View Full Version : What is causing my frizziness?

September 22nd, 2009, 09:59 AM
This fizziness doesn't usually happen to my hair. I used to just use Head and Shoulder's shampoo without the conditioner on my hair.

My hair is more wavy now ever since I changed my routine.

I've changed several things at once though so I don't know what is the likely culprit. What would you say is most likely causing my fizziness?

Today I shampooed with Nizoral, then did a catnip rinse. I let it soak under a shower cap for 50 mins. Then I used some cone-free natural conditioner and then a cold ACV rinse. I put some Monistat on my scalp. Then I put a bit of coconut and jojoba oil on my hair to try to control the fizziness, but it is still pretty fizzy (for my hair anyways).

I'm doing so many things at once that I don't know what is causing the fizziness. Any ideas?

The fizziness goes away after about a couple of days or so after washing.

Should I do CWC instead of washing my length? I had put a lot of coconut oil on my length the night before my wash and I was afraid the conditioner only wouldn't be able to get rid of the greasiness.

September 22nd, 2009, 10:17 AM
all I can tell you is when it happened for me... when I went no-cone (at the beginning of this month), I noticed it after about 2 weeks..... I am told this is not unusual after going no-cone and that it should not be an issue after and adjustment period. Not sure how long that is as I am still going thru it......

September 22nd, 2009, 10:46 AM
Here is a picture of my hair now that I have changed my routine. It looks shinier and much more wavy. You can see some fizz on the sides.


September 22nd, 2009, 10:51 AM
I don't know if this will work for you, but I was having the same problem and I found out I just had to find the right oil for my hair. I tried jojoba, coconut, and oilive oil and was starting to think oiling wouldn't work for me and I'd have to go back to cones when I tried some sweet almond oil on a whim (luckily I already had all these oils in the house from other soap making projects) and it worked like a charm.

September 22nd, 2009, 10:53 AM
Oops, sorry about the gigantic picture again. I am still trying to figure out how to make it smaller.

September 22nd, 2009, 11:05 AM
Hmmm...I'd really like to avoid buying another oil if possible. I have a ton of jojoba and coconut oil right now.

I'm starting to think it is the cones that tamed the fizz. Would it be bad to go back to cones?

September 22nd, 2009, 11:17 AM
It always amazes me how people will see any little hairs out of place as frizz! Like a thin person pinching their skin and insisting that it's fat. Your hair looks great.

September 22nd, 2009, 11:21 AM
Her hair DOES look great, but I understand where she is coming from... I would not consider that frizz, but when you are coming from cones, it is different than what she is used to.... plus, we are all harder on ourselves and more critical than others :)
SandyStar, you really do have very pretty hair!

September 22nd, 2009, 11:27 AM
I'm starting to think it is the cones that tamed the fizz. Would it be bad to go back to cones?

I don't know... the only product you were using before was head & shoulders shampoo? Is that very coney?

Seems like you have added many things to your routine. I don't know if it's so much cone/no cone as a complete change of everything. If you don't like the way your hair is responding, maybe go back to your old routine and add new things one at a time.

But personally, I think your hair looks very beautiful and shiny, and I love your waves!

September 22nd, 2009, 11:33 AM
Aw, thanks everyone. Sorry if I misnamed by frizz. I know lots of people have it worse than me. Oh and I just noticed I spelled frizz wrong throughout my posts. LOL

I am liking the new wavyness in my hair. Maybe I just have to get used to the frizz. I'm going to try avoiding shampooing the length next time. Maybe that will help.

September 22nd, 2009, 11:37 AM
Yeah, I was just using Head and Shoulders previously. I didn't really take care of my hair much. I'm not sure if it is a coney shampoo, but I would guess yes since almost all big brand shampoos are coney.

I'm liking a lot of new things about my hair too. I find it is a lot softer to the touch and it is wavy now. It seems a lot shinier too. I must be doing some things right.

September 22nd, 2009, 11:47 AM
Aw, thanks everyone. Sorry if I misnamed by frizz. I know lots of people have it worse than me. Oh and I just noticed I spelled frizz wrong throughout my posts. LOL

I am liking the new wavyness in my hair. Maybe I just have to get used to the frizz. I'm going to try avoiding shampooing the length next time. Maybe that will help.

No, you did not mis-name it... ;) when you are used to the smoothness of cones in already fairly straight hair, that IS frizz to you.... it is what happened to me too... it is all in context.....

September 22nd, 2009, 12:05 PM
Hi Sandy,
Head & Shoulders has dimethicone, so my guess is you were getting the 'cone' benefit from it and you're noticing the difference of removing cones. I think the 'no cone' approach is really best for curly/wavy folks who want to maximize curl or else find that sulfate shampoo is just too drying. Your hair doesn't look like it had any dryness issue. You were using a sulfate shampoo without even any conditioner at all and it was still smooth and shiny.

I've never found a way to maximize curl/waves and also avoid frizz. After all, frizz is just curly hair sticking out away from the rest.

