View Full Version : I'm depressed....

June 9th, 2009, 10:19 PM
Ok my hair has been falling out for months leading me to lose pretty close to a third of my thickness in the past fourish months... I just lost my first big chunk :'( ! I was gently gathering my hair for a bun and i get this tingly feeling just at my nape on the right side so i pull my hand out slowly and i find 60+ hairs roots attached in my hand! I want to bawl my eyes out :'( :mad: :'( ...

Theres no one else who gets this but i know its a pointless post. Thanks for listening...

June 9th, 2009, 10:47 PM
=( Oh, Natalia! Do you know why this is happening, at least? If you do and don't feel like sharing, that's fine, but if you don't... maybe we can help? Or at least, convince you to see a doctor about it? I know I wouldn't be thrilled if that happened either.

June 9th, 2009, 10:49 PM
Yikes... that's not normal. Have you made any changes in your hair routine?

I would see a doctor ASAP, because it might be a sign of a bigger problem.

June 9th, 2009, 11:07 PM
Stress perhaps? Maybe a vitamin deficiency? How has your diet been?

June 9th, 2009, 11:12 PM
I am so sorry to hear how much hair you have lost! I think you don't want to do any buns, brushing, scalp massage or anything until you can see your doctor. Do you have a way to get to the doctor as soon as possible?

June 9th, 2009, 11:17 PM
I second going to a doctor. Definitely not a good, normal sign.

June 9th, 2009, 11:20 PM
If you haven't seen a doctor, you really need to. That's not normal. I hope you can resolve whatever is wrong.

June 10th, 2009, 12:26 AM
=( Oh, Natalia! Do you know why this is happening, at least? If you do and don't feel like sharing, that's fine, but if you don't... maybe we can help? Or at least, convince you to see a doctor about it? I know I wouldn't be thrilled if that happened either.

I wish i knew moonstruck :(. Ive been having health problems for a while now but nothing diagnosable besides GERD. I would see a doctor about it but they dont care. Its apperently not diagnosticly significant :shrug: . My period is coming whcih usually leads to an ER trip. My doc works there part time so maybe i could see her there. I cant get an appointment till august anyway. Thank you for your very kind reply :heartbeat

Yikes... that's not normal. Have you made any changes in your hair routine?

I would see a doctor ASAP, because it might be a sign of a bigger problem.

The only change is that i COed with my usual jason condishoner a few days ago to get out some oil. Other than that nothing new. The reply above has my doctor issues. I do have a new nutritionist though so maybe he can help me on monday when i se e him. Thank you for the reply :)

Stress perhaps? Maybe a vitamin deficiency? How has your diet been?

It has been stressful last few days but nothing upsurly unusual for me. My diet is pretty good actually but i have alot of food intolerances. I just started a new chealated supplement monday i hope that isnt doing it becasue my stomach has been feeling a bit better. Thanks for replying *hugs*

I am so sorry to hear how much hair you have lost! I think you don't want to do any buns, brushing, scalp massage or anything until you can see your doctor. Do you have a way to get to the doctor as soon as possible?

Hi darling thank you for replying and for the PM :grouphug: i PMed you :heartbeat.

I second going to a doctor. Definitely not a good, normal sign.

Thank you Debra :heartbeat i hope this stops soon.

If you haven't seen a doctor, you really need to. That's not normal. I hope you can resolve whatever is wrong.

Thank you nevermore! I hope your user name is the next time i experiance this never! Your very sweet :) Thanks again

June 10th, 2009, 12:45 AM
Oy vey, I know how you feel though. :grouphug: and be sure to get your iron levels checked! With those monstrous periods, your iron levels could be low.

June 10th, 2009, 12:56 AM
Awwww, I'm so sorry this is happening to you! :( Just remember not to give up, keep smiling and these things tend to work out in the end :) You're stronger than a lot of us here for handling this so well :)

June 10th, 2009, 01:07 AM
Oy vey, I know how you feel though. :grouphug: and be sure to get your iron levels checked! With those monstrous periods, your iron levels could be low.

