View Full Version : Do you ever play sports with your hair loose?

July 13th, 2009, 12:46 PM
I've noticed that without fail in films, female characters, and more specifically female protagonists or love interests, almost never wear their hair up. Now, I know many people with "long" hair (by society's standards) do wear it loose most of the time, but there's a place to draw the line. I can't imagine playing soccer, for instance, with my hair loose, regardless of the length (well, except a bob or pixie, but I've never had hair that short). It would get in my eyes and tangle horrendously. Most of these girls/women, too, have hair at least APL or BSL. Even Éowyn in Return of the King has her TB-length hair loose when she's fighting the Nazgûl!

So now I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who is actually capable of wearing their hair loose for sports, etc.

July 13th, 2009, 12:50 PM
No way! Since I play Lacrosse, that is just asking for it to get tangled in someone's stick.

July 13th, 2009, 12:54 PM
I can't stand having my hair down for sport, it just constantly gets in the way! I play tennis and figure skate, and for both of these i have to have all of my hair completely off my face, without even my fringe down or wispy bits.

July 13th, 2009, 12:55 PM
Never. I run and play tennis, softball, touch football, and pickup basketball. It would never occur to me to leave my hair down. Don't want it flying in my face when I'm trying to catch a popup or return serve. :grin:

July 13th, 2009, 01:01 PM
No way. My hair would blind me, and probably suffocate me, if I tried to wear it down when playing any kind of sport. But I used to play basketball with a girl who would wear her hair down for every single game. It was about shoulder length, and I always wanted to ask her why she left it down. It seemed so odd to me.

July 13th, 2009, 01:07 PM
No. There is noooo way this was going to work. When I´m wearing my hair down, it even bothers me when I´m in front of the computer screen, so I´m putting an elastic in or something.
Wearing it down during sports is not an option.

July 13th, 2009, 01:10 PM
5-10 year olds with shoulder length hair who won't cooperate with a parent on the matter of a certain pony tail elastic are the only people I've ever known in real life to wear their pony-tail-length+ hair down for a sport.

July 13th, 2009, 01:14 PM
Based on the above responses, it looks like they only do it in films because it's "unsexy" or "unfeminine" to wear it up, no matter how unrealistic the alternative is :p

July 13th, 2009, 01:15 PM
I can't stand my hair down for almost everything. The only time I let it down is probably when I'm taking a hard test, where I usually start scritching my scalp to relieve some tension, hehe. And that's that my hair's at APL! There's no way in heck that I can stand playing sports with my hair loose!

July 13th, 2009, 01:24 PM
My hair's favourite hobby is tangling, so no :p

July 13th, 2009, 01:28 PM
Very, very no. I have trouble walking outside with my hair down because it gets in my eyes and I can't see anything. Even when my hair was bobbed, I pulled the front up for sports and dancing.

July 13th, 2009, 01:32 PM
Back when I hadn't found a secure enough bun I used to just braid it for sports, I'm thankful I've found ways to make my buns hold as the braid whipping different parts of your body when you're jogging/dancing is quite frustrating :D

July 13th, 2009, 01:50 PM
I voted that I put cheese on my head when I play sports because my situation is mixed. I always wore my hair down until BSL. After that sometimes it was down and sometimes it was in a braid. When it got down to hip length and below, it would most often be in a braid, and sometimes I would do two braids and pin them around my head. By the time my hair was classic length I would usually have it well contained, but I do remember having it down or braided (at the nape and hanging down) a couple of times during martial arts practice. I also remember running with it loose a few times because my style didn't hold and I was not willing to stop to redo my hair. Since I started learning about my hair and taking care of it I have been careful to keep it up.

But, I do have an old video of myself with a long braid whipping around during a sparring match (with sticks). It looks really cool, but my hair sure took a beating!


July 13th, 2009, 02:02 PM
No, I could never leave my hair down for sports. Even for running or exercising, it has to be in a braid and hairband.

July 13th, 2009, 02:13 PM
Some of the pre-teens i work out with wear it down. But i wonder if their parents aren't still assisting with a lot of the detangling, so they don't fully appreciate the effect.

I braid it for all workouts. Ponies still tangle horrifyingly. If it is a helmet based sport, i do two braids to avoid the back-of-neck tangle that a single braid under a helmet invariably gives.

My hair would blind me, and probably suffocate me, if I tried to wear it down when playing any kind of sport.

The first time i was doing a non-helmet wearing sport and i tried a single pony high on my head. It got in my eyes a couple times, so i did the pony-with-2nd-band halfway down thing, which is a favourite of mine for doing housework. After whipping my head around quickly for some reason, i inhaled pretty much the entire ponytail. I kid you not. It was actually terrifying.

So yeah, suffocation is not much of an exaggeration.

July 13th, 2009, 02:19 PM
Definitely not gonna happen!
I used to just leave my hair in a braid, but once it started whipping me in the face with more frequency during tumbling passes (gymnastics), up in a bun it stays. I can't imagine trying to do anything sports related with my hair down. o,o

July 13th, 2009, 02:57 PM
Oh sure, I do. It´s really cool to strangle my partner with my hair when practicing martial arts... :silly: Err nope I don´t do that, long hair down for sports is not a good idea. That´s a classical case of movie makers who do everything to make their film more appealing. Authenticity :rolleyes: who wants to see that in a movie? *sigh* I hate it when they do that.

July 13th, 2009, 03:02 PM
Not really. If my hair is down, I don't have anything to put my hair up with, and something fun starts happening I'll join in though. I'm not about to miss out on something just because my hair's in the way :) (that almost never happens though because It's usually up...)

July 13th, 2009, 03:24 PM
Not really. If my hair is down, I don't have anything to put my hair up with, and something fun starts happening I'll join in though. I'm not about to miss out on something just because my hair's in the way :) (that almost never happens though because It's usually up...)

Yeah, that's a slightly different case. I'm talking more about organised sport or premeditated events. I've been known to run around on occasion with my hair down if it was already down (and I admit to ceilidh dancing with it down) but it baffles me how movie creators expect their heroine to fly about on a broomstick (*cough* Ginny in Harry Potter *cough*) or play soccer (She's the Man) or fight evil Witch Kings (Lord of the Rings) with their hair down.

July 13th, 2009, 05:57 PM

Beatnik Guy
July 13th, 2009, 06:10 PM
No way ! No way I'd play any sport, that is shudder: :D
Exactly. What a question. :rolleyes:

July 13th, 2009, 06:30 PM
Wearing my hair down while playing sports or working out? Absolutely NOT. Most people I know, even with bobs pull some of their hair back when playing. . . BUT I know one person, a physical therapist, with APL hair who NEVER puts hers up. . . Sees patients, bikes, climbs, hair DOWN. Maybe too many layers? I'm sure I'd figure out a way to contain it. . . ;-)

July 13th, 2009, 06:37 PM
Before coming to LHC, I couldn't make my hair hold a bun through vigorous activity so I just braided it. I have, on occasion, played soccer at school with my hair down, but only because I don't participate! :cheese:

July 13th, 2009, 06:44 PM
I'm an Irish dancer, and when I get back to competing, I will be wearing my hair down in a sort of modified half-up. :) I'm BSL now, and I'm aiming for waist.

