View Full Version : I was a bad girl

September 21st, 2009, 06:50 PM
i tried to go from brunette to blonde and now my roots are yellow and then the rest is orange and brown i am so upset i have no idea how to fix it i am such a bad long hair forum member and i cant put it up because i have brown zebra stripes any help would be great

September 21st, 2009, 06:55 PM
Try a protein treatment, a hat, and an appointment with a hairdresser to fix the color?

And relax, you're not a bad LCH member. I think most everyone has done something like that.

September 21st, 2009, 07:01 PM
My friend did the exact same thing a couple of years ago. She ended up just going and getting it dyed back to brown and everything was alright. Sure, her hair faded a little after she dyed it back to normal, but she just took extra good hair for a long time after that and got a trim. I was there when she did it. She looked like a calico cat! I thought she was going to cry, but she started laughing crazily when she looked in the mirror. She must have been in shock.

September 21st, 2009, 07:05 PM
I did that 7 years ago to my BSL, layer free hair. It was like a rainbow. :( Only I was trying to remove black with a color stripper. I was able to go to the hairdresser and they fixed it. I decided on red. :) The afterwards didn't look too bad and that's when I learned to use more conditioner and less shampoo to keep the color from fading.

September 21st, 2009, 07:48 PM
A hairdresser did it to me.

I went someplace else and they did a very gentle process that got my hair just a shade lighter than my normal hair.

The bad part was the condition (thrashed). It did take a couple of years to grow all the damage out. It didn't look bad, just felt bad.

Shermie Girl
September 21st, 2009, 08:40 PM
I have done that. Many of us have. :lol: What happened is the lightener really processed at the roots thanks to the heat of your scalp. The rest was applied unevenly and didn't process long enough to lift your natural colour uniformly, so you have stripes and orange.

Okay, you can do a few things. Get more of the stuff you started with and apply to the dark areas and process a while, then add to the rest of your hair (avoid the roots!!!) and process until the colour is uniformly lifted. Tone, condition like crazy and rock the blonde.

Put on a hat and dash out to see a professional colourist. Who will probably do something very similar to what I have just described. But she/he will be able to got it nice and even and hopefully with as little damage as possible.

Or, you can go buy dye in your natural colour and dye back to that. Your new colour will fade a good deal, especially in the lighter areas for a while. Repeated applications over time will put a stop to that or reduce it significantly.

If you choose to lighten further and be a blonde, or even if you decide to go dark again, may I suggest using coconut oil beforehand? Check out the thread about coconut oil and chemical hair dye in the Henna and Herb forum. Just click the links on the first page to get all the info you need. :D

Good luck with your hair. :)

BTW, you are not bad. You are just experimenting. :agree:

September 21st, 2009, 08:59 PM
I don't know a 17 year old alive who hasn't done something like that to her/his hair :lol:

I would either go to a salon or get a semi/demi permanent (try Natural Instinct) and go back to as close as your brown as possible. Touch up as needed until the zebra strips grow out :D

September 21st, 2009, 09:16 PM
I don't know a 17 year old alive who hasn't done something like that to her/his hair :lol:

I would either go to a salon or get a semi/demi permanent (try Natural Instinct) and go back to as close as your brown as possible. Touch up as needed until the zebra strips grow out :D

(*Raises hand* I just cut the lot of it off for the heck of it...)

I'd recommend one of two choices: go to the salon and see what they can do, or pretend it was deliberate. Zebra stripes are awesome! XD (You can probably tell I'd go with the second.)

Do you feel like posting pics?

September 22nd, 2009, 07:50 AM
Been there, done that - many times over. It's totally normal to experiment, and sometimes those experiments go wrong.

You got the advice I'd give already, by Shermie Girl. I've fixed it myself at times, and other times I've gotten it fixed (I remember one NYE day running out like a mad woman wearing a headscarf -which my stylist said I totally rocked, btw - and the best fix she could do was apricot, so I spent my NYE pretending that I *wanted* apricot hair for the occaision.)

It'll be okay, no matter what you decide to do, don't panic. :)

September 22nd, 2009, 08:04 AM
AHHHH ah AHHHHH (shakes head) I'm gonna tell!

you're going to get fourty lashes across the naked eyeball with a wet noodle

*runs off and sort of sing-songs* I"m gonna te~ll, I'm gonna te~ll

And if you believe this I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for ya.

Here :flowers: welcome to the club hun :)

September 22nd, 2009, 08:13 AM
Welcome to the club! Except I was 8 years old when I started bleaching my deep brown to blonde... I didn't quite get what you got but it looked really weird! But I did cut my hair off once a year to about 2 inches long from the scalp till I was 11. Now I embrace my beautiful color, and if I don't like it I use henna. Makes my hair shiny!!! :crush: Lol with a hint of a different color! And the best part, when I'm rinsing it out it feels like opening a present on christmas! Since I don't do strand tests I just get whatever color it gives me and wear it with pride! :D

Glad you got it kinda fixed by the way, oh and you don't have to just use more conditioner or conditioner only, you can also put a bit of oil just on your ends, it helps alot! Remember to use something like coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil, or you can read the article about oiling your hair. :)

Have a good hair day!

September 22nd, 2009, 10:32 AM
Reminds me of old times when I did all sorts of stuff to my hair. I did the same thing, except that I'm naturally a blonde, had dyed it black, and decided to return to blonde. I didn't have stripes, but I did have brown patches amongst a sea of bright orange, and my roots were yellow, just like yours :)

To fix it, I got a color stripper to get all the color out. I still had some darker patches and it was still a bit orange, but it was fairly uniform. The next step was to dye it a very ashy blonde to counteract the orange. The result was good and yielded a color similar to my signature. Afterwards, I used lots of protein and conditioner.

September 22nd, 2009, 11:02 AM
I don't know a 17 year old alive who hasn't done something like that to her/his hair :lol:

...I never did :o I just did something stupider at 19, and that was henna when I know I have a cool complexion. My hair just didn't suit my face for quite some time, and it wasn't till the roots started coming in that I started to look like "me" again. Mercifully, the henna has mostly washed out and now my length is only slightly warmer than my roots.

To the OP, you're not a bad LHC member! I'm sure most of us have messed up at some point (see my incident with henna). Go to a hairdresser to get it dyed to a colour you like and that suits you, and then do lots of SMTs and oil treatments, protective styles, etc. to keep it in good condition.

September 22nd, 2009, 11:38 AM
the reason you have gold brass tone, and yellow at your roots is because of decolorization. you haven't achieved the required lift - http://twitpic.com/fy0f3

you need to keep lightening your length, go get and some Wellite Oil Bleach, you can get it at sally's
follow instructions very very closely and follow them to the T (while you're there pick up some In-Depth also by Wella, and leave that on after the bleach & the toner for 15-45mins) also read this on sectioning (http://killerstrands.blogspot.com/search/label/Parting%20and%20Sectioning%20Hair)and bleaching (http://killerstrands.blogspot.com/search/label/Demo%20Hair%20Color%3A%20Step-By-Step)

propper sectioning is a MUST, for good results.

when you've achieved the desired lightening you must tone, for best results.

if you plan to go back to darker you have to use a filler or you'll end up with green/grey results. a filler is a demi permanent color a (Red) level above the color you want to be.

September 22nd, 2009, 12:11 PM
Here, does this look familiar at all?


Yes, it's 17 year old Hootie! http://bestsmileys.com/lol/20.gif

I had it black, then I bleached the hell out of it, then I put burgundy over that, and then I went back to black. Did plenty of damage to my hair in the process, but cones kept me looking halfway decent. :p I started using semi-permanent black or dark brown dye in my early 20's and then I cut it to a little above shoulder at about 25 to get rid of the remainder of the damage I'd done. Most of us have been there. :flower:

Do what you've gotta do to fix it. Just be careful and don't go crazy with it. There's some good advice on that above. And don't do anything drastic if it isn't perfect. It'll grow. (and I agree that semi-permanent dye might be a good option for covering your roots as it grows out, once you've corrected the rest of it)

Good luck! :)

September 22nd, 2009, 12:29 PM
Been there. Not at 17, closer to 25 or so (in the drug store with a friend... "I think you'd look GREAT as a blonde!!!!").

Blonde roots, orange hair. Joy.

My solution (as I'm very cheap... even moreso then as a graduate student) was to go to the drugstore and buy some dye. Find one that has the little chart of what it should look like on different colors of hair, and get one that works with and looks similar on brown and red and blonde. For me this was a medium reddish brown.

An hour or so later I had 'normal' hair ;)

September 22nd, 2009, 12:33 PM
I have had some bad hair mistakes (distroyed all picture evidence, good doggy now eat next door boys homework)

I learned long ago to trust a professional to fix the color if you can.

September 22nd, 2009, 03:22 PM
hootietoot that is exactly what my hair looks like just my ends are a little darker

September 22nd, 2009, 03:25 PM
thank you all for your help. I am going to wait a while before I do anything to my hair it needs a break. when i do im planning to go back to as close to my natural color as possible

September 22nd, 2009, 04:08 PM
Well, I'm sure it will be fine. :flower: I bleached mine like that in the morning and dyed it burgundy that afternoon without doing anything else to it (like toning the orange down or using a filler). The second pic was the next day. My hair survived my torture and then some. :D

If you're going back to your natural color, I say tone it a bit if you like and then go for it (after you give it a break, I mean, which is definitely a good idea - I tend to agree with Flynn that tiger striped hair sounds kinda cool :)). I did go out in public with my awesome Bozo hair (as you can see) and nobody gave me a second glance. I guess interesting hair is normal for teenagers, yeah? :p

September 22nd, 2009, 04:19 PM
Well, I'm sure it will be fine. :flower: I bleached mine like that in the morning and dyed it burgundy that afternoon without doing anything else to it (like toning the orange down or using a filler). The second pic was the next day. My hair survived my torture and then some. :D

That was my routine, bleach before lunch, dye to reddish brown by dinner :) I wasn't up for running around town with yellow roots and orange length!!!

September 22nd, 2009, 04:24 PM
^^^Ahhhh, yes. http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll23/hootietoot/rofl.gif My BFF who was helping me bleach and dye dared me to go out to McDonald's with her like that. So I did. And nobody was shocked at all! *booooo* But yay for teenagers! :D