September 22nd, 2009, 12:33 PM
That makes sense. I just never really thought my hair was this wavy. I do have an East Asian ancestry after all and I thought all of us are supposed to have sleek razor straight black hair. I always knew mine had more volume than others though and was never razor straight.

I had a hairstylist at an Asian mall in Toronto try to convince me to chemically straighten my hair for like $300. Now I am glad it was so expensive and I didn't damage my hair.

September 22nd, 2009, 12:37 PM
all I can tell you is when it happened for me... when I went no-cone (at the beginning of this month), I noticed it after about 2 weeks..... I am told this is not unusual after going no-cone and that it should not be an issue after and adjustment period. Not sure how long that is as I am still going thru it......

I just wonder how hair that is dead cells can adjust to anything. Is it maybe that our minds adjust? Can anyone explain this?

Post writer, if you had a routine that worked, why did you try to fix it?

ETA: Oh, sorry, you seem to otherwise be happy with the results.

September 22nd, 2009, 12:42 PM
I just wonder how hair that is dead cells can adjust to anything. Is it maybe that our minds adjust? Can anyone explain this?

I think the idea is, the sebum production of the scalp adjusts, not the hair itself. The scalp can produce more or less oils depending on how you treat it, and that will affect your hair. Though, the cuticle of the hair does have the ability change some (more or less open/closed, more or less moisture retained in the hair shaft), so that could change too.

But I'm sure the mental adjustment is a factor, you're used to having hair behave one way, takes a while to get used to a new way.

September 22nd, 2009, 12:43 PM
I just wonder how hair that is dead cells can adjust to anything. Is it maybe that our minds adjust? Can anyone explain this?

Post writer, if you had a routine that worked, why did you try to fix it?

Do you mean OP or me??? I hadn't realized how coated my hair was.... so my thought was clarify, try cone free and see what happens.... I would have gone back to cones if I had thought they worked. After clarifying and going cone free, I found out I am not stick straight (which I thought), but wavy.
I think the adjust *might* have to do with finding the right leave-in, moisture level, etc..... I think it is more fine tuning to find the right balance to replace the "good" things about cones that my hair liked w/out the negative.... someone correct me if I am wrong....
I know cones are great for a lot of people, for me, although I was not unhappy with them (because I didn't know any differently), I am much happier w/ my hair texture now.

September 22nd, 2009, 12:46 PM
That makes sense. I just never really thought my hair was this wavy.

It is not uncommon for new members to find waves in their hair after they change their hair care routines, your hair might change even more in time and with right care. Have you already took hair typing pictures?

Yes cones do make hair straighter for some people, you might want to experiment a bit what you and your hair (and scalp) like the most.

Oh, and you don't have to wash you all length of hair even when you S+C, just apply the shampoo on scalp and let the suds rinse through the length.

Welcome to LHC!

September 22nd, 2009, 04:22 PM
I honestly don't see any frizz just new racer hairs.

Your hairs fantastic.

September 22nd, 2009, 04:54 PM
XD Fizzy hair. Makes me think of soda! The lack of cones can cause frizz, I'd suggest oiling/brushing in the oils.

September 22nd, 2009, 04:56 PM
I just wonder how hair that is dead cells can adjust to anything. Is it maybe that our minds adjust? Can anyone explain this?

Post writer, if you had a routine that worked, why did you try to fix it?

ETA: Oh, sorry, you seem to otherwise be happy with the results.

Hair isn't just one simple molecule. It's a complex protein with tons of different bonds,and we coat it in things that change said bonds. As a result, it can change depending on what you put on it.

September 22nd, 2009, 05:17 PM
I've never heard of racer hairs, but I have the same thing as the opening poster. Using SLS-free shampoo and air drying help somewhat. And sleeping on a satin pillowcase also helps.

But the thing that REALLY makes the unruly hairs behave for me is a curling iron on the very lowest heat setting.

I KNOW! I KNOW! I just said a dirty word!

I am growing my hair long after 30 years of wearing a pixie. Now that it's longer, there is so much more of it to deal with.

I am still trying to embrace the hair type God gave me. I actually have straight hairs and curly hairs all mixed together, growing side by side all over my head. My nape, however, has a higher concentration of curly hairs and my bangs have a higher concentration of straight hairs. It makes life interesting!

September 22nd, 2009, 07:20 PM

Yeah, I took the hair typing quiz. I knew my hair wasn't a 1a because I've seen ultra straight hair and mine never looks like that. Now I'd guess my hair is either 1b or 1c. The waves are pretty big. I wonder if there will be more waves as my hair gets longer? That will be interesting to find out. :)

Thanks! I just learned something new! Racer hairs!

Hehehe, lol, I have fizzy hair. Fizzle. :p I am trying coconut and jojoba oil right now. I don't have a nice non damaging brush to brush it in though so I just use my hands. I will have to do more experiments on my hair to find out what works.

September 22nd, 2009, 07:23 PM
I actually have some SLS free shampoo with me. I'm going to give it a try next wash, which will be in 2 or 3 days. I'm going to have to look into satin pillowcases. Your hair is just lovely by the way. I only hope my silvers will be as nice as yours!