View Full Version : Gentlemen prefer blondes?

July 21st, 2009, 05:02 PM

At least, not according to this:


July 21st, 2009, 05:54 PM
I hate these types of articles that survey preferences and then try to apply them in a semi-anthropolical fashion. Next thing you know someone goes and says that men "evolved" to like brunettes over blondes because brunettes are the "fitter" choice of mate. Which is basically saying that blondes are dumb and weak and give birth to unfit offspring. Newsflash: evolution is NOT responsible for people perceiving blondes as dumb, society is. Society is responsible for ideas like "survival of the fittest" and evolution as seen in the wild to no longer apply to humans.

July 21st, 2009, 05:58 PM
Bah. The article also said, 'Men, keep your hair short.' I beg to differ ...

Really, though, I've had blond and brunette hair. Although I got looks with both, I have to say that men looked at me different and more seriously with brunette.

July 21st, 2009, 06:13 PM
It is a sad truth that only a small minority of men are gentlemen. :)

July 21st, 2009, 06:19 PM
Bah. The article also said, 'Men, keep your hair short.' I beg to differ ...

Really, though, I've had blond and brunette hair. Although I got looks with both, I have to say that men looked at me different and more seriously with brunette.

Yeah me too. I get a LOT more attention blonde but maybe it just looks better on me or it is my imagination because it is pounded in our heads from childbirth like all the other stupid thoughts.

July 21st, 2009, 06:20 PM
I must say, I also didn't really find this article tasteful. I feel it just tried to replace one stereotype with the other. Meh.

July 21st, 2009, 06:22 PM
It is a sad truth that only a small minority of men are gentlemen. :)

I also thought to myself "real gentlemen wouldn't judge a woman by her hair color"

Oh and also the whole "women prefer short hair" thing. I guess I'm not one for majority preference polls. I just like what I like. And that includes my long haired BF.

July 21st, 2009, 06:30 PM
I don't think there's anything wrong with articles like this. It's probably true. As evolved as we try to be, certain characteristics are attractive in certain ways--large, wide-spaced eyes (generally), for instance. This is, according to anthropologists, directly because the very young appear to have large, wide eyes. (In reality, as we grow up our eyes simply don't grow the same way our face around them grows, so they no longer look as large.)

And there are other physical attributes I won't mention.

Though everyone is different, and everyone's physical likes and dislikes are different (I can hear it now--"I once knew a guy who loved bald women!"), discovering what makes us tick as an average or as a society is, to me, endlessly fascinating.

"Preferring" brunettes over blondes at a quick glance doesn't extend to anything other than that. Obviously, men and women both date blondes. Men and women both marry blondes. And brunettes, redheads and bald people. Feeling a physical pull looking at a certain "type," whatever that is, doesn't mean a man is not a gentleman or that a woman isn't a lady.

I see this study as trying to dispel myths, not create or perpetuate them. Trust me, when I was very young and blonde, I was told over and over again how lucky I was, and when I started to lose the blonde--just at the time I was starting to like boys--my mother couldn't hide her sadness for me since the men wouldn't be flocking. (rolling eyes) Yes. Seriously. And who among us hasn't heard, over and over and over again, that blondes are sexier...prettier...etc.? And if you dyed your hair until it fell out trying to get that "gorgeous" blonde, stand up and raise your hand. (I'll be the first.) (And no, that doesn't mean everyone who colors his or her hair is damaging his or her hair...before that one starts too.) This article says, "Baloney. It's just not true. So relax, sillies."

And FWIW, I've heard of similar studies quite a few times before, and they all did say brunettes were the preferred hair color. I'm not saying that because I'm a brunette. :D Five-foot-seven is also preferred, and I'm sure not that! So is an hourglass; I'm thick-waisted. But again. "Preferred" at a glance didn't mean no man ever glanced my way. I'm married, actually, and never hurt for dates when I was blonde, and don't hurt for glances now (amazingly). So it's no biggie. It's just a study about general preferences out of curiosity.

