View Full Version : Who Were You? (Ashland concert meeting of two LHCers)

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August 24th, 2009, 04:41 PM

August 24th, 2009, 04:58 PM
Just... bumping... before... I pass out... from gym workout.... http://yoursmiles.org/psmile/strong/p1003.gif

August 24th, 2009, 04:58 PM
Just read all twenty six pages of thread. Eyes hurt. Still curious. :hmm:
Is there still room for me? It's pretty crowed in here... :p
Did anyone bring cheese, or are we nibbling on LittleOrca's?

August 24th, 2009, 05:01 PM
I found this thread last night, 13 pages ago LOL.

I'm also subscribing. How fun! How interesting! Can't wait! :D

(I don't have any cheese, but I do have stuff to make smoothies. Anyone? Anyone?)

August 24th, 2009, 05:01 PM
We all shiver with antici ...

....pation !!!

August 24th, 2009, 05:04 PM
We all shiver with antici ...

....pation !!!


ahhhh :)

Man, I miss Rocky. It has been far too long!

August 24th, 2009, 05:05 PM
Ooh! Pass the smoothies, please! I can drink one while I read Les Mis. and lurk...:wacko:

August 24th, 2009, 05:09 PM
Bumping with BumpIts! (http://www.bestofasseenontv.com/Bumpit/Bumpit.jpg)

(The style from these are so horrid, but I couldn't resist the semi-pun)

August 24th, 2009, 05:14 PM
^LOL. That's the only thing I'd do with a Bumpit. :D

P.S. As I was scanning, I misread this without the 's at the end:

Did anyone bring cheese, or are we nibbling on LittleOrca's?

That tripped me up for a second. :eyebrows:

August 24th, 2009, 05:14 PM
Twenty-six pages and no resolution? I think I will cry now. And subscribe.

August 24th, 2009, 05:17 PM
OK I give up...



Just kidding. :cheese: I guess my sig pic would give me away.
(Holy moly, 27 pages!)

August 24th, 2009, 05:24 PM
hootietoot, I for one, am proud to say that I am not a cannibal. :P
We need more food. Does anyone want to bring pancakes? :D

August 24th, 2009, 05:27 PM
I read this thread before going to bed, I was sure that by the time I woke up and got back online the mystery would be solved. I want to know who it is! :)

I'll bring pancakes!

August 24th, 2009, 05:40 PM
http://www.tech-faq.com/emoticons/food/Appetit_40.gif (http://www.tech-faq.com/emoticons/food/emoticons.shtml)http://www.tech-faq.com/emoticons/food/Appetit_40.gif (http://www.tech-faq.com/emoticons/food/emoticons.shtml)http://www.tech-faq.com/emoticons/food/Appetit_40.gif (http://www.tech-faq.com/emoticons/food/emoticons.shtml)

I thought I'd drop this off as well then everyone can help themselves. I'll be off to bed soon.
http://www.tech-faq.com/emoticons/food/Appetit_14.gif (http://www.tech-faq.com/emoticons/food/emoticons.shtml)

August 24th, 2009, 05:43 PM
I went and did all that stuff I just did and STILL nothing?


August 24th, 2009, 05:48 PM
You guys, how disappointed will everyone be if the lady was actually talking about "EL AYCHSIE" instead of LHC.

EL AYCHSIE: offbeat Mexican restaurant catering especially to those with long hair?

August 24th, 2009, 05:48 PM
Wowzers... I read this whole thread, went food shopping, cleaned house, painted some furniture, did laundry and just read the last page or so and still we have no answer.....
skips off to bake cookies and grab milk to pass around =)

August 24th, 2009, 05:50 PM
We all shiver with antici ...

....pation !!!

:rockerdud: oooooh yeah.

August 24th, 2009, 05:50 PM
Or maybe it's called EL AYCH and she was ending the sentence with an upwardly inflected request for affirmation like, "EL AYCH, SI? The most buena comida!"

August 24th, 2009, 05:51 PM
Yikes. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. This is so totally out of control. :bigeyes:

August 24th, 2009, 05:54 PM
Yes, it is out of control, but in a good way:)

August 24th, 2009, 06:21 PM
Yikes. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. This is so totally out of control. :bigeyes:

Perhaps she'll be flattered?

August 24th, 2009, 06:21 PM
LHC seems to like these Mystery Lady threads. Remember this one (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=26263)?

August 24th, 2009, 06:28 PM
lol, we're all stalkers, but add me to the bunch I want to know who it was!

(and I like popcorn too, share please?) ;)

August 24th, 2009, 06:53 PM
Anyone want more food?

I'm feeling licoricey. :D

August 24th, 2009, 06:56 PM
LHC seems to like these Mystery Lady threads. Remember this one (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=26263)?
Yup, that one started right after I joined. Took me a bit, but I guessed who it was after a while. :D

August 24th, 2009, 07:00 PM
We all shiver with antici ...

....pation !!!

*Holds up lighter, shouts something at computer screen ... suddenly regains coherency and takes a bite of her sandwich while watching this thread ...*

August 24th, 2009, 07:02 PM
OMG.... I thought this thread was gone. I was on the second page in this section and I didn't see this thread and paniced. http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/fear/t3622.gif

Anyways, Bumping with music! http://yoursmiles.org/dolls/fdolls/fantasy/fantasy42.gif

August 24th, 2009, 07:04 PM
*Passes popcorn to missfortune9335 and licorice to everyone*

BUMP IT UP! (I hate that from the commercial for bumpits but still had to say it! :) )

August 24th, 2009, 07:17 PM
I think we scared her. Poor thing. LOL.

August 24th, 2009, 07:25 PM
You guys, how disappointed will everyone be if the lady was actually talking about "EL AYCHSIE" instead of LHC.

EL AYCHSIE: offbeat Mexican restaurant catering especially to those with long hair?

Or maybe it's called EL AYCH and she was ending the sentence with an upwardly inflected request for affirmation like, "EL AYCH, SI? The most buena comida!"


Even if we never find the mystery lady, at least I've gotten links to a couple of great threads out of it!

Now, who has a link to the famous cheese joke thread?

I've got a cheese-flavored cookie for you!

August 24th, 2009, 07:26 PM
lol I dunno about the mystery lady but I'd be kind of flattered to have a 28 page and still going thread about me and my hair! lol

August 24th, 2009, 07:29 PM
Just checking in to see if she showed up yet...haha

August 24th, 2009, 07:30 PM
:D I changed my settings so I only have to wade through 8 pages.

August 24th, 2009, 07:33 PM
hootietoot, I for one, am proud to say that I am not a cannibal. :P
We need more food. Does anyone want to bring pancakes? :D

Whew! What a relief! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-basic/sweat.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

*shouts across the thread* It's okay, LittleOrca! The cannibal likes pancakes!

August 24th, 2009, 07:35 PM
I have pancakes!

August 24th, 2009, 07:41 PM
I brought the LolCat!


August 24th, 2009, 07:42 PM
I brought the LolCat!


Hahahaha! I love that!

August 24th, 2009, 07:43 PM
I am still waiting with anticipation! So glad to see someone other than my old self appreciates Rocky Horror... Where IS she????

August 24th, 2009, 07:56 PM


August 24th, 2009, 08:09 PM
I wonder if an occasional visitor to this forum would remember the name of the site like that. I'm on here all the time and I can never remember what it's called. LHC is about all I can remember. I'm always afraid to talk about it because I wouldn't want to mistakenly refer someone to one of the bad ones. But, I believe the OP said she articulated the whole URL out. The mystery deepens.

August 24th, 2009, 08:12 PM
I'm almost at classic! It was me!

ok, it wasn't. :( I'm a long hair sighting wanna be

August 24th, 2009, 08:12 PM
I'm been stalking this thread through all 30 pages. Where is she?

