View Full Version : What do you reckon now? (Type, pics.)

July 31st, 2009, 10:34 PM
Hello! I've been annoying you all here for a few months now, and have made a lot of changes to my routine, to the point that I am noticing a tangible difference in my hair.

Before: I was using the only shampoo and conditioner that I had been able to find some three or four years ago that did not destroy my skin. The conditioner had cones, the shampoo had sulfates (low concentration, though) and both had protein. I used no leave-in. I brushed as often as I felt like. Unbrushed and air-dried, it looked like this:


When I posted this image, bringing to your attention that all the waves also had twists in them, the majority opinion was that I was a 2b.

Now: Prompted by my skin acting up in the face of even my super-sensitive shampoo and conditioner, I went on a quest to find a new alternative. My new shampoo is sulfate free and cone-free (but does still contain traditional detergents, just milder ones), and my new conditioners are both cone-free and also do not have protein added. I have not stopped brushing, but I do use a comb a lot of the time now, too, which was not an option before, as I found out the hard way, because of the fineness, dryness and tangliness of my hair at that point. (It really was a disaster.) I now oil (walnut is my favourite at the moment, but coconut gets a go occasionally, too), and overall I have noticed a HUGE improvement when it comes to tangles (and I mean H-U-G-E! ) and an apparent strengthening of my wave/wurl pattern.

Today, after just patting with a towel then air-drying, it looks like this:

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b106/maccallister/unbrushed2.png http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b106/maccallister/unbrushed2p1.png http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b106/maccallister/Length.png

It is a very dry day, too: the skin on my lips and hands is as dry as anything and peeling like crazy in spite of moiturisers. (Also note that the other one looks shinier just because of the light... it's winter now so the sun angle into that room is different.)

A week or so ago, I was greeted with this:


This was combed when almost dry, briefly piled under a hat with an elastic around it, (no twisting, I promise!) but then left out for most of the day. It had been raining the day before. These spirals do not all go in the same direction; I checked because I thought I might have "permed in" some bunwaves by twisting it and putting it up to absorb the condish while I was in the shower.

What do you think? Am I still in the 2b spectrum?

Also, should I change my hemline? I'm wondering if a deeper U-shape might look better...

Shermie Girl
July 31st, 2009, 11:25 PM
Dry, your hair is definitely wavier than mine. I would say 2b. If you get some spirals that stay after your hair is dry, you could be a 2b/2c.

I like your blunt hemline. But then, I like a blunt hemline. If a deeper U is more your thing, I say go for it.

Your hair is pretty. :D

July 31st, 2009, 11:31 PM
Dry, your hair is definitely wavier than mine. I would say 2b. If you get some spirals that stay after your hair is dry, you could be a 2b/2c.

I like your blunt hemline. But then, I like a blunt hemline. If a deeper U is more your thing, I say go for it.

Your hair is pretty. :D

Aaw, thanks! ^__^

I definitley get persistent spirals... that's why it goes so "bitty" rather than making nice smooth waves like other people. I just wish it would spiral a little better; then the "bittiness" wouldn't matter so much! *Laughs*

August 1st, 2009, 01:02 AM
*Chews lip*... I really don't think my waves are tight enough for a 2c, but it's all wurly... This system is probably a bit too over-simplified...

August 1st, 2009, 01:06 AM
I second that your hair is pretty! :)

August 1st, 2009, 01:15 AM
Aaw, thanks ^__^ :blush:

August 1st, 2009, 01:29 AM
Hi Flynn :waving: Well, yes your hair is GORGEOUS!! :inlove: I'd say 2b, but then again the length of your hair may be decreasing your wurls perhaps? If it had less weight it may have more spirals. Either way, looks fab!

As for the hemline, I'd stick with straight across, but that's because I like that on ME. Don't know if that's much help really:o

August 1st, 2009, 01:43 AM
:o Thanks ^__^

I actually don't have a clue, as I never really bothered to look at the bulk of it from the back until I came here. When it was... what, APL or so I did get something like end-ringlets, but that was a really humid summer...

Hahaha, considering I wish my hair was more like yours, yeah, that does actually help >_o

August 1st, 2009, 02:18 AM
My vote is a deep U shape, simply because I think that is the most beautiful hemline when people have wave and body in their hair. Plus, who doesn't like some nice face framing like layers?

August 1st, 2009, 02:22 AM
Mmmn, not quite that deep... The person who doesn't like some nice face-framing layers is the person who has to keep all their hair completely secured because they work in a lab, so soft front bits can be dangerous to them, and sheds can be damaging to their experiment! *Laughs* XD For the absolute deepest U I'd go with, I'd probably have the shortest part at about low-BSL when the longest is at the current length.

August 1st, 2009, 04:30 AM
Sorry, cant help on the typing. Just wanted to say it looks lovely. I would keep it straight across on the hem. Looks great.

