View Full Version : Kidney problem and hair loss

August 27th, 2009, 04:23 AM
Hi, someone told me that if you have problems with your kidneys ,it could lead to problems with your hair.
Chinese medicine links kidneys to the hair.

Has anyone heard of this?
I have a family member with thinning hair.All blood tests came back normal.She needs her gallbladder removed, maybe she should have her kidneys checked.
Thanks. :confused:

August 27th, 2009, 05:16 AM
When my cat had kidney trouble (terminal, sadly) he had hair loss *and* weight loss. He was pitiful and we eventually had to put him down.

Not a person, though. Don't know any people with bad kidney troubles.

Pegasus Marsters
August 27th, 2009, 07:04 AM
Personally I reckon just about any issues with your internal organs are going to start manifesting in issues with your skin and hair. Chemical misbalances and such.

August 27th, 2009, 07:28 AM
If they did blood tests, they probably would have done a complete blood count which would have showed her BUN and creatinine to be elevated. An elevated BUN with a normal creainine usually just means dehydration, but if the creatinine is elevated, there are usually kidney problems. Creatinine is the byproduct of muscle breakdown that should be excreted in the urine...if kidneys aren't working it is not excreted and stays in the blood.

heidi w.
August 27th, 2009, 08:55 AM
Hi, someone told me that if you have problems with your kidneys ,it could lead to problems with your hair.
Chinese medicine links kidneys to the hair.

Has anyone heard of this?
I have a family member with thinning hair.All blood tests came back normal.She needs her gallbladder removed, maybe she should have her kidneys checked.
Thanks. :confused:

This is a very important topic, important enough that I will respond publically online here and not via a private PM.

Something on the order of 40% of women, somewhere beyond the age of 40, will experience at least thinning, if not major loss and even balding.

There are a variety of reasons leading to hair loss in women. Most are hormonally related.

As we age, the body's hormonal supply absolutely changes. It typically changes subtley, over time, gradually, until one day you notice something somehow -- such as hot flashes, night sweating, infrequent periods that may become quite heavy. Other adjunct symptoms of perimenopause can include issues with insomnia or sleep somehow, even appetite concerns, a little more fat around the middle, skin's tension slips a bit, focus or concentration concerns, mood swings, vaginal dryness--even more hair on the upper lip, for example. These symptoms are known as PERI-MENOPAUSE and may have an adjunct effect upon hair volume. Symptoms of peri-menopause can occur as much as 15 years prior to the actual menopause, which is entirely the cessation of a woman's menstruel cycle. Menopause is clinically defined as one full year with no bleeding phase, so if one is spotting on occasion, or still having a period, even once, in a 12 month period (1 year), you are officially not clinically defined as being menopausal.

Menopause can occur either naturally or surgically, such as with a hysterectomy.

The heavier periods can take a bit of a toll on the kidneys because they're called into action to clean more fluid (blood), at least this is something I personally notice, and I do have a history of kidney infections and some stones.

In perimenopause, the balance of progesterone, testosterone and estrogen can mightily shift. It might be worthy to have an endocrinologist check these balances as it's very possible that too much testosterone could be in the system, and this could result in hair thinning. Testosterone plays a role in male pattern baldness, and women absolutely suffer from this pattern of baldness---more women than you think.

You also want to check FSH levels, Follicle Stimulating Hormone and a leutenizing hormone, which tend to increase in perimenopause and menopausal women.

It is a given that hair thinning in later years is somewhat the norm, but true bald patches and overly thinning need not be tolerated.

Any upset in the hormonal balance absolutely can show in hair thinning.

A book that I think all women should read, regardless of age, that in my mind is much like the 70s book that the feminist movement tried to help women understand their bodies, Our Bodies Our Selves -- in this same interest is Dr. Christianne Northrup's book, The Wisdom of Menopause where she discusses side-by-side Eastern and Western medical philosophies (including wonderful pictures) about this time of life for a woman. And every woman will go through most, if not part, of these concerns at some point. The body does not remain the same. Change is the norm; the status quo. Understanding, knowing what to anticipate, what to look for is a vital part of taking care of ourselves.

Issues such as polycystic fibrosis, any issue with the female reproductive glands can produce thinning results -- in fact, hair thinning can be a clue to a deeper medical issue.

