View Full Version : Hair Expenses (cha-ching!)

September 25th, 2009, 10:05 AM
When it comes to hair which category do you prefer or end up spending the most money in, hair toys or hair products?

I am fairly new to hair toys and don't have any yet, but I will probably end up buying a few different-sized ficcares. Most of my hair money will still go to product (shampoo, conditioner, oils, etc).

ok, now you go!

September 25th, 2009, 10:07 AM
Oh, definitely hair toys. I keep my product routine very minimal, but as far as accessories, I'm afraid I am hopeless. Sigh.

September 25th, 2009, 10:10 AM
Forks and sticks and clips are the overwhelming majority of my haircare spending. I actually consider my hairtoy budget to be rather conservative compared to many members, but my hairtoy budget is probably 4x that of my products :)

September 25th, 2009, 10:11 AM
It will always be hair toys, considering my shampoo and condish things costs ridiculously little :)

September 25th, 2009, 10:12 AM
I am with OhioLisa, my hair products are dirt cheap and last forever (herbs and catnip) but what I quit spending at the salon, I have spent on hairtoys. I am DONE (for now) - spent too much the last couple months. I am actually outgrowing some and will need to sell some soon to make room for the latest additions.

September 25th, 2009, 10:23 AM
So far I've spent most of mine on products... shamppos, oils, etc...

September 25th, 2009, 10:31 AM
I have a very small, basic (and cheap) hair toy collection..... have not started buying the higher toys yet, although I would really like hairsticks (layers not long enough) and maybe a ficcare..... some antique combs I love too...

Right now products seem to be my thing... I am still fairly new and experimenting, and every time I hear of something new that sounds cool, I want to try......

September 25th, 2009, 10:40 AM
I am with OhioLisa, my hair products are dirt cheap and last forever (herbs and catnip) but what I quit spending at the salon, I have spent on hairtoys. I am DONE (for now) - spent too much the last couple months. I am actually outgrowing some and will need to sell some soon to make room for the latest additions.

I only wish I could say "I'm done"... even for now... and really mean it. I am hopeless. :silly:

September 25th, 2009, 10:43 AM
How does one find dirt cheap products that work, tho?? I think I am just doomed to spending my hair money on expensive products.


September 25th, 2009, 10:47 AM
How does one find dirt cheap products that work, tho?? I think I am just doomed to spending my hair money on expensive products.


haha..... me too!!! I swear I used cheap (walmart) products before I took care of my hair.... now I have coney 'poo and condish, no coney 'poo's and condish, sls free, all my new oils, shea butter and my newest thing, 'poo bars........ plus stuff for my smt's......
Every new thing I learn leads me to buy a whole new set of hair care stuff......

September 25th, 2009, 10:48 AM
as im perfectly capable of making my own hairtoys (see self made toys thread) i spend most of my hair money on hair products.. when my hair was shoulder length it always looked good even without any conditioner or detangler or mousse or anything like that.. i would just use a small amount of shampoo and then comb it backwards while it was wet.. it dried in 20 minutes and set itself into a perfect wave pattern all by itself.. now ive got to use massive quantities of conditioner and then after its washed i have to use alot of detangler spray.. and my hair wont settle for the cheap detangler anymore.. no it wants the expensive stuff.. it makes me think of cutting it back to apl..

September 25th, 2009, 10:51 AM
Oh, I put the money (when I have it) in to good quality hair accessories. My products (mostly conditioners) are a bit more than dirt cheap at $3-5 a bottle.

September 25th, 2009, 10:51 AM
I spend my money mostly on hair products. Gentle shampoo, shampoo bar, conditioner, tons of oils, ingredients to make my own hair masques or leave-ins, herbs... stuff like that.

I have one wooden hair fork, and a flexi-8 that I use regularly in my hair. For now, that will tide me over. I'm sure when I've finally settled on my favourite hair products, I will switch over to looking for hair pretties!

September 25th, 2009, 10:53 AM
I am a yo-yo and go back and forth between buying hair products and hair toys. Right now, I am pretty happy with my hair routine, so I am buying hair toys. Next month (or week) who knows?

September 25th, 2009, 10:56 AM
I spend a lot more on hairtoys. A lot more. Now that I wear my hair up most of the time, I like to use sophisticated and grown up looking hair accessories. I use a lot of cheap White Rain conditioner for CO'ing and mostly middle of the road priced conditoners (Regis OO, Giovanni, Burt Bee's, Nature's Gate) otherwise.