August 1st, 2009, 04:33 AM
Thanks very much ^_____^

And hello from a fellow Australian! My parents are from Perth. I'm in Sydney ^__^

August 1st, 2009, 04:39 AM
Thanks very much ^_____^

And hello from a fellow Australian! My parents are from Perth. I'm in Sydney ^__^

I'm not Australian. :o

I'm a whinging POM! :D

Arrived here 10 months ago. A lovely city to live in.

August 1st, 2009, 04:41 AM
I'm not Australian. :o

I'm a whinging POM! :D

Arrived here 10 months ago. A lovely city to live in.

Meh, you're in Australia, it counts for enough XD

Perth is indeed lovely... though I hear it is still developing fast because of the mining industry...

Madame J
August 1st, 2009, 04:43 AM
I'm going to agree with everyone who said 2b (and that your hair is beautiful!). As far as hemline goes, I love a nice, deep U on a wurly head of hair, but as it is, your hemline looks beautiful. I think it would look nice either way. Maybe don't go too deep, or you risk having escaping, layer-like pieces that fall into the lab equipment. I also know the hazards of science and hair -- high powered lasers and long fringe don't mix!

August 1st, 2009, 04:44 AM
Perth is indeed lovely... though I hear it is still developing fast because of the mining industry...

Hmmm, not sure. There have been lots of layoffs in mining over the past 6 months, so slowing down a little.

August 1st, 2009, 04:58 AM
I'm going to agree with everyone who said 2b (and that your hair is beautiful!). As far as hemline goes, I love a nice, deep U on a wurly head of hair, but as it is, your hemline looks beautiful. I think it would look nice either way. Maybe don't go too deep, or you risk having escaping, layer-like pieces that fall into the lab equipment. I also know the hazards of science and hair -- high powered lasers and long fringe don't mix!

:o Thanks!

It's at least a little more unambiguous this time (so far)... last time I was being told everything from a 1b to a 2c... O.o

That was sort of my feeling, too: if it was neater, I probably wouldn't even think about it. It isn't dead blunt, incidentally; if it was flat and straight, you'd see there is an extremely gentle, shallow U to it. I don't know... I'm partly thinking that it'd look a little more tamed with the deeper U hemline... *Shrugs* Maybe I'll ask someone over on the Photoshop thread to do a mockup for me! XD

Wooow, burning hair smell in the lab! XD I work with plasma deposition, so vacuum systems and stuff, and my material is fairly carbon-sensitive (and carbon gives the opposite doping to what I want...) so shed hairs are a BIG problem there... (even an eyelash on one of the closures on the vac systems can make it stall at 10^-4 Torr when you're pumping down on a system that should get to 10^-8 or better easily...)

Hmmm, not sure. There have been lots of layoffs in mining over the past 6 months, so slowing down a little.

Aaw, that's a shame... I knew the industry was starting to slow a little, but wasn;t aware it was enough for significant layoffs. Oh, well. I guess if it stops Perth from turning into Sydney... *Laughs*

August 1st, 2009, 07:31 AM
Hi Flynn. Did you see this thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=30269)? I asked for hairtyping help a few days ago, and the unanimous response was 2c, which is interesting as I think we have very similar hair. I don't think I'm wavier than you, and also I usually comb and twist my hair whilst it's drying (as I have no idea how to deal with waves, yet), so I usually end up with something like in my signature, 1c/2a-ish.

Oh, and another fellow (expat) Aussie here :)

August 1st, 2009, 07:37 AM
Hi Flynn. Did you see this thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=30269)? I asked for hairtyping help a few days ago, and the unanimous response was 2c, which is interesting as I think we have very similar hair. I don't think I'm wavier than you, and also I usually comb and twist my hair whilst it's drying (as I have no idea how to deal with waves, yet), so I usually end up with something like in my signature, 1c/2a-ish.

Oh, and another fellow (expat) Aussie here :)

I would also call the OP's hair 2b. Leneveu, if you twist and manipulate your hair in any way, including how Flynn describes scrunching it up into a hat, it can affect the wave *for hairtyping purposes*. I love drying my hair in a hat or hoodie or towel for just this reason - it gets wavier.

Lovely hair, both of you!

August 1st, 2009, 07:38 AM
Not very good at the hair typing stuff as i spent hours deciding mine hair typing :D. I just stopped by to say that your hair looks great and i would suggest deeper U-hemline if you want change otherwise keep them as they are now they looks great :)

August 1st, 2009, 04:10 PM
Ooh, pretty hair!

I'd say you're 2b/2c, and I think your hemline looks nice as it is.

August 1st, 2009, 04:21 PM
This was combed when almost dry, briefly piled under a hat with an elastic around it, (no twisting, I promise!) but then left out for most of the day. It had been raining the day before. These spirals do not all go in the same direction; I checked because I thought I might have "permed in" some bunwaves by twisting it and putting it up to absorb the condish while I was in the shower.
I would guess probably 2b, as well. But from your description, it was handled a lot before you took the picture -- so it may be far more or far less wavy than that.

For hair typing, pictures are best if they should your hair soon after it's washed and dried, with as little handling as possible. No combing (drags out the curls)... No piling... (twists them in)

It's very pretty -- I like the current hemline, too.

August 1st, 2009, 04:24 PM
I would also call the OP's hair 2b. Leneveu, if you twist and manipulate your hair in any way, including how Flynn describes scrunching it up into a hat, it can affect the wave *for hairtyping purposes*. I love drying my hair in a hat or hoodie or towel for just this reason - it gets wavier.

Lovely hair, both of you!

I would guess probably 2b, as well. But from your description, it was handled a lot before you took the picture -- so it may be far more or far less wavy than that.

For hair typing, pictures are best if they should your hair soon after it's washed and dried, with as little handling as possible. No combing (drags out the curls)... No piling... (twists them in)

It's very pretty -- I like the current hemline, too.

The last picture (with the "dreadwurls" >_o ) is the one that was handled. I just tossed that in for kicks and giggles (and also because it was relevant/illustrative for the hemline question). The rest are proper hairtyping pics. There is a description of what I did (or didn't do) for each photo individually, if you have another look.

August 1st, 2009, 04:37 PM

August 1st, 2009, 06:07 PM
I'd go with 2C because of the spirals.

August 1st, 2009, 08:08 PM
I'd say 2C. Very pretty hair. I think I like your hem now, but you'd look great with a deeper U.

August 1st, 2009, 08:36 PM
I'd say 2b/2c. Gorgeous hair, but I also think that I deeper U would look fantastic. I find that a U hem brings out curls a bit more, for some reason :)

August 1st, 2009, 08:42 PM
I'd say 2b/2c. Gorgeous hair, but I also think that I deeper U would look fantastic. I find that a U hem brings out curls a bit more, for some reason :)

Ah-ha! I just found what I'm looking for! I'd prefer it to hang in a profile more like yours does in your sig picture. I'm also hoping that it will look a little more, I don't know, deliberate in its bittiness and messiness than the straight. Anything that brings out curls and wurls more is definitely a plus ! ^___^

:o Thanks ! ^___^

August 1st, 2009, 09:49 PM
First up, thankyou everyone for your kind comments ^__^ :o I think I am a little more inclined toward more of a U in that hemline... but that's still a couple of months off yet; I'm not due for a trim for a while! Even if I haven't quoted you here, I have read your post, and really appreciate your input. ^___^

Hi Flynn. Did you see this thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=30269)? I asked for hairtyping help a few days ago, and the unanimous response was 2c, which is interesting as I think we have very similar hair. I don't think I'm wavier than you, and also I usually comb and twist my hair whilst it's drying (as I have no idea how to deal with waves, yet), so I usually end up with something like in my signature, 1c/2a-ish.

Oh, and another fellow (expat) Aussie here :)

Hello! How's Germany?

That's interesting... your hair is much smoother and sleeker than mine, but that close-up ends shot looks very familiar to me. *Laughs* I do think your waves are a little tighter, but probably not really by all that much...

Aaagh, hair envy!

You have made me determined to lose the straight-across hemline, though. Your hair looks great, and that hemline does seem to contribute to that.

Ooh, pretty hair!

I'd say you're 2b/2c, and I think your hemline looks nice as it is.

Ditto this! you do have beautiful hair. :)

^___^ Thankyou and thankyou.

I'd go with 2C because of the spirals.

Yeah, but like I said a few months ago, I've got all the twists and spirals, but not the tight waves... Hahahaha, I think I'm just weird. XD Proof that waves and curls aren't really just steps on the same spectrum.

I'd say 2C. Very pretty hair. I think I like your hem now, but you'd look great with a deeper U.

Thanks! ^___^

August 2nd, 2009, 12:51 AM
2b: |||| -- 4
2b/2c: ||| -- 3
2c: ||| -- 3

The average so far falls at 2b/2c. Might just run with that then, hey?

August 2nd, 2009, 03:32 AM
Just to wade in, I vote 2b/2c I have hair that if touched at all the curls and whirls seem to fade away. So it could be slightly more based on that but I thing you are some where in the middle. :D

August 2nd, 2009, 04:09 AM
Just to wade in, I vote 2b/2c I have hair that if touched at all the curls and whirls seem to fade away. So it could be slightly more based on that but I thing you are some where in the middle. :D

Woooow, I just went and looked at your album; your hair is so shiny and lovely, and such a wonderful colour!

See, you are obviously 2c; you have the strong, tight waves, with wurls at the ends. I have weird long twisty wurly waves, sort of like curls that never made it... hahaha, my freak-hair! XD