View Full Version : Combining Butters and Oils

July 26th, 2009, 01:50 AM
Hello everyone! For those of you who combine oils and butters at the same time, what is your process? In other words, when you mix butters and oils how do you do it? Do you make a concoction in a bowl and then spread it through out your hair? Do you put the oil on first and then the butter, or visa versa? Also, which oils and butters do you use and in what combination? Thank you:o

July 26th, 2009, 02:23 AM
haha, I am lazy. I just mix shea butter and either coconut or olive oil in my palm to put on my ends. When the oil is liquid, I put that in second, since it gives it less time to drip. I use a dab of shea and a few drops of oil.

On the other hands, I've heard of people "whipping" shea butter by first mashing it with a spoon, then microwaving and wire-whisking it with oils. I haven't done that myself though.

July 26th, 2009, 02:52 AM
I melt some butter in the microwave in a small bowl, then add a little oil, mix and put it in the fridge. When it's solified again I scoop the butter out to a small metal case (I think it was originally ment for medicine). The case is easy to take with you if you're travelling, and that's why I started using it for my hair butter in the first place. Usually I keep the case in the living room where I do my nightly hair routines.

July 26th, 2009, 12:12 PM
I melt it in the microwave, like sceleste. If you want it whipped you can use a fork or wisk or something periodically while it solidifies, and that creates a neat texture.