View Full Version : Honest opinions please

May 24th, 2009, 02:00 PM
Does my hair look to have grown at all since my siggi picture in March?

I am afraid my hair looks scraggly but it was air died and the soapnuts are making it darker! which I dont mind. Also do my ends look like they are getting thinner I.E faiytales? Im paranoid I am eaching terminal.

Honest opinions please thank you.
http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l283/joanna_eglin/CIMG3017-1.jpg this was taken on the 22nd May, my siggi was about 8 weeks ago, please bea in mind my siggi has staightened hair. Thanks x

May 24th, 2009, 02:04 PM
In all honesty, I'd have to say that it doesn't appear to have grown, but with all the stress you've been through this spring, I'm not one bit surprised. I doubt you're near terminal. Some hairs grow faster than other hairs, and that is most likely what gives the fairy tale appearance. Of course it is possible to have a terminal length as short as BSL, but it isn't common. Just take care of yourself - no more coffee and cigarettes/nothing else weeks - and your hair should start merrily growing along again.

May 24th, 2009, 02:14 PM
Have you had any trims? Becasue it looks like your new hemline is blunter like the tapered edges have grown out from your sigg pic. Length wise id say its about the same visually but your hair is wavy in the new pic so id say maybe i grrew a little to match you old pic visually. Know what i mean?

May 24th, 2009, 02:15 PM
It has grown a bit - if you draw an imaginary line between your armpits and another one at the hairline, I think in the later pic, the hair is slightly longer. The wave factor may shrink it, too.

Don't worry, there are always times when hair grows more slowly. Spidermom's advice of trimming the ends a tiny bit may help if you are worried about your ends. They don't look worrying to me - ends always take a beating and I rarely trim, but others like a blunter hemline.

I don't believe you have reached terminal but I understand your thoughts - whenever I hit a stall, I "celebrate" terminal length :-(

Your hair looks lovely. The color and shine and texture are really beautiful.

Do you take nutritional supplements? As a nurse, I guess you know all about your body's needs. My hair got a real kick out of MSM and then stalled. So you never know.

I'm sure we'll see your hair much longer than it is now. It doesn't look as though it's done yet.

May 24th, 2009, 02:20 PM
If I straighten my hair I think it looks longer. Stress can play a big part in hair growth. I'd say baby it and be kind to yourself and it will start growing again. Almost everyone has stall's along the line. Put it up and forget it for the summer.

May 24th, 2009, 02:30 PM
It looks to me like the sides have most definitely grown, (so you no longer have such a pronounced V) but strangely, the middle part (directly in the middle of the back) doesn't look like it has grown.

That could just be the picture itself though.

May 24th, 2009, 02:33 PM
The side have grown, in my opinion. You're far, far, far of your terminal length. My ends are a lot thinner than yours but, my hair grows again and again. Don't worry :)

May 24th, 2009, 02:36 PM
I can't tell that it's grown significantly. . .but it's because you're watching it so closely. You know that right?

I remember it taking forever. . .for my hair to grow from your length to waist length. The best thing I was able to do to wait it out was put my hair up and obsess about something else.

In the meantime, it looks really beautiful! Healthy & shiny. Take care of it and try to reduce your response to stress. So that when you finally 'get there' it'll be soooo worth the wait!

Stay Strong! lol

May 24th, 2009, 02:39 PM
I think it may just be going through a resting phase at the moment. Are you taking MSM?

May 24th, 2009, 02:39 PM
I think the sides may has grown a tad, but the length I honestly don't think has gown. Could be a little shrinkage i suppose and the othe funny thing is my finge is an inch past my collar bone, it was just on my collar bone in March. I wonder if hair doesn't grow equally?

Ive had a bit of stress of late so maybe this is the reason.

I haven't timmed since begining of March, so maybe a little trim is in order to make me feel better about it.

Thank you for your honest opions.

May 24th, 2009, 02:39 PM
Because your siggy pic is straightened, I think it has grown. It looks a little longer to me! :)
As the others have said, at that length, I really doubt you're at terminal length :)

May 24th, 2009, 02:41 PM
I take folic acid and biotin when I remember that is! I need to stop fretting, hair grows right?

May 24th, 2009, 02:49 PM
My hair is like yours. If you straightened it, you would see that it's longer. The hemline has changed. By the texture, I think it's not even close to terminal. Sometimes the ends get a little stringy and you need a trim.. I just did a small trim to get rid of some of the velcro ends and I found that part of why it was looking stringy was because the ends were clumping together. You could also cheat and put hair silicone on the ends and see what happenes. That's what I do when I don't feel like cutting them off.

May 24th, 2009, 04:19 PM
I just put a coney conditioner on, great minds think a like!

May 24th, 2009, 04:27 PM
Jojo, I think it has grown. The sig pic is with straightened hair, the new one is not, and I think in the new one it looks longer. Not miles longer, but I do discern a difference. And I seriously doubt you are near terminal!

With the stress you have been under, I am amazed you even HAVE hair! And that it looks that good! Seriously, take better care of yourself, please, and keep up with the vitamins. The person upthread who suggested MSM has a good idea - MSM is good for the hair, as is silica (I like BioSil as its in liquid form and easy to mix with juice and swill down. Otherwise, it does not taste very good, but is SO good for your hair!).

May 24th, 2009, 04:39 PM
I think the sides have caught up with the middle, and don't say it looks scraggly! Your hair is lovely and I won't hear otherwise :)

May 24th, 2009, 05:16 PM
Considering the hair in your sig was straightened, then yes, it has grown a little. :)

May 24th, 2009, 05:52 PM
I wonder if hair doesn't grow equally?

My hair doesn't grow evenly. I've noticed sprigs of hair as much as 2 inches longer than anything else. Interestingly, though, I'll have some hairs growing one month and different hairs growing the next, and over time the growth looks pretty even. But it's not.

May 24th, 2009, 05:56 PM
I also agree that the sides seem to have grown in a bit.

I wanted to note that your avatar picture is absolutely gorgeous! Wow.

May 24th, 2009, 09:22 PM
I agree your hair has grown some, and can vouch for the fact that hair doesn't grow evenly all over one's head. When I do my husband's roots, sometimes he'll have 1/2 inch of gray in some areas (crown) and an inch in others (sides mostly) and also one side of his head grows hair faster than the other!

May 24th, 2009, 09:35 PM
Based on the location of your thumbs, I think it looks a little longer. I usually give myself more time inbetween deciding if it's longer though. 2 months would be what... an inch of growth? That's hard to see in a picture.

Also, I think it's more spread out at the ends, that's why they aren't as v-ish and look a little more see-through. You are nowhere near terminal.

May 24th, 2009, 10:53 PM
Is it the same person (height makes a difference in picture perspective) taking the picture? Is your head titled diffrently in each picture? Are the angles different? That can make it look like you haven't grown much length.

May 25th, 2009, 01:03 AM
I think that more of it is past APL and all of it has grown slightly. There's not as much taper. Try the line thing that Melisande suggested.