Heart problems (circulation); diabetes (insulin-blood sugar) -- all these can affect hair volume. Stress, various medicines, all can effect hair. Recent surgery; pregnancy & breast feeding (these are hormonal activities.) Hair is an accessory to an extent, and the body will always endeavor to support its vital organs. A problem with any other organ means something may well show up on the hair as an earlier symptom of a deeper issue that otherwise may go unnoticed. Indeed, arthritis medication may cause thinning!

I read just now on the internet that at www.hairdoc.com there is a list of medications that can affect hair loss. I can't see the list from my work computer.

THYROID issues can also cause thinning. Hypothyroid is usually associated with hair thinning on the front; whereas hyperthyroid is what we call "parietal" (I think this means more on the back or elsewhere, not beginning in that front)--especially if hair is falling out in clumps. Typically this is discovered in a simple blood test which now is a protocol in most annual ob-gyn examinations. However, one doctor may read a borderline case as acceptable, whereas another may see the borderline case as concerning. IF hair is falling out in clumps or breaking off dramatically, or you take your hand through your hair and it's falling out, then absolutely see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. Your normal primary care physician may be ill suited to getting to the bottom of this. You may need an internist or endocrinologist. (Of course, this precludes issues such as undergoing chemotherapy or other medical concerns that have known causes for hair thinning and loss.) Recently on an Oprah Dr Oz show, there was a woman who showed how her hair had become a barely visible sense of its former self with overly dry, brittle, incredibly thin, broken off hair. It was discovered she had an issue in her pituitary gland, which effectively was a thyroid issue. Once the appropriate balance of medication is found, and it can take a bit of trial and error to achieve the right balance, hair will grow back. The good news in this instance is that the hair follicle isn't actually dead, as we have in male pattern baldness. (There are two types of thyroid, hypo- and hyper-)

THEN there's the possibility of Anemia. Anemia means low iron in the blood. Low iron, even a mere borderline case, can cause a somewhat unnoticeable yet chronic increase in hair loss resulting in, over time, a noticeable loss in volume. Typically, this is caught in a simple blood test at the annual ob-gyn office checkup; however, there's a little known detail to understand.

When the blood supply has low iron, it goes to the bone marrow to get more iron. I read by a famed trichologist the suggestion that when trying to determine iron levels one must perform two tests: one for the iron supply in the blood, and a second to determine iron levels in the bone marrow, liver and spleen -- perhaps around day 22 or 26 or so in the cycle (if I have it right one might be looking for serum ferritin levels). There's a different name for the test for finding out the iron supply in bone marrow. For example, those who are undergoing cancer treatment often have to take iron in some form because the bone marrow is so depleted, and this also accounts for some of the explanation of utter exhaustion. Remember, in perimenopause, when that period comes infrequently, when they do arrive (and I'm personally experiencing this presently), the bleeding is remarkably heavy, particularly the first 2 days. It is also filled with uterine lining material. This means a slight increase in loss of iron--a kind of temporary spike of anemia, and it can take another week of rest and eating well to restore the levels.

See the section DIAGNOSIS

heidi w.

heidi w.
August 27th, 2009, 09:01 AM

There was a number of years ago a young woman here with beautiful tresses who complained and wondered why she had hair thinning. I read her then blog and discovered her eating habits, which were mostly vegetables and fruits and nuts. A person who is a vegetarian can ABSOLUTELY eat sufficient iron (iron is made by the body AND needs a little bit of input through the diet); however, a bit of a point may be necessary when organizing a vegetarian diet. Some people's body's are more prone than others to an iron deficiency -- and I suggested to her she needs more iron in her diet. I was summarily dismissed, yet I wonder to this day if her chronic hair loss had ever ceased.

Iron is interesting. For example, most know that there's a load of supply of iron in spinach. Yet most don't know that the body's ability to uptake this iron isn't that simple and requires an enzyme, an enzyme found in red meat, for increased absorption (and of course, red meat, poultry has plenty of iron as well). This is not me advocating a red meat diet! It's just a little-known nutritional factoid that may interest some. The below quote from the Merck link, above, also points out that absorption issues can arise from other health concerns.

"Decreased iron absorption can result from gastrectomy and upper small-bowel malabsorption syndromes. Rarely, absorption is decreased by dietary deprivation from undernutrition."