July 21st, 2009, 06:42 PM
Well, if we're looking at it from an evolutionary perspective, we should also control for the populations being surveyed. Blonde hair, after all, comes from a comparatively small part of the globe. It very well may be maladaptive in areas where it didn't develop (the tropics, for example), and if you're polling people with that heritage, your results would be biased.

And of course, how much of this is a cultural thing, and how much is biological? It could simply be a preference for what is "Normal"- blonde and red hair is more rare than brunette. Also, when they were testing the color they used wigs- perhaps blonde wigs look more "fake" (more obviously fake), and thus less desirable than brunette wigs.

July 21st, 2009, 06:43 PM
Hubby and I should have been part of this study! Both of our eyes are automatically drawn to women and men with darker features.

Basically it seems the rest of the population is getting tired of hearing that old adage....LOL!!!

July 21st, 2009, 06:44 PM
I'm wondering what would be the result of a study just to see what length of hair men prefer, and not hair color. Of course, it would never be objective because the different physical appearances, ethnicities and other variables of the women used in the study wouldn't allow for a clear-cut result.

July 21st, 2009, 06:49 PM
Re: that article - pseudo-science strikes again!

It's pure drivel, says I.

July 21st, 2009, 06:50 PM
I'm wondering what would be the result of a study just to see what length of hair men prefer, and not hair color. Of course, it would never be objective because the different physical appearances, ethnicities and other variables of the women used in the study wouldn't allow for a clear-cut result.

I think I've seen studies referencing this too. I'm pretty sure the upshot was: long...but not very long. BSL at most, in LHC lingo? I'll see if I can find the article I read about this.

July 21st, 2009, 06:54 PM
I don't know...this (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/celebritynews/3699551/Men-prefer-women-with-long-wavy-hair-such-as-Kelly-Brook.html) might have been the one?

Actually, ironically, I'm pretty sure I read this story when someone posted it here! I'd have to do a search to be sure, but I believe that was it.

July 21st, 2009, 07:11 PM
I definitely got A LOT more attention from men when I was blond, but I think it had more to do with the social connotations. They also assumed I was an idiot.
I told one guy I was a neuroscientist and he laughed and joked that his friend had put me up to it!
Who jokes about being a neuroscientist??? Seriously?

Funnily enough, every guy I've seriously dated has really preferred darker hair or red hair.

July 21st, 2009, 07:56 PM
H'm... DBF doesn't like blond. He strongly dislikes it.

I'm not aware of the preferences of the other guys I know. I can't recall them caring about hair color either way.

July 21st, 2009, 08:21 PM
Hm... Regardless of whether the assumptions based on the results of the study are true or if they are drivel, I thought the article was rather interesting. As a mousy brunette, I often get a little stuck in the "blondes have more fun" attitude, and as I was feeling that today, this article cheered me up a little bit. :)

Then again, I'm also the sort of person who loves to read theories based on these sorts of studies, so I may be biased.

July 21st, 2009, 09:20 PM
I must say, I also didn't really find this article tasteful. I feel it just tried to replace one stereotype with the other. Meh.

It's like when they say "men prefer curves", how does this help more people achieve their own body acceptance?? It's just replaces one ideal with another.

All I know is, MY gentleman prefers my dark blonde hair and my petite frame. :P

July 21st, 2009, 11:30 PM
I put up a thread sort of like this on the board because I was very frustrated with all the rude attention I was getting.
Some people did post that they thought blondes got more attention, but the general conclusion was that the length of my hair was getting more attention than the color.

But once again, this was an informal survey in a non-scientific environment.

I think it goes down to individual preference. Frankly, if all someone cares about is my appearance, he's not a gentleman. Beauty is fleeting.

July 22nd, 2009, 12:07 AM
There are countless articles about studies on this subject, but never the other way round (what hair color do women like on men) and true, there are so few blonde people on earth it's just not possible that everybody would fall for blonde.

