View Full Version : I am such a weakling!!

May 22nd, 2009, 07:45 PM
As some of you might recall my mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She completed her first chemo treatment a couple of weeks ago so that puts her in the "zone" for hair loss this week. Well, yes indeed, her hair has started to fall out as of last night and this morning. This has been a difficult area for her, that is, deciding how to handle this particular side effect. At first she thought she might go to a barber shop and then decided against it. Instead, she and my dad got in there together and cut her 20" hair to about 1/2" all over. Very much to mine and DH's surprise, it looks fantastic on her! I've never seen my mom with hair THAT short and it was so becoming on her (even for an "unprofessional" cut). Blew me away! And here's where I'm weak........it made me start have crazy thoughts about wanting my hair short again. Argggghh! I'm having fantasies about inverted bobs and pixies. Lord, I'm weak! :rolleyes:

Jules diamond
May 22nd, 2009, 08:04 PM
Fight the power! Think about how it'll look at your goal!

May 22nd, 2009, 08:27 PM
Well, it's your hair, but this really isn't a good time for you.

May 22nd, 2009, 08:29 PM
You're not a weakling. You're a daughter in a scary and helpless place, inwardly thinking a big huge change might somehow change things outwardly too.

You also are human...seeing a SUPER cute cut and thinking, "Oh wow..." If it's that cute...who wouldn't??

Keep your hair for now. Let Mommy settle in, let the chemo do its thing, help her through that...be there...but don't make huge changes in YOU right now...because if you end up not liking them, you'll be in an even more helpless place. Just let things shake out first before making a change in yourself. Okay?

Hugs. I am rooting for your Mom.

May 22nd, 2009, 08:39 PM
You're not a weakling. You're a daughter in a scary and helpless place, inwardly thinking a big huge change might somehow change things outwardly too.

You also are human...seeing a SUPER cute cut and thinking, "Oh wow..." If it's that cute...who wouldn't??

Keep your hair for now. Let Mommy settle in, let the chemo do its thing, help her through that...be there...but don't make huge changes in YOU right now...because if you end up not liking them, you'll be in an even more helpless place. Just let things shake out first before making a change in yourself. Okay?

Hugs. I am rooting for your Mom.

I agree. Whenever we humans feel helpless, we try to counter it by doing something drastic -and often just hurt ourselves even more. Wait 'till things settle, then decide what to do from a place of relative comfort and stability.

May 22nd, 2009, 08:44 PM
You're not a weakling. You're a daughter in a scary and helpless place, inwardly thinking a big huge change might somehow change things outwardly too.

You also are human...seeing a SUPER cute cut and thinking, "Oh wow..." If it's that cute...who wouldn't??

Keep your hair for now. Let Mommy settle in, let the chemo do its thing, help her through that...be there...but don't make huge changes in YOU right now...because if you end up not liking them, you'll be in an even more helpless place. Just let things shake out first before making a change in yourself. Okay?

Hugs. I am rooting for your Mom.

Thank you for the well wishes. :) I know cutting now isn't the smartest thing to do and I know I'm not going to do anything drastic right now anyway. I'm scheduled to have a c/sec next Tues. to evict our 3rd wee one and I definitely need "PONYTAIL POWER!!!!" for the next few months at least. :D I feel certain this is just a passing weak moment for me........it just amazes me just how vulnerable I am when I see someone who can really sport short hair.

May 22nd, 2009, 08:47 PM
Oh my goodness. Congratulations on your little one!!!! Can I guess? I'm gonna say boy...of course the baby may say differently!!

Hugs and good luck!

May 22nd, 2009, 08:57 PM
Oh my goodness. Congratulations on your little one!!!! Can I guess? I'm gonna say boy...of course the baby may say differently!!

Hugs and good luck!

Am I THAT obvious!!! LOL Everyone who has taken a guess as to what we're having has said boy - and you guessed even without a visual! Good gracious, you are good! LOL

May 23rd, 2009, 05:21 AM
You are not the only one weak for short hair:o.I have seen so many people lately with short hair.But my waves and curls are not getting along when it comes to short hair.I also have a weakness for long hair,hairstuff and products:D. So no :cheese:short styles for me.;).

May 23rd, 2009, 06:30 AM
Glenna gave the best advice. See how many people quoted her? I wish you the best with your Mom. I pray she makes a full recovery. Pony tail it is a good idea. I do that quite frequently as I grow so I can just forget about it!!!

You are a good daughter. Oh and congrats on the baby!

May 23rd, 2009, 09:00 AM
Congrats on new baby. He will be a great focus away from the chemo for your mother. My very best wishes and thoughts to you and your family.

May 23rd, 2009, 10:22 AM
Sending best wishes for your mom, you, and #3.

Listen to Glenna, she's got good ideas. :)

May 23rd, 2009, 11:50 AM
Firstly, glad your mum is doing ok. She sounds like a really brave woman, and she must be beautiful to pull off such a drastic haircut.

Secondly, good luck with baby eviction.

Thirdly, you aren't weak because you can see what looks good on other people, and want it for yourself. You're normal. You just have to weigh up what you want more, and I'm guessing you know it's long hair.

May 23rd, 2009, 12:20 PM
Noo! Avoid the short cut like the plague. They are fun for a couple of months, for years of pain growing out :( *points at her own head* D'oh!

May 23rd, 2009, 04:46 PM
I truly appreciate everyone's advice in this community! This is probably the most supportive and awesome community I've seen and I love being here! And I thank you all for your good thoughts and well wishes for my mom and our family. It means alot.

Update: This morning my mom took her shower and seemed to take forever (I was waiting on her to watch my kiddos so I could get DS's stuff together for his birthday today). Finally I went to check on her and found out she had spent 40 minutes trying to clean up the hair that had fallen out during her shower. :( She said she just couldn't put up with that anymore. She was ready to go ahead and buzz it. Well, yesterday, before I knew she and my dad had gotten in there to have a sissor party, DH and I stopped by Sally's and bought a nice set of clippers for her to use. So today was the day. She sat on my porch, with both my kids (5 and 3) cheering her on and telling her she was doing a great job, and I took her from about 1/2" hair to 1/16"! And I don't think I've seen someone so relieved! That made her feel so much better - to not have to deal with that anymore.

I told her later today that I was really proud of her - that I thought she was handling this really well. My mom is definitely my hero. :o