View Full Version : My first CO experience

August 16th, 2009, 07:13 PM
I've been considering going CO ever since I discovered LHC, but being an oily, I had to switch from sulfates and cones to a milder sulfate-and-cone-free hair "diet" before trying CO, knowing that if I didn't, I would have a disaster on my hands. Well, last night I decided to take the plunge. I grabbed some cone-free conditioner from under the counter that mom had abandoned (Alberto VO5 Tea Therapy- Calming Chamomile Tea) and my ACV rinse and hopped in the shower. I was pleasantly surprised by the results. While the back was still oily, I'll chalk it up to user error, because the front and sides were clean. My hair seems softer and shinier, and I don't have as many flyaways. I'm going to try not to get too excited because it's just the first attempt, but things are looking hopeful! :redgrin:

August 16th, 2009, 07:27 PM
I tried CO for the first time a couple days ago too :) I had to take 2 showers though because my hair was still greasy after the first one... didn't leave the conditioner on long enough I think. I'm not one of those people who takes long showers so I have trouble leaving it in for the right amount of time. :x

August 16th, 2009, 07:32 PM
I've been COing for almost a month. At first I used conditioners with cones, but I decided to clarify my hair and then just use no cones. So the past week and a half I've been using cone-free conditioners. It seems to be working fine. I found that I have to make sure that the conditioner is fully rinsed out of my scalp at least, or else it'll be greasy of course. Takes a few extra minutes but it works. The first few times I did CO my hair was left a bit greasy because I didn't rinse my hair out good enough afterward.

August 16th, 2009, 07:55 PM
I'd suggest putting the conditioner on your hair and leaving it for a while before you get in the shower. This gives the surfectants in the conditioner time to "work". Get in the shower and get a little scrubby on your scalp to loosen and dirty and debris. Then rinse very well.

August 16th, 2009, 07:58 PM
I'd suggest putting the conditioner on your hair and leaving it for a while before you get in the shower. This gives the surfectants in the conditioner time to "work". Get in the shower and get a little scrubby on your scalp to loosen and dirty and debris. Then rinse very well.
I agree, scrubbing my scalp really helps. I do that right after I put the conditioner on, and right before I rinse it.

Heavenly Locks
August 16th, 2009, 08:13 PM
That's exactly how my first CO went. I didn't scrub long enough or leave it on long enough. It takes a couple tries before you can get the timing right too. I also have better success when I put the conditioner on dry hair first. :)

August 16th, 2009, 08:17 PM
This may be a stupid question but can you use the same conditioner to wash with to condition with after?

August 16th, 2009, 08:52 PM
I've used the same conditioner for cleaning and conditioning. In fact, the whole time I was in Germany, I used the one conditioner. I'd "clean" with it, then use a vinegar rinse and that was the end of it. There was no "conditioner" conditioner.

The times my hair is greasy after a CO wash are:
1: when I didn't use a light enough conditioner (cheap, light, runny, non-cone, non-moisturizing is what you want. In fact, a "volumizing" conditioner is a good one, generally)
2: when I didn't use ENOUGH of the conditioner. Every strand has to be SLICK with it.
3: when I didn't rinse well enough afterwards. Rinse like a fiend. And when you are POSITIVE you've got it all, rinse another 30 seconds to make SURE.

I've never had to leave it on for a long time. I get my hair wet, slather on the condish, work it in well, then attend my other showerly duties (most of the time, that consists of washing my pits and 'portant parts and rinsing them off) and then I rinse my hair out. That means I only let it set for maybe 2 minutes, maybe 5 if I have to shave my legs or something (I only shave up just past the knees, so I look like a gorilla in sweat socks :silly: ) I re-wet the conditioner just before rinsing, work it in a second time for maybe 30 seconds, then rinse it out. And it works like a charm.

Hope that's some help. From what you describe (hair clean at front but a little oily in back), it sounds TO ME like you just paid more attention to the front (worked it in better) than the back, and that's way-easy to do. Heck, I've been known to do that when I'm in a rush, and I've been COing for several years.