Wicked Princess
July 22nd, 2009, 12:10 AM
I definitely got A LOT more attention from men when I was blond, but I think it had more to do with the social connotations. They also assumed I was an idiot.
I told one guy I was a neuroscientist and he laughed and joked that his friend had put me up to it!
Who jokes about being a neuroscientist??? Seriously?

Funnily enough, every guy I've seriously dated has really preferred darker hair or red hair.

Hehe. If it makes you feel any better, I've had people not believe me when I said I was a biochemist before, and I have two stereotypes going for me: I'm a brunette, and I require corrective glasses. I hate the stereotypes of one hair color or impaired eyesight signifying intelligence! Hate it!

That is why, while the article is lacking, I do appreciate its attempt to dispel stereotypes. I just wish it had done so with a bit more eloquence!

I must admit, I like darker features on men and women. That does not in any way mean that I would love my fiance less if I had met him and he was a blond, and I highly suspect the same is true of anyone who participated in the study!

July 22nd, 2009, 12:22 AM
I suppose I should feel sad now being a blonde? Nah...as long as my fiance prefers me.

July 22nd, 2009, 01:31 AM
We have this science blog here in Hungary called the British Scientists.

All completely useless and pointless but funny studies go to this blog (Australian scientists discovered non-melting chocolate; British scientists show that taller people tend to make more money; Japanese prove that cockroaches get fat too when on a bad diet and so on). Apparently, these scientists have shiploads of time and nothing better to do :D

Still, all haircolors, shapes and legths have been proven more attractive than the rest, a lot depending on the sample group and the many dofferent variables of the context. But it's always nice to publish some short article on it somewhere. Intresting enough for a 5 minute read, and someone might feel better in their skin.

(Ipersonally prefer longer haired men, really. And don't have very strong preferences in women. And anyways, the dark vs blond deatmatches never really offer an answer for us, light browns. Nobody cares about light browns. Geez. Grrrrr.)

July 22nd, 2009, 03:09 AM
That was a stupid article.

But I have to say this about blondes, they do draw more attention :) If I see a blonde with long hair walking by, my head turns. The color just is more striking I suppose.

July 22nd, 2009, 05:01 AM
Well, in my experience, they DO prefer blondes. Maybe because naturally blond hair is rare in Bulgaria, and it is interesting. But then, blonde girls have it rough in the workplace as they are being treated like women, not like professionals... A lot to work on here in Bulgaria:).

July 22nd, 2009, 07:17 AM
Well, everyone's preference is a little different. Perhaps it seems the majority might like blondes better due the fact that a true blonde is rarer than a brunette, but still everyone's different. For myself and my S.O. we both perfer darker features, which works out perfectly for us as we are both brunette.

July 22nd, 2009, 07:43 AM
Five-foot-seven is also preferred, and I'm sure not that!

Heh, interesting. I'm 5'7" and desperately wish I were taller, so hearing that actually helps. :)

July 22nd, 2009, 08:03 AM
Meh...different men are attracted to different types as are women. I know many girls who like blond guys but I prefer my men a tad darker hehe. I myself am a red head and get quite a bit of attention (mainly at renfairs or from black guys which is odd but cool!). I know many blonds too who are very smart by the way...stereo types are no fun....us red heads get quite a bit of flack too lol.

July 22nd, 2009, 08:22 AM
Thanks, GlennaGirl - I couldn't have said it better myself. Although I don't necessarily endorse the article just because I posted it (I posted because it was interesting, in any case), I do happen to agree with exactly what you've said. In a related vein is the application of phi, "the Golden Ratio", to facial proportions and the impact that that has on cross-cultural assessments of attractiveness. Concepts of beauty are definitely socially conditioned but conditioning hasn't superseded so-called "biological" influences.