September 25th, 2009, 10:57 AM
I spend a relatively small amount on hair stuff, period. But I know I consistently spend more on products than on toys. At any one time I have a bottle and a spare of three different kinds of shampoo and three different kinds of conditioner. I do stock up when stuff is on sale, though, to keep the cost down.

I would like to have more hair toys, but I can't justify the expense of the wooden sticks and forks I covet.

September 25th, 2009, 11:01 AM
I just started taking care of my hair and I don't have many hairtoys yet. So far I have spent the most on hair products, but hopefully they are just startup costs. I bought some products that will last a long time. I bought jojoba oil, coconut oil, catnip, and I take some vitamins and minerals for my hair.

September 25th, 2009, 11:02 AM
Definitely hairtoys. I am waiting on another package from Ficarre.

linda g
September 25th, 2009, 11:04 AM
Being new to these parts, I can already predict a spike in my hair toy spending. I'm seeing things I never even knew existed!

September 25th, 2009, 11:09 AM
Definitely products! Since I wear my hair down most of the time, I don't have much of hair toys, while I like to treasure up good quality organic haircare products and oils. :)

September 25th, 2009, 11:15 AM
I just started taking care of my hair and I don't have many hairtoys yet. So far I have spent the most on hair products, but hopefully they are just startup costs. I bought some products that will last a long time. I bought jojoba oil, coconut oil, catnip, and I take some vitamins and minerals for my hair.
Oy, forgot all about the vitamin expense! I have 12 different vitamin/supplements here.


September 25th, 2009, 11:27 AM
When I first started at LHC, most of my expenses went on products. I had to try everything possible (plus my hair was too short for toys) Now, I've more or less worked out what works for my hair product-wise: I use normal supermarket shampoos and conditioners and while I get through a lot of cheapish conditioner, a bottle of shampoo lasts ages. Most oils and herbs take forever to use up so now I've got the stocks, I won't need to buy anymore for quite a while.

On the other hand, I'm a sucker for hair toys. I can always find a good excuse to buy a new one (someone should ban me from visiting etsy) I justify in that I that's my extravagance: I don't buy many new clothes or shoes. I'd rather buy hairtoys

September 25th, 2009, 11:28 AM
I spend way more on hairtoys than I do on products. It's pitiful that I end up wearing the same hair fork almost everyday. But I can't pass up some of the gorgeous hairtoys out there.

September 25th, 2009, 11:43 AM
Vitamins, products and oils take a huge chunk out of my wallet, especially since I have to order some of the vitamins from the internet and shipping costs as much as the actual product. I don't actually own any hair toys and don't plan on owning any. I really love trying new products though. If I find a job I think I might buy myself a new hair product every week until my bathroom looks like a salon! :D That would be my kind of heaven.

September 25th, 2009, 11:45 AM
Just curious as to why so much expense on vitamins? :confused:

September 25th, 2009, 12:01 PM
I spend way too much on bobby pins and I don't really use them. At least they aren't that expensive.

September 25th, 2009, 12:11 PM
How does one find dirt cheap products that work, tho?? I think I am just doomed to spending my hair money on expensive products.


Kinda depends on your hair. I've experimented with CO (kinda cheap), baking soda/vinegar washes (very cheap), and non-sulfate shampoos (not very cheap). So I never really got into the expensive versions of haircare though.

I've ended up using cheap sulfate shampoo that's very diluted (extremely cheap, I can make a $1 bottle of suave last a year). And drugstore conditioner. Right now I'm using Aussie... (cheapish, usually a bottle lasts between 1-2 months and is $3-$4) then I have coconut oil... I think that was about $8 for my most recent tub and it should last a couple of years.

That's pretty much all I use on my hair. My routine probably wouldn't work for everyone though.

September 25th, 2009, 12:15 PM
I think I'm about even. I haven't been on LHC very long, so I'm buying a lot of hair products. But I'm also having a great time with the hairtoys, especially the sticks. I'm even making some of my own, which isn't really any cheaper than buying them, but it's fun!

yeah, I'm all about the hair...

September 25th, 2009, 12:18 PM
:shrug:[/quote]My leave-in conditioner is the expensive product if you can call it that. I use Biolage conditioning balm but it lasts a LONG time since I don't use that much. Other than that I use Suave or White Rain conditioners and AG re:coil and cheap hair gel. I do go to the salon though to get highlight touchups so it won't be so hard on my hair as if I did it myself. It's a very good salon. I just figured it up the other day and it costs about $800 per year for that. :) I trim my own hair though and cut my own bangs too. I have a few expensive hair toys but I wear my hair down a lot so I don't really need anymore. Updos with Ficcares and even forks sometimes give me headaches so easily though that if I wear it back I usually braid or use Amish pins or something.

