View Full Version : Calling All Men of the Long Hair!

September 14th, 2009, 12:23 AM
Hey Long-haired guys out there. :waving:
We realize it can be a bit of an estrogen-fest around here.

I'd love to hear your take on having long hair from the masculine viewpoint. :king:

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies? :beercheer:

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair? :hatchet:

Do people assume you're in a rock band? :henny:

What made you decide to let it grow?

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes.:eye:

The Drood
September 14th, 2009, 12:39 AM
Hey Long-haired guys out there. :waving:

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies? :beercheer:

Tiny bit, hard to get advice or give advice about hair to people with buzzcuts.

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair? :hatchet:

I have nothing to go on here. The only girlfriend I had only saw me with short hair.

Do people assume you're in a rock band? :henny:

Never gotten that comment.

What made you decide to let it grow?

I enjoyed having longer hair (3 inches) and decided to see how I felt about more length. At about the 6 inch mark I was hooked and never looked back.

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes.:eye:

Lets see... I'm never happy with the growth rate and I'm still waiting for a way to never get split ends. I suppose that's everyone.

I do get sick of the "why don't you cut it" comments. Which I'm sure men get more than women. Any care to do the research on this one?

Oh, I'm also quite positive there are two types of women in this world. Those who hate long hair on guys and those who jaws some how lose all muscle power when they see a guy with long hair. I much prefer the latter :D

September 14th, 2009, 12:40 AM
We realize it can be a bit of an estrogen-fest around here

1. Yup! My testosterone has dropped since I've joined LHC. lol j/k!

I'd love to hear your take on having long hair from the masculine viewpoint.

2. From my point of view or IMO rather, it's finding styles that bridge long hair with masculinity. However If my hair is braided and I'm out doing outdoor/yard-work people tell me that I do retain my Native American(Cherokee) heritage, and it does look masculine. Put it this way. . . The grass gets up and runs from me. haha :D

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?

3. Nope, I just have 1 best friend, which is better than a bunch of drinking buddies, and he wears his hair in a spiked up mohawk.

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?

4. I'm single now, so no! One of my ex's did though haha. However a while back, some of my female friends would do crazy styles to my hair, but I didn't care because it felt like I was getting a head massage, and I'm all about head massages!

Do people assume you're in a rock band?

5. Yeah, even though I suck really bad on the guitar! SSHHH DON'T TELL. . . :o

What made you decide to let it grow?

6. Life is too short, never stick to just one style, method, way of life, or anything. Explore your opportunities!!! I've had short hair for 24 years. Why not try it long for the next 24 years, if I live that long. . . eh?

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes.

7. Dang'it I'm gonna have long hair before I go bald! :wail: lol j/k I hope I never go bald!

September 14th, 2009, 12:50 AM
I wouldn't really expect to get hair advice from other guys. That's just not the sort of thing that most guys like to talk about, even when they also have long hair.

I'm married. My daughter (12) sometimes likes to play with my hair, and one of my cousins used to, when she was younger.

As for being in a rock band, well I was actually, so I'm not upset to be told that. It was a long time ago, and we only did a few gigs in small venues for smaller amounts of money. I used to sing. I don't play an instrument. Tried to learn guitar and keyboards, but without much success.

I grew it long originally to emulate my idols. Then I grew it longer when a girl (housemate, not GF) pointed out that it was only 'long for a guy' and not long in absolute terms. That was like a challenge. I'd never cut it short, though. short hair just isn't me.

September 14th, 2009, 02:31 AM
Oh, I'm also quite positive there are two types of women in this world. Those who hate long hair on guys and those who jaws some how lose all muscle power when they see a guy with long hair. I much prefer the latter :D

I am certainly one of the latter!

