View Full Version : Older women with long hair.

September 1st, 2009, 10:04 PM
I was reading my Shape magazine and it had a list on how to not look aged. And it said that hair that is any longer than bra-strap length on a woman of 40 or older, just makes her look older.

I'm sorry, I've seen many women who have hair longer than that and are older than that and they look GREAT and it doesn't make them look 20 years older.

I just wanted to say that. lol I think long hair looks great on an older woman. When I get to be around that age, I would love to have long hair again.

September 1st, 2009, 10:12 PM
I'm a 48 year old woman with long hair and have no intention of going short. I ignore the articles like this. I'm happy exactly where I am...well actually, would like my hair to be even longer.

September 1st, 2009, 10:16 PM
I think longer hair makes women look younger. And not in a clinging-pathetically-to-their-youth-sort-of-way, either, like it is so often-claimed.

September 1st, 2009, 11:19 PM
I personally find the bobs and shorter hairstyles older women wear age them even more. Longer hair is definitely more youthful!

I wonder if it has to do with the fact that those women with the short styles also color and cover the grey, and those with long just leave it be?

September 2nd, 2009, 12:16 AM
I like doing things which are suitable according to my age. If i am 40 and i have long hair which makes me look like it What is the big deal about it? I have seen many older women having hair in bob cut and pixie which looks so unnatural and indecent on them.

September 2nd, 2009, 01:05 AM
If i am 40 and i have long hair which makes me look like it What is the big deal about it?

Seriously! I agree. I mean, what...if we can manage to look five years younger than we are (no matter what that age currently is, apparently, unless we're under 25) we win some sort of a prize, and jobs fall at our feet and the opposite sex is all over us and we win the Nobel Prize for Standing There and Looking Young? But if we look five years older, we lose absolutely everything and are shunned by society or something?

What incredibly, outstandingly great thing is going to happen if we can manage to "look younger"? And what incredibly, cruelly horrific thing is going to happen if we look our own age? What's with this fear that "looking younger" is the subject of so many articles and so much (unwanted) advice? Newsflash. We're gonna age! If I can manage to look 35 today, my body will still know it's 42. Getting a haircut or buying a better cream foundation isn't going to stop reality.

Please, who's keeping track of all that stuff? "My GOD, I thought you were 43...and you're only 42!" I'm pretty sure I wouldn't go kill myself.

I'll keep my hair inches in exchange for actually looking (gasp!) (no! oh please god noooooooo) 42. Which is, coincidentally, what I, well, am. (rolling eyes) Whatever.

Cindi Eponabri
September 2nd, 2009, 01:15 AM
Jeez.. this thread just doesn't want to go away, does it?

Why is it that because a magazine or talk show host says something, that makes it a fact? Why are people so preoccupied with age?

I am 58 (soon to be 59 and not afraid to tell people that), my hair is tailbone length, and streaked with grey. I have some wrinkles around my eyes. I feel I've earned every grey hair, every wrinkle on my face, every line on my hands, every pound I carry, and every hour I waste on the computer... there I think I covered everything I've been "criticized" about.

I have no intention of getting botox, coloring or cutting my hair, losing weight, or wearing what someone on TV or a magazine tells me to, although I do have a lot of fun making fashion sets on Polyvore.

I am who I am and I have my own style, and I'll respect everyone else's as long as they will respect mine. Isn't that enough? And what we all really want in the end?

Sorry for the rant... well, maybe I'm really not.

September 2nd, 2009, 01:27 AM
Seriously! I agree. I mean, what...if we can manage to look five years younger than we are (no matter what that age currently is, apparently, unless we're under 25) we win some sort of a prize, and jobs fall at our feet and the opposite sex is all over us and we win the Nobel Prize for Standing There and Looking Young? But if we look five years older, we lose absolutely everything and are shunned by society or something?

What incredibly, outstandingly great thing is going to happen if we can manage to "look younger"? And what incredibly, cruelly horrific thing is going to happen if we look our own age? What's with this fear that "looking younger" is the subject of so many articles and so much (unwanted) advice? Newsflash. We're gonna age! If I can manage to look 35 today, my body will still know it's 42. Getting a haircut or buying a better cream foundation isn't going to stop reality.

Please, who's keeping track of all that stuff? "My GOD, I thought you were 43...and you're only 42!" I'm pretty sure I wouldn't go kill myself.

I'll keep my hair inches in exchange for actually looking (gasp!) (no! oh please god noooooooo) 42. Which is, coincidentally, what I, well, am. (rolling eyes) Whatever.

What a quality post! Well said GlennaGirl, that's definately food for thought.

Personally i think the important thing is to look healthy as opposed to young. A healthy looking 30, 40, 50, 60+ year old to me looks infinately better than an ageing woman desperate to stay 20. Short hair, long hair....inbetween....i think it all looks good if it makes the woman feel confident and good about herself.

September 2nd, 2009, 02:48 AM
Seriously! I agree. I mean, what...if we can manage to look five years younger than we are (no matter what that age currently is, apparently, unless we're under 25) we win some sort of a prize, and jobs fall at our feet and the opposite sex is all over us and we win the Nobel Prize for Standing There and Looking Young? But if we look five years older, we lose absolutely everything and are shunned by society or something?

What incredibly, outstandingly great thing is going to happen if we can manage to "look younger"? And what incredibly, cruelly horrific thing is going to happen if we look our own age? What's with this fear that "looking younger" is the subject of so many articles and so much (unwanted) advice? Newsflash. We're gonna age! If I can manage to look 35 today, my body will still know it's 42. Getting a haircut or buying a better cream foundation isn't going to stop reality.

Please, who's keeping track of all that stuff? "My GOD, I thought you were 43...and you're only 42!" I'm pretty sure I wouldn't go kill myself.

I'll keep my hair inches in exchange for actually looking (gasp!) (no! oh please god noooooooo) 42. Which is, coincidentally, what I, well, am. (rolling eyes) Whatever.
Fantastic!! Best thing I've ever read on the subject! I had a 20 something year old tell me yesterday I should keep colouring my hair...

September 2nd, 2009, 03:46 AM




??? But clearly an older woman with gorgeous hair:

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3112/2631465458_3896c98abb.jpg%3Fv%3D0&imgrefurl=http://flickr.com/photos/faith-raider/2631465458/&usg=__Ty8Illn0J8G8EakUGaTiBAoyPN8=&h=500&w=334&sz=95&hl=en&start=89&sig2=pbYwGOOe3yjj164pm6JJzw&tbnid=3AoTJMriBtACDM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=87&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbeautiful%2Blong%2Bgrey%2Bhair%26gbv% 3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D72&ei=Oz6eSsbvE9CjmQfPx_2sAw

Yah - WHATever. This is fun: anyone want to photoshop longer hair onto these ladies to see if they look older with it...?




September 2nd, 2009, 04:59 AM
I personally find the bobs and shorter hairstyles older women wear age them even more. Longer hair is definitely more youthful!

I wonder if it has to do with the fact that those women with the short styles also color and cover the grey, and those with long just leave it be?

I think I agree with you. My aunt who had been getting grey hair since she was 16 had longer hair when I was a kid...not long by our standards but it was about bsl, it looked great and I didn't think it made her look older. I am a long hair enthusiast and it took me a long time to figure out my hair and get it to grow this long, so I'm thinking I'm not gonna cut it in a few years! I may even be one of those people who can just let it all go grey. Some of the long curly grey hair that I've seen on here is so pretty. I think it is very natural looking, kinda magical, like you should wear long twirly skirts and chant!lol ( I don't know) My issue would be my skin tone, you can see by my avatar, so I don't know if the lighter hair would look right.

Anyway....it'll probably take me at least another year or two to get it to my goal length by then I'll be 33...so I'm not cuttin at 40! That's nuts!

September 2nd, 2009, 05:13 AM
I do really like long hair on older women, expecially long white hair. It is just the way it should be, who would really think that 60-70-80 years old women have naturally black\brown\blonde hair? I think people say it makes women look older because in the past old women had long hair which they often wore in a bun, so long hair - expecially if it is not dyed - is seen as the stereotype of an old woman, even if nowadays old people wear their hair short.

September 2nd, 2009, 05:24 AM
Don't you just love it when "THEY" don't think it looks good to have long hair or "THEY" think it makes you look older. I've been on this earth for more than 20 years and less than 100 (No, I'm not saying my age) and I've never really ran into "THEY" to tell them that 'their' opinion stinks.

I like me just the way I am, no one complains that loves me. As a good friend of mine would say about this article -- "Bugger off you ruddy git!"

*of course this is not to the author of this thread or to any of the replies- just wanted to make sure that is crystal clear*

September 2nd, 2009, 05:42 AM
Oh, this usual one about hair-must-be-a-certain-length-at-a-certain-age.

Annoying, isn't it?

