View Full Version : Can anyone help with the Odango Bun?

July 21st, 2009, 07:22 AM
Hi there! I've seen this "odango bun" thingy HERE (http://www.io.com/%7Ecortese/hair/styling.html#odango) and Love it.
I've read and re-read the how-to but I just don't get it. :confused:
Anyone out there able to help this thicky? :D

July 21st, 2009, 07:38 AM
I do this bun a lot.

You just start it as a regular cinnamon bun, do one full 360 degree turn of the bun then turn until the tail end of the hair is held above our head, then pull the hair straight down (90 degree angle) under the bun (to lock the bun so it doesn't loosen) so that the tail passes next to the base, then pin.

July 21st, 2009, 07:45 AM
It looks as if it is a Gibraltar/inside-out bun, in the sense that you do a twice-around bee-butt bun, and then pull the inner/upper coil down and around the second coil.

The difference is that the hair is much longer, so that there is a significant tail left after the bun is made, and that hair is left down.

Your info gives your hair length at BSL. It may not be long enough for this. I found that I couldn't get an inside-out bun done until I was past waist length, as the coil of my hair wasn't long enough to do a bun that wrapped around twice. And for this, you'd want even more hair, as you'd want enough to have a significant tail left hanging.

July 21st, 2009, 08:53 AM
Your info gives your hair length at BSL. It may not be long enough for this.

Sorry, I haven't updated my profile in awhile. My hair is just brushing waist length, and I'm finally able to experiment with different buns and things (Yay! :cheer:). I know the "tail" will still be short-ish but I'd love to do this with my hair.

July 21st, 2009, 09:49 AM
Can you explain more as to where you're confused?

To me, the directions are straight forward. Make the first coil and a half of a cinnabun, then leaving the extra hanging behind the bun, use a stick and or pins to hold the bun.

If you want the bun in the picture though, you'll follow Ursula's directions.

July 21st, 2009, 10:04 AM
So, it's a not-fully-completed cinnabun?

Okay, I think I got it. I should twist and wrap to make an "O", then drop the 'tail' straight down behind the "O", which I secure with stick. :confused:

(I did say I was thick :p)

Thanks. I'll work on it.

July 21st, 2009, 12:23 PM
So, it's a not-fully-completed cinnabun?

Okay, I think I got it. I should twist and wrap to make an "O", then drop the 'tail' straight down behind the "O", which I secure with stick. :confused:

(I did say I was thick :p)

Thanks. I'll work on it.
Yes, you got it. :)