HOWEVER, don't go out and buy iron pills and start taking them. Iron pills can actually be toxic, if too much is taken--in rarer instances leading to death. This cautionary tale is most especially vital for those with younger children!! PLUS iron pills can be 'binding' -- that is cause constipation, and it can be very bad constipation. THE TAKING OF ANY IRON SUPPLEMENT SUCH AS IRON PILLS SHOULD BE DONE UNDER THE GUIDANCE AND INSTRUCTION OF A QUALIFIED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL.

Foods that have iron in it are to be found in dark leafy green vegies. The darker, the more. (For those who don't know how to eat such veggies, or find them overly bitter here's a cooking tip to make it entirely delicious: saute your dark greens in olive oil, perhaps including some fresh garlic....do it rapidly and don't overly allow the leaf to entirely wilt. (try not to burn the olive oil as this can remove the nutritional benefits and the acid takes over) At the last moment, put in the barest pinch of sugar sprinkled in, stir a few more strokes, and serve. The pinch of sugar at the end removes any bitterness.) Fortified breads and cereals, especially 100% whole grain. Black strap molasses. Tofu (this is a complete protein -- all 8 amino acids) Not a lot is needed. Even a simple daily multi-vitamin may be sufficient. A complement of Vitamin C (such as through one's food) can help assist absorption or uptake. (Tomatoes have a form of acidic Vitamin C which is understood to be non-helpful.)http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/BHCV2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Iron_explained?open


DHT hormone increases. This can be so in women as well during perimenopause or even menopause. DHT causes follicle miniaturization in men.

Androgens is the category of hormones that's up for discussion in male/female pattern baldness This is when the hair follicle can actually die. For women, they can notice the receding hairline, especially at the temples. It can begin like men, in the front, eventually reaching back, or at the crown.

There are some effective programs for this type of baldness for both men and women. Rogaine has a good reputation. The problem is the expense. I believe the line has a vitamin one can take, and I knew a woman once who took it when her hair volume declined, and she reported after 3-4 months the positive effects. However, the problem is that one must continue to take it, as prescribed, for it to first build in the system, and then to maintain it in the system. When ceasing to take it, one will likely return to the thinner self in a relatively short period of time.

If I'm not mistaken, Minoxidil can be prescribed.

Recent and strict dieting can also result in hair thinning! Those with bulimia issues and anorexia may notice this fact strikingly. For example, many vitamins and minerals can only be taken up by the body when the right type of fat is present. So, going on a diet entirely devoid of any appropriate fat (such as an olive oil or peanut oil) can actually mean that although one is eating nutritionally, the body is still effectively "starving" for nutrients because it can't use those nutrients since there's no appropriate fat present. Certainly various types of medicines may affect nutrition and its absorption in the body.
Zinc and magnesium may be helpful! Zinc is an essential enzyme for various nutrients to be delivered.



The role of the kidneys is to clean the blood. If there's some reason for the slowing of this function, then I can definitely see this affecting hair loss, but typically, the relationship, at least according to western medical view, is not directly correllary; it is more distant. For example, I recently had to take a spat of prednisone, for a week, which is a steroid. This affected my taste, smell (actually amplified my sense of smell), and left me feeling a bit bloated and trouble with a sense of constipation. My kidneys felt large, is the best I can describe it. It's now about 5 days out of cessation of taking this steroid, and finally I begin to feel more my normal self. The medication also somewhat increased a kind of low-grade anxiety which makes sense for the steroid that it is. I was born with a birth disorder that also affected my kidneys, and have been sensitive to the ongoings of this organ my entire life -- likely in a way that most never even notice.

Kidneys do play a role in managing and maintaining production of hormonal levels, amino acids (protein), and glucose. Notice that link below begins to discuss hormones, thyroid, eating habits and so on......so even if one balances the kidneys it means then that one is likely looking after diet differently (such as iron levels), or may need to test for anemia or thyroid concerns, or check the balance of one's hormones through direct testing.

I can tell you that too much protein can actually be problematic for the kidneys--this is one of the things tested in renal function. In a more traditional Asian diet, I can't really see an issue with too much protein, which could in turn, negatively affect iron absorption; however, in a traditional Western diet heavy on proteins (even loading 3 proteins such as cheese, rice&beans and a meat, such as in a burrito) an issue! It is said that when the urine is too foamy there's too much protein. IF the stool is too dark, this could be too much iron. It's all about balance.