September 25th, 2009, 01:17 PM
I'm another one whose big expense is salon color. I think it's worth splurging on when the hair is being lightened.

For the past year, I guess toys are probably ahead of products. Until WL I hardly ever wore my hair up and didn't have any toys except some bobby pins and a few scrunchies. So now I'm working on building a small collection to be able to do some nice updos. My products are mostly the same old inexpensive drugstore things I've always used.

September 25th, 2009, 01:25 PM
Probably products over the long term. I don't collect a lot of hair accessories - one or two of each kind is enough, and they don't have to be replaced very often (if ever). But I'll always need more conditioner.

September 25th, 2009, 01:27 PM
I spend more on products. My hair "toys" that I purchased consist of cheap hair ties that don't break the hair and a hair stick that won't stay in. I don't do much with my hair, just braid it or leave it loose. I am always trying new products though and even the regular ones add up. I buy conditioner every 2 weeks for instance and am always looking for different oils to try.

September 25th, 2009, 02:02 PM
Short-term, probably hair ornaments. Long-term, I would say the cost of shampoo and conditioner probably adds up to more money over the years.

September 25th, 2009, 02:19 PM
Hair toys......

September 25th, 2009, 02:23 PM
I'm just thrilled with how little I can spend on my hair now! (Which is reeeeally good, because I'm really poor!!!)

I used to go a couple of times a year, when I could afford it, and have my hair professionally cut and colored. I was also using more expensive shampoos and conditioners, and then of course coney styling products to make it look nicer... Oh yeah-- and replacing my dryers and irons when they would wear out.

Now all I need is super-cheap Suave shampoo and conditioner. Oils and honey are much cheaper and much more effective for me than the expensive products! As far as color goes, I can buiy enough henna to last me for months for the same amount of money I once had to spend for a single cut and color at the salon. I spend nothing on cutting now, as I haven't trimmed yet since starting to grow out and I'll just do it myself when I do choose to trim.

I don't have many hairtoys yet because I haven't had the money to spend on them, so I'd have to vote that my money goes to products. But if you compare it to how expensive it used to be to take care of my hair, it's really next to nothing!:cheese:

September 25th, 2009, 02:51 PM
Definitely I spend more on hair toys. I have not yet got anything expensive, but I am curious to try new things. During years I have saved a lot of money by doing hair care at home by myself.

September 25th, 2009, 05:36 PM
I'd say, in the long run, more on product. I'm a product "junkie", and it's rare that I ever buy a product twice (if do, you know I like it). Plus, I have curly hair, so styling product, leave-ins, and oils. It's insane. :o Luckily, I've calmed down a bit in that regard, because I have a few things that work no matter what, so I experiment less often. Or at least that's the idea.

Hairtoys I spend a lot on, but unlike product, they last a long time, so I'm less concerned about their expense. Plus, the more I use them, the less styling product I have to use, which constitutes the main expense of my 'products'. Thus, they make me spend less money on that in the long run. :shrug: As proven by my not wearing my hair down outside of my house for the last week. :p Haven't used any KCCC yet so far. :o

September 25th, 2009, 07:40 PM
Products overall.

This month I spent a crapload of money (for me) on hair toys: 3 Ficcare clips from members here (good prices compared to the website at least), and two things from Ron Quattro (at $28 a pop). But this was the first time I really spent any money on toys.

Some of the products I use are expensive, but I don't have much hair so they tend to last a long time. For shampoo and CO conditioner I use Suave, so cheap.

Right now I use Aubrey Organics conditioners (for detangling and rinsing out) and gels, and they are $10+ per small bottle, but I use them sparingly (and a little goes a long way on thin hair).
I use Burt's Bees Green tea as my main leave-in conditioner at $8 per small bottle, that's my biggest cost.

I have a big list of fairly expensive curl creams, gels and leave-ins I want to try, but I never get around to it..

September 25th, 2009, 08:09 PM
I don't spend much money on my hair at all, but I'm still a shortie and don't wear hair accessories yet.

This is probably a total newb question and slightly tangential, but: what is so great about Ficcares? Is it just a brand name thing or is the quality extra-extra good? I looked at the site and it seems very expensive, especially in terms of my initial price expectations. Are they less damaging than other hair accessories, or something?