I was thinking earlier today that the inverse is true for little girls - most people seem to be horrified by girls under 8 years old with cropped short hair ("It looks like a BOY!" is the usual crazy cry).

Of course people can look lovely with long hair at any age. But as long as people are happy with what they've got, good for them. No matter what length it is.

(Hmmm, I guess these magazine/TV articles are not aimed at me! I can't get worked up about them!)

On a different level - I've decided to add 10 years to my age whenever anyone asks me, so people will (hopefully) say "Gosh, she looks good for her age!"

September 2nd, 2009, 06:26 AM
I personally find the bobs and shorter hairstyles older women wear age them even more. Longer hair is definitely more youthful!

I wonder if it has to do with the fact that those women with the short styles also color and cover the grey, and those with long just leave it be?

Just remember some of us DO highlight/color at longer lengths. :flower:

September 2nd, 2009, 06:46 AM
I want to add - since my hair started thinning a *lot* now in my 40's, I've come to believe that many older women cut their hair short not because they feel it's 'age appropriate', but because short hair can make it easier to disguise thinning. I started 'shortening' my hair due to the thinning (my avatar is before taking off about 6 inches!). I've since decided I don't want to go any shorter, and I'm going to grow it out long again, thinning be damned! But I think I can see why many women do it. I don't think it's always to conform to some idea of older 'style'.

Just my two cents!

September 2nd, 2009, 06:54 AM
I don't even want to THINK about what I'd look like with short hair! My long hair makes me feel more like "me" and fortunately I've reached the point in my life where I don't give 2 hoots what anyone thinks. I'll be 54, I'm a mother and a grandmother and damn proud of it.

To the OP, it's nice to have a young'un say that they disagree with the fashion gestapo. When I was that age, I believed everything I read. I'm glad you don't. :flowers:

September 2nd, 2009, 07:23 AM
At 52 I'm happy and content with my long hair and thats what counts. As I've got older I've certainly taken less notice of what "THEY" think, although I never did really listen even when I was younger.:D

September 2nd, 2009, 07:25 AM
Seriously! I agree. I mean, what...if we can manage to look five years younger than we are (no matter what that age currently is, apparently, unless we're under 25) we win some sort of a prize, and jobs fall at our feet and the opposite sex is all over us and we win the Nobel Prize for Standing There and Looking Young? But if we look five years older, we lose absolutely everything and are shunned by society or something?

What incredibly, outstandingly great thing is going to happen if we can manage to "look younger"? And what incredibly, cruelly horrific thing is going to happen if we look our own age? What's with this fear that "looking younger" is the subject of so many articles and so much (unwanted) advice? Newsflash. We're gonna age! If I can manage to look 35 today, my body will still know it's 42. Getting a haircut or buying a better cream foundation isn't going to stop reality.

Please, who's keeping track of all that stuff? "My GOD, I thought you were 43...and you're only 42!" I'm pretty sure I wouldn't go kill myself.

I'll keep my hair inches in exchange for actually looking (gasp!) (no! oh please god noooooooo) 42. Which is, coincidentally, what I, well, am. (rolling eyes) Whatever.

I am enjoying this whole thread and especially your post.

I think I need to continue to read these opinions because the voices of our culture are SO strong and continuous. :taz:

Please keep posting and pointing out all these :bs:contradictions!

I am almost to APL and henna/cassia auburn and I LOVE it--and so does my DH!

Thanks to all for the reality checks!

So Refreshing!:cheese::cheese::cheese:


September 2nd, 2009, 08:16 AM
I am far too old and wise to allow anyone to tell me how to wear my hair.

September 2nd, 2009, 08:36 AM
What incredibly, outstandingly great thing is going to happen if we can manage to "look younger"? And what incredibly, cruelly horrific thing is going to happen if we look our own age?

LOL. Indeed... THANK YOU for echoing something I've never understood! We age.. so what, really?? I don't see why this is
avoided at all costs.. as if it ever could be.

September 2nd, 2009, 08:48 AM
I really don't care what the rest of the people in the world do or think is normal. I do what I want because it pleases me. The only opinion that really matters significantly to me is my husband's and he always says to do what I want! :smooch: He thinks most people are way too caught up in the "gotta look young!" hype, and can't accept that everyone ages. It's a fact of life.

All the plastic surgery in the world is not actually going to make you younger, and might end up making you look terribly fake. Even celebrities can have bad plastic surgery, and you never know until you heal if you got lucky or not. And surgery is risky, not something to do unless you really need it.

Plastic surgery is fine for people with birth defects, damage from accidents or illness etc. It just isn't for me, I might end up doing some minor stuff like peels or laser treatments to get rid of some sun damage spots because I have very fair skin and didn't know about the dangers of skin cancer when I was young. But the wrinkles are here to stay, for better or worse. Age happens, if it doesn't then you are dead. So I am grateful to embrace each birthday that comes as the gift it is. :)

September 2nd, 2009, 10:15 AM
I am 64 & decided to grow out my hair, it is now BSL. I have always wanted long hair but cut it short thinking that I looked better in short hair. But as I age I think that I look better with it long. I think that the short hair aged me, looking at pictures. I also got tired of coloring it, I have thin fine hair & it was hard on it. I have seen pictures on this forum of others with long grey hair & it looks just beautiful! they are my role models, :)

I see ladies in the neighborhood & they have their hair cut short & poodle perms, I think that that has to be awfully hard on the hair & not healthy, and especially bad for it if they color it also. Could be why it is so thin is because of what they are doing to it.
Also the medications that older people take (high blood pressure med. for one, I have heard can make the hair thin out)

September 2nd, 2009, 12:48 PM
Jeez.. this thread just doesn't want to go away, does it?

Why is it that because a magazine or talk show host says something, that makes it a fact? Why are people so preoccupied with age?

I am 58 (soon to be 59 and not afraid to tell people that), my hair is tailbone length, and streaked with grey. I have some wrinkles around my eyes. I feel I've earned every grey hair, every wrinkle on my face, every line on my hands, every pound I carry, and every hour I waste on the computer... there I think I covered everything I've been "criticized" about.

I have no intention of getting botox, coloring or cutting my hair, losing weight, or wearing what someone on TV or a magazine tells me to, although I do have a lot of fun making fashion sets on Polyvore.

I am who I am and I have my own style, and I'll respect everyone else's as long as they will respect mine. Isn't that enough? And what we all really want in the end?

Sorry for the rant... well, maybe I'm really not.

:applause Thank you Cindi. My thoughts exactly. I'm so tired of people feeling they can dictate how a woman should look at ANY age. I actually like myself the way I am. A few exta pounds, wrinkles and all. And now long hair. Well, not exactly there yet, but it is growing! LOL

September 2nd, 2009, 01:40 PM
I am happy the way that I am, I am me and I happen to like me alot. :D

IMO the only way that long hair makes someone look older, is if the hair is in terrible shape. Dried out and not taken care of, but those can be cured if they take care of it.

Then it can become a gorgeous mane of hair. Other than that I believe that long hair for the most part makes us look younger.

I don't do it for that reason, I do it because I love long hair. Period.

September 2nd, 2009, 02:13 PM
Hmm.. I have always thought that longer hair makes a women look younger. A friend of my grandmother's told me a story before about when she was in her 40's or 50's and grew her hair really long. She said she was at the beach and combing her hair, and this guy came up to her and asked if he could get a picture. When she looked up, he looked a little disappointed and kindly told her that he thought she was younger. So from a distance her long hair must have given him that impression.

I know, I was thinking that guy was a little rude... but I told my grandmom's friend that I would have taken it as a compliment anyway. :) Unfortunately, she told me not long after that happened, she cut her hair... I would hate to think that something like that would have affected her decision.

September 2nd, 2009, 02:27 PM
I suppose people claim it makes women look older because I've seen far more women who have longer hair who don't cover grays than who do. Since apparently females look like a granny with grays and should only go gray in their 80s or so when most men and women start seeing a gray or two at age 30...

Now I do know a 60 year old women with no gray hairs(Ok, she has like 5 at her temples.) and I'm guessing she's the rarity. Her hair color is the exact same color as what her daughter has naturally(she dyes her hair a bit though to make it more red. It's a lovely auburn shade naturally though!) so I don't question it too much.

However, bangs can hide wrinkles. That doesn't mean short hair all over is a good idea, it's just wispy bangs can hide wrinkles if a woman wants them to. Most short haircuts make older women look dated and aged, since they're meant to be done on "young" hair, which is very thick and generally flat ironed and such, and most older women get perms and have slightly thinner hair than they may have in youth.

September 2nd, 2009, 02:51 PM
I think older women look beautiful with long hair. It gives them such a grace and dignity, particularly if they leave it natural and uncolored.