August 24th, 2009, 08:42 PM
There is a lady at my new job with beautiful wavy tb length hair; I made a comment to the other girl training with me how beautiful this lady's hair was, and when she walked by the girl training with me said "Your hair is beautiful!"
Long haired lady barely smiled and didn't respond with anything. Awkward.
So.... this is why i'm afraid to mention LHC to people I see with long hair :)
In this case, I really hope that you find the person you met at the concert!

August 24th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Good luck!!:cheese:

August 24th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Oh em gee. Will someone update with a tag when ML (Mystery Lady) finally shows up? :p I have a feeling I'm going to be wading through a lot of posts in the morning.

August 24th, 2009, 09:11 PM
I will, Viki. Pinky swear!

You know, I've seen a few other members here from my area. This thread makes me wonder if any of us have ever been in the same place at the same time, maybe seen each other out on the town but never happened to get the opportunity to meet or say anything.

It would be so utterly cool! Kinda like this Owl with a Shark Fin KarpatiiSiv found---> http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/hootalicious/984.gif


August 24th, 2009, 09:16 PM
Aww, she still isn't here?:-(

What if she never comes on? :cry:

August 24th, 2009, 09:21 PM
I predict that either some LHC member will be very embarrassed :blushing: when she finds this thread, or some lurker is thinking "A 30-page thread about a chance meet. What's with these longhairs?" :ponder:

August 24th, 2009, 09:24 PM
I predict that either some LHC member will be very embarrassed :blushing: when she finds this thread, or some lurker is thinking "A 30-page thread about a chance meet. What's with these longhairs?" :ponder:

Hahaha! I guess it does take a certain type of person to see this as cool and not just "stalking"

August 24th, 2009, 09:42 PM
ohhh, this is too cool. I hope you'll find her.

August 24th, 2009, 10:35 PM
Aww, she still isn't here?:-(

What if she never comes on? :cry:

Then this will be a verrrrry long thread. :D

Hahaha! I guess it does take a certain type of person to see this as cool and not just "stalking"

Heeeyyyy. :hmm: Are you callin' me a stalker?! http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/1.gif

The last person who said that got a restraining order put on me and now I have to remain 500 yards or more away from that person forever and ever or I'll have to use my Get Out of Jail Free card! And I only have one left!!! http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/hootalicious/crybaby.gif

And another thing! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-forum/bump.gif

August 24th, 2009, 11:07 PM
I'm getting pretty excited. Actually, I think there's a woman who works in the pharmacy near my house who could be a potential LHCer. :p

August 24th, 2009, 11:14 PM
^^^ Oh reaalllllly?

Go talk to her and then come back and give us a report! Throw us a bone here, Ranchero! :D

August 25th, 2009, 12:50 AM


August 25th, 2009, 01:13 AM
Not found yet? I'm losing hope! :(
Please, mysterious person, show yourself! Don't e scared, we won't bite... Much. :D

August 25th, 2009, 02:17 AM
*Brings coffee, bacon and french toast to folks who might be hungry*

Wow, this thread is like, addictive. There has been talk of food, tribbles, hilarious old threads and hair. ONLY HERE is that possible.

**kicks feet up on living room table and lets out a huge sigh** I love this place.

BTW - Bumping in an EPIC thread.

August 25th, 2009, 02:22 AM
*Brings coffee, bacon and french toast to folks who might be hungry*

Wow, this thread is like, addictive. There has been talk of food, tribbles, hilarious old threads and hair. ONLY HERE is that possible.

**kicks feet up on living room table and lets out a huge sigh** I love this place.

BTW - Bumping in an EPIC thread.

Hmm... Why do I always get hungry when viewing this thread? :P

August 25th, 2009, 02:30 AM
Hmm... Why do I always get hungry when viewing this thread? :P

I just had breakfeast, logged in here, and now I want pancakes. I haven't eaten pancakes for years...

August 25th, 2009, 03:43 AM
Buuuuuuumpity-bump! Wow....this thread is going to bein the Nielson ratings top ten this week!!! ;)

August 25th, 2009, 03:46 AM
For all our hungry thread lurkers...


bump bump bump!

August 25th, 2009, 04:28 AM
Ooooh I'm off to raid the fridge. Anyone want reheated basmati rice with lime pickle, mango chutney and plain yogurt?

August 25th, 2009, 04:40 AM
cottage cheese and pineapples, FTW.

PS Only clues to this mystery is long brown hair, classic length, Ashland Oregon and a concert. We're positive of it being this website. Correct? You watch, the lady in question will be too shy to respond and end up driving us all crazy wondering.

BTW - I'm asking for the LHC cards thread to be found so I can print out cards. Anyone remember those? Great for those of us who are somewhat shy and timid. (Looks to see if LJ is over in corner laughing her hiney off at that comment)

August 25th, 2009, 05:17 AM
oh, little orca, now I HAVE to go eat breakfast. But I also must know who this woman is...breakfast by the computer:)

August 25th, 2009, 05:24 AM
Gah. I've got to go to work now! And she still hasn't showed up. Bummer! No internet access until after work this evening. :(


August 25th, 2009, 05:38 AM
Just saying hi :) I hope all you lovelies are having a great day!

August 25th, 2009, 06:56 AM
Yes some of us only get on much on our days off. I just started a new job. And I work weekends....

So where is the mystery lady.

"Hey Lady!", in very best Jerry Lewis imitation, waving madly.:waving:

We don't bite and inquiring minds want to know! :D
We are just like a friendly puppy :puppy: that wants to make more friends! :lol:

SO, where are you? :eye:

August 25th, 2009, 07:02 AM
Don't be scared, we won't bite... Much. :D

Correct! Oh wait...there was that cannibal threatening nibble on LittleOrca in here earlier...no, no...but she claimed she wasn't actually a cannibal.

Right, CreativeHere? Tell me again you aren't a cannibal. Just for my peace of mind...


BUMP Fail!

Pegasus Marsters
August 25th, 2009, 07:14 AM
Wow, Where is she? I simply must know. The curiousity is killing me.

August 25th, 2009, 07:14 AM
I keep coming on here just clicking on the last page to see if she's popped in yet! :) And that food looks NUMMY.

Redheaded Raven
August 25th, 2009, 07:21 AM
Here's some cake for those who are in the mood for a little nosh. :D

August 25th, 2009, 07:40 AM
This thread's making me hungry rather than curious now.

August 25th, 2009, 07:55 AM
Here's some cake for those who are in the mood for a little nosh. :D

That cake is so pretty I feel like I need to smoosh my face down in there and gobble it all up before anyone else gets any.

Which is pretty much how I feel about all cakes.


August 25th, 2009, 08:03 AM
I spend quite a bit of time lurking here, and this is the first time I've seen this thread, so there is still hope!

Pegasus Marsters
August 25th, 2009, 08:04 AM
I want some of the cake before hootietoot sticks her face in it!

August 25th, 2009, 08:07 AM
I spend quite a bit of time lurking here, and this is the first time I've seen this thread, so there is still hope!

Yay! Our bumping is effective! All is not lost! :cheer: Thank you, Merewen!


August 25th, 2009, 08:08 AM
I want some of the cake before hootietoot sticks her face in it!

You think I got Cooties or somethin', Pegs?

Only BOYS have Cooties! :cheese:

Pegasus Marsters
August 25th, 2009, 08:26 AM
You think I got Cooties or somethin', Pegs?

Only BOYS have Cooties! :cheese:

I don't know where your face has been! :lol:

August 25th, 2009, 08:36 AM
Yeah, gosh, who wants a cake with a face in it anyway? Tell you what...I'll scrape off all the frosting and then hootietoot and pegs are welcome to what's left. :D

Now all this talking about cake is making me hungry!

August 25th, 2009, 08:41 AM
I don't know where your face has been! :lol:

Well, the first thing I did when I got up this morning wa...waaiiit a minute...maybe I do have Cooties...:hmm:

Yeah, gosh, who wants a cake with a face in it anyway? Tell you what...I'll scrape off all the frosting and then hootietoot and pegs are welcome to what's left. :D

Now all this talking about cake is making me hungry!

This cake has a face in it. Are you saying you don't want any? Well, more for me then!!! http://bestsmileys.com/eating1/7.gif Yay!

August 25th, 2009, 08:50 AM
Anyone in the mood for some indian food :eyebrows:

http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/6486/chappatis.jpg (http://img40.imageshack.us/i/chappatis.jpg/)
http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/5053/fooda.png (http://img40.imageshack.us/i/fooda.png/)

August 25th, 2009, 08:52 AM
zomg, Aisha *drool*

Good think I was planning to make pav bhaji today. :D

August 25th, 2009, 08:55 AM
nom nom nom! :D nummmy

August 25th, 2009, 09:06 AM
I am so curious as to who this mystery lady is. I also blame Aisha25 for my sudden and overwhelming need for Indian food.

Why do I want pancakes with that?

I really hope this mystery lady turns up!

August 25th, 2009, 09:09 AM
Maybe because everything can be made more awesome with pancakes? Ice Cream, assorted fruit, meats...sushi.

...actually, that last one MIGHT go too far.

August 25th, 2009, 09:12 AM
Yes but at least virtual food isn't fattening. lol I want some of that indian food, just because it has cilantro, I love cilantro.... Mine died this year, it got too hot and dry. :(
Mystery lady needs to turn up before this becomes a food fight! ;) O course food fights are fun! :eyebrows::cheese:

August 25th, 2009, 09:22 AM
Maybe because everything can be made more awesome with pancakes? Ice Cream, assorted fruit, meats...sushi.

...actually, that last one MIGHT go too far.

Not if you put some chocolate syrup on there too...

I want some of that indian food, just because it has cilantro, I love cilantro....

I read somewhere that most people either LOVE cilantro or HATE it. I'm a cilantro hater. It tastes like soap to me...if even a tiny piece gets on something I'm eating, I get this revolting metallic taste/smell in my sinuses. Yikes! It's awful.

Can a cilantro lover describe the taste of it to me?

And impromptu poll for everyone while we are waiting for the mystery lady...do you love cilantro, or do you think it's nasty?

August 25th, 2009, 09:24 AM
OMG still no sign. :(

I wasn't even thinking of food until I looked here, now I fancy pancakes with ice cream and strawberries.:D Wonderful thunder storm here at the moment (British summer!) so pancakes would cheer me up.;)

August 25th, 2009, 09:28 AM
Wonderful thunder storm here at the moment (British summer!) so pancakes would cheer me up.;)

Thunderstorms are a perfect opportunity to try Chocolate Sushi Pancakes. The ones GlassEyes makes are delicious! :D

August 25th, 2009, 09:30 AM
I am a cilantro LOVER, nommers! To me, it has a fresh taste, *almost* minty, kind of like parsley but clean and crisp.

I love it, I love Pico de Gallo (spicy salsa) and Cocteles Camarones, (shrimp cocktails) with lots of Cilantro!

August 25th, 2009, 09:32 AM
:doh: Cilantro! That's the name of the herb that died in my fridge. I tried to revive the wilted stalks by sticking the bunch in a mug of water in the fridge, but then I forgot about it for about a week. Phew... there's nothing like the smell of rotting veggies. :puke:

ETA: Oh yeah, and bump.

August 25th, 2009, 09:34 AM
:doh: Cilantro! That's the name of the herb that died in my fridge. I tried to revive the wilted stalks by sticking the bunch in a mug of water in the fridge, but then I forgot about it for about a week. Phew... there's nothing like the smell of rotting veggies. :puke:

ETA: Oh yeah, and bump.

Thank you, Viki. That just adds to the appeal of cilantro for me. http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll23/hootietoot/sick.gif<---Cilantro Smiley

Redheaded Raven
August 25th, 2009, 09:35 AM
OK OK now don't fight over the cake I brought more so here you go:D

August 25th, 2009, 09:39 AM
Oh no.....I'm in love...with that cake.....:inlove: I love chocolate cake, sighhhhhhhhhhhh

OK OK now don't fight over the cake I brought more so here you go:D

August 25th, 2009, 09:42 AM
I threw out some rotting cilantro the other day. Nasty.

Oddly, as I was mowing the lawn yesterday, I kept smelling whiffs of cilantro. :confused:

This post has no point. :silly:

August 25th, 2009, 09:43 AM
Not if you put some chocolate syrup on there too...

I read somewhere that most people either LOVE cilantro or HATE it. I'm a cilantro hater. It tastes like soap to me...if even a tiny piece gets on something I'm eating, I get this revolting metallic taste/smell in my sinuses. Yikes! It's awful.

Can a cilantro lover describe the taste of it to me?

And impromptu poll for everyone while we are waiting for the mystery lady...do you love cilantro, or do you think it's nasty?
It has a taste that is like Sheliaann1969 said a parsley minty and maybe a bit of carnation flavor thrown in for good measure. Yes I eat carnations, they are spicy and fresh...
I love Pico de Gallo as well. I also love the cardemon which is the seed of the cilantro. I seem to remember that is supposed to be three spices but I don't remember the third, maybe someone else will.:o

I am a cilantro LOVER, nommers! To me, it has a fresh taste, *almost* minty, kind of like parsley but clean and crisp.

I love it, I love Pico de Gallo (spicy salsa) and Cocteles Camarones, (shrimp cocktails) with lots of Cilantro!

Pico is the best! lol :cheese:What about cilantro and cheese that is a wonderful combination. I also use it in my tacos.

August 25th, 2009, 09:44 AM
Here's some cake for those who are in the mood for a little nosh. :D

Oh sweet! Cake for breakfast!!! Yummm!!!!

Oh mystery woman.......where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?

August 25th, 2009, 09:46 AM
OK OK now don't fight over the cake I brought more so here you go:D
Oh, my. I'm loving the second one. I bet my sister could replicate it. :D My sister's an awesome cake maker/decorator. She just did my roommate's wedding cake. The staff at the restaurant where the reception was liked it so much, they stole over half of it to split amongst themselves. :nono: But anyway, it was awesome cake!

August 25th, 2009, 09:46 AM
This post has no point. :silly:

That's the best kind!

Keep up the good work! I'm proud of you! :thumbsup:

August 25th, 2009, 09:51 AM
Oh wow I leave here for an hour and I have 3 pages to read.

Mysterywoman come out, come out where ever you are.

August 25th, 2009, 09:52 AM
Pretty cakes! Indian food! this thread keeps getting better!

I didn't like coriander (thats what we call cilantro in the UK) when I first had it, but now i love it. It is in all the best foods!

August 25th, 2009, 10:02 AM
She still isn't here? =(

I love Cilantro. I eat it by itself sometimes. I use to have a plant of it, until... it died. *cry*

August 25th, 2009, 10:12 AM
All these cakes have made me sooooooo hungry. The cannibal will probably enjoy cake with a face in it! LOL Is LittleOrca still being nibbled on???


August 25th, 2009, 10:13 AM
Now that we are all full on food, I brought a little friend for us to cuddle and chase around the yard to work off those extra calories!


Hop hop hop...er....bump bump bump!

August 25th, 2009, 10:16 AM
All these cakes have made me sooooooo hungry. The cannibal will probably enjoy cake with a face in it! LOL Is LittleOrca still being nibbled on???


She seems to be okay. But based on that fuzzy thing she just posted, I'm starting to worry the cannibal did eat part of her brain...:hmm:

LittleOrca! Can you hear me? Are you alright? I got you this bump, do you like it?


August 25th, 2009, 10:17 AM
LittleOrca - OMG fluff!!!

August 25th, 2009, 10:19 AM
Is that a bunny under there?

August 25th, 2009, 10:21 AM
Yay, Angora Rabbit! :d

August 25th, 2009, 10:22 AM
Thunderstorms are a perfect opportunity to try Chocolate Sushi Pancakes. The ones GlassEyes makes are delicious! :D
...you know, actually, I wonder how pancake-wrapped sushi would taste. o-o

I'd probably have to use crepes though...hmm...

August 25th, 2009, 10:26 AM

what is that?

Thanks to the Brit who clarified that the Americans were talking about coriander! I was beginning to get confused.

DH loves carrot and coriander soup, I am not a fan myself.

Those chocolate wedding cakes were impressive- I had a chocolate wedding cake. <drool>

I have enjoyed reading through this thread, but my waistline will suffer I think. :D

August 25th, 2009, 10:28 AM
All these cakes have made me sooooooo hungry. The cannibal will probably enjoy cake with a face in it! LOL Is LittleOrca still being nibbled on???


It was the cheese that was being nibbled not me... I hope!

AND HOLY COW! Look at this picture I found! It's totally me! (ok, so I added the hair. :D )

August 25th, 2009, 10:29 AM
It's an angora rabbit.



August 25th, 2009, 10:32 AM
I think I'll ask hubs if we could have a little ceremony to say how much we love each other....just so I can have that cake!!!! :crush:

August 25th, 2009, 10:36 AM
Yes we are indebted to the mystery lady, for letting this thread go on so that we could learn so much and see some interesting animals and bumps but she now needs to take her bows so that we can see her long hair and thank her for this amusement. lol

August 25th, 2009, 10:48 AM
Buuuuumpity bump! This thread has given me an excuse to take a water break! :)

August 25th, 2009, 10:54 AM
It's an angora rabbit.



http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Englishangora.jpg/180px-Englishangora.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Englishangora.jpg)

My gosh - that's truly cute!

OK mystery lady - please show yourself at least to say that you are somewhat amused by this funniness!:D

August 25th, 2009, 11:25 AM
It's an angora rabbit.



Thanks GlassEyes. It's actually very sweet isn't it? I guess it is the long hair of the bunny world.

August 25th, 2009, 11:43 AM
I've haven't been on since yesterday and she still isn't here??? :wail:

And now I want chocolate cake and pancakes......sigh. Chocolate pancakes!! :D

August 25th, 2009, 11:57 AM
Fudge ripple pancakes. With strawberry topping.

August 25th, 2009, 12:06 PM
Fudge ripple pancakes. With strawberry topping.

I just got contacts in my eyes for the first time today and I tottaly misread the word "ripple" as something else lol.

August 25th, 2009, 12:48 PM
I read somewhere that most people either LOVE cilantro or HATE it. I'm a cilantro hater. It tastes like soap to me...if even a tiny piece gets on something I'm eating, I get this revolting metallic taste/smell in my sinuses. Yikes! It's awful.

Can a cilantro lover describe the taste of it to me?

It tastes like soap :shrug:. I thought it was a very strange taste the first time I tried it and I didn't really like it at first, but it grew on me, I love it now.

August 25th, 2009, 12:51 PM
Still no sign of her? Aww and reading through five pages of food has made me really hungry!

August 25th, 2009, 12:54 PM
It tastes like soap :shrug:. I thought it was a very strange taste the first time I tried it and I didn't really like it at first, but it grew on me, I love it now.

How weird that you should say that...that was EXACTLY my experience...both parts (first thinking it tasted like soap, then ending up loving it).

August 25th, 2009, 12:55 PM
Still no sign of her? Aww and reading through five pages of food has made me really hungry!

Well, I'm baking a low-carb lemon vanilla cheesecake, want a piece?

August 25th, 2009, 01:00 PM
It tastes like soap :shrug:. I thought it was a very strange taste the first time I tried it and I didn't really like it at first, but it grew on me, I love it now.

My sister thinks it tastes like soap, too. But I love the stuff. Tastes nothing like soap to me....it just tastes like cilantro.

But (tmi alert?) to me, maple syrup smells like urine. Stuff makes me gag. My sister? She adores the stuff.

Go figure.

What this has to do with meeting an unknown LHCer in Ashland, I have no idea....but it's vaguely interesting.

August 25th, 2009, 01:20 PM
My sister thinks it tastes like soap, too. But I love the stuff. Tastes nothing like soap to me....it just tastes like cilantro.

But (tmi alert?) to me, maple syrup smells like urine. Stuff makes me gag. My sister? She adores the stuff.

Go figure.

What this has to do with meeting an unknown LHCer in Ashland, I have no idea....but it's vaguely interesting.
ROFL! :rollin: You have now helped bring some clarity to my long enduring confusion as to how in the world someone could not like maple syrup. Thank you!

August 25th, 2009, 01:25 PM
Oooo, Oooo, I brought clarity to something!!! :happydance:

August 25th, 2009, 01:34 PM
Nothing yet ??

She has to show up before 10am Thursday. I'm leaving then and won't be back 'till Sunday sometime.

Come out, come out where ever you are !

August 25th, 2009, 01:35 PM
Totally my fault for jumping on this thread to see if she's showed up, and I am mentally pulling everything out of the cupboards and fridge to see if I have what it takes to make a gigantic breakfast.

I'm wondering if she's sitting somewhere laughing at us, trying to get this thread to the billion-post mark. :D

August 25th, 2009, 01:44 PM
But (tmi alert?) to me, maple syrup smells like urine. Stuff makes me gag.

That's a weird coincidence, because there's a rare genetic disorder that actually causes a person's urine to smell like maple syrup!

August 25th, 2009, 01:47 PM
Coriander! Heeeyyyy!!! I had no idea cilantro was called coriander elsewhere. This thread has been such a learning expierience for me. http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/hootalicious/tongue.gif

I feel like I need to tell you that I only hate coriander (the food) and that I http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/hootalicious/2365_red_heart.gif Coriander (the person)! And since I am not a cannibal, like some people, I will not be trying to find out whether or not you taste like soap. :D Although your hair does look good enough to eat.



August 25th, 2009, 01:52 PM
I always thought coriander was different than cilantro - I'd smelled a spice bottle of seeds labeled "coriander" that I guess must have just been the seeds of the same plant. I must admit, I like the smell of the seeds a lot better than the leaves. I think I must be one of the odd ones who neither loves nor hates cilantro. :shrug: It's just another veggie to me!

And Hootie, you're a hoot! :rollin: I crack myself up.
OK, I'm a dork.

August 25th, 2009, 01:54 PM
I love coriander but not so fond of the cilantro unless its in something like green curry.. so I totally understand!

August 25th, 2009, 02:00 PM
And Hootie, you're a hoot! :rollin: I crack myself up.
OK, I'm a dork.

HooootieHoooo, I'm a dork tooooo! <--- See I made a rhyme! A really dorky rhyme. Be proud! :D

Okay...now Viki and Cherry Sprinkle say coriander and cilantro are different. Will someone explain it to me? Or do I have to hike alllll the way over to Google and find out for myself. I'm really tired, y'all...opening another tab might be too much for me...help a Hootie out, will ya?

August 25th, 2009, 02:04 PM
HooootieHoooo, I'm a dork tooooo! <--- See I made a rhyme! A really dorky rhyme. Be proud! :D

Okay...now Viki and Cherry Sprinkle say coriander and cilantro are different. Will someone explain it to me? Or do I have to hike alllll the way over to Google and find out for myself. I'm really tired, y'all...opening another tab might be too much for me...help a Hootie out, will ya?

Oh please... I've got six tabs open. And a cup of coffee. OK, so the cup of coffee might be helping me out. But anyway, Wiki says they're the same plant. Cilantro refers to the leaves, although they are also called coriander leaves. And cilantro is more an American term for them. At least that's what I got out of skimming Wiki.

August 25th, 2009, 02:06 PM
In the U.S.:

Coriander is a spice made from the root (seed?) of the coriander/cilantro plant. It can be ground or whole.

Cilantro is the fresh herb/plant/green thing that grows out of the coriander root.

They taste nothing alike and are not interchangeable in recipes.

I love both, btw.

ETA: Yeah, the spice is from the seeds, not the root. Sorry.

August 25th, 2009, 02:09 PM
Ahhh, thank you, Viki and talullah.

Guess what! I have exactly six tabs open too! We're tab twinkies, Viki!

A seventh would have made them all short, and then my brain has to work too hard to figure out which is which. Six tabs is my mental limit.

Pegasus Marsters
August 25th, 2009, 02:09 PM
That's a weird coincidence, because there's a rare genetic disorder that actually causes a person's urine to smell like maple syrup!

My pee sometimes smells like sugar puffs (which are honey/syrup coated.) after I eat them... what does that mean? XD

August 25th, 2009, 02:11 PM
Ahhh, thank you, Viki and talullah.

Guess what! I have exactly six tabs open too! We're tab twinkies, Viki!

A seventh would have made them all short, and then my brain has to work too hard to figure out which is which. Six tabs is my mental limit.
Haha! I guess you're just lucky, then, that one of my six tabs was the Wiki/coriander/cilantro page. :p

My pee sometimes smells like sugar puffs (which are honey/syrup coated.) after I eat them... what does that mean? XD
I have no idea. *hangs head in shame* And I'm a nursing student, I should know.

August 25th, 2009, 02:14 PM
Haha! I guess you're just lucky, then, that one of my six tabs was the Wiki/coriander/cilantro page. :p

Yay! :cheese:

I have no idea. *hangs head in shame* And I'm a nursing student, I should know.

I will ask my DH when he gets home from work. I also intend to ask him why muti-vitamins can make that happen too. If he doesn't know, then you're off the hook and you can go on to medical school, too!

Silver & Gold
August 25th, 2009, 02:40 PM
Anyone in the mood for some indian food :eyebrows:

http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/6486/chappatis.jpg (http://img40.imageshack.us/i/chappatis.jpg/)
http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/5053/fooda.png (http://img40.imageshack.us/i/fooda.png/)

OH YES!! Please! Of all the different foods I've tasted in my 50 years Indian Cuisine is my all time favorite. YUM!!!

August 25th, 2009, 02:43 PM
My pee sometimes smells like sugar puffs (which are honey/syrup coated.) after I eat them... what does that mean? XD

I think maybe that happens to everyone when they eat sugar puffs... it happens to my sister and me, at least.

Silver & Gold
August 25th, 2009, 02:44 PM
I read somewhere that most people either LOVE cilantro or HATE it. I'm a cilantro hater. It tastes like soap to me...if even a tiny piece gets on something I'm eating, I get this revolting metallic taste/smell in my sinuses. Yikes! It's awful.

Can a cilantro lover describe the taste of it to me?

And impromptu poll for everyone while we are waiting for the mystery lady...do you love cilantro, or do you think it's nasty?

The first time I ever tasted cilantro I had a very strong dislike for it. It was in a salsa and I thought were it not for this green stuff this salsa would be good.

A year passes and I have the same salsa again made by the same person and suddenly I loved it and I loved it because of the cilantro not in spite of it.

My husband has never changed. He doesn't like cilantro but he will abide it because it goes in a lot of things I cook, especially since I fell in love with Indian cuisine and started cooking it a few years ago.

I think it tastes fresh and crisp and light. I think my husband said something similar to you, it tastes like soap to him.

Wind Dragon
August 25th, 2009, 02:47 PM
ROFLing over some of the tangents that have developed here. Forty pages! Pity the poor woman if she does show up. :misskim:

August 25th, 2009, 02:49 PM
Ok I am no longer looking at this thread! you guys are making me hungry! lol

August 25th, 2009, 02:50 PM
Coriander! Heeeyyyy!!! I had no idea cilantro was called coriander elsewhere. This thread has been such a learning expierience for me. http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/hootalicious/tongue.gif

I feel like I need to tell you that I only hate coriander (the food) and that I http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/hootalicious/2365_red_heart.gif Coriander (the person)! And since I am not a cannibal, like some people, I will not be trying to find out whether or not you taste like soap. :D Although your hair does look good enough to eat.



I feel so wuvved!!! :heart: :) :flowers:
I used to hate cilantro, but now I like it in salsa.

My pee sometimes smells like sugar puffs (which are honey/syrup coated.) after I eat them... what does that mean? XD

I was happily reading about coriander and cilantro when I came across this comment and promptly choked on my coffee. :rollin:

I have the same effect after I eat cereal... it's like I just poured Cheerios directly in the toilet.

August 25th, 2009, 02:51 PM
Whaaat, 40 pages and still no show? I just read through it all at once and everytime someone posted impatiently about her not showing up, I kept thinking to myself I was glad I found the post at the end where I didn't have to wait long to see who it was. :rolleyes::o

August 25th, 2009, 03:05 PM
mmmmm. I just made a large batch of chili and am now eating a bowl with sprinkled cheddar cheese and sour cream and Ritz crackers whilst I read this thread and wait for her to show up. :)

My chili is so hot that it burns my tongue as I drink a Pepsi chaser. And my eyebrows are perspiring.

August 25th, 2009, 03:19 PM
mmmmm. I just made a large batch of chili and am now eating a bowl with sprinkled cheddar cheese and sour cream and Ritz crackers whilst I read this thread and wait for her to show up. :)

My chili is so hot that it burns my tongue as I drink a Pepsi chaser. And my eyebrows are perspiring.

:thud: I want. I want chili so bad.

Tonight, I'm having tortellini with panchetta in a cream sauce with garlic, followed by a devil's food cake with raspberries and whipped cream. :D It's DBFs birthday, and I wish you could see the cake. It's such an abomination of style. I used to be a cake decorator, and I thought it would look so pretty, but it looks like a crumpled pillow covered in rainbow sprinkles and topped with the words: "HaPPy BirthdaY Adam" and a little candle. Plus, I think I burned the cake. And I know, I just know, he's going to put it in his mouth and nod and be like, "MMMmmm. Good." :eek:

August 25th, 2009, 03:21 PM
That's a weird coincidence, because there's a rare genetic disorder that actually causes a person's urine to smell like maple syrup!

When I took fenugreek while breastfeeding to help increase my milk supply I smelled like maple syrup. My sweat, my urine, just my general skin. It was pretty weird.

Silver & Gold
August 25th, 2009, 03:30 PM
And I know, I just know, he's going to put it in his mouth and nod and be like, "MMMmmm. Good." :eek:

And that's how you know it's love.

August 25th, 2009, 03:31 PM
I keep trying to avoid looking at this thread as every time I do it starts me thinking about foodhttp://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Food/ready-to-eat-19.gif but then I have to look just in case our mystery LHCer has revealed herself. :D

I hope she reveals herself soon before we run out of food.;)

I need a http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Drinks/pepsi2.gif now with something strong in it to keep me going.:)

August 25th, 2009, 03:34 PM
:thud: I want. I want chili so bad.

Tonight, I'm having tortellini with panchetta in a cream sauce with garlic, followed by a devil's food cake with raspberries and whipped cream. :D It's DBFs birthday, and I wish you could see the cake. It's such an abomination of style. I used to be a cake decorator, and I thought it would look so pretty, but it looks like a crumpled pillow covered in rainbow sprinkles and topped with the words: "HaPPy BirthdaY Adam" and a little candle. Plus, I think I burned the cake. And I know, I just know, he's going to put it in his mouth and nod and be like, "MMMmmm. Good." :eek:

But, it sounds so cute! Besides, cake is cake, right? :)

August 25th, 2009, 03:40 PM
Putting some corned beef on in a Dutch oven right now, to sloooooooooooooooooooooooow cook. Come on over, guys 'n gals.

August 25th, 2009, 03:42 PM
For the maple syrup people: My pee smelled like maple syrup when I drank fenugreek tea while nursing.

August 25th, 2009, 03:55 PM
Better? :p
Quick question. How do you put an image in your post? I was going to bring iced tea, but the computer doesn't like me. :o

August 25th, 2009, 03:56 PM
I'm too full to be made hungry by this thread, but maybe all the lovely food will tempt the mystery lady in.

August 25th, 2009, 03:57 PM
Are we still waiting? I'm hungry from this thread and I want to know who it is!

August 25th, 2009, 03:59 PM
Oh, that would be funny. She only comes in here because some mentions the massive thread that started out well, but quickly went down hill as the spectators got hungry. :bigtongue:
Or maybe I just have a weird sense of humor...

August 25th, 2009, 04:02 PM
CreativeHere - Click on Insert Image (above, the symbol with the mountain and sun) and paste your link.
Though links might be better, as there's the whole copyright thing.

August 25th, 2009, 04:05 PM

Yes, much better. I really wanted to hear you tell me again just to be extra sure. CreativeHere is not a cannibal.

I will now admit that I am, in fact, the real cannibal here, and I was just trying to distract all of you so I could sneak up behind you...

I apologize for misleading eveyone and I promise not to try and take a bite out of any of you.


Okay fine, I'm not really a cannibal either...you hope.

August 25th, 2009, 04:07 PM
For the Chili people:

2 lbs ground turkey/hamburger
1 (29 ounces) can tomato sauce
1 can Rotel “Chili Fixin's”
1 cup diced onion (1 medium onion)
&#188; cup diced celery (1 rib)
2 medium tomatoes, chopped(I use canned)
2 tsp cumin powder
3 tbs chili powder
1&#189; tsp black pepper
2 tsp salt
2&#189; cups water Brown turkey, drain fat, and crumble. Combine all ingredients into a large pot and simmer over low heat. Cook for 2-3 hours ( I usually just reheat everything), stirring every 15 minutes.

I mess with the spices to make it more or less hot, but it is a never fail meal.

August 25th, 2009, 04:08 PM
Thank you Ryanne!
See, I did bring the sweet tea! Anyone up for a glass? It has lemon!:D

August 25th, 2009, 04:09 PM
Thank you Ryanne!
See, I did bring the sweet tea! Anyone up for a glass? It has lemon!:D

Oh man but does that look appealing. I may have to go make iced tea. Mine wouldn't look that pretty, though.

August 25th, 2009, 04:10 PM
Right. CreativeHere is not the cannibal.

I will now admit that I am, in fact, a cannibal, and I was just trying to distract all of you so I could sneak up behind you...

I apologize for misleading eveyone and I promise not to try and take a bite out of any of you.

Okay, I'm not really a cannibal either. You hope.
Hope. Okay, so who's really the cannibal? Is it a random lurker who thinks we're all insane? I'm confused!:p

August 25th, 2009, 04:15 PM
Hope. Okay, so who's really the cannibal? Is it a random lurker who thinks we're all insane? I'm confused!:p

I guess no one is the cannibal.

:( And that makes me sad. We should have all kinds of people here at LHC! It would make our family complete. :heartbeat

Does anyone know a real cannibal? If so, PM me because I want to know if humans taste better with cilantro.

August 25th, 2009, 04:17 PM
LOL, no wonder she won't show :lol:

August 25th, 2009, 04:20 PM
But, it sounds so cute! Besides, cake is cake, right? :)

True. It's pretty hard to mess up cake, and besides, it's the thought that counts. :p

August 25th, 2009, 04:20 PM
I guess no one is the cannibal.

:( And that makes me sad. We should have all kinds of people here at LHC! It would make our family complete. :heartbeat

Does anyone know a real cannibal? If so, PM me because I want to know if humans taste better with cilantro.

Apparently, people taste like pork. So, if pork goes well with cilantro....

August 25th, 2009, 04:22 PM
=Ryanne]LOL, no wonder she won't show

Dang! Sorry, Mystery Lady!

Here's another fluffy Angora bunny for you. His teeth aren't even sharp, I promise!


August 25th, 2009, 04:25 PM
Apparently, people taste like pork. So, if pork goes well with cilantro....

I guess what I really wanted to know is whether cilantro tastes better with people...but if people taste like pork, then it won't help.

Look a bunny! ---> http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:_6MzJEqeJJijgM:http://www.buysellcommunity.com/uploads/030708/ww1/uwarsmzvnzry.bmp

August 25th, 2009, 04:32 PM
So... what do we do now? We've established that no one's a cannibal, that cake is hard to mess up, and that cilantro and coriander are kinda-sorta-not really the same thing depending on who you ask.
I have it! What is your opinion on snow cones? :D
I'm proud of myself right now... :o

August 25th, 2009, 04:34 PM
Ok I scrolled through as far as I could but when I saw that Indian Food I had to quit. The closest Indian restaurant to me is about thirty miles away. -Sob-.

That's not really that far, actually... :run:

August 25th, 2009, 04:35 PM
I have it! What is your opinion on snow cones? :D

Not very good with cilantro. With people: I'm not sure.

August 25th, 2009, 04:39 PM
But the real question is whether or not snow cones taste good with basil! :p Maybe MsBubbles can try a snow cone with basil on her way to the Indian restaurant. :yumm: Pretty please? We want to know! :D

August 25th, 2009, 04:44 PM
I like basil-flavored snow cones, but not basil on my snow cone. There's a difference, believe me.

August 25th, 2009, 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by RancheroTheBee http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=738802#post738802)
And I know, I just know, he's going to put it in his mouth and nod and be like, "MMMmmm. Good." :eek:

And that's how you know it's love.


August 25th, 2009, 04:47 PM
^^^ Wait. What? I must've missed something...and it sounds like something good!

*goes back in thread to check...*

ETA: Dude, I missed a whole page...I was wondering where the chili came in.

August 25th, 2009, 04:57 PM
I guess no one is the cannibal.

:( And that makes me sad. We should have all kinds of people here at LHC! It would make our family complete. :heartbeat

Does anyone know a real cannibal? If so, PM me because I want to know if humans taste better with cilantro.

Well, you could try Hufu - The Healthy Human Flesh Alternative (http://www.damninteresting.com/the-great-taste-of-human-flesh-without-the-guilt)! :eyebrows:

August 25th, 2009, 04:59 PM
So... what do we do now? We've established that no one's a cannibal, that cake is hard to mess up, and that cilantro and coriander are kinda-sorta-not really the same thing depending on who you ask.
I have it! What is your opinion on snow cones? :D
I'm proud of myself right now... :o

As long as they're not yellow. :D

August 25th, 2009, 05:01 PM

*random chinchilla photo. I mean, bump*

August 25th, 2009, 05:02 PM
As long as they're not yellow. :D
Definitely not yellow. Ick.
ETA; I missed the chinchilla! Cute! And corrected spelling

August 25th, 2009, 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by RancheroTheBee http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=738802#post738802)
And I know, I just know, he's going to put it in his mouth and nod and be like, "MMMmmm. Good." :eek:Quote:

Originally Posted by Silver & Gold http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=738817#post738817)
And that's how you know it's love.




That did sound a bit off, didn't it. :o Oops.

August 25th, 2009, 05:08 PM
Well, you could try Hufu - The Healthy Human Flesh Alternative (http://www.damninteresting.com/the-great-taste-of-human-flesh-without-the-guilt)! :eyebrows:

http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/hootalicious/nuts.gif I need that!!! Just once! :D Once!

August 25th, 2009, 05:09 PM
Definitely not yellow. Ick.

Definitely not yellow, even if it smells like maple syrup. :cheese:

August 25th, 2009, 05:11 PM
http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/hootalicious/nuts.gif I need that!!! Just once! :D Once!

The website says we don't taste like pork. Hmm. Maybe cilantro would work.

August 25th, 2009, 05:16 PM
Do you think we've scared her away? :taz:

August 25th, 2009, 05:32 PM
Yes, definitely yes. Just think if she pops in at the wrong point and says, hmmm why are they taking about cannibalism now? She may think we want to cannibalize her...pooor woman

August 25th, 2009, 05:38 PM
Yes, definitely yes. Just think if she pops in at the wrong point and says, hmmm why are they taking about cannibalism now? She may think we want to cannibalize her...pooor woman

D: Oh, yeah.


Dear Ashland Concert-goer: We are not planning to eat you. We come in peace.

August 25th, 2009, 05:42 PM
Yum, I heard there was sweet tea in here. I'll take a glass please.

August 25th, 2009, 05:42 PM
Oh my fricking gods!!! I posted on page one and only just now came back to check. 440 posts and you've gone from maple syrup smelling pee to cilantro to yellow snow(cones) to tofu that tastes like human!!!

I wanna thank you guys, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. As far as scaring her off, not if she's a true LHCer!!!

Silver & Gold
August 25th, 2009, 05:50 PM
Well, you could try Hufu - The Healthy Human Flesh Alternative (http://www.damninteresting.com/the-great-taste-of-human-flesh-without-the-guilt)! :eyebrows:

That is sooooo not right! (Yup, I was one of the sick puppies that asked How? not Why?)

Get ready for a BEAR BELLY BUMP


August 25th, 2009, 05:53 PM
I don't know about our Mystery Lady, but I'm kinda scared of some of y'all right now....:couch:

August 25th, 2009, 05:57 PM
I don't know about our Mystery Lady, but I'm kinda scared of some of y'all right now....:couch:

Is there room to hide with you behind that couch?

August 25th, 2009, 05:59 PM
Awww, rags! You know me! It's me Hootie. We're Renegrays together, remember? It's okay! Come on over here. Just a little closer...a little more.

Hey, where are you going!? I only wanted to give you a little hug. You know, to make you feel better!

August 25th, 2009, 06:01 PM
This is even my first time seeing this thread! Maybe she doesn't get on that often or she hasn't come across the thread yet. I am not able to spend as much time on here as what I would like sometime. I am curious too! I brought some more popcorn. :drama: :D

That is too bad that you couldn't have stayed and chatted with her longer. If there weren't so many members then I would try to look through some of the profile pictures classic length hair, but who even knows if she would have an updated picture!

August 25th, 2009, 06:05 PM
http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu287/hootalicious/nuts.gif I need that!!! Just once! :D Once!I can't be the only one who wondered "where can I get some. I want to try it." :lol:

August 25th, 2009, 06:07 PM
Is there room to hide with you behind that couch?

Hurry KarpatiiSiv! I'll keep an eye on Hootie! :suspect:

August 25th, 2009, 06:08 PM
...and I posted my surprise that this thread had made it to 17 pages! :rolleyes: I should have known.

Now excuse me while I raid the fridge. Despite all the pee-themed posts, I'm seriously hungry thanks to the rest of this hijacked thread on food. :D


August 25th, 2009, 06:20 PM
OMG I have just read threw all 45 pages of this thread and still no mystery lady!! What the???

August 25th, 2009, 06:26 PM
Well, I still say that she might not have joined (yet!) OR she may have been an LHC'er at one time and moved on... :D

Anyways, is there any popcorn left?

August 25th, 2009, 06:36 PM
Hurry KarpatiiSiv! I'll keep an eye on Hootie! :suspect:

Speaking of eyes, rags. Did I ever tell you you have really delicio...erm...beautiful eyes?

Come on out of there.

Look. I brought this bunny---->http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:791gEwadNui-uM:http://blog.stanford.edu/unofficial/bunny.jpg He wants to play pattycake with you.

August 25th, 2009, 06:40 PM
hooo boy look what happens while I'm at work!

No, hootie, I did NOT say I didn't want the cake! Of course I want cake!

It would go good with the Espresso Chip ice cream I'm eating atm....anybody want some?

August 25th, 2009, 06:48 PM
Hurry KarpatiiSiv! I'll keep an eye on Hootie! :suspect:

Rags i'm trying to get there but something seems to have a hold of my leg ......... Oh, its okay its only a cute little bunny! HELP .........

August 25th, 2009, 06:51 PM
He just wants to play, KarpatiiSiv...I told y'all. Don't worry.


Just don't even ask...

August 25th, 2009, 06:53 PM
hooo boy look what happens while I'm at work!

No, hootie, I did NOT say I didn't want the cake! Of course I want cake!

It would go good with the Espresso Chip ice cream I'm eating atm....anybody want some?

Why yes, yes I do...is there a face in it? :D

August 25th, 2009, 07:02 PM

What the HECK is that?!!

August 26th, 2009, 05:35 AM
Thanks GlassEyes. It's actually very sweet isn't it? I guess it is the long hair of the bunny world.

August 26th, 2009, 05:39 AM
He just wants to play, KarpatiiSiv...I told y'all. Don't worry.


Just don't even ask...

I was trying to run away and then everything went dark! What did it do?

August 26th, 2009, 05:39 AM
I know I'm being a downer but I have a feeling this will remain a mystery. Either she's on a very long vacation or works many hours or........goes to school, works many hours and is taking a vacation at the moment.

But you all can still talk about food and bunnies!!:D

August 26th, 2009, 06:15 AM
That's okay as long as there is food and laughs, we can wait for a long time.

So here is some good things to share.
And the food group chocolate. :D
ETA Oh yeah, bump! :o

August 26th, 2009, 06:16 AM
MMMm that chocolate cake looks delish!!! :drooling over here:

August 26th, 2009, 06:19 AM
Well, Jess, we had to keep everyones strength up so we could wait. You didn't think that we could do that without chocolate did you?

August 26th, 2009, 06:47 AM

What the HECK is that?!!

Well, I'm not really sure, but apparently people taste better with Tobasco and not cilantro.

Does anyone know if carnivorous monster bunnies are allergic to chocolate? I hope so.

August 26th, 2009, 07:00 AM
Still NO sign of her?(??!!!??!)

August 26th, 2009, 07:05 AM
I just ate a cheese string and thought of this place <3 Just checking to see if she made it yet.

August 26th, 2009, 07:20 AM
You'd think that even if she were too shy to post in this thread now that it's ballooned so far out of control, she'd at least have PM'd Islandgrrl to let her know who she was. Unless she prefers not to be known online at all, which is completely understandable. :flower:


August 26th, 2009, 07:49 AM
Why yes, yes I do...is there a face in it? :D

Yup. Mine. I don't think it'd taste so good, but let's not experiment with that theory and find out, shall we?

August 26th, 2009, 08:00 AM
Weeellllll, I guess that's alright since I faced the first one...but next time we need a cake with room for two faces. :D

I see SimplyLonghair already brought chocolate...I will round out the four food groups with butter, salt, and Mtn. Dew.

Dive on in, everyone!


August 26th, 2009, 08:13 AM
Weeellllll, I guess that's alright since I faced the first one...but next time we need a cake with room for two faces. :D

I see SimplyLonghair already brought chocolate...I will round out the four food groups with butter, salt, and Mtn. Dew.

Dive on in, everyone!


What the heck is that butter thing? It looks like a glue stick :confused:

August 26th, 2009, 08:13 AM
You'd think that even if she were too shy to post in this thread now that it's ballooned so far out of control, she'd at least have PM'd Islandgrrl to let her know who she was. Unless she prefers not to be known online at all, which is completely understandable. :flower:


Well she still wouldn't really be known, just her screen name. After all she could have been visiting and all that Islandgrrl got was a short glimpse. So she still could be incognito.... :D Just my :twocents:

And remember just how long it can take for someone to see a thread, even if they haunt the boards. There are alot of threads on these boards. :happydance:
And here are some Bump cakes lol :rolleyes:
A gluten free one AND
A chocolate one! Nom Nom Nom!

