View Full Version : Would cones actually protect hair from sun and seawater?

September 26th, 2009, 10:39 AM
I am not usually a cone user, haven't used cones in probably 3 years. However, I am going to be spending 10 days at the beach next month and really want to protect my hair. I've been researching on here and plan on using coconut oil, club soda, argan oil, and a UV spray. After doing all the reading, I started wondering if it might be good to use cones during that time. Cones seal the hair, correct? For that reason, would the hair be better protected by cones that were not water soluble? Would cones seal the hair and therefore seal out the seawater from the hair? I am definitely not a scientist, so forgive me if this line of thinking is ridiculous :o

September 26th, 2009, 10:48 AM
When I used to swim, I'd use a cone-filled leave-in. Sometimes I used coconut oil, and people I know have used it to protect their hair from chlorine and damage that happens during this festival we have called Holi. You know, where they douse everyone in colours because it's 'fun'.

Anyway. It would certainly protect it more than using nothing. If your hair is long enough to braid, I'd oil and braid it, possibly in a number of them that would hold for more than a day.

The oils and UV spray sound good though.