Just my two cents' worth! :)

September 2nd, 2009, 02:58 PM
Just wanted to say, as I read the title of the thread my mind automatically completed the thought, older women with long hair...are awesome! :D

September 2nd, 2009, 03:08 PM
Seriously! I agree. I mean, what...if we can manage to look five years younger than we are (no matter what that age currently is, apparently, unless we're under 25) we win some sort of a prize, and jobs fall at our feet and the opposite sex is all over us and we win the Nobel Prize for Standing There and Looking Young? But if we look five years older, we lose absolutely everything and are shunned by society or something?

What incredibly, outstandingly great thing is going to happen if we can manage to "look younger"? And what incredibly, cruelly horrific thing is going to happen if we look our own age? What's with this fear that "looking younger" is the subject of so many articles and so much (unwanted) advice? Newsflash. We're gonna age! If I can manage to look 35 today, my body will still know it's 42. Getting a haircut or buying a better cream foundation isn't going to stop reality.

Please, who's keeping track of all that stuff? "My GOD, I thought you were 43...and you're only 42!" I'm pretty sure I wouldn't go kill myself.

I'll keep my hair inches in exchange for actually looking (gasp!) (no! oh please god noooooooo) 42. Which is, coincidentally, what I, well, am. (rolling eyes) Whatever.
This is too funny..and true! Thanks for a good laugh....hey...isn't laughing supposed to make you look younger?
Thanks GlennaGirl! I'll keep the long hair and keep on laughing :)

September 2nd, 2009, 03:35 PM
Jeez.. this thread just doesn't want to go away, does it?

Why is it that because a magazine or talk show host says something, that makes it a fact? Why are people so preoccupied with age?

I am 58 (soon to be 59 and not afraid to tell people that), my hair is tailbone length, and streaked with grey. I have some wrinkles around my eyes. I feel I've earned every grey hair, every wrinkle on my face, every line on my hands, every pound I carry, and every hour I waste on the computer... there I think I covered everything I've been "criticized" about.

I have no intention of getting botox, coloring or cutting my hair, losing weight, or wearing what someone on TV or a magazine tells me to, although I do have a lot of fun making fashion sets on Polyvore.

I am who I am and I have my own style, and I'll respect everyone else's as long as they will respect mine. Isn't that enough? And what we all really want in the end?

Sorry for the rant... well, maybe I'm really not.

Oooh, I like your attitude! Gave me a boost! Thanks!


September 2nd, 2009, 03:43 PM
I will add that anymore,I dont think everyone looks good in long hair. Some look good
with a med to shortish length. I used to be hypercritical of people who cut and styled their
hair,but anymore, I say, hey whatever floats your boat! I may cut one day when I get old and arthitic,or just tired of having it longer. I dont want to be too harsh on other peoples
choices. We dont alway know the whole story of why some dont have long hair. JMHO. :)


September 2nd, 2009, 05:10 PM
This is one of my biggest pet peeves. We should be able to embrace who we are now, not made to feel like we should be trying to regain our past youth. This subject always chaps me.

September 2nd, 2009, 05:27 PM
I'm finally past my 20's, and am not getting carded at the library for looking under 18 and trying to check out videos. :) I never could wait to look older, get wrinkles and grey hair. I found my first grey hair a couple weeks ago, and got pretty excited. Getting old should be something to be thankful for.

September 2nd, 2009, 05:45 PM
Those articles stating that women should chop their hair to look younger once they get a certain age, really get me soooo mad. If you want to, thats fine, it should be what makes you happy. But I've heard women say "Oh, I'm (age), I'm too old now for my hair to be long, I'll guess it's time to cut it, I wish I could be younger so I could have my hair long!". My mom has longish hair, and then some makeover show comes on, and she gets all bent out of shape, and feels bad because some image consultant with bad hair, and pancake makeup, advise women to chop their hair at certain age. I really don't think it makes a bit a difference with what age you look. Infact, when I see certain short hairstyles, I actually associate those with being hair cuts for certain age groups. When I see a older woman with long hair, it's harder for me to see her as an older woman, and I think it makes me feel that she is more comfortable with herself as a person. I think longer hair on women in there later years makes them age more gracefully. I don't think that it's wrong for them to cut their hair if they want to, but in my opinion, if long hair was only meant for the young, then why would we still be able to grow it out in our later years ?Believe it or not, nature tries to keep you attractive the best way it can.

September 2nd, 2009, 06:42 PM
and the fashion propaganda continues... will it ever end? What sort of motivation is their behind telling older women to chop their hair off?! Is it to keep the ladies coming into the award winning salons, or what?

September 2nd, 2009, 08:08 PM
Well, I'm 64 yrs. old, with waist-length locks, and I do not plan to ever cut back any shorter than it currently is. I am going to try for classic once more, and then I will decide if it is too much trouble at that length, as I do have Rheumatoid Arthrits which keeps me from being able to style it as I sometimes would like to do, but, I repeat, do not see myself ever, ever cutting back to shorter than waist. I like it long, and my family likes it long. That is all that matters!

September 2nd, 2009, 08:36 PM
When I turned 42 I considered growing my hair long but I worried about what "they" said about long hair making you look older. My DH said to me, "Who are "they" and what makes you think they know so much?" He was right! 3 years later with BSL length, heading for waist hair, I FEEL younger and I have been told I look younger. I'm never going back to short!

September 2nd, 2009, 08:39 PM
Y'all ought to take a gander at the Salt and Pepper thread. Several of us 'older' ladies and gents post prolifically there and there are some absolutely gorgeous salt-and-pepper long hairs in this community.

Check out the profiles of Tammy Sue, Lynnala, Ole grey mare, JKRBeloved, Silver Rainbow, Akka Naeda, Spidermom, memsahib, karpatiisiv, to name a few. They are my inspiration!!

I'm almost 60 and have APL hair again, for the first time in over 40 years. I'm loving it, and I'm loving this wonderful forum.

September 2nd, 2009, 08:54 PM
I just took a peak at your albums, Honestwitness, and I can definitely say you look so much better with longer hair! You look at least 10 years younger with longer hair!

Cindi Eponabri
September 2nd, 2009, 09:03 PM
:applause Thank you Cindi. My thoughts exactly. I'm so tired of people feeling they can dictate how a woman should look at ANY age. I actually like myself the way I am. A few exta pounds, wrinkles and all. And now long hair. Well, not exactly there yet, but it is growing! LOL

Thank you for the thank you....

Cindi Eponabri
September 2nd, 2009, 09:06 PM
Oooh, I like your attitude! Gave me a boost! Thanks!


Boosts are good... We need to be ourselves... and do what we feel works best for us... whether it's short hair or long, colored or natural, thin or fat.... because we like ourselves that way, not because of what someone else tells us we must be.

Cindi Eponabri
September 2nd, 2009, 09:08 PM
I will add that anymore,I dont think everyone looks good in long hair. Some look good
with a med to shortish length. I used to be hypercritical of people who cut and styled their
hair,but anymore, I say, hey whatever floats your boat! I may cut one day when I get old and arthitic,or just tired of having it longer. I dont want to be too harsh on other peoples
choices. We dont alway know the whole story of why some dont have long hair. JMHO. :)


But that should be a personal decision, right? Not what someone else says they should do. That was point I was making. It doesn't matter to me if people have long hair or short hair, as long as they are happy with their choice.

Cindi Eponabri
September 2nd, 2009, 09:10 PM
When I turned 42 I considered growing my hair long but I worried about what "they" said about long hair making you look older. My DH said to me, "Who are "they" and what makes you think they know so much?" He was right! 3 years later with BSL length, heading for waist hair, I FEEL younger and I have been told I look younger. I'm never going back to short!

You have a very wise and loving husband. :)

September 2nd, 2009, 09:35 PM
I just took a peak at your albums, Honestwitness, and I can definitely say you look so much better with longer hair! You look at least 10 years younger with longer hair!.

Thank you, Reptilia. You just made my day...er...night!

September 2nd, 2009, 09:43 PM
Well, one reason I grew my hair long (from pixie... with stops along the way) was so that I would not look at all like the other women at work my age who also had neat, short, dark, contained hair. I was tired of meetings with my clones! (Not that I wanted my hair under control when it was short-short -- but it has no rebellious energy until it's a few inches long.)

So I'm happy not to look the way I should! (And do I look older? Some days. Younger? That, too.)

September 2nd, 2009, 09:47 PM
I think that it's really about the person and how it's styled.

I think long, lustrous hair can make you look YEARS younger. Short hair can make a woman look very matronly.

Once again, it's a case by case thing, but by and large, I wholeheartedly disagree :nono:

September 2nd, 2009, 09:48 PM
All I can say is that I plan to let my hair continue to grow for the rest of my days. So if I end up being on this earth for 80, 90, 100+ years and can still braid, then I'll be making a classic length braid and rapping it around my head.

September 2nd, 2009, 10:00 PM
But that should be a personal decision, right? Not what someone else says they should do. That was point I was making. It doesn't matter to me if people have long hair or short hair, as long as they are happy with their choice.