A NICE SUMMATION OF CAUSES OF HAIR LOSS (there are 2 pages, so click on next to continue reading) (I didn't mention alopecia which is a genetic disorder, and can occur in patches, or no hair at all on the body (usually the latter shows up much earlier in life.....my bet is your mother is having hormonal fluctuations that may require balancing out)

In fact, the cycle itself, the time of how long a hair follicle lasts and will grow to a given length can actually shorten over time, with age, again, in some response to hormonal shifts.

In summation, I recommend a visit to a qualified doctor to rule out any concerns with hormonal imbalances, problems with iron storage deficiency, and a double check of thyroid, pituitary glands. An examination of any medications being taken that may affect hair loss is important, too. A simple multi-vitamin may be all that's needed, but likely, at your mother's age, this will not be a viable solution. I suspect that working with an endocrinologist or internist is her better bet for a better answer, over a primary general practitioner or even an ob-gyn to get to the root cause of the thinning. ETA: My best guess is that likely your mother is having some issues with hormonal balances and the issue is showing up in her thinning hair. The issue with hair thinning is one of degree. Given she's likely in her 40s now (although those in their 30s can have problems hormonally too....hormonal issues aren't just about chronological age), perhaps even late 40s to early 50s, the hormone and the balance of each has definitely changed. And IF she's in the process of transitioning into menopause, then definitely, she may at least want to discover what her hormonal balances actually are, and consider various options to balancing, through diet, exercise, herbs and possibly even the consideration of hormone replacement therapy (this is a HIGHLY controversial subject, yet relevant to point to as a possible option to discuss with one's medical care professional--the choice exists, I am not saying it must or must not be undertaken. Simply stating it as an option to consider if the results point in that direction at all.) END ETA

I hope I've been helpful. Hair thinning for women is such an important topic and only more recently is this subject being discussed with some seriousness amongst medical professionals.

heidi w.

August 27th, 2009, 09:41 AM
A note to Heidi W- Iron in veggies can also be accessed with increased vitamin C. Women of all sorts can be deficient in iron, and eating meat at all is not needed for people(vit b12 is the only possible argument about a vegan diet) I do agree that hair does naturally thin with age though.

Op-if someone is sick, their hair will fall out. Doctors do generally ask how one's skin and hair is, as they can generally show the signs of most illnesses. Any severe illness will cause discolored skin and thinning hair(or extreme hair growth). Cosmetic illnesses like acne do not qualify in this. However, I'd suggest getting your relative treated for her gallbladder, and then think about the hair. It could just be the gallbladder. From what I understand, the gallbladder excretes stuff to digest fats(or is it protein...) which are very important to hair. If her bloodtests came back normal, her kidneys are fine. Drinking more water can help ensure her kidneys will remain fine. Kidney problems aren't the most common cause of hair thinning, anemia is by far, and then male pattern baldness.

heidi w.
August 27th, 2009, 09:50 AM
[QUOTE=Fractalsofhair;740949]A note to Heidi W- Iron in veggies can also be accessed with increased vitamin C. Women of all sorts can be deficient in iron, and eating meat at all is not needed for people(vit b12 is the only possible argument about a vegan diet) I do agree that hair does naturally thin with age though.

I did make this note in my post above (discussing Vitamin C helps with uptake of iron absorption yet Tomato may not be the best form of Vitamin C as it is acidic)...HOWEVER, it's wonderful that you point this out here again since there's a lot of text in my post that people may indeed overlook.

I also clearly stated that eating meat is not necessary, and discussed this point briefly and pointedly. I did so in an effort to avoid a controversy about dietary choices, knowing full well we have plenty of vegans and vegetarians on this site. My goal is to keep the focus on hair thinning/loss in this thread, not to go into an aside about the merits of any particular type of diet. It's just that it's important to know some things about iron. Iron can very much be a part of the reason as to why hair thins which your post concurs with.

(I greened the above text to highlight these points just now.)

To no one in particular,
There's a lot to the subject of hair loss. A lot, and it's impossible to be wholly comprehensive. However, my effort is one that I hope points out the variety of possibilities.

This site is not a qualified medical counsel source, nor, would I personally argue, that any internet site replaces qualified medical counsel. Nevertheless, personal experiences can certainly point to possibilities and points to consider.