Keep growing guys!:cheese:

September 14th, 2009, 04:05 AM
I'm sure girls wouldn't get "get a haircut!" yelled at them by total strangers as much... esp. with only shoulder length hair... I've had that once or twice tho lol On the whole tho I prey much only get good comments about it! :)

When I first started to grow my hair long, mum would keep asking me if I "wanted a haircut yet?", tho that didn't last too long before she realized that no, I didn't want one. lol

I think I may have had the 'are you in a band?' comment once or twice, but I am a bit of a rocker/metalhead, and play some instruments (by myself tho), so I don't mind. lol

September 14th, 2009, 04:11 AM
I am certainly one of the latter!

Keep growing guys!:cheese:
I'm not one of the latter but I'm not important and I know that. Whatever floats your boat I say. Honestly, even if I may not like, I respect people's choices about their look. However, what does make me giggle is, if men are vein about their hair, like showing it of and stuff. I mean come on, vanity is a female property isn't it? :) anyhow, I will be watching this thread.

September 14th, 2009, 04:21 AM
I'm sure girls wouldn't get "get a haircut!" yelled at them by total strangers as much... esp. with only shoulder length hair... I've had that once or twice tho lol

I should note, it always seems to be other guys, generally with short gelled hair, riding in suped up cars, that are doing the yelling...

September 14th, 2009, 08:53 AM
I am certainly one of the latter!

Keep growing guys!:cheese:

I can't say I am "long hair only" on a guy.... but when a guy has beautiful, healthy, well cared for long hair it is most definitely hot!

** Sorry- I WOULD be one of those girls who would want to play w/ your hair........ :bounce:

September 14th, 2009, 09:04 AM
I'm not one of the latter but I'm not important and I know that. Whatever floats your boat I say. Honestly, even if I may not like, I respect people's choices about their look. However, what does make me giggle is, if men are vein about their hair, like showing it of and stuff. I mean come on, vanity is a female property isn't it? :) anyhow, I will be watching this thread.

I would disagree on vanity being a solely female emotion. I don't believe there are emotions that belong only to females or males. Everyone has the full range of emotion or characteristics, but you're right in thinking women do tend to portray certain ones over others, as do men. However I wouldn't say that makes those characteristics gender-related in the biological sense, just culturally accepted and adopted. And culture is entirely relative.

Also, I wouldn't say most people are vain, but rather have pride in their hair. Vanity indicates an egoism and self absorption level that's usually unpleasant. Pride means a healthy level of self esteem. :sun:

September 14th, 2009, 10:07 AM
This is a cute thread. :D
I like long hair on guys and short hair on guys... it depends what they look good in. My ex-ex boyfriend had long wavy hair and from behind you couldn't tell us apart (I was a perm'er back then)... he also looked exactly like John Bon Jovi.

Also, I wouldn't say most people are vain, but rather have pride in their hair. Vanity indicates an egoism and self absorption level that's usually unpleasant. Pride means a healthy level of self esteem.

well said... hair is a BIG thing amongst women AND men.

September 14th, 2009, 10:31 AM
Thanks very much :D

September 14th, 2009, 10:38 AM
Thanks very much :D
You are very welcome.


September 14th, 2009, 11:08 AM
I'd love to hear your take on having long hair from the masculine viewpoint.

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?

Far from it. I have a small social circle and none of us are drinkers. Most of my friends are female, too, so I'm sure if we were a drinking group I could get advice! Still, I usually don't look outside of this forum for advice on regimens should I feel I need to inquire.

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?

It's a very rare day that I might get asked by someone who wants to style it. 99% of the time I'm not asked that question, and half of the time I have been asked that it's been by someone who I have easily said no to because I did not know them very well. The chance that someone asks and I say okay usually results in something lucrative, like wearing my first herringbone braid. No tired arms, either!

Do people assume you're in a rock band?

Once I was told that I was much, much, much nicer than I looked. I guess it was before I began putting my hair up/back and dressing in less image-containing shirts. That was probably high school. Of course I'm quite shy, so all it took was someone getting me started on talking.

What made you decide to let it grow?

I used to see a friend in middle school who came in with her hair braided, and I thought it looked really pretty. That was what put the idea in my head of how having long hair would achieve that. It took until the end of high school before I mustered the gall to start growing. Most of the flak from that decision only lasted through roughly the first year or two. Now it's sporadic at best.