September 25th, 2009, 08:15 PM
cakedcake, I just got my first Ficcares (2 Maximas clips, 1 Ficarrisimo) and I totally understand the hype. I got mine on the swap board in great condition, so saved some money.

They are pretty, very sturdy, and hold hair firmly, gently and comfortably. They never break or pull my hair which was a first for me..

September 25th, 2009, 08:23 PM
When it comes to hair which category do you prefer or end up spending the most money in, hair toys or hair products?

I am fairly new to hair toys and don't have any yet, but I will probably end up buying a few different-sized ficcares. Most of my hair money will still go to product (shampoo, conditioner, oils, etc).

ok, now you go!

Hey there my fellow Ojon lover. :cheese:

I used to spend a lot of money both on hair toys and on hair products. When my hair was shorter, between the stages of APL and waist length I wanted to play around with all sorts of jeweled hair clips and jeweled hairpins so I bought them. I also have these sparkly beads that I use for my little baby braids, you guys saw them in the thread I made two weeks ago.

These days, I spend almost all my money on the quality of my hair products. Now that my hair is down to my butt, I am much more concerned about the health of my hair and especially my ends. I have several brands of very expensive products. They include the Ojon nut oil treatment, Frederic Fekkai Glossing Olive Oil (both the shampoo and conditioner), Frederic Fekkai Shea Butter (the shampoo, conditioner, and the hydrating mask treatment), Paul Mitchell Strengthening conditioner, and several others that I don't use on a normal basis but will take out to use on special occasions that I really want to treat myself.

September 25th, 2009, 08:38 PM
ha HA, Eric.... I will always spend the $$ on Ojon, I love that stuff... shampoo, conditioner, cigar-stinkin' treatment... all of it! http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l226/NorthernXposure/emoticons/lgh2012.gif

Before that I used to buy Alterna products (which I really loved) but, since then they have changed thier whole lines (and to be honest I don't pay much attention if something has cones or no-cones in it yet because I think water quality was my issue all along - which that is another expense, the shower head filter, I'll classify that as product ;) ).

There was another line of hair products I used to buy when I was in the City all the time... J.F. Lazartique. Never in my life did I spend so much on shampoo and conditioner :bigeyes: but I did like the products.

September 25th, 2009, 08:44 PM
Well seeing as how I still live at home I don't spend alot on anything for my hair...
Most of my money goes to products though because my mom and I have different views on how to take care of our hair. Though I do buy the odd really pretty comb for my hair or some nice clips but still most goes to my products.
Finally found a conditioner and shampoo that has no cones or sulfate! Love Live Clean stuff :D

September 25th, 2009, 08:49 PM
I love Ficcares and am eyeing lots of forks so hairtoys is my passion.

Plus I haven't cut my hair since April and only wash my hair every other day so I'm saving money on product and hair cuts so I can buy toys right?

September 25th, 2009, 09:14 PM
Most of mine goes to products. I'm vegan and all the natural shampoos and conditioners (the ones that work, anyway) seem to be so expensive. I have been getting into hair toys lately, too. I just paid $20 for my first pair of hairsticks (which, I guess isn't so bad compared to the prices on some I've seen).

September 25th, 2009, 09:17 PM
Well, since I've been WO since April, my hair care expenses are limited to a bottle of ACV every few months and henna every couple of months.

Hairtoys, however, are a different matter. I LOVE antique combs and fun things to put in my hair. So that's where all my hair-related money goes.

September 25th, 2009, 09:42 PM
Er, I don't spend that much on either... Probably "products" -- I spend about $10 a month on shampoo, conditioner, and oils.

I have all I actually need in hairtoys between a wavelength pin (LisaJaney, I still LOVE you for that!), a couple of burmese teak forks made by my darling dad, and a koa stick. I have other pretties, too: my boyfriend's mum likes giving me hair trinkets for birthdays and christmas (particularly since her oldest girl cut off all her hair, and her other girl just doesn't wair hair pretties).

Oh, also brushes and combs... I buy new ones occasionally... but not often at all.

Yeah. The reason I keep my hair long? It's really cheap.

September 25th, 2009, 09:56 PM
Well I can't figure out how to insert a picture - but I just received my second pair of long locks hair sticks. I put a pic in my photo album. They are sugar stix and the picture doesn't do them justice. So I guess that answers the question on where I spend more - although I am getting my annual highlights tomorrow and that will rival the cost of those hair sticks! Changed my siggy to stick pic! (for now!)