I don't think there's anything wrong with articles like this. It's probably true. As evolved as we try to be, certain characteristics are attractive in certain ways--large, wide-spaced eyes (generally), for instance. This is, according to anthropologists, directly because the very young appear to have large, wide eyes. (In reality, as we grow up our eyes simply don't grow the same way our face around them grows, so they no longer look as large.)

And there are other physical attributes I won't mention.

Though everyone is different, and everyone's physical likes and dislikes are different (I can hear it now--"I once knew a guy who loved bald women!"), discovering what makes us tick as an average or as a society is, to me, endlessly fascinating.

"Preferring" brunettes over blondes at a quick glance doesn't extend to anything other than that. Obviously, men and women both date blondes. Men and women both marry blondes. And brunettes, redheads and bald people. Feeling a physical pull looking at a certain "type," whatever that is, doesn't mean a man is not a gentleman or that a woman isn't a lady.

I see this study as trying to dispel myths, not create or perpetuate them. Trust me, when I was very young and blonde, I was told over and over again how lucky I was, and when I started to lose the blonde--just at the time I was starting to like boys--my mother couldn't hide her sadness for me since the men wouldn't be flocking. (rolling eyes) Yes. Seriously. And who among us hasn't heard, over and over and over again, that blondes are sexier...prettier...etc.? And if you dyed your hair until it fell out trying to get that "gorgeous" blonde, stand up and raise your hand. (I'll be the first.) (And no, that doesn't mean everyone who colors his or her hair is damaging his or her hair...before that one starts too.) This article says, "Baloney. It's just not true. So relax, sillies."

And FWIW, I've heard of similar studies quite a few times before, and they all did say brunettes were the preferred hair color. I'm not saying that because I'm a brunette. :D Five-foot-seven is also preferred, and I'm sure not that! So is an hourglass; I'm thick-waisted. But again. "Preferred" at a glance didn't mean no man ever glanced my way. I'm married, actually, and never hurt for dates when I was blonde, and don't hurt for glances now (amazingly). So it's no biggie. It's just a study about general preferences out of curiosity.

July 22nd, 2009, 08:39 AM
It's funny, I have red/brown hair (henna'd), but I prefer blond! I work in a very public place and my clients have no problem telling me their opinions on my hair color (for starters!!). The ones that have been most vocal have been the ones that like my hair blond. My bestest friend doesn't like the blond on me? But tons of others do. When my hair was blond I felt like a "washed out" copy of myself, but I still preferred being blond!!!

I've actually a few days ago, ordered a blond henna in the brand that I get...I know it won't turn all of it, but I'm hoping the greys that I have coming in will be like blond highlights...we'll see.

Also, I've been watching Shakira videos lately (two of her songs I really like) because of a thread started somewhere on here, and I really like her blond look in the whenever/wherever video as opposed to her darker look in other videos - it's like a completely different person.

July 22nd, 2009, 08:39 AM
I just wanted to share a little bit of "wisdom" from a 12 year old former client at my work - "Brunettes should have more fun than blondes, 'cause Jesus was a brunette!" Love that kid - she was hilarious! :D

I'm personally drawn to red hair or black.

July 22nd, 2009, 11:08 AM
In the article it says they used the same person's face, just with different computer generated hair added. Maybe the brunette head of hair was more convincing? I would guess it would be complicated by the natural complexion of the model used too and how well that went with blonde hair or other colors.

July 22nd, 2009, 11:12 AM
Different people like different things, right?

People are extremely fond of making up rules where they don't really apply, I find.*

*That said, I have a heavy preference for men with fair to light brown hair. ;)

July 22nd, 2009, 11:41 AM
It also depends on a lot of cultural factors.

North American media rams it into our heads that long blond hair is the epitome of attractive youth.

That said, scandinavians love dark hair and dark features because they are so rare and exotic.

I've had every shade of hair colour found in nature and my stylist loved me because I have a skin tone that can carry any shade.
What I found with blond was less that men were more attracted, but more that men assumed I would be more flirtatious and open to their advances.