Hi hennaphile! Lol we are quite the chatty chicks these days :D. Thank you for replying :heartbeat. To my knowlege (im not always completely conscious in ER's) my last iron test was a finger pric about 3 months ago. I didnt see the level myself but they said it was normal. I dont know its thats real normal or low normal my docs dont seem to register the differance. My potassium has been low enough for supplementation twice though eeek! I hate that liquid and they dont like to do it in an IV becasue it takes so long. I only did the liquid once when it was really really low the other time i was just enough under to warrent a little extra so idecided to get it from food.

Awwww, I'm so sorry this is happening to you! :( Just remember not to give up, keep smiling and these things tend to work out in the end :) You're stronger than a lot of us here for handling this so well :)

Thank you CrystalStar! Your so positive and upbeat :D. Thank you for the support. Im glad all the rest of you are here to support me :).

heidi w.
June 10th, 2009, 08:07 AM

Begin with an ob-gyn. You want a basic blood screen performed for THYROID. For hair falling out, this is usually HYPOTHYROIDISM. There's also Hyper-. Different set of symptoms.

Depression is part of hypo.
Weight gain, in a particular. Hyper can be weight loss.
Hair falling out in chunks is a sign of thyroid issues.

It could also be you have a problem with hormonal levels. Too much testosterone and that sort of thing can cause hair to fall out, and a lot, suddenly.

If there's even a borderline case, you need to then be seen by a specialist for this (thyroid or hormonal balance). It can take some time to get the balance put together again with medication. While an ob-gyn can do the preliminary blood screen for thyroid, they are often not as informed about addressing this issue as a specialist who's had case-after-case of dealing with even borderline issues.

If this issue is diagnosed in time, whatever it is, your hair will eventually grow back since the hair follicles aren't dead.

Only in a certain kind of balding do the hair follicles actually die.

Hair loss is a symptom of a variety of diseases, typically associated with thyroid and hormones (polycystic fibrosis, stress, thryoid (both types), diabetes, heart issues...and more)

Here's the deal in today's medical world. YOU HAVE TO ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF. INSIST ON THINGS.

So, if you give up assuming the doctor doesn't care (and you may not have a good doctor relationship, so find a new one), then there's no chance to figure out what's going on.

You have to care to go out there and sometimes, be willing to jump up&down to get some attention.



here's a list of health concerns where hair loss can occur.

Protein - getting enough in your diet?
Iron - getting enough in your diet? even low-grade chronic hair loss can occur in borderline anemia cases.
any number of medications may have this as a side effect
and there it is again: thyroid.
I notice the list doesn't outline hormonal balance, but if this is at issue, hair loss can occur, too.

this one discusses hormonal causes for hair loss
an upswing in male hormones while estrogen levels decline

GO SEE A QUALIFIED PHYSICIAN AND MAKE THEM TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY. Thyroid, hormonal imbalances are serious problems that can greatly affect the quality of your life -- including mood and attitude -- if not addressed!

You do not have to live this way.

Even if you pay for a screening out of pocket, it's worth it. Do not give up until an answer is found.

heidi w.

heidi w.
June 10th, 2009, 08:13 AM
Potassium deficiency?
Potassium helps the heart to beat.

So maybe a circulation issue, oxygen? Then hair takes a beating as it's the last priority on the human body.

Along with that potassium deficiency there may be a zinc deficiency which plays a definite role in hair growth and volume.

interesting list of possibilities!

I recommend you discuss with your prescribing physician for the potassium the full set of symptoms you're experiencing. They should know that hair thinning may be an issue, and should have advised you of such, and what you are to do. You are not expected to live without hair if there's no clear reason for it. Insist on attention to this and that you will not live with this kind of hair loss.

Hair falling out in chunks is a serious sign of potentially serious health issues.

heidi w.

heidi w.
June 10th, 2009, 08:14 AM
You mention taking vitamins, I think? Are you taking a lot of Vitamin A? While this vitamin plays a role in hair volume, too much can have a reverse effect -- loss.

heidi w.

June 10th, 2009, 08:26 AM
heidi now that i have seen your post i have nothing to add! its a fantastic post really great great information! i also will insist on going to the a specialist as soon as possible!
I really am sorry that this is happening to you , i just dont want you to be sad about it and dont go and ask for help. Its important, and its not about hair, its your health. Let us know! Hugs for you

June 10th, 2009, 09:56 AM
Heidi said most of what I was going to say. I just wanted to say too, you're not alone - my hair has been shedding a lot lately and I have noticed a huge amount of thinning in the last 6 months to a year. I haven't been able to even visit LHC for the past few weeks since I've been so upset over it.