September 25th, 2009, 10:05 PM
Well I can't figure out how to insert a picture - but I just received my second pair of long locks hair sticks. I put a pic in my photo album. They are sugar stix and the picture doesn't do them justice. So I guess that answers the question on where I spend more - although I am getting my annual highlights tomorrow and that will rival the cost of those hair sticks! Changed my siggy to stick pic! (for now!)

Replace all the { } with [ ] in the following:


If you also want to make a link, {url=http:// whatever you're linking to}{img}http:// your image URL{/img}{/url}


http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/image.php?u=10697&type=sigpic&dateline=1253937461 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/image.php?u=10697&type=sigpic&dateline=1253937461)

September 25th, 2009, 10:32 PM
Definitely hair toys - I am ridiculous :inlove: when it comes to Ficcares & hair sticks............... :shake: :dizzy:

September 25th, 2009, 10:40 PM
Products. I haven't got any hair toys and.....I doubt I will "get into it" as much as the majority of LHC.

September 25th, 2009, 10:45 PM
Definitely would prefer to spend on hair toys. I like to keep it simple with my hair products, with my regular conditioner, shampoo, and coconut oil.

September 25th, 2009, 11:00 PM
Products D: I still live with my mother but I buy my henna-stuff myself. I haven't yet gone hair toy-crazy, but I'm waiting for that day..

Whimsical wind
September 26th, 2009, 05:21 AM
Hair toys, definitley. Although I don't have too many. But that's going to change... hehe

September 26th, 2009, 08:18 PM
Products. I don't have enough hair to warrant shelling out for hair toys yet.

September 27th, 2009, 02:36 AM
Neither I suppose. I'd have to say color. After that is product, then toys.

Hairtoys can be pricey, but they last. Color needs re-done. Product gets used up.

September 27th, 2009, 03:21 AM
Products. When I first joined LHC I wanted to try everything! Oils and clays, EO's, different conditioners...
It has slowed down now that I have found my hair routine. Though last week I got some castor oil and EO's for the oil treatment for my boyfriend. I've been enjoying those products myself too, especially the castor oil. I could swear my lashes and eyebrows are already getting darker and less thin now that I have been using it for that purpose :)

September 27th, 2009, 03:25 AM
Uh, products, I guess- though I don't really spend much on even those. The brand of hair color I use is only around $3, the conditioner I buy is $2 at most though usually $0.99.. though I do buy three bottles at once, that's only three dollars for a month or two. I'm not a huge fan of hair toys(because I never wear my hair up in public); I own about 15 cheap (but pretty) metal hair sticks that I bought from eBay in assorted colors and really don't intend on ever buying more. Occasionally I buy some pretty barrettes, but not often at all because I already own about a million of them from when I was trying to compensate with my major chop way back when.

I did actually buy coconut oil today($15 for a relatively big jar, 'tis organic), though I actually use coconut oil more on my skin and to cook with than on my hair, so I'm not really counting that as having bought hair product.

My hair is actually cheaper to take care of when it's long/growing... when my hair is shorter, I'll use sulfate-free, all-natural, vegan, organic, expensive shampoo and conditioner. When my hair starts growing longer, I lose the need and go CO with cheapo conditioners. My hair expenses end up being well under $10 a month.
Now if the topic was skin care I'd be singing quite a different tune.. :o

September 27th, 2009, 06:56 AM
At the moment it's hairtoys. I've used every product under the sun before I joined LHC but lately I've been spending less and less money on shampoos/conditioners. I use mostly salon products but they are still a lot cheaper than my beloved hairtoys!:inlove: It's crazy how much money I put on hairtoys but I'm not going to stop buying them anytime soon!:D

September 27th, 2009, 07:35 AM
hair toys. It's so sad. I spent $6.00 last month on shampoo and conditioner (VO5 was on sale for 79 cents a bottle) and coconut oil...but I spent waaaaaaay more than that on hair toys. They are my downfall!

September 27th, 2009, 08:25 AM
For me it's probably the products because over time I have bought more of those. It never seems like it though because when I do, it's in 5 or 10 dollar amounts. I've an Etta Mae hairfork and three sets of small barrettes and two slides from Old School Leather, and some wooden side combs and metal ones as well. All these hairtoys were bought nearly simultaneously, so it seems like I've spent more.
Perhaps it's about even now. :shrug:

Linda K
September 27th, 2009, 08:35 AM
Shiva[/B];783614]ha HA, Eric.... I will always spend the $$ on Ojon, I love that stuff... shampoo, conditioner, cigar-stinkin' treatment... all of it! http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l226/NorthernXposure/emoticons/lgh2012.gif I really love the Ojon products too! Perhaps I need to use the treatment more often! Bought the liter size bottles on Ebay for $30 each.