It's "illegal" to film Irish dance competitions, so this is a clip from Riverdance back in 1995. Forward it to about 1:15 to see Jean Butler, "mother" of the modern Irish movement, and one of the best! Competition dress and setup is much different now - Riverdance was/is a road production. That said, I'm still doing a lot of those moves with my hair pretty much like theirs!


Advance this one to 1:40 to see a girl in modern competition dress at a recital: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay1nmCfHbX8

I also dance ceili, which is a group dance. These girls wear their hair in buns for a reason (they are not from my school)... although we sometimes wear our hair down. Many girls wear wigs, but I feel like they just get too hot!


I don't practice with my hair down, but I almost always perform with it loose!

July 13th, 2009, 06:46 PM
I don't play sports very often, but when I exercise I always have my hair back in a pony tail (or pulled back in some way). I don't like to perspire with my hair all around my neck and in the way.

July 13th, 2009, 06:50 PM
I did some Nerf fencing this last week with my hair in a huge, loose ponytail. It behaved pretty well-- I think I could have done it down too. My hair is somewhere between hip and classic.

I did karate for a short while with BSL layered hair. I used braids, folded ponies, and half ups as well as wearing it loose. Loose was a pain, but it got into my eyes whatever I did because of the layers. I usually ended up with it down, just because all the styles I tried unraveled!

July 13th, 2009, 08:44 PM
I also dance ceili, which is a group dance. These girls wear their hair in buns for a reason (they are not from my school)... although we sometimes wear our hair down. Many girls wear wigs, but I feel like they just get too hot!


I don't practice with my hair down, but I almost always perform with it loose!

I do ceilidh dancing (the Scottish form) and girls do tend to wear their hair down. It's the only time I would do any kind of sport with my hair down, I find it really doesn't get in the way for ceilidh dancing. Any other sport, though, and my hair goes all over the place. I think it's the spinning about in ceilidhing that keeps it out of my eyes :shrug:

July 13th, 2009, 09:14 PM
Exactly. What a question. :rolleyes:

That's what my thought was, haha.

I am decidedly unathletic. I don't enjoy sports.

July 13th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Hm, interesting. Nowadays I put my BSL-ish hair in a ponytail for equestrian practice, or sometimes a braid if I know I'm going to be riding/at the barn for a REALLY long time. However, at the shows, I normally don't put it up at all until right before I ride, even though I'm actively helping other riders on and semi-handling horses.

However, in the past...
I taught swimming with hair past TB, near classic length. If I was in a rush it would be down completely, though I hated how that felt so I often kept it in a ponytail or braid or a really sloppy bun. It was never a very organized style and after swimming around with little kids that pull your hair for over 3 hours, my hair was MISERABLE. I mermaid soaked it in clean water, drained water and mermaid soaked again, and then started the cleaning process (CWC back then). There's something surreal about the feeling of it floating in the water, brushing against your thighs as you swim though.
For equestrian... I LOVE feeling it down, whipping against my back. My stables started mandating me tying it back in a ponytail at about waist, and that's how it always was, but I never tried to keep it in anything more then that until more recently (because the new trainer requires it).

July 14th, 2009, 02:51 AM
Nope, I never let it loose. When I used to jog, ride my horse or ride with my bike, it was always in a ponytail or something.

Duchess of Erat
July 14th, 2009, 03:00 AM
No, even when I had a chinlength bob I'd put the front bits in two little ponytails to keep it out of my eyes. Now I just put it in a low english braid, which still gets in the way sometimes...

July 14th, 2009, 03:41 AM
my hair is just below BSL and I often wear it loose when I'm playing hockey, I just wear a wide hairband to keep it back off my face but leave the length loose.

I haven't been able to find a way of wearing it up for sport that doesn't end up annoying me either by giving me a headache or by coming loose and needing readjusting after running around. It does get a bit tangled, but not really any more than it does everyday anyway :shrug:

July 14th, 2009, 04:06 AM
only when i had very short hair i used to wear it down. But I had a very short bob. Now i wouldn't do that anymore because i don't want to risk damaging my hair and i also don't like the feeling of having my hair in my face while i'm doing sports.

July 14th, 2009, 01:09 PM
I do ceilidh dancing (the Scottish form) and girls do tend to wear their hair down. It's the only time I would do any kind of sport with my hair down, I find it really doesn't get in the way for ceilidh dancing. Any other sport, though, and my hair goes all over the place. I think it's the spinning about in ceilidhing that keeps it out of my eyes :shrug:

Yay for ceilidh! I love highland dancing too. :) I married a Scott - McLean clan. :D

In that Irish ceili, there are a lot of hand grabs. My hair has gotten grabbed a couple of times doing that 8-hand jig, LOL! When it's MY hair, it hurts of course, but when it's a wig... off it comes! :D

July 14th, 2009, 05:27 PM
I'm a ballet dancer, and they call us bunheads for a reason! I usually wear a braided bun, since I find it to be more secure than a regular bun. For jazz class I sometimes wear a ponytail, but as it gets longer, I find more and more that the ponytail fans out over my shoulders and back like loose hair would and then it sticks to my body as I sweat, so lately I've been wearing a bun or braid for that too. A few times I've had to wear it loose for performances, but I don't find that as uncomfortable, since I don't sweat as much performing a dance just once as I do rehearsing it again and again or taking a class.

July 15th, 2009, 04:03 AM
my hair is BSL and sometimes when I go swim i let it down..
it's just such a nice feeling..
and i know it is bad... (blush)

July 15th, 2009, 04:06 PM
No! not even when I was growing from a pixie last year, I'd get a bandana or something to get it out of my face. Now thanks to this site I'm learning a lot of styles that look great and allow me to give my best.
I practice tae kwon do and I'll be entering the cheerleading team next semester at uni.

July 15th, 2009, 04:56 PM
Never, except once when my hair fell down completely in dance class (it was very distracting and I'm not even sure how it happened - maybe a too-loose bee-butt bun) and then I put it up as soon as possible. I think my hair would drive me insane if it were too short to wear up and I had all the little ends flying in my face.
ETA: Hair sticking to sweaty face/back/whatever = EEEWWW!

July 15th, 2009, 11:25 PM
I made the mistake last summer of wearing my hair in a ponytail during a 50 mile roadskate. Took me 3 hours to get the tangles out afterwards :(. Now I always braid it gently and spray it with oil, or put it in Lara Croft type ponytail holders down the length when I don't want braid waves.

July 15th, 2009, 11:32 PM
For me, the hardest part of having my hair down while doing anything is the HEAT. If it weren't so darn hot with my hair down I may leave it during cardio just to relieve some tension on my scalp, or yoga while trying to relax... but during anything exerting at all it will drive me nuts if it isn't up off my neck.

