View Full Version : Does this happen to you? Ends clumping together?

May 21st, 2009, 09:09 PM
It's quite possible this happened because I didn't comb out my hair last time I washed it. I have natural spiral curls that have come out over time.

What I sometimes notice is , as I get longer, my ends clump together rather than stay 'brushed' looking when it was shorter. Again, it could be how I dried it and how the curl has come out, but I was wondering if this happened to those with long hair? Do you notice your ends don't always looked seperated and 'stick' together?

I'm not sure if I'm explaining it properly, but hopefully you can understand. I oiled my ends tonight as I find that has helped in the past, and deep conditioned. :D

May 21st, 2009, 09:32 PM
My hair has been acting... off the wall, lately. I don't think there's one way to deal with it, I just need to figure out what to do for each mood swing my temperamental locks go into.

May 21st, 2009, 09:35 PM
YES!!!! That's hilarious! When I was walking around town 45 minutes ago, I was thinking to myself that I was going to do a poll when I got home about it (since forgot though).

I WAS GOING TO ASK IF ANY OTHER PEOPLE WERE STRUGGLING WITH "RAT'S TAILS". That's what we called it growing up. That's unbelievable that you WROTE ABOUT IT TOO!!!

I'll go take a pic right now to show you what I mean and post it ASAP in this thread.

May 21st, 2009, 09:35 PM
Shewolf--I hear you. Normally, my hair has spiral curls in sections, waves and straight. It had more body than most(ie very light in weight). I just wasn't sure if that was something that happened as hair got longer. It's been awhile since it was this long (tailbone), so I've forgotten what the ends do.

My hair at the scalp is fine, it's just the ends that seem to look...scraggly? But it was recently trimmed, so that can't be it. I think the oiling will help....will take photos tomorrow.

Debra! Isn't that sooo weird?? I find very often that happens. I'll think of something and see someone else has posted it :D

Rat tails--good explination. Your hair looks fine to me!

May 21st, 2009, 09:44 PM
OH RATS!!!! I totally forgot that when I came in, I combed them out. fume. I'll definitely post a pic when they come back. darn, I can't believe it.

May 21st, 2009, 09:46 PM
Trust me. They WILL be back!

May 21st, 2009, 09:49 PM
Do you mean like this:

It drives me batty! My hair never did that until hip length. I'm hoping when my layers are finally gone it won't do that for a long time again - but for now I'm just dealing with it <sigh>

I think it's a texture issue, I'm sure if my hair was straighter it wouldn't do that.

May 21st, 2009, 09:55 PM
YES, YES, YES!!!! I recognize those ends!!!! See what I mean about "Rat's Tails?"... I can't believe I'm waiting for them to come back now!!! I usually can't wait to get rid of them! Hence the Tangle Teazer. Tonight, though, I just ripped (wince) a wide tooth comb through them because I was mad about them.

May 21st, 2009, 09:57 PM
There was just a thread about this yesterday, too! (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=25908)

I get it too, and I've gotten it for a long time (definitely happens at BSL, maybe even higher). The hair won't stay brushed-looking, and it does it more when it's well-moisturized.

I thing it's something that occurs with at least slight wave (like the wave makes the hair clump), but it's annoying when you don't have enough wave for it to really give any definition. It might also be a fine hair thing, though there are non-fineys who get it.

May 21st, 2009, 10:15 PM
May hair strands up like that, always has. I figured it was part of having fine hair: even super-faint static is enough to stick hairs together.

May 21st, 2009, 10:17 PM
I just asked about the same thing.

May 21st, 2009, 11:03 PM
As a curly, I consider that a good thing because it means my curls are probably more defined and not frizzy.

May 21st, 2009, 11:09 PM
Yep Euphony--that's exactly what happens to my ends. Not all the time--I keep them trimmed bluntly, but am only doing mini/micro trims to get more length. At waist length, even nearing my tailbone, it never was an issue. Weird.

My hair isn't fine, but the ends are probably the most damaged, so I wonder if it's due to the dryness of the strands and they stick together? That's why trimming it would probably help it not stick.