Before that I used to buy Alterna products (which I really loved) but, since then they have changed thier whole lines (and to be honest I don't pay much attention if something has cones or no-cones in it yet because I think water quality was my issue all along - which that is another expense, the shower head filter, I'll classify that as product ;) ). Are we talking well water? I did the shower filter too!:D Check w/ your salon for "Malibu Treatments" or google to read up first. They also make a 'poo and condish (never tried) but I found the treatments made a huge difference in the feel and really cut the snaggy ends and drying time. Never made it past the shoulder before, now it's 25". The more silver the more struggle w/ moisture ... :confused:

There was another line of hair products I used to buy when I was in the City all the time... J.F. Lazartique. Never in my life did I spend so much on shampoo and conditioner :bigeyes: but I did like the products.

Products. When I first joined LHC I wanted to try everything! Oils and clays, EO's, different conditioners...
It has slowed down now that I have found my hair routine. Though last week I got some castor oil and EO's for the oil treatment for my boyfriend. I've been enjoying those products myself too, especially the castor oil. I could swear my lashes and eyebrows are already getting darker and less thin now that I have been using it for that purpose :) Where can I learn more about the castor oil? Sounds intriguing! :)

September 27th, 2009, 09:58 AM
Totally hair toys! My current ones are a real mongrel hodge-podge, including some really neat ginormous barette-bows straight from the 1980s. I think I've almost got the product stuff dialed in, and I'm pleasantly surprised that shampoo bars and solid conditioner (LUSH) have worked out to be LESS expensive per use than the drug- or grocery store stuff. :cheese: Thanks to LHC, I have also discovered the joys of food in my hair (coconut oil and ACV). I definitely want to spend more bux on stuff I don't wash down the drain.

September 27th, 2009, 10:01 AM
since I mostly wear my hair down I spend much more money on products. Currently, I am trying to be good and work through what I have in my closet before buying more :)

September 27th, 2009, 07:19 PM
but I will probably end up buying a few different-sized ficcares.
ok, now you go!

I spied a few hair toys (a knock off but pretty version of that butterfly shaped hair comb they sell on tv) at the Bloomsburg Fair last night :D for $5.

September 30th, 2009, 10:24 AM
I definitely spend more on toys than products! My Suave conditioner and clarifying 'poo are a dollar a bottle, my Giovanni is almost seven dollars a bottle, and honey is about 2 dollars a container. Coconut oil is 3 dollars a tub. I only have to replenish the condish every two months, the and I can go 6 months on one bottle of 'poo and one container of honey. Looks like the coconut oil will last way longer.

Don't even ask me to quote what I've spent on hairtoys this year alone. :o

October 1st, 2009, 04:57 AM
Products by fair. My favourite treatment is about $60.00.

I haven't bought any hair toys yet, but I want to get one of those flexi-8 things. But they don't ship here!

October 1st, 2009, 05:25 AM
Interesting question. My products are very cheap indeed, dollar store and so forth. And seem to last forever, but do need replacing every now and then. I've given up contindioner as my hair seems fine without it.... only have about 5 bottles stashed away, maybe this winter I'll need it? Static, you know. ;)

Hairtoys? I have a large collection of bow/barrettes from the 90s when I first was growing out my hair. And my first pair of Mei Fa sticks, bought when my hair was chin length, in hopes of a long hair future! :) A Catstyle stick from a few years ago. A gift fork, a swapboard-purchased fork (thanks, OhioLisa!) and some home made sticks....

Odd. It's hard to tell. Over the years ... I guess it's toys.

And ooooh, I *want* Graydogs, and Monk-the-Monk, and Baerreis (sp?)..... sigh. So if my dreams come true it will be toys for sure!

October 1st, 2009, 05:43 AM
I definitely want to spend more bux on stuff I don't wash down the drain.

You said it! I'm totally the same way (although I could see spending a lot more on products if my hair were super dry or curly etc.) -- plus, I've been visiting etsy a lot lately and there are just so many pretty hair toys to buy! I do love occasional treats from LUSH, but other than that I stick to things like suave shampoo (diluted) and ACV.