July 16th, 2009, 04:08 AM
I don't play sports but I dance. For rehearsals I wear a ponytail or clip my hair back to keep it off my face and I wear it down for performances.

July 16th, 2009, 07:32 AM
No never, but I use different kinds of updos for different kinds of exercise. For aikido for exaple it always in braids since I can't use hard clips or anything. For yoga and stuff like that it might be enough with a ponytail. But usually I find braids very practical for exercise.

July 16th, 2009, 09:44 PM
I did Taekwondo for six and a half years- for girls with longer than shoulder length hair, it was mandatory that we keep it tied up, and even when it was only juuuuuust barely long enough to put up, I always tied it into a ponytail. Can't aim properly if your hair's flopping about!
For running, my hair tends to come out no matter what and so I just leave it down. The only other "exercise" I get is riding my bike, and the wind takes care of my hair for me. So unless someone comes up with a specific reason for me to tie my hair up when participating in sports, I usually leave it alone.

July 16th, 2009, 09:53 PM
I sometimes see women at the gym with their hair down...not very long hair, maybe shoulder length at average. Still, the thought of having that hair heating up my neck and sticking to me with sweat...yech! Nooo thank you. I always wear mine up, in a pony tail or a bun, for any physical activity that will involve sweat. Maybe the women I see at the gym aren't working hard enough? :eyebrows: :p

July 16th, 2009, 10:12 PM
No I always bun it for any type of sports or workouts.. I can't stand having my hair on my neck or sticking to my back.. not to mention.. it gets HOT! :)

July 16th, 2009, 10:49 PM
Another no here. I run, ride horses, cross country ski in the winter...I couldn't imagine doing it with my hair loose. It'd be all over the place, and as somebody said earlier probably strangling me LOL! Even for dog agility classes I prefer to have it up.

July 16th, 2009, 11:57 PM
I rode horses/mules with it down long a lot... and now since it sort of gets jammed in my helmet hardware, I usually have it down and sticking out under the helmet.
I'm at about maybe 26" now but I rode with it down when I was at classic and TB length.

July 17th, 2009, 12:51 AM
One of my biggest pet peeves is watching crime dramas and they have their hair down. In the FBI or any police force, you MUST wear hair up if it's past you shoulders. It makes perfect sense because you lose your peripheral vision if your hair is down.

I could never ride with my hair down. Even though I wear a helmet, it just wouldn't be practical. Nor would I ever teach with it loose.

The reason they do this on TV/in film is to create contours/shadowing to enhance the face of the actress. I mean, no one wants to see an actress with their hair back and sunglasses on because heaven forbid, they don't look good ;)

July 17th, 2009, 03:20 AM
I run, rollerblade, bicycle, ride horses, play badminton and do yoga (and ski and ice skate in the winter) and I would never wear my hair down for those. Even when I had shoulder-length hair I always wore it at least in a ponytail. Otherwise it would get horrible tangled and sweaty and be on my way all the time. And I just don't see the advantage of wearing it loose; when I play sports I want to concentrate on what I'm doing and I want to be as comfortable as possible. I mean, I also wouldn't wear a long skirt when playing sports for the same reason :p

July 17th, 2009, 05:12 AM
I wear my hair always up for sports, the reasons are - depending on type of sport:
1) wearing it down would be dangerous (climbing: Hair would get caught in rope, etc)
2) bad visibilty (diving)
3) just a nuisance (dancing, jogging)

Maybe for plain swimming I would let it down, that would be a nice floaty feeling around my head...

July 17th, 2009, 05:17 AM
I rollerblade with my hair loose. I like the feeling.

July 17th, 2009, 05:18 AM
Hrmmm....I also (padded) swordfight with my hair down and loose.

akka naeda
July 17th, 2009, 05:31 AM
Not now:)

When I was at school it was BSL - waist length and I'd sometimes have it down for hockey, tennis, netball, badminton, track and field, cross country, but always in a ponytail for trampolining and gym. It didn't get in my way excessively, and it didn't tangle. When I was riding it had to be plaited or in a net, so I plaited it.

The last time I did any "sports" with it loose was a couple years ago when it was mostly loose with a thin section each side put into a ponytail at the back holding the rest off my face. I went out on my bike and never did it again because I was told by a passerby that I was risking scalping myself. I had no idea it was that long; it didn't get excessively tangled though.

Rose J.
July 17th, 2009, 05:30 PM
I never have, but I almost always wear my hair in a ponytail anyway. I do know someone, though, who will sometimes play basketball with her BSL hair completely loose...if I tried that I'd probably get about half my hair yanked out!

July 17th, 2009, 07:32 PM
I've always played lots of sports and never worn my hair down. I agree that movie portrayals seem strange to me in this respect. One more reason why I appreciate Lara Croft's long braid!

July 19th, 2009, 11:40 AM
My hair's favourite hobby is tangling, so no :p

Couldn't have said it better myself. My hair can get a little tangled just by sitting around. Give me even the slightest gust of wind and that just increases the amount of time to comb out. If it's up it's fine. :D

July 19th, 2009, 04:56 PM
No, never. My hair would eat me, and possibly others, in revenge if I did that.

July 19th, 2009, 07:44 PM

July 20th, 2009, 09:10 AM
I dont know if dance qualifie for this becuase dance is an excericise but an expression and art form but I always war my hair loose when I dance. But if I excericse in gym or anything I war a ponytail

July 21st, 2009, 11:42 AM
I don't wear my hair much at all anyway. As far as sports go, I never wear my hair down in the gym (too hot) or in yoga because I would probably stand on it or put my hand on it and try to stand up.

When I was in school doing sports outside we were told not to wear our hair down. The teacher would even give girls elastic bands to tie their hair back. Yes, from the stationary cupboard. That'll teach 'em.

August 10th, 2009, 07:11 PM
I can't even wear my hair down to deal with my kids from day to day. I shudder to think of trying to wear it loose for sports. :eek:

August 10th, 2009, 07:16 PM
I didn't know if was even possible to play sports with your hair down lol makes me laugh even thinking about how awkward that would be.

September 14th, 2009, 07:35 AM
Sometimes I do, but some sports require a ponytail, such as horseriding or self-defence sports. (I do both) My hair would tangle otherwise. But occasionally I wear my hair down for riding my bike.

September 14th, 2009, 08:01 PM
I tried wearing it down for a short hike through the woods, and I just couldn't stand it. I can only imagine how much it would get in the way during something more active.

September 15th, 2009, 12:14 AM
Not a chance; no more than I'd wear a long, loose scarf or a long dress. It would just get in the way.

I do love the feel of it loose when I'm running, though, but that's not the sort of running I'd ever consider counting as a "sport".

September 15th, 2009, 03:15 AM
Never, it is just so uncomfortable. My sister (APL hair) sometimes had her hair down when practicing Taekwondo (she had forgotten elastics I think, it was unintentional) and when running (intentional, she thought that in case she met some nice guy she wanted to be attractive :D). I have also seen some ladies running with long hair. A girl with BSL+ curly hair who moved with her as she was running impressed me. Her hair must have become a mess, but she was really pretty with it loose.