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes.

There really isn't too much to vent from my perspective. Maybe I could say that I'm one of the few guys I know that likes to have his hair styled in more than, let's say, a ponytail or an english/french/dutch braid. It breaks the monotony and keeps things interesting.

I also taught myself how to braid hair on other people. I've styled friends' hair for dances, proms, military balls, and various other occasions, even if I'm not crazy good. At least it's presentable! Because I'm so fumbly on my own head I taught my girlfriend, bubbleguppy (member here), how to french/dutch braid so she could help me instead of having me just fail my way through an attempt. My hair likes to hold itself, so being able to see it increases the ability to use fingers to untangle anything that might arise.

At work I don't have much of a problem. The question I get most usually regards length and if I would ever cut it, which are things that are really easily answered. One person, one of the top tier people in the company, knows me as "the guy with the hair" and that's not as a bad thing. He related to it saying he used to have long hair and liked it, too. At least I'm recognizable!

Anything else? Hehe. There's a glimpse from me.

September 14th, 2009, 11:59 AM
Hey Long-haired guys out there. :waving:
We realize it can be a bit of an estrogen-fest around here.

I'd love to hear your take on having long hair from the masculine viewpoint. :king:

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies? :beercheer:

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair? :hatchet:

Do people assume you're in a rock band? :henny:

What made you decide to let it grow?

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes.Well hello there :waving:

It was tough starting out to know what to do with my hair, because I didn't really want to go around asking girls what they did with theirs, and the only advice I got from my buddies was "You have to use shampoo every single day, or else" :laugh:. But thanks to the internet I've managed to figure most of it out.

I very often get people (guys and girls) telling me that they want to straighten my hair, or that I should, but I always politely decline :).

I don't know whether people assume I'm in a rock band or not, but if they did, they'd be right ;). I play guitar, piano, trumpet, and sing, and music is probably the single biggest reason I decided to grow it out. Other than that, though, I just love the way it looks and feels, and I feel that it's a good way to indicate that I don't care about arbitrary societal standards, or about what anyone thinks about me :cheese:

September 14th, 2009, 12:28 PM
Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies? :beercheer:
No. I don't have any drinking buddies.
Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair? :hatchet:
No, but once someone asked me "Who did your hair?" when I had two Dutch braids. She was quite impressed that I did it myself.
Do people assume you're in a rock band? :henny:
No. I do play some instruments, but not rock.
What made you decide to let it grow?
I hennaed it and wanted to feel the softness all the way down. It's getting close to waist :)

September 14th, 2009, 12:56 PM
This is a great thread. I need to have my son take a look at it. At 13, he goes back on forth with long hair (his is just below shoulder and pretty curly). He wanted to cut it a little while back because of the flack he was getting over it. I was fine with whatever he wanted to do but we had a good discussion about changing one's appearance to fit in. When he realized that's what he was doing, he decided not to cut.:D

September 14th, 2009, 01:26 PM
I would disagree on vanity being a solely female emotion. I don't believe there are emotions that belong only to females or males. Everyone has the full range of emotion or characteristics, but you're right in thinking women do tend to portray certain ones over others, as do men. However I wouldn't say that makes those characteristics gender-related in the biological sense, just culturally accepted and adopted. And culture is entirely relative.

Also, I wouldn't say most people are vain, but rather have pride in their hair. Vanity indicates an egoism and self absorption level that's usually unpleasant. Pride means a healthy level of self esteem. :sun:

Pride is silent and misterious. Vanity is loud and cocky. I see way too much vanity. On women though I see it as their nature. On men I see it as funny...and it makes me giggle.

September 14th, 2009, 01:33 PM
Can't say I have much issue with girlfriends, nor do I drink, but I figure I'll post anyway. ;)

Honestly, though my hair is 'technically' longer for a guy, it doesn't look long. I don't get too many comments on the length, unless I've mentioned I'm growing it, or I take it down from a bun (in which case, the true length is more apparent--and THEN I get comments).