Anyway, like others have said, if you can, see a doctor and get some tests to see if any vitamin or hormone levels are out. I think many women go through these sorts of problems. It made me feel absurdly better that when I went and talked to my doctor I didn't even get to finish the phrase "hair loss" before she whipped out her requisition form and started marking off a whole bunch stuff to check. (It was all the stuff Heidi mentioned - thyroid, iron, b12, female hormone levels, plus some other general things). My mom, who has hypothyroidism, said her hair was coming out in handfulls before she was diagnosed.

You mentioned you have been having health problems as well, and I think that can have a major impact on hair too. I have had one other major, major shed in my life due to illness, but it was very obvious to me what had caused it. If you think it might be due to a singular event in your life (major illness/surgery or stress), looking back approximately three months prior to the start of shedding can help figure out the cause.

Hang in there!

June 10th, 2009, 10:07 AM
My potassium has been low enough for supplementation twice though eeek! I hate that liquid and they dont like to do it in an IV becasue it takes so long. I only did the liquid once when it was really really low the other time i was just enough under to warrent a little extra so idecided to get it from food. Next time have them mix it with some cranberry juice. I'm only though half of nursing school and I know that stuff is nasty. I was told by an RN I was working with that cranberry juice cuts the taste the best. OJ and apple juice aren't potent enough to do much.

Another thing, if I'm thinking right, potassium in IVs tends to cause a burning sensation, so they really avoid it unless the person can't take the liquid.

I second getting your iron and thyroid checked. If you have something worse than GERD, (like gastritis, or ulcers) it can mess up your ability to absorb iron and the symptoms may be similar.

Also, any supplement you just started on Monday would not be the cause, that's way too recent.

June 10th, 2009, 12:23 PM
Natalia - huge huge hugs to you. I can relate to the shedding - I lost an inch on my circumference over the past year or so, myself. And it's awful and scary. But I never lost a chuck like you describe (though one day I lost 300 in 2 hours.. OMG was I a mess that day).
Believe me - it is moer common than you think, women shedding like you are - and there are many possible causes.

Given your food intolerances, I was thinking right away you could potentially have celiac disease? Or a severe gluten intolerance? (celiac is when your body freaks and has an autoimmune response to gluten - and autoimmune responses can cause hair fall in chunks)

Best best best wishes.. we hear you, here!

June 10th, 2009, 08:23 PM

Begin with an ob-gyn. You want a basic blood screen performed for THYROID. For hair falling out, this is usually HYPOTHYROIDISM. There's also Hyper-. Different set of symptoms.

Depression is part of hypo.
Weight gain, in a particular. Hyper can be weight loss.
Hair falling out in chunks is a sign of thyroid issues.

It could also be you have a problem with hormonal levels. Too much testosterone and that sort of thing can cause hair to fall out, and a lot, suddenly.

If there's even a borderline case, you need to then be seen by a specialist for this (thyroid or hormonal balance). It can take some time to get the balance put together again with medication. While an ob-gyn can do the preliminary blood screen for thyroid, they are often not as informed about addressing this issue as a specialist who's had case-after-case of dealing with even borderline issues.

If this issue is diagnosed in time, whatever it is, your hair will eventually grow back since the hair follicles aren't dead.

Only in a certain kind of balding do the hair follicles actually die.

Hair loss is a symptom of a variety of diseases, typically associated with thyroid and hormones (polycystic fibrosis, stress, thryoid (both types), diabetes, heart issues...and more)

Here's the deal in today's medical world. YOU HAVE TO ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF. INSIST ON THINGS.

So, if you give up assuming the doctor doesn't care (and you may not have a good doctor relationship, so find a new one), then there's no chance to figure out what's going on.

You have to care to go out there and sometimes, be willing to jump up&down to get some attention.



here's a list of health concerns where hair loss can occur.

