View Full Version : Summer is the time...

August 10th, 2009, 06:11 PM
for disgusting hair! I live in Washington, D.C., and it's HOT and muggy. My hair's right at that really annoying stage where I can put it up but it looks stupid and falls out after about 10 minutes anyway. I only live about a mile from work, so I walk back and forth, but it's miserable coming home with my hair a wet, sweaty mess.

Any suggestions for keeping it up? It takes me about 20 minutes to walk home from work.

August 10th, 2009, 06:21 PM
When my hair was your length, I used a small-ish hair claw to put it up in back, plus Goody hair combs to sweep up the side hairs that fell out of the claw. The Goody brand has close-set teeth that hold fine hair well. Other brands have teeth that are set too far apart and they fall out of my hair.

The nice part - when I let my hair down, it had a beautiful wave from being rolled up in the claw! (Here's me singing "I feel pretty, oh so pretty).;)

August 10th, 2009, 07:04 PM
No suggestions, but I certainly agree about the summers here!

August 10th, 2009, 07:07 PM
You could do a cute side up do, (think 40s inspired) simply to keep it out of your face, and keep you a little bit cooler. I don't know if you can do an entire updo at this length, I know I had a hard time and had it fall out constantly too. What about just keeping a head band to have it pulled off your face?

Away from your face may not be as cool as up, but at least your forehead won't be plastered with wet greasy hair.

August 10th, 2009, 08:36 PM
Another vote for the headband. That's the only thing I can use right now to keep it out of my face.

Madame J
August 11th, 2009, 02:34 PM
Heh, I went running Sunday afternoon, a mere two hours before they issued the heat advisory. I survived.

I would recommend a Buff -- you can wear it as a wide headband, or use it to cover all your hair. Because it wicks sweat away, you don't swim in your own juices, and you get a nice cool blast in the rare event of a breeze, as the wind evaporates the moisture off the top of your head. I also like it because it's lighter in color than my hair and doesn't absorb the heat as much. You can get Buffs at REI.

I can usually keep a Buff on my head as a wide headband without pinning it during light activity (going to the farmer's market), but for running, I bun my hair, cover it with the Buff, tuck the ends under at the nape of my neck, secure that with mini-claws, and then pin the front with bobby pins. It's held through seven miles before. Your hair will still be a wet, sweaty mess, but no one will see it, and it won't stick to your face.

Lady Mary
August 11th, 2009, 02:43 PM
My hair is about your length right now, what I do is, I put it in a tiny pony tail (only an inch of hair or two is even in it. Then I use a hair clip that looks like this, (http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/1213638/2/istockphoto_1213638_hair_clip.jpg) I push the tiny pony tail up and against my head and use the clip to hold it there. The ends of the hair stick out and look kind of cute and spiky. Then, I take two small barrettes and twist the left over short hair at my neck (I wet them first.) After they're twisted I clip them to my head.

If that doesn't work, I agree that a headband or head scarf might do the trick or even a hat. Although, these might make the heat worse for you.


August 11th, 2009, 03:38 PM
God, I thought maybe I needed to switch my trusty shampoo or something. I live in montgomery county and towson (home and school) and my hair has been lank and stringing. It would be oily and smelly on the top dry and fly away on the ends. I recently just re hennaed (1 package cassia .5 henna) and my hair in now behaving again.

As for suggestions, could a bandanna work for you? And pull the sides into to small pigtails. I think that's what my sister does.

August 11th, 2009, 04:46 PM
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! My problem is more the hair on my neck than on my face. I think I'll try that buff, thank you Madame J!

Off topic, but since so many of you seem to live in the area, where on earth can I find aloe? I want to do a SMT, but I can't find pure aloe anywhere! I've looked at CVS, Target and even the Yes! Organic Market in Columbia Heights. Am I going to have to just order it online?

August 11th, 2009, 04:46 PM
Try using a large claw instead of a small one, bend your head over, roll from the center to one side or the other and up in a sort of "U" shape and clip horizontally rather than vertically...should get you home without too much falling out. That's what I used to do when my hair was your length - a few would fly away on the sides, but the large mass stayed put in the claw. The trick was clipping horizontally, because vertically it would just pull out and be annoying.

August 11th, 2009, 04:49 PM
I agree, a pretty headband would be an excellent way to keep your hair back and still look nice.

Madame J
August 11th, 2009, 06:06 PM
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! My problem is more the hair on my neck than on my face. I think I'll try that buff, thank you Madame J!

Off topic, but since so many of you seem to live in the area, where on earth can I find aloe? I want to do a SMT, but I can't find pure aloe anywhere! I've looked at CVS, Target and even the Yes! Organic Market in Columbia Heights. Am I going to have to just order it online?

I use J/A/S/O/N Aloe Gel from MOM's Organic Market. They also carry a raw 100% aloe gel, and Aubrey Organics. The J/A/S/O/N gel isn't 100%, but it works in SMTs.

ETA: MOM's has a bunch of locations in MD and VA, but nothing in DC proper. You can also check out Whole Foods, but MOM's tends to be cheaper.

August 11th, 2009, 08:23 PM
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! My problem is more the hair on my neck than on my face. I think I'll try that buff, thank you Madame J!

Off topic, but since so many of you seem to live in the area, where on earth can I find aloe? I want to do a SMT, but I can't find pure aloe anywhere! I've looked at CVS, Target and even the Yes! Organic Market in Columbia Heights. Am I going to have to just order it online?

I use CVS brand 100% pure aloe gel. It has some additives in it - but that's because aloe, as a natural water-based product, will rot and spoil without them. Some organic brands make aloe gel that you need to keep in the fridge that doesn't have additives, but that's not going to be something you'll want to have shipped to you.

The CVS brand stuff works fine.

August 11th, 2009, 08:27 PM
A pretty scarf used for a headband. I've started wearing one to the gym sometimes. It keeps the hair out of my face and off my neck. It's cooler and I'm less likely to sweat.