My friends know I'm obsessed with my hair, though I do my absolute best to hide it. It's not one of my more masculine habits, and I'm not comfortable with people judging me for it. Stupid, yes, but since I can look rather girlish (I'm rather slender, and, admittedly, I wear makeup, another not masculine habit), and I'm gay, I just don't want to deal with it. But that's with people other than my friends--they pretty much accept me as I am, obsessive or no, and they know I'm not entirely feminine in personality, so yays.

None of that stops me from wearing buns or the like, or even hairsticks. If someone doesn't like it, I can't be bothered to stop living for them. :P Oh, and I don't tend to discuss my haircare routine with anyone, male or female, offline. I've done it...twice, maybe, with two friends with curly hair, but that's it.

I like my hair. I like styling it, and I like how it looks. :shrug: And I try to keep it looking the way I want--at the core, that's pretty much all I think of it as. :o

September 14th, 2009, 01:47 PM
I've always loved long hair. And as soon as I was old enough to tell my Mum, no, damnit I don't want a haircut, I let it grow!

Most of my drinking buddies are gay, so I can talk about hair all I want, though they just don't seem to understand my obsession with trying to take care of it now. My flatmate laughs at me when I walk around with various potions smothered in my hair :P

I have never really been given grief about my hair, as I live in Leeds (UK) which is a very student orientated city so guys with long hair is fairly common.

The only hinderance, I find, in having long hair and being a man is that you are limited in how you wear it, and even more limited when it comes to hair products (honestly, try and search for a 'masculine' smelling shampoo and conditioner, I dare you). But it's not too bad :P

Das Siechtum
September 14th, 2009, 01:48 PM
Estrogen-fest? Na, its barely noticeable. *huge laugh*

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?

I very seldom drink and when I do that, its mostly with women, so I'm fine. :-)

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?

One girlfriend likes to pet my fresh washed dry hair and run her finger trough it. :-) But style - no. Most women I met havent reached the style versatility I'm able to do. :-) (except meeting with members of the german "langhaarnetzwerk" - longhairnetwork, who know even more styles.)

Do people assume you're in a rock band?

Nope. But I got people telling me, I look like a viking, norse mythology figure. Since I'm saxon it might be a grain of truth in there. *laughs*

What made you decide to let it grow?

Well: After 23 months in the german army, having short to very short hair. I decided just to let it grow to see how it looks. When I got over the "shoulder hump" and was able to do a ponytail I was hooked. And some time after I also learned how to braid. I will never ever go short again.

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes

I live in a very small town (about 2 to 3000 inhabitants), so people dont see long haired guys every day (I think I just know one guy in a neighbour town who also has long hair). So that why older folks stare a bit when they see me....more when they see me from behind. *laughs* Lucky me havent heard any negative comment about my hair. Just once, when my landlord lady told me I had "to cut my hair for the job", I laughed and said "Yeah, right.". I just think I'm on a wonderful (hair) journey, starting from learning how to braid, using Flexi8's, hairtools...ect. and I can't wait what's coming. :-)

September 14th, 2009, 02:00 PM
We realize it can be a bit of an estrogen-fest around here.

A long-haired man surrounded by long-haired women... I fail to see a problem with that. :cloud9:

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?

Not really. Pretty much all of my in-person friends wouldn't be qualified to give advice on hair. :D

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?

My former girlfriend once tried to introduce me to a hair brush. :nono:

Do people assume you're in a rock band?

Yes, that happened all the time when I was in my twenties. It doesn't happen now that I'm in my forties. :)

What made you decide to let it grow?

One day I realized that hair is supposed to be long... it didn't make sense to constantly battle one's nature. :cheese:

September 14th, 2009, 02:20 PM
The only hinderance, I find, in having long hair and being a man is that you are limited in how you wear it, and even more limited when it comes to hair products (honestly, try and search for a 'masculine' smelling shampoo and conditioner, I dare you). But it's not too bad :P

All in all not entirely. :) There are factors to be considered there, like location, personality, esteem, etc.

