View Full Version : Oiling, What is it good for?

June 16th, 2009, 11:31 AM
:)I haven't heard of doing oiling much as I myself have oily hair. I just wondered why everyone seems to oil their hair in certain spots with different oils, and wondered what good it does.


June 16th, 2009, 11:48 AM
There's a whole article on oiling if you check the articles section - I think it's under "hair care" or something like that.

Basically, the idea is, your scalp naturally "oils" your hair, but the oil can only reach a certain point, and the rest of your length is left dry and unprotected. A boar bristle brush or similar can be used to help draw the natural scalp oil down your length somewhat, but for me, it doesn't carry the oil far enough, and besides, I don't like to let my roots get oily enough for me to be able to do that in the first place.

That's where oiling comes in - you just add a bit of oil to your length, starting at wherever your scalp oil can't reach (I usually go from my ears down). It's supposed to protect the hair and help keep moisture in.

But it's not exactly necessary, really. I've seen several members here who don't oil their hair. I just do it because the theory makes sense to me, and it feels like I'm pampering my hair, which I like.

June 16th, 2009, 12:30 PM
it's really a matter of preference and hair texture/type, i suppose. some people will use leave-in conditioners or treatments. mainstream treatments include hair serums and creams. oils have the same result. people like me, who have ridiculously frizzy/crispy hair need something to keep it from drying out and to weigh it down a little.

i personally like oils because they don't leave my hair stiff, sticky, limp or greasy looking. i can easily wash them out and i don't have to worry about them making me all itchy.

June 16th, 2009, 12:58 PM
My scalp produces enough oil for me and six friends but I use coconut oil on the length (below my ears) to control the massive frizzies I can get, especially in humidity. It also smooths the coarseness in my texture. I guess I have what you'd call combination hair.

June 16th, 2009, 01:18 PM
Sorry, I read "What is it good for?" and suddenly heard in my head "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Say it again!" :D

In all seriousness, oiling isn't for everyone. Some use it for detangling, others for added conditoning, and there are some for whom oiling has no effect, like me. Sometimes I'll just use a drop and add shine to already dry hair, but that's as much as I use. Everything's trial and error.

June 16th, 2009, 01:39 PM
Sorry, I read "What is it good for?" and suddenly heard in my head "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Say it again!" :D

In all seriousness, oiling isn't for everyone. Some use it for detangling, others for added conditoning, and there are some for whom oiling has no effect, like me. Sometimes I'll just use a drop and add shine to already dry hair, but that's as much as I use. Everything's trial and error.

Haha, me too!

I use oil for dry areas and I find coconut oil and my lotion bars are great for smoothing flyaways.

Silver & Gold
June 16th, 2009, 03:09 PM
Sorry, I read "What is it good for?" and suddenly heard in my head "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Say it again!" :D

In all seriousness, oiling isn't for everyone. Some use it for detangling, others for added conditoning, and there are some for whom oiling has no effect, like me. Sometimes I'll just use a drop and add shine to already dry hair, but that's as much as I use. Everything's trial and error.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who went there! Hee hee.

I just have to jump in and say that I find a little bit of oils on my dry ends and also the white hairs at my temples really softens them and keeps them from breaking.

June 16th, 2009, 03:33 PM
I have fine, thin, dry, and previosuly chemically treated hair i need all the moisture and protection i can get. I also like that after a long deep oiling it makes my color temporarily darker :).

June 16th, 2009, 05:06 PM
Hmm, frizzy fighting mainly. :p

My hair supposedly used to look like a living jellyfish as I walked, poofing about, but after trying coconut oil and shea oil I don't get any sea creature comparisons anymore ;)

June 16th, 2009, 06:41 PM
I use coconut oil to keep my hair from losing protein during a shampoo wash (when I can remember) and a bunch of oils as deep treatments.

I can also use them for shine/frizz busting on wet or dry hair, and for softening if I use too much product or if I feel like it. They're pretty good at helping defeat humidity as well! xD

June 16th, 2009, 06:50 PM
I do a deep overnight coconut oiling about once or twice a week, and it seems to have really improved the condition and resiliency of my fine hair. I also deep oil it prior to chimcal coloring, which I do every 6-8 weeks.

June 16th, 2009, 10:22 PM
I love love love my coconut oil. It is allowing me to grow my hair longer without trimming. My ends are very dry and damaged but by applying coconut oil, I can soften them and it prevents splits. I apply to dry hair when it is freshly clean and dry and just "too clean".

June 16th, 2009, 10:41 PM
I have raging adolescent hormones, so there's plenty of oil on the top part of my hair this time of year. I do use jojoba oil (sometimes mixed with certain EOs) on the bottom 10" because they get dehydrated. I use oil on my scalp and the entire length in the winter, though. It gets freakishly cold and dry up here!

June 16th, 2009, 11:18 PM
Oiling makes my hair beautiful! And it keeps it that way.

Have you tried oiling at all before? I'd suggest starting with something light like jojoba oil. That's what I did, and a few months later, I love it so much I'm still with it. And it's readily available at the GNC/Health food stores. Good luck!

June 17th, 2009, 12:04 AM
Sorry, I read "What is it good for?" and suddenly heard in my head "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Say it again!" :D

Haha, me too!

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who went there! Hee hee.

that song has been stuck in my head since the first post. somewhere out there, edwin starr is smiling :)

June 17th, 2009, 06:16 AM
You all are too funny! I would have never thought of that song.:)

I thank you all for your volumes of imformation on the subject! Perhaps if I just try it out to see how the oils I have in the house that a lot of people on here seem to use work, it wouldn't hurt.

Thank you!:)

June 17th, 2009, 03:12 PM
My whole head is one big dry area so all of it gets oiled. It adds slip to the hair, reduces frizz and breaks up the dry sebum.

June 17th, 2009, 03:19 PM
I just do it because the theory makes sense to me, and it feels like I'm pampering my hair, which I like.

That's where I'm coming from, too.

I can't say it makes my hair look or feel any better. However, if I put too much on my length, which tends to look dryish and fly-away, it looks like dry, oiled hair. Not attractive. That's if I leave my hair down. Nowadays I have it up most of the time, so it's not an issue if I accidentally over-apply.

I put it on the length, from my chin down, and sometimes a wee bit extra on the very ends.

I've settled on coconut oil, and hemp oil as my faves.

June 17th, 2009, 03:48 PM
oregon trails (http://www.oregontrailsoaps.com/oils.html) is a good place to get oils. they're pretty inexpensive and the sample pack is a great deal.

June 17th, 2009, 04:07 PM
Oiling saved my hair! I went from straw-like, crunchy hair to baby-soft hair after oiling it only once.

June 18th, 2009, 07:28 PM
I've been using coconut oil lately, from my ears down with concentration on the ends, and it seems to help prevent breakage. I've also heard that coconut oil contains proteins which are good for hair, but I'm not sure if it's true. It definitely isn't hurting to try it out. My hair is in the fine/medium category (with emphasis on fine), and I'm super-prone to breakage the longer I grow. :( I just wish I'd figured this out sooner.

June 19th, 2009, 01:22 PM
Very interesting!

Thanks to all who replied!:)

June 19th, 2009, 03:54 PM
2 years ago I had a bad shed episode which made my hair thinner. I was so frustrated and sad and I ended up cutting my hair short. Then I remember reading an article about olive oil and hair loss so I gave it a try oiling my scalp twice a week with EVOO. The results: my hair thickened up, so for me it was a blessing.