View Full Version : to trim...or not to trim?

April 17th, 2008, 08:10 PM
I haven't trimmed my hair in about 6 months, but I'm really tempted right now. Crazy splits! I mean crazy. I'd say 2/3 of my hairs are split. Way too many to just S&D away (and with layers its kind of hard.) I don't understand why :(. I've been so much nicer to it for almost a year now and I didn't even have this many splits back then when I flat ironed & dyed my hair into oblivion. I've been shedding a ton more too :-(.

I've been reading up on the morocco lunar haircutting charts, and apparently May 1-2 are the "thicken" dates and May 5 & 6 are the "lengthen" dates. I'm tempted to trim one of those days...

Should I?

April 17th, 2008, 08:15 PM
If you're unhappy with the splits, go ahead and trim them. The feel of fresh, untangled ends will be worth the lost length. :)

I don't follow the Lunar method, so I couldn't encourage you to pick a particular date.

Cinnamon Hair
April 17th, 2008, 08:54 PM
I agree, if you really have that many split ends you should trim before they start to travel up the hair shaft. The when part is up to you, but I think it's best to decide whether you are growing for length or quality at the moment so you don't become trim-happy and then miss the length.

Madam Librarian
April 17th, 2008, 09:24 PM
If you intend to trim anyway, I don't see the harm in picking a Morrocco date. I used to use them, but I really couldn't see results. They were more helpful to me in setting a date for a trim and then sticking to it. I fall into the trap of thinking that a trim is going to solve all the problems I have with my hair, so I want to trim every time I get frustrated with my hair. Setting a date every quarter or so helped me to not cave to every fleeting whim.

If the dates do what they are supposed to, great! If not, you were going to trim anyway, so great again! :)

April 17th, 2008, 10:38 PM
yeah I agree with everyone go ahead and trim and get what you can with the S&D. you will eventually get rid of the split ends. I am finallr seeing the ends getting a lot prettier

April 17th, 2008, 11:52 PM
Another vote for the trim, remembering what my hair looked like when I didn't do that way long ago in the past.... brr.

Trim and then S&D to boot. :)

April 18th, 2008, 12:07 AM
You guys convinced me, I'm going back to trimming and S&D. thank you all :)

April 18th, 2008, 12:10 AM
I haven't trimmed my hair in about 6 months, but I'm really tempted right now. Crazy splits! I mean crazy. I'd say 2/3 of my hairs are split. Way too many to just S&D away (and with layers its kind of hard.) I don't understand why :(. I've been so much nicer to it for almost a year now and I didn't even have this many splits back then when I flat ironed & dyed my hair into oblivion. I've been shedding a ton more too :-(.

I've been reading up on the morocco lunar haircutting charts, and apparently May 1-2 are the "thicken" dates and May 5 & 6 are the "lengthen" dates. I'm tempted to trim one of those days...

Should I?

If it will make you feel better, trim just a tiny bit, and see how you feel. It might not get rid of all the splits immediately but a little trim can make a big difference. You can always trim more off, but a little at a time is good!

Remember that your hair is still damaged from flat-ironing and colouring, it's still fragile, so the splits are probably left over from that. The damage is done! All you can do is take care of your hair as best you can, and as your hair grows out, you'll have more and more undamaged length.

-- Natalie

April 18th, 2008, 12:16 AM
If it will make you feel better, trim just a tiny bit, and see how you feel. It might not get rid of all the splits immediately but a little trim can make a big difference. You can always trim more off, but a little at a time is good!

Remember that your hair is still damaged from flat-ironing and colouring, it's still fragile, so the splits are probably left over from that. The damage is done! All you can do is take care of your hair as best you can, and as your hair grows out, you'll have more and more undamaged length.

-- Natalie

Yeah, I know it's still there. Although I'd hoped the 5 inch trim before I dumped heat styling and chemical dyes and officially started growing it out would have helped.
Oy, the things i've put my hair through :o

April 18th, 2008, 12:25 AM
I had to do that a month or so ago, my splits had just gotten too bad to deal with and I had to trim about an inch off.

(If anyone else is curious about the lunar charts she listed, I found a link for them here: http://www.morroccomethod.com/lunar.shtml)