September 14th, 2009, 02:26 PM
All in all not entirely. :) There are factors to be considered there, like location, personality, esteem, etc.

This is true. I think age is an important factor too, it seems more acceptable on younger people, the 'student' age so to speak. And race of course. I should have said "In my experience, the only hinderance..." :)

September 14th, 2009, 02:34 PM
I have worn my hair long for many years now after experiencing all lengths from crew cut to my current waist length. I guess everyone is so used to it, I really dont get that many comments from friends. I do get lots of compliments all the time from the girls out there which are sincere and appreciated!
Regarding hair styles from the girlfriend, I guess I have been subjected to almost every possible way to wear my hair and really just have fun with it!
I have enjoyed watching her grow her hair out from a pixie and am thrilled she has decided to catch up to mine!! She is now able to at least put her hair in a ponytail which is exciting!
Good growing!

September 14th, 2009, 02:46 PM
Hey Long-haired guys out there. :waving:

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies? :beercheer:
Nope! LHC is more than enough for me. :D

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair? :hatchet:
Not if I do it first. ;)

Do people assume you're in a rock band? :henny:
I used to be, although that was before growing my hair. But yes, some people do!

What made you decide to let it grow?
Initially it was lots of heavy metal bands with long hair. I wanted to try it too. Now I just like it so much that I can't cut it.

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes.:eye:
Some people can be very mean about it. :( Fortunately I've only experienced it from my family and friends, nothing from strangers! What I dislike the most is how people will say that my hair doesn't look good and therefore I should cut it. If it's someone I know well (and usually it is), they're quickly told that their face doesn't look good and they should cut it. :D

Overall I love long hair and I wouldn't cut it if you paid me. :cheese:

P.S. I've been offered $1000 once to buzz it all. Ha.[/quote]

September 14th, 2009, 02:52 PM
P.S. I've been offered $1000 once to buzz it all. Ha.[/quote]

My initial reaction to that would be to blow it all on hairtoys, which is sort of antithetical to the situation. :p

Going off of this, a lot of guys cut when they need to get jobs, which I find sad. I mean, women aren't given much trouble if their hair is long in any sort of professional situation (besides the much said 'woman over thirty, need cut'--but most work situations would take a bun, I'd think). I mean, I can restrain my hair tight against my scalp, but I still worry that when i need to get a 'real' (read, desk) job (which, hopefully, will never happen--I want to be an author, and that's a decidedly more liberal job venue :D) I'll have to cut it. ):

Though, in reality, I'd just get a wig and never mention it, but whatever.

Beatnik Guy
September 14th, 2009, 02:53 PM
A long-haired man surrounded by long-haired women... I fail to see a problem with that. :cloud9:
:agree: :cheese:

I've had the rock-band comment too. This is not necessarily a problem. :cool:

September 14th, 2009, 03:38 PM
I'd love to hear your take on having long hair from the masculine viewpoint.
I like the feeling of hair on my body.
Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?
Not at all, just ask the ladies. Also this can get you into very fun evenings when you are the only guy between the ladies while your beer drinking buddies wonder how you do it.

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?

TMI alert. On intimate times she does curl my hair around her finger. But I woudn't mind if she also did it outside such times. Like while watching a movie or something.

Do people assume you're in a rock band?

No, but I have been asked how it was possible that I have long hair and can't play a guitar. I do can play the flute. :eyebrows:

What made you decide to let it grow?

I wanted to headbang on metal parties but I thougd it looked silly with 2cm of hair.

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes.

I hate ignorant people in small villages who don't understand other people views on life (and body care)>

September 14th, 2009, 03:53 PM
Unlike a lot of people,when I see long hair on a man I don't see a "rock star", aspiring or otherwise. To me long hair on a man implies that the individual growing it has a sensitive, nurturing side. And us girls like to be nurtured.....
If only there were more men out there who took the time to be sensitive and nurturing.....