Protein - getting enough in your diet?
Iron - getting enough in your diet? even low-grade chronic hair loss can occur in borderline anemia cases.
any number of medications may have this as a side effect
and there it is again: thyroid.
I notice the list doesn't outline hormonal balance, but if this is at issue, hair loss can occur, too.

this one discusses hormonal causes for hair loss
an upswing in male hormones while estrogen levels decline

GO SEE A QUALIFIED PHYSICIAN AND MAKE THEM TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY. Thyroid, hormonal imbalances are serious problems that can greatly affect the quality of your life -- including mood and attitude -- if not addressed!

You do not have to live this way.

Even if you pay for a screening out of pocket, it's worth it. Do not give up until an answer is found.

heidi w.

Hi heidi! Thank youf or replying. I have had my thyroid checked many times and even last month in the ER. They dontmention it being low or even below normal. I have requested the charts but they take their sweet time. Im not really depressed int he true sense. I was depressed at the event not in general but thank you for your advice and caring :). As for weight i tend to maintan or lose not gain. Ie only gained backa few punds of whats ive lost and i had to try (insert jelousy of mother here lol). No one will test my hormones. GP's on my insurance plan i think have to meet certain criteria before they are alowed to order a hormone panel and no one takes me seriosuly enough to give me a referal to a endocrinologist even though ive asked :(. You have alot of information and i am very thankful for oyu sharing :grouphug: .

I do my best to advocate and call, get on people till they do what they need to do but sometimes im either not entierly conscious or disorented which makes it hard. I assure you though i am a pain in the side of any physician who dismisses my concerns. Im sure my file has even more notes on it about that than my health. Im dealing with the fallout of an unprofessional doctor who after like 2 visits about abdominal pain and nothing other than a CBC pannel said i was a hypochondriac :rolleyes:. That one will be stuck with me for the rest of my life. I can hardl function and docotrs refuse to treat me till i see a psychiatrist for about 3 onths straight. I would amuse them if i had it in me but i honestly dont. I already came close to an ER trip this morning and an ambulane ride later. This morning from massive vommiting and D for no reason (food poisening not possible and i didnt ingest any known allergens) and later from not being able to breath which i am still strggling with though not as bad. Oh and also ive been through 5 GPs alone is the last year and a halfish. Jumping up and down usually leads to stonewalling and chaging doctors but im not giving up :D.

My iron has been good but potassium low twice. Lats iron test was maybe 2 months ago. I get adaquate protien not great but enough to maintain weight and muscle mass. I always have 2 protien sources per meal. Ive stopped taking basicly all RX medication. Ive been drug free since early last month in the ER and before that i hadnt taken anything for about 2 -3 weeks. I had to take a zofran today to slow the vomiting but thats it nothing before.

Thank you for all your links and lists i will check them out after i finish this reply. We have liquidated some things to get cash so if its feasibel i will consider paying for the test if they will place the order. Thanks again Heidi!

Potassium deficiency?
Potassium helps the heart to beat.

So maybe a circulation issue, oxygen? Then hair takes a beating as it's the last priority on the human body.

Along with that potassium deficiency there may be a zinc deficiency which plays a definite role in hair growth and volume.

interesting list of possibilities!

I recommend you discuss with your prescribing physician for the potassium the full set of symptoms you're experiencing. They should know that hair thinning may be an issue, and should have advised you of such, and what you are to do. You are not expected to live without hair if there's no clear reason for it. Insist on attention to this and that you will not live with this kind of hair loss.

Hair falling out in chunks is a serious sign of potentially serious health issues.

heidi w.

Thaknks again darling! I mentioned above about the low potassium. Down side is it rips my insides to shreds so i have to get an IV which they have never been willing to do. Theyd rather watch me vomit and hope i got enough in me...sigh.... If i can ever get an appointment with my GP i will bring it up. Right now august is the soonest...

You mention taking vitamins, I think? Are you taking a lot of Vitamin A? While this vitamin plays a role in hair volume, too much can have a reverse effect -- loss.

heidi w.

I only have taken beta carrotine A. My new supplement has a very small amount of retinol A but even at full strenth its a 1/4 of a days with and im only taking a 1/4 dose. Good thought though thank you!

June 10th, 2009, 08:24 PM
heidi now that i have seen your post i have nothing to add! its a fantastic post really great great information! i also will insist on going to the a specialist as soon as possible!