May 21st, 2009, 11:12 PM
LOL, that's funny, because I LIKE when my hair does that ;)

June 11th, 2009, 10:19 PM
Okay, so here's 2 good pics showing them for me:



Another reason I don't like them is because the pull my hair shorter. Rats!!!!

June 11th, 2009, 10:36 PM
Debra, those are wurls, not "rat tails".

My hair clumps in wurls/curls, I love it. Oiling increases the clumping for me.

June 11th, 2009, 10:44 PM
I have fine, curly hair and it does that clumpy thing even when it's just a few inches long. I always envy people with 'slippery' hair because even if I flatiron and use smoothing serums it still clumps like that, even when my hairstylist uses his ritzy products and fancy flatiron...

June 11th, 2009, 10:47 PM
Yes, but I prefer to think of them as fairytales ;)

Torrin Paige
June 11th, 2009, 11:00 PM
This is a case of the grass is greener for me. That is so cool! I really like how it looks, but can understand the frustration. I get mad at mine when it doesn't do what I want it to, as well. Hmm, I have waves, but I don't believe mine has ever done that...maybe it's just too thick? I think I'll have to go off and experiment with some aloe gel and see if I can MAKE it do that. LOL.

June 11th, 2009, 11:03 PM
you guys are kidding, right?

June 11th, 2009, 11:04 PM
You honestly WANT it to do that? But is so UNSMOOTH!!!! Don't you prefer SMOOTH?

June 11th, 2009, 11:06 PM
I have fine, curly hair and it does that clumpy thing even when it's just a few inches long. I always envy people with 'slippery' hair because even if I flatiron and use smoothing serums it still clumps like that, even when my hairstylist uses his ritzy products and fancy flatiron...

You can totally see it happening in my avatar too, and that's when it was short.

June 12th, 2009, 06:37 AM
I have two settings, frizz or "clumped", it has that beautiful smooth "brushed" look briefly after letting down a nicely moisturized braid, but it doesn't last long. I've just learned to accept it :shrug:

June 12th, 2009, 09:56 AM
I have straight hair with just a little wave, and it does that! I call it "stringy" lol. I HATE it!! It's one reason I don't wear my hair down much anymore - I find myself brushing it every half an hour or so to get rid of it.

June 12th, 2009, 10:09 AM
I think that this is exactly what curly hair is like when it's defined, except that each of the clumps looks like a curl because the hair itself curls.

So this is the straight version of defined :D

I think it's nice - it looks sexy, wild, and wind-tousled! Just enjoy it, I'd say. You straighties at least get two GOOD hair phases: this and smooth and sleek after brushing. We curlies have either defined, or frizzy, with frizzy being the brushed/combed phase.

June 12th, 2009, 10:36 AM
This is a case of the grass is greener for me. That is so cool! I really like how it looks, but can understand the frustration. I get mad at mine when it doesn't do what I want it to, as well. Hmm, I have waves, but I don't believe mine has ever done that...maybe it's just too thick? I think I'll have to go off and experiment with some aloe gel and see if I can MAKE it do that. LOL.
I bet it is from being too thick. Mine didn't do it until about hip length. Now it's at tail bone it does it from about waist down. My longest layer ends about waist length or so now, so the thicker hair is still up higher. The hair is somewhat thin comparatively from waist down.

I think it also might have to do with the amount of wave/curl one has. I go anywhere from 1c to 2c, the straighter my hair is the less clumping is going on.

June 12th, 2009, 10:51 AM
Mine does this too. You can see it in my avatar. I really don't like it either because I think it makes my hair look thinner.

Eden Iris
June 12th, 2009, 10:57 AM
I get those. When it's humid or my hair is freshly washed, they are spirals and I love them. If the air is dry, or my hair has been bunned or braided (yeah, I get the opposite of braid waves -- I get braid straights), rat tails. I blame it on fineness and tapering.

June 12th, 2009, 11:01 AM
You honestly WANT it to do that? But is so UNSMOOTH!!!! Don't you prefer SMOOTH?
Oooooookay, I just got ever so-slightly insulted.

Yes, that's what curly hair does, and clumps can still be 'smooth'. My hair hair has two settings- frizz, and clumped.