I did not mention Vitamin A. Even there caution may be necessary. I once took "long hair growth vitamins" which have a huge dosage of Vitamin A and ended up with itchiness derived under the skin in patches. I went to my dermatologist and she informed me that the type of Vitamin A I was taking can indeed store in the fat cells and build to levels where it itches like this (read that toxic...). I ceased taking it and voila, all symptoms stopped in about a week. However, most don't have this issue, so Vitamin A may be a possible aide in stemming the tide. Those with a history of stones or renal function (kidney) concerns very much need to be careful of the type and dosage of vitamin A they take in.

I repeat that I believe returning to your medical care provider is most likely the best hope for an absolute answer and possible solutions. Moreover, if there is indeed an issue with renal function, it's imperative to identify the problem. Kidneys are a vital organ, and certainly concerns such as infections can cause permanent and irrevocable damage. I do not recommend fooling around with kidney function. Even if any solutions a doctor might offer are not satisfying, at least you will know the cause. Information is power and choice.

heidi w.

August 27th, 2009, 11:12 AM
Without reading all the posts, my mom has PKD, a kidney disease, and her hair is very thin to the point where her scalp shows through her hair. She is in great distress about it.

August 27th, 2009, 11:19 AM
If one has kidney problems, one might suffer some hair loss/thinning, because in general, poor health can lead to loss of hair.

But it wouldn't be appropriate to switch the arguments - to think that hair loss is specifically a sign of kidney problems.

Other symptoms can give you more specific information about what problems one might have, but hair loss, alone, doesn't tell you about the cause of the problem.

heidi w.
August 27th, 2009, 12:02 PM
If one has kidney problems, one might suffer some hair loss/thinning, because in general, poor health can lead to loss of hair.

But it wouldn't be appropriate to switch the arguments - to think that hair loss is specifically a sign of kidney problems.

Other symptoms can give you more specific information about what problems one might have, but hair loss, alone, doesn't tell you about the cause of the problem.


heidi w.

heidi w.
August 27th, 2009, 12:20 PM
On the point of nutrition,

1. On a recent Oprah episode when Dr. Oz was speaking to teens with weight and food concerns, he pointed out that while some of the diets were voluminous in calories, they were not voluminious in actual nutrition, and that the body's hunger signals can be triggered when the body is starving for its nutrients, despite the input of calories. I have long thought that it's entirely possible to, say, eat a fat-free diet and essentially still be nutritionally deficient--that is, effectively, starving--, and this point that Dr. Oz made rather confirmed my suspicion. So, it's not merely the calories we intake: quality nutrition is very much about food choice, variety, and portions taken in through the coarse of a day. In fact, if one eats more nutritionally sound, they can actually, perhaps, eat a little less and still feel satiated since the hunger triggers in the brain have the info that nutrients are on board. This is a common issue for elderly folks whose desire for volume of food often slacks off in later years. Food for thought.

2. All the hair books that are of merit, every single one of them down the line have long chapters on nutrition. Mr. George Michael's book opens with nutrition, which covers something on the order of 15-20 pages. Naturally Healthy Hair speaks of this; trichology books that I have cover the subject in some measure. So those in the hair care business have long known about the importance of nutrition and hair. Remember, hair is a disposable part of the body when the body is in a health situation. The body will always try to protect the function of more vital organs, such as heart, kidney, and so on....the body has a kind of hierarchical order of priority. SO, if you feed these organs, eventually it'll pan out for the hair too. This is merely a way of thinking that I propose, not a dictum to follow. I am well aware that sometimes even with our best efforts, the body just plain wages war on one.

As a person who has had many health concerns throughout my life, I can attest from personal experience that paying attention to my food intake has proved a mighty weapon in coping with my health. Indeed, my last 2 surgeries I was given ample notice and fortified my body for the onslaught, and I do personally believe very much that I was able to get out of the hospital faster, despite heavy loss of blood and blood transfusions.

So, if there is a health malady, learning to eat around that malady to shore up the body for its having to tolerate stress to the system in any way can be helpful. It isn't all there is in many situations, but any step in this direction will typically prove at least supportive. Sometimes it's the collection of little things that when combined in a multi-pronged approach make all the difference (for example, if having a thyroid issue, get the situation sorted out with appropriate medication which does take some experimentation since every system has an element of uniqueness, yet do think about quality intake of food and nutrients--combined).

