View Full Version : My Grandma rocks!!

September 26th, 2009, 06:09 PM
Just tonight, I was visiting my Grandmother for dinner.

She complimented me how my hair is getting long but she told me it needs some help. I asked "what's wrong with it? She said "it's dry dear, it needs some moisture pumped into it" So after a brief discussion of what kind of products I use, routine etc... She gave me her olive oil treatment. She swears by olive oil like it was 2nd nature to her.

She oiled up my hair and told me too sit down underneath this hairdryer. One of those 50's style hairdryers you used to see in salons.

She told me to sit there for 20mins and I dished it out. Then she told me to wash my hair.

Ok LHC, my hair feels incredible. Shines like a black car and I can finally run a brush through it with no snags or tangles. I mean wow! :cheese::cheese::cheese:

My main concern is long term damage. Should I repeat this process as needed or is it not a good idea in the long run? I asked my Grandma why she used the hairdryer, she told me it helps to soak the oil into the scalp and hair. For now though, I cannot thank my Grandma enough! Thought I'd share.

September 26th, 2009, 06:12 PM
yea for grandma! that's awesome :) as long as the dryer isn't too hot it should be fine, it's heating up the hair which opens up the cuticle and allows the oil to soak in

September 26th, 2009, 06:13 PM
I think it sounds like an amazing deep treatment... yay grandma! :cheese:

September 26th, 2009, 06:18 PM
I know deep conditioning with a bonnet hairdryer is pretty common, because, like she said, it helps the treatment soak in. I believe it is pretty safe, because the heat is a lot lower than a flat iron or a normal hair dryer. If you're worried about the heat, just apply warm oil, wrap your head in plastic wrap or a shower cap, and leave it on a bit longer. The plastic traps body heat, and helps it work.

September 26th, 2009, 06:20 PM
I agree with missfortune9335; as long as your hair is protected (in this case, covered in oil) and the heat isn't too high, the heat just helps the oil be absorbed.

So glad this worked for you!

September 26th, 2009, 06:23 PM
Yipee for grandmas :D

Cindi Eponabri
September 26th, 2009, 06:24 PM
What kind you use if you don't have that kind of hair dryer (anymore)...

September 26th, 2009, 06:27 PM
I don't think those hair dryers are as hot nor have a direct blast of heat concentrated in one area, like todays' hair dryers are.

I would say, yay for an old fashioned deep treatment and right on for having a cool connection with Granny! :D

September 26th, 2009, 06:37 PM
Sounds like something that I need to do. I just washed my hair today & I can hardly get a comb through it, it is so dry & tangly.

September 26th, 2009, 06:42 PM
Your grandma sounds awesome! Salons use mild dryer heat with deep conditioners quite often. I used an old dry like that for years until I got my heat cap. The warm heat helps open the cuticle and allow the oil to soak into your hair. It's not hot enough to harm. We have become so paranoid of using any kind of heat. This is not super hot metal being applied to the hair, like with a curling iron or a straightening iron. Don't be afraid to do this as often as you think your hair needs it. This heat is a warm moist heat with the olive oil. Olive oil is a wonderful all around beauty product.

September 26th, 2009, 06:49 PM
Me and my Grandma have always been especially close. The family calls her "babe" She's kinda like the boss of the family :)

Cindi - my hairdryer for now is mothernature :) I do need to get a new one before winter sets in.

September 26th, 2009, 06:50 PM
From what I know about those driers, they aren't hot enough to cause real damage, so I think you're safe.

Does your grandma have long hair too? :D

September 26th, 2009, 06:55 PM
Just past shoulder length.

September 26th, 2009, 07:09 PM
That's an awesome grandma! :) I really need to try out some olive oil. :D

September 26th, 2009, 07:22 PM
[quote=Carolyn;Don't be afraid to do this as often as you think your hair needs it. This heat is a warm moist heat with the olive oil. Olive oil is a wonderful all around beauty product.[/quote]

You are quite right to point out Carolyn that these old fashioned dryers have a "warm moist" heat, a low heat and moisture are the key here. I swear by jojoba oil but I've started applying it to damp hair after reading many posts on LHC about how it's more benficial for the hair to be damp rather than dry on application - it's made a tremendous difference to the texture of my hair already.
Olive oil is more moisturizing I must admit but I sometimes leave oil on my hair during the day and find jojoba doesn't give me the same "wet look" as olive.

September 26th, 2009, 07:22 PM
was it just straight olive oil? anything else? I'm gonna try it!

September 26th, 2009, 07:23 PM
Yay for Grandma wisdom! My own grandmother was wise in many other ways, but used to wash her hair with pert plus and perm about every 3 weeks.

September 26th, 2009, 07:25 PM
It sounds like you have a beautiful relationship with your Grandma and your hair gets a boost as well! You're very lucky to have each other. :sun:

September 26th, 2009, 07:30 PM
was it just straight olive oil? anything else? I'm gonna try it!

Plain old extra virgin olive oil.

Now that I think about it, I started using coconut oil months prior to this. My hair was slowly improving but nothing drastic as this. I'm wondering if I was just wasting my time with the coconut oil? :confused:

September 26th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Olive oil is way heavier, that with the heat might have had some more drastic improvements all at once. Maybe your hair likes olive oil better? Either way, thats awesome. Your grandma sounds wonderful :D

September 26th, 2009, 07:48 PM
I tried olive oil once before, gave good results but nothing special. I didn't use any heat either the first time around so that's probably what yeilded my results.

September 26th, 2009, 07:51 PM
Oh that's so cool. And what an excellent excuse to visit your grandmother often :D

September 26th, 2009, 11:15 PM
I wish more people in my family were like your grandmother. :D

September 27th, 2009, 12:54 AM
Your grandma sounds like mine. Gotta love grandmas.
I use grapeseed oil instead of olive for hot treatment. My hair seems to like it better.
At night I've been using a mix of grapeseed, jojoba, meadowfoam and orange and clove eos.