View Full Version : 5 minutes in the chair; 1 years growth gone

September 26th, 2009, 12:34 AM
Well yet another hairdressers are evil thread My reliable one moved away and I went today to the person she recommended. I made a big deal of exactly what 1 inch was and that was the most she could cut; she agreed it was my hair and she would do what I asked. Ha. I am now back at BSL. . . My friends have no sympathy "its just hair it will grow back" :(

September 26th, 2009, 01:06 AM
:O :O :O I'm so sorry that really sucks. Grrr to evil hairdressors - they give the lovely ones a bad name

September 26th, 2009, 01:26 AM
That's horrible! I'm so sorry that your friends are of no help, that much be a real 'insult to injury' or else a good case of 'rubbing salt in the wound'. I think the second one sounds more appropriate.

September 26th, 2009, 01:32 AM
Some hairdressers just don't understand people trying to grow their hair. Or worse they don't care. I have experienced this countless times in my life.

September 26th, 2009, 01:34 AM
I am so sorry to hear about that :( How long was it before?

I've started cutting my own hair - sometimes I will let a long-hair-freindly friend or family member do it, but never a hair dresser again! They simply cut off a lot more than I allow them to, and they try to pressure me into colouring/highlighting/perming/chopping off a lot of length. "A bob would really suit your face", "brown would do good to your skin color" and so on. Frustrating.

September 26th, 2009, 01:38 AM
Oh no! I don't understand why any hairdresser would do this. All the ones I've seen do exactly as I ask.
So sorry.

September 26th, 2009, 02:27 AM
Did she do this on purpose?:(
I hope you didn't pay, since you did not get what she agreed to do.

September 26th, 2009, 03:23 AM
To top it off this is not exactly supercuts - trim was $60! I think part of it was she "knew better" than me what I wanted despite agreeing (why, oh why do they agree if they aren't gonna do it???) and part of it was she was measuring to a reference point on the back of the chair when I was sitting but she made me stand up to get it cut. (I thought that was odd - is it common to make the customer stand?)

September 26th, 2009, 03:48 AM
[/QUOTE]... but she made me stand up to get it cut. (I thought that was odd - is it common to make the customer stand?)[/QUOTE]

Yes if your hair is quite long. I have had to stand a few times when my hair was longer. I remember getting my hair cut by Joh Bailey (famous hairstylist in Sydney) about 19 years ago when he had a salon in Double Bay. I paid $50 for the haircut (which was HUGE for me back then) and I had to stand which I remember made me feel weird and almost like I'd been a little ripped off. My hair was blowdried straight and he put some "glass" on it which made it gorgeous and shiney. I was all of about 17 years old and I thought he'd "fixed" my hair. I was over the moon until I washed it again - lol

Anyway, I'm so sorry to hear that you lost all that length. Perhaps self trimming will be of help or you might need to be assertive when they start snipping great chunks off and just tell them to stop. I know it's tricky to do this but ....

Chin up :o

September 26th, 2009, 06:06 AM
I'm sorry your friends weren't more sympathetic. The majority of people just "don't get" it. They don't even really know how long it takes to grow waist length hair. I've had to stand quite a few times to get a trim. I don't think it's a big deal. I can't blame the stylist for not wanting to get down on her knees to do a trim. It seems like every good stylist I've had has moved away. I can certainly understand not wanting to stay in this place :rolleyes: Next time you get a trim, have the stylist show you how much she is going to cut off and have you OK it before she takes a snip.

September 26th, 2009, 06:07 AM
thats terrible...how long was it before....and really I dont mean to sound rude or mean but I HAVE to ask...wasnt there a mirror? couldnt you see what she was doing?
I ask only because when my hairdresser chopped my hair from shoulder to Pixie,(I wanted long on the sides and up to the nape in the back...) I wasnt sitting in front of a mirror so no I didnt know what she was doing..
did you say anything to her when she was done and you seen how short it was

September 26th, 2009, 06:13 AM
Here's wishing you a phenomenal growth spurt.

I've offered to stand so that my stylist doesn't have to stoop so low, but she never takes me up on it. I think she should.

September 26th, 2009, 06:13 AM
oh my, that must of been o nightmare... :( Did you tell her that she took more that was talked about???

September 26th, 2009, 06:31 AM
Certainly I made her show me beforehand and we agreed. I stressed exactly what I wanted off.

No, there was not a mirror available because I had to move from the regular chair area. I did notice the hair fall when she cut the side and said it was too short, but by then we were a few cuts in and it was really too late to do anyhing.

I thought standing was odd since former hairdresser didn't have any problem, but she simply held it horizontally and backed up. I would not expect her to get on her knees to cut it - I have just not been asked to stand before. I know my prior hairdresser (who I loved) suggested I point people to a fixed point like "to the bottom of the chair" (in additon to the "this is an inch") because it helped reinforce what I actually wanted and she knew I would not like it if the next person cut too much. Unfortunately, she moved 2000 miles away, so its not like I can just drop by. After I left I was thinking "where did I go wrong here" and wondered if the standing changed her perception of what we agreed or something.

When I got home I combed it and freaked again - not used being able to reach the ends without a little effort.

September 26th, 2009, 06:34 AM
I am grateful she at least kept the "blunt hemline" and "no layers" in mind or it would be much more difficult to deal with. Its just disappointing.

September 26th, 2009, 06:54 AM
gah! oh I'm so sorry :(

This happend to my sister a number of years ago, except that her hair was BSL she asked for it to be trimmed up to APL and the girl doing the cutting was screwing up and had to keep "evening up" her mistakes. She walked out of there with chin length hair! Oooooh she was so upset, I heard about that story every day for a while there. But, It did grow back an now it's at waist and as pretty as ever.

So, big hugs and lots of sympathy to you. It'll grow back, and in the mean time have fun with some styles you maybe couldn't do before, do a couple of DT's and baby the ends so when it does all grow back out it'll be beautiful. Here's to new growth! :toast:

September 26th, 2009, 07:03 AM
Just wondering? Do you have curly hair? When curly hair is cut it will spring up higher than your first thought. If the hairdresser hasn't much experience with curly hair, this may be the reason for the drastic reduction in length since it would have been cut wet and would have been straighter??? Does this make sense?

September 26th, 2009, 07:57 AM
So soorry to hear that!!! That so sucks especially as you had stressed to her how much an inch was etc!! I so feel for you.That happened to me in February and Id be hip length or tb by now if it wasnt for the mightmare hairdresser.
See this is why I am now so scared of them..you agree beforehand and yet they still go and do what they like.
Wishing you loads of growth spurts and a big hug!!

September 26th, 2009, 08:05 AM
To top it off this is not exactly supercuts - trim was $60! I think part of it was she "knew better" than me what I wanted despite agreeing (why, oh why do they agree if they aren't gonna do it???) and part of it was she was measuring to a reference point on the back of the chair when I was sitting but she made me stand up to get it cut. (I thought that was odd - is it common to make the customer stand?)

I had this happen. One hairdresser kept telling me that she knew what was best for my hair, how it would look best and acted like I was too stupid to know anything.

Im sooo sorry this happened to you. Its hard when friends dont understand. When I went back to bsl I was thinking about the whole year it would take to get back to where I was. A whole year is a loooong time! If someone took something important away from them and said you cant have it back for a year that might upset them too.

September 26th, 2009, 08:46 AM
$60 for something you ddidn't want sucks. I hope you didn't tip her.

September 26th, 2009, 08:50 AM
Wow I am very sorry. I would be so mad if someone did that to me I don't think I would have paid.

September 26th, 2009, 10:11 AM
That is terrible about what that hairdresser did to you! I would've been so upset that I probably would not have paid her. Since you specified how much you wanted cut, there's no excuse for her to cut that much. Hopefully your hair will grow back very quickly.

September 26th, 2009, 10:40 AM
Yeah, I HATE it when that happens. That's why I don't go to hairdressers anymore.

And, I won't let my mom trim, either. She chopped about 8" when I was in jr. high. I was SO MAD!

You have my sympathies.


September 26th, 2009, 10:56 AM
I would be spitting nails if that ever happened to me again. It is a bad feeling and you just don't get over it because hair grows. :( Yeah hair grows but it takes so damn long all because someone says yeah, only an inch and then takes a foot!! :mad:

I'm so sorry, I know how you feel. :(

September 26th, 2009, 11:07 AM
I'm sorry to hear that. Too bad you paid for it since you didn't get what you wanted. If they can't handle customers with their own idea of a hair cut, why don't they tell it right at the beginning? Is self trimming an option?
Good luck on growing your hair again!

September 26th, 2009, 11:49 AM
Oh, I'd give her a tip. My tip would be, "Find another career, dipstick!"

September 26th, 2009, 11:54 AM
Oh gosh that sucks! Well, it will grow back,and any damage that was in that length is now gone!

But I've had similar things happen to me. I finally found a good hairstylist! We'll see how she is when my hair is longer. You should have asked for a refund, and I hope you didn't tip her.

September 26th, 2009, 02:02 PM
Well yet another hairdressers are evil thread My reliable one moved away and I went today to the person she recommended. I made a big deal of exactly what 1 inch was and that was the most she could cut; she agreed it was my hair and she would do what I asked. Ha. I am now back at BSL. . . My friends have no sympathy "its just hair it will grow back" :(

Sorry to hear that, that is when my wife goes I am the spotter lol. One guy said no lets take 6 to 8 inches and I took my hand and said no here is what she wants, no more. Lets just say he didnt give us grief. I would recommend taking someone with you that can watch because some hair places ppl are more concerned with head count ;) Dont sorry it will come back but sorry they didnt do what u wanted. I hope u told them u arent paying lol

September 26th, 2009, 02:19 PM
I'm sorry for your bad experience. :(

September 26th, 2009, 03:22 PM
My condolences! I know it can be hard to speak up, but don't be afraid to let the stylist know how you feel or even ask for a refund. We all need to learn to be more assertive, especially with the stylists out there who apparently don't know how to follow explicit instructions. :shake:

Back when I still got my hair trimmed at the salon, I found it helped if I asked the stylist to cut way less than what I actually wanted. For example, if I wanted an inch off, I'd ask her to trim 1/4" instead. It works pretty well! Still, the only way to truly avoid one of these "misunderstandings" is to just trim your own hair. Feye's method is a real godsend.

September 26th, 2009, 03:40 PM
I am so sorry. :( It is so unfortunate that what should be pleasant relaxing experience in a salon can be so traumatic for those trying to keep their length. I only go for facials at our local beauty school.

I am saving up to buy a good pair of S&D scissors.

September 26th, 2009, 03:50 PM
Yes, that "it's just hair" thingy is just so easy to say... I'd like to know if it was their hair -_-

Just be patient now, you'll get there again. And please next time, if you can't fine anyone who you can really trust, try trimming it yourself. It's the best thing to do I guess, and I tell you, it's not dificult...

:flower: Hope you feel better soon :flower:

September 27th, 2009, 12:24 AM
Thank you all for the hugs. I sitll hate the hair but I feel better talking to someone who understands. I do agree with the person who advises to underestimate what you really want off too - that has worked for me in the past.

In about a year, I will be searching for the self trim instructions! I have been afraid to try before but no way am I doing THAT again. Since my hair is curly I imagine if it is a little uneven no one will notice. It will be quite awhile before I need to worry about it. :(

October 1st, 2009, 09:37 AM
I'm sorry you don't have very sympathetic friends!! :( And that you had a bad experience in the chair. This is why I self-trim - for every good salon experience we hear about, there are probably ten bad ones.

October 2nd, 2009, 05:46 PM
I totally understand your feelings. Right before my highschool graduation, I had my BSL reduced to barely shoulder-length. It broke my heart because I'd been hoping to get nice springy curls for graduation, but I couldn't because my hair turned so short. I remember crying as soon as I got home.

And that was the last time I let a stranger touch my hair. Ever since then, I've trimmed my hair at home and I'm happy with the length now.

October 2nd, 2009, 05:55 PM
You should give her a negative review on yelp and insider pages and whatever other stylist review sites you can find. Lots of people look at these and negative reviews can help steer them towards a stylist who will actually listen.

October 2nd, 2009, 06:28 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience. I had one earlier this year where instead of the half inch I requested she took off two which isn't as bad as what you went through but it was still traumatic. There was another time in highschool when the hair dresser cut it sooo short and horrible that I refused to go to school the next day and my mom had to take me somewhere else to get it shaped up.

I hope you feel better soon and I totally agree that you should self trim or like somebody else suggested bring a spotter to watch the stylist.

October 2nd, 2009, 06:48 PM
My hairdressers do that too, so I stopped seeing them. If they can't understand how long an inch is, then I'll just cut it myself. :rolleyes:

October 2nd, 2009, 06:56 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your hairdresser nightmare. :( Of the two hair cuts I have had since I started growing my hair one has been a disaster, where the lady interpreted "a small trim" as "let's hack off 8-10 cm", not a good track record. :-(

Worse still, I had a male friend with really curly brown hair down to his shoulders. He had been growing it whilst at university. After graduation returned home and decided he needed to get a trim. Naïvely, he returned to his once regular barber shop. After sitting down and removing his glasses (he is very myopic), he explained what he wanted to the barber. The barber, however, appeared to have a low opinion of men with long hair and instead hacked it all off with scissors down to a shaggy few centimetres. shudder:

Two years on he is now back to his previous length and is hopefully wiser for it...

going gray
October 2nd, 2009, 07:22 PM
Really sorry to hear you lost a year of growth, hoping your hair grows faster than the average 6" a year.

October 3rd, 2009, 11:44 AM
Just chiming in to encourage you to try trimming it yourself next time. Go slowly, don't trim much at any one time, and you will see length gains.

I think there have been some threads around discussing the modifications for self trimming curly hair, so it might be worth searching for them to give yourself an idea what needs to be done.