August 26th, 2009, 08:18 AM
Now there's a mystery for you: Who puts those tags?! There are always funny tags on threads... :hmm: The tag fairy?

August 26th, 2009, 08:19 AM
What the heck is that butter thing? It looks like a glue stick :confused:

You know you want one!

Wait...I mean I know I want one! :cheese:

August 26th, 2009, 08:20 AM
Hootie, if we are rounding out all of the food groups you forgot!


After all I live in Texas and it is the home of the Dr.! :rollin:
And it must be with Imperial Sugar there is no other kind!

August 26th, 2009, 08:22 AM
SLH- thanks for the cake, it was just what I wanted this morning!! :D

August 26th, 2009, 08:23 AM
Hootie, if we are rounding out all of the food groups you forgot!


After all I live in Texas and it is the home of the Dr.!
And it must be with Imperial Sugar there is no other kind!

^^^My bad! They really need to do a better job of teaching the food groups to children in school. What is this world coming to?

Dagnabbit! http://bestsmileys.com/angry2/11.gif

Redheaded Raven
August 26th, 2009, 08:29 AM
Well she still wouldn't really be known, just her screen name. After all she could have been visiting and all that Islandgrrl got was a short glimpse. So she still could be incognito.... :D Just my :twocents:

And remember just how long it can take for someone to see a thread, even if they haunt the boards. There are alot of threads on these boards. :happydance:
And here are some Bump cakes lol :rolleyes:
A gluten free one AND
A chocolate one! Nom Nom Nom!
Dibs on the gluten free cake! It's mine!! :rollin:

BTW it does really look good! :agree:

August 26th, 2009, 08:34 AM
Hmmm, still no sign yet? Who wants to bet brownies that this thread hits 100 pages?


http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r183/Ashliqua22/th_Summer09pics005.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/image/brownies/Ashliqua22/Summer09pics005.jpg?o=2)

August 26th, 2009, 08:35 AM
I'll see your brownie and raise you a butter stick. http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:9UnYCcvwu5lcKM:http://newboards.tusclan.com/images/smilies/smiley-poker.gif

Redheaded Raven
August 26th, 2009, 08:48 AM
I'll see your brownie and raise you a butter stick. http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:9UnYCcvwu5lcKM:http://newboards.tusclan.com/images/smilies/smiley-poker.gif

I see your butter stick and raise you a baklava!


August 26th, 2009, 09:04 AM
I see your butter stick and raise you a baklava!

Baklava! That's too rich for my blood! I fold the baklava up and stuff it all into my mouth before anyone can stop me!

August 26th, 2009, 09:04 AM
Where is she!?

Who's with me on putting up "missing: Mysterious LHC-girl"-posters all over the worlds lampposts... and news sources... And milk cartons... And cheese?

August 26th, 2009, 09:08 AM
Where is she!?

Who's with me on putting up "missing: Mysterious LHC-girl"-posters all over the worlds lampposts... and news sources... And milk cartons... And cheese?
And in whatever section oils are sold in every store!

Redheaded Raven
August 26th, 2009, 09:15 AM
I vote for all over the grocery departments because that is where I buy my hair stuff... What???:confused: Doesn't every body? :o

Oh yeah, health food stores too, in the supplement section. :agree:

Is any one else hungry? I think I will go and find a snack. :rolleyes:

Silver & Gold
August 26th, 2009, 09:19 AM
As many people who have popped into this thread it makes me think that very soon we should be able to figure out who she is by process of elimination. Unless she is very, very clever and is pretending to be one of the curious longhairs in waiting. Hmmmmm . . .

This sounds like another job for Inspector Clouseau!


August 26th, 2009, 09:23 AM
I think it's terrible to watch as our LHC membership cycles down the road into the pit of despair. We started out with healthy food, had a momentary dip into cannibalism and are now knee-deep in chocolate cake and brownies. What is this membership to do...sigh...(dives in face first and begins swimming in chocolate cake)...turn away from this village of sinful desserts...I'm already lost...SAVE YOURSELVES!

August 26th, 2009, 09:24 AM
CHIEF Inspector Clouseau!

Silver & Gold
August 26th, 2009, 09:31 AM
I think it's terrible to watch as our LHC membership cycles down the road into the pit of despair. We started out with healthy food, had a momentary dip into cannibalism and are now knee-deep in chocolate cake and brownies. What is this membership to do...sigh...(dives in face first and begins swimming in chocolate cake)...turn away from this village of sinful desserts...I'm already lost...SAVE YOURSELVES!

Look, let me go back in there and face the peril. Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can.

Oh, let me have just a little bit of peril?

*Dives in to save you!*

August 26th, 2009, 09:33 AM
Look out belowwwww!!! *valiantly dives into the river of chocolate cake to help S&G save jahof45, hits head on a stale brownie, and dies with a smile on her face*

August 26th, 2009, 09:36 AM
I'm liking the chocolaty turn this is taking. No coriander/cilantro, hufu, or cheese in mine please!

August 26th, 2009, 09:41 AM
I fold the baklava up and stuff it all into my mouth before anyone can stop me!

*frantically grabs hootietoot's wrists and with mouth open wide, tries (much like a pirhana) to clamp on to the last baklava square*

August 26th, 2009, 09:45 AM

*returns from the dead a zombie owl and grapples with Themyst for the last piece of baklava on the banks of the chocolate river*

August 26th, 2009, 09:51 AM
Uh lady, excuse me miss!? My name is Lt. Colombo and I was wondering if I might ask you a question!? I understand that the victim, uh, a miss dark brown classic length, still hasn't shown up in this thread. Do you have any idea why that might be!? (squinting my eye and scratching my head while holding an unlit cigar).

August 26th, 2009, 09:51 AM
We are at 50 pages and still no sign of the lovely LHC mystery girl. If I have to die waiting, please bury me on the banks of the chocolate river.

August 26th, 2009, 09:54 AM
*returns from the dead a zombie owl and grapples with Themyst for the last piece of baklava on the banks of the chocolate river*

I can't even think of anything to say now, I am so preoccupied with where to get some baklava ... Oh, I love the stuff!

August 26th, 2009, 09:58 AM

*returns from the dead a zombie owl and grapples with Themyst for the last piece of baklava on the banks of the chocolate river*

I know just how to deal with Zombie Owls *lets the Vampire cat out of its cage ........*


August 26th, 2009, 10:01 AM
AAAAaahhhhhhhhh!!! http://bestsmileys.com/scared/6.gif

Quick, somebody throw some baklava at that thing!!!

August 26th, 2009, 10:06 AM
Lmao...too Funny!

August 26th, 2009, 10:06 AM
I love that whoever has the number of pages tag keeps updating it. :D

And I need to go do some internet searching to find out what baklava is. I've never seen it, tasted it, or heard of it, but that pic looks good, and with all you raving about it, now I'm curious.

ETA: Wiki says "Baklava is a rich, sweet pastry featured in many cuisines of the formerly-Ottoman, Arab, and Iranian countries. It is a pastry made of layers of phyllo dough filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with syrup or honey." Yum. :yumm: Where can I find this stuff?

Redheaded Raven
August 26th, 2009, 10:11 AM
I can't even think of anything to say now, I am so preoccupied with where to get some baklava ... Oh, I love the stuff!

I am torturing my self, lol I still don't know how to make gluten free baklava! But I am working on it!

AAAAaahhhhhhhhh!!! http://bestsmileys.com/scared/6.gif

Quick, somebody throw some baklava at that thing!!!
http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f203/Redheaded_Raven/baklava.jpg And here is some Blood orange cream cheese icing cup cakes that are chocolate maybe that will work!http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f203/Redheaded_Raven/chocolatecupcakesbloodorangeicing.jpg