Thyroid and anemia tend to be, relatively speaking, under-diagnosed, especially in women (only relatively recently has the medical community changed some of its ob-gyn protocols to include screening for these concerns). Many more people have an issue and may not even be aware of it. And in the reading of data, all doctors are not necessarily created equal. This is an issue of specialization, sometimes.

The lady who helps me alter my clothing has thyroid disease. One day I went to see her and I inquired about her hair. She said it was falling out in clumps and breaking off. I told her to immediately see her doctor and have thryoid disease examined. I came back some weeks later and she thanked me and told me that she found out she had thyroid disease. Then she worried her hair would be like this forever with this condition. I told her no, that once the medications were settled in terms of the right balance, and I did alert her there would be some trial and error, that her hair would indeed grow back. A year later I had cause to visit her again and her hair had grown back and filled in for the most part, was back to a beautiful dark brown luster, complete with body. She stated that there was only one area left that was somewhat thin still, and I informed her to give it time, it'll come back. While it isn't entirely the volume she had prior to this situation, it did come back, and if you didn't know she had this issue and what her hair looked like before, you'd never know there was an issue at all!

According to statistics by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) and other medical organizations, approximately twenty-seven million Americans are experiencing a thyroid disorder. This includes the estimate that about half of these cases remain undiagnosed. Indeed, thyroid concerns and even iron concerns absolutely effect men as well!


iron deficiency

Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Anemia is a common and early complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and worsens as the disease progresses. An estimated 65 million American adults with hypertension8 and 17 million with diabetes9 are at increased risk for CKD and subsequently anemia.

26 million Americans have chronic kidney disease10
28% of mild CKD patients are anemic11
87% of severe CKD patients are anemic11

Know that smoking can also affect iron, and a case of anemia.


heidi w.
PS In medical-speak there are various forms of "anemia" not all specifically related to iron deficiency per se.

August 28th, 2009, 06:15 AM
Thanks everyone for the information. I'll pass it on to her.

heidi w.
August 28th, 2009, 07:18 AM
Last night I conducted a more comprehensive search on gall bladder, kidney and hair loss. The relationship is via the avenue of anemia, low iron.

And naturally if blood is being insufficiently cleansed by the kidneys....

I assume she is under the care of a doctor for all of this as these are very serious concerns. I think you stated she will be having her gall bladder removed soon.

heidi w.

September 6th, 2009, 03:04 PM
Certain health problems have surprising symptoms, such as low thyroid causing depression, fatigue, dry skin and cold hands... I would not be surprised if thin hair could be traced back to kidneys. However, I have no proof one way or the other.

If one has kidney problems, one might suffer some hair loss/thinning, because in general, poor health can lead to loss of hair.

But it wouldn't be appropriate to switch the arguments - to think that hair loss is specifically a sign of kidney problems.

Other symptoms can give you more specific information about what problems one might have, but hair loss, alone, doesn't tell you about the cause of the problem.

September 13th, 2009, 12:12 AM
I'm just going to reply even though this issue is probably resolved. XD.
My boyfriend has kidney problems (he only has one) and he has a full head of hair. He's even gone through leukemia treatment and was told that he should expect hair loss. However, that was not the case with him. Just uhh...thought you should know? XD.

September 13th, 2009, 11:49 PM
Hello, OP,

if your relative is suffering from Male Pattern thinning/ baldness, a female relative of mine has had amazing results with the products from Avacor. (NA,YY) (My guess is that the primary ingredient is Saw Palmetto.) It works well. When she takes it, she has a full head of hair. When she doesn't, she doesn't.
I hope your relative recovers well, and soon.

best regards,

November 10th, 2009, 05:25 PM
My mom has polycystic kidney disease as well. It just so happens that she still has very thick hair... thicker than mine! That doesn't prove anything one way or the other, I guess, but I think it's interesting

November 12th, 2009, 05:23 PM
I am a renal nurse and yes I do see some patients with thinning hair. The kidneys are also responisble for the production of Erythropoietin whos job it is to stimulte red blood cells in the bone bone marrow, people with renal impairment, therefore get anaemic, anaemia also being the cause of hairloss due to the kidneys being comprimised and unable to stimulate the correct ammount.

January 5th, 2018, 11:38 PM
The primary reason for me to join this community is to know about hair-loss. I have been experiencing sudden hair loss. Initially I thought it was just a seasonal thing, but now it has been on for a good 3-4 months. I am worried. Could ti be because of a kidney issue or any other health related issue?