June 12th, 2009, 11:06 AM
You honestly WANT it to do that? But is so UNSMOOTH!!!! Don't you prefer SMOOTH?

Um, yes I do want it like that. I think it's very attractive and wouldn't trade it for straight hair if I could.

You don't have straight hair. Wurly and curly types tend to clump because that's what they do. Not because they're ugly or dirty or whatever. The longer your hair gets, if it's anything like mine, the more it'll clump. You're just going to have to learn to tolerate it in your own hair if you want to wear it down. Maybe a good starting point would be not acting like the rest of us should want our hair to be different from how it is.

Pegasus Marsters
June 12th, 2009, 11:07 AM
Oooooookay, I just got ever so-slightly insulted.

Yes, that's what curly hair does, and clumps can still be 'smooth'. My hair hair has two settings- frizz, and clumped.

Erm, yeah. Exactly. What's wrong with wavy or curly hair? Curls clump like that, that's how they work. If they weren't they'd be frizzy and poofy!

June 12th, 2009, 12:29 PM
I got an inch trimmed and find it isn't clumping as much now. And, when it does, it doesn't look manegy. I'm just picking about my hemline for myself. I also can't believe how a trim can thicken hair! :D

June 12th, 2009, 12:34 PM
LOL, that's funny, because I LIKE when my hair does that ;)

Me too!! I've always thought it made my hair look more like the cartoons. I hate it when it gets that...*other* look. I can't explain it, but my hair does other weird things when I brush it. I prefer my hair be separated. :cheese:

If I'm weird, so be it. Wouldn't be the first time! :o

June 12th, 2009, 07:15 PM
Mine does that but I have fairly thick hair. It's more apt to do that when I have my hair long for riding (I know, I'm bad) or if it's humid out.

It looks cool in some pictures but it's really a drag to come through that stuff.

June 12th, 2009, 08:37 PM
My hair is fine, wavy, and clumps easily. I've really learned to love the look, and it keeps me from messing with my hair too much.

It does its own thing. :D

June 12th, 2009, 09:15 PM
You honestly WANT it to do that? But is so UNSMOOTH!!!! Don't you prefer SMOOTH?

Uuuuh, yeah. ;)

I have wavy/wurly hair, and to ME this is ugly:


and this is beautiful:


ETA: and I honestly prefer your clumped hair to your brush-out. But it's your hair, to wear and enjoy as you please :D

June 12th, 2009, 10:43 PM
You honestly WANT it to do that? But is so UNSMOOTH!!!! Don't you prefer SMOOTH?

No .

June 12th, 2009, 11:52 PM
I LOVE Chrissy's new sig pic (just saw it today) - maybe Torrin's right, grass is always greener on the other side. I've NEVER been able to have stick straight hair, and for once I would like to try it. You're all right, not everyone feels the same way I do (I KNOW that), but I AM surprised to think that some people like that look on ME!!!! To me it looks like I'm not caring for my hair or something properly that it would behave like that. sigh. I DID like the wurly spirals that happened naturally awhile back (pic in album), but I haven't been able to replicate that one since.

Also, I really hate it takes away from the length when it does that.

June 12th, 2009, 11:55 PM
Uuuuh, yeah. ;)

I have wavy/wurly hair, and to ME this is ugly:


and this is beautiful:


ETA: and I honestly prefer your clumped hair to your brush-out. But it's your hair, to wear and enjoy as you please :D

I like both looks. I think your's spiral more though. But, I can't really see mine properly during the day - but when I touch it, it doesn't "feel" like it looks good.

June 12th, 2009, 11:56 PM
Erm, yeah. Exactly. What's wrong with wavy or curly hair? Curls clump like that, that's how they work. If they weren't they'd be frizzy and poofy!

You don't have to tell me about frizzy and poofy, I'm the queen of frizzy and poofy.

June 13th, 2009, 12:01 AM
I have straight hair with just a little wave, and it does that! I call it "stringy" lol. I HATE it!! It's one reason I don't wear my hair down much anymore - I find myself brushing it every half an hour or so to get rid of it.

This is what I used to do pre-LHC. AFTER LHC, I started noticing how many hairs were tearing out with the brush. (wow, I felt everyone wince on that sentence!) Then I just left them, and instead of behaving for me, they multiplied!!!! At work, I'm surrounded by straight hair - they run their hands through it - and NO SNAGGING..AND it just falls back into place. REALLY! No knots, no clumps, no rattails. One day a week would be nice...can't figure out that "wrap" method though...almost threw my back out trying that one!!!!

June 13th, 2009, 12:02 AM
Oooooookay, I just got ever so-slightly insulted.

Yes, that's what curly hair does, and clumps can still be 'smooth'. My hair hair has two settings- frizz, and clumped.

Just razzing - no harm intented.:cool: I just watched too much John Cleese in my youth (and adulthood)!!! I OVEREXAGERATE EVERYTHING!!! You may have noticed that by now since I have over a thousand posts?!!!! ;)

June 13th, 2009, 12:08 AM
Do you mean like this:

It drives me batty! My hair never did that until hip length. I'm hoping when my layers are finally gone it won't do that for a long time again - but for now I'm just dealing with it <sigh>

I think it's a texture issue, I'm sure if my hair was straighter it wouldn't do that.

No it is 2 factors.

One is hairtype related. And it can be such a big deal that I classify it.
-Friction : how rough the hairs surface is, low friction means slippery hair but also less volume in general, more friction means pouf.
-Cohesion : How well the strands stick together, some hair is super stringy no matter what and some always looks like freshly brushed. Hair can look stringier with more oils but everyone has some degree of "stringiness" naturally.

And last reason...thickness!
Your ends circumference measures much less than lets say nape normally. So that is something that contributes to you hair seperating, when your hair is thick it will spread out wider than the ends can cover.

I think it is natural and some stringiness looks very nice too. More loose and alluring..:)

June 13th, 2009, 01:02 AM
Deb, I'm looking at your album and seeing your hairtype as a 2c, but I'm seeing that you're still not happy with letting your hair BE 2c. You are brushing all the curls out (which you refer to as "rattails" in your photos). I think you have gorgeous waves and wurls and they look SO much better when you don't brush them out. You don't have straight hair, hon. :flower:

June 13th, 2009, 01:37 AM
I have stringy hair too. Always have, always will - it's just what my hair does and I don't fret about it. There's nothing I can do about it, anyway. The clumps stick together in tangles, unfortunately - I have fine hair. Oiling makes it smoother, but the stringiness multiplies and looks very greasy. And since I can't win in this situation, I don't even bother any more.

But yesterday I was out all day with my hair down on a rock festival and I actually managed to comb my hair once I got home and it wasn't too bad! When I got home I had unquestionable dreadlocks, but no bad tangles - it actually looked pretty hot and wild in its messy state, since usually my hair hangs pretty flat and straight.

June 13th, 2009, 10:13 AM
Deb, I'm looking at your album and seeing your hairtype as a 2c, but I'm seeing that you're still not happy with letting your hair BE 2c. You are brushing all the curls out (which you refer to as "rattails" in your photos). I think you have gorgeous waves and wurls and they look SO much better when you don't brush them out. You don't have straight hair, hon. :flower:

hmmmmmm...I'll have to do some reprogramming in my little brain cell, but SHOULD be do-able. Thank you for the encouragement manderly! I'll work on my "hair-self-image"!


June 13th, 2009, 11:28 AM
My hair has always done this. I stopped trying to fix it long ago, and I now love it. I prefer a more 'wild' look.

June 13th, 2009, 10:52 PM
Okay, reprogrammed my cell...let's hope I don't get hit with the "Iwannabestraighteventhoughmyhairiscurly" virus again! My pic now shows my hair as of today when I wear it loose (even though it is shorter looking!!!) - cwc'd, a little mixed chicks, and naturally dried.


June 13th, 2009, 10:55 PM
Debra, gorgeous!!! :D You really don't like your hair like that? It's lovely! :inlove:

June 13th, 2009, 11:01 PM
Debra, gorgeous!!! :D You really don't like your hair like that? It's lovely! :inlove:

Actually, I DO kinda like how it looks fuller, and I do like that it doesn't look like it has been tortured. And I don't have hair screaming at me as I try to comb through!!! There! How's THAT for reprogramming?!!!! Thanks manderly!!! :D

Torrin Paige
June 13th, 2009, 11:12 PM
Deb, seriously, your hair is lovely. It makes me want to touch it...and touchable hair is a good thing. It looks soft and inviting...which is awesome! And YES! I would love to get mine to go all piece-y and cool like that without having to resort to soft rollers and goop. :) I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that my hair will decide to behave like Euphony's and start doing the cool wave mojo thing once it gets a bit longer. The next time I wash I'm going to try airdrying and twisting it a bit while it dries and see if I can encourage it along a bit. I'm just past tailbone, so here's hoping that it will co-operate!

June 13th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Torrin Page, I know you've got way more hair than me and different stats in general, but I use about 8 drops of coconut oil (that may be way too much for you) and I twist mine into pigtails when it's damp. Tighten up the twists periodically while it dries. Then I shake it out and I get those waves at the ends. The oil helps with clumping. :)

Would love to see photos if you get it to work!

Torrin Paige
June 13th, 2009, 11:19 PM
Torrin Page, I know you've got way more hair than me and different stats in general, but I use about 8 drops of coconut oil (that may be way too much for you) and I twist mine into pigtails when it's damp. Tighten up the twists periodically while it dries. Then I shake it out and I get those waves at the ends. The oil helps with clumping. :)

Would love to see photos if you get it to work!

I didn't even think about the oil. I always use it for deep conditioning (so it's pretty slathered...lol) but it does tend to do it when it's all oiled up. I will definitely try just a little bit on the ends while it dries. Thank you so much! Yay for new (to me) techniques! I will post photos with the results and let you know. (It'll be a few days as I just washed this afternoon...grrr.)

June 13th, 2009, 11:22 PM
Deb, seriously, your hair is lovely. It makes me want to touch it...and touchable hair is a good thing. It looks soft and inviting...which is awesome! And YES! I would love to get mine to go all piece-y and cool like that without having to resort to soft rollers and goop. :) I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that my hair will decide to behave like Euphony's and start doing the cool wave mojo thing once it gets a bit longer. The next time I wash I'm going to try airdrying and twisting it a bit while it dries and see if I can encourage it along a bit. I'm just past tailbone, so here's hoping that it will co-operate!

Thanks Torrin, appreciate that you've also helped me to look at it from a different window. There's a method on the mixed chicks ad site (video instructions) that might help you without resorting to rollers and twisting. Might need a little "goop" though!

June 13th, 2009, 11:26 PM
The cover of my hair album, the pic with the spirally curls was just done with water, a little regular conditioner, and their technique. No combing, instruments, rollers nothing. Just air dried with their technique. Unfortunately, you need a bit of time for it to airdry so I haven't tried very often since, so haven't figured out a way to replicate it after towel drying for a bit.

June 13th, 2009, 11:31 PM
Torrin Page, I know you've got way more hair than me and different stats in general, but I use about 8 drops of coconut oil (that may be way too much for you) and I twist mine into pigtails when it's damp. Tighten up the twists periodically while it dries. Then I shake it out and I get those waves at the ends. The oil helps with clumping. :)

Would love to see photos if you get it to work!

How do you mean "twist into pigtails" and "tighten up the twists"? Do pigtails mean braids or ponytails to you? (I grew up with them meaning braids, my friend grew up with them meaning ponytails, so I'm having difficulty visualizing if you are twisting braids or ponytails as well as the how of it?).

June 13th, 2009, 11:32 PM
How do you mean "twist into pigtails" and "tighten up the twists"? Do pigtails mean braids or ponytails to you? (I grew up with them meaning braids, my friend grew up with them meaning ponytails, so I'm having difficulty visualizing if you are twisting braids or ponytails as well as the how of it?).

Click the soft waves link in my siggy to read the article with pictures :)

June 13th, 2009, 11:34 PM
Click the soft waves link in my siggy to read the article with pictures :)

Thank you!!! Never even noticed that before!!!

June 14th, 2009, 11:32 AM
Happens to me.

Even wierder, I have one lock of hair on the right of my head that wants to clump all the way up to the root. No matter what.

June 15th, 2009, 06:20 AM
Some people actually think clumping is BAD? Huh? Okay I can see why you might not like it if the ends were straighter and not spirally I guess BUT I still think it's pretty and fairy-tale looking. I also have 2 settings which are as others have mentioned, frizzy or clumpy :D

June 15th, 2009, 10:55 PM
Believe me guys, it doesn't just happen to people with fine wavy hair. I'm full blooded Chinese with thick, coarse, hair that can vary from pretty much straight to quite wavy depending on the the temperature and humidity. From autumn to winter thro early spring my hair can easily stay sleek and well put without any effort. But now that its mid June and the heat of summer is in full swing, my otherwise smooth locks suddenly sprout huge waves with ends that clump together on their own. You can see the difference in my hair texture in these two photos:

This was taken many months ago. Here I did have my hair blown out I will admit, but my hair still is quite straight even naturally as long as its not hot or too humid.

This was taken just a few days ago. I was sweating quite a bit in the heat, and that must have contributed to my hair becoming damp, wavy and piecy.

June 20th, 2009, 11:05 PM
Believe me guys, it doesn't just happen to people with fine wavy hair. I'm full blooded Chinese with thick, coarse, hair that can vary from pretty much straight to quite wavy depending on the the temperature and humidity. From autumn to winter thro early spring my hair can easily stay sleek and well put without any effort. But now that its mid June and the heat of summer is in full swing, my otherwise smooth locks suddenly sprout huge waves with ends that clump together on their own. You can see the difference in my hair texture in these two photos:

This was taken many months ago. Here I did have my hair blown out I will admit, but my hair still is quite straight even naturally as long as its not hot or too humid.

This was taken just a few days ago. I was sweating quite a bit in the heat, and that must have contributed to my hair becoming damp, wavy and piecy.

I'm very surprised to hear that. I thought it was really just a fine/wavy thing going on.

June 21st, 2009, 01:19 AM
Oh yes Debra, in fact I even made my own thread about this very same topic here: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=27668

I think only people with naturally perfectly super straight, textureless hair without a hint of wave can pull off never having their ends clump together. Actually from what I've seen, more people naturally have hair that clumps together at the ends because most people have at least some kind of wave in their hair.

Torrin Paige
June 24th, 2009, 09:27 AM
Torrin Page, I know you've got way more hair than me and different stats in general, but I use about 8 drops of coconut oil (that may be way too much for you) and I twist mine into pigtails when it's damp. Tighten up the twists periodically while it dries. Then I shake it out and I get those waves at the ends. The oil helps with clumping. :)

Would love to see photos if you get it to work!

I think it looks pretty decent for a first try! I was kind of amazed how it brought out my waves a lot more. My hubby liked it...he says I look like I've been at the beach. I think if I do this technique more often I'll be able to "train" my hair into a more natural wavy state. It will be so happy with me if I put down the blowdryer more often. Thank you, manderly!

Please forgive my silly penguin shorts. I swear I don't leave the house in them...well except to get the mail. ;)

June 24th, 2009, 10:50 AM
I think that this is exactly what curly hair is like when it's defined, except that each of the clumps looks like a curl because the hair itself curls.

So this is the straight version of defined :D

I think it's nice - it looks sexy, wild, and wind-tousled! Just enjoy it, I'd say. You straighties at least get two GOOD hair phases: this and smooth and sleek after brushing. We curlies have either defined, or frizzy, with frizzy being the brushed/combed phase.

This, precisely. I'll take wurls over that big poofy brushed look *any* day. I love my wurls the morning after I wash my hair, too-- too bad the middle of my length gets so poofy and frizzy and messy-looking so that I have to disrupt my wurls :[

June 24th, 2009, 05:35 PM
I think it looks pretty decent for a first try! I was kind of amazed how it brought out my waves a lot more. My hubby liked it...he says I look like I've been at the beach. I think if I do this technique more often I'll be able to "train" my hair into a more natural wavy state. It will be so happy with me if I put down the blowdryer more often. Thank you, manderly!

Please forgive my silly penguin shorts. I swear I don't leave the house in them...well except to get the mail. ;)

Oooooooh, pretty!! :D :cheese: