna.

January 28th, 2014, 08:22 AM
Mine was super red as a kid. Not dark red or auburn, just really really red. Almost as red as you can get from a bottle now adays.. Now it's more like copper.
But I love it :)
Though, I would love to get back some of the deep deep red again.

January 29th, 2014, 01:05 PM
Natural red here. All but eyebrows and lashes.
Red in the pits, bits, legs and golden red on arms.

Since I can't find a chart for natural red, you'll just have to decide from my avatar or sig

January 29th, 2014, 10:08 PM
From what I can tell of your avatar, you hair color is BEAUTIFUL! Although I can't decide which red :P
My brows and lashes aren't exactly red either, but veeeeeeeery light. So I have a ginger/red brow pencil that I use :)

October 1st, 2016, 01:04 PM
I've learned so much over the years about what works well for fair skin and red hair. Perhaps we could all describe our tips and tricks and help each other out. For example I use a great sunscreen by Aveeno that is mineral based and it is the best sunscreen for my sensitive skin.

October 1st, 2016, 01:37 PM
I've learned so much over the years about what works well for fair skin and red hair. Perhaps we could all describe our tips and tricks and help each other out. For example I use a great sunscreen by Aveeno that is mineral based and it is the best sunscreen for my sensitive skin.

Your hair color in the avatar is really pretty.

October 1st, 2016, 04:17 PM
I'm an auburn-head. As a child it was a light, bright auburn, it's now darkened to a sort of medium auburn, so I just put auburn. :)

ETA I'm very pale, usually the lightest shade for any cosmetics, and sometimes that's too dark and I have
to mix some white foundation in that I have for that purpose. I like Japanese sunscreens as they have lots of sun protection without the white cast or heavy feeling that many western sunscreens have. I get a light smattering of freckles every Summer and my eyes are dark hazel with olive green rather than blue mixed with the brown. And yep I get the redhead skin sensitivity thing. It's obnoxious. Rashes, rashes always for no good reason. Grr.

October 1st, 2016, 04:48 PM
I was born with very vibrant red curls. Would that be what Titian is? As I get older, the pigment is fading. I will be a dirty blonde before I go gray.

October 1st, 2016, 05:18 PM
I have all the colours from black to white, but predominately coppery, strawberry blondish, reddish, auburnish um... Bambi coloured. It glows like copper and ice in the sun. My brows, lashes, and some lower leg hairs are darker, and some places are orangish. :lol: As for my fair, porcelain skin that has a smattering of freckles and moles, it has slowly darkened over the years, and now gets a bit of a tan, too, although I can't handle too much sun, burn quickly and am allergic to sunscreens. Yup, it's sensitive; less is more for me. :) I've kept my skin soft and youthful by using baby oil (mineral oil) as a cleanser and to lock in moisture at the end of my shower (thanks to J&J advertising waaaaaaaaay back in the 70s!).