View Full Version : Will Amla bring back my curls?

July 26th, 2009, 06:48 PM
After two henna applications I've noticed that my hair at the front has lost it's curl. I usually wear my hair in braid waves so I didn't notice until we had a wedding to go to and I decided to do a wash and go. When my hair dried the front part as well as the part from roots to just below my ears all over my head was wavy instead of curly. The curls at the bottom were still there just a bit looser. When I initially did henna I knew it could loosen my curls, which is something I was fine with but I didn't know it would straighten them to the point where they are just slightly wavy. I really don't want to stop using henndigo I love how my hair feels and the subtle color changes so I bought some Amla. I've heard it's good for prevent the loss of curl but will it bring curls back that are already gone?

July 27th, 2009, 03:11 PM
In my experience (I've also had curl loss from henna) an amla pack will restore body and some curl. Repeated uses seem to be necessary for a longer term effect. Shikakai also seems to help. I do find amla a bit drying, so I've never used it straight, but only mixed with fenugreek/methi.

As to whether adding amla to subsequent hennas will prevent or lessen curl loss, I can't personally attest to that yet. I have been adding it to my root touch-up mixes for a while, but I've always had that 3a tendency of having straighter roots, and the hennaed/amlaed portions haven't grown down enough to judge yet.

July 27th, 2009, 07:16 PM
Thanks Velouria. I really hope I do get back some curl. I was a 3b/c before and now I don't even know if I could be considered a 3a :(. Hopefully someone else has experience with this and has some good news for me

July 28th, 2009, 05:18 AM
Henna loosens curls? Wow, I never heard that before. I'll have to give it a try...:)

July 28th, 2009, 07:50 PM
So, as lamented before, my years of full application hennas have straightened my already fairly straight (kind of wavey naturally, and holds curl/texture (from pony tails) fairly well...though it's been a long time since I've had my "natural hair") into a glossy "flat-ironed" look every day. Sure, it's all the rage and - hey - I can get it without trying. But damn if it doesn't get old.

As a desperate attempt to get some kind of wave back into my hair I started mixing amla into my henna. The first time was kind of a bust as I made the mix too dry and applied to dry hair...so it was just kind of dry all over and yucky feeling for a week. The second time I made a slightly wetter mix and applied to damp hair - much better results. Now, my hair felt like it had a little more body in the days following that second amla/henna and today I notice that it's actually kind of fluffy. Like, almost wild and kinked up kind of fluffy. Which is something it hasn't been in a loooong, looong, loooonnng time. No stick straight flat-iron hair here, grimey scalp aside.

In addition to adding amla to henna (about 1-2 tablespoons to 100-200g dye-released henna. sorry to not be more specific I kind of "wing it" each time), I've washed my hair twice with an aritha/amla mix. I'm thinking the wash has more to do with how my hair is today since it was done on....uhh....saturday? And the aritha/amla seems to have a "base" quality to the cleaning power (like shampoo bars) that roughens up my hair (despite the use of a strong vinegar rinse).

So, I dunno, check out your amla and see what it can do for you. For me it seems to have definitely done something different.

July 28th, 2009, 08:59 PM
Thank you sooo much Zombiekins! I really hope it brings back a bit of curl to my hair. I do not want to stop henndigoing my hair because I love how it feels and the colour highlights I've gotten. I'm going to do my next henndigo in a month and add amla. I'm crossing my fingers (and toes) that I get some curl back. I'll try doing it on damp hair. If anyone else has experience with this I'd love to hear about it

July 29th, 2009, 01:12 AM
When I received my henna from Renaissance, the instructions said that I could add amla for "bouncy curls" to my mix so I assume it does something for them?

I mixed in a tablespoon of amla to my dye released henna just before applying.

July 29th, 2009, 03:29 AM
I have been using amla as a conditioning hair treatment and it has definitely made my waves wavier and my hair more bouncy :)
I am about to do my first henndigo so I may add some amla to the mix to see if I can prevent henna taking the wave out of my hair.
I have been putting it on damp hair, wrapping it in a plastic bag and a scarf, and leaving it on for about an hour.

July 29th, 2009, 03:31 AM
I have been using amla as a conditioning hair treatment and it has definitely made my waves wavier and my hair more bouncy :)
I am about to do my first henndigo so I may add some amla to the mix to see if I can prevent henna taking the wave out of my hair.
I have been putting it on damp hair, wrapping it in a plastic bag and a scarf, and leaving it on for about an hour.

that's interesting, I wasn't aware that it had conditioning properties - I was going to try Cassia for that.

Have you decided what ratio of mix you are going for when you Henndigo? :D

July 29th, 2009, 04:02 AM
that's interesting, I wasn't aware that it had conditioning properties - I was going to try Cassia for that.

Have you decided what ratio of mix you are going for when you Henndigo? :D

Sabrina, from Renaissance Henna, suggested I use it in the run-up to my henndigo to condition my hair so I bought some at the same time as my henna. It does seem to have done some good and my hair is more bouncy and shiny. Amla is ment to make a really good facial treatment as well but I have not tried it yet!!

I am going to opt for a 2 step henndigo (I've finally made up my mind lol) as now I've let my roots grow through I can see how much grey I have and it's a lot!!! Unfortunately for some reason most of it is condensed at the front so I can see me ending up with some seriously glowy red streaks if I opt for a 1 step.

I am planning to use a colour stripper to remove (hopefully!!) some of the chemical colour build up on the length and then wait 3-4 days and henndigo. I am going to do some strand tests after the colour stripper to see how long I need to leave the indigo step on for so I don't end up jet black. I am hoping for a dark chocolate cherry colour like yours :)

Fingers crossed it will all go according to plan :rolleyes:

July 29th, 2009, 09:23 AM
Thanks for your input pixiedoo and jennywren.

Pixiedoo when you use amla as a conditioning treatment do you just add water? Or are there special ingredients that must also be added?

July 29th, 2009, 09:52 AM
Thanks for your input pixiedoo and jennywren.

Pixiedoo when you use amla as a conditioning treatment do you just add water? Or are there special ingredients that must also be added?

I just added water and made it into a yoghurt consistency paste. I applied it to damp hair and left it on for an hour or so before rinsing in the shower and conditioning 2/3 times to make sure it was all out.

My hair dryed bouncier than usual. If you look at my album you can see the difference in my waves after amla. I do think it gave my hair more body. I plan to do a few more treatments before I henndigo as I like how it makes my hair feel.

Hope that helps :):)

July 29th, 2009, 10:22 AM
Amla is ment to make a really good facial treatment as well but I have not tried it yet!!

Yes it does! Usually I just use multani mati (bentonite clay) mixed with yogurt, milk, lemon juice, whatever; and apply to my face. But lately I'm using the multani mixed with the amla and my face still gets the thorough cleaning/tightening/glowing benefits from the face mask without the over the top dryness straight multani causes.

I'm so glad other people with results chimed in. I wasn't sure if mine was a fluke or if others were really getting results from the amla. Awesome. :)

July 29th, 2009, 10:45 AM
I tried amla applications (separate from my henna, I didn't want the cooling effect amla has on the henna color) and they may have helped my wave a bit, but it faded quickly.

July 29th, 2009, 12:22 PM
Yes it does! Usually I just use multani mati (bentonite clay) mixed with yogurt, milk, lemon juice, whatever; and apply to my face. But lately I'm using the multani mixed with the amla and my face still gets the thorough cleaning/tightening/glowing benefits from the face mask without the over the top dryness straight multani causes.

I'm so glad other people with results chimed in. I wasn't sure if mine was a fluke or if others were really getting results from the amla. Awesome. :)

Thanks! That's good to know:)

I think I will stick some on my face when I next do my hair!! I have some bentonite clay in the cupboard that I have use for digestive purposes but never thought to put it on my face:confused:

What ratio of amla:bentonite do you use and how long do you leave it on your face for??

July 29th, 2009, 07:16 PM
Thanks! That's good to know:)

I think I will stick some on my face when I next do my hair!! I have some bentonite clay in the cupboard that I have use for digestive purposes but never thought to put it on my face:confused:

What ratio of amla:bentonite do you use and how long do you leave it on your face for??

Uhh... maybe 2/3 bentonite to 1/3 amla? It's pretty much a "however much shakes out without being too much" kind of thing. I like to leave it on either until it dries (but be careful moving your face too much while it hardens....cuz that shiznite will pull at your skin and leave you with red spots) or until it's almost dry. I've found the addition of amla makes the mask dry more slowly, so it becomes a matter how much time I feel like leaving it on. As it dries it becomes tighter and rinsing in the shower is pretty much the only way to really get it off without irritating. But oooh man the glow and tightness (not of the dry kind, but off the skin being pulled kind) is pretty awesome. There are sometimes a few red marks here and there (especially if I sneeze), but they fade fairly quickly. A little light moisturizer is kind of a must, as the clay leaves my face a little needy.

Just handle your face a little carefully for the rest of the day and you're good to go. :)

July 30th, 2009, 03:36 AM
I have been using amla as a conditioning hair treatment and it has definitely made my waves wavier and my hair more bouncy :)
I am about to do my first henndigo so I may add some amla to the mix to see if I can prevent henna taking the wave out of my hair.
I have been putting it on damp hair, wrapping it in a plastic bag and a scarf, and leaving it on for about an hour.

Hmmm, think I'll have a go at this too.

Re leaving on your indigo - perhaps 1/2 hour? If it's not enough, you could always do an indigo gloss? or perhaps another application, say 10 minutes?

all new to me too but let me know how you get on as I will do the 2-step next :eyebrows:

July 30th, 2009, 08:09 AM
I am sorry if am dissapointing you but i have never heard that amla will help to give curls to your hair. Help with amla is it helps your hair get more strengthened and makes your hair still black.

July 30th, 2009, 09:52 AM
Hello Zombiekins, thanks for the amla and clay facial info. I'm definately going to give it a try, it sounds good :)

Hi Jenny.Wren, Thanks :)

I was also thinking about 30 minutes or so for the indigo application. I so wish I wasn't so bloody grey and life would be easier!! My hairdresser is going to do it for me on 17th August as I want to wait as long as possible from my last chemical dye. That will mean over two months of roots!! Grrrr!! Everytime I look in the mirror I see loads of grey staring back a me and it's driving me nuts.........I can't wait!! I will let you know how I get on and post some pictures.

July 30th, 2009, 09:23 PM
Help with amla is it helps your hair get more strengthened and makes your hair still black.

Ha! I wish it made hair black. I've been using it for some time now (two henna applications and many times as a wash - actually, only amla/aritha as a wash for weeks now) and my hair color is lightening slightly if anything. Which I'll blame on the aritha, but still, you'd think if the amla actually darkened hair it would step in and prevent my hair from getting lighter.

I know the written details of amla is that some people have luck with it and some people don't. But there is nothing that definitively says "amla doesn't help your hair get its body and curl back." Maybe if you've got naturally stick straight hair it won't do anything, but for hair that was naturally wavey/curly and lost some through henna or other products, amla certainly seems to bring a little something back for many people.

By the way, is there anyone on this thread who actively uses amla in conjunction with indigo? And if so, does it help the indigo dye, does it help extend the life of the indigo, or does it just get in the way and not do anything?