View Full Version : Dezi Avenue hair combs??

July 18th, 2009, 06:15 PM

That's a link to these combs - My gran just bought me three back from her holidays and I have no idea how to use them!
Does anyone have any ideas?
TIA :)

July 18th, 2009, 06:38 PM
My friend has one of those... I'm not a big fan of them since they don't seem to work well on her hair, but I haven't tried them on mine or anything.

Basically, put your hair up, in like a french twist or logroll, and use this kind of like a barrette.. the cutesy part should be over your style, and you push the combs in along your scalp below the style.

July 18th, 2009, 06:49 PM
These look very similar to Stylees that are sold in the UK on the Ideal Home Shopping Channel. I've never used them myself. Have a look at the Stylees website which gives some ideas on how they are used under "Fashion Ideas". http://www.stylee.com/index1.html.

July 18th, 2009, 07:49 PM
Thanks for the replies! I'll give this a go :flowers:

July 19th, 2009, 01:20 AM
These look very similar to Stylees that are sold in the UK on the Ideal Home Shopping Channel. I've never used them myself. Have a look at the Stylees website which gives some ideas on how they are used under "Fashion Ideas". http://www.stylee.com/index1.html.

Lol, those make me think "90s!" which I guess is pretty close to in now, since I think we're going through an 80s phase? They remind me of scrunchies combined with the thingies the OP showed us / my friend has. Too cute.

July 19th, 2009, 05:47 AM
I did see beaded ones being demonstrated at a craft fair and I just got the feeling that if you weren't careful with them they could get really tangled in your hair. The person demonstration them only had hair that was between APL and BSL. They did look pretty in her hair but I'm not sure how well they will work with hair waist length and beyond.