View Full Version : Need an easy sophisticated style STAT!

August 18th, 2009, 10:48 AM
I'm going to my grad school orientation today and besides trying to make a brilliant first impression, I also have to have my photo ID made. Does anyone have any suggestions of hairstyles that will work well with classic length hair? I'm not very skilled at doing hairstyles, but I do have bobby pins, hair ties, and one hair stick, lol.

Thanks! :D

August 18th, 2009, 10:57 AM
Chinese bun? I was going to suggest a woven bun, you you need 2 hair sticks to do it. I have found that a Chinese bun is always good for a school function. It's up so people wont touch it, it's protected, and it looks great! :)

August 18th, 2009, 11:05 AM
I went to mine today too and did a half-up style that looked all right with the ID photo. I firmly believe those cameras are fascinating to no one, though :p

Madame J
August 18th, 2009, 11:05 AM
I would say lazy wrap bun. It's the most elegant style in the styling articles section, in my opinion. Since your hair is pretty long, you might also want to try Spidermom's "bun that stays."

Good luck on grad school orientation! I got stuck in a rainstorm, had lunch with roommate's future husband (they hadn't met yet), and met my future husband during my orientation. I looked like a manic, drowned rat in my ID picture, so I was happy when I got to get a new one when I changed my name!

August 18th, 2009, 11:28 AM
Figure-8 bun! :D