Exactly! I would not tell someone how to wear their hair. And would not give an opinion unless asked for one. I would want people to do the same for me! ;)

September 3rd, 2009, 01:21 AM
Yesterday a colleague told me that I look at least 10 years younger than I actually am .Hurray. Big deal. :rolleyes:
So I totally agree with GlennaHairs post.
There are people in their 20, 30 who are unflexible in their thinking, do not want to learn new things, do not wish to broaden their horizon.
Then there are people in their 50, 60 who are always open for new things, want to meet people, learn new things.
Their youthfulness does not depend on their hair length being 1 inch above or below BSL.
I hope to be in the latter group.

Have a nice day! :flowers:

September 3rd, 2009, 01:29 AM
I didn't know aging was a bad thing. . .

guess you learn something new everyday.

September 3rd, 2009, 05:13 AM
I made a rare visit to relatives yesterday. On the bus in from the Park & Ride theer was a lady in front of me. I noticed her hair, which was salt & pepper grey, braided, about BSL, and thick and healthy looking. She told the person sitting next to her she was 70. When she got up to get out of the bus I saw she was wearing skinny jeans and trainers. She didn't look like mutton dressed as lamb, she looked absolutely stunning.

Definitely a vote for keeping your youthfulness and your hair whatever your age!

September 3rd, 2009, 07:34 AM
Just wanted to say you ladies rock. There is no reason to get a bob or pixie just because of age - freedom of choice :D


September 3rd, 2009, 08:17 AM
And this is why I love this forum soo much! Everybody has such individual-do-whatever-you-want thoughts and I love it. It's refreshing to hear these kind of opinions.

September 3rd, 2009, 08:46 AM
Wow apparently my post from yesterday didn't make it into the thread. Darn DSL. :mad: But I wanted to say that I can't wait to have a long, silver mane. If anyone says anything negative to me about the length of my hair, I'll just toss my long, gorgeous greys at them and walk off. I guarantee you they will be watching me walk away. :D

September 3rd, 2009, 09:03 AM
Ever since I was little, my dream for old age was to be a little old woman with a long white braid down my back. I have a few years to go, but I'm well on my way to achieving it! Especially now that I have a little grandson, that braid is happening now, whenever I keep him. It's not silver yet, and it has many inches to grow before I will consider it long enough, but I love the fact that I already have a long braid.

I just think there's nothing in the world more lovely than an older woman with beautiful long, healthy, natural hair. :)

Lady Godiva
September 3rd, 2009, 09:48 AM
Anyone remember this newspaper article by columnist Connie Schultz (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v344/beatnikguy/PDsalongreed-age40.jpg) posted on the the LHC archives Articles Board?


September 3rd, 2009, 11:10 AM
Anyone remember this newspaper article by columnist Connie Schultz (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v344/beatnikguy/PDsalongreed-age40.jpg) posted on the the LHC archives Articles Board?


I never saw this before, but I LOVE IT!! :joy: Thanks for posting this, Lady Godiva!!

September 3rd, 2009, 11:12 AM
Ever since I was little, my dream for old age was to be a little old woman with a long white braid down my back. I have a few years to go, but I'm well on my way to achieving it! Especially now that I have a little grandson, that braid is happening now, whenever I keep him. It's not silver yet, and it has many inches to grow before I will consider it long enough, but I love the fact that I already have a long braid.

I just think there's nothing in the world more lovely than an older woman with beautiful long, healthy, natural hair. :)

Hi Topaz! I very well could have written this post myself. I also envision myself with a long white braid and I decided 3 years ago that if I was going to be that woman, I'd better stop dyeing, so I did. Good luck to you on your journey. :flowers:

September 3rd, 2009, 11:19 AM
I always WANTED grey hair! I always thought it was beautiful, even as a child. My mother has next to none in her mid 60's, and my grandmother is just starting to go grey now, at 88. Because I like it so much, I was sure I'd be like my grandmother and never go grey, when, to my astonishment, the second I turned 40 (and I'm not exaggerating, quite literally that night :D) they started popping out. It's awesome!! I just became a member here, and am so tempted to use henna because it's so good for your hair, but...I DON'T want to cover the greys! I

September 3rd, 2009, 12:08 PM
More from Connie Schultz about her hair (http://blog.cleveland.com/lifestyles/2008/05/hair_today_hair_tomorrow_why_i.html), 5 years later...

September 3rd, 2009, 02:38 PM
More from Connie Schultz about her hair (http://blog.cleveland.com/lifestyles/2008/05/hair_today_hair_tomorrow_why_i.html), 5 years later...

I love this story! Thanks, Denise. Reminds me of a patient we had about 8 years ago with the best first name ever - Aquanetta!!!! (and I'm not kidding)

September 3rd, 2009, 04:56 PM
I am 49 and my hair is tailbone length...my goal is knee length...I personally don't give a flying poop what anybody else thinks about it!!! it is my hair...

September 3rd, 2009, 09:04 PM
Personally i think the important thing is to look healthy as opposed to young. A healthy looking 30, 40, 50, 60+ year old to me looks infinately better than an ageing woman desperate to stay 20. Short hair, long hair....inbetween....i think it all looks good if it makes the woman feel confident and good about herself.

I agree with ChloeDharma. Health rather than cosmetics. Real hair color rather than covering up with chemical box dye. Natural longer hair rather than short hair styles. These make a woman look better. There is a beauty in aging that comes with health, wisdom, and strength. And long graying/silvering hair can be absolutely beautiful. Why are they trying to take away an older person's beauty?

September 3rd, 2009, 09:34 PM
What GlennaGirl said! That's telling 'em sister!! LOVE IT!!

Cindi Eponabri
September 3rd, 2009, 10:26 PM
Although I'm not sure if fits with this topic... on another forum about hair someone posted that people with short hair have healthier and cleaner hair than people with long hair. Of course, you know he got blasted for that one, from me as well.

He also didn't see the need for long fingernails, nail art, fake eyelashes, make up, tattoos, piercings, etc...

Apparently he wants everyone to look the same.

People have decorated themselves with body art, colors, hair styles and make up since the beginning of time, to stand out and be individuals. That's part of the freedom of choice and free will that we each are instilled with. If we didn't have that, we all would look alike, sound alike, think alike. How boring.

I believe in celebrating diversity!!!

September 3rd, 2009, 10:46 PM

Healthy silver hair is GORGEOUS.

September 4th, 2009, 07:26 AM
This topic always always always gets me fired up...on a personal level and broadly as it relates to how our society still views women.
On the personal side, it is my choice to do what I want with my hair....dye it blue, shave it, keep it long-whatever. My hair is nearing classic length and I am 48...in truth no one ever believes me when I tell them my age-they always guess at least 30's but I think that is more a function of having always stayed out of the sun (sunscreen) and clean living (rarely drink, never smoked, etc) than anything to do with my hair. I have fewer wrinkles and lines than most women my age and frequently get asked why and if there is some magic formula that I use or something. To a large degree its genetic and I can't help that. I have sometimes said off hand things like, "oh...thats part of the deal when you sell your soul to satan...." but most people don't see that as very funny. It does tend to end the conversation rather quickly though. There have been times when it was very irritating to look younger in that I was not taken seriously in a few situations because of my perceived age-those involved simply wrote me off as not possibly being old enough to have the experiance/knowledge we were discussing. For the most part though, it seems females are programmed by society to want to always be younger. For example: on a recent family camping trip a discussion around the morning campfire went something like this:
*Older woman with short hair*-"you know, on What Not To Wear, they always cut people's hair when its long and it makes them look so much better..."
Me-"well I have seen episodes where that really upset the person getting the make over, its like they force them into it-and it doesnt always look better"
*Older Woman with short hair*-Well, usually its an improvement...they do look younger...
Me- I wear my hair braided or in a bun at work and everyone there thinks I'm 10 years younger than I am...its not just about the hair...
*older woman with short hair*-Yes but just think...if you cut it they'd think you were 20 years younger!
Me-why would I want that?
*Older woman with short hair*-........(no answer)
What is it with the obsession to look younger? Why in this society can we not accept our age gracefully?
Why do we worship youth to such a degree and ignore age and wisdom?
Sorry for the rant... the topic just pushed my "short hair/better/looks younger" button.

Cindi Eponabri
September 4th, 2009, 07:49 AM
I totally agree with everything you said here. I don't understand the fear of getting old either.

My mother always looked like a living Barbie doll; tall, thin and blond, and all she ever wanted was a face lift. She is now almost 80 and she still looks like a Barbie doll. No, she never got the face lift, but she has had skin cancer and now has Alzheimers. Her hair is now a white... almost the same color she spent years bleaching it. She smoked (and still does) and worried about fats and being fat (she barely weighs 100 pounds now) and the doctors say that both of these could have contributed to her dementia.