Das Siechtum
September 14th, 2009, 04:28 PM
I like the feeling of hair on my body.

I second that. :-)

September 14th, 2009, 04:37 PM
I like to be smooth. Plus I feel it's only fair to denude myself if I expect a woman to. BTW, sugaring your own legs is an exercise in pain tolerance and bravery

September 14th, 2009, 04:44 PM
I have always got turned on on seeing a long haired person pass by. Some kind of an attraction and the result is i'm at my 13th month of hair growth.
Once my cousin sister tried to braid my hair, that made me realise that i'm also a long haired.
I play flute, but i not rock, I love melodies.

September 14th, 2009, 05:57 PM
Here's my response.:D

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?
Yeah actually, lol. But when im with any girls it usually ends up with them talking about my hair and hair talk in general.

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?
Yes. Its great fun, this is how I learnt how to plait/braid my hair. Now we end up doing eachother's hair.

Do people assume you're in a rock band?
No...but I am.

What made you decide to let it grow?
I always wanted long hair right from a very young age. I tried to grow it several times, but ended up getting dragged to get it cut. So when I became old enough to tell mum otherwise I couldn't wait to have the long hair I always wanted.

September 14th, 2009, 06:45 PM
Okay, here goes.

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?

1. Not really.. I'm too busy trying to filter out the "We're gonna get you drunk and shave your head" speech I hear every ten minutes.

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?

2. Not necessarily, I seem to get suggestions more than anything.. although I have been talked into letting a certain someone plait it etc. I had my nails painted too :| I think the idea is still in there that we're going to attempt rope braids at some point on the annoyingly curly mop I have! This is who I'll be trying to copy in that style http://www.themusiciantimes.com/interv1.jpg

Do people assume you're in a rock band?

3. If I had a penny every time I'd been asked if I was, I'd probably be rich...

What made you decide to let it grow?

4. I grew it after seeing a wrestler on tv. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/c/chrisjericho/84.jpg He looked awesome and I wanted to as well. (how embarrassing to admit that, lmao!) Along with a love of heavy metal music and and undying urge to headbang like JD!! http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3394/3570558629_fc8b9f599c.jpg?v=0

ROCKIN' :pumpkin:

September 14th, 2009, 07:38 PM
I like to be smooth. Plus I feel it's only fair to denude myself if I expect a woman to. BTW, sugaring your own legs is an exercise in pain tolerance and bravery

I think they're talking about head hair touching the body... I might be wrong!

September 14th, 2009, 07:58 PM
Okay, here goes.

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?

1. Not really.. I'm too busy trying to filter out the "We're gonna get you drunk and shave your head" speech I hear every ten minutes.

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?

2. Not necessarily, I seem to get suggestions more than anything.. although I have been talked into letting a certain someone plait it etc. I had my nails painted too :| I think the idea is still in there that we're going to attempt rope braids at some point on the annoyingly curly mop I have! This is who I'll be trying to copy in that style http://www.themusiciantimes.com/interv1.jpg

Do people assume you're in a rock band?

3. If I had a penny every time I'd been asked if I was, I'd probably be rich...

What made you decide to let it grow?

4. I grew it after seeing a wrestler on tv. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/c/chrisjericho/84.jpg He looked awesome and I wanted to as well. (how embarrassing to admit that, lmao!) Along with a love of heavy metal music and and undying urge to headbang like JD!! http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3394/3570558629_fc8b9f599c.jpg?v=0

ROCKIN' :pumpkin:
Chris Jericho does indeed have rockin hair.

Time was a man with long hair was considered masculine and wealthy (aka powerful), while the serfs had close cropped hair.

It's time to bring back that kind of man!

Das Siechtum
September 14th, 2009, 10:15 PM
I think they're talking about head hair touching the body... I might be wrong!

No, you are right.

September 14th, 2009, 10:55 PM
Chris Jericho does indeed have rockin hair.

Time was a man with long hair was considered masculine and wealthy (aka powerful), while the serfs had close cropped hair.

It's time to bring back that kind of man!

I saw Jericho on TV the other day.. He has cut all his hair off and had it gelled up and had highlights.. He was also wearing a pinstripe suit hehehe. I love all those old movies set way back in the day where all the men had long hair.. in battle, in power.. in church, everywhere! Long hair rules.. I'm sure even the main lion in the pride has the biggest, longest mane.. lions are cool right? In fact funnily enough Jericho calls himself "Lionheart". Having long hair is worth all the tangles and the washing in the world. I wish more men would see it that way! :)

September 15th, 2009, 03:25 AM
I must say, I feel like I've stumbled into the longhaired men's lockeroom during a cool conversation! I like this thread!:thumbsup:

September 15th, 2009, 12:05 PM
Agreed! I suppose I shouldn't be, but I'm surprised at how many men there are around here. Just makes this place that much better.

Wicked Princess
September 15th, 2009, 03:10 PM
I know there aren't nearly as many men here as we'd like to see, so this is going to be my contribution to the thread:

He isn't a member, but my fiance has longer hair...APL. He also teases me about spending a few evenings a week cruising this forum. Since I've been more obsessive about my hair, though, some of my passion has been rubbing off on him, and he may be starting to consider growing longer lengths. (He's had it long enough to tuck into a belt, but it was in pretty terrible shape at the time).

I hope it's all right...but I interviewed him for this thread!

I'd love to hear your take on having long hair from the masculine viewpoint.

Wicked Princess' Prince: When I was young, all kinds of people I thought were cool, and tough had long hair. Like the guys in Braveheart, and Native American warriors, and Vikings.

Wicked Princess: Actually...I think all those same men inspired me to be attracted to those same men!

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?

Wicked Princess' Prince: No. Until recently, it hadn't even occur to me that I would do something special to take care of my hair. I chose shampoos that smelled nice.

Wicked Princess: He's the one that used herbal essences, when we got together, you know. Everyone who saw it in our shower just assumed it was me!

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?

Wicked Princess' Prince: No. My fiancee here tries to do those things, but infrequently. I think I'd like it if she tried to do it more.

Wicked Princess: *big...predatory...lascivious...smile* I think this means I get a new toy.

Do people assume you're in a rock band?

Wicked Princess' Prince: Not really. Once, someone said I looked like I played base. I think that was mostly because of my hair.

What made you decide to let it grow?

Wicked Princess' Prince: I always wanted to grow my hair long, and when I graduated from High School, I realized that no one could stop me!

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes

Wicked Princess' Prince: Other things...I think I'd get more annoyed than most of the women here if someone told me that I'd "look good" if I cut my hair.

Wicked Princess: Yeah...he looks *really* hot with long hair.

Wicked Princess' Prince: I don't like being told that I have "long hair for a man". I don't like adding a gender to it. I just want to have hair that is "long" period. I'm not there yet.

There you have it! The perspective of a man, with long hair, but who isn't part of the LHC. Hmm...if he continues to be serious about growing and caring more for his hair, he very well might join.

September 19th, 2009, 05:33 AM
Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies? I don't actually drink alcohol and consequently don't have "drinking buddies". I do have several long-haired male friends, most are of the shaggy-haired unkempt variety who would stare back blankly if I broached the subject of conditioner. One does take care of his hair and we can chat about hair stuff, but mostly it I chat with women.

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?A few often mention that my hair is now long enough to braid and that they'd love for me to let them loose on it with hair toys etc.

Do people assume you're in a rock band? I have never had anyone ask me that. I think I have been quite lucky with the growing of my hair. When I was in the awkward stage, which I think must be far more awkward for men than women as there are less style options for intermediate hair lengths, I would constantly get comments to have a hair cut. It amazed me that people cared so much to mention it every day. However, my hair is now between shoulder and “BSL” and only my mother is still unconvinced. Other than that, and a single “GET YOUR HAIR CUT!” shouted from a moving car, everyone has been unfalteringly positive and complimentary.

What made you decide to let it grow?I had a Chinese male friend who had the most amazing waist-length shiny straight black hair. It was gorgeous! Because of a family illness I spent many months as a “full time visitor” in hospital and consequently missed a few of my regular haircuts. Once the family illness situation was resolved I decided that I would continue to let it grow. Somewhat amusingly when I met up the my “hair-inspiration” friend he had actually shaved his head “for a change”. :eek:

May 3rd, 2010, 05:09 AM
I'd love to hear your take on having long hair from the masculine viewpoint.

It makes sense that people are naturally meant to have long hair and not let society shape them by capitalising on hair. My hair is a statement of rebelling against the media and everyone's attitudes... It also warns me about people, such as being interviewed and getting disgusted looks at my hair, which makes me realise I would never want to work with people like that anyway, let alone be expected to respect/obey them.

Do you feel left out because you can't get advice on regimens from your drinking buddies?

I hardly ever meet friends and the topic of hair is very rarely brought up. I just get neutral comments about how long it is now.

Are girlfriends constantly trying to braid, curl, or otherwise style your hair?

My sister enjoyed dying it when I used to let her, and many people thoughtlessly demand me to straighten it, which I did in the past just to 'fit in' with such a perfection-obsessed society and I now recognize that that was wrong.

Do people assume you're in a rock band?

Not at all! People who know me would know I'm not a band person.

What made you decide to let it grow?

Getting fed up of spending money to cut it and being forced to go to money-hungry hair stylists as well as looking in the mirror and feeling disgusted with my appearance with short hair. What triggered me into growing it was going to a party once with a wig and getting compliments about my appearance for the first time in history. At least it slightly helps in that respect.

Tell us all about it! Vent, share, and otherwise give us a glimpse of things through your eyes

Personally having long hair is my way of rebelling. I don't plan on cutting it any time soon because it's me. Although it's been growing out for 3 years, I'm still anxious about being in public as I do get an awful lot of stares and prejudices. I never had any support IRL to grow it but I couldn't be bothered about that any more. I just keep it long and that's my decision. It would be great to have a more tolerating society but too many people are brainwashed by the media. I'm just saying...

May 3rd, 2010, 02:25 PM
had to be done.


December 13th, 2010, 02:29 PM
Well hello there :waving:

It was tough starting out to know what to do with my hair, because I didn't really want to go around asking girls what they did with theirs, and the only advice I got from my buddies was "You have to use shampoo every single day, or else" :laugh:. But thanks to the internet I've managed to figure most of it out.

I very often get people (guys and girls) telling me that they want to straighten my hair, or that I should, but I always politely decline :).

I don't know whether people assume I'm in a rock band or not, but if they did, they'd be right ;). I play guitar, piano, trumpet, and sing, and music is probably the single biggest reason I decided to grow it out. Other than that, though, I just love the way it looks and feels, and I feel that it's a good way to indicate that I don't care about arbitrary societal standards, or about what anyone thinks about me :cheese:
I don't know what it is about people always suggesting that we straighten our curly hair. Sometimes I think it's just something women say to start talking about your hair and touch it.

December 13th, 2010, 02:50 PM
I couldnt even begin to tell you how many times ive been asked if I was in a band. And umm....for awhile there I had to tell them yes.....thereby perpetuating the stereotype. :o
All my GF's have loved my hair....but not all of them enjoyed fiddling with it all the time.
And yes.....when I go out I get a decent amount of women that comment on it or wanna touch it. Most of the time im okay with it as ive come to realize that Im expecting too much to wanna have significantly long hair and not anticipate peoples curiosity about it. I dont really mind being asked if im in a band....but it does kinda annoy me when someone specifically asks if I play the guitar. (I actually play the piano).

From a young age I seemed to enjoy whatever did not seem to be what the majority were associated with. And I cant deny that I simply think long hair on guys looks cool...but when I think about it now.....I realize that so much more evolved from that initial notion.

I have no inclination as of yet, whatsoever, to cut my hair short at any time in the future.