View Full Version : I'm Delurking to Whine

July 11th, 2009, 04:43 PM
It's been a long time since I've posted, but in that time, I did reach my goal of term. That's not so exciting. For me, term means some scraggles just above TB. I'm glad I did it again, but I just wasn't happy with it. I didn't like how thin the bottom part of my hair looked, and I didn't like the extra weight that was causing too much scalp show-through. My hair is naturally thin, so I will never be able to change that.

So, after a lot of thought I went back to length I enjoyed before -- BSL. I absolutely love the ends. I like that there is less weight on my crown, and I like how easy it is to comb. I can do the same updo styles, because the bottom of my hair wasn't really adding to them anyhow. In short, I achieved everything I hoped to achieve. I shouldn't be whining, but I am because my hair just doesn't feel "special" anymore.

At least I'm getting some humor out of this. I decided I wanted fringe, and because I'm out of practice cutting it, I went a little too short. If I'm lucky ;) it stands straight up. If anyone asks, I'm going to say I'm being avant garde.

July 11th, 2009, 05:04 PM
That you're happy with it is what's important.:) The bangs/fringe will probably grow out pretty quickly to a better length.:)

July 11th, 2009, 05:16 PM
As another F/i person, I know what you mean about the weight as it gets longer (mine is APL now, but it was below waist before the Great Chop). I'm glad you're happy with it now. One good thing about fringe, it grows very quickly!

July 11th, 2009, 07:21 PM
Glad you're happy with you new length (and you can still be a long-hair by treating your hair the proper ways!!). :)

July 11th, 2009, 07:24 PM
I get what you mean about it feeling less special, but really, it should feel special-est at the length that makes you happiest, and that sounds like BSL, because you get all the cool hairdo possibilities without any of the drawbacks. Congrats on finding a great length that works for you!

July 11th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the replies. :) I think I have a little case of wanting what I can't have. It's funny how growing out to BSL feels so different from cutting back to BSL.

The fringe is over three inches long at its shortest point, so it surprised me that it is so unruly. It makes me laugh though, so that's good.

July 11th, 2009, 07:38 PM
Sigh... I know what you mean (about wanting something that you just can't have). I mean, some of the ladies on this site have absolutely incredible hair... and, well, some of us will never reach that thickness or length. I guess what we have to concentrate on is having the healthiest and thickest hair that is possible for us and this site is definately THE place to be for helping us to achieve our own best hair goals. :)

July 12th, 2009, 07:54 AM
At least I'm getting some humor out of this. I decided I wanted fringe, and because I'm out of practice cutting it, I went a little too short. If I'm lucky ;) it stands straight up. If anyone asks, I'm going to say I'm being avant garde.

I love that, avant garde!

Yes, your hair is no longer thudworthy long, but it is your best length, so there you are.

My hair is thin fine and straight, it makes this tiny bun, and is not thudworthy either. But it is my best length: given its inborn limitations, I can do what I want with it. It's better this way than any other way I've had it. My hair will never look like the Grandmother's in The Princess and the Goblin. I've had to come to grips with that.

Be happy! :) To the world away from LHC your hair is *long*.

July 12th, 2009, 09:58 AM
I am a firm believer in enjoying your hair. I cut six inches off my hair in October because my girlfriend told me the ends were a bit thin. That's all I needed to hear to cut but many people here wouldn't. Six inches was more than it "needed" to be cut but it blunted my ends again.

Do what you like to have the hair you will enjoy. I don't think/stress/worry about my hair. It is part of me, not all of me.

You go girl! I think it's great you are living your life!

July 12th, 2009, 03:54 PM
Thanks everyone. I need to stop thinking about what I don't like about my hair (the thinness) and start to appreciate more what I do like (the silky feeling).

I think I need to buy some hair toys. I've never had a flexi 8, sooo...

July 12th, 2009, 03:58 PM
heh, I totally say go for it! :bounce:

But I agree, if BSL is your good length then there is no need for more! :D

July 12th, 2009, 03:59 PM
heh, I totally say go for it! :bounce:

But I agree, if BSL is your good length then there is no need for more! :D

July 13th, 2009, 11:20 AM
I agree that the important thing is you're happy with your hair! There's no point in growing and keeping it long if you're just worrying and complaining about it - so I'm happy that you're happy, lol. :flower:

Also - at least you can say you've grown it as long as it will grow at least once in your life. I'm hoping to be able to say that as well, before I trim back to a more manageable length (if it's not manageable when I get there). But I think everyone should at least try, and then if it's not what they want, they have an unlimited scope of perspective from there up to trim back to. :)

July 13th, 2009, 03:37 PM
Thanks. It's pretty easy to grow to term when it's such a puny length. I had it at that length for a long time when I was younger too. I enjoyed it more then. Of course that was before I realized that if I weren't careful, the top of my head could look like it was pecked by an angry chicken. I still might try to eke a couple more inches out of it.

I told a guy once that I wanted to grow my hair long enough to sit on it, and I tried, but I couldn't. He said "Tried?! You don't have to do anything." Sigh. Foolish, foolish little man. :D