I've never smoked and I rarely drink and I am plus size. But I live my life the way I want to, where my mother has lived most of her life according to her parents and husbands (two).

I love and adore my mother, but I wouldn't want her life for anything.

This topic always always always gets me fired up...on a personal level and broadly as it relates to how our society still views women.
On the personal side, it is my choice to do what I want with my hair....dye it blue, shave it, keep it long-whatever. My hair is nearing classic length and I am 48...in truth no one ever believes me when I tell them my age-they always guess at least 30's but I think that is more a function of having always stayed out of the sun (sunscreen) and clean living (rarely drink, never smoked, etc) than anything to do with my hair. I have fewer wrinkles and lines than most women my age and frequently get asked why and if there is some magic formula that I use or something. To a large degree its genetic and I can't help that. I have sometimes said off hand things like, "oh...thats part of the deal when you sell your soul to satan...." but most people don't see that as very funny. It does tend to end the conversation rather quickly though. There have been times when it was very irritating to look younger in that I was not taken seriously in a few situations because of my perceived age-those involved simply wrote me off as not possibly being old enough to have the experiance/knowledge we were discussing. For the most part though, it seems females are programmed by society to want to always be younger. For example: on a recent family camping trip a discussion around the morning campfire went something like this:
*Older woman with short hair*-"you know, on What Not To Wear, they always cut people's hair when its long and it makes them look so much better..."
Me-"well I have seen episodes where that really upset the person getting the make over, its like they force them into it-and it doesnt always look better"
*Older Woman with short hair*-Well, usually its an improvement...they do look younger...
Me- I wear my hair braided or in a bun at work and everyone there thinks I'm 10 years younger than I am...its not just about the hair...
*older woman with short hair*-Yes but just think...if you cut it they'd think you were 20 years younger!
Me-why would I want that?
*Older woman with short hair*-........(no answer)
What is it with the obsession to look younger? Why in this society can we not accept our age gracefully?
Why do we worship youth to such a degree and ignore age and wisdom?
Sorry for the rant... the topic just pushed my "short hair/better/looks younger" button.

September 4th, 2009, 08:52 AM
I love this thread! :love:

jolidon me
December 15th, 2009, 01:58 AM
I am 55, have slightly layered, wavy curly hair down to my bra back. I color it. Highlighted blond, because the roots don’t show as soon. I was all set to cut it shoulder length, until reading all of you other older long haired girls stories. I suppose I thought I was the only woman over 50 with long hair!!
jolidon lingerie (http://www.jolidon.me)

December 15th, 2009, 05:23 AM
I love this thread. I cannot find the exact quote, but it's in Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Grey" and it's near the end of the book (and the end of the protagonist's long, horrifically self-indulgent life, following yet another murder) in which he reflects on the fact that he is the portrait of youth. Of course Wilde says it better than I ever could:

The curiously carved mirror that Lord Henry had given to him, so many years ago now, was standing on the table, and the white-limbed Cupids laughed round it as of old. He took it up, as he had done on that night of horror when be had first noted the change in the fatal picture, and with wild, tear-dimmed eyes looked into its polished shield. Once, some one who had terribly loved him had written to him a mad letter, ending with these idolatrous words: "The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history." The phrases came back to his memory, and he repeated them over and over to himself. Then he loathed his own beauty, and flinging the mirror on the floor, crushed it into silver splinters beneath his heel. It was his beauty that had ruined him, his beauty and the youth that he had prayed for. But for those two things, his life might have been free from stain. His beauty had been to him but a mask, his youth but a mockery. What was youth at best? A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts. Why had he worn its livery? Youth had
spoiled him.

December 15th, 2009, 08:08 AM
The thing that confuses me is that most older women have short hair. The stereotype is for older women to have short hair (hence the "soccer mom" hair cut). It would then make sense that older women who want to appear younger should have long hair, the way many younger women have long hair...right?

People confuse me.

heidi w.
December 15th, 2009, 08:25 AM
I am 55, have slightly layered, wavy curly hair down to my bra back. I color it. Highlighted blond, because the roots don’t show as soon. I was all set to cut it shoulder length, until reading all of you other older long haired girls stories. I suppose I thought I was the only woman over 50 with long hair!!
jolidon lingerie (http://www.jolidon.me)

Ok, I'm 49 and in spring I'll be 50.

No, no, no reason to cut something you like off -- stay hot, vibrant and sexy!!!

The picture in my siggy pix fairly accurately represents my hair length at present. I'm a tad longer now.

I can't tell you, also, how many wonderful people I've met through having long hair. If you need more inspiration, find a way to get to a meet. If you have access check out the Meet area of this site. All lengths are welcome. And most meets are simple affairs in some public space.

heidi w.

heidi w.
December 15th, 2009, 08:26 AM
People confuse me.

The world is a confusing place!

ok, back to work!
heidi w.

heidi w.
December 15th, 2009, 08:27 AM
I love this thread. I cannot find the exact quote, but it's in Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Grey" and it's near the end of the book (and the end of the protagonist's long, horrifically self-indulgent life, following yet another murder) in which he reflects on the fact that he is the portrait of youth. Of course Wilde says it better than I ever could:

The curiously carved mirror that Lord Henry had given to him, so many years ago now, was standing on the table, and the white-limbed Cupids laughed round it as of old. He took it up, as he had done on that night of horror when be had first noted the change in the fatal picture, and with wild, tear-dimmed eyes looked into its polished shield. Once, some one who had terribly loved him had written to him a mad letter, ending with these idolatrous words: "The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history." The phrases came back to his memory, and he repeated them over and over to himself. Then he loathed his own beauty, and flinging the mirror on the floor, crushed it into silver splinters beneath his heel. It was his beauty that had ruined him, his beauty and the youth that he had prayed for. But for those two things, his life might have been free from stain. His beauty had been to him but a mask, his youth but a mockery. What was youth at best? A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts. Why had he worn its livery? Youth had
spoiled him.

I think the saying is that beauty is wasted on the young.

heidi w.

December 15th, 2009, 09:25 AM
As other people have said on other threads, just look at some of the people in this community and then look at their ages - some look 10 to 20 years younger than their real age.

December 15th, 2009, 09:55 AM
I have seen many older women having hair in bob cut and pixie which looks so unnatural and indecent on them.

Just thought I'd point out that this is about the same as saying that older women 'should' have short hair.

Odd how women are so caught up in looking good.

December 15th, 2009, 10:04 AM
This is a great thread. I have no idea why it has become the thing you're "supposed to do."

I just watched a HORRID makeover on Rachel Ray's daytime talk show. It was a woman who was just turning 50, and had not cut her hair in 30 years. (It was about classic length, I think.) They gave her a really ugly layered wedge thing that she claimed to love... but it really made her look like every other brainwashed 50-something. (Of course, Rachel Ray said it made her look ten years younger... :rolleyes:)

If I live to see 40, 50, 60, or older (I have health problems, so I definitely don't give myself an expected lifespan.) the only difference my hair will see is that it will probably be to terminal by then. I may keep dying my hair until it's entirely silver/white, though.

December 15th, 2009, 12:28 PM
I am 58 (soon to be 59 and not afraid to tell people that), my hair is tailbone length, and streaked with grey. I have some wrinkles around my eyes. I feel I've earned every grey hair, every wrinkle on my face, every line on my hands, every pound I carry, and every hour I waste on the computer... there I think I covered everything I've been "criticized" about.

I have no intention of getting botox, coloring or cutting my hair, losing weight, or wearing what someone on TV or a magazine tells me to, although I do have a lot of fun making fashion sets on Polyvore.

I am who I am and I have my own style, and I'll respect everyone else's as long as they will respect mine. Isn't that enough? And what we all really want in the end?

Amen! :cheese:

heidi w.
December 15th, 2009, 01:33 PM
Jeez.. this thread just doesn't want to go away, does it?

Why is it that because a magazine or talk show host says something, that makes it a fact? Why are people so preoccupied with age?

I am 58 (soon to be 59 and not afraid to tell people that), my hair is tailbone length, and streaked with grey. I have some wrinkles around my eyes. I feel I've earned every grey hair, every wrinkle on my face, every line on my hands, every pound I carry, and every hour I waste on the computer... there I think I covered everything I've been "criticized" about.

I have no intention of getting botox, coloring or cutting my hair, losing weight, or wearing what someone on TV or a magazine tells me to, although I do have a lot of fun making fashion sets on Polyvore.

I am who I am and I have my own style, and I'll respect everyone else's as long as they will respect mine. Isn't that enough? And what we all really want in the end?

Sorry for the rant... well, maybe I'm really not.

Let's not forget chocolate, and <ahem>.......


(I just love finding excuses for using the dancing cheese! Silly me.)
heidi w.

December 15th, 2009, 01:40 PM
Fashions change. When I was a kid, the old woman with a bun was a stereotype. Young women had short hair.


