View Full Version : Someone should take those scissors away from me

September 15th, 2009, 02:35 PM
The other day I wanted to trim my layers just a bit so they would not tangle as much. Big mistake. I should have known better, but I cut my upper layer in a straight line. That does NOT blend in with the rest of my hair very well at all. And I knew it before, but did it anyway. So, like a stylist once told me, I cut vertically a few times into the layer (btw, if you want fairytale ends, this is the perfect method). Now it looks better, but I've set myself back for a month or two because now I'll have to wait even longer for my upper layer to grow out a bit so I can even out all of my hair. I'm so upset with myself right now:mad::(

September 15th, 2009, 02:40 PM
Glad the layers blend well now. Now go lock your scissors in a drawer and give the key to someone who will misplace it.

BTW, if you're making these vertical cuts, I imagine the best way to do it is to pull the hair out from the head parallel to the ground, and then cut with the scissors vertical -- that way, the hairs still get a nice right angle cut. Cutting the hair at a steep angle would make it more likely to split.

September 15th, 2009, 02:50 PM
BTW, if you're making these vertical cuts, I imagine the best way to do it is to pull the hair out from the head parallel to the ground, and then cut with the scissors vertical -- that way, the hairs still get a nice right angle cut. Cutting the hair at a steep angle would make it more likely to split.

That's exactly how my mom taught me to trim my hair when I was just a kid! She showed me how to pull small strands outward, away from the head, and then go ahead and make the perpendicular cut as usual. When it falls back down to its normal position, it's layery rather than blunt. :)

AND YOU!! No more scissors for you!! At least, not if you're going to use them to do things you'll later regret!! Where can we hide them so you can't easily find them... :hmm:

September 15th, 2009, 02:51 PM
I may not have done it with a perfect angle, but I'm lucky because I don't get splits. I don't have any atm nor did I have them before I did this. I couldn't stand the way it looked anymore. I guess subconsciously I wanted to make it look bad so I'd have an excuse to make an inch and a half chop to even it all out and be done with it. But when I considdered doing it, I couldn't.

September 16th, 2009, 05:54 PM
To answer the question in your signature, NO you should not cut to even out. If you cut how will you grow? And you've already told us how you cannot be trusted with scissors! ;)

September 16th, 2009, 06:06 PM
BTW, if you're making these vertical cuts, I imagine the best way to do it is to pull the hair out from the head parallel to the ground, and then cut with the scissors vertical -- that way, the hairs still get a nice right angle cut. Cutting the hair at a steep angle would make it more likely to split.
Assuming you are holding the shears directly parallel to the hair, the angle of the hair from the head would not affect the angle of the cut into each individual strand, and therefore, not affect how quickly anything would split.

If you're talking about holding the shears perpendicular to the hair, you will get a blunt line, which in most people would be fine, but on very fine hair (like the OP) any blunt lines (besides the hemline) will look choppy and strange.

September 16th, 2009, 07:03 PM
I used to have my hair about as short as you. I too had it a bit layered. I waited until I got my hair BSL before I cut it even it out. Now I'm not touching it again until waist length. I just don't want fairy tail ends, because that also means split ends for me. Just don't touch your hair unless you're washing. When it gets longer, just pull it back often so that no one will notice any uneven ends if you feel self conscious.

September 16th, 2009, 07:59 PM
I can really empathize with you juliaxena, I have been known to do the chop chop thing too. What has happened to me is that I will find one layer that is longer or shorter on one side than the other and then I try to even it out. Then I end up having to go to the stylist to fix it....which is what I was trying to avoid in the first place. I have also discovered that it is a lot harder for a stylist to fix something than you might think. Sometimes it would still be uneven when I left! I haven't done in home chopping in awhile but I could fall into the habit again very easily.
I don't think you should trim your length yet, I think if you wait a little longer you will see some more length you might feel more satisfied with your hair. :)

September 17th, 2009, 11:06 AM
It happens but I'm glad it worked out! For this very reason, I am scared to self trim haha.

September 17th, 2009, 01:39 PM
With the lenght you have I would really just grow it out and try to ignore it if possible. Trimming is only going to set you back...

Ask someone to hide your scissors for some time ;) Keep growing!

September 17th, 2009, 08:37 PM
I have a problem with scissors too. I go back and forth wanting to cut a bunch off and sometimes have to just put my scissors and mirrors away.

Just keep telling yourself, when it's longer I'll tidy it up. That's what I'm doing now. I've promised myself a trim in December or January.

Glad the trim worked out though.

September 17th, 2009, 11:28 PM
You are all very kind and I thank you for it. But to be honest I don't know if I'll hold out till my hair has grown a bit to even it out. If I find something ugly, I can't stand to look at it. And I find my layers ugly because the hair is not the same quality all over. I know I'll cry about it if I do the chop though and I know my fiance won't be pleased at all. I know how much he wants me to have long hair so I'm torn even more.

going gray
September 18th, 2009, 02:31 AM
I wouldn't dare go near my hair with scissors, I think you did a good job.