September 15th, 2009, 08:31 AM
The other day in the gym I saw a girl with amazing tailbone length hair wearing only a pony tail as she ran around the track!! I dont know how she does not get intense tangling all I can say is she must be lucky!
I powerlift
(lifting as heavy weight as your body can manage but unlike body building you dont get bulky hulky just lean and full of abs, just had to clarify that so no one thinks I look like the incredible hulk)
anyhow I used to wear a high ponytail before LHC but would get so many tangles!!
now when I bench I wear a braid (so my head can lay flat) and when squatting and deadlifting I wear a bun. I used to braid all the time but they'd get caught behind the bar. Sometimes I still braid and just pull the braid over in front of my shoulder.

I see quite a few women with APL and BSL length training with it down I guess they want to look nice but wonder how the *$£! they deal with the tangles that must cause...

September 15th, 2009, 01:10 PM
I never ever wear my hair down for sports.

September 15th, 2009, 01:23 PM
Yeah, that's a slightly different case. I'm talking more about organised sport or premeditated events. I've been known to run around on occasion with my hair down if it was already down (and I admit to ceilidh dancing with it down) but it baffles me how movie creators expect their heroine to fly about on a broomstick (*cough* Ginny in Harry Potter *cough*) or play soccer (She's the Man) or fight evil Witch Kings (Lord of the Rings) with their hair down.

Completely random thought...

So since I read this a few months ago, I've been thinking about quidditch... and I actually think it would fantastic to fly on a broom with your hair down. If I was a witch I would definitely consider wearing my hair down for broom riding, especially at ginny weasley length (which always looks a bit past apl to me). I think past tailbone it might be an issue though.

September 15th, 2009, 09:02 PM
I thought of this thread today. Driving past the park, I saw a group of young women running. Several shorties, several ponytails, but right up near the front was one girl with the most fabulous curls just streaming in the wind! *sigh* Just keep growing...

October 2nd, 2009, 08:01 PM
I thought of this thread today. Driving past the park, I saw a group of young women running. Several shorties, several ponytails, but right up near the front was one girl with the most fabulous curls just streaming in the wind! *sigh* Just keep growing...

Ah, freedom.....I can't help wondering how many tangles she'd have at the end of her run though! :( For me exercise and loose hair aren't an option. My hair may not be long any more but it still knows how to get itself into a tangle!!

October 2nd, 2009, 08:06 PM
Only when riding my bike, cause it feels nice with the wind running through my hair . The wind has to be going in the right direction though...
Any other sport it really just gets i the way and my hair isn't even that long (shoulder length)

October 3rd, 2009, 08:38 AM
I wore my hair loose until it got past shoulder length, but thats because I was in elementary school and I didn't care about my hair back then. Now that its longer I can't imagine wearing it down, the wind would blow it in my face and it'd be chaos. I bet I'd look like I got caught in a tornado when it was over.

October 3rd, 2009, 01:26 PM
Sometimes I do at school sports class, if I forgot to take a hair tie with me and no one else has one. It's not really that bad, since I rarely do anything there anyway. :D

October 4th, 2009, 07:03 AM
i never play sports with my hair loose.i always put it in a bun

October 5th, 2009, 05:21 PM
I've noticed that without fail in films, female characters, and more specifically female protagonists or love interests, almost never wear their hair up. Now, I know many people with "long" hair (by society's standards) do wear it loose most of the time, but there's a place to draw the line. I can't imagine playing soccer, for instance, with my hair loose, regardless of the length (well, except a bob or pixie, but I've never had hair that short). It would get in my eyes and tangle horrendously. Most of these girls/women, too, have hair at least APL or BSL. Even Éowyn in Return of the King has her TB-length hair loose when she's fighting the Nazgûl!

So now I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who is actually capable of wearing their hair loose for sports, etc.

I don't know about sports, but when I dance my hair seems to come down so I usually just take it down until I'm done. Otherwise it keeps getting looser and caught in whatever I'm using to hold it up.

October 6th, 2009, 09:44 PM
Nope, never. Positively impossible! I play volleyball and my hair would whip me in the face or I'd lean down or just move and my hair would blind me or suffocate me. It HAS to be up. And it also has to be very secure on my head. If it's loose and bouncing around on the back of my head it drives me INSANE! I mean I literally want to run up the wall. lol It has to be so secure it does NOT budge at all.

October 7th, 2009, 02:00 AM
I do, but then i don't play sports often anymore. And it's not very long either given what people here have.
I think that if it's longer I will stick it up.

October 8th, 2009, 08:04 PM
If the sport or activity is only in play and not for competition, then I might wear it loose as long as the day isn't too blustery. It gives one a certain thrill to tempt disaster :P

October 8th, 2009, 08:15 PM
Before I learned to braid I played football once with loose hair... it's kinda hard to see the ball flying at you when there's hair in your face. :p

October 10th, 2009, 09:13 PM
I used to go to gym class in school with it down sometimes, and I've played tennis with it down, too. I can't imagine doing something really active, though, especially if it involved being outside in the wind or running around a lot. ugh, it would get all sweaty and tangled.

October 18th, 2009, 08:41 AM
My hair's favourite hobby is tangling, so no :p

Heh! :D Mine's exactly the same way!

October 18th, 2009, 11:08 AM
I think the last time I wore my hair down while playing a sport would have been middle school. It was still short enough then not to be a huge bother (I think a little longer than shoulder, but I don't really remember), and I didn't take particularly good care of it and thus thought tangles were a normal part of life.

Now I would never wear my hair down for a sport. At the very minimum I do a pony-tail, more often a braided tail, and sometimes a braided bun.

October 31st, 2009, 09:03 AM
I wish I could wear it down but it never works. =(

last time I whipped myself in the eye and couldnt see for half a day.

November 1st, 2009, 04:23 AM
I have it up almost always, ehen I do sports, but sometimes, very rarely, when I want beautiful pictures while riding, I have it loose.
I had a beautiful picture were I was cantering in the snow with a black horse and my black hair was flying behind me. Unfortunately it was lost in my last computer crash.

November 1st, 2009, 10:35 AM
I'm a dancer, and usually I dance with my hair down because I can't stand the feeling of having my hair pulled back. Whenever I do try to dance with my hair up, it just falls out anyway, so there's really no point in even trying. :rolleyes:

ETA: My hair is between APL and BSL, closer to BSL.

November 1st, 2009, 11:00 AM
Yeah, I play tennis sometimes without tieing my hair back.
Unless it is windy then i kind of need it tied back, haha.

I'll play ultimate Frisbee too wit my hair loose as well.

December 3rd, 2009, 01:02 PM
well not never i really try not to and if i don't have a hair band it will sometimes stay down

December 3rd, 2009, 07:26 PM
No way could I play sports with my hair loose....first of all, it's asking for a massive bird's nest, and second of all, I'd be wayyy too warm. It's usually in at least a ponytail when I'm playing a sport, or dancing. :)

Sara Smile
December 14th, 2009, 01:16 PM
When my hair was waist-length, I would usually pony-tail or braid it. It's longer now and it goes in a bun all the time, no matter what I'm doing. Never down, though (unless it fell down and I hadn't fixed it yet).

Wicked Princess
December 15th, 2009, 01:13 AM
It really depended on the activity for me.

When my hair was BSL, I would be able to successfully use a low ponytail for jogging, gym activities, and lacrosse. For fencing, I had my mother do the tucked-under french braid thing. However, I had to tightly bun it for martial arts, or it would come loose no matter what!

Once it hit waist, I started wearing it in a braided bun for just about everything, unless it required a helmet...then I would use a...well...a snood thing, I believe it's called. But it wasn't crocheted...it was made out of fabric.

Now it's a couple inches from classic, and I've discontinued my martial arts and fencing (moved four times in three years!). I still go to the gym and jog, however, and my hair is bunned for that. I'd imagine I'd go back to using a tighter snood if and when I move someplace more permanent and start those activities up again.

December 15th, 2009, 10:43 AM
I chose the cheese! Why? I have occasionally been known to ride with my hair loose, but that's pretty rare because I only do it with my helmet off and I very, very seldom ride without my helmet.

December 18th, 2009, 10:49 PM
When I fenced I wore it down while it was at chin length. I used to ski with it loose, because I couldn't find something that worked that allowed me to both wear it up AND wear a hat and scarf.

Last year I knit myself a combo snood/beanie. It was ponied in there, but it eventually fell out in the hat and it got all knotted and frizzy.

I think I may have the solution this year! I'm tying my hair with a head scarf (such as many Islamic women wear - not to be confused with my ski scarf!), then a hat on top of it, then a scarf (the ski kind) wrapped around the whole thing and tucked under both the hat and scarf and pulled up over my face.

I'm hoping this will work this year!

December 19th, 2009, 09:31 AM
At highschool I used to wear it down on physical ed. 50% of the time. I had APL / BSL at the time, but it did not tangle more than usual, and I found funny the way it moved all around my head (it gave me something to focus while in class, too: I've never liked sports, so it was really boring... my hair kept me entertained).

Now, thinking about it, I suppose I felt free with my hair down, and did not mind the tangles or the odd looks the teacher gave me. I still like to run with my hair down, there's something on the wind playing with it that I absolutely love (not loving so much the tangles, though)

I sound weird, I know lol.

August 15th, 2010, 10:12 AM
No, never! I can't imagine playing basketball with my hair loose. It would get in my way and it's too hot for having my hair down.
One exception. Swimming. I know. It is a sin. But I love the feeling of my hair flowing in the water around me.

August 17th, 2010, 11:00 AM
5-10 year olds with shoulder length hair who won't cooperate with a parent on the matter of a certain pony tail elastic are the only people I've ever known in real life to wear their pony-tail-length+ hair down for a sport.


May I point out that when I was about 11, Dolly magazine had me worried that buns were unsexy & boys didn't like them. I had an argument with my boyfriend at the time because I wouldn't believe him when he told me he loved my hair down but thought the bun looked nice & elegant too.

August 17th, 2010, 11:05 AM
No, my hair is up when I'm doing anything other than walking or sitting, especially running or working! It gets in my way too much.

August 17th, 2010, 11:46 AM
It is always down when I ride or do groundwork or long reins with the horses.

It is always down when I run.

It was never down when I did combat jutsu. Not giving anyone that advantage to get hold of.

Forgot; some rolls are waistlong, others are below shoulder.

August 17th, 2010, 11:58 AM
Never. Even a braid will whack someone hard, including oneself, if it goes flying around too much. (And black belt martial artists do not appreciate that very much, in my experience.)

I was on a roller coaster last summer and was wearing a Flexi. I wasn't sure if it would work, but thought it was worth a try. Bad move. My Flexi came loose when my head bumped against the back of the seat. Talk about a mess! Hip length hair completely swirled and knotted. As soon as I was off I finger combed out the mess and put it up in braids! Got some rather strange looks, walking around the place putting in double lace braids, but who cares!?

On the good side, my friend caught my Flexi!

August 17th, 2010, 12:30 PM
I wore mine loose until I could put in braids at jaw length or so. Bangs are always back. Look at sports, SL or longer is up most of the time.

August 17th, 2010, 12:34 PM
There is NO way that I would ever play any of my sports with my hair down. Hockey, baseball, running, or tennis + hair down = a horrible mess!

August 17th, 2010, 02:36 PM
I have to wear my hair up for excercise. Orherwise I wouldn't be able to see anything :) And the hair gets in the way and grips my sword and gets swetty and it's annoying.

So, never loose.

August 17th, 2010, 06:33 PM
My hair tends to get in my face even when I'm not being active, so I definitely pull it back to exercise or play a sport. When I'm biking I wear a bandanna to keep my helmet from rubbing it too much, and I tie the rest back with a scrunchie or wear it in two braids.

August 18th, 2010, 02:09 AM
Back when my hair was pretty long, say, just above TBL, I had an interesting time hitting golf balls with it loose. It just kept distracting me. Not cool at all. I just don't like hair blowing around when I'm trying to concentrate.
I can bowl with loose hair just fine though. :p

August 18th, 2010, 08:54 AM
I've always had hair at least BSL length and I can't remember ever doing sport with it loose. I always tied it back in a ponytail, at least, otherwise it tangled and drove me mad by getting in my face. These days I'd put it up securely or plait it - I can't stand the feeling of my hair sticking to sweaty skin!

ETA: Actually, it has just occurred to me that I used to sometimes swim with my hair loose. But that wasn't so much "sport" as "pretending to be a mermaid" :D

August 18th, 2010, 09:51 AM
A have very rarely worn my hair down while playing sports. I played soccer, ran track and cross country one year, rode horses, and powerlifted. I freakin can't stand hair sticking to my sweaty face, for one thing.

While I was powerlifting my hair was anywhere from BSL to waist. Wearing it down would have been a recipe for absolute disaster, so I NEVER wore it down. It was always coiled up on top of my head, well out of reach of the bar when I squatted.

On occasion, I did wear my hair down while horseback riding, usually with a bandana wrapped around my head.

Ginger Elanor
August 20th, 2010, 02:13 PM
I do a lot of dancing, and sometimes I go with my hair down - or just clipped off my face but still down - because it looks nicer. But it gets far too hot, and also when I spin it tends to either stick to my lipstick or hit my partner in the face, so nowadays I usually wear it up.

August 20th, 2010, 02:38 PM
No. No no no. No. For any form of sports or exercise, my hair gets braided or pinned up or both. I've even given up on pony tails, because combing out the snarls is no fun. I don't need it tangling around my arms or getting in my face or sticking to me. Oy.

August 20th, 2010, 03:01 PM
Whew I would go crazy with my hair all in my face while trying to play sports.

August 21st, 2010, 12:51 PM
This is a great idea for a poll! I'm generally fanatical about having my hair up to "do" anything (even doing the dishes would be "too much" for hair down). I do martial arts however, and a few times a month practice in street clothes and hair down. Its horrid, a mess, very disorientating but I am getting better at dealing with it. Dealing with it meaning getting less dizzy from fighting blind or inhaling the stuff.

August 29th, 2010, 11:19 AM
I dont know how i could manage that. Even before i consciously started growing it i had a head band to keep it out of my eyes. NOw that its long it is head band plus ponytail with like 4 bands on it so that it wont come loose, and even that is starting to become a problem for somethings as it swings around and hits me in the face.

January 21st, 2016, 02:42 AM
Not played sports since school days and then it was tied back during sports,couldn't of imagined running about with waist length hair flaying about anyway!

January 21st, 2016, 11:31 AM
If by sports you mean 'Brazil Butt Lift', and by down you mean half up in a top knot with the rest hanging down, then yes. My hair is somewhere around bra strap length, fyi.

January 21st, 2016, 11:52 AM
I don't play sports but I do exercise. I find updos don't hold very well so I'll wear it in an english or caterpillar braid.

January 22nd, 2016, 02:47 PM
Nope, it would just be in the way for basketball.

January 23rd, 2016, 11:13 AM
No, I mostly wear a nautilus or a braided bun when I work out or dance.

January 23rd, 2016, 03:42 PM
I'd say 99.9% never. I prefer to protect it + give myself maximum mobility by wearing it up, in braids or in a braided ponytail. I've done historical swordfighting with my hair loose on a couple of occassions, and it was bearable (because the mask kinda kept it in place), but way more uncomfortable than wearing it in a ponytail or braid, obviously. And I was at risk of it getting entwined in my arms while sparring, which is not the best thing :lol: I've also done archery with my hair in a half-up, and I had no major problems, but I prefer to wear it braided when I shoot as well, because of the possibility of it getting in the way of the string.

I agree with the OP about the unrealistic way many women (and also men) of action are portrayed in films and the like. I don't think even Tolkien Elves would go to battle with their hair completely down (Tauriel or Thranduil, for example), I'm positive that, superhuman abilities and superior physiology and everything included, they would go for 'battle braids' more often. Which is why I wear my hair in braids most of the time when I cosplay an Elven ranger (http://arwendeluhtiene.deviantart.com/art/Elven-ranger-professional-shoot-VI-558360674) :lol:

January 23rd, 2016, 04:11 PM
No, and No.

No, I have never (willingly) played sports and no, if I did, my hair would absolutely be bunned.

January 23rd, 2016, 04:36 PM
I tend to have my hair tied back and or plaited most times regardless of what I'm doing. I've taken to wearing swimming caps not because I first thought of how the chlorine might affect my hair but because my plaits would unravel and try to suffocate and drown me when I come up for air midswim.

January 28th, 2016, 04:46 PM
Nope, never. I've had long hair most of my life and have always been athletic/outdoorsy....even as a kid, I always had to have a ponytail or braids for any kind of activity.

January 28th, 2016, 08:13 PM
I'm at about 39 inches of length, and regularly leave my hair down for my PE class, which at the moment is arnis stick fighting. I think the hair twirling as I come in with a strike distracts people enough to where I usually manage to win :luke: I do braid it for sparring in Tang Soo Do, though, as the bouncing around can tangle things or move hair into my eyes pretty easily.

January 29th, 2016, 12:22 AM
Where's the "Yes, sometimes" option?

I don't like most sports, and am not on any organised team. So any sport I play is generally an impromptu thing, and I don't really concern myself with the state of my hair. But it happens that such opportunities usually present themselves in summer, when I wear my hair in two braids by default. So... it's not really "down"... but it's certainly not up... so whatever.

January 29th, 2016, 01:12 AM
My 'sports' are dancing, cycling and yoga.

After years of being a dance teacher, with a competition dancer for a sister, I shiver when I see anyone dancing with hair loose. Yes, it can look nice for a special show but really, bun it. Bun it all.

When I cycled most regularly I had a chin length bob and although I couldn't put that up I would tie a bandana on to keep my fringe in place. This was a safety thing. I was cycling on very busy roads and when it was long enough to tie up, I did. I can't imagine cycling with any length and letting it flap around in the wind purely because how on earth are you supposed to check behind you with hair flapping in your face?

I do my yoga in the morning, when I generally still have my sleep braid in, and before bed when I either had the aforementioned sleep braid or I still have my day hairstyle (generally a bun of some kind) in. If I'm not doing much (I certainly couldn't chaturanga with my hair loose) I might keep it down if it's already down, say I decided to brush out my hair before stretching.

January 31st, 2016, 04:24 AM
I wear my hair open when I bench press (powerlifting) because I find it easier to have a good balance. Buns and braids are annoying.

But in general, I need to wear my hair in a bun during sports. I want my neck to be free :D

January 31st, 2016, 02:13 PM
Almost never - I just get too hot. Very occasionally, on a really cold day, I might run with nothing more than a bandana, but mine's only SL. I do know 2 ladies at my running club who always wear their BSL locks down. I don't know how they put up with the heat, never mind the tangles! I usually wear low bunches in winter and a bun or high pony in summer.

February 3rd, 2016, 08:31 PM
I played soccer with just a headband up until a little passed shoulder length but it's starting to get long enough that it needs to be in a ponytail or bun or it gets in the way too much.

February 4th, 2016, 08:25 AM
I wish there was an "irregularly" option! I am somewhere between waist and BCL I think.
My exercise of choice is pole fitness. I'd say 90% of the time I have my hair up because I get so sweaty and my hair gets in the way when I flip upside down, but occasionally I will leave it down for sexy hair flips (or attempts at it). I also take a chair dance class and I sometimes leave my hair down for that. When we are doing a lot of hair flips in the routine we are learning I think that I would actually get less damage if I had my hair down bc it really whips around and pulls at my scalp if I have it in a braided pony.

February 4th, 2016, 12:30 PM
I do ballroom dance, and I always wear my hair up! It has to be off my face to see my smile, off my neck to see the line of my back, and contained so it won't smack my partner (or other dancers) in the face.

However, it did take me a few years to learn this. I was in a dance class a few years with two other ladies with longer hair. One of them had fine 3c hair, the other had fine 1a hair, and then me with my thick 2b hair. One of the gentlemen in class commented that dancing with the three of us in a row was like being hit with a feather pillow, a whip, and then a brick.

I put my hair up the next week.

September 4th, 2016, 09:03 AM
No, never!

September 4th, 2016, 10:41 AM
Never. It gets stuck everywhere.

September 6th, 2016, 10:40 AM
Never! I barely wear it loose otherwise and I don't even wanna think about what a tangly mess it would be if I did something like sports with it loose. It would also be all over the place!

September 7th, 2016, 05:35 PM
I've noticed that without fail in films, female characters, and more specifically female protagonists or love interests, almost never wear their hair up. Now, I know many people with "long" hair (by society's standards) do wear it loose most of the time, but there's a place to draw the line. I can't imagine playing soccer, for instance, with my hair loose, regardless of the length (well, except a bob or pixie, but I've never had hair that short). It would get in my eyes and tangle horrendously. Most of these girls/women, too, have hair at least APL or BSL. Even Éowyn in Return of the King has her TB-length hair loose when she's fighting the Nazgûl!

So now I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who is actually capable of wearing their hair loose for sports, etc.

I don't understand this too (BTW a very good example with Éowyn!) :) I don't style my hair in any way only when I practise yoga, it's a rather calm practise and besides my hair for now is only almost shoulder-length :) I think with such length it can be for some other types of sport but in my case for some much more active I would definetely style it, it's simply uncomfortable to keep it free! :eek: And if hair is really long... I can't imagine this at all! :D I thinks that it's always much easier to make on your head simple braids similiar to these ones http://hairstylezz.com/best-pigtail-braids-french-dutch-fishtail/11/ instead of feeling uncomfortable all the sport time! And I suppose that without styling the productiveness of physical activitity won't be so good, besides the risk of getting an injury becomes higher.

As I see from these pictures the professional sportswomen always style their hair :)



September 7th, 2016, 07:55 PM
I'm in the "oh I love long hair so much, except for the fact that I hate wearing it down" camp. :rolleyes: I used to have a very short bob, and I would still clip it back. Currently I'm dusting TB and always wear protective styles when I'm in my martial arts class. The other two girls in class always wear their's down though, or one will put it in a pony tail. Both have BSL to MB length hair and I sincerely don't know how they do it. We do flips, get thrown, and taken down. I've stepped on their hair SO MANY times, I could never to that. :shrug:

September 23rd, 2018, 07:06 AM
No, never -no way-

September 25th, 2018, 05:59 PM
I always wear my hair down but not for sports, that would be really uncomfortable

September 26th, 2018, 02:06 PM
My hair was WL-ish until recently. I used to leave it out or half up all the time during sports. It didn't move much nor did it tangle much so it didn't bother me at all.

September 26th, 2018, 03:28 PM
I have a disability, and it's serious enough that I don't do sports, so I generally don't have to worry too too much about my hair, nevertheless when I'm up, I do wear it up. Almost FTL hair gets in the way, no matter what, and I'd rather not have hair that long in my face.

December 13th, 2018, 11:09 AM
Don’t know how I could ever do that. My hair would strangle, blind, suffocate me.

December 17th, 2018, 08:06 AM
My hair was WL-ish until recently. I used to leave it out or half up all the time during sports. It didn't move much nor did it tangle much so it didn't bother me at all.

I have WL too (just cut back from tailbone/high hip) and leave it out as well. When playing sports with a lot of jumping I simply haven't found a bun that stays put and ponytails tangle terribly, even with a braid because of the friction. I put my collarbone length bangs behind my ears or up with bobby pins and the rest pretty much stays put.

Sometimes when going to the gym I put it up in a quick bun without stick or pins just for when I need my shoulders completely free to be able to use the weights or machines and then let it fall out by itself.

December 17th, 2018, 11:13 AM
My hair was WL-ish until recently. I used to leave it out or half up all the time during sports. It didn't move much nor did it tangle much so it didn't bother me at all.

Never thought of trying a half up. For somethings that might be nice.

December 25th, 2018, 10:07 PM
I picked all the time. Because I'm a martial artist, I wear a full helmet when I spar that has no room or holes for a bun or ponytail. It does tangle, and it does get in my face (inside the helmet!! which I can't reach into to move it out of my eyes!) and because my hair is almost wasit length, and curly, it gets pretty knotted up.

I don't want to braid because the fabric on the collar of my uniform is very rough canvas and would tear/fray any taut or contained hair. So not by choice, but I leave it down without any serious ill effects.

December 25th, 2018, 10:44 PM
Every time I see someone at the gym with their hair loose I can't help staring in wonder, confusion and rage. Why? Why would you have your hair loose at the gym? Here's a list of things that happen when your hair is loose at the gym.

1. You slap someone with your ponytail/loose hair
2. Your squat bar sits on your hair.
3. You sweat into your hair (which I guess you will do anyways, but your neck sweat and back sweat join up with your scalp sweat and it's triple threat - triple sweat).
4. Someone ELSE sweats into your hair!!
5. People's sweaty skin cells and airborne pit hairs get in your hair.
6. I stare at you, judgementally.

Now when my hair was very short, like pixie cut, well obviously I wore it loose because what else would I do with it. But once it could touch my nasty sweaty gym neck, it was no longer acceptable. Oh and a squat bar sitting on my hair just makes me wanna scream.

One time I went outside with my hair loose and came back with a dying dragonfly stuck in it. I imagine it was lively before it suffocated in my hair. So yea running around with loose hair, inside or outside is just a no for me.

December 25th, 2018, 10:55 PM
I used to wear it down all the time when I kept my hair between CBL and APL. I remember doing weight lifting and other sports without a problem. I don't think I ever even put it in a ponytail but my hair also never got tangles either and I don't really sweat much so... Now at my current length I usually do a dutch braid for the gym and a high bun, braid or ponytail for outside activities.

December 29th, 2018, 04:35 PM
I used to try to work out with my hair down and loose when I was still trying to be cute (aka not really working out because I was too self conscious). It was silly, annoying and difficult. Now I either wear it in a bun or a ponytail.

December 29th, 2018, 08:12 PM
Every time I see someone at the gym with their hair loose I can't help staring in wonder, confusion and rage. Why? Why would you have your hair loose at the gym? Here's a list of things that happen when your hair is loose at the gym.

1. You slap someone with your ponytail/loose hair
2. Your squat bar sits on your hair.
3. You sweat into your hair (which I guess you will do anyways, but your neck sweat and back sweat join up with your scalp sweat and it's triple threat - triple sweat).
4. Someone ELSE sweats into your hair!!
5. People's sweaty skin cells and airborne pit hairs get in your hair.
6. I stare at you, judgementally.

Numbers 4 and 5 on your list literally made my jaw drop in disgust - so gross!! I am so so glad that my hair is too long to even consider leaving down while being active....

December 29th, 2018, 08:51 PM
:rollin: I once saw a girl running with her hair loose, so I was like, "Dang, maybe it just really is as simple as that." So the next time I ran, I tried leaving my WL hair down. Every third or fourth step, hair was in my eyes, my mouth, my nose. My neck was sweaty. It was hilariously bad. After half a mile, I went home to get a hair tie.

January 1st, 2019, 04:57 AM
NO, never. It makes me shudder to think about hair touching my sweaty skin.

January 1st, 2019, 07:31 AM
I lift kettlebells and rock climb.

During kettlebells, it is really bothersome; and it's a giant safety issue in rock climbing. (It could get caught in the rope, or feed through the belay device. Ya, I've done both. I hope no one saw me yank the end of my ponytail out of the ATC!)
I'm not concerned about it getting sweaty or grubby from being on the floor, gyms are filthy anyway; and I shower when I get home.

I usually make a ponytail on top of my head -- so it's rock solid -- and bun the length into a topknot.

Luna Starsetta
January 14th, 2019, 11:14 AM
I wear my hair mostly down and with that being said if it gets in the way it gets ponytailed. i'm currently a little below tailbone unstretched and still wear it down mostly.

January 14th, 2019, 11:48 PM
I used to before starting to take care of my hair, needless to say my hair wasn't looking its best and it would end very dirty, very sweaty and it even would catch dust from the ground. Never had an accident though, but while doing floor activities people would step on it sometimes.

April 28th, 2019, 10:58 PM
I wear my hair up with a hair stick most days, but the repetitive motion of jogging is the one thing that can bring a hairstick down, in my experience. I still have my hair up mostly, but sometimes it just won't stay.

I remember one day in my senior year of high school, when I was at soccer practice (late afternoon) and I was running and my hair was down, and this one girl—who I never talked to—told me my hair was beautiful. I still remember that.

July 19th, 2019, 11:00 PM
It will really hurt my scalp if any object stuck in my hair, or when I play soccer and I fall then someone accidentally step on my hair and I'm gonna sit or stand up but AHH it hurts! Really I don't wanna let my hair loose

July 20th, 2019, 03:24 AM
Nope nope nope! I can't so much as wear it in a ponytail for running without a huge matted mess to deal with afterwards.

July 23rd, 2021, 05:32 PM
I always played hockey with my hair out. I have curly hair that was waist length at the time. Probably not the best choice since the rink was cold, dry, and sharp skate blades were involved. On multiple occasions I had ice in my hair after wiping out 😂

Funny enough, that was the period of my life that my hair was it’s longest!

Everyone knew who I was because of my flowy blonde curls

July 23rd, 2021, 10:25 PM
I don't play sports but nope I would absolutely tie it up if I were. I hate the feeling of hair blowing and touching all over my face

July 23rd, 2021, 10:37 PM
Oh my, no. I would end up wrapped up in my hair so quickly... especially if I'm sweaty and then it wants to stick to me. I can barely stand to have my hair loose when I'm sitting still...

July 24th, 2021, 09:25 PM
I wore it down until I started growing it out from chin, when it got long enough to stay in a high-ponytail.
A little while ago it reached a length where even in a high ponytail hair was hitting my back when while on the treadmill, so I've started putting it in a bun on top of my head. I'm lovin' it! It's long enough now that it's comfortable and stays really well. Just a scrunchy and a bobby pin make it stay without any pulling.

July 26th, 2021, 04:37 PM
In the past, I often played rough sports with my hair down, whipping around in the wind. Now, imagining or remembering that makes me wince :bigeyes:

September 23rd, 2021, 09:14 AM
I like to have my hair loose while practising yoga, although it's not really a sport. I do this so often that it's become quite natural to manage the extra hair movements even in intense practices. I'm at HL. I imagine this will become more difficult at some point, perhaps the point at which I start stepping on my hair in a twisted lunge.

I wear two plaits for any other sports: running, dancing, etc. A ponytail can be fun but the tangles are not worth it. That said, an impromptu dash down the road or living room dancing session with my hair loose doesn't do any harm. While fighting the Nazgûl I always have my hair loose but that's just to intimidate them.

I do ballroom dance, and I always wear my hair up! It has to be off my face to see my smile, off my neck to see the line of my back, and contained so it won't smack my partner (or other dancers) in the face.

However, it did take me a few years to learn this. I was in a dance class a few years with two other ladies with longer hair. One of them had fine 3c hair, the other had fine 1a hair, and then me with my thick 2b hair. One of the gentlemen in class commented that dancing with the three of us in a row was like being hit with a feather pillow, a whip, and then a brick.

I put my hair up the next week.

This made me LOL :D

September 23rd, 2021, 09:41 AM
Hmm I think I can do everything if allowed a ponytail. I haven't done a lot of sports in my adult life, though. :) If I had not found LHC I would never let it grow long enough for even a bun, though.

September 23rd, 2021, 02:38 PM
No, whenever it was was long enough for a ponytail I put it up. I honestly don't know how the actresses in action movies do it.

September 23rd, 2021, 05:24 PM
Haha, no, never. Not that I play sports any more (now walking to the garden counts as a workout, for me, and my body genuinely thinks standing for 10 mins is an extreme sport, only to be done if I want to spend the rest of the day horizontal) but when I was younger I always had it up for anything remotely physical. I don't recall having short hair though, apart from photos from my tap dancing exams when I had a bob as a 4/5yr old (for our exams anything long enough to be tied up had to be). Even in childhood holiday photos I have my hair tied back :shrug:

September 23rd, 2021, 06:05 PM
I’ve only worn it down as part of a performance costume choice. Hairography is definitely a thing in aerial circus work.

September 23rd, 2021, 08:04 PM
I have always worn it up if it was long enough to go up - even if in just a ponytail.

I remember once as a child relishing being out on my horse with my hair loose and the tangles after were just … so terrible. Now I prefer to wear braids or braided buns for sporty activities. Every winter I see women with their hair loose on the ski slopes and while they look rad, idk maybe they’re the same type of mystical hair-grower as my SIL who swears she has never even once had a tangle!

For something like yoga I can see being into leaving it down; digging more deeply into the sensory and spatial experiences. I might have to give this a try.

October 9th, 2021, 03:42 AM
I always wear my hair up for sports because it gets in the way, especially since I have bangs. I like to pull them back with large clips and headbands.

October 13th, 2021, 09:44 PM
No, whenever it was was long enough for a ponytail I put it up. I honestly don't know how the actresses in action movies do it.

They have teams of hairdressers running around after them, lol.

For something like yoga I can see being into leaving it down; digging more deeply into the sensory and spatial experiences. I might have to give this a try.

Haha. I'm such a klutz I'd just spend all of my time trying to keep from stepping or putting my hand on my hair... it's bad enough having my braid flopping around in my way.

October 24th, 2021, 11:37 PM
Until it could fit into a decent and secure ponytail, it was loose even for sports. When I had bangs they were clipped to the side.

November 21st, 2022, 12:46 PM
No, never.

November 21st, 2022, 09:29 PM
I can't stand my hair down for almost everything.

I hear ya! I'm way too active, in my everyday life. I'd be fighting my hair all day long. I only wear mine down "for show". Like when I go out to dinner, or when company comes over (like for holidays). Otherwise, it's up on my head. Safe and out of my way.

November 22nd, 2022, 09:25 AM
I couldn't even imagine being able to!

November 22nd, 2022, 12:14 PM
I don’t play a sport, but I do pole dance, which is also extremely physically demanding.
For tricks classes (climbing, inverts, aerial combos, etc) my hair is almost always up and out of the way. That way it doesn’t get all sweaty, and I don’t risk drying out my hair by having it come in contact with Dry Hands or the alcohol we use to clean the poles.
For choreography classes I will sometimes wear my hair down, but usually I keep it in single or double Dutch braids. I wore it down last night and felt slightly paranoid about my hair getting caught between my shoulder and the pole. I prefer dancing with my hair down, but I’ll try and save it for performances