December 15th, 2009, 03:29 PM
I don't look anything remotely like Jane Seymour pass the chocolate bon bons over here. Everything looks good on her even buns.

December 15th, 2009, 04:57 PM
silly magazine. I cannot wait to be an older woman with hair as tall as I [if I can grow that much]

December 15th, 2009, 06:35 PM
For me, my opinions and thoughts on hair are interwoven with my views on many other aspects of my physical self.

I think that long hair can be so beautiful, vibrant, sexy, and youthful on any age -- I think it is symbolic of all these things. I think that society in general is uncomfortable with the concept of an older woman (e.g. past reproductive years) still being a sexual, passionate being, and that this discomfort has alot to do with the no-long-hair-past-40 "rule". And while short hair cuts can look beautiful and sexy on some people, on too many others they look less flattering and less feminine in my opinion.

I refuse to become matronly and frumpy. I will not have a frumpy short hair cut. Short hair is frumpy on me. Short hair is less feminine than long hair on me. I didn't realize how much until I grew it out. I look and feel so much younger. I feel more beautiful and more sexy. My dancer persona needs long hair. It is much more than conforming to an expected look, though that is part if it; it moves as an extension of my body in the dance, and thus becomes a vital element of the dance.

Yes, I will age, but I will not give into the path of least resistance when it comes to middle age. I will exercise harder, watch what I eat more and more, dance to keep myself limber and graceful. I'm planning to be in better and better physical condition each year for a number of more years. Of course eventually I will fail at this goal, but I will keep trying, because the minute you are not fighting the uphill battle, the minute you just sit down on the couch and say "I'm old, give me a caftan, a beer, and a helmet hair do" you are putting nails in your coffin. To me, long hair is a symbol of this covenant I have made with myself. If I ever have to have chemo or brain surgery, I will cut it, but I can think of few other scenarios that would.

Oh, and I still wear skirts above the knee. To work. My legs are smokin' hot, and the fashionista's that say no mini's after 35 (these are generally the same people who say no long hair on older women) can kiss my well-toned 43 yr old behind.

December 15th, 2009, 06:47 PM
I saw an older woman today with tail-bone length. It was full and thick, it looked like she was growing out her greys, as most from ear-on-down was dyed. She had the most gorgeous salt-and-pepper roots. I thought it was lovely, and can't wait to have a whole head of ultra-long white-n-silver.

December 15th, 2009, 06:54 PM
I don't pay attention to that stuff. I'm 53 and I don't think I look it . Check the avatar photo. lol Do I look "aged" because of my hair?

December 15th, 2009, 10:09 PM
I'm 52 now and can't wait until grey (or white, even better) starts coming in. I may have to wait a bit; my mother didn't start going grey until she was in her 60s. I had nearly white hair until I was about five - look forward to having it again. :)

I've always been contrary like that - I often don't do what I'm "supposed" to do.

This is a great thread. I have no idea why it has become the thing you're "supposed to do."

I just watched a HORRID makeover on Rachel Ray's daytime talk show. It was a woman who was just turning 50, and had not cut her hair in 30 years. (It was about classic length, I think.) They gave her a really ugly layered wedge thing that she claimed to love... but it really made her look like every other brainwashed 50-something. (Of course, Rachel Ray said it made her look ten years younger... :rolleyes:)

If I live to see 40, 50, 60, or older (I have health problems, so I definitely don't give myself an expected lifespan.) the only difference my hair will see is that it will probably be to terminal by then. I may keep dying my hair until it's entirely silver/white, though.

December 15th, 2009, 10:10 PM
Getting older is better than the alternative

I didn't know aging was a bad thing. . .

guess you learn something new everyday.

December 16th, 2009, 05:21 AM
Well, I am 42.....and as you can see, my hair is to my waist and flaming red.....it IS chemically colored.....I love this color, and if I can't have this shade naturally, I can get it from a box.....

ANYWAY, I had an exchange a couple of months ago with a young lady at the bank.....I went in and sat at her desk, so I could get my ATM card PIN changed. She was commenting on the color and length of my hair, repeatedly telling me how gorgeous it is. I thanked her and she said...."I wish I could pull off that length and color, but I'm just too old for that." I asked her ago and she told me she was 31....when I told her my age, she almost had a heart attack. She thought I was joking until she saw my driver's license (she needed to see it in order to change my PIN number).

To me, this was proof positive that, I PERSONALLY look younger with long hair! I will not generalize and say that everyone does, but *I* do....

Adora Belle
December 16th, 2009, 06:25 AM
Fashions change. When I was a kid, the old woman with a bun was a stereotype. Young women had short hair.

I'm surprised no one else said this, I totally agree that long hair on an older woman is beautiful when it is well taken care of I just think we have to look at the history to get an accurate view of why short hair is considered youthful. In the 20s when women started bobbing their hair the younger generation did it because they didn't want to look like their mother's who probably all had long hair put up in Gibson girl styles. Up until the 60s young women after a certain cut and permed their hair. Hence having short hair is more youthful because only old women stuck in the past wouldn't cut their hair(yes this is assuming a lot, I'm just going by what society would have said). So, every one who wants to look young has short, permed hair, and when you started getting grays, you dyed.

I think every one has kind of gotten stuck in this mind set even though younger women tend to keep their hair longer now.

I also think another problem is there are older women with really ratty destroyed hair because when they were younger they would iron and blow dry their hair and spend a lot of time in the sun. Now their hair is more delicate and a mass of split ends, which people see and assume all older people will have hair like that.

December 16th, 2009, 09:22 AM
What's wrong with getting old?

December 21st, 2009, 09:05 PM
What's wrong with getting old?

Absolutely nothing! :)
I dont see a connection with hair length and age. Some people just look better with long hair, others with short. Personal preference shouldnt be spat on like that. :(

June 24th, 2012, 07:13 AM
We have a Danish hairstylist, called Gunbritt Zeller. She is 62, and she looks gorgeous with her silver-grey hair! She looks so young!




June 24th, 2012, 07:22 AM
I don't get why people can't wear their hair how they want. Its on their head and what's the big deal about long hair.

June 24th, 2012, 07:56 AM
We have a Danish hairstylist, called Gunbritt Zeller. She is 62, and she looks gorgeous with her silver-grey hair! She looks so young!




She really is stunningly beautiful.

June 24th, 2012, 08:06 AM
I will never understand the cult of youth, I'm not planning on chopping my hair when I get old and go grey, I'm dying it purple and blue ( which will probably be a granny style by the time I'm 60).

Botox is what really worries me, to quote the marvelous Connie and Carla "Our lines show that we've lived, if he doesn't love you when you look like a map, tell him to hit the road"

June 24th, 2012, 08:28 AM
We have a Danish hairstylist, called Gunbritt Zeller. She is 62, and she looks gorgeous with her silver-grey hair! She looks so young!




Ooo, she looks stunning! I have a new hair idol -- it looks like her hair texture is similar to mine, and the colour is pretty close as well. My hair is several inches shorter, but it gives me an idea of how my hair might look at that length. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

June 24th, 2012, 10:33 PM
I'm 56 years old. I finally got waist length hair at 54, with a little help using horse shampoo. You have to do what makes you happy. Long hair on older women looks great. Who cares what other people think about your hair. You have to please yourself. If anybody says your to
old to wear long hair, tell them to mine their own business, or I don't care what you think!

Wildcat Diva
June 24th, 2012, 10:43 PM
I love this thread! That Danish lady is seriously beautiful. And she is twenty years older than me. That's my goal, to be as beautiful as I can be, at any age.

I never listen to what anybody tells me anyway, stubborn! I'm not going to pluck those couple of gray hairs I see ,like I have in the past.

I love how I am starting to look with my hair. I certainly am starting to feel like a Diva, hence my username. I agree, what's wrong with getting old?

June 24th, 2012, 11:11 PM
Actually the reason I started growing my hair back out again was because of my great grandmother. She used to take her classic length hair down and brush and oil it every night. I was absolutely fascinated. I find longer hair on elderly women to be very gorgeous myself :)

June 25th, 2012, 07:15 AM
What's wrong with getting old?

It is something that can't be stopped, and we human beings hate not being able to control stuff, so we just act as if we can control everything.

August 3rd, 2012, 06:25 AM
I tend to like doing things that not everyone else does. Where I live you don't see too many women of any age with beautiful long hair. They tend to have it shoulder length or shorter. So, I feel like my long hair makes me stand out in a good way.

August 3rd, 2012, 06:46 AM
A few days ago I was in the city's centre and because it's European Capital of Culture of 2012 we have A LOT of tourists. So I was sitting in a cafe and a large group or elderly tourists came by admiring old buildings and stuff. I think they were German of Austrian, not sure. One of the ladies in this group had the most beautiful, striking silver high ponytail (I think her hair was TBL). Funny thing, these ladies were all over 60 and all had short, permed dyed hair, and this lady with her pony looked so vibrant and youthful that she really stood out, but in a good way <3 I was thinking about walking up to her and compliment her but there are so many intercultural differences between us that I was afraid I would offend her.