I really am sorry that this is happening to you , i just dont want you to be sad about it and dont go and ask for help. Its important, and its not about hair, its your health. Let us know! Hugs for you

Hi brok3nwings! I agree heidi is very through lol. I mentioned above about my SP and specialist options. They dont liek to give refferals and i have asked several times. Thank you for your thoughts and i will keep you updated. Your a sweetheart!

Heidi said most of what I was going to say. I just wanted to say too, you're not alone - my hair has been shedding a lot lately and I have noticed a huge amount of thinning in the last 6 months to a year. I haven't been able to even visit LHC for the past few weeks since I've been so upset over it.

Anyway, like others have said, if you can, see a doctor and get some tests to see if any vitamin or hormone levels are out. I think many women go through these sorts of problems. It made me feel absurdly better that when I went and talked to my doctor I didn't even get to finish the phrase "hair loss" before she whipped out her requisition form and started marking off a whole bunch stuff to check. (It was all the stuff Heidi mentioned - thyroid, iron, b12, female hormone levels, plus some other general things). My mom, who has hypothyroidism, said her hair was coming out in handfulls before she was diagnosed.

You mentioned you have been having health problems as well, and I think that can have a major impact on hair too. I have had one other major, major shed in my life due to illness, but it was very obvious to me what had caused it. If you think it might be due to a singular event in your life (major illness/surgery or stress), looking back approximately three months prior to the start of shedding can help figure out the cause.

Hang in there!

Hello Rohele! Thank you for the reply . Im sory you suffer with hairloss too. And i agree sometimes it can be hard tolog on here and see everyone beautiful locks. But i do becasue i know if i need it all the support in the world would be offered . Im glad you had such an attentive doctor, thats wonerful! No surgeries or unusual stress other than being sick. I expected the slower more well dispersed one or two hairs across my whole head thing and even though i was sad when it continued it wasnt as awefula s seeing that first big lump... Thank youf o the good thoughts . Take care !

Next time have them mix it with some cranberry juice. I'm only though half of nursing school and I know that stuff is nasty. I was told by an RN I was working with that cranberry juice cuts the taste the best. OJ and apple juice aren't potent enough to do much.

Another thing, if I'm thinking right, potassium in IVs tends to cause a burning sensation, so they really avoid it unless the person can't take the liquid.

I second getting your iron and thyroid checked. If you have something worse than GERD, (like gastritis, or ulcers) it can mess up your ability to absorb iron and the symptoms may be similar.

Also, any supplement you just started on Monday would not be the cause, that's way too recent.

Thanksfor the tip Beldaran. I wish it were only the tatse. That wasnt so bad actually just a sip and some applejuice to chase ive had much worse. It tears me up with pain vomiting the whol works. As for the IV ive heard about the burning and usually even with other meds that burn if they but the IV in my lower arm instead of elbow i get alot less irritation.

I wrote above about iron and thyroid as well i believe (my memory stinks lol). I have had ulcers in the past and i get them very easily if i dont watch my diet and avoid most medications. i cant take PPI's for many reasons. I am hypervigelat about my diet so nothing there and i dont currently feel like i have an ulcer.

I wasnt super worries about my new supplement since i just started it but i thought i might as well mention. Glad to knwo for sure

Natalia - huge huge hugs to you. I can relate to the shedding - I lost an inch on my circumference over the past year or so, myself. And it's awful and scary. But I never lost a chuck like you describe (though one day I lost 300 in 2 hours.. OMG was I a mess that day).

Believe me - it is moer common than you think, women shedding like you are - and there are many possible causes.

Given your food intolerances, I was thinking right away you could potentially have celiac disease? Or a severe gluten intolerance? (celiac is when your body freaks and has an autoimmune response to gluten - and autoimmune responses can cause hair fall in chunks)

Best best best wishes.. we hear you, here!

Thank you hennared! And right back at you im sorry you suffer too. That many hairs in such a short time must have been devastating. I have already been gluten free since early november last year, super strict. I refuse to eat anything prepared on common surfaces and iam a dilligent label reader/manufacturer writer. None of my celiac test have been positive but i feel better off it so i shall stay . Thanks for the well wishes!

June 10th, 2009, 08:24 PM
Ok the quotes and replies were so long the forum rejected it! So its a two parter :P