With every other shade of hair I've been described as looking high maintenance and intimidating. However, my blond hair was like a beacon asking for men to come and talk to me. I was not used to Joe Baseball Cap walking up to me and chatting with me as if I had waved him over. They also had an attitude of "well of course you want to talk to me, you're blond!"

Oh boy, and the african men. Yeesh. I'm very pale and I have a tiny tiny waist and full hips. Being blond on top of that was like crack to a lot of african men. Wowza!
They had the best pick-up lines though
"I want to shower you in gold and jewels because you are a goddess" Joe Baseball Cap could learn a few things.

Having red hair made some other people with red hair act as if we were part of some secret society.

Now I'm back to virgin light brown hair and so it's back to my clothes determining what people think of me.

July 22nd, 2009, 12:23 PM
I can easily dispel this myth. I find people with darker hair to be more attractive personally, and many people I know both Asian and also non-Asian(Caucasian, African American) actually also prefer darker hair. I definitely agree with ecologystudent's post, lighter hair only evolved within a limited portion of Northern Europe and so for thousands of years only people within that region alone would have even seen blonde hair, much less fawn over it and see it as a sexually attractive trait. For the overwhelming vast majority of the world, everyone has either brown to dark brown to black hair. The human race as whole uses the fittest body shapes to determine who is the most fit to mate with, hair is just a secondary trait.

July 22nd, 2009, 12:38 PM
Long healthy looking hair actually does have a major impact on biological signals of attraction.

A long length of hair that looks healthy indicates a long history of good personal hygiene and health. Scraggly, unhealthy looking, dirty hair really does make someone look very unappealing to most people.

Wicked Princess
July 22nd, 2009, 02:15 PM
I would imagine that hair that is really long by society's perception (i.e. classic length, as opposed to "the floor!!!!") would draw considerable attention, no matter what its shade.

It also depends on a lot of cultural factors.

North American media rams it into our heads that long blond hair is the epitome of attractive youth.

That said, scandinavians love dark hair and dark features because they are so rare and exotic.

You're right. I wonder...because of the "long blond hair" ramming that brunettes are, to some extent, also a bit on the exotic side due to their hair color. If everyone takes it as a given that "everyone" wants, or should want blond hair, then perhaps someone who has a darker shade stands out without realizing it?

Long healthy looking hair actually does have a major impact on biological signals of attraction.

A long length of hair that looks healthy indicates a long history of good personal hygiene and health. Scraggly, unhealthy looking, dirty hair really does make someone look very unappealing to most people.

This :) Here's hoping we'll have a community full of head-turning, long-haired women with varying hair color.

July 22nd, 2009, 05:17 PM
I was told the theory was that blondes were more attractive because blonde hair (like wide-set eyes) signifies youth. Blonde hair does have a tendency to darken in one's late teens/early twenties.

I do find myself wondering what the woman they used for this experiment looks like. Some people just look better with certain hair colors. On myself, dark is definitely more striking. My mother (a natural blonde) would look very washed out as anything but a blonde. Was the model a natural brunette?

I would be curious to see them re-do the study, but use a few different women, to see if individual coloring has much impact. But I'm a nerd like that. :p

July 22nd, 2009, 05:28 PM
I think these articles mean nothing in the long run and I find them borderline offensive. "Because we did the survey of a certain demographic it is the absolute truth!" Everyone is an individual. I also would hope people don't pick mates based solely on hair color.

People never have made the assumption that I am an idiot or more sexually willing because I am a blond.

July 22nd, 2009, 05:33 PM
I was told the theory was that blondes were more attractive because blonde hair (like wide-set eyes) signifies youth. Blonde hair does have a tendency to darken in one's late teens/early twenties.

I do find myself wondering what the woman they used for this experiment looks like. Some people just look better with certain hair colors. On myself, dark is definitely more striking. My mother (a natural blonde) would look very washed out as anything but a blonde. Was the model a natural brunette?

I would be curious to see them re-do the study, but use a few different women, to see if individual coloring has much impact. But I'm a nerd like that. :p

Well, I agree. I dyed my hair dark brunette once and it was quite striking, but another time I tried it when I wasn't so tan and it looked horrible on me. So I cannot imagine that this was a well thought out experiment if they didn't take skin tone into consideration when switching hair colors on the model.

July 22nd, 2009, 05:45 PM
Well, I agree. I dyed my hair dark brunette once and it was quite striking, but another time I tried it when I wasn't so tan and it looked horrible on me. So I cannot imagine that this was a well thought out experiment if they didn't take skin tone into consideration when switching hair colors on the model.

Maybe they did. Who can say? Maybe they chose a model with mid-depth colored features who could be either blonde or brunette naturally. Maybe they chose a tawny. Who's to say? My personal feeling on it is that anyone interested in the behavioral sciences would take something like that into consideration before attempting the study, but again, I can't say and neither can anyone since we just don't know. :)

July 22nd, 2009, 05:47 PM
She showed 76 women and 50 men six photos of women; three were actually pictures of the same woman with different length hair.

From: http://www.prevention.com/cda/article/gentlemen-prefer-brunettes/81fa68f271903110VgnVCM10000013281eac____/health/healthy.relationships/sex

So it wasn't just one woman and it wasn't just wigs.

July 22nd, 2009, 05:49 PM
Maybe they did. Who can say? Maybe they chose a model with mid-depth colored features who could be either blonde or brunette naturally. Maybe they chose a tawny. Who's to say? My personal feeling on it is that anyone interested in the behavioral sciences would take something like that into consideration before attempting the study, but again, I can't say and neither can anyone since we just don't know. :)

True, true. I do wish ALL the study details would be revealed when experiment results are posted. Otherwise, I guess I could waste all my time speculating.

July 23rd, 2009, 05:42 AM
Long healthy looking hair actually does have a major impact on biological signals of attraction.

A long length of hair that looks healthy indicates a long history of good personal hygiene and health. Scraggly, unhealthy looking, dirty hair really does make someone look very unappealing to most people.

True, but that can be with any hair color/texture :)

July 23rd, 2009, 08:52 AM
Well this is a bit odd. I like it when people tell what they like and maybe what some of their friends like. I don't enjoy when they say that that's "the way" that "everyone, as a general rule" prefers it. Lame.

July 23rd, 2009, 09:25 AM
I found that article trite and small.
The real reason men find SOME blonde women attractive (go ahead flame me) is that the over processed look just screams,"if I do this to my hair I will do anything"

July 23rd, 2009, 09:41 AM
I really dont think guys think too much about haircolor. It's about the whole package, not just "You have dark hair, must have you" :rolleyes:

July 23rd, 2009, 09:45 AM
I found that article trite and small.
The real reason men find SOME blonde women attractive (go ahead flame me) is that the over processed look just screams,"if I do this to my hair I will do anything"

Ehm... I have seen many bottle blonde ladies, who did not have over processed hair :rolleyes: And I dont think guys would assume that anyway... :D

July 23rd, 2009, 09:45 PM
Ehm... I have seen many bottle blonde ladies, who did not have over processed hair :rolleyes: And I dont think guys would assume that anyway... :D
Yeah, I think that gives guys way too much credit for thinking such things through. :lol:

From the article: "Among the men, 46 percent preferred brown hair, 27 percent chose black, 19 percent gave blondes the top rating, and 7 percent went for redheads." It's been noted here that brown hair is more common than blonde. The numbers make me wonder what percentage of these guys' mothers have brown/black/etc hair.

July 23rd, 2009, 10:10 PM
Since the overwhelming majority of the world is dark haired, its very safe to say that the vast majority of men in the world overall would naturally find dark haired women attractive. These men themselves are most likely dark haired and came from mothers who are dark haired, and so naturally evolution would drive these men to look for mates that are similar to themselves.

I think the whole "Gentlemen prefer blondes" is an archaic stereotype that is borderline racist. It practically implies that women with the characteristics of Aryan perfection like blonde hair and blue eyes are "more beautiful", somehow "superior" to everyone else who is dark haired. I'm glad that this article(altho it supports it own stereotypes so its in no way perfect either) actually found out that there are plenty of men who actually prefer brunettes. Maybe one day we can create a world where it wouldn't matter what hair color or for that matter what skin color you are. We could always dream.

July 24th, 2009, 12:19 AM
Funny thing- I have strawberry blonde-hair naturally- I have been very blonde, very red, auburn and even black. Short hair (pixie) and long. Thin and well, heavy... every look has been different. But depending on my attitude... did I feel sexy and desireable? If I did, then I was, no matter the colour or weight.

Its about the energy you have. I do have to say that I prefer to be dark red and that seems to be the least attractive to men- just like the article. My BF always tells me that all of the comic red heads in a Playboy- yes, yes, I know... are devilish. Look at Jessica Rabbit... Men either seem to love red heads or really, really dislike them. Blonde? Didn't do much for me unless I was tan and I felt good about the look- again, energy. Black hair- was actually a mistake, not on purpose- got tons of attention though. But I live in New Mexico- what's the predominant colour? Black and dark brown- so the attention seems warranted. Long hair was always the best at any colour.

So the BF loves me beacuse I am so different (freckles and all) but other men have sort of been afraid of me as a red head because I was different and society says I am hot tempered and difficult. And, well I am. but I am that way no matter what hair colour.

The BF is Hispanic and Italian- so dark hair and eyes- and I love that because he is so different from me.

I love dark hair, and skin on women- so exotic to me... but I think Christy Brinkly is stunning, so gosh it just seems that it doesn't matter- it's all about how you carry yourself- if you feel sexy and attractive a man will pick up on that no matter the colour, weight, hair length.

July 24th, 2009, 01:00 AM
I did keep track of reactions when I dyed my hair red from blonde, and I swear I got more respect as a redhead. Maybe the whole ridiculous "redhead = fiery temper" perception got me respect.
I've also gotten rude blonde marks, but I would say it's the rude people in my area who think insulting and hurting others is funny, not general perception.

Personally, I love thick black hair and really have to hold myself back from running my fingers through a nice headful of it, male or female.:eyebrows:

July 24th, 2009, 01:47 AM
Since the overwhelming majority of the world is dark haired, its very safe to say that the vast majority of men in the world overall would naturally find dark haired women attractive. These men themselves are most likely dark haired and came from mothers who are dark haired, and so naturally evolution would drive these men to look for mates that are similar to themselves.

I think the whole "Gentlemen prefer blondes" is an archaic stereotype that is borderline racist. It practically implies that women with the characteristics of Aryan perfection like blonde hair and blue eyes are "more beautiful", somehow "superior" to everyone else who is dark haired. I'm glad that this article(altho it supports it own stereotypes so its in no way perfect either) actually found out that there are plenty of men who actually prefer brunettes. Maybe one day we can create a world where it wouldn't matter what hair color or for that matter what skin color you are. We could always dream.

Didn't that phrase come from the movie with the same name starring Marilyn Monroe? Or was it around before the movie? (kinda like the chicken and the egg question, no?)

July 24th, 2009, 05:48 AM
Men are as diverse as women are so do men prefer blondes?
Absolutely not!
Do some men prefer blondes?

Do some men actually care more about your personality then your hair colour?
Oh yeah!

Tom Steinberg
July 24th, 2009, 06:36 AM
Funny thing- I have strawberry blonde-hair naturally- I have been very blonde, very red, auburn and even black. Short hair (pixie) and long. Thin and well, heavy... every look has been different. But depending on my attitude... did I feel sexy and desireable? If I did, then I was, no matter the colour or weight.

I think this is very true. How a person is matters the most. I have no preference as fas as colour is concerned, but I prefer long over short (surprise eh?) :)