August 3rd, 2012, 09:16 AM
A few days ago I was in the city's centre and because it's European Capital of Culture of 2012 we have A LOT of tourists. So I was sitting in a cafe and a large group or elderly tourists came by admiring old buildings and stuff. I think they were German of Austrian, not sure. One of the ladies in this group had the most beautiful, striking silver high ponytail (I think her hair was TBL). Funny thing, these ladies were all over 60 and all had short, permed dyed hair, and this lady with her pony looked so vibrant and youthful that she really stood out, but in a good way <3 I was thinking about walking up to her and compliment her but there are so many intercultural differences between us that I was afraid I would offend her.

I saw the same thing here in the states a few years ago. I was in a fast food restaurant and a few older ladies(late 60's early 70's came in) Most had the shorter,permed or dyed hair but one lady had a beautiful braided silver bun wrapped around her head, The braid was so large and impressive her hair must have been quite long. And she was wearing hairsticks!! I wanted to compliment her but I was afraid she would think I was strange but I thought she looked so elegant.

August 3rd, 2012, 03:41 PM
A few days ago I was in the city's centre and because it's European Capital of Culture of 2012 we have A LOT of tourists. So I was sitting in a cafe and a large group or elderly tourists came by admiring old buildings and stuff. I think they were German of Austrian, not sure. One of the ladies in this group had the most beautiful, striking silver high ponytail (I think her hair was TBL). Funny thing, these ladies were all over 60 and all had short, permed dyed hair, and this lady with her pony looked so vibrant and youthful that she really stood out, but in a good way <3 I was thinking about walking up to her and compliment her but there are so many intercultural differences between us that I was afraid I would offend her.

I saw the same thing here in the states a few years ago. I was in a fast food restaurant and a few older ladies(late 60's early 70's came in) Most had the shorter,permed or dyed hair but one lady had a beautiful braided silver bun wrapped around her head, The braid was so large and impressive her hair must have been quite long. And she was wearing hairsticks!! I wanted to compliment her but I was afraid she would think I was strange but I thought she looked so elegant.

Please compliment away! :) I'm not that age yet, but I would love it if a "younger" person came up to me and said that. It gives the long haired lady more power as I'm sure her friends and/or society at large are always egging her on to "cut that hair."

I saw an older cashier at my supermarket who had long braided salt and pepper hair (not in the "best" condition), but I complimented her on the length of her hair. She seemed both surprised and really grateful. That's like a shot of B12 for those who need it!

August 3rd, 2012, 04:49 PM
Seriously! I agree. I mean, what...if we can manage to look five years younger than we are (no matter what that age currently is, apparently, unless we're under 25) we win some sort of a prize, and jobs fall at our feet and the opposite sex is all over us and we win the Nobel Prize for Standing There and Looking Young? But if we look five years older, we lose absolutely everything and are shunned by society or something?

What incredibly, outstandingly great thing is going to happen if we can manage to "look younger"? And what incredibly, cruelly horrific thing is going to happen if we look our own age? What's with this fear that "looking younger" is the subject of so many articles and so much (unwanted) advice? Newsflash. We're gonna age! If I can manage to look 35 today, my body will still know it's 42. Getting a haircut or buying a better cream foundation isn't going to stop reality.Whatever.

I loved this! As long as you take care of yourself, you're going to look good at any age. Granted, no one looks good to everyone, but a healthy person is generally an attractive person. I think if you're consistently bleaching and dyeing your hair to look younger, it's probably not going to look very healthy when it's long.

August 3rd, 2012, 07:44 PM
This, exactly. I'm 57,soon to be 58, seconding please compliment away. These may be the Most appreciated confidence restoring compliments of all.

August 3rd, 2012, 07:52 PM
The couch, caftan and the beer sounded good. But you lost me at the helmet hair. I admire your determination IF its for You, not others, and is what makes you happy. :)

August 3rd, 2012, 09:22 PM
My hair is on a 41 year old head and it is chemically treated at the roots to do away with the grays--actually silvers which reflect lots of light and make my hair look oily. I have found that being in my 40's has given me not just long hair but the fabulous self confidence to not give a flip what people think about the length of my hair. You trade in some youthful glow and (in my case) a tiny waist for a more assured place in your own life. I am loving it..and my 2 inches from classic hair.

August 3rd, 2012, 10:42 PM
:) If taken care of, long hair is beautiful on anyone, regardless of age. I saw one woman at my gym with a beautiful french twist held up with a flexi-8. She had gorgeous silver hair. If we weren't changing (awkward) I would have said something, lol. But she really stood out here because all the other older women I know have short, poodle dyed hair. Not that that's bad, it's just super common.

There's a lot of people who think there are certain standards to conform to, and then there are people like me who think those standards are made to be broken. :D

August 4th, 2012, 03:07 AM
On a different level - I've decided to add 10 years to my age whenever anyone asks me, so people will (hopefully) say "Gosh, she looks good for her age!"

That's an awesome idea. :D Especially if someone complains about the length of your hair making you look older.

January 29th, 2013, 08:31 AM
This surely fits here... I was doing a (silly) quiz about which hairstyle suits you, just for fun, and as expected did get "long" as my result ;) But this part in the results kind of threw me off:

"Women after a certain age need to be careful not to wear their hair past their chest, because it will look too young."

Ehh..? "Will look too young"? ;) And wonder what "certain age" they refer to... (And what length exactly is "past chest" ;))

(Here's the quiz in question: http://just-for-mom.quiz.kaboose.com/82-what-haircut-is-right-for-you)

January 29th, 2013, 01:19 PM
This surely fits here... I was doing a (silly) quiz about which hairstyle suits you, just for fun, and as expected did get "long" as my result ;) But this part in the results kind of threw me off:

"Women after a certain age need to be careful not to wear their hair past their chest, because it will look too young."

Ehh..? "Will look too young"? ;) And wonder what "certain age" they refer to... (And what length exactly is "past chest" ;))

(Here's the quiz in question: http://just-for-mom.quiz.kaboose.com/82-what-haircut-is-right-for-you)

I hate that. Just as with any age, if your hair is healthy, it will look good long. We grey-haired ladies need to show 'em what it's all about.

January 30th, 2013, 09:46 AM
Oh no! I just took that quiz and it said I should have a pixie! How did that happen? I'm not a pixie kind of woman, it works for some but not me.

I think everyone needs to look the way they like best. Don't be one of the flock of sheep and do what everyone else does. If you really like short & permed do it, if you like it bobbed & highlighted do it, like it long, flowy & grey, do that, or color it if thats what you like. Beauty comes in all kinds of styles.

January 30th, 2013, 01:29 PM
This surely fits here... I was doing a (silly) quiz about which hairstyle suits you, just for fun, and as expected did get "long" as my result ;) But this part in the results kind of threw me off:

"Women after a certain age need to be careful not to wear their hair past their chest, because it will look too young."

Ehh..? "Will look too young"? ;) And wonder what "certain age" they refer to... (And what length exactly is "past chest" ;))

(Here's the quiz in question: http://just-for-mom.quiz.kaboose.com/82-what-haircut-is-right-for-you)

Well, you know, when you're an old hag like me you shouldn't want to look young. :p What I think that means is the hair style would look too young for a older woman (which is basically the old hag theory, blah).

I got shoulder length from the quiz, which is better than a pixie at least, lol. I don't know how they think they can determine the best style from those questions, though. What does my high school style have to do with now?

January 30th, 2013, 01:39 PM
This surely fits here... I was doing a (silly) quiz about which hairstyle suits you, just for fun, and as expected did get "long" as my result ;) But this part in the results kind of threw me off:

"Women after a certain age need to be careful not to wear their hair past their chest, because it will look too young."

Ehh..? "Will look too young"? ;) And wonder what "certain age" they refer to... (And what length exactly is "past chest" ;))

(Here's the quiz in question: http://just-for-mom.quiz.kaboose.com/82-what-haircut-is-right-for-you)

So looking young or "too young" is okay for celebrities, but not for regular women? Odd, isn't it?

January 30th, 2013, 06:03 PM
I think longer hair makes women look younger. And not in a clinging-pathetically-to-their-youth-sort-of-way, either, like it is so often-claimed.

Yes...I couldn't agree with this more.

January 30th, 2013, 06:30 PM
Hi, 40 YO with BSL hair here .... screw "em!

January 30th, 2013, 06:42 PM
Women with longer than BSL hair when they are older are AWESOME and GORGEOUS! :cheer: Let's see more of them :crush:.

Just showing my support. I'd trade the silver locks any day!!!

January 30th, 2013, 09:02 PM
I just turned 61 and have silvery streaked past hip hair[heading towards BCL] and I wear it loose or in a half up with flexis or antler wish bone forks. Just love it long and will never cut it short no matter how old I get.

January 30th, 2013, 09:40 PM
My Mommy has almost hip fine slippy light brown with sparklies hair and people confuse her for my sister all the time, she use to correct people and now we just look at each other and laugh.

When she tells people she's a Grandma they tell her it isn't possible.

January 30th, 2013, 10:45 PM
51 year old here with grey brown hair down to my ass! If anyone gives me trouble, I'll hurt em. NOT cutting it.... :wigtongue

January 30th, 2013, 11:34 PM
To me its the opposite the shorter the hair the more dated it looks. With short hair depending on the style you can determine what decade they got it in lol one of my aunts has had the same short perm since she was 35 she is almost 70 now.

January 30th, 2013, 11:42 PM
Why do old women cut their hair really short? Like on golden girls for instance (cuz im watching it:p) all the women had such short hair and I always wondered why? I love seeing longer lengths on older women.

January 31st, 2013, 12:41 AM
Nah- bunch of lies! I think that you look as young/old as you behave and if you look after yourself! If you feel young and happy with your hair whether it's long or short then other people will perceive you in that way.

I'm 28 and am starting to grow my hair now so that I'll have longer hair as I get older because people want to tell me that I should not have long hair! :-D *rebel* Haha!

January 31st, 2013, 02:04 AM
I'm 39 and waist-length, though it falls at bottom bsl. I suppose if I actually looked my age or had more than 2 gray hairs I'd get flack for it. We'll see what happens when I'm 49.

January 31st, 2013, 03:30 AM
So looking young or "too young" is okay for celebrities, but not for regular women? Odd, isn't it?
Yes, it most definitely is odd ;)

I'm 39 and waist-length, though it falls at bottom bsl. I suppose if I actually looked my age or had more than 2 gray hairs I'd get flack for it. We'll see what happens when I'm 49.
I'm sure I'd get some flack for my mid-back hair, too, if I looked my age ;)

January 31st, 2013, 05:51 AM
51 year old here with grey brown hair down to my ass! If anyone gives me trouble, I'll hurt em. NOT cutting it.... :wigtongue

I just turned 61 and have silvery streaked past hip hair[heading towards BCL] and I wear it loose or in a half up with flexis or antler wish bone foks. Just love it long and will never cut it short no matter how old I get.

I'm with you! Red and silver would be awesome, but there isn't really any way I can make that happen, and red makes me happy.

Why do old women cut their hair really short? Like on golden girls for instance (cuz im watching it:p) all the women had such short hair and I always wondered why? I love seeing longer lengths on older women.

I think it's because when they were young, It was fashionable to have short, curled hair. Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall, Ingrid Bergman, Judy Garland, Susan Hayward... It was stylish to have a middy cut and pincurls. :)

January 31st, 2013, 05:57 AM
I personally find the bobs and shorter hairstyles older women wear age them even more. Longer hair is definitely more youthful!

Ditto this.

January 31st, 2013, 08:59 AM
Good for you, dulce! A person after my own heart (though I couldn't stand having my hair loose).
I just turned 61 and have silvery streaked past hip hair[heading towards BCL] and I wear it loose or in a half up with flexis or antler wish bone forks. Just love it long and will never cut it short no matter how old I get.

January 31st, 2013, 11:56 AM
Hi, 40 YO with BSL hair here .... screw "em!

40 year-old with between hip to TBL hair here, and I'm right there with you, screw 'em. :D

January 31st, 2013, 02:27 PM
I hope to reach the age of at least 90 WITH long hair :-)
A silverbunned lady.
Whatever society says is right or not, what society thinks changes per decade, so....byebye with those "standards".
*doing my own thing*

January 31st, 2013, 02:30 PM
I hope to reach the age of at least 90 WITH long hair :-)
A silverbunned lady.
Whatever society says is right or not, what society thinks changes per decade, so....byebye with those "standards".
*doing my own thing*

Me too :D!!

January 31st, 2013, 02:38 PM
And think of all the time and money saved not doing the weekly salon visit!Only to end up looking like all the other salon clients.

January 31st, 2013, 02:41 PM
Madora,I love your hair!,hope mine grows to that length someday.If it's windy or I'm doing housework or heavy exercise I do put it back but if it won't get in my way then I just leave it be, I like the loose feeling.

January 31st, 2013, 03:51 PM
Thanks, dulce. You're a braver spirit than I re: loose hair. I can't stand tangles. Your red top shows off your lovely hair to perfection!

January 31st, 2013, 06:32 PM
56 here and hip length, creeping towards tailbone and hopefully beyond. I have never had anyone say to my face that I was too old for long hair. I do have an aunt who says that about a cousin (in her 40's) who has hair just past her shoulders. She calls it long and stringy. I wonder what she says about me behind my back.

February 1st, 2013, 06:19 AM
And think of all the time and money saved not doing the weekly salon visit!Only to end up looking like all the other salon clients.

I'm too FB addicted, I wanted to click LIKE on your post ;-)

February 1st, 2013, 07:03 AM
I am 33. I hope to celebrate my birthday 40th with classic length hair at the very least. From half way to APL to classic in six and a half years should be totally possible in my brain.

February 2nd, 2013, 07:45 AM
Madora,I love your hair!,hope mine grows to that length someday.If it's windy or I'm doing housework or heavy exercise I do put it back but if it won't get in my way then I just leave it be, I like the loose feeling.

Dulce, your hair is an inspiration for me. :cool: I'm at 20", with a goal of BSL.

February 2nd, 2013, 08:38 AM
46 and growing. My SL hair is as long as it's been in 20 years.

FWIW: Ted Gibson on "What not to Wear" (American Version) in a Question/Answer session addressed this issue. A woman asked at what age did she need to cut her hair. He answered that getting older did not mean you had to cut your hair. As long as it was well kept, and made you feel fabulous, to go ahead and wear it long!

February 2nd, 2013, 08:44 AM
What is wrong with older women looking older? I am about to turn 45. Isn't it okay for me to look like I am older than 40 since I am?

February 2nd, 2013, 08:45 AM
FWIW: Ted Gibson on "What not to Wear" (American Version) in a Question/Answer session addressed this issue. A woman asked at what age did she need to cut her hair. He answered that getting older did not mean you had to cut your hair. As long as it was well kept, and made you feel fabulous, to go ahead and wear it long!
Great answer, but I find it slightly upsetting that anyone would even feel the need to ask a question like that :bigeyes:

February 2nd, 2013, 11:08 AM

February 5th, 2013, 06:02 AM
Great answer, but I find it slightly upsetting that anyone would even feel the need to ask a question like that :bigeyes:

I felt the same way. I imagine that her family or friends had been working on her? She had a great head of hair.

chen bao jun
February 5th, 2013, 07:44 AM
What is wrong with older women looking older? I am about to turn 45. Isn't it okay for me to look like I am older than 40 since I am?

I agree with you that there is no problem with looking older. American society is just silly this way. I ignore it.
I notice that women who are my age trying to look as if they are still 25 look terrible--though I see no need to break out the baggy old-lady clothes yet either. Elegant is what I am going for, and this is easier at 55 than at 25, oddly enough. I will wear my hair natural as long as I live--it's getting grey and I like it--and I will grow it as long as I can and I doubt that I will get ugly just because I am older--I know too many beautiful and elegant ladies who are in their 70's and 80's to believe that.

February 5th, 2013, 09:48 AM
I agree with you that there is no problem with looking older. American society is just silly this way. I ignore it.
I notice that women who are my age trying to look as if they are still 25 look terrible--though I see no need to break out the baggy old-lady clothes yet either. Elegant is what I am going for, and this is easier at 55 than at 25, oddly enough. I will wear my hair natural as long as I live--it's getting grey and I like it--and I will grow it as long as I can and I doubt that I will get ugly just because I am older--I know too many beautiful and elegant ladies who are in their 70's and 80's to believe that.

Well said, chen bao jun! I'm adopting your attitude.

February 5th, 2013, 10:26 AM
I love to see long hair on older women! It's so rare and exotic and always very flattering. My first thought is always that I just have to go up to them right away and tell them how beautiful their hair is. I rarely get shy normally, and this is maybe a little strange, but I think they're so pretty I jut don't dare to walk up to them. So I just admire it in my thoughts and feel a bit unhappy about my sudden shyness.

So all you lovely women, you should know that someone most certainly is adoring your hair from a distance. :flower:

For me, I will never cut mine short again. And I can't wait for it to silver, I lovelovelove silver hair.:crush:

February 5th, 2013, 11:16 AM
:applause: Very well said chen bao jun! I am 50 and my hair is 50" :D I don't plan on coloring my hair and at this point in my life I find longer hair to be easier to take care of.
I might not have hair to my knees when I'm 60